Self-care for complex hairstyles is more than possible and there is no need to regularly visit beauty salons and resort to expensive procedures that are not at all necessary. If you follow the basic rules for washing your hair with pigtails, the appearance of your hair will be neat and it will last a long time.

Braids, dreadlocks and other echoes of the African subculture have long been part of the everyday life of young people. Few people can be surprised by the incredible variety of shades, as well as by long ponytail extensions. Thus, people resort to shocking behavior, and besides, they cannot be called particularly whimsical.

Afro braids

Modern braiding technology frees girls from the need to spend a lot of time on everyday styling and purchasing expensive cosmetics. Such hairstyles are used not only by followers of alternative movements, but also by anyone who likes such a hairstyle. So how to properly care for hair braided in one of the many varieties of African braids?

Experts recommend wash African braids no more than once a week. To do this, you can use any shampoo you like (except those intended for daily care), which does not contain balm or conditioner. The product used should, first of all, foam strongly, and wash your head with light (massaging) movements. Movements should start from the roots of the hair and end at the ends of the braids.

Instructions on how to wash your hair with African braids

For greater convenience, you can use a sponge, which will allow you to better rinse the areas between the rows, or just do it with your fingers. If you rub your braids, they will lose their attractiveness and quickly become disheveled.

The shampoo rinses off well warm water. If the remaining shampoo is not washed off, your head will begin to itch the very next day. After your hair has been thoroughly washed, it's time to dry it. First of all, the braids are wrung out, and then wrapped in a towel for a while. It is not recommended to go to bed in this state, as excess moisture and heat will allow bacteria to multiply at an accelerated rate. You can speed up the drying process with a hair dryer.

Dry the braids with a hairdryer at a distance of 20 cm from the head. The use of hot air is not recommended, since the hair structure will be irrevocably damaged. Afterwards they may become lifeless and dry. And when using foreign materials (fibers), they can melt under the influence of hot air. It is also better to avoid visiting baths and saunas for a while, as well as long walks on the fresh air without headdress.

For more information on how to wash your hair with afro braids, watch the video:

Some contraindications

This type of braids is contraindicated for those girls who have previously suffered from skin diseases or allergies to certain synthetic materials. If you have receding hairlines or your hair is weak, then it is better to avoid such hairstyles.

This type of hairstyle cannot be classified as whimsical, since no daily styling or additional manipulations are required.

Since African braids are washed less often than any other hairstyle, a specific itching may occur from time to time. There may be several reasons for such reactions:

  • Regular soap can also have a negative effect on the scalp. If this is what you used as a detergent, you should immediately switch to shampoo.
  • Burdock oil or chamomile decoction will help soothe the scalp. However, if the itching is severe, you will need more effective pharmaceutical products.
  • If the itching has already begun, then wet your head in sea ​​water contraindicated.
  • Do not rub any products into your hair that will remain on your hair (ash or wax).
  • You should wash your hair at regular intervals. This is done so that the hair gets used to a certain rhythm.
  • Remaining shampoo should be rinsed off as thoroughly as possible, since residue can also cause irritation, which will cause terrible itching.

This type of hairstyle is convenient because it does not require special hair care. However, the minimum care they require should be as correct as possible.

Senegalese braids

You can wash your hair once a week or once a month. Wash your hair with one of your favorite shampoos, which is applied to the scalp, and then gradually to the remaining length of the braids. Styling does not require regular use of varnishes, gels and mousses. Balms and masks can be applied, but only for strengthening ones. Otherwise, it will become more difficult to wash your hair properly.

Instructions on how to wash your hair with Senegalese braids

You can use a hairdryer, but the device must be at a certain distance from the head (15-20 cm). If this rule is neglected, then the synthetic material that is woven into the braids will melt. You should use the cold air mode and do not bring any curling irons to your hair.

It is not recommended to dye your braids, as the colored threads can take on a very unexpected shade. These hairstyles are worn for about six months. Every month the hair will grow a centimeter or so, and after six months the hairstyle will lose its attractiveness due to regrown roots. Also, the hair will become tangled, which will make the appearance unsightly. Correction is recommended to be carried out at least once every few months.

Before choosing a hair braiding specialist, you should realize the fact that the beauty will be braided at home. There is nothing unusual in this, because it can take about 20 hours to create one hairstyle, and beauty salons will not work so much for one client. In the first hours, some discomfort may occur, which will result in a headache, and the specialists warn about this in advance. Complete adaptation to the existing discomfort goes away completely after a couple of days. If after two or three days the headaches have not gone away, it means that the hairstyle was done incorrectly and the braids should be loosened. Otherwise, your hair will soon begin to fall out.

Braiding Senegalese braids

You can unbraid your hair yourself, but it is better to have helpers, as the process will be long and very tedious. Many people are very worried about the fact that after unbraiding their hair falls out a lot.

This is an erroneous fear, because it is worth paying attention to the fact that no one does daily combing, and within six months a lot of already fallen hair has accumulated. There is nothing scary about this. Without exception, all types of African braids are completely safe, but there are also contraindications:

  • hair loss;
  • skin diseases.

The name comes from the English – braid, which means braid, lace or braid. This type of weaving has been incredibly popular for half a century, and this type of hairstyle is worn by both women and men.

French braids

The advantages of such a choice include many factors, but the main one, in most cases, is the opportunity to stand out from the gray mass. It’s a pleasure to do sports or dance with them, because they don’t get in the way and they add a certain touch to the image. No matter what movements you unlearn, the hair on your head will remain in perfect order, and your hairstyle will look neat.

You should also pay attention to the fact that French braids can be combined with other hairstyles, choosing different weaves and patterns. This hairstyle definitely won’t look boring.

Wash your hair once a week, however, more attention is paid to the roots of the hair rather than the ends. You can use any shampoo, but not one that combines balms and rinses. It is incredibly difficult to completely wash such compounds from your braids, and if this is not done, a characteristic itching will appear. For greater convenience, you can use sponges.

Masks and balms are not recommended for use if they can be avoided. Afterwards the hair is dried with a towel. You should not rub your braids, as they will become disheveled and untidy. If the hair itself is brittle or weak, then this type of hairstyle is not recommended. If you have dandruff or other skin diseases from weaving french braids should be refused.

This technology is especially characterized in a fast way weaving. The braid turns out to be quite thin, it is woven along the entire length of your own hair, and at the roots it is covered with a zi-zi strand. The standard length is about 75 cm. They are made straight, corrugated or wavy. They vaguely resemble ordinary braids, but they are made much thinner.

Zizi's braids

For short hair, such braids are an excellent solution, because they do not require special care. The roots will not bear a large load, since their attachment area is relatively small. The length of the braided braid is considered acceptable, which will be 5-35 cm. More long hair can also be braided using this technology, but this aspect will significantly affect the price.

Young mothers will like it, since it will take little time to weave it, and the hair will always be well-groomed and hidden from playful hands. Masters can come to your home, so there is no need to go to a beauty salon. The hairstyle will end up being incredibly voluminous, since on average we are talking about five hundred braids gathered into one hairstyle. In this case, the hair will feel quite comfortable and will not cause any unpleasant sensations.

This hairstyle can last up to several months, but after that you will need to contact your hairdresser for correction. In this case, we are talking about unbraiding the braids and braiding them again. If you care for your braids correctly, the material used can be reused, which will significantly affect the cost of the services provided.

This hairstyle should be washed no more than once every few weeks with your usual shampoo, which is pre-diluted in water until a thick foam forms. The resulting mass is applied only to the roots of the head, left there for several minutes, after which it is applied to the hair with massage movements. Rinse off only with warm water.

Due to the fact that there are a lot of braids on the head, the hairstyle turns out incredibly thick, but you should try to wash only the roots and scalp. If your hair gets completely wet, it will become too heavy, which can lead to not only hair loss, but also the braids themselves. After washing your hair, the braids should be blotted with a towel. They should dry naturally. The use of curling irons or a hair dryer is contraindicated, as this will affect not only the appearance of the hairstyle, but also the structure of living hair.

You can watch the video for more information about caring for Zizi’s braids:

Dreadlocks captured the hearts of both women and men around the world at the beginning of the last century. Then they were forgotten for a while, but then Bob Marley appeared and people started talking about them again. At proper care, such a complex hairstyle can be an excellent solution for everyday tasks associated with washing and then styling an unruly mop of hair.

To wash your hair, use one of the following methods:

  1. It may not be strange, but regular detergent can also be used. shower gel. However, there should not be many additives in it.
  2. Combination sea ​​salt and drinking water. It copes excellently with dense and elastic strands, which for a long time have absorbed dust, dirt and oil secreted by the scalp.
  3. You can also purchase special shampoo for dreadlocks, but its cost is not entirely justified. However, this product is the best in the fight against pollution, unpleasant smell and possible itching.
  4. Any anti-dandruff shampoo or oily hair . It is better to avoid conditioner or mixed formulations.
  5. Regular scented soap. However, in its manufacture an exclusively cold method must be used ( handmade). Use tar soap not recommended.

Instructions on how to wash your hair with dreadlocks

To learn more about how to wash dreadlocks, watch the following video:


Many people do not even suspect that washing African braids and their main varieties follows technology. If you do everything correctly, you can wash your hair once every few months, not weeks. In order to wash your hair braided in African braids, you should wait the following time:

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African braids are a wonderful hairstyle designed for the summer season, as well as for vacation. After all, you don’t need to think again about how and where to do it beautiful hairstyle- She’s already on her head. Thanks to Afro braids, you can temporarily forget about combing and styling, straightening and curling your hair.

African braids are often called braids. And the very concept of “braiding” is translated as “hair braiding.” How to weave African braids? You can find the following common braids:

  • Classic braids, when the braiding is made of three strands.
  • Rope weaving, when two strands are twisted together in a spiral.
  • Sausage braiding, when one strand wraps around another.
  • Weaving strands when the strands are braided around their axis.

How to weave African braids?

Weaving African braids is a long and labor-intensive process. In order to braid such braids, you must have a length of your own hair of at least 5 cm. And they can be woven into the braids themselves as artificial hair, and cotton threads. The color of the threads can be very varied, but it is recommended to stick to your own natural color. If desired, you can dilute the color with light or dark threads.

Many girls are afraid to braid African braids with threads, believing that doing so will seriously damage their hair. But this is a common myth, since the threads are very light, and they do not burden the natural hair in any way. For those who are interested in how to weave African braids, we provide detailed instructions:

  1. It is necessary to comb all hair thoroughly. Then divide the entire area of ​​hair into partings. There can be many partings - it all depends on the thickness of the braid being braided.
  2. In the back of the head it is necessary to select a small diamond-shaped area. After thorough combing, it is necessary to fix the thread as close to the hair roots as possible.
  3. The resulting strand must be divided into three equal parts and begin weaving an elastic braid.

Each girl herself determines the length and number of braids she wants. The weaving itself occurs from the back of the head to the crown. The ends of the braids can be glued, tied with elastic bands, or put beads on them.

How to make braids at home

In order to braid African ones, it will take a lot of effort and time. Unprepared girls may not like this procedure at home at all. It’s best when there are assistants who are happy to help - there won’t be an extra pair of hands. The procedure itself is performed in the same way as in a salon, except that you perform the procedure on your own hair.

To braid African braids at home, relying on theory alone is not enough - you need to pay more attention to practice. Only after “filling” your hand can you braid yourself braids. In all other cases, it is better to turn to professionals - this will significantly save your time and nerves.

Caring for African braids

African braids do not require any special care. Moreover, this hairstyle does not require washing as often as regular hair. But you should be careful and not use a hair dryer or any other heat treatment on your hair - this can significantly affect the external condition of the threads.

To wash your hair, apply a small amount of shampoo diluted with water to the scalp. There is no need to thoroughly rub the braids themselves - this can lead to deformation of some plexuses. If your braids are long, try not to lather your entire head at all. The main task is to rinse the scalp, but not to touch the hair itself.

Unraveling African braids

How to weave African braids. we already found out. How to unravel them? It is best to have your braids undone by a professional who can quickly and efficiently remove your braids. Answering the question of how to undo African braids yourself, we suggest that you first cut off the braids before your own hair grows - this way you will significantly shorten the procedure. Next, use any sharp tool such as a knitting needle or awl to unravel. Start unraveling the braid through your hair, moving towards the roots. For horses, simply pull the strands of the pigtail towards you - it will come off easily.

It’s worth saying right away that after unbraiding, you may be surprised at the amount of your own hair that falls out. But don’t be scared, because while you were wearing afro braids, your hair continued to both fall out and grow; these are completely natural processes. If you wore your afrobraids correctly and removed them properly without damaging the hair structure, then after removal the hair will look normal, like before the braids.

Correction of African braids

In order to maintain a good appearance, it is necessary to carry out correction after some time. You can do this yourself: all you need to do is cut out any stray hairs that are sticking out of your braids and are frizzy. This way they will look more well-groomed and smooth. If you first braided your braids to one length, and then it seemed too long to you, then you can cut the braids yourself to the right size. You can also dye your braids any color you like if you wish. It is worth knowing that African braids with threads need to be adjusted from time to time in the salon where the braiding was done. Thanks to correction by a specialist, you can extend the time you wear your braids by several months.

Hairstyle options with African braids

We already know how African braids are woven. Now it's time to figure out how to wear them. Braided hair can be worn loose or in a high ponytail. It is worth understanding that long braids It will be a little difficult to put it into any hairstyle, so you can ask a friend for help.

Loose braids with wide headbands look great. You can make a big bun that will look like a bird's nest on your head. A braid made from small braids also looks original. When such original braids are braided, you can experiment with hairstyles as much as you like!
This hairstyle is perfect for both summer and winter. Afro braids protect hair from harmful factors such as sun rays, dirt, dust.

Afro braids allow you to look very stylish and original. Such braids do not require special care, which may especially appeal to girls who value their time. Weaving African braids is not so difficult, but how many benefits it can bring! Such braids can be especially attractive for girls with short hair, because thanks to the weaving of threads, you can “get” long hair.

Afro braids, like any other hairstyle, have both positive aspects, are still negative.

2. You will radically change your image even if you have short hair, transforming them all at once into a real waist-length mane.

3. Hair is protected for a long time from the harmful effects of the sun, hair dryer and hot curling iron.

4. If you get tired of this hairstyle, you can undo it at any time, and it won’t be difficult. And your hair will become the same as before.

Cons: 1. At first, until your hair grows a little, you will be bothered by the tightness of the skin on your head.

2. It can be a little hot with dark canikol braids. But there are hairstyles that do not have this problem (for example, the zizi hairstyle).

3. Problem may arise when washing your hair: it is very important to wash out the shampoo thoroughly.

4. Duration of braiding afro braids. Not everyone can withstand weaving for ten hours straight; some will begin to panic and not find a place for themselves even after three hours.


Afro braids are contraindicated for those who have skin diseases, for example, dermatitis or sore rashes on the scalp, or are allergic to synthetic materials. This type of hairstyle is also contraindicated for those who have weak, bleached hair, or have receding hairlines.

Afro braids are basically unpretentious and easy to care for. There are no problems or fuss with them, like with everyday styling of regular hair. They do not require special care.

How to wash afro braids

Wash your afro braids once a week with warm water and regular shampoo. You should not wash it too often - this will only worsen the appearance. Shampoo is best suited for normal hair, without balms or conditioners. You need to apply a little shampoo to the sponge, lather and rinse the scalp, and then the braids. It is important to thoroughly rinse off any remaining shampoo. Lightly wring out the braids and wrap them in a towel to absorb the rest of the moisture. Dry the head at room temperature in the usual way. You can dry it with a hairdryer, but it is not recommended to use hot air, as it can damage the synthetic material, cool or warm is better. You also need to wear a hat when visiting a bathhouse, sauna or being under the scorching sun.

Afro braids correction

A necessary condition for caring for afro braids is timely correction. The specialist will remove the fluff from your fallen hair, and can also braid the braids from the front and temple parts if the hair is long enough and the knots have slipped down. Thus, you wear afro braids for another month and a half.

When afro braids are unraveled during combing, many people complain that they have lost a lot of hair, so afro braids are dangerous. The refutation is quite simple and convincing: each person loses about 1000 hairs per month. New ones appear in their place, and the hairstyle does not change. Afro braids are worn for about six months, and when they begin to unravel them and comb the hair, all the hairs that should have fallen out, but remained in the braids, fall out. So there is no need to worry in vain.

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Afro braids (Afro braids)

Hair extensions are made in various ways. But in this article we will focus on the most exotic and harmless form of hair extensions, but very modern - afro braids (African braids) - or, scientifically speaking, braids.

The beginning of the 21st century was marked by African fashion trends - African trends were reflected in everything: African rhythms in music, rap; African motifs in jewelry and clothing, and, of course, African hairstyles did not go unnoticed.

What is a braid (Afro braids)? The word braid comes from the English noun “braiding”. Braids are braided hair, and not necessarily just in pigtails.

The following types of braids are popular in Russia:

  • Braids (Three-strand braiding)
  • Sausages (Weaving one strand and wrapping it with another)
  • Strings (2 strands, twisted in a spiral)
  • Harnesses (weaving strands around an axis)
  • Pseudo-dreadlocks (Weave different types brades based on slightly different materials. Externally, pseudo-dreadlocks are practically no different from real dreadlocks.

Dreadlocks are not braids. They are made from hair. This procedure takes a huge amount of time, sometimes reaching a whole month. Also, there is another important drawback - it is impossible to get rid of dreadlocks; the only way to change your hairstyle is to shave your head.

Basic questions related to afro braids

To weave African braids (Afro braids), it is not at all necessary to have long, voluminous hair; keep in mind that hair at least 7 cm long is quite suitable for braiding Afro braids. Braids are made of lightweight material - they consist of 2/3 kanekolon, so afro braids do not put stress on the scalp and thus do not burden the hairstyle. Afro braids can be worn both in summer and in winter period. Thus, the appearance of African braids will not deteriorate either under a hat or under a hood. Afro braids do not spoil your own hair, the only important thing to remember is the rule: you should not wear African braids longer than the period indicated to you by a specialist and, of course, do not try to undo African braids yourself, do not save money on the health of your hair. All misconceptions associated with the harmfulness of afro braids for native hair are connected precisely with these two points. Removing afro braids after the due date without special means will cause your natural hair to look cut off and chewed. So don’t skimp on your hair, contact a specialist who will undo your Afro braids using special nourishing conditioners, without causing absolutely any harm to your real hair.

The appearance of afro braids depends closely on the skill of the specialist and on the quality of the woven material, therefore, having decided that you want to make afro braids for yourself, approach this issue wisely, study salons offering similar services, listen to recommendations, advice from friends, and then an exceptional result will please you you for a long time.

Caring for African braids (Afro braids)

When applying hair extensions using braids, you should follow some rules that will help keep your hairstyle neat and presentable for a long time.

First of all, protect synthetic fiber from high temperatures - hair dryers, saunas (it is better to visit it with a hat), curling irons, straightening irons - all these activities can significantly damage the appearance and structure of the hairstyle.

How to wash your hair with afro braids?

You should wash your hair with afro braids woven into your hair with shampoo without conditioner, slightly diluted with water, lather the scalp with your fingers between the braids, in sections, pushing back the interfering braids. And remember again - blow-drying Afro braids is contraindicated! When washing afro braids, you should adhere to a certain interval - every 7-10 days is the best option. From frequent washing, the braids become very frayed.

Correction of African braids

Like any hairstyle, African braids require mandatory correction. To do this, place the scissors flat on the braid and cut off everything that sticks out. When unbraided, this will not affect the hairstyle. Trim the fluff above your head, collecting it with your fingers. Correction of afro braids can be done by braiding new braids. This correction extends the life of your hairstyle by 1.5-2 months and is recommended by the same hairdresser who originally did your afro braids. Afro braids can be tinted; there are no restrictions for this.

Unraveling afro braids

As we said above, it is better to undo afro braids from a master braider, but if you still decide to do it yourself, then in order to save time and effort, and achieve the best result, it is better to resort to the help of strangers. Cut the braid at the end of your own hair. Lightly unravel it with a needle, awl or knitting needle, start unraveling the braids, then pull the braid closer to the roots and it will slide out of your hair. Use a needle or your fingers to unravel the tangle. Please note that the longer you wear your braids, the denser the tangle. And don’t be alarmed by what you may think is an excessive amount of your own hair falling out. The thing is that hair falls out every day, this is a natural process, and since it was not possible for it to separate from your head while wearing braids, it will be normal for it to separate during the process of undoing afro braids. After braiding hair extensions with proper braiding, your own hair will look rested and well-groomed.

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Owners of African-style braided hairstyles say its main advantage is its spectacular appearance coupled with simplicity and low maintenance.

Afro braids are truly a type of hairstyle that, not only does not require any special treatment, but also eliminates some of the already familiar hair care procedures.

Once you have become the happy owner of a stylish afro hairstyle, from now on it will take you much less time and expense to give your hair a neat and well-groomed look.

How to care for African braids? You can continue to wash your hair with your usual frequency - braids tolerate water treatments well. However, in reality, washing them once a week will be enough.

No special products are required to wash afro braids. Continue using your favorite shampoo, which, moreover, will be better diluted with water to make it easier to rinse. It is recommended to apply the shampoo directly to the scalp, since the braids themselves, by and large, do not require treatment. detergents, so it will be enough just to moisten them with water.

You will have to give up all kinds of rinses, balms and other hair care products. Firstly, you won’t need them at all: African braids do not need nutrition or moisture, they always look impressive without it. Secondly, such products will be extremely difficult to wash out of the braids after use, which will subsequently create difficulties when unbraiding them.

I wash my Afro braids in the shower, without tilting my head down, as wet braids will become quite heavy and difficult to lift. Upon completion of the water procedures, the hair should be briefly rolled in a towel to get rid of excess moisture. Drying afro braids with a hairdryer is prohibited, especially considering that they dry quite quickly and without additional help.

In addition, synthetic material is quite sensitive to high temperatures: under the influence of hot air it can become deformed and the hairstyle will lose its shape. Plus, the material can melt, which can damage your hair when the braids come undone. Just for this reason, it is recommended to wear a hat when visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or being under the scorching sun.

The low-maintenance nature of the African-style braided hairstyle makes it an indispensable option for relaxation. Firstly, without unnecessary effort and time, you are provided with neat and stylish hairstyle. Secondly, you don’t have to drag half a suitcase of all kinds of hair care products with you to the resort, plus a heavy hair dryer.

After you take a swim in a pool or pond, just shake your braids to return them to their former proper appearance. That's all free time you will be able to calmly spend time relaxing and not worrying about your appearance.

Ethnic motifs have not lost popularity for a long time. This applies to many areas. From clothes to apartment design. A hairstyle in an ethnic style is a way to look original and stand out from the crowd. And if we consider African braids, then this is also an opportunity to make hair care easier for a long time. What kind of hairstyle is it that you practically don’t need to keep an eye on for several months?

African braids: how to weave, how to care for, when to remove

Such braids are classified as braids. This word comes from the English “braid”, which means weaving. And braids are just one of their varieties. They are traditionally woven from three strands. If you twist two strands in a spiral, you get a rope. To make strands, the strands are twisted around their axis. Sausages are made by wrapping one strand with another. You can also make pseudo-dreadlocks. They look similar, but the hair does not fall off, as in real dreadlocks and, accordingly, does not require removal after removal.

Who can do African braids?

This original hairstyle It will appeal to all fans of African style, as well as those who simply want to radically change their image. Age does not matter. Of course, Afro braids are in great demand among the younger generation. There are many men among them.

The length of hair to create a hairstyle can be any. Short haircuts It is enough to grow it up to 7 cm. It is only important to take into account the condition of the hair. Weak hair will not benefit from braiding. It is also not recommended to braid hair if your hair is falling out a lot or if you have any scalp diseases. Including dandruff. In the latter case, the hairstyle will simply look untidy and, possibly, will cause additional discomfort.

There are no other contraindications.

African braiding

There is no need to pre-wash your hair. The hair is parted. The top hair is removed. A small strand stands out from below and a Kanekalon thread is attached to it close to the roots. Braids must be woven with the addition of artificial material. Otherwise, it turns out to be a completely different hairstyle. The threads are quite light, so there is no need to worry that the braids will turn out too heavy and create discomfort for your natural hair.

After the kanekalon is secured, weaving begins. When your own hair runs out, additional artificial threads are woven in to make the braid of uniform thickness. At the end, the weaving is secured either with the selected decorative element(bead, rubber band) or sealed. In this case, the hair is not damaged, since the braid ends exclusively with artificial threads.

Braiding afro braids can take a lot of time. The number of hours depends on the individual pace of work of the master, the desired length of the hairstyle, as well as the number of braids. You can sit in the master’s chair for 3 to 10 hours.

The length of afrokos can be very different. If desired, weaving to the waist is allowed. It is also possible to braid bangs.

The number of braids is determined individually. On average, there are from 100 to 350 pieces offered. Their thickness can also be different. The volume of the finished hairstyle, as well as its cost, will depend on the number of braids.

The color of this hairstyle can be chosen as desired. Can be picked up natural shades threads Then the hairstyle will look more natural. So it will not be difficult to create the feeling that the braids have their own natural hair. To achieve a more extravagant look, you should give preference to bright, contrasting colors.

Caring for African braids

The beauty of Afro braids is that thanks to them there is no need to style your curls every day. In general, care remains the same. You can wash and dry your braids in the same way as regular hair. The only thing is that the need for hygiene procedures will arise a little less often. Once a week is enough. It is better to apply shampoo only to the skin. However, this does not mean that there is absolutely no need to wash African braids. Without neatness, beauty cannot be achieved.

It is even allowed to make hair masks while wearing braids. But this is not entirely convenient. Therefore, it is better to postpone such procedures. Some people prefer to tint growing hair roots. There is nothing complicated about this either.

When to remove these braids

Most often it is recommended to remove the brades after 3-4 months. This is due to natural hair growth. During this period, they manage to grow several centimeters. And the hairstyle doesn’t look so neat anymore. If hair grows more slowly, then the period of wearing African braids increases. Otherwise, on the contrary, it decreases.

It is also better to have your braids removed by a professional. To avoid damaging your hair. After removing the braids, nothing bad will happen if you want to immediately braid new ones. Although, most likely, by this time you will already want to take a break from them.

Afro braids do not cause discomfort if they are braided by a professional, taking into account the individuality of the client. It is important that no harm is caused to the hair. After removing the artificial threads, they do not lose their attractiveness and remain healthy.

It can be scary to see a large amount of hair falling out immediately after African braids. This is only due to the fact that during the period of wearing the hairstyle the curls were fixed. And those hairs that were supposed to fall out every day remained braided. After removing the weave, they finally leave the hair. However, this will not change its thickness.

Pros and cons of African braids


  • Easy to care for.
  • An easy way to add volume and length to your hair.
  • Good both in summer and winter.
  • They look original and bright.
  • Does not harm hair.
  • You can do different hairstyles with braids.


  • One hairstyle for several months.
  • Not suitable for weak hair.
  • Not for everyone and not always appropriate.
  • High cost of specialist services.

Afro braids, like any other hairstyle, have both positive and negative sides.

Pros and cons of afro braids

1. Afro braids save a lot of your time. Now you don’t need to style your hair with a hairdryer, using a lot of products, curl it with curling irons, comb it, etc.
2. You will radically change your image even if you have short hair, transforming it at once into a real waist-length mane.
3. Hair is protected for a long time from the harmful effects of the sun, hair dryer and hot curling iron.
4. If you get tired of this hairstyle, you can undo it at any time, and it won’t be difficult. And your hair will become the same as before.

1. At first, until your hair grows a little, you will be bothered by the tightness of the skin on your head.
2. It can be a little hot with dark canikol braids. But there are hairstyles that do not have this problem (for example, the zizi hairstyle).
3. Problem may arise when washing your hair: it is very important to wash out the shampoo thoroughly.
4. Duration of braiding afro braids. Not everyone can withstand weaving for ten hours straight; some will begin to panic and not find a place for themselves even after three hours.


Afro braids are contraindicated for those who have skin diseases, for example, dermatitis or sore rashes on the scalp, or are allergic to synthetic materials. This type of hairstyle is also contraindicated for those who have weak, bleached hair, or have receding hairlines.

Afro braids are basically unpretentious and easy to care for. There are no problems or fuss with them, like with everyday styling of regular hair. They do not require special care.

How to wash afro braids

Wash your afro braids once a week with warm water and regular shampoo. You should not wash it too often - this will only worsen the appearance. Shampoo is best suited for normal hair, without balms or conditioners. You need to apply a little shampoo to the sponge, lather and rinse the scalp, and then the braids.

It is important to thoroughly rinse off any remaining shampoo. Lightly wring out the braids and wrap them in a towel to absorb the rest of the moisture. Dry the head at room temperature in the usual way. You can dry it with a hairdryer, but it is not recommended to use hot air, as it can damage the synthetic material, cool or warm is better. You also need to wear a hat when visiting a bathhouse, sauna or being under the scorching sun.

Afro braids correction

A necessary condition for caring for afro braids is timely correction. The specialist will remove the fluff from your fallen hair, and can also braid the braids from the front and temple parts if the hair is long enough and the knots have slipped down. Thus, you wear afro braids for another month and a half.

When afro braids are unraveled during combing, many people complain that they have lost a lot of hair, so afro braids are dangerous. The refutation is quite simple and convincing: each person loses about 1000 hairs per month. New ones appear in their place, and the hairstyle does not change.

Afro braids are worn for about six months, and when they begin to unravel them and comb the hair, all the hairs that should have fallen out, but remained in the braids, fall out. So there is no need to worry in vain.