From a young age, girls try to take care of their appearance. They are looking for miracle remedies to combat orange peel, trying to dye their hair in richer tones and improve their appearance. At the same time, more mature ladies use it to preserve their beauty and youth longer.

Such a remedy as colorless henna for the face - it perfectly helps to cope with the above problems, as it is a multifunctional medicinal cosmetic product.

We will talk about this natural find in the article.

What is henna?

Henna is dried leaves of lawsonia in powder form.

Lawsonia grows in the hot countries of the East, and it was from there that it came to us, gaining a foothold in cosmetology and medicine for a long time.

Colorless henna for face

Let's look at the chemical composition of henna powder:

chrysophanol (crysophanol) – has an antimicrobial effect;
emodin – has regenerating, anti-inflammatory properties;
carotene – gives the face a healthy color;
betaine is a natural moisturizer;
rutin - strengthens blood vessels.

The leaves of this plant have been used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes since ancient times.

Table of useful components of colorless henna for the face


Indications for use of colorless henna:

problematic skin affected by acne;
withered, flabby, wrinkled skin;
hair coloring;
rejuvenation and toning of the skin;
perfume making;
nail care;
fight against cellulite, excessive sweating of the feet;
body decorations.

In addition, lavsonia was used to treat headaches, bone diseases, was used in dentistry, a decoction of these leaves was used to treat wounds, and was used in aromatherapy and Ayurvedic medicine.

As you already understand, henna is simply a godsend in cosmetology and a gift from nature. Now let's take a closer look at the main ways to use henna.


Henna also copes well with such a problem as cellulite, as it tones well, cleanses the skin, gives it elasticity, tightening it. The lifting effect actually removes the problematic “orange” peel. To reduce the “orange peel”, masks are used.


A well-known antifungal, disinfectant, disinfectant and healing agent is colorless henna. For facial skin, this is simply a salvation. As already mentioned, a face mask works well with wounds. Oils for skin care are also made from colorless henna.

To solve the above problems, masks need to be selected according to skin type, taking into account individual reactions.


Colorless henna is also used for massage. Reviews about the procedure are mostly positive; the skin of the body becomes more elastic, cleansed and toned. Of course, if the massage product is prepared correctly.

Hair coloring and strengthening

Colorless henna for face

Colorless henna for the face and hair is an excellent safe cosmetic product. The most popular way to use henna today is coloring; hair can be given different shades of red.

There are a number of nuances in this procedure that are worth paying attention to:
there is no tinted or white henna (these are marketing gimmicks);
better use high-quality Indian henna;
pay attention to the date of manufacture;
do not leave henna on your hair too long (more than an hour – the color fades);
you can add a couple of yolks to the henna mixture and vegetable oil;
Do not pour boiling water over henna, let the water cool slightly.

In addition to coloring, henna is used to improve and strengthen hair, solve problems with dandruff and hair loss, and treat the scalp. Dyed hair protects from the harmful effects of the sun and sea ​​water. In addition, the prices for henna are much more pleasing to the buyer than chemical hair dyes.

Colorless henna for the face: application in cosmetology

No less popular in use is colorless henna for the face. The benefit for our skin is to eliminate inflammatory processes, cleansing, toning and whitening. In cases of appearance, colorless henna is also used for the face. Various masks based on henna, carefully selected in accordance with the problem, can save you from pimples and acne.

The rejuvenating properties of henna are little known, but it regenerates cells well, gives a more fresh appearance and thus fights age-related changes.

Harm from colorless henna can only occur if the rules for preparing and applying the mask are not followed. It can cause dryness if left on too long. Also, it is not recommended to use the mask more than twice a month. Only for those who do not have allergies, colorless henna is most often used for the face. There can be benefits and harms from any procedure, so carefully study all the nuances.

Masks with henna

Before applying the mask to your face, you must first cleanse your face of cosmetics and impurities using a tonic. The mixture must be prepared in a clean, deep, non-metallic container, stirring with a wooden stick; it should be similar in consistency to thin sour cream.

As a rule, masks are kept on the face for 10-15 minutes, you need to watch the skin reaction. The mask is washed off with warm and then cold water.

After the procedure, you should apply a nourishing cream or oil. If you have normal or oily skin use grape seed oil, for dry ones you can use almond oil.

All masks must be prepared from high-quality ingredients (preferably purchased in pharmacies or specialized stores), carefully selected for your skin type.

It is important to remember that only colorless henna is used in the preparation of masks.

Let's look at examples of masks that are suitable for different skin types.

In the photo: face before and after applying a mask with colorless henna

White clay mask
Take 1 tsp. henna and white, add 2 tsp. hot water. Pour hot water over the henna and clay, mix thoroughly to the desired consistency and apply to the face.
This mask made of colorless henna, reviews confirm this, promotes good deep cleansing of the skin, since both henna and white clay are two components that remove skin impurities from bacteria and toxic substances.

Honey mask
Take 1 tsp. henna and liquid honey, add 1 yolk and a little hot water so that the mass is like sour cream. This mask perfectly softens the skin, makes the skin color more saturated and nourishes it with vitamins.

for normal to oily skin
1 tsp henna, 1 tsp. kefir, make the consistency uniform.
The mask cleanses pores, narrows them, and tightens them a little. You can also notice a whitening effect. For very oily and porous skin, it is better to take kefir that is more acidic. You can replace it with any warm fermented milk product (ryazhenka, cottage cheese, milk).

Olive mask for dry skin
1 tsp henna (pour hot water), 5 ml olive oil.
Colorless henna for the face improves appearance, removes flaking and dryness, and the oil moisturizes skin cells.

Mask for problem skin
To 1 tsp. henna, add rosemary or tea tree essential oil (a few drops), pour in 1 tsp. herbal decoction calendula or string.

It is in this combination of ingredients that colorless henna against acne works effectively. Reviews indicate the effectiveness of the mask and its excellent healing properties.

The use of colorless henna for the face in the form of masks has a positive effect if the procedure is carried out using high-quality ingredients. Before preparing the mask, you need to make sure that you do not have allergic reactions to the ingredients used.

Prepare the mask according to the proportions and follow all instructions. Pamper your skin, making it healthier and more beautiful!

Colorless henna - why and how to use

Colorless henna has cosmetic and medicinal properties: eliminates inflammatory processes, nourishes, cleanses, restores the skin, has a pronounced antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, whitens the skin.

Henna contains a special acid that binds collagen in skin cells, which is important for anti-aging procedures.

Cosmetologists recommend that many teenagers use colorless henna to treat various types of inflammatory processes on problem skin - pimples, acne, blackheads. For problem skin, tea tree oil is added to colorless henna.

Face masks with colorless henna are an excellent product for facial skin care.

To prepare masks from colorless henna, you cannot use metal utensils - henna has oxidative properties.

For better effect Before using masks, the skin must be prepared - cleansed and treated with tonic or lotion, so that the components of the mask are better absorbed by the skin.

Recipes for masks with colorless henna for different types skin.

1. Mask for all skin types - cleansing, nutrition, tone.
1-2 table. Fill spoons of colorless henna with hot water until it becomes thick sour cream. Cool and apply to cleansed face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Then, if desired, cream.

2. Mask for oily and normal skin.
Mix colorless henna with heated kefir until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and apply to a cleansed face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Then, if desired, cream.

3. Nourishing mask for dry skin.
After cooling, add sour cream and vitamin A to the steeply brewed colorless henna. Apply the mask to the prepared skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Then, if desired, cream.

4. Mask for skin rejuvenation, tone and lifting.
Add a few drops to a mask with colorless henna - recipe No. 1 essential oil rosewood or sandalwood. Leave until dry - 15-20 minutes.

5. Mask for teenagers with contaminated skin - against blackheads.
Brew 1-2 tablespoons of boiling water. spoons of colorless henna, mix thoroughly until the consistency of gruel. Leave covered for 5-10 minutes. Apply a warm or even hot mask in a thick layer to contaminated areas of the skin, but so as not to burn the skin. Keep until dry. A crust will form; carefully moisten the dried mask to remove the henna. After moistening your face with the remains of the mask, you can gently massage it in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes. – it will make an excellent peeling. Rinse with warm water, then cold. Apply cream according to skin type. It is advisable to do the cleansing procedure for blackheads in the evening or at night.

6. Cleansing mask for any skin type
1 tbsp. colorless henna and 1 tbsp. white clay, dilute with warm water or chamomile decoction to a paste. Apply the mask to prepared skin for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then cold. Apply cream if desired.

Using colorless henna on the body

Mask-scrub for baths, saunas from colorless henna - recipe: take 2 tbsp. colorless henna and blue clay, add 1 tbsp honey. l., 5 drops of any citrus essential oil.

Application: mix the ingredients and add hot water to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream. The mask is carefully applied to the body in a circular motion before entering the steam room or sauna. After leaving, wash off and rinse with cool water. If you have varicose veins, it is not advisable to make a scrub mask with honey. If you have rosacea, do not apply the mask to your face in the steam room.

This mask can be made at home. Apply to the body after steaming the skin in the shower. Effect: cleansing, nutrition, against cellulite.

Strengthening nails - colorless henna

Colorless henna 1 teaspoon. brew with a strong decoction of chamomile, stir until it reaches a semi-liquid consistency. Apply the mixture to the nail plates and wait until it dries, apply again and repeat 2-3 times. Apply every other day. The product can be made once and stored in the refrigerator tightly closed.

Another recipe: colorless henna, diluted with vinegar to a semi-liquid consistency, is also effective for strengthening nails. The principle of using and storing the composition is the same.

Hair masks

Revitalizing mask for dry hair

Pour 100 grams of henna into a glass of boiling water, mix thoroughly and apply to hair, rubbing into the scalp and distributing along the entire length. Cover your hair with polyethylene and wrap it in a warm cloth. Keep the mask for 30-50 minutes, then rinse well with warm water.

Moisturizing mask for dry hair

Pour boiling water over 100 grams of henna and let cool for 10-15 minutes. Add the pulp of 1 avocado and 1-1.5 tablespoons of castor oil. After 1.5 hours, rinse well with warm water.

Strengthening mask for oily hair

Pour 100 grams of henna into a glass of boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of burdock oil and 2 tablespoons of blue clay. Apply the mask to the entire length of the hair, insulate it and leave for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Mask against hair loss

Mix 1 tablespoon of henna, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of castor oil. To this mixture add 5 drops of cedar oil or tea tree oil and 2 tablespoons of green clay. Pour a glass of boiling water over everything. Apply the mask to the scalp and hair, cover with cellophane and insulate and leave for 1 hour, then rinse with shampoo and warm water.

Nourishing mask

Mix 20 grams of henna with 20 grams of chopped chamomile and 20 grams of chopped nettle. Add a few drops of any essential oil. Apply to hair for half an hour. Rinse well with warm water and shampoo.

Volume mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of henna, 1 tablespoon of almond oil and 1 teaspoon of dimexide. Apply to the entire length of hair for 40 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Hair thickening mask

Mix 50 grams of henna with 2 egg yolks and 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to them. Apply the mask to your hair, wrap it up and leave for 30-40 minutes. After the procedure, rinse off.

Every representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of her skin remaining soft, smooth and elastic for as long as possible. And in order to make this desire come true, women constantly try out all sorts of means on themselves. Some prefer to use exclusively branded cosmetics, others prefer inexpensive creams and masks from little-known manufacturers. And still others use compositions from the arsenal of folk cosmetology, which are often in no way inferior in effectiveness to factory products.

There are also more inventive ladies who can find many ways to use the same product, but for different purposes. Take henna, for example. Everyone knows about her as natural dye for hair, but few people know that this is incredible useful product Can also be used in facial skin care. We are, of course, not talking about red or colored henna, but about a colorless powder used to strengthen and heal weakened curls. How does colorless henna act on the skin and what cosmetic problems can it cope with?

The benefits of colorless henna for facial skin

Colorless (neutral) henna is a natural powdered product obtained from the ground stems of Cassia obtufolia (a plant from the legume family). Unlike regular henna, colorless henna does not contain coloring pigments and is used primarily as a strengthening and restorative agent for curls. However, this is far from the limit of its capabilities. It has long been noted that neutral henna can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. What are the benefits of natural facial powder? It's all about its unique chemical composition, which includes:

  • chrysophanol is an organic compound that has a pronounced antimicrobial and fungicidal effect;
  • emodin is a crystalline compound with regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • carotene is a yellow-orange pigment that activates the protective functions of the skin and restores normal pigmentation;
  • betaine is an organic substance that acts as a natural moisturizer and protects skin cells from dehydration;
  • zeaxanthin is a carotenoid pigment that protects cells from oxidative stress and destruction by free radicals;
  • rutin is a vitamin-like substance that helps strengthen blood vessels and accelerates the flow of oxygen into cells;
  • Fisalen is a substance that has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on irritated skin.

In order to avoid disappointment after using colorless henna, you should choose the product responsibly. Before purchasing a product in a store, carefully study its composition - it should not contain chemical components. The fact is that there is also white henna, which is a rather aggressive synthetic dye used to lighten hair and has nothing to do with neutral henna.

Indications and contraindications

Colorless henna for the face is used in the form of masks, both with and without additional components. With regular use, henna-based compositions help eliminate the following cosmetic problems:

  • pimples (blackheads and acne);
  • pcomedones (blackheads);
  • fungal skin lesions;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased oiliness or dryness of the dermis;
  • premature aging of the skin;
  • n age spots(including freckles);
  • peeling and irritation of the skin;
  • dullness of the facial skin.

The main advantage of colorless henna as a cosmetic product for the face is that it is suitable for almost everyone, and it can be used even in adolescence. The only contraindication to the use of this universal powder is individual intolerance, the presence or absence of which should be confirmed in advance by testing on a small area of ​​skin.

Using neutral henna in facial skin care is not difficult, but if you want to achieve the maximum effect from such procedures, take into account the following tips:

  • Colorless henna for the face is used exclusively in diluted form. In order to prepare a healing composition, you need to mix the plant powder with a small amount of moderately hot water or herbal decoction (sage, rose hips, nettle, etc.). The resulting mixture must be brought to the consistency of thick sour cream so that the mask can be easily applied to the face and not drip off it. Before use, the mixture should sit for 15–20 minutes.
  • To prepare masks based on neutral henna, you cannot use metal utensils, otherwise the product may lose its beneficial properties. It is better to mix the components in a glass or ceramic container.
  • Before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin of impurities and do a gentle peeling. To enhance the effect, you can additionally steam your face using a hot herbal bath.
  • When applying a henna mask, you should avoid the skin around the eyes and make sure that the composition does not get on the mucous membranes.
  • The time the mixture is left on the skin is usually from 15 to 25 minutes, but if during the procedure the mask begins to dry out and you experience a feeling of tightness (especially for those with dry dermis), then it is recommended to wash it off earlier than indicated in the recipe. You need to remove the composition from the skin with a cotton pad soaked in warm water or a medicinal decoction.
  • After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer or cosmetic oil (for example, grape seed or wheat germ) to the skin. This will prevent dryness of the dermis.

It is better to make masks based on colorless henna shortly before bed, so that the skin has time to rest overnight before applying makeup in the morning. The procedures need to be carried out regularly (about 2 times a week), since a single use of henna, although it will be beneficial for the skin, will not give a pronounced effect.

Face masks made from colorless henna: recipes

Classic mask

This mask has a predominantly cleansing and drying effect, so it is recommended for oily and combination skin.

  • 15 g neutral henna;
  • 50 ml water.
  • Dilute the vegetable powder with water to the consistency of sour cream and let the mixture brew for 15 minutes.
  • Apply the finished mask to your face and leave for 20–25 minutes.
  • Rinse off the composition with water and lubricate the skin with cream.

Acne mask

This composition has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, helps fight pimples and acne, accelerates the healing of skin wounds and relieves irritation.

  • 10 g colorless henna;
  • 30 ml hot water;
  • 2 ml green tea extract;
  • 10 ml calendula oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Dilute the henna with water until smooth.
  • Add tea extract and calendula oil.
  • Mix and apply the prepared mixture to your face.
  • Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, and then carefully remove it with a sponge soaked in lemon water.

Anti-wrinkle mask

This mask can smooth out shallow wrinkles, give skin elasticity and reduce the severity of age spots. Before the procedure, it is recommended to perform acupressure facial massage.

  • 15 g of colorless henna;
  • 100 ml hot water;
  • 50 ml cold water;
  • 10 g gelatin;
  • 5 ml grape seed oil;
  • 3 tablets of ascorutin.

Preparation and use:

  • Dilute the henna with hot water and let the mixture brew.
  • Add crushed ascorutin tablets and grape seed oil.
  • Pour gelatin into a separate container and fill it with cold water.
  • Place the gelatin mixture in a water bath and wait until the product is completely dissolved.
  • Mix both masses, spread the prepared composition on steamed skin and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mask with water and apply moisturizer to your face.

Anti-pigmentation mask

A mask prepared according to this recipe whitens age spots, improves complexion and activates the protective functions of the skin.

  • 15 g neutral henna;
  • 50 ml kefir;
  • 5 g ground ginger.

Preparation and use:

  • Heat kefir in a water bath, mix it with henna and ginger powder.
  • Let the mixture sit for 15–20 minutes.
  • Apply the mask on your face in a thick layer and leave for 10 minutes.
  • To wash off the composition, it is better to use not ordinary water, but a decoction of rosehip or nettle.

Anti-blackhead mask

This product perfectly cleanses pores, improves cellular respiration and eliminates comedones.

  • 10 g henna (colorless);
  • 100 ml strong green tea;
  • 10 g dried plantain leaves;
  • 2 tablets of white coal.

Preparation and use:

  • Grind the plantain leaves into powder (using a coffee grinder).
  • Mix it with henna and crushed tablets.
  • Pour the mixture with green tea and let it brew (15 minutes).
  • Apply the mask to your face and wait approximately 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mixture and wipe the skin with a slice of lemon.

Mask for dry skin

This product normalizes the functioning of the exocrine glands, saturates the skin with moisture and eliminates flaking.

  • 10 g neutral henna;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 10 ml olive oil;
  • 1 ampoule of retinol.

Preparation and use:

  • Heat the oil and mix it with henna.
  • Add the vitamin, mix and apply the composition to the skin for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in nettle infusion.

Mask for oily and combination skin

This mask eliminates greasy shine, prevents the development of inflammatory processes and the formation of acne.

  • 5 g colorless henna;
  • 50 ml of thyme decoction;
  • 2 g baking soda;
  • 10 ml almond oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix henna with soda and herbal decoction.
  • Add almond oil, mix and spread the finished mask on steamed skin.
  • Wait 10 minutes and rinse off with water.

Mask for normal skin

This product perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, improves complexion and helps fight age-related changes.

  • 15 g henna (neutral);
  • 50 ml linden infusion;
  • 20 g honey;
  • 5 ml peach oil.

Preparation and use:

  • Dilute henna with linden infusion, add honey and oil.
  • Mix and apply the prepared mask to your face.
  • Leave for at least 20 minutes, and then wash with warm water and treat your skin with a light moisturizer.

Colorless henna is one of the few products that can transform the appearance of any woman and become a valuable assistant in caring for her face and hair. Experience the miraculous effects of this natural product, and perhaps it will become the main secret of your beauty and youth.

Colorless henna is a natural product created by Mother Nature herself, obtained by drying and grinding the stems of the Lawsonia plant into a fine powder. Colorless henna differs from dyed henna, which has the peculiarity of turning curls into red hair - it does not change the color of the hair, but the product also has a huge number of useful characteristics. In addition to its healing effect on hair, henna helps fight age-related changes in the skin, it gives a uniform color tone to the face, and when used systematically, it can remove all imperfections on the skin. Henna powder is also indispensable for the treatment of diseases of the nail plate.

Use of colorless henna for medicinal and cosmetic purposes:

  • cleansing, whitening, restoration and nutrition of the skin;
  • relieving inflammatory skin processes;
  • antibacterial and antifungal effect.

Henna contains a certain acid that binds a protein called collagen in skin cells, which is important characteristic when carrying out rejuvenating and cleansing procedures.

Powder from dried stems of Lausonia is used to treat teenage skin problems (acne, blackheads). To enhance the effect, you need to add 2-3 drops of antiseptic – tea tree oil – to henna.

Warning! Henna has oxidative properties, therefore, masks based on it cannot be prepared in metal containers.

You can not be afraid to use henna masks for cosmetic purposes at any age (the powder is harmless even for the smallest) and for any type of skin. Before the session, the facial skin must be prepared - cleaned and wiped with lotion (a tonic is suitable as an alternative), then the effect of the mask will be maximum.

Recipes for masks based on skin type from a product obtained from the Lausonia plant

1. Nourishing, toning and cleansing mask for four main skin types

1-2 tbsp. henna, pour hot water at 75-90°C and stir until creamy consistency. Prepare your facial skin for upcoming manipulations - wipe special means, and then apply the product. After 20 minutes, a crust will form, then rinse off the mask with slightly heated water.

2. Mask for normal (matte) and oily skin

Heat the kefir a little and add it to the bowl with henna. Stir until a thick, lump-free mass is obtained. Apply the mask to the facial skin treated with tonic (or use lotion). Wait until a crust forms on your face - about 20 minutes. Rinse the product off your face with plain water. If necessary, moisturize the skin with cream.

3. Nourishing mask for flaky skin

Pour boiling water into the bowl with henna and stir until a thick, lump-free consistency is obtained. Add sour cream with high fat content and vitamin A to the cooled henna. Before applying the mask, treat your face with a special product. Wait 20 minutes. Remove the mixture from your face with slightly warmed water. You can moisturize your skin with cream.

4. Facial mask that has a toning, rejuvenating and lifting effect

Pour 1-2 tbsp into a container. henna, pour boiling water over the powder. Mix thoroughly to form a thick mass and always without lumps. Add 2-3 drops of sandalwood essential oil to the resulting paste (an alternative is tea tree oil). Attention! It is better to apply the product after cleansing the skin. After a quarter of an hour, the mask will dry out, which means you can wash it off.

5. Mask used to combat blackheads

Pour 1-2 tbsp into a bowl. henna, pour boiling water and stir until a paste-like consistency is obtained. Keep the mixture covered for about 5-10 minutes. Warm or hot, apply the mask in a thick layer to the areas of the face that need to be cleaned. Wait until a crust forms. The mask can be easily removed from the face with slightly heated water.

Attention! If a strong burning sensation is felt on the face, the product is removed immediately.

If not all of the mask is used, after washing your face, do a massage for about 1-2 minutes - a peeling effect is achieved. Rinse off the henna first with slightly heated water, then again with cool water. If necessary, moisturize the skin with cream. It is best to carry out the procedure immediately before bedtime.

6. Purifying mask

Place in equal volumes in non-metallic containers white clay and henna (1 tbsp each). Slowly pour warm water or chamomile decoction into the mixture and stir until a pasty, not too thick, consistency is obtained. Apply to skin that has been wiped with a special product and wait until a crust forms – 20 minutes. Rinse off the henna in two stages - immediately with slightly heated water, then with cool water. You can moisturize your skin with cream.

Colorless henna for hair

First place among hair care products, absolutely all women who want to have healthy and healthy hair should know about its beneficial properties. beautiful curls, takes colorless henna.

1. Revitalizing mask for dry, split hair

Pour 200 g of boiling water into 100 g of henna, then stir gently. Apply the product first to the roots, rubbing into the scalp, then, without going past the ends, lubricate all hair. Next, you need to cover your head with a bag and put on, for example, a scarf made of warm fabric. Wait 30-50 minutes. The mask is washed off the hair with fairly warm water.

2. Mask with a moisturizing effect, designed for dry hair

Pour 100 g of henna powder into a bowl and pour 200 g of boiling water. Leave the mixture to cool for 10-15 minutes, then add avocado pulp (1 piece) and 1.5 tbsp. castor bean oils. The product is applied in two stages: a) to the hair roots; b) distributed along the entire length. Insulate and wait 90 minutes. Remove the mask from your hair with a warm stream of water.

3. A mask that can strengthen hair

Brew 100 g of henna with 200 g of boiling water and add 2 tbsp at once. lemon juice (1 juicy fruit), then 1 tbsp. infusion (oil) of burdock roots and 2 tbsp. blue clay. The algorithm of actions is the same as in recipes No. 1 and No. 2 - first apply to the roots of the hair and only then lubricate all the hair. Be sure to insulate. Wait 90 minutes. Wash off the mask under warm running water using regular shampoo.

4. Mask for treating thinning hair

Pour 1 tbsp into the prepared container. henna powder, add castor oil and olive oil (2 tbsp each) in equal proportions. Stir until a viscous, lump-free mass emerges. Add 6 drops of pine nut oil to the mixture (an alternative is tea tree oil) and add 2 tbsp. green clay. Pour boiling water over it. First coat the scalp with the product, and then, gradually going down, all the hair. Next, you need to put on an insulating cap in the form of a bag and a warm scarf. Wait 60 minutes. You can remove the mask from your hair using warm water and the most common shampoo.

5. Nourishing mask

Pour colorless henna powder, crushed chamomile and nettle (20 g each) into a bowl in different volumes, stir and add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Lubricate the hair roots thoroughly, thereby moisturizing the scalp, and only then distribute the mask over all hair. Time yourself for 30 minutes. Rinse off with heated water and regular shampoo.

6. A mask that can add volume to hair

Pour 2 tbsp into a bowl. henna, add 1 tbsp. sweet almond seed emulsion and 1 tsp. dimexide. Stir until a lump-free mass is obtained. First coat the scalp and then distribute through the hair. Wait 40 minutes. A warm stream of water will wash the mask off your hair.

7. Mask to increase the density of curls

Pour 50 g of henna into a bowl, add the same amount of low-fat cottage cheese and add 2 egg yolks. Stir and pour in 2 tbsp. lemon juice (1 juicy fruit is enough). The mixture is applied first to the scalp and then distributed, strand by strand, throughout the entire hair. You should thoroughly lubricate the ends of your hair. Then cover your head with a bag and put on, for example, a scarf made of warm fabric. Leave for 30-40 minutes. The mask is easily removed from the hair with a warm stream of water.

Colorless henna is the best assistant in body care

With the advent of various creams, scrubs, masks and lotions, people are using less and less natural, harmless-based products to care for the skin of the body, which is very sad.

The following is a recipe for a scrub mask for a steam room, the central component of which is henna powder. It is simple to prepare, and the result will please even the most spoiled woman who has visited expensive procedures in beauty salons more than once.

So, the recipe: Mix blue clay and colorless henna powders in equal proportions (2 tbsp each), then add 1 tbsp to the mixture. uncandied honey and 6 drops of any citrus oil. Pour hot water at 75-90°C into the resulting mass. Stir until a viscous mass without lumps appears. Before entering the sauna, apply the mask to the body steamed in the shower using circular movements, and after steaming, rinse it off under running cool water.

Attention! If you have varicose veins (swelling on the veins), it is not advisable to use a scrub mask with the addition of honey, and if you have rosacea (impaired blood supply to the skin), you should not apply it to your face in a sauna.

This mask has nourishing and cleansing properties and helps fight orange peel.

Colorless henna for nails

Regular henna can color nails for a long time, so medicinal purposes It is better to use colorless.

  1. Brew 1 tsp chamomile decoction. henna, then mix until a sufficiently liquid mass is obtained. After applying the product to the nail plates, wait until it dries and repeat the procedure 3 more times. The mixture is used once every 48 hours. Store remaining product in a tightly closed container at a temperature below +10°.
  2. Dilute the henna with vinegar and stir until a liquid mass is obtained. This method is very effective for strengthening the nail plate. There is no special method of use and storage - it is the same as in recipe No. 1.

From all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself: in order to restore its former beauty and restore the health of hair, skin and nails, there is no urgent need to resort to the expensive services of beauty salons. As a rule, when using colorless henna, the effect is achieved almost the same. Flaky and inflamed skin becomes silky, and thin, brittle, weakened and thinning hair is transformed after regular use of the product obtained from the Lausonia plant. Moreover, with the help of this miracle powder, you can forever forget about complaints regarding nails - brittleness, splitting and strange spots, because with systematic use, your nails will acquire a beautiful pinkish tint, become strong and begin to grow better.

4301 06/28/2019 6 min.

Useful properties Iranian henna has long been successfully used by women from all over the world to color and strengthen hair.
Despite its high prevalence, few people are familiar with the medicinal effects of this plant on the structure of the skin.

It is thanks to the unique “bouquet” of healing components that henna can be used in home cosmetology, in particular for creating masks and tonic lotions for the face.
Our article will help you reveal the secrets of this plant, as well as the main ways to use henna masks.

What are the benefits of henna for skin?

The skin of the face is an extremely sensitive and important area that requires careful treatment. In pursuit of beauty, many fashionistas are ready to spend fortunes and even go under the surgeon’s scalpel, often forgetting about accessible and effective methods folk wisdom. Iranian henna is rightfully considered one of the most effective tonic and rejuvenating products for the skin.

Action on the skin:

  • The rejuvenation effect is manifested in smoothing out fine wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity with constant use.
  • The tonic effect of some components will help increase resistance to external factors.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects will allow it to be used in the fight against dermatological problems: rashes, pimples and acne.
  • A cleanser based on colorless henna has proven itself to be excellent for a wide variety of skin types.
  • A unique mixture of dry, colorless henna powder will also provide basic nutrition to aging or tired skin. The amino acids included in the composition help to establish cellular metabolism and the absorption of nutritional components.

All these wonderful transformations will not take long to happen if you use a mask with henna regularly according to one of the recipes below.

Watch the video recipe for a face mask with colorless henna

Watch the video recipe for a hair mask with mayonnaise and the recipe for making it at home

Henna mask recipes

To nourish and tone the skin

The simplest recipe:
take two tablespoons of the dry mixture and steam it with a small amount of boiling water. After a short infusion, during which the mixture cools to a comfortable state, the mask is ready for use. It is convenient to apply it with a cosmetic brush or spatula, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

This composition perfectly nourishes and tones the skin, increasing its resistance and improving cellular respiration. The mixture can be improved by replacing the water with a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, string, calendula or any suitable for your skin type.

Provide comprehensive nutrition for dry skin you can use the following composition: two tablespoons of dry henna powder, a teaspoon of sour cream, plus a pharmacy ampoule of liquid vitamin A. Such masks should not be made more than once a week. The optimal course is up to 15 sessions.
A relatively new hair care procedure is colorless dyeing. What it is, what it is used for and what effect it gives, you will learn from the article

Anti acne

You can also add other substances to the classic recipe for a mask made from colorless henna, the action of which will enhance the natural antibacterial power of the main component.

Examples of such additives include:

  • Essential oils of tea tree, lavender and. Lemon and other citrus fruits work well, as well as eucalyptus or tea rose.
  • Green tea is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. You can brew henna with a ready-made solution, or you can mix the dry ingredients in equal proportions.
  • The pharmacy will cope with this task perfectly. To do this, dilute an equal amount of clay and henna to a paste-like state, apply to problem areas of the skin and leave until completely dry. It is not difficult to remove the mask with plain water, after which it is advisable to wipe your face with a refreshing tonic.
  • Liquid honey is perfect, unless you have allergies, of course. Mix the components in equal proportions; do not add honey to an excessively hot mixture, so as not to lose its healing properties.
  • Freshly squeezed aloe juice will perfectly soothe and soften irritated skin. Aloe can also be used after the procedure by wiping your face with it.

Excellent results from use

The effect of colorless henna is not limited to the antibacterial effect, it will help cope with excess oily skin without drying it out and very gently cleansing. The big advantage of using henna is its versatility: such a component is suitable for any skin type, so its use is truly unique and in demand.

Watch a video recipe for a henna mask for blackheads

From blackheads

It is extremely difficult to get rid of such a problem, so you should be patient. The mask for blackheads is prepared as follows: brew 1 – 2 tablespoons of henna powder with strong boiling water and apply to the skin as hot as possible. When applying, carefully massage the problem areas, then leave the mask until it hardens.

After the mixture has completely cooled and hardened, it is easily washed off with plain water. It is necessary to repeat the procedure for at least a week, until the problem areas are completely cleansed.

Anti-aging recipes

An excellent rejuvenating effect is guaranteed with the use of the following mixture. To do this, add a little olive oil to the “classic” recipe. This combination nourishes dry skin well, but for oily skin it is better to replace olive oil with almond oil.

For pigment spots

Henna has also proven itself well as a whitening component. Age-related or seasonal skin pigmentation is removed by a mixture of henna diluted with kefir. You can also use cucumber lotion after the mask, which will help consolidate your success.
In general, fermented milk products are excellent in restoring the health of the body and in beauty recipes. Read about using it for hair.

Brewed henna plus a couple of drops of boric acid is an excellent remedy that even helps with freckles.

Video for you: henna mask for blackheads

Features of preparing henna-based masks

We should not forget that colorless henna is an exclusively natural product, so its components may cause allergic reactions. It would be a good idea to make sure there are none before using it for the first time. similar masks. To do this, you need to conduct a sensitivity test: apply a small amount of the prepared mixture to the inside of your wrist or just above your elbow. If after 20 minutes no signs of rash, irritation, or discomfort or burning appear on the skin, you can safely use similar recipes for total recovery.

Precautions when making mixtures:

  • Do not use metal objects: dishes, spoons or any other cutlery. Henna can oxidize and cause a chemical reaction when it comes into contact with metal of various origins, so it is best to take a ceramic or glass container and mix the mixture with a plastic spoon. Wooden objects, although they will not bring a significant change to the composition of the mixture, can become stained, so their use is also undesirable.
  • Before using the mask, it is advisable to thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics, as well as daily pollution. You can use a tonic or any suitable product for these purposes.
  • You can use henna masks every day, but to avoid a decrease in effectiveness, it is better to leave intervals between uses. For example, a course of 20 masks should be alternated after the same period of time. We should not forget that any mask will gradually have less effectiveness, so it is best to alternate recipes and main components. Having collected best recipes homemade masks, taking into account individual characteristics your skin, you can achieve amazing results at minimal cost.
  • The main secret of success is high-quality raw materials, which can be purchased either in pharmacies or in specialized stores. Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the expiration date, as well as the certification of the product. To avoid becoming a victim of unscrupulous sellers, it is advisable to contact trusted suppliers of natural henna.