People have tried to preserve the beauty of their hair at all times, and not just with the advent of industrial cosmetics. That's why traditional medicine contains many recipes for hair care: dyes, masks, rinses.

Our grandmothers used the following products to give their hair the desired shade:

Chamomile decoction will give your hair golden hue. To do this, 100 g of flowers are brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Through The infusion is filtered for 30-40 minutes and the hair is generously moistened with it. The tincture from walnuts. You need to take 50 ml of water, 75 ml of olive oil, 25 g of alum and 15 g of crushed walnuts. The mixture should be kept over low heat, cooled and lubricated with it. You can get rid of gray hair by using a decoction of onion peels. To do this, you need to boil it until it turns a dark brown color, cool it and regularly moisten your hair with it generously. Lemon juice is used to lighten hair. The juice of 1 lemon is diluted with a glass of water and the hair is generously moistened with it. Lemon juice also adds shine to your hair. However, this rinse should not be used for dry and brittle hair. To make hair lighter and more shiny, use a decoction consisting of a mixture of chamomile, sunflower and barberry flowers in equal quantities. The mixture is poured with boiling water, left for about 1 hour, filtered and added to water for rinsing your hair.

Folk tips for preserving hair beauty:

To color your hair, it is better to use natural dyes: henna and basma. They are harmless and help strengthen the hair. To give your hair shine after washing, you can rinse your hair with water with the addition of lemon juice or chamomile decoction.

Folk recipes for preserving hair beauty

Herbal decoction for blonde hair

Ingredients: chamomile (2 tablespoons), water (1 l).

Method of preparation and use: 2 tbsp. Boil tablespoons of chamomile for 5 minutes in 1 liter of water. To save natural color and shine of blond hair, it is recommended to rinse it with chamomile decoctions after each wash.

Conditioner for blonde hair

Ingredients: juice and zest of one lemon, 1 liter of water, +/- vodka.

Method of preparation and use: Squeeze the juice of a whole lemon. Grind the remaining zest and peel and add 1 liter of hot water. Boil the mixture for 15 - 20 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered through a strainer, mixed with lemon juice - and you can rinse your hair to lighten your hair. Lemon juice is an ideal ingredient for skin care products. blond hair. It gives blonde hair not only health and vitality, but also a beautiful golden hue. If you constantly use a decoction of lemon juice and peel, you can completely avoid tinting your hair with chemical dyes. In addition, with the help of such a decoction you can lighten individual strands. But, in order to get an effect close to highlighting, you will need to mix lemon juice with vodka in equal parts. Then the resulting solution should be applied to individual strands and dried in the sun. Ultraviolet light, enhanced by a decoction of lemon juice and vodka, will lighten your hair and give it a delicate golden hue.

Herbal decoction for dark hair

Ingredients: tea (2 tablespoons), water (1 l).

Method of preparation and use: 2 tbsp. Boil spoons of tea for 5 minutes in 1 liter of water. Then you should strain the broth and rinse your washed hair with it. After completing the procedure, the hair must be blotted with a towel and dried without a hairdryer. It is recommended to rinse every time after washing. dark hair with such a decoction to preserve their natural color and shine. If you use tea decoction regularly for a long time, your brown hair will acquire a beautiful golden hue and healthy shine.

Modern scientists, who love to prove everything and make various sensational discoveries, confidently declare that men and women are completely different creatures. Indeed, many processes occur differently in representatives of the stronger and fairer (let’s not say “weaker”) sex.

Everyone has heard statements about male and female logic, male and female thinking, male and female physiology and the characteristics of hormonal metabolism. Representatives of the opposite sexes solve the same problems, be it mathematics or mastering complex languages, in their own way - men use certain areas of the brain, and women use others.

Men's brains have 6 times more gray matter, while women's brains have 10 times more white matter. Let’s not once again find out who is smarter and more important - that’s not what we’re talking about here.

About healthy eating Today everyone knows, but most often this issue is considered as a whole - healthy human nutrition. Diet based on gender is less often mentioned. However, everyone thinking person It’s clear - if a man and a woman are different creatures, then their nutrition should be different. And the point here is not that women love sweets, and men love meat and other protein products. We just need certain products in order to always stay in shape - and specifically based on gender. In this article we would like to talk about the nutritional characteristics of women.

Nowadays, women know a lot about how to be spectacular and look great, please men and be successful. To achieve the desired result, many women spend large sums on expensive cosmetics, beauty salons, haute couture clothing and much more. And this is absolutely correct - beauty requires constant care and investment of money.

However, women often think that expensive cosmetics will hide fatigue and unhealthy skin color, but expensive clothes and jewelry compensate for figure flaws. But the fact that beauty comes from within, and that creating it requires at least some effort, is most often forgotten - they simply do not have time to think about it in an effort to keep up with fashion and make a career at work. And you should, before rushing to company store for foundation, powder and blush, think about your inner world - in all senses and directions.

The female body has certain characteristics - for example, as a result of monthly physiological processes, a woman loses a lot of blood. Therefore, by the age of 40, most women develop iron deficiency anemia, which is manifested by muscle weakness and ailments, as well as the occurrence of various chronic diseases.

IN modern society Roles are distributed in such a way that women do very little physical labor. This is great, but it uses less and less energy. This means that a woman’s diet should contain fewer calories than a man’s. Unfortunately, modern business women prefer fast food - at work, and at home - semi-finished products to save time.

At the same time, they talk a lot about how to remain attractive and impress others, without thinking too much about the fact that when choosing dishes one should evaluate their health benefits - and therefore beauty.

How should a modern woman eat if she wants to always remain young and beautiful, and at the same time feel good at any time and anywhere? The fact is that in nature there are enough unusual and tasty products that seem to be created especially for women.

These products work both from the inside and outside (various masks, compresses, baths), but all tissues of our body receive nutrition mainly from the inside. If you eat fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts and herbs that are given to us by nature, you can solve not only internal health problems, but also become externally healthy and beautiful. And to do this you need to know what these products are and how they work.

Several types of products and recipes that are offered here will help you eat healthier and look beautiful.

For example, beautiful and firm breasts are the dream of every woman. Foods that contain a lot of boron - fruits, nuts, cabbage, beans and others - will help maintain and improve breast shape; products containing manganese - raisins, spices, fresh seafood will make your breasts strong and elastic.

Traditional beauty recipes at home

Aloe – beauty of face and eyes: folk beauty recipes

In ancient times, aloe was called immortelle, and for good reason - after all, this plant has the ability to improve health and prolong life. Our great-grandmothers dropped the juice of this plant into their eyes to make them bright and shiny. And today aloe squeezes and extract are included in many cosmetic recipes, shampoos, foams, etc.

If you make compresses from aloe pulp, removing its peel, your complexion will be fresh and healthy, and your skin will be radiant. Masks made from aloe pulp improve blood circulation, kill pathogenic bacteria and protect the face from acne. Aloe pulp should be applied not only to the face, but also to the neck and décolleté.

However, we are talking about beauty from the inside: if you drink aloe juice before meals, at least 1 tablespoon, your diet will be enriched with many useful vitamins and microelements, and food will be absorbed perfectly.

Beauty recipes: firm buttocks

Rarely will a woman believe that even at 50 years old you can look great and have firm curves. However, many experts argue that this is absolutely real - after all, muscle and skin tone depends on the amount of collagen in connective tissues. This means there is only one way - proper and healthy nutrition.

When the body begins to lack nutrients, proteins and vitamins, it begins to take collagen from connective tissues. What happens to our skin and muscles? The muscles become flabby and withered, and wrinkles and cellulite form on the skin. Of course, you can buy an expensive anti-cellulite cream or miracle serum, but this is unlikely to help if the skin remains depleted from the inside. In order for connective tissue cells to begin producing procollagen again, you need to eat fresh fruit 4 times a day! Fresh pineapples are especially effective in this case.

Pineapple stimulates the body's natural production of collagen and also contains a unique digestive enzyme, bromelain, a natural fat burner. Fresh pineapple removes waste and toxins from the body, helps normalize weight, strengthens the immune system and restores lost sexuality, making a woman attractive and desirable. Eat pineapples and be happy in love!

Oatmeal - food for a real lady: folk beauty recipes

The beauty of hair is very important in creating a woman's appearance, and we constantly strive to make it strong, beautiful and thick. It turns out that the most the best product To strengthen hair, regular oatmeal is popular, but not everyone likes it. But in vain - oatmeal contains a lot of useful substances necessary for the health of the whole body and especially blood vessels, scalp and hair.

These are B vitamins, vitamin A, PP, nicotinic and folic acid, iron and calcium. Oatmeal not only cleanses the stomach and intestines, but removes heavy metal salts and other salts accumulated there from the deep layers of tissues harmful substances. At the same time, the hair restores its natural strength, stops breaking, becomes healthy, smooth and shiny.

There are a lot of products in nature that can make a woman beautiful and healthy, and it is impossible to talk about them all in a short article. Here we talked about some simple and affordable products, but you can remember a few more tips for health and beauty.

  • regular carrots not only improves skin and vision, but is also very good for hair;
  • cottage cheese makes the skin of the lips soft and tender - just eat 40 grams a day;
  • fish or fresh ground nuts will help get rid of acne;
  • bananas will help soften and moisturize the skin of your hands;
  • soy and soy products strengthen hair follicles;
  • Sheep cheese gives nails strength and a healthy color.

Vegetable salad with shrimp

Rinse shrimp boiled in salted water with cold water and place in a salad bowl. Place green beans in boiling water in a frying pan (about 1 cup), add salt to taste and cook for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water and add to shrimp. Place chopped cucumbers and tomatoes in the salad bowl as well.

In a separate bowl, mix the green onions, oregano, allspice, lemon zest and 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, olive oil and a little mustard. You can add sugar to taste. Pour the resulting sauce over the shrimp and vegetables, add the cheese and stir.

We wish you bon appetit, slim figure, elastic forms, delicate skin, bright eyes And silky hair. Be beautiful!

Any woman spends many hours maintaining her beauty. However, over time, youth fades, and all bad habits and negative emotional states begin to reflect on appearance. Sometimes you just don’t want to look at yourself in the mirror: swelling appears under your eyes, and your complexion becomes dull and lifeless. They come to the rescue folk remedies beauty. Infusions of herbs and various oils are able to maintain health, restore beauty and protect from negative influence environment.

Tibetan recipes for youth

Many Tibetan recipes for youth restore lost strength and increase health. They offer various infusions that you can prepare yourself at home. To do this, take 10 lemons and squeeze the juice out of them manually or using a meat grinder. Then find 10 heads of garlic in the bins and finely chop them. The next step is to add honey. For 10 lemons and 10 heads of garlic you will need 1 kg of honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and take the resulting balm 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon before meals.

There is another Tibetan recipe for healing that strengthens the immune system and removes toxins from the body. To prepare it, a mixture of herbs is taken - St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle and birch buds. Next, a large amount of boiling water is added to the pan with herbs. You need to wait for the composition to brew for 20 minutes. After this, strain the infusion and add a teaspoon of natural honey. Take the infusion every day before meals and you will notice positive results.

Recipes for youthful face and skin

Beauty secrets are based on ancient care techniques. In order for your facial skin to remain attractive at any age, you need to pay close attention to the gifts of nature. Expensive creams will not help restore your attractiveness, but will only hurt your wallet.

  • Fermented milk products cleanse the skin well. If you wipe your face daily with a tampon soaked in kefir, your face will look fresh.
  • An infusion of nettles with the addition of a tablespoon of vodka is an excellent skin toner and is used as a lotion.
  • As a mask, you can use a mixture of honey, cottage cheese with the addition of a few drops of fruit juice.
  • A mask made from chopped banana and a teaspoon of sour cream helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
  • A mask made from buckwheat flour diluted in milk nourishes and soothes the skin. When this mixture is applied to the skin, a light massage is performed.
  • How to keep your skin youthful without makeup

    There are many ways to stop aging and fill your facial skin with vital energy. One of the most effective means is sesame seed oil. You will achieve a strong effect if you rub the oil into your skin after a bath or shower. Then the skin is most susceptible to the effects.

    When you wake up in the morning, try to wash your face not with ordinary tap water, but use purified water for this. In addition, it is good if the water is very cold. You can replace this procedure and prepare ice cubes in advance. It is worth applying them to your face every day and repeating the massage movements.

    Another tip for women is to experience less negative emotions. Anger and fits of rage are reflected in appearance. Blood enters the face, which can result in allergic reactions.

    Folk remedies - good remedy in order to remain beautiful and please men. However, you need to change your lifestyle. Bad habits and caffeine constantly cause the skin to experience stress. IN modern life there are a lot of methods to restore beauty, don’t forget to click on the buttons and

    16.07.2015 09:00

    Everyone knows that Cleopatra was one of the first women who managed to preserve and prolong her youth...

    In the modern age of increased energy costs, restoring energy balance is important for every person. A simple set of exercises aimed...

Homemade care products have long proven themselves to be useful, effective, affordable and easy to prepare. From fruits, vegetables, medicinal herbs, which you can buy at the pharmacy or even dry yourself, you can prepare a variety of creams, masks and lotions. Many representatives of the fairer sex refuse folk beauty recipes, believing that their production takes a lot of time; it is easier to buy an industrially produced drug. I don't agree with this statement. Undoubtedly, there are complex recipes that require both time and special knowledge. But most homemade cosmetics are prepared quickly and from what is always in the refrigerator. I am a big fan of traditional beauty recipes and have tried a variety of them. Even if I was not able to solve some cosmetic problem with the help of a product I prepared myself, the positive effect from it was unambiguous. And the condition of the skin always improved, and the hair began to grow faster, and other issues were resolved. Try using folk recipes beauty in self-care and you. I’m sure you won’t give them up later, you just have to start.

Women have been taking care of themselves since ancient times. A lot of recipes have been preserved since then. For example, everyone knows about Cleopatra’s milk baths. Representatives of the fairer sex have long used medicinal herbs, tree bark, fruits, and vegetables to prepare cosmetics.

Care must be taken when selecting components. If you have allergic reaction on the one that is included in the product, then under no circumstances use it for personal care. Also remember that homemade cosmetics cannot be stored. The exceptions are herbal infusions (they can be kept in the refrigerator for no longer than two days), ice (retains its properties for a week), as well as some lotions and scrubs. Face and hair masks are used immediately after preparation, otherwise the components enter into reactions that can manifest themselves in the most unpredictable ways. For the same reason, use glass or porcelain containers when preparing home remedies, since metal or plastic ones can also provoke unwanted reactions. Herbs are brewed only in enamel pans or porcelain cups if a small amount of infusion is required.

You can use face masks at home, recipes for which you will find in the article “Face masks at home, recipes, subtleties and nuances.”

Now let's talk about folk beauty recipes that will help in caring for facial and body skin and hair.

For beautiful skin

Use herbal decoctions to wash your face. At oily skin They recommend chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, birch leaves, burdock, sage, cornflower.

For dry Rose petals, jasmine, linden blossom, peppermint, parsley will be useful.

If normal skin, then use decoctions of thyme, nettle, coltsfoot. For any skin type, washing with mineral water is beneficial.

Folk beauty remedies such as masks help maintain the beauty and health of your skin. Always follow the recipe strictly. One of my friends believed that the amount of time during which it is advised to keep the mask on your face can be increased at your own discretion. One day she became covered in spots. Since then, my friend has not violated the recommendations. For it to work nourishing mask, it is applied for 15 minutes. If you decide to pamper your skin with a moisturizing mask, then do not wash it off for 20 minutes, and a cleansing mask for ten minutes. For hair, the recommended time is usually 20-30 minutes.

It is advisable to take a steam bath before applying the mask. This procedure has a very positive effect on the condition of the skin, saturates it with oxygen, opens the pores, which promotes deeper penetration of valuable substances. For baths, you can use a special device - a facial inhaler. If you don’t have one, then remember how in childhood our mothers forced us to treat a cold throat over a basin. Fill a small container with water, throw in a tablespoon of dry herbs, boil and let it brew for ten minutes. Cover your head with a towel and hover your face over the basin. If your skin is oily, it is recommended to repeat this procedure once a week for 20 minutes. When dry and normal skin Duration and frequency of the procedure – twice a month for five to seven minutes.

The bath can be replaced with a compress. To do this, just wet the towel in hot water. herbal decoction, squeeze and hold on your face until it cools down. Use infusions of coltsfoot, yarrow, sea buckthorn leaves, and chamomile for compresses.

There are many recipes for homemade masks. They are aimed at solving various cosmetic problems. I really like the sour cream mask. For oily skin, choose a product with minimal oil content. Apply sour cream to cleansed facial skin and leave for ten minutes. By the way, this mask will tell you which areas of the face are the driest and need additional care. After applying the mask, take a closer look at your skin after two to three minutes. Where there is almost no sour cream, it is especially vulnerable and dry.

In the spring, we all experience a lack of vitamins; the body is weakened after winter, including the skin. At this time it is dull, pale, and often flakes off. Therefore, now is the time for fruit masks. Try:

- carrot mask. Take one or two carrots, if large, then one is enough. Finely grate the carrots, squeeze out the juice and mix it with wheat flour to a paste consistency. Add flour little by little so that there are no lumps left. It will be difficult to stir them later. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, then rinse your face with cold water. Carrots refresh the skin very well, smooth out wrinkles, and give a barely noticeable warm tan;

cucumber mask. Peel the cucumber, chop about half the vegetable, you should get a teaspoon of pulp. Mix it with the same amount of sour cream and yolk. Apply for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask is recommended for all skin types;

- curd mask. Dairy products are very beneficial for facial skin. They wonderfully refresh, whiten, and saturate with vitamins. Take two tablespoons of cottage cheese (I use 9% fat), wipe it, cut a bunch of parsley, mix with cottage cheese. Leave on skin for ten minutes;

- grapefruit mask. Citrus fruits contain many vitamins, they are especially valued for vitamin C - the main antioxidant for our skin. Cut the pulp of one grapefruit, it’s easier to do it with your hands, add a small amount of kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt - whatever you find in the kitchen. Keep the finished mask in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, then apply it to your face and neck for half an hour. Rinse off with warm water;

- A strawberry mask will also be useful for any skin type. Take two or three berries (you can use frozen ones, defrost them first), mash them, add a teaspoon of liquid honey. Wash off after 15 minutes;

- a mask of lettuce leaves. Chop them very finely. Depending on how many leaves you get, take the same amount of sour cream (for example, for a tablespoon of leaves you will need a tablespoon of sour cream). Keep on face for 15 minutes;

- beetroot mask. Without boiling the beets, finely grate them and squeeze out a little juice from the pulp, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable putting the mask on your face. Mix beets with sour cream. Leave on the skin until the mask dries. Rinse off with warm water.

Peels have a beneficial effect on the skin. Prepare this: mix sugar and olive oil, add honey. I take three tablespoons of sugar and one each of butter and honey, it should turn out to be a thick mass. Apply it in a circular motion on the skin of the face and body, including lips. Leave for a couple of minutes, rinse with warm water. This is a very wonderful peeling, I do it in different variations. For example, you can use cane sugar instead of regular sugar, then you will also get an indescribable aroma on the skin. Olive oil replace with any herbal (sunflower, mustard, corn) or cosmetic (jojoba, argan). You can add a couple of drops of essential oil, ground cinnamon or cloves. I also like this peeling because it can be stored for a long time. Prepared for future use, put it in a jar and use it whenever you want. Sugar in this case performs a cleansing function, while oil and honey have a nourishing and moisturizing function.

Another great exfoliant is coffee. You can use freshly ground grains or grounds. Mix coffee with different ingredients - sour cream, cream, honey, sugar, vegetable oil. The only thing is that this scrub slightly stains the skin, so if you dry yourself with a towel, dark spots will remain on it. The same applies to light-colored clothes - they can become stained. Therefore, after the coffee scrub, I take a shower with the gel to rinse it off thoroughly. You will find other recipes in the article “Peeling at home” on website "Sunny Hands" .

The skin of the body also needs additional care. Prepare a vitamin cocktail: chop a banana and avocado in a mixer, add five tablespoons of cream and two teaspoons of any cosmetic or vegetable oil. Apply to body for ten minutes. Try this recipe: mix jojoba, passion fruit and avocado oils in equal proportions. Add a drop of essential oil (the one you like). Rub into skin until product is absorbed.

I really like clay body masks. Grind any medicinal herb in a coffee grinder, mix with clay and honey, let the mixture sit for half an hour, then apply it to the skin of the body with gentle massaging movements, do not wash off for ten minutes.

Prepare a bath using medicinal herbs. This is the source of youth and beauty of our body. Pour 100 g of raw material with two liters of hot water and simmer for 15 minutes, let it brew for 45 minutes, strain and pour into a bathtub filled with water. The duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes.

Taking care of your hair

Folk beauty products also include hair care products. After all, our hair also needs daily care. Your hair will thank you if you aromatherapy comb it three times a week. You can only use a wooden comb or a natural bristle brush for this procedure. Apply three to five drops of essential oil and comb your hair for five minutes. different directions. Aroma combing helps solve many problems with hair and scalp, and also has a positive effect on well-being. If you do the procedure in the morning, then use oils that help invigorate and recharge your batteries. Chamomile or lavender oil is ideal for evening combing - you will fall asleep faster. During the procedure, do not rush, carefully comb each strand. Choosing a quality essential oil is not easy. But if you read the article by the author of the portal “Sunny Hands” Alexandra Zentsova “Essential oils: where to start?” , then you will know what to look for when purchasing.

Oil compresses are very beneficial for hair. Heat any oil and apply it to your hair. Put on a rubber cap and wrap your head with a towel. After an hour, wash it off. If you have oily hair type, do not apply oil to your scalp, otherwise your hair will get dirty faster.

Prepare a mask of cognac and eggs. Beat an egg, mix with two teaspoons of cognac, rub the mixture into the scalp, put on a cap and towel, hold for 20 minutes.

Masks made from fermented milk products add shine to your hair. Take kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and apply along the entire length of your hair. Also cover your head with a cap and towel, rinse after 20 minutes.

Mix egg yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of oil and half a glass warm water. Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair along the entire length, leave for a few minutes, and rinse.

Everyone knows that chamomile decoction strengthens hair and gives it a lighter shade. Pour two tablespoons of flowers into three glasses of boiling water, boil for five minutes, strain. If your hair is dark, use nettle instead of chamomile. These rinses are especially useful for dandruff. Prepare the infusion like the previous one.

To prevent split ends, use sage infusion. Pour two tablespoons of herbs into two glasses of boiling water, leave until it cools, strain.

Calendula infusion will help with dandruff. Pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain.

Try lemon water. You will need four lemons. Peel them; to prepare healing water, you need the peel. Fill it with hot water (1 liter per four lemons) and cook for 15 minutes. Rinse your hair once a week.

The secrets that I shared in this article are only a small part of folk beauty recipes. Of course, each specific case requires its own. For one of us, a mask may be very effective, but for another it will not work at all. Collect different recipes, you will find a lot of them on our portal. Create your own beauty program so that one day you can pass on your secrets to your daughter or granddaughter. Stay beautiful always!

Oksana Chistyakova

You want to be beautiful. Do you want to be elegant? Do you want to have a fresh look? Do you want to always look young? This is the desire of both young girls and mature women. Every age has its own problems. The beauty recipes published in this section will help you solve them. How to look cheerful and elegant, how to maintain health, beauty and good mood- read below.

Every girl and woman dreams of beautiful and well-groomed nails. After all, they important part image, sort of business card. But what to do if there is a catastrophic lack of time for salons or their services are not always affordable?

There is no need to be upset about this. You can take care of your nails, no worse than what a professional can do, at home. Many ladies will probably take this statement skeptically, believing that it will not be possible to reproduce the atmosphere of a salon at home and provide proper care. And they will be wrong...

Rating: / 23

Some women try to calmly live with freckles (well, do they exist, so what?). Others also resign themselves, but not so willingly (they just try not to focus their attention on them). Still others - they are probably a clear minority - consider these dots on the face even piquant.

Well, for those of you, dear ladies, who literally dream of getting rid of this pigmentation, we decided to dedicate our article. We guess that you are the majority, and therefore we will be glad if any of the proposed folk tips and recipes help in solving this problem.

Rating: / 7

What exfoliating product is simple, affordable, and popular at the same time? That's right, it's a cosmetic pumice stone.

With its help, you can remove dead skin particles, calluses and so-called corns. In a word, very necessary thing in everyday life. And if you think that pumice came into use only with the development of the cosmetics industry, then you are mistaken. Our great-grandmothers used it, and not without success.

Rating: / 27

Pimples (also called acne) are a problem for a considerable number of people. As a rule, they occur in adolescence and mostly disappear by the age of 25. But in some cases, these inflammatory diseases of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin also manifest themselves in older people: in women, in particular, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the question remains relevant: how to get rid of this scourge?

There is an answer. This is badyaga, a miracle remedy against acne.

Rating: / 7

Honey is a unique product, a storehouse of useful substances. This is an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, and just a wonderful dessert.

In addition, honey is successfully used in cosmetology as one of the main components of various masks, including for the chest and décolleté.

It is important to keep in mind that you need to start caring for your bust as soon as it is formed and continue to do so throughout your life. In order for your breasts to be firm and elastic, and your skin to be smooth, you need to do simple exercises, maintain correct posture, not slouch, swim more, take a contrast shower, and, of course, regularly use masks, creams, and compresses.

Rating: / 1

Zucchini is not only a healthy vegetable, but also, as it turns out, an excellent way to maintain youthful skin. And all thanks to the content of manganese, which acts as an antiseptic, which improves the condition of skin blood vessels, and iron, which protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Both its pulp and juice are well suited for making masks and other cosmetics, regardless of the degree of ripeness of the fruit. Moreover, masks can be used for any skin type. We offer you several recipes that will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your skin.

Rating: / 1

A clear scientific description that is far from clear to everyone hyaluronic acid can be found in a chemistry textbook: an acidic mucopolysaccharide that consists of repeating units of a-glucuronido-N-acetylglucosamine.

By the way, scientists discovered its true value quite recently, when it became known that this acid has the ability to hold up to 1000 water molecules. As part of human connective tissue, it maintains the elasticity and firmness of the skin. One problem is that as we age, our body reduces the production of hyaluronic acid, which leads to dry skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Rating: / 7

Practice shows that men who have a well-groomed appearance are more successful in their careers and business than those who are not used to taking care of themselves. But if a man, even if he dresses to the nines, doesn’t pay attention to his facial skin and it doesn’t look fresh, then a potential employer or business partner may be turned off.

It is clear that such prospects are unlikely to please anyone. Therefore, we propose to talk about the secrets of facial skin care for the stronger half of humanity. Our recommendations are simple, practical and will not require much time. And in order to use them, you don’t need to visit beauty salons (which, by the way, most men don’t like).

Rating: / 20

Not every woman knows that complexion can be used to judge both the health of the skin and the condition of the body as a whole. A blooming appearance, that is, a beautiful and even complexion, is a clear indication of the absence of any internal problems. If in the morning, looking in the mirror, we see in front of us an emaciated middle-aged woman - with a pale face and gray skin - it’s time to sound the alarm!

This product is very tasty and healthy, and can enhance the taste of dozens of dishes. It can be liquid and so thick that a spoon can easily get stuck in it. You can use it to make cupcakes, sweet desserts, aspic and... face masks. We're talking about sour cream - best friend healthy and beautiful skin faces!

In addition to their availability, sour cream masks are good because they are suitable for everyone, including women with sensitive, allergy-prone skin. The main thing to remember: dry skin should use sour cream with the highest percentage of fat content, while oily skin should use low-fat (7-10%). You just need to apply it in a thick layer on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes to make your skin lighter, fresher and more elastic - it’s that simple!

Rating: / 0

How to become beautiful for the New Year? This question is asked by many girls and women who want to shine, charm, and delight on this beloved holiday. But how can you become your best self if you’ve been spinning like a squirrel in a wheel all year, and there’s very little time left before the magical night arrives?

Other skeptical representatives of the fair sex simply do not believe that in a few weeks you can radically transform: improve your complexion, remove wrinkles, get rid of extra pounds. However, this is quite possible, and such ordinary miracle you are able to create for yourself with your own hands. If, of course, you set a goal for yourself and follow our useful advice.