Our life is a constant relationship. With parents and neighbors, with relatives and friends, with friends and acquaintances, with bosses and colleagues. And often these relationships are not always calm and happy for us.

From the point of view of the Soul, there are no problematic relationships. Emotional coloring is already included here - on Earth, in the physical world, the world of duality. We ourselves “charge” our relationship experience, rating it “+” or “-”, “bad” or “good”.

How to recognize karmic relationships

Most of our relationships with people are karmic. If in this life we strongly we react to someone - positively or negatively - this means that we have already met this Soul before, and we have already had experience in relationships.

Be it a beloved pet, or a dear friend, or a harmful teacher, or a boss who constantly clings to us - they are in our lives for a reason. Especially relatives and friends, especially those with whom constant showdowns arise. All these Souls are already familiar to us.

Karma is the law of cause and effect. For example, sometime in the past I didn’t understand or didn’t accept something, I left this life with a feeling of guilt, or resentment, or hatred - and in this life I get a consequence in the form of problems in relationships. But not as a punishment, but in order to heal And clear your past experience.

Karma doesn't mean something bad. Karma can be both positive and negative. If we have a great relationship, that's good, positive karma past relationships with this person. When positive karma manifests itself, thank this Soul for the pleasant meeting and for the joy that this Soul brought you.

If we have a bad relationship, it's negative, or unfinished karma past relationship with this person. This suggests that we have already met this Soul in other incarnations and in other roles. And there is something left between us that we must realize and change or complete.

If someone catches us, irritates us or doesn’t like us, we need to figure out what the essence and reason for this karmic relationship is. Don’t get angry and don’t throw accusations, but understand for yourself that this is some kind of karma from your past.

There is also such a thing as karmic knot. The nodes are always emotionally charged with a “-” sign, i.e. were “tied” to negative emotions. The stronger the negative feeling, the stronger the knot.

Sometime in the past, the reason for the appearance of such a knot arose, and in this life you met with this Soul in order to untie this knot. The more serious those past circumstances were for you, the more intense your relationships will be in this life.

We usually communicate with such people very often in everyday life - these are parents, children, wives, husbands, mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, etc.
It is important to understand here that all people “harmful” to us are our best helpers who show us: “Look here—you need to heal this!”

Practical experience shows that the more intense and complex the relationship, the more love exists between these Souls. Because only a loving Soul can agree to play such a difficult role for you - the role of a tyrant 😉 .

Frequent causes of karmic knots:

  • Vows, pledges, oaths given in past incarnations. After leaving the incarnation, the Souls agree to resolve these problems in the next life. And in a new incarnation they will definitely meet - to forgive and let each other go.
  • Strong attachment to someone. An invisible energy thread appears between Souls, and sometimes even a rope. This prevents them from growing and developing as sovereign and complete beings.
  • Unfulfilled promises. Debts of various kinds.
  • Strong and vivid emotion. Any bright emotion - strong love without reciprocity or strong hatred – contributes to karmic attachments.


A girl came to a consultation asking why her relationship with a young man was not working out. They seem to love each other, but sudden quarrels and misunderstandings arise - and you want to run away from each other.

During the session, she saw her past life, in which they were in the same roles: she was a woman, and he was soon to become her husband. Shortly before the wedding, he took possession of her by force, and she desperately shouted to him: “I will never forgive you for this!”

After the consultation, the young people calmly released each other and went in different directions - their past connection, which held them like a rope, was resolved.

Karmic knots prevent the Soul from developing and moving to a new level. Therefore, your Higher Self and Spiritual Guides will always be with you remind about them through difficult relationships - so that you can finally untie them.

If you do not realize this in this life, then there is a high probability that this node will increase even more - and will be transferred by you to the next incarnation, and the next. Until you tell yourself: "Stop! There is something here that I need to understand and change!”

And as soon as we admit to ourselves that this problem exists in our lives, we take the path of it. healing. And after healing, relationships change magically - they stop clinging to us, tugging at us, and irritating us. Because we found the reason, realized it - and the problem in the relationship went away.

Karmic encounters

Some people appear in our lives for just a few hours, or even minutes. Often such meetings are planned by us, before incarnation. In the space between lives we could ask for any Soul remind us about something important to us.

Being already in the physical body, we meet this Soul on our way, but we forgot about our request. We feel some kind of attraction to her. We feel that we are close to her - and here the erroneous belief often arises that this person must certainly become, for example, our lover, and then our spouse. A family is created and problems in relationships begin. Some people get divorced over time, while others suffer all their lives.

Why? Because this Soul appeared on our way simply to remind us of something, to fulfill our request before incarnation. And not for starting a family. And having realized this after the first meeting, it would be possible to avoid subsequent unnecessary suffering, quarrels, insults, claims and showdowns.


A young woman met a man at a tram stop. A common situation is that their eyes met, and she thought: “This is him, the one, the only one!”))) They exchanged contacts and corresponded for several days on social networks.

All her thoughts during this time were only about him. The woman decided to see what was going on. During the consultation, it turned out that she was familiar with the Soul of this man: in one of his past incarnations, he was a pirate and saved her life, and they never saw each other again.

In this life they met so that she could thank him for this. Of course, she thanked him at the level of the Soul - and the attraction between them, incomprehensible to her, disappeared. This was the PURPOSE of their meeting in this life. Everyone went on their own path.

Karmic relationships need healing

With the help of logic and reflection it is impossible to determine what is cause karmic relationships. There are many different techniques and exercises - forgiving ourselves and the person with whom we have a conflict; acceptance of the conflict and the person with whom the conflict is; cutting off ethereal cords, etc.

All these techniques work, but their effect is short-lived. They do not allow us to find the reason - WHY do we have such an incomprehensible or complex relationship with this person?

This can only be done at the level of the Soul, through the memory of the Soul - to find the root cause in past incarnations or in the space between lives, in the World of Souls.

All our past experiences are stored in the memory of the Soul. In the new incarnation, the body and personality do not know this experience. The soul brings it into embodiment. The soul knows and remembers everything. And in the memory of the Soul we can find the cause of difficulties in relationships.

Find the answer and realize - under what circumstances and WHY did we tie this karmic knot? And then forgive, cut off, etc.
Karmic relationships CAN and SHOULD be healed.
And your life will become calmer and more harmonious.

P.S. I would be glad to hear your thoughts on the topic of Karmic Relationships in the comments!

P.P.S. If you have a couple more minutes, read another story >>>

Traveling between worldsI keep the memory inside meAbout your every incarnation.And at the appointed timeI recognize youAt the first touch.In the cycle of death and birth...Fleur, song “Memory” During our lives we come into contact with many people. We are meeting some of these people for the first time, and some we have already met in past incarnations. There are many such people, but not all of them leave an indelible mark on our lives. When people meet to jointly solve karmic problems, such relationships are usually called karmic. Such relationships can be positive character. Souls meet again to move through life in the same direction, to complement and support each other. Such souls are also called related. As a rule, soul mates are long-time acquaintances. Sometimes the history of their acquaintance lasts many thousands of years. Dozens of times they come to Earth together to help each other. Unfortunately, there are often relationships that reach a dead end, and it is not easy to get out of such a dead end. Partners are forced to work off debts accrued in the past. Such souls may be related, but their task is more complex - they teach each other through pain and negativity.

How does such a karmic connection differ from other relationships?

Such a connection in the past was the result of conflict, clash of interests and points of view, accompanied by strong emotions. Partners could have previously been enemies, to the point that one of the partners could turn out to be the killer of the other. In any case, there was an unpleasant situation, after which one of the partners or both were immediately left with resentment, guilt, or another emotion that had not been overcome. This is important to understand. Emotions and feelings in this case - key point . If, as a result of a serious conflict with someone, a person then cherishes resentment, anger, and a thirst for revenge all his life, then he can be congratulated on developing a new karmic connection. And the stronger negative emotion, the more trouble this connection will cause later. If, after the conflict, he forgives the other and no longer attracts this person emotionally, then with a high degree of probability crossing their paths in the future will not cause trouble. I remember the allegory: “He left his heart there” - that’s what they say when a person invests in something a lot of his emotions and subsequently often mentally returns to this. This could be some place on Earth that is especially dear to the heart, and you have been dreaming about it for years, drawn to it. It could be another person whom you loved or hated. Resentment also makes people mentally return to the offender again and again. There is such a beautiful theory: when a person experiences strong emotions, he puts part of his soul into it. This part of the soul pulls him back. This is why souls that once “caught” on each other with strong emotions are attracted - parts of their souls seek reunification with their parent soul.

To untie the knot means to forgive

The simplest thing a soul can do to find peace and regain a lost piece of its soul is forgive another soul, accept it as it is. For this purpose, souls meet again and again. There is a feeling of strong attraction or strong repulsion. There are two ways out of this situation: patiently work off joint karma or forgive each other. Target new meeting is to provide each other with the opportunity to practice. This happens by recreating the same situation that once connected them. Partners play the same roles or change roles, depending on their task. For example, an abandoned woman in past life I was very worried. In the next life, her karmic partner is worried about the breakup initiated by her, because he must understand what it means to be abandoned and not experience strong negative emotions about this. Another example: in the past, two people did not share something and there was a lot of scandal. One of them harbored great resentment and anger. The next time they meet, they will again sort things out, but the task of both is to get out of the conflict with honor, getting rid of condemnation and resentment. If they fail, the next lesson will be more brutal.

Fatal passion

So that karmic partners do not miss each other and do not pass by in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, their meeting always carries the shade of something unusual, bright, memorable and sometimes fatal. So-called love at first sight is often difficult karmic connection. Souls experience great attraction and interest in each other. Sensitive people have a so-called déjà vu, a feeling that this happened once, that they have been waiting for this moment, they have been going to it all this time. At first, this is passionate love. But such people, as a rule, are not at all similar to each other. Usually strange sensations arise: it seems that the person is very interesting, and is strongly drawn to him. But as soon as a close relationship begins, a situation of mutual misunderstanding inevitably arises, which brings pain to both. It is difficult to break off such a relationship, because the attraction is very strong. So such relationships revolve according to the following scenario: attraction - rapprochement - conflict - distance - attraction. And the main task here for both partners is to balance joint karma, to correct mistakes made once by going through the situation again. And this time they have the opportunity to do the right thing. A karmic connection can last only a few months, or it can drag on for many years. It depends on how quickly the partners can correct their mistakes. A karmic connection can be interrupted by the flight of one or both partners, but in this case the question of the karmic knot remains open and sooner or later it will come up again.

How can you tell if a relationship is karmic?

The most reliable way is to draw up a synastry with a good astrologer. If this method for some reason does not suit you, then all that remains is to analyze the relationship by studying the main signs of a karmic connection given below. So, main features which will help you understand that we are dealing with karmic relationships: - At the very first meeting, a strong mutual attraction to each other, strong interest arises. You may feel that you already know this person, that you have seen them somewhere. - Another person evokes in you feelings or emotions, the origin of which you cannot explain to yourself. These feelings may be completely illogical and not typical of you. This also includes not entirely appropriate actions. That is, actions that are not typical for a person in relation to other people, but with a given partner, it’s as if something forces you to act this way and not otherwise. - Relationships begin quickly and unexpectedly. At the same time, it seems that even the partners themselves can change little here. There is a certain predetermination in such relationships. It is very difficult to break such relationships. Even if you do this by force, the image of this person will subsequently haunt you for many years. And all because you left work without finishing what you started. - Relationships are often negative. Despite the strong attraction to each other, karmic partners cannot agree. They are very different in character, lifestyle and other parameters. “Together is bad, apart is impossible.” - A karmic connection often resembles a love spell in its effect. People feel bad together, but they cannot separate. And if they break up, then they are drawn to each other with an irresistible force. Such a relationship is characterized by dissatisfaction with the existing situation. Dissatisfaction and the inability to change anything. A sign of unraveling a karmic knot is a state of inner peace, satisfaction, well-being, the removal of claims against another person, the cure of a complex disease.

Karmic love is not at all synonymous with idyll to death. Typically, these are complex relationships in which one or even both parties must work through some things from their past.

Karmic love - what is it and why does it appear?

When, from a whole crowd of people, our eyes and heart snatch out someone who seems close to us at one glance, when we immediately know that we will follow this person to the ends of the earth, this may mean that we have seen someone with whom in a past life we ​​were united by love feelings.

When we say something like “There is some kind of magic between us” about our relationships (even if they lasted a maximum of a week), we get the impression that we have always known each other, we hear each other’s thoughts, we feel the same , we believe that we have been waiting for this meeting all our lives,” perhaps karmic love from a past life has overtaken us.

Feelings of love are one of the strongest connections that we can carry over from past incarnations. Unfortunately, a karmic love connection is usually very complex and brings a lot of worries and suffering. This is what a specialist who deals with karmic relationships and love in particular told about.

One of her male clients said that he fell in love with a woman after seeing her... from behind. When she turned around, he was convinced that he had always known her. The man was very involved in this relationship, he tried, and everything seemed to be going great, but... after a few months, his passion unexpectedly sent the gentleman “in retirement.” An astrologer or numerologist who deals with connections at the karmic level would probably explain that the woman left because her partner in a previous incarnation broke off his relationship with her, which is why he now has to repay a karmic debt in love. Or perhaps things were even worse...

Why does unhappy karmic love still appear? The force of attraction, which we have no strength to cope with and which cannot be controlled, is often a punishment for the fact that many lives ago we used love magic to attract someone. Previously, magical love rituals (drying, etc.) were very successful. They deprived all who were their victims of the fundamental right given by God - free will, choice. The transformation of a person into a zombie who follows someone everywhere as if attached, unfortunately, cannot do without punishment. One of the consequences of using love magic is a situation where at the same time we are drawn to some person and at the same time everything pushes us away from him. Fleeting novels and one-night stands, adventures, karmic unrequited love, hopeless craving for married men may be the “gate” through which victims of love potions and magic spells return from past lives.

Karmic connection: pain and happiness in one bottle

Karmic love is not at all synonymous with happiness. One or both parties within the framework of this union must work out something from the past, pay off a karmic debt. Therefore, if you happen to meet a person with whom “right off the bat” we were united by a strong feeling and spiritual unity and for whom we are ready to give up everything in the world, we need to maintain sanity, because it is very early to rejoice. Because if this turns out to be a connection with a karmic partner and if some obligations and tragedies from past lives arise between people, then it may turn out that in the long run they will not be able to get along with each other. Often this “magnificent”, “ideal”, “one” appears only for a single purpose - in order to punish us for the evil that we once caused to him. Such couples with karmic relationships, with love from a past life, as a rule, hurt each other, break up, cheat, and then come back and... hurt each other again. Women and men feel a special attraction to each other, returning in dreams, even if it comes to a final separation. Even after a karmic connection is broken, love can remain.

But life, fortunately, does not always write only pessimistic scenarios. Karmic love can also be happy. Here is the story of one woman. Many years ago she saw a numerology specialist. She said that she and her future husband would have a karmic union, that they had loved each other for several lives. And she explained that now her partner will pay her karmic debt. Once he was a noble man, and the heroine of this story was a simple girl. They loved each other, but he left her and married a woman from his circle. But the girl never connected her life with anyone. The specialist assured that in this incarnation the karmic partner will love stronger, more honestly, more faithfully.

The client did not believe in such things, but everything was confirmed. This love was special from the very first moment. When she accidentally saw this man for the first time in a friend’s apartment, she thought only one thing - that she wanted to hug him. And immediately a second thought appeared: “This will be my husband.” A week later they were already living together, a little more than a year later they got married. The woman also added that she is connected with her soulmate by some special, telepathic connection. One morning she woke up in a panic because she dreamed that he was fired from his job. There was absolutely nothing to indicate problems that could lead to this development, but he did lose his job two days later...

Karmic connection: signs

How to understand that this is karmic love? It feels like you have always known the person you just met. What signs will help you understand that the connection between a man and a woman is karmic in nature, and how can you check this?

  • Hypnosis: this is one of the best ways studying past lives, including love affairs.
  • Astrology: experts look at the position of the so-called Lunar nodes in the horoscopes of both partners. If they form an aspect with each other, especially conjunction or opposition, it is a karmic connection.
  • Tarot cards: the so-called heavy cards, for example, Hermit, Death, Devil, Moon, speak about affairs that are reaching out to partners from the very distant past.
  • Numerology: these specialists calculate karmic love by date of birth. After receiving the necessary information, the numerologist calculates the life path number, draws up a pyramid of fate, based on which he can determine where there are similar numbers. He can also check to whom we have such debts and who has them to us.

Karmic love is love that gives men and women the feeling that they have known their passion all their lives, a stormy and not always prosperous relationship with a happy ending. If you understand its nature, it will be easier to accept the events that happen and not give up on the possibility of a happy personal life.

In Indian philosophy, great importance is placed on relationships that were begun by souls in past earthly incarnations and remained unfinished.

A karmic connection between a man and a woman occurs in cases where in a previous communication situation they already had strong emotional outbursts or had debts. The point is that if throughout life interpersonal problems have not been resolved and some situations hang in the air, fate gives you a chance another time.

Types of relationships according to karma

The karmic meeting of a man and a woman will not necessarily be due to love or simply positive experiences of past lives. It also happens that people strongly hated each other, plotted against each other, so now they need to work off their karmic debt.

In past reincarnations, current partners could be work colleagues, enemies, friends, lovers. In essence, the specific details of the past are not important; all that matters is the fact that the past life experience was shared and very memorable.

Depending on the nature of the relationships that arise, connections can be both healing and destructive.

  • Healing karmic relationships gifted to people in a new life so that they become better people and live a happy life. This is a pleasant path to spiritual growth, because two soul mates meet who understand that they need to forgive their partner and support him in everything, without trying to change the person in his own way. In this case, communication brings pleasure and you don’t want to leave even for a moment, because you still have the feeling that there is still a lot left unsaid.
  • Destructive connections at the karmic level are also aimed at personal development, and such relationships should by no means be considered in vain. Communication also starts with mutual attraction, but gradually people begin to suffer, constant screams, conflicts, hysterics, and reproaches arise between them. I want to destroy this wall of misunderstanding, but I lack determination and willpower, so for a long time there may be nothing new in such relationships. The task of a person in such a situation is to let go of the partner without reproaches and try to make the most of the benefits and the current circumstances in order to become wiser.

We can also say that karmic relationships between a man and a woman can be positive, aimed at accumulating the creative energy of life, and negative, which are in themselves a punishment, a cross for past mistakes. However, this characteristic of connections may not affect their content. In other words, creative relationships are a gift from fate for past virtues in early reincarnations.

In this case, a man and a woman who knew each other before are close again. This connection is reminiscent of the desire of magnets to be one whole. But people must establish themselves in the strength of their relationships, so there is no guarantee that the love line will be smooth, because positive energy must also be managed.

As for bad karmic connections, they occur dramatically due to your bad attitude with him in another life. You can create an ideal family with such a person this time, but there will definitely be some kind of test, a sacrifice on your part, so that you draw conclusions. Sometimes such relationships are called the basic “Debtor and Creditor” scenario.

If you manage to cope with all the problems, then the kinship of souls will strengthen, and if not, the karmic connection will have to be broken already in this life and now forever.

Signs of karmic relationships between a man and a woman

Communication among people with intersecting karma begins as if from scratch. They may have completely different interests, opposing views, but by the will of fate they will end up in the same place and at the same time, where everything will quickly turn around. Such a beginning relationship cannot exactly be called logical, but people will feel as if they already know each other.

Sometimes at the very start of communication there will be a love triangle. The attraction between karmically connected partners can be on a sexual level, on an emotional level, or in the context of mental kinship. It is extremely rare for all of them to appear together.

Many people describe starting a karmic relationship as love at first sight. The sensations are reminiscent of hypnosis, the partner becomes dependent on the loved one, he does not control himself and feels sick. By the way, on a physical level this can actually manifest itself as a symptom of an illness: fever and nervous overexcitation appear. At the same time, a person wants to unconditionally believe and promise him anything.

Many karmic relationships are associated with unusual emotions. It is impossible to remain indifferent when interacting with someone you already knew, even on a sensory level. Therefore, partners usually experience the same conditions as in previous communication scenarios. Waves of fear and resentment may roll in, jealousy or anger will awaken, real dependence on the person may develop, or a guilt complex will constantly grow.

The main symptom of playing out the karmic scenario of a relationship is the speed of development of events. Because of the closeness of souls, such people very quickly get married or completely change their lifestyle, move to another area, breaking off past ties. In this case, it is possible that the joy of change will be followed by disappointment or even long-term depression.

How to recognize a fateful karmic meeting with a man? First of all, the woman experiences unusual sensations; it seems to her that she should remember something similar. The feeling of déjà vu appears for the reason that karma reproduces the same circumstances from past lives, so that now they are eliminated differently, so that useful experience can be learned from them. The same sensations are also true for a representative of the stronger sex, who may be overtaken by vague memories of past reincarnations.

Karmic connections are characterized by a certain fatality and danger. On the one hand, in order to work off the karma of a past life, you need to rethink your experience, and for this, fate often changes partners’ places. Hence the emergence of the “Victim-Tyrant” scenarios or an unexpected love for addictions, a sudden illness or disability.

Usually, such situations are based on a train of guilt complex from the past or a desire for self-flagellation. It is possible that one of the participants in the relationship will die before the other (before the age of 35), if this is necessary for understanding and learning some life lessons. In such karmic communication there is a lot of tragedy and drama, so that emotional distress and suffering become almost the norm.

On the other hand, we must never forget that until the karmic debt is repaid, the punishment for previous mistakes already applies in the present life. Therefore, couples connected to each other on such a deep level cannot have children for a long time, since procreation is possible only with complete atonement. But if at the right moment you understand where you were wrong, recognize the important and simple truths and values ​​of life, fate will definitely give you a chance to give birth healthy baby or adopt a child.

If a karmic connection between a man and a woman has entered your life, the signs of such a relationship may not only be sad. In most cases, after a past life, a strong kinship of souls is felt, so the partners understand each other perfectly and see their future existence with him in harmony and happiness. In these relationships, people coincide with each other on an energetic level, their chakras work synchronously. But at the same time, life’s difficulties cannot be avoided, so the union can be called rather difficult. However, to build ideal relationship It's never easy.

It is important to distinguish a man of destiny from a man of destiny. It is in the first case that a karmic connection is meant, and in the second case it is simply a strong influence on current life. However, a karmically destined spouse can also be fateful. Very often a situation arises when the man of destiny is already busy, because... managed to become a fateful partner for another woman. Usually this is also a manifestation of karma, so you have to accept it.

Karmic love relationships as an example

The most common case of karmic relationships is associated with tyranny and jealousy in the family. The unhappy wife breaks ties with her husband, and he cannot stand such betrayal and kills himself. As a result, the girl is left with a feeling of guilt, and her burden passes on to the next life. In it, the same man (or rather, his soul) will experience a constant feeling of fear due to the possible loss of his beloved. He must learn to trust and forgive, and if the woman wants to leave again, accept it calmly.

Karmic connections are often transformed into unrequited sympathy from a monogamous person. There are also situations when people seem to want to be together, but cannot get along, as a result, they diverge and get back together for decades.

Why do karmic intersexual relationships arise?

From a spiritual point of view, the reasons for playing out different scenarios to clear karma are our past lives. In them, we too often associate ourselves with other people without thinking about the consequences. Any unfulfilled promise is imprinted on the etheric shell of the body, and then passes in the form of energy to our causal body, where it is stored in the next incarnation.

  • The scenario of unrequited love in a karmic relationship arises from a vow to stay with each other forever and a constant sense of duty in a former life.
  • The inability to marry a karmic man is caused by a former vow of celibacy (including not personal, but ancestral) or a love oath from other incarnations.
  • If harmful addictions enter a relationship, then a healthy person needs to get rid of his status as a victim or defender.
  • Tyranny and aggression different shapes Domestic violence is associated with a guilt complex or a thirst for revenge.
  • A love relationship with a person who is not attractive is a consequence of old marriage promises and vows.
  • The inability to find your ideal in love is caused by past promises to find your spiritual twin or serve divine forces.

Calculation of the fateful connection between partners

Today, every person interested in esotericism has access to the study of karmic relationships, even in correspondence format. That is, it is not necessary to analyze your connections yourself; you can turn to the relevant sciences and specialists. For example, numerology is based on comparing the birth dates of partners.

  • Add up all the numbers in your full date of birth. If the number 10 is present as a day or month, you need to add it completely, and not split it into 1 and 0.
  • Compare the resulting values. If they are the same, it certainly couldn’t have happened without the laws of fate. Also, the relationships of those partners whose numerological numbers are multiples of each other will be karmic.

There is an opinion that karmic relationships most often arise between people who have at least 5 and no more than 15 years of age difference. For additional diagnostics of karmic communication, runes, Tarot cards, and fortune telling according to gypsy traditions are used.

Astrological analysis of birth dates is of great interest, since a whole compatibility horoscope is compiled. Karmic relationships are indicated by the intersection of planets at a certain angle, ties between stars, and different aspects of nodes. You can even turn to clairvoyants to look behind the curtain of your past life. But it is best to get advice from plectologists who professionally study karmic connections.

The karmic connection between a man and a woman always aims to teach people to express their emotions and do right choice in difficult life situations.

This is always a gift of fate for further spiritual growth and independence. According to statistics, such relationships are rarely long-lasting, much less stable. But in return, partners receive much more: they not only free each other from the burden of useless communication, but also understand that they must distinguish between feelings for a person and feelings for a particular life situation.

It often seems to us that certain events in life were destined by fate. According to psychics, in such cases we are dealing with karma. Any relationship can be karmic, not just love.

Many people felt that the person they were seeing for the first time in their life had been known to them for many years. This is one of the signs that you are facing your past, and the relationship with this person will be karmic. They can be dangerous to you, so you need to know what you're dealing with.

What is karma

Many have heard this word, but do not know what its true meaning is. Karma is the reflection of our past lives in our current one. The past never lets go of anyone, so all your good and bad deeds will be reflected in future lives.

Karma can be very long lasting. Karmic reflections of the past can last even a thousand years. Many experts in the field of esotericism say that there are only two ways out of a difficult karmic situation: either accept everything as it is and rid yourself of this burden, or try to break off the relationship. In the latter case, karma will not go anywhere - it will move on to the next life or try to disturb you again in the current one.

On the other hand, you can try to clear your karma. There are many methods for this. You can try using mantras to cleanse karma, meditation, or seek help from specialists who practice karmic cleansing of energy. In any case, diagnostics will be required first, and only then cleansing. This will require a lot of effort and time, but the result will be worth the resources spent.

Types of karmic relationships

Karmic relationships are rarely positive, although anyone can encounter them. This can include, for example, love to the grave, when people meet at the age of 20-25, get married and live their whole lives together without any problems.

Types of positive karma:

  • strong love, friendship;
  • chance meeting with a person who helps you avoid problems;
  • friendly family.

Obviously, there is nothing in positive karma that could be dangerous. Karmic relationships of a negative nature can be dangerous. Among these:

  • friendship or love followed by betrayal;
  • childless marriage;
  • causeless marriage;
  • friendship or love with differences.

Karmic relationships can destroy destiny. They appear to repay a debt from past lives. If a person cheated on his husband or wife or betrayed someone, this will happen to him. But no one knows when exactly.

Usually karmic relationships begin in the same period. To understand what this period is like, it is necessary calculate karmic number. To do this, take your date of birth and add all the numbers one by one. For example, you were born on February 15, 1987. 1+5+0+2+1+9+8+7=33. Your karmic number in this case is thirty-three. This means that every 33 years, what psychics call a karmic meeting may occur in your life. You either meet a person who must force you to pay off your debts to fate, or something happens to you without the participation of other people.

If the karmic numbers of spouses, friends, relatives are equal, then you are dealing with karmic relationships, the purpose of which is punishment for past sins. A karmic connection between people can last a lifetime, or maybe just five minutes. If your relationship is bound by karma, but you feel good together, then everything is fine - don’t be afraid to continue it.

It is also worth noting that a karmic marriage or any karmic connection between people can be practically harmless, or it can be destructive. Such relationships are dangerous because your life can turn into a real nightmare. Until you experience it, you will not get rid of karma and its persecution. On the other hand, you can always “carry forward” payment of bills until later, avoiding punishment for the sins of past lives.

The dangers of relationships based on karma are obvious:

  • unhappy marriage;
  • betrayal;
  • disappointments;
  • deterioration of health.

IN love relationship pay attention to the age difference. 5 and 15 years of difference indicate the presence of a karmic connection. Try not to worry ahead of time, because this is just a possibility. Moreover, even if you feel negative and decide that karma has gotten to you, try to survive this period of time in order to preserve the relationships that you care about.

If the situation repeats itself over and over again, for example, you help a person with something, and then everything goes into the abyss, then try to change your attitude towards this. Don't forget that there is nothing in this world that can destroy true friendship or love. Desire is the determining factor.

May luck always smile on you. Love compatibility, like any other, is a complex concept that includes a great many aspects. Treat a person the way you would like to be treated. These are not just words - they are truths that can help you overcome karmic relationships and clear karma. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and