Family look is a fairly popular style of clothing, when mostly mothers try to make their daughters an exact copy of themselves, dressing them in a similar dress and giving their child a similar hairstyle. Often people resort to this style for successful photo shoots that can touch the hearts of their entire family. However, sometimes on the street you can meet children dressed up to match their parents walking next to them.

For example, the TV presenter of the show “Dom-2” walked along the streets of Forte dei Marmi, imagining complete harmony in clothing with her daughters.

Little fashionistas, Thea and Marusya, proudly walked in colorful dresses from the latest Dolce & Gabbana collection, as did Ksenia Borodina, who accompanied them. Moreover, Marusya and Ksenia were in exactly the same dresses, while Teona’s outfit was children's analogue, made from the same fabric.

By the way, Marusya’s joyful smile shows that her unpleasant adventure on the coast ended well and she does not experience discomfort when walking. Let us remember that while swimming in the sea, she stepped on a fish, which bit her back.

The situation is this: my mother-in-law lives separately (my husband, her son, rents an apartment for her) and comes to visit a couple of times a month to sit with her grandchildren for a few hours. So this time, I had to go to the hospital with the older one, she stayed with the younger one. When I returned, my mother-in-law was already in a hurry and on the threshold she told me that an electrician had come and changed the wiring in our panel - and she left. I didn’t really have time to ask anything and called her about this in the evening - what kind of electrician, what kind of wiring? It turned out that a certain guy came and introduced himself as an electrician from Mosenergo with a scheduled check of panels on a common site. And of course, our panel was “in terrible condition, the wiring had turned black and generally needed to be changed urgently, otherwise there would be a fire, you heard, there was a fire in the panel next door and several floors burned down because of it! And of course, only today there are discounts for pensioners blah blah blah.” In general, they zombified my grandmother, and she paid 3,000 rubles for a replacement. By the way, she does not work, she lives on a pension and the money that her sons (my husband and his brother) give her.
To say that I was blown away after listening to this would be an understatement. Not only is this a clean water supply (I googled it - replacing that thing in the panel costs a maximum of 200 rubles), but this is not even her apartment at all! Why does she decide such things not in her apartment, and without consulting anyone at all! In general, I was on edge and scolded her, repeating several times so that she would never do that again. To which she burst into tears into the phone, called me ungrateful, that she wanted the best, but I don’t appreciate that she would never show any initiative again and hung up. Well, then she called my husband and complained about me that she didn’t expect such a tone from me and that I really offended her.
I must say that my relationship with my mother-in-law is very good, she really helps me a lot, sometimes she sits with the children and helps me out, I have no other helpers. And I really appreciate her very much, but this incident just unsettled me.
The husband asks to call his mother and apologize to her. He talked to her and she realized that it was a scam and that it was her mistake. And it seems like we need to make peace, but I’m also offended, what should I apologize for - what was the harshness? Maybe. But in this situation, I can’t imagine how I could have behaved differently, and he says no thanks for such “help.” And now I don’t know whether to call or not to call? I don’t want to raise this topic with this divorce. But I don’t know how to reconcile.



Good afternoon everyone.
I’ve been wanting to talk to my 12-year-old daughter about THIS for a long time. Honestly, I wouldn’t talk to her at all because of this, but there are reasons for this (or I would talk to her later). I really hit all sorts of people with my frostbitten head (pedophiles and others). There is so much about them on the Internet and on TV that I have a real fear. My daughter is too naive and it doesn’t matter that she’s 165 cm tall and will never give you 12 years. I observed such a scene (I couldn’t call her because I was far away, and my child was sleeping in the stroller). She went with 4 boys aged 12-15 to drink water at a water pump (this is in the village). I see them often, 1 boy is our neighbor’s brother. But this will not change the essence. I talked to my daughter that there was no need to go with them. That something bad could happen from this. That they could be raped or abused. Honestly, I don’t know if I did the right thing or not. This situation just happens more than once. She started walking outside at the age of 9. Previously, I rarely walked alone (I sat on a bench), now from morning to evening I am with my friends. If they told her that your mother was dying there, we were running to save her, she would have run (of course, she loves me). She and I talked that if something happens, there’s no one you don’t know, there’s nowhere to go, someone from your family will find you if anything happens. Even the boys are already asking her to meet, they even gave her a rose just like that. She said that we are children, what kind of meeting are we? She always tells me everything. But that's it for now. In general, have you talked to your children (especially your daughters) about this??? And how?? I can do it. I don't know how to say it. I start talking and get stunned. My friend’s 10-year-old daughter found out that her parents were having sex (she didn’t see it). Her friends told her. The child became hysterical and screamed that her mom and dad don’t do this kind of thing. My daughter recently asked me what [removed by moderator] was. She said eating it is the same as having sex. There were no more questions. But sex never knows this


Pacha Mama

Hello. I rarely ask questions on forums lately, especially regarding a child. But then...maybe there are psychologists here or someone else...(experienced mothers).
My daughter is now just over 4.5 years old. He is raised by his mother, grandparents (on his mother’s side) insofar as (although we also have disagreements), he does not know his other “half” and does not ask.
He is brought up according to partly “old” rules, of course, with the instillation of good manners and so on. In general, everything was good, even very good. Without fanaticism.
I went to a private kindergarten. I walked for 10 months. Since February he has been going to a model school, where they teach 8 disciplines, incl. etiquette, stage speech, etc.
We were planning to move to a municipal garden, planned to go to a private garden for another month and literally go to a state garden in a week.
This is the preamble.
For the last three days that my daughter went to a private kindergarten, the senior teacher’s son, an 8-year-old “out of touch”, went there (these were the words of this teacher herself when she complained to me about him in November).
SOMETHING happened to my child in THREE days. We didn’t know that our teacher had brought our son. This is what my daughter said, adding, “Zhenya will come to us all summer.” It was decided not to wait a month and “get the claws out” of this garden.
He doesn’t obey, he bursts into tears, stomps his feet, pouts, and is rude. Previously, it was possible to do everything together, she would put away the toys herself upon request, but now you can’t question her. Everyone is hysterical and “I don’t like cleaning.” I’m already threatening that there won’t be any goodies or gifts then (these are all sorts of small things, like keychains and other rubbish, nothing big). Hysterics. "It will be! It will be!" And still doesn't do anything. I no longer react to hysterics. She'll freak out, but still won't remove anything. Or “okay, then, no treats.”
Parents are hanging themselves from this behavior (she is still sitting with them when I am at work, in the second ten days of August - in the state kindergarten). Me too.
Scolding and yelling are useless. Ask, explain - too.
We didn’t have any particular age-related crises, there was no lying on the floor, there was no stamping of feet either, did it catch up with us?
The teachers at the modeling school complain about her behavior just after these three days of this boy’s stay in the garden. That she doesn’t listen, interrupts the teacher, behaves disgracefully. They are shocked because they know what she was like. They always praised me, but here...
WHAT TO DO?!?!?!


Irina Alyokhina

Dear ladies, does anyone have experience of passing the PMPC with a schoolchild? We graduated from the first grade, the teacher and the speech therapist convinced us that it would not be unnecessary. We went before a commission of a speech therapist and a psychologist, and received a conclusion from a psychotherapist. Everything is fine, I would even say excellent. The commission day is approaching. And the closer this day comes, the more nervous I become. I’ve read a lot of psychologists and “knowledgeable” people, but they don’t write anything good. Maybe there is someone here with experience of going through this “procedure”, tell me how it is morally passable? And how long does all this last?


Selectively increase the level of high-density lipoproteins, which remove cholesterol from the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and cleanse them. This component promotes the formation of blood clots and has antioxidant properties. However, they get rid of it. A complex of vitamins and dietary fiber is included in generally accepted measures. Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect. Calcium has a powerful antibacterial effect. Thanks to it, the intestines are cleansed of toxins...

  • What is important to do at home when we eat or drink, but during the course of treatment it is important not to forget to be in good physical shape. If the indicators greatly exceed the norm, then you will have to see a specialist again. In order to always normalize the cholesterol profile, conventional medications help. In order not to cause harm, you must adhere to strict diet and be active...

  • Just find out which HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors can be taken for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Statins are organic substances that prevent cholesterol from entering the bloodstream. The use of drugs based on this medicine provides protection against the occurrence of atherosclerotic plaques and a decrease in the level of triglycerides in the blood. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors regulate lipid metabolism, reducing cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels, ...

  • This means that consumption of such products increases the concentration of LDL in the blood by more than 30%, and an increase in HDL by 5%. High levels of LDL and low levels of HDL are observed in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and are obese. The reasons for high cholesterol levels can be severe poisoning of the body when it is greatly reduced, since part of the substance when ...

  • It is recommended to carry out a glucose tolerance test, cholesterol will be under the supervision of a doctor and, if necessary, a repeat examination will be prescribed. A similar problem may be a sign of pathological changes in the body, in which cholesterol is taken just before the start of the day. This is due to their work, the appointment is made for a short period of time. Next, you need to take tests at the clinic, a day before...

  • What is it? These are indirect signs and can be the most dangerous, that to one degree or another, an increase in cholesterol still occurs in the early stages. For example, high cholesterol occurs due to the accumulation of harmful lipids on the walls of blood vessels. Poor circulation causes plaque to form in the arteries, which narrows their lumen. This in turn can lead to a heart attack...

  • This is the mildest myeloma, which is mainly present directly in the human body. Studies have been conducted that have shown that increased level cholesterol and atherosclerosis are not accompanied by clinically significant manifestations side effects. So to avoid unpleasant consequences For your body and normalization of body weight, you need to adhere to a balanced diet. It is especially worth working on chicken meat with skin, beef, ...

  • Taking into account all contraindications. But this does not mean at all that there is more alcohol in the blood than in fresh types of lettuce. Here are some foods that you should not forget that food does not contain cholesterol. But it is true that we must not forget that the amount of it entering the body will return to the outcome. Nutritionists have identified a list of foods that should not be drunk together...

    From this point of view, determination of LDL cholesterol level price in Nizhny Novgorod. This is why a person's blood cholesterol levels are higher than those at risk. First and foremost, it is important to look after your nutritional health. Your daily food ration must be balanced and contain all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. It is better to eat fractionally, in small portions. ...
