As reported by the Egyptian TV channel Sada El Balad, Pope Francis has arrived in Egypt. From the very beginning, this arrival is accompanied by mysterious and enigmatic actions and words of the Pope.

He landed at Cairo International Airport and traveled by car to the presidential palace to pay a courtesy call on the head of state. After the meeting, President El-Sisi and Pope Francis exchanged gifts. The Holy Father presented the President with a commemorative medal of his visit, which depicts the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt.

There is nothing mysterious or mysterious about this. If it weren’t for the words with which he presented this medal. According to our source, the journalists present were very surprised and intrigued by the Pope’s words. Although he did not say them very loudly, many heard this mysterious phrase of the Pope: “We hope that after this year, no new medal like this will appear in the future.”

After this visit, the Pope went to the headquarters of Sheikhdom Al-Azhar in Cairo, where, before the conference, he met with the Supreme Imam of Al Azhar Ahmed Al-Tayeb. The informal meeting took place on the sidelines of the World Peace Forum organized by Al-Azhar Al-Sharif.

And then some journalists, who unwittingly witnessed this informal meeting, noted a second mysterious oddity. The usually calm Pope excitedly and quickly explained something to the Supreme Imam, so quickly that the translator barely had time to translate. Unwitting witnesses to this conversation noted that “The Imam grew gloomy before our eyes.” They also heard a few words from the excited tirade of the Pope: “this May... the last.. they want.. if.. they do.. the apocalypse.. the end...” And one phrase from the Imam, who said quite loudly, “This cannot be allowed.”

So, this trip of the Pope to Egypt already provides a lot of information for conspiracy theorists to think about.

It should be noted that a few days ago, Pope Francis issued a hidden warning to leaders in a video from the Vatican. This video was shown on Tuesday at the international Ted conference in Vancouver.

As eyewitnesses present say, the video had a great effect on the audience. Everyone felt that the Pope’s words had a hidden meaning. That these are not just words, but an appeal to a certain circle of people whom the Pope wants to warn about something in a categorical form.

“Please let me say this loud and clear,” he began. “The more powerful you are, the more your actions will affect people and the more humbly you should act. If you do not do this, your power will destroy you, and you will destroy others.”

Conspiracy theorists have enlisted the help of experts in Masonic symbolism, who understand at least partially the hidden gestures of representatives of secret societies, the symbolic and digital encoding of the important events they announce.

In this video, they analyzed everything in detail - from how the pontiff positioned his hands, emphasizing certain points of his speech, and ending with a careful study of the spines of books, as if “randomly” placed behind the Pope’s back.

Naturally, everything that Francis said in this address can only be understood by those for whom the hidden message was intended, but as far as the experts involved in the analysis were able to interpret it, the Pope, addressing a certain circle of people, threatens them with the public disclosure of a certain monstrous truth.

Francis does not even hint at what will be revealed specifically - it is contextually assumed that the recipients of the information know what is being discussed. But what is clearly clear from the address is that the Pope does not express his personal opinion, but, as it were, speaks on behalf of a certain group of very influential people who share his position.

A mysterious collage made up of eight photographs appeared briefly on the Vatican Radio website. Conspiracy theorists believe that in this way someone was trying to convey to the public hidden information about the near future of humanity.

Information about this event was distributed by the insider website Above Top Secret. The photographs were listed by year and contained inscriptions in Latin. There was no accompanying text on the site, and after a few hours the collage completely disappeared. However, some Internet users managed to take a screenshot. The decoding of the mysterious message is in full swing; today the meanings of five photographs are already known.

The first photo depicts the election of the new Pope Francis 1 in 2013. The inscription under the photo reads: 2013 venit - has come.

The second photograph was taken at the Austro-Hungarian cemetery in Redipuglia in northeastern Italy. In 2014, the Pope took part in a solemn mass and addressed 10 thousand believers gathered at the cemetery. In his speech, he warned that a difficult, catastrophic time of disasters and wars was beginning. 2014 monuit – warned.

The following photo shows the Pope in front of the New Year's tree in St. Peter's Square in the Vatican. Speaking in this square on December 21, 2015, the Pope said that Christmas 2016 would be the last. The inscription reads: 2015 errat in uno anno - wrong by one year. Therefore, the last Christmas should be not 2016, but 2017.

The fourth and fifth photographs are united by one caption: 2016 didicit et persuasum - learned and was convinced. In the first photo we see the Pope meeting with John Kerry, and in the second there is a stamp with the words “Archivio Segreto Vaticano”, which marks all the documents in the Vatican’s secret archive. Most likely, the Pope, during a secret meeting with Kerry, received information that was confirmed by documents from the secret archive.

The last three photos are the most interesting. 2017 unum de multis – one of many. The first photo shows Michelangelo's painting "The Last Judgment", where the harbingers trumpet the beginning of the Apocalypse.

In the second photo, Pope Francis stands in front of the closed holy doors to St. Peter's Basilica.

In the third photo you can see Saint Malachi, who was called a prophet. He is known for having written a manuscript - prophecies about the Popes, in which he named the name of the last pontiff - Pope Peter II. During this period, St. Malachi saw the beginning of the Apocalypse. It is alarming that the real name of Pope Francis is Peter, and he is second after the Apostle Peter.

As we learned from a source from the Egyptian TV channel Sada El Balad, today Pope Francis arrived in Egypt. From the very beginning, this arrival is accompanied by mysterious and enigmatic actions and words of the Pope.

He landed at Cairo International Airport and went by car to the Presidential Palace,

to pay a courtesy call on the head of state. After the meeting, President El-Sisi and Pope Francis exchanged gifts. The Holy Father presented the President with a commemorative medal of his visit, which depicts the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt.

There is nothing mysterious or mysterious about this. If it weren’t for the words with which he presented this medal. According to our source, the journalists present were very surprised and intrigued by the Pope’s words. Although he did not say them very loudly, many heard this mysterious phrase of the Pope: “We hope that after this year, there will be no new medal like this in the future.”

After this visit, the Pope went to the headquarters of Sheikhdom Al-Azhar in Cairo, where, before the conference, he met with the Supreme Imam of Al Azhar Ahmed Al-Tayeb. The informal meeting took place on the sidelines of the World Peace Forum organized by Al-Azhar Al-Sharif.

And then some journalists, who unwittingly witnessed this informal meeting, noted a second mysterious oddity. The usually calm Pope excitedly and quickly explained something to the Supreme Imam, so quickly that the translator barely had time to translate. Unwitting witnesses to this conversation noted that “The Imam grew gloomy before our eyes.” They also heard a few words from the excited tirade of the Pope: “this May... the last.. they want.. if.. they do.. the apocalypse.. the end...” And one phrase from the Imam, who said quite loudly, “This cannot be allowed.”

So, this trip of the Pope to Egypt already provides a lot of information for conspiracy theorists to think about.

It should be noted that a few days ago, Pope Francis issued a hidden warning to leaders in a video from the Vatican.

This video was shown on Tuesday at the international Ted conference in Vancouver.

As eyewitnesses present say, the video had a great effect on the audience. Everyone felt that the Pope’s words had a hidden meaning. That these are not just words, but an appeal to a certain circle of people whom the Pope wants to warn about something in a categorical form.

“Please let me say this loud and clear,” he began. “The more powerful you are, the more your actions will affect people and the more humbly you should act. If you do not do this, your power will destroy you, and you will destroy others.”

Conspiracy theorists have enlisted the help of experts in Masonic symbolism, who understand at least partially the hidden gestures of representatives of secret societies, the symbolic and digital encoding of the important events they announce.

In this video, they analyzed everything in detail - from how the pontiff positioned his hands, emphasizing certain points of his speech, and ending with a careful study of the spines of books, as if “randomly” placed behind the Pope’s back.

Naturally, everything that Francis said in this address can only be understood by those for whom the hidden message was intended, but as far as the experts involved in the analysis were able to interpret it, the Pope, addressing a certain circle of people, threatens them with the public disclosure of some monstrous truth.

Francis does not even hint at what will be revealed specifically - it is contextually assumed that the recipients of the information know what is being discussed. But what is clearly clear from the address is that the Pope does not express his personal opinion, but, as it were, speaks on behalf of a certain group of very influential people who share his position.

P.S. from Damkin: Pope Francis' speech is of interest to all people, regardless of their religion. Of course, a politician of this level cannot help but manipulate the consciousness of parishioners, but the sincerity of his judgments, in general, cannot leave the majority of listeners indifferent. Taking into account the visual techniques of the video, I highlighted some quotes from the speech in larger font.

Speech by Pope Francis:

Good evening, maybe Good morning-I don’t know what time it is.

Whatever it may be, I am very glad to have the opportunity to be part of your meeting. I really like its title “The Future You”, because, looking into tomorrow, it invites today to dialogue, invites you to rethink “yourself”, while looking into the future.

“The Future You” is a future consisting of you, i.e. from your meetings, because life is made up of our relationships with each other.

It takes place in interaction. Meeting and listening to the stories of suffering patients, migrants facing incredible difficulties in finding a better future, prisoners carrying hell in their hearts, unemployed people, especially young people, I often ask myself: “Why them and not me?” I was also born into a family of immigrants. My father and his parents, like many Italians, went to Argentina and experienced the fate of people left with nothing. I could also find myself among the “unnecessary” people today. Therefore, the question always remains in my heart: “Why them and not me?” I would like this meeting, first of all, to remind us that we all need each other, that each of us is not an island, not existing on its own and independent of anyone, and that the future can be built only together, without exception.

Often we don’t think about it, but everything is interconnected, and we need to maintain this connection: the condemnation hidden deep in the heart towards a brother or sister, my unhealed wounds, the evil I have not forgiven, the bitterness that only causes me pain - these small internal conflicts you must extinguish it in your heart, otherwise this fire will leave only ashes there.

Today, for various reasons, many seem to have stopped believing in the possibility of a happy future. While these fears should be taken seriously, they should not be considered invincible. They can be overcome if you don’t withdraw into yourself.

Happiness can only be experienced by achieving harmony between all the individual parts of the whole.

Likewise, science - which you know better than me - confirms the idea of ​​reality as a single whole, where everything is interconnected and is in constant interaction.

And this brings me to my next point.

How wonderful it would be if the growth of innovation in science and technology were matched by greater social equality and inclusion. How wonderful it would be to discover new distant planets, while not forgetting the needs of our fellow planets orbiting around us. How wonderful it would be if brotherhood - such a beautiful word, but often so disturbing to us - were not limited to work social services, but would become a general concern when making political, economic and scientific decisions and in general6 in relations between people, countries and peoples. Only by educating people in the spirit of brotherhood and active solidarity will it be possible to put an end to the “culture of squandering”, and this concerns not only food and things, but above all people thrown to the outskirts of technical and economic structures, the focus of which unconsciously turns out to be not a person, but what a person produces.

Solidarity is a word that many would gladly throw out of their dictionaries. However, solidarity does not work on its own. It cannot be programmed, it cannot be controlled. This is a response from within, according to the will of each heart. Exactly, by will. Now, who understands that our life with all its contradictions is a gift and that love is the source and meaning of life, how can he suppress the desire to bring good to people?

And in order to bring good, memory, courage and creativity are needed.

I heard that there are a lot of people going to TED creative people. Yes, love needs creative, specific, non-standard solutions.

Good intentions and familiar formulas, so often used only to clear our conscience, are not enough for us. Let's help each other remember that others are not just statistics or numbers. Each of them has a face. And you always have a specific face - the face of your neighbor, worthy of care.

Jesus has a parable that explains the difference between someone who cares about his own comfort and someone who cares about others.

You've probably heard of it: it's the parable of the Good Samaritan. When Jesus was asked, “Who is my neighbor?” or who should I take care of?” - he told this parable - the story of a man who was robbed and beaten by robbers, leaving him barely alive on the road. Two very respected people at that time - a priest and a Levite - saw him and passed by. And then a Samaritan passed by - a man of a despised ethnic group.

And this compassion prompted him to take very specific actions: he bandaged the man’s wounds, pouring oil and wine, brought him to the hotel and paid for everything from his own pocket.

The parable of the Good Samaritan speaks to humanity today. The paths of entire nations are riddled with wounds due to the fact that for many, money and things are more important than people. Many who consider themselves “decent” people are accustomed to not paying attention to others and leaving so many people, entire nations, helplessly lying along the road. But there are also those who breathe life into new world, caring for others, even forgetting about yourself.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta said that you can only love at the expense of yourself. We have so much to do, and we need to do it together.

But how to do this with all the evil that we constantly breathe? Thank God, no system can prevent us from opening up to goodness, compassion and our ability to resist evil, which come from the depths of our hearts.

Today you will tell me: “This is all wonderful, but I am not a Good Samaritan and I am not Mother Teresa of Calcutta.” However, each of us is valuable, each of us is irreplaceable in the eyes of God. And in the darkness of the contradictions that are tearing apart the world, each of us can light a candle, which will remind us that light conquers darkness, and not vice versa.

For us Christians, the future has a name, and its name is Hope.

But experiencing hope does not mean being naive optimists who turn a blind eye to the tragedy and evil of humanity.

Hope is a virtue of the heart that does not lock itself in darkness, does not dwell on the past, does not drag out existence in the present, but looks boldly into tomorrow.

Hope is a door open to the future.

Hope is a humble, still hidden seed of life, from which a mighty tree grows over time. She is like invisible yeast that allows dough to rise, adding flavor to all aspects of life. She is capable of much, because all it takes is a spark of light, fueled by hope, and the darkness will no longer be so pitch-black.

All it takes is one person for hope to exist, and that person can be you.

Then another “You” will appear, followed by another, and now this is “We”.

And with the advent of “Us” does hope appear?

No. Hope began with "You".

And when “We” appear, it’s already a revolution.

What is tenderness?

This is love that is close and tangible. It is an impulse that comes from the heart and reaches the eyes, ears and hands. Tenderness means having eyes to see others, ears to hear others, listening to children, to the poor, to those who fear the future. Listen to the silent cry of our common home - our infected and sick planet.

Tenderness means having hands and heart to comfort another, to care for someone in need.

Tenderness is the language of babies who need someone nearby. The baby loves and recognizes mom and dad through their touch, look, their voice, their tenderness.

I like to hear when dad or mom talk to their baby, adapting to his style of communication. This is a manifestation of tenderness: putting yourself on an equal footing with another.

So God sent Jesus to us, placing him on an equal level with us. This is the way of the Good Samaritan. This is the path of Jesus himself, who came down and lived a whole human life following the language of love.

Yes, tenderness is the path chosen by the bravest and strong men and women.

Tenderness is not weakness, but strength. This is the path of solidarity and humility.

Let me say this very clearly: the more power you have, the more impact your actions have on people, the more humble you must be. Otherwise, your power will destroy you, and you will destroy others.

As they say in Argentina, power is like gin on an empty stomach: it will go to your head, you will get drunk, lose your balance and hurt yourself and others, if you do not add humility and tenderness to it.

And with humility and love expressed in actions, even the highest, most powerful power will serve for the benefit of people.

The future of humanity is not only in the hands of politicians, great leaders and powerful corporations.

Yes, they have a huge responsibility. But the future is, first of all, in the hands of people for whom the other is “you”, and who consider themselves to be “we”.

We need each other. And therefore I ask you to remember me with tenderness, so that I too can fulfill the mission given to me to serve for the good of others, for the good of everyone. All of you. All of Us. Thank you.

The Pope knows what will happen in May 2017.

The Pope knows what will happen in May: the mysterious actions and words of the Pope in Egypt.

As we learned from our source from the Egyptian TV channel Sada El Balad, Pope Francis flew to Egypt today. This visit is accompanied from the very beginning by mysterious and enigmatic actions and words of the Pope.
He landed at Cairo International Airport and traveled by car to the presidential palace to repay his visit to the head of state. After the meeting, President El-Sisi and the Pope exchanged gifts. The Holy Father presented the President with a commemorative medal of his visit, which depicts the flight of the holy family to Egypt.
There is nothing mysterious or mysterious about this. If it weren’t for the words with which he presented this medal. According to our source, the journalists present were very surprised and intrigued by the words of the Pope. Although he did not speak very loudly, many people heard this mysterious phrase from the Pope: “We hope that after this year there will not be another such medal in the future.”

Following this visit, the Pope visited the headquarters of Sheikh Al-Azhar in Cairo, where he met with the High Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed Al-Tayeb, before the start of the conference. The informal meeting took place on the sidelines of the World Peace Forum organized by Al-Azhar Sharif.
And then some journalists, who unwittingly witnessed this unofficial meeting, noted a second mysterious oddity. The usually quiet Pope excitedly and quickly explained something to the High Imam so quickly that the translator barely had time to translate. Unwitting witnesses to this conversation noted that “the Imam grew gloomy right before our eyes.” They also heard a few words from the Pope's excited tirade: "in May of this year... the last... they want... if... they do this... the apocalypse.. the end..." And one phrase from the Imam, who said quite loudly: “You can’t allow this.”
So, this trip of the Pope to Egypt already gives a lot of information to think about the conspiracy.
It should be noted that a few days ago, Pope Francis issued a hidden appeal warning to leaders in a video from the Vatican. This video was shown on Tuesday at Ted's international conference in Vancouver (you can read about this talk in English)
According to eyewitnesses who were present, the video had great influence to the audience. Everyone felt that the Pope's words had a hidden meaning. These are not just words, but a call to a certain circle of people whom the Pope wanted to warn about something in a categorical form.
“Please let me say this loud and clear,” he began. "The more powerful you are, the more your actions will affect people, and the more humbly you should act. If you don't, your power will destroy you, and you will destroy others."
Conspiracy theorists have recruited specialists in Masonic symbolism who at least partially understand the hidden gestures of representatives of secret societies, the signs and digital coding of important events that they announce.
They understood a little in detail in this video - how the hands of the pontiff, emphasizing certain points of the speech, ended with a careful study of the roots of the books, as if “accidentally” placed next to the Pope.
Naturally, only the one for whom the hidden message was intended could fully understand everything that was said in this address by Francis, but as far as the experts involved in the analysis were able to interpret, the Pope, addressing a certain circle of people, threatens them with the public disclosure of some monstrous truth .
It is precisely what will be revealed that Francis does not even hint at at all - it is contextually assumed that the recipients of the information know what is at stake. But it is clear from the appeal that the Pope does not express his personal opinion, but speaks on behalf of a certain group of very influential people who share his position.