Congratulations on your wedding day and sincerely wish you endless family happiness, sincere understanding, unquenchable love and stable well-being in the home.

Congratulations on your wedding! May your family life be long, happy, cloudless, rich in pleasant events, children's laughter, tenderness and love!

Congratulations on your wedding day. May your journey together be easy and happy, may your family live in prosperity, happiness and love.

Congratulations! Take care of love, keep understanding, give happiness and a smile! Let this day be remembered for many years!

Congratulations on your wedding day and I want to wish that your life together is filled with bright memories, happy stories, good moments and wonderful family holidays.

I wish you to always walk: foot in foot, hand in hand and soul in soul. Respect and appreciate each other, warm your hearts with fiery love. Happy wedding day!

I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day. I wish you to live in complete harmony and peace. Let every day of your life together turn into a wonderful fairy tale and a happy story.

Congratulations, young people! May it be “bitter-bitter” for you today, and may it be sweet-sweet in the rest of your long married life. I wish you to be a happy married couple and create a wonderful, strong family with mischievous children. May luck always smile on you, may there be peace and grace in your home.

Congratulations on a wonderful event in your life - your wedding! Let this magical and fabulous day become your happiest memory and the beginning of something amazing in life!

Congratulations! Take care of love, remain faithful, warm and caring to each other. Let the family be strong and grow, filling this world with beautiful children!

Congratulations on your wedding day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to live a happy, prosperous, kind, cheerful, beautiful, successful, full and rich life together.

Congratulations on your wedding day and wish you happy sunrises, funny family stories and cozy warm evenings.

I wish that your family life always resembles a fairy tale. And may this fairy tale always be happy, kind and joyful. Happy wedding day!

Happy family day. Love, cherish and support each other. More happiness to you and the children.

Happy wedding day. Dear newlyweds, let your life be filled only with bright emotions. Love each other, respect, care and support.

I wish your life together to be as fun, bright, joyful, rich, beautiful and happy as your wedding day. Happy wedding day!

Congratulations to the new family! I would like to wish peace and prosperity to your home, may only love, understanding and harmony reign in the house.

Let your union be strong as steel, beautiful as a diamond. Swan fidelity, inexhaustible romance, children's laughter, happy family journey!

Happy wedding day. I wish the newlyweds family prosperity, happiness and mutual understanding. Sweet days and nights to you, but for now - bittersweet!

I wish you to go through any difficulties together, support, be close, and together go towards happiness and well-being!

» Congratulations to the family in verse

Family Day 2017, congratulations on Family Day

Family is a fortress, family is a home.
It should be a cozy nest for you!
The bliss of comfort and the babbling of children
More expensive than any of the most delicious sweets!
Love each other, love your home,
Love the family that is in it.
Appreciate your loved ones, respect, cherish,
With the warmth of your hands you will warm each other!
I wish you happiness for many years to come,
Good friends and beautiful weather.
And tender feelings and pleasant moments to you,
And always the most wonderful impressions!

The words "family, love and fidelity"
They carry great meaning.
Where there is family, there is always tenderness,
Where there is love, they are always waiting for us,
And where there is loyalty, they trust
Without unnecessary and unnecessary phrases.
Let these feelings flourish
And they surround us with happiness!

On this wonderful day, Family and Fidelity Day, I would like to congratulate you on the holiday. I wish you to keep your hearth and not let it go out. Love and mutual understanding, patience and good luck, happiness and prosperity, kindness and smiles! Keep family comfort and warmth, love each other and give tenderness.

There is nothing more valuable than family.
She will always help with everything,
Will support in goals and deeds,
In practice and in words.
There is nothing more valuable in the world
Family evenings in the apartment,
Joint trips to the countryside.
Family means a lot in the world!
So let peace and goodness reign in her.
And joy will become a private guest.
Let not a single bad word
It won't become a bone of contention.

Family is a reliable rear and fortress,
The foundation in it is love and loyalty.
Let love live in hearts
And it glows in your eyes.
Live cheerfully and amicably,
Let there be everything you need in the house.
Prosperity, joy and comfort,
Let them understand and wait for you.

Family is important
Family is cool
Definitely in the family
Someone needs you.
Always take care and appreciate
What do you have?
After all, if you break it -
Then you won’t be able to glue it together.
I wish you
Love and comfort,
And family happiness
Not for a minute
And so that for life
It was definitely enough
May the sun be yours
Even at night it was shining.

Happy Family Day, I congratulate you.
I wish you love and fidelity.
May the holiday bring a glorious
There is a cycle of wonderful days.
Let the family grow stronger every day,
Be happy always.

Happy Family Day, Happy Fidelity Day,
Happy holiday, dear ones!
Happy Day of love and tenderness,
Our dears!
Let there be no reasons
And reasons for quarrels,
May prosperity
Will not leave the house.
Happiness and health
To your whole family,
Sunny weather
In the house and in the soul!

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day
I hasten to congratulate you,
Wish you warmth and tenderness
In a festive fun time!
May fate smile on you
Peace reigns in the family, calm.
Let everything in life work out,
Happiness flows into the house like a river!

"Love's happy breath,
And there is joy and peace in the house" -
This would be my wish
This day is festive, holy.
And snow-white daisies
They bloom as a symbol of purity.
Give them, they will tell
How pure your thoughts are.
Love, because love comes from God.
Not as a punishment, but as a gift.
Even though the road to love is difficult,
But happy is he who knows her.
Throughout Russia Orthodox
Love and fidelity are honored.
We heartily congratulate you.
Love and love will come.

The first value in Russia is family!
The hearth of the house warms us, always loving us.
My relatives will join hands,
You won't find a friendlier family in the world.
Joy and laughter surround us all,
And together we will certainly succeed,
Loyalty, love and smiles of hearts.
Every father dreams of this!
Every mother protects peace!
Guys, appreciate it, you have been given happiness -
Every family has one, of course!

Congratulations on Family Day in verse

Congratulations to myself, all my loved ones and loved ones
With a precious find, with a gift from fate!
Overflowing with a heady, branchy feeling,
Congratulations to your family on this wonderful Family Day!
I want to hug you tighter, closer,
So incredibly tired of wandering among strangers.
And I see the life preserver with relief,
Dear family, I am in your arms.

On International Family Day,
The nightingales chirp louder,
Because the nightingale has
There is also a family!
And you and I are like nightingales,
We live in harmony of love,
We've been living as a family for many years now,
Fate protect her from harm!
Let there be happiness in our home,
Let the blizzard not cool your hearts,
I thank my family for everything,
I give her love and loyalty!

The peoples of the world celebrate
Glorious holiday - Family Day!
So, let's go with you too
Let's have some fun.
I wish all married people
Carry happiness carefully
Through sorrows and adversity
Go hand in hand
I wish those who are single
Stop shaking
And casting aside doubts
Everyone started a family.

What does home, comfort and peace mean?
Not everyone understands.
And that's why I'm on Family Day
I wish you to appreciate all your loved ones.
They will always support you
Words will be found for comfort.
They love you without embellishment
Your birthday is always remembered.
You always value family
Let there be joy in your home.
May your lucky star
Protects all relatives and friends.

What could be warmer than the eyes of relatives,
Dearest smiles are dearer to your heart?
There are no strangers in the family circle.
Among your own, you are insured against mistakes.
And even if you miss, you'll be in trouble
In the seething cycle of life,
They will understand you, help you and forgive you,
And they won’t ask too much from you.
Family circle, home warmth, comfort -
Without them we are like trees without roots.
Dear ones, how I love you all!
God bless you and have long, long days.

You are not alone
After all, there is a family
There is so much meaning in this word.
There's no way to be sad now
Help, forgive, everything is ready!
They will support you, they will save your soul
From grief and sadness.
And at home they wait every evening,
They promise to love and keep here!

Everyone knows - both adults and children:
We cannot live in this world without a family!
Our home is both support and comfort,
Where we are loved, protected and waited for.
May there be happiness in your home,
Let grief and bad weather bypass him,
Let the tables be bursting with abundance,
Children will be as beautiful as flowers!

You are not alone, which means
That there is your family in the world.
Strokes, troubles, failures
Don't harm you
After all, there is support behind us,
Support in difficult times.
Life is a quick run
With love in the heart at the line.
Let's raise a toast, glasses are clinking,
Everyone is gathered together at the table.
Everything has its beginning,
We protect the feelings of our loved ones.

Beloved and adored family! Although there are many of us and we do not always find a common language with each other, I am incredibly glad that I have you all. Despite some misunderstandings and minor feuds, we still love each other, come to the rescue in difficult times, rejoice in moments of happiness and support each other in any way possible. On this International Family Day, we all gathered together, I wish there were as many of these days in our lives as possible.

Happy Family Day Poems

International Family Day -
This is a noble holiday.
Congratulations on this date
All married and married people,
All people related to the rich.
We know that every family -
This is a society cell.
If there is peace in the family -
There will be peace on earth.

Oh my family
You are reliable
And strong!
We have love
And friendship
Everything in this
Life needs it!

Family is sacred, rightly so,
She is support and granite.
If there is peace in the family, then there are no shackles,
And it keeps happiness and love.
No wonder we celebrate this
Our family hearth is burning.
The planet flies and spins,
The banner of happiness flies higher and higher.
Love to you, family joy,
Health for a hundred years to come.
So that it’s not completely unctuous,
With adversity, happiness awaits you.

Daughters and sons know
Dads, moms, grannies and all of us,
What is dearest to us is family,
Problems can be easily resolved with it.
Where there is family, there is peace and comfort.
Let the discord in the family subside.
Take care and value your family,
After all, she is your destiny and support.

It's bad to be alone on Earth,
Search, create your family,
It will become more comfortable and warmer,
It's more fun to live in the world together.
Happy family holiday everyone!
Let the hearth in the houses always burn,
Love and affection and warmth to everyone,
And everything that family gives us!

Dad, mom, me, sister -
Our friendly family!
Congratulations today,
Everyone to the city, to every house.
On Family Day we wish:
Lada, peace and love!
So that there is your family!
Strong rear for you!

Today is a holiday for the whole planet,
Anyone who lives on it!
Family is the most important thing in the world!
And you are like part of your family!
If so, let's be together
Full congratulations
Each other, Svetka, Petka, husband... -
Let's all celebrate together!

Mom, dad, brother and me -
Our friendly family.
Our happiness is to be together,
Help cook lunch.
And on holiday and on Saturday
Give us a break from work.
Run together, play ball,
Clean the house together.
After all, we all have friends -
Our friendly family!

They talk so much about family
Someone is angry with her, and someone is happy,
What gathered at one table -
30 people filling the house.
All blood: babies, old people,
There are many of them, but if not for them,
Who in the world would we be then?
People who are not born by anyone?
So let's appreciate it
Those who love us, protect us,
Those who are nearby and always forgive,
We congratulate you on Family Day!

On International Family Day, let any squabbles between husband and wife fade into the background, and let love and mutual understanding reign in the house. Let the children find a common language with their parents, and let the kids, who due to current circumstances find themselves in shelters, find a loving mother and father. Let brothers and sisters remember their relationship and congratulate each other from the bottom of their hearts. The grandchildren will remember those who must be congratulated on this day, the grandparents who sometimes lack attention.

Happy Family Day greetings to mom and dad in verse

Happy Family Day to Mom

Dear Mommy,

We sincerely congratulate you today on

The Great Holiday of Family, Love and Fidelity!

You are our Sea of ​​Kindness and Tenderness,

From them we fly like angels on wings of joy!

We love you, we believe you and, of course, we know you,

That you are the only one like us in the whole world!

Thank you for existing! your own children)))

My dear mother,

Happy holiday!

I wish you an ocean of love, patience,

Wisdom and inspiration!

Let the morning give joy,

A beautiful day will delight you,

The evening pleases with comfort,

And the family budget is currency!

Congratulations to dad in verse

I wish you, dad, on Family Day

May all your dreams come true,

So that there is joy and warmth in the house,

There is always, always light in the soul!

May your wife and children please you,

Let the wind blow fair,

And even in the most severe heat

Welcomes home with affection!

Dad, accept congratulations from us!

Be calm, our story is short,

We want to congratulate you on your holiday!

We will reward you with kisses, like a medal!

Day of Love, Family and Loyalty –

The holiday with your mother is yours until you are very old!

May you always be happy with her -

And Love will remain for all years!

Events will change each other like a river,

Only there will never be a blizzard in the heart,

Because you will warm us all!

Well, it's time to end the story!

Happy Family Day poems for parents

Mom, dad and me -

This is a friendly family!

I wish you at this hour,

May our hearth not go out!

Let harmony and peace

In our house there is a feast,

And care and love

Let them stay here again and again!

I wish you and your family a wonderful day.

Always love each other tenderly, tenderly,

Let feelings bloom like lilacs

And happiness and joy will be inevitable!

Let there be kind words,

Shoulder, support in difficult times,

Let love make you dizzy

And life takes a new route!

Let the family expand, grow,

Let her hearth never go out,

So that every day, week, month, year

It was many times lighter and more beautiful!

Day of Love, Family and Loyalty -

This is a holiday that two constellations will form,

And under the shadow of the bright night sky

The stars will light up again

To give us all Happiness!

We will live as one family,

Rejoice together and be friends!

Just as it has been going on in Russia for a long time

With the red-white-blue tricolor!

Merry Christmas greetings to family wishes in verse

Today everything is possible in the world
And miracles come to the house.
My family, congratulations
Happy fairy tale - Merry Christmas.

To the dearest, most beloved people
I wish at this hour
Warmth in the soul, health, happiness
Abundantly, generously, in reserve.
May all your cherished desires
Like a festive thread of beads,
A path of joyful events
Once fulfilled, they will decorate life.
Childishly mischievous and bright,
Let the fire burn in your heart,
Fate is made up of good things
And the most heartfelt lines.
Merry Christmas wishes to the family

There are gifts under the tree, the pie arrives,
Christmas has already arrived.
Congratulations to the family, I invite everyone to the table,
Children and adults, and the head of the house.
We will save a handful of coins for the mummers
And we ourselves will sing a carol to them in response,
A funny fairy tale with a good ending
May he come to our home with a Merry Christmas.
Everyone will get a piece of happiness,
Dreams will come true on time without a hitch.
Hope and faith lead
And baby Jesus gives us love. Merry carols,
The treats are wonderfully sweet,
Merry Christmas to my family
Congratulations, I love you all.
I wish fairy tales to the kids,
For adults - bright colors in life,
To everyday life gray background
Shined from all sides.
Let everyone be involved
To bright joy and happiness,
Fills the world with them
Like a wizard or fakir.
We create our own lives,
A boy with clear eyes
The son of God is given to help us.
Praise be to his holy deeds!
Christmas wishes in verses to the family Let happiness enter your home today,
Congratulations, dears, Merry Christmas!
I want to wish you a lot of joy,
So that you never get tired of life,
Peace, harmony and love in the family,
See only good things everywhere
Live calmly, don’t be sad over trifles.
I still want to wish you,
So that everything planned always comes true,
Even the impossible happened
Lots of smiles and good luck,
Let everything be this way and no different. The stitches and paths were covered with snow,
Your house is warm from love,
The angel smiled, looking through the window,
Congratulations, it's Christmas!
The snow sculpts the face, it’s all crumbs,
The sky is pouring semolina on the ground,
I would like to wish you all the best,
It is imperative that everyone be healthy.
Let every day be a pleasure
Appreciate every hour
Peace, understanding and tranquility,
May the angel protect you from disasters. The moon shines in the dark sky,
Diamonds of starry dreams
Decorates this evening
Merry Christmas!
Let warmth, love, light
This world will be warmed up
Children laugh merrily
Good luck and victories to you,
Happiness is scooped with a spoon full
And shares it generously,
There is a light in the window in your house
Let it not go out for a moment.

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This tradition dates back to time immemorial: wishing family and friends happiness, health, and prosperity. It doesn’t matter whether there is a special reason for this or whether it’s just an impulse of the soul. But how many of us have thought about how to wish correctly? Do such rules even exist?

In modern life, making wishes has become much simpler. There is no need to compose speeches in advance, write praises, or think through every word. All you have to do is go to your nearest bookstore and buy a postcard. Nowadays they don't read postcards anymore. There is simply no time for this. The same thing happens on the Internet. Many of us surf the Internet looking for beautiful, pompous wishes so as not to think for ourselves. Is there any benefit to such wishes?

Psychologists, parapsychologists and astrologers claim that the Universe is living matter. And that she “feels” our thoughts and gives them to us, returns with a boomerang what we are thinking about. Undoubtedly, this means that our wishes for others will definitely come back to us. A wish is, in essence, an act of giving. Only the gift here is not a thing, but power and energy, which is expressed through words. And, you see, this is much more important than a material gift.

  • The basic rule of wishes is to wish sincerely, from the heart and without pursuing selfish goals.
  • Another rule is that one should desire what is necessary and important to a person. For example, why wish health to a person who doesn’t care about his health? He will still not be healthy, since he himself does not want it. To wish health to such a person is idle talk. But those who wish can even simply lose their energy. After all, his sincere wish will not find application, response or even simple but sincere gratitude.
  • Also, parapsychologists unanimously say that it is useless to wish for a person what you yourself do not have. Only by having something can you pass it on to another person. Therefore, before expressing or writing a wish for happiness and health to a person, you need to become healthy yourself and find happiness and peace of mind. And do not forget that happiness is a rather flexible concept.
  • Therefore, the third rule is to wish happiness, health and well-being, first of all, for yourself in order to achieve this. And then share this state with others. And in the process, wishes to increase your happiness.
  • Templates of wishes have always been, are and will be basic. This is the basis on which all wishes for happiness, health and well-being are built.

Here are some examples: 1. Dear...! We sincerely wish you happiness, because it comes into the house, illuminating your whole life with light, like the sun. And without light, as we know, it is difficult for a person to navigate. 2. You can wish for love, you can wish for financial well-being, you can wish for success in career growth. But without health, all this is nothing. So let's just wish you good health. If you have health, everything else will follow! 3. Well-being is what every person dreams of. It doesn’t matter whether the well-being is family or financial. They think about it, which means it is necessary. Thoughts have material power. So let’s work together to attract prosperity to ourselves by wishing it to each other! How and what to wish depends on the situation, the occasion and the recipient of the wishes. The main thing is that the wishes are sincere. Most often, congratulations and wishes are written in poetic form, here are a couple for you to note:

1. I don’t know what to wish you

We've wished for everything more than once

There is only one thing I dream about,

May a miracle come true for you!

2. Happiness, health and well-being

On this significant day we will present

May your life become much cooler now!

Well, buy the rest later!

3. Happiness, health, joy, wealth,

The light in your window, the sonorous laughter of children,

I send a sea of ​​wishes in brief,

Be the most beautiful at this holiday!

Short congratulations are suitable for SMS:

1. Happy holiday to you! I wish you happiness and health! 2. The fish are swimming in the pond, I can’t live without you! Good luck to you! 3. SMS of happiness! If you received this message, it means that from this day your happiness has increased. The sender wished it to you from the bottom of his heart. Wish happiness as often as possible and be happy yourself!

I wish this year
Have fun and goodness,
In the heart of full dawn
And the wealth of silver.

I wish you good health
And peace in the family,
So that every day with love
Lived on Earth.

I wish you success
A clear sunny dream,
Happiness, sincere laughter
And spiritual beauty.

I wish and believe you
That everything will be fine
Happy new year with inspiration,
May God give you more love!

Wishes to people
I lay on the couch and listened
How spring sings outside the window
I looked at the ceiling and heard
Guitar songs by the fire

I looked at the stars and saw
How it comes to me in a dream
Golden-winged angel Imilel
Bringing happiness to me

I want to wish you a lot
I will never leave you
May you always live long
So that you are happy

Congratulations, Elena, on your birthday!
I wish you good luck, health, warmth!
And for Luck we are entitled to Inspiration -
I wish Him for any undertaking!

I wish you more spiritual health,
and be physically strong too!
So that you will always be cold-blooded on Stichera,
I didn’t know any deviations in anything!

Wishes of Love, Grace and Happiness
from me, as from a friend, Elena, accept it!
We all walk under God, and everything is in His power,
but with you we will disperse the remnants of winter!!!

What can I wish for you?
Maybe eternal spring?!
Maybe eternal Happiness and eternal good luck?!
Just eat the good
Only magical dreams
To the Sea of ​​Dreams and not a bit differently?!
But this is a lie...
No matter how much I wish,
Fate will not allow life to be lived one-sidedly,
This world is given from above
Without borders and began
Not for eternal pleasures, not for a life without use.
I wish you
Conquering heights,
To extract the crystal of happiness even in troubles
To bitterness in fate,
To the grayness of worries
Became the Joy of the day in...

Please accept, Vladimir, congratulations
And birthday wishes!
Congratulations to you today,
We wish you good health.
And let happiness flow like a river,
Snowflakes waltz before you
Sparkle in the rainbow light
And may it always be in your mind
Will remain: always with you
Your friends and if there is darkness
It will tighten everything around, then we
We will remain friends with you.

And with this simple, but sincerely sincere poem, I want to tell my family that I love them VERY MUCH. Just like that for no reason, not for a holiday or date, but at the behest of the heart.

With all my heart, with all my heart,
I will say my wishes in verse.
In them for my relatives,
My declarations of love.

I love them all differently
Children - according to their fathers.
For their cheerful, ringing laughter,
Mine are echoes in it.

I love my wife for her beauty
Souls, faces and bodies.
She is my dream of happiness,
I managed to give...

Please accept my wishes now,
May peace and a load of goodness be with you,
Let your dream knock on your door,
No rest and no feather to you.

May there be many happy days
Keep warmth and joy in your soul,
The care of loved ones, the love of friends,
Believe in luck and love life!

I wish you good health,
And to greet friends with a smile,
Not to know insults, illness, grief
And never lose heart.

The opportunity for all of you to live in abundance,
Don't worry, don't worry,
When success is in the cards
And always meet a better world...

Dear children, parents, teachers! Congratulations on the start of a new school year and open a page of family, family values ​​and traditions. Here you can post materials about your family, traditions, holidays, hobbies and parents! We invite you to cooperate.

For interesting notes on the topic of family, see the social network of educators.

For an angel... named MOTHER!

Mom is the child's first teacher and closest friend. She will always understand him, console him, help him in difficult times, protect him, protect him from harm. There is nothing in the world more selfless than her love. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a mother. Children are the most precious thing to her. A mother's happiness is the happiness of her children.

Not everyone knows how to congratulate their mothers beautifully. To learn to speak tender and kind words, you need to learn from childhood. Especially these days, due to the busyness of parents and children, when there is no time to express their feelings, their tenderness, or feel pride in “our own people.”

Pupils of class 4A of “Secondary School No. 33 of the city of Vladimir”, together with their class teacher Natalya Vladimirovna Chermenskaya, prepared a real holiday for their mothers. Everything that a loving child is capable of awaits them on the last Sunday of November. A's in diaries and diligent behavior. and gifts made with your own hands, syncwines and poems of your own composition. Musical and dance performances for those who are dearest in the world. The children and the class teacher have been preparing for this holiday for a long time, and the result of this big project will be a gift card called “An Angel Named Mom,” which will include all the creative works of fourth-graders.

Our dear mothers, please accept congratulations on the holiday, always be loved and healthy, remember that there is no better calling than yours. Know that your children are grateful to you for everything!

Happy New Year 2013!

I wish you a Happy New Year

Fun as clear as ice.

Smiles as bright as amber,

Health, like frost in January.

May this year be a lucky star

Will enter your family comfort,

Hastily with the old year

Let all the troubles go away!

See photo report about the event here.

Family well-being / congratulations for any occasion

I would like to wish you family well-being. May your own home be a fortress for each of you, may each of you be each other’s support and support in everything, may your children make you happy, and you make them happy!

I love being in this house because in the mornings, along with the first rays of the sun, happiness enters this house, because peace lives in this house, because in the evenings joyful laughter is heard in it, because you, my dears, live in this house Friends! And I would like to wish you family well-being. And may happiness continue to come to your home, and may love protect you from troubles and adversity, and may all your dreams, born under the roof of this house, always come true!

I would like to wish you family well-being. May the love living in your heart help you find family happiness, may your cheerful disposition help you turn gray everyday life into a kaleidoscope of joy and fun!

I would like joy to always live in your home. Because without joy there will be no happiness, I would like love to always live in your home, because without love you cannot live in this world. I would like everything to be safe in your family. Because a person cannot feel joy if there is grief in his family, because love leaves the house in which an unhappy family lives.

So that the sun shines brighter, so that there is enough joy for all of you, so that luck does not pass you by, so that the wheel of fortune does not crush you, so that Cupid does not fly by, I wish you all family well-being! Only those who live in a happy and strong family will find happiness and joy!

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Let's rock it! family holidays.


Anniversaries Parties Gifts Congratulations

We love everything holidays. No one will refuse to add a little bright colors to gray everyday life. Life without holidays and fun parties would be unbearably boring, gray and dull. Both adults and children are looking forward to their loved ones family holidays.

You shouldn’t wait for someone to invite you to a holiday, you need to take it and organize your own, the most unusual and explosive holiday. In order for your family holiday to be the most fun, incendiary, awesome, you need to know simple rules on how to still entertain guests at the holiday.

There are many reasons for a holiday party - yours or your parents', Mother's Day, New Year, March 8 and, of course, the Day of each member of your family. You can also organize a holiday of surprises and good mood, Grandparents' Day, a day of meeting with your favorite meadow or tree, a holiday of spring and the first flower, and Snowman Day. And I really want even the smallest home family holiday remembered for a long time!

And I’m already tired of boring gatherings when you already know in advance who will say or do what. I just really want something new, interesting, so that someone can organize a stunning party. And why, in fact, someone, why not try it yourself?

Well, why not throw an incendiary party for your birthday or surprise one of your loved ones or friends on their Anniversary or Birthday by arranging a surprise party for them? You just need to remember the main thing: home holiday was fun and unforgettable, it needs to be organized correctly, even if there are very few guests.

This, of course, requires some effort: thinking about what and when to offer entertainment to guests, preparing the necessary items for games and competitions, choosing a song, preparing invitations, posters and more, more, more. But all this fuss will pay off in the good mood of everyone present at the holiday and warm memories not only for you, but also for all the guests.

You will find all the ways to make your holiday unforgettable and unique on every page of this site.

If you wish, you can arrange a very interesting family evening for any occasion,

which will be a wonderful holiday for friends and acquaintances invited to it.

And if he turns out to be funny,

then why not make such a holiday a family tradition? It has already been proven by more than one generation that the traditions of family holidays unite all family members, from young to old, which has a very beneficial effect on the “weather in the house.”

If you are tired of banal gatherings and want something

new, original - this site is for you.


Family toasts - toasts - toasts and congratulations on birth, wedding, holiday

One ruler was asked:

How do you maintain peace and tranquility in your state?

And he answered:

When I am angry, my people are calm. When they are angry, I am calm. In other words, when I

I am angry, they calm me down, and when they are angry, I calm them down.

The family is a state in miniature.

My toast is to preserve peace and tranquility in our families in this way!

Family congratulations - the best toasts and congratulations :)

One old woman had two sons and two daughters-in-law. The daughters-in-law treated their mother-in-law poorly and moved her to the basement. One day the old woman called her younger daughter-in-law to her and said: “I have one secret. And you keep it, don’t tell anyone. When I die and you reach forty days, you can tell your husband about it. I buried a treasure under our cherry tree. After my death you will dig it up and take it for yourself.” A few days later, the old woman called her eldest daughter-in-law and told her the same thing.

The daughters-in-law began to look after their mother-in-law, put on her shoes, and dress her. They even quarreled among themselves: each insisted that it was her duty to take care of her mother-in-law.

A few years later, my mother-in-law died. When they celebrated forty days, both couples met at night under a cherry tree. They started digging under the tree. They decided that they would divide what they found equally. They began to dig and found a buffalo horn, the internal cavity of which was firmly sealed. When the horn was opened, there was a small knot in it, in it there was another knot, and in the next one - another... and finally in the tenth knot they found a note: “Let this horn stick into the eye of the one who takes bad care of his mother-in-law.”

Let's drink so that even in happy times we don't forget those to whom we owe our lives!

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