Health is the main value in life. When a person is healthy, full of strength and energy, he can do anything. He can overcome any difficulties, achieve his goals and realize his dreams. Health must be protected from early childhood preserve it throughout your life, because it cannot be bought for any money.

It is useful for all parents to know how to help their child be healthy, strong, resilient, how to help him maintain psychological comfort, even if something does not work out. After all, in order to feel happy, a person must feel physical, mental and well-being.

Let's look at some health tips for kids. But since it’s summer and most of them are busy with very important things, for example, repairing grandfather’s old bicycle at the dacha, we recommend reading them to parents. In addition, we will tell you about popular means traditional medicine that will help maintain children's health.

For the child to be healthy...

From early childhood, work on improving the health of your baby’s body. Not only explain to him how to avoid diseases, but become an example for him. Don’t forget about morning exercises, hardening, and personal hygiene. Teach him to be neat.

To be healthy, you need to alternate work and rest. Daily routine has a beneficial effect on nervous system child, provides him with psychological control. There should be enough time during the day to physical exercise, sports, walks, games fresh air. Good nutrition and good sleep are very important. All this is the best prevention of overwork.

Pay special attention to your child's health during the cold season. At low temperatures he can catch a cold easily. In spring, another threat comes - vitamin deficiency. During this period, consult your pediatrician and buy the necessary vitamin complex.

Watch your diet. It should be varied, enriched with vitamins. For the brain to work well, the child must receive lean meat, fish, and seafood. He needs chicken eggs, dairy products, cheese and bananas.

Teach him the rules of disease prevention. For example, he should stay away from sick people who are coughing or sneezing. The child should know that it is forbidden to use someone else’s dishes, linen, hygiene items, or wear someone else’s shoes or hats. And if he himself gets sick, teach him to cover his mouth and nose with a mask or scarf, temporarily not play with friends and strictly follow all doctor’s orders.

Tell him about safety rules at home, on the street, on a hike, near the water. Explain how important it is to perform them in order to avoid situations that are dangerous to health and life. Teach basic first aid rules.

Useful folk tips for children's health

If your child is coughing...

Prepare this remedy: boil 1 glass of fresh milk, cool until it becomes warm. Now add 1 tbsp to it. l. fresh butter, the same amount of linden honey, a pinch of baking soda, raw yolk. At the end, add 2 drops of 5% iodine tincture. Mix well, give your child half a glass during the day and before bed.

To increase hemoglobin...

In spring, collect young cones of fir and spruce. Wash it at home and break it into pieces. Place in enamel dishes in layers, filling each layer with high-quality bee honey. Close the dish with a lid and leave for 4-5 days at room temperature. Then strain the released liquid and store it in the refrigerator. Give your child 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

For dysbacteriosis

Cut a fresh onion, pour half a glass of fresh milk, boil, remove from the stove. Let the broth cool and strain. Give your child something to drink before meals. The amount depends on age - from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon.

For nocturnal enuresis

Pour 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds 1 cup boiling water (prepare the infusion in a thermos). Leave for 7-8 hours. Give your child the infusion in the morning for 10 days.

How to remove a wart?

Wash fresh horseradish roots, grate and squeeze out the juice. Pour the resulting juice into a cup, mix with salt 1x1. Rub the resulting mixture into the wart, apply a cotton swab moistened with the product, and secure with a band-aid. Usually the wart goes away within a few days.

For diathesis, allergic and other skin rashes

Fill a pack of bay leaves (break the leaves first) with 0.5 liters. water. Boil, simmer at low simmer for 2 minutes. Wrap the broth, wait until it cools, strain. Give children over 2 years old 0.5 tsp. in the morning, after breakfast. Also, wipe the damaged areas of the skin with this decoction as often as possible.

With a runny nose

Prepare freshly squeezed carrot juice. 1 tbsp. l. mix juice with the same amount vegetable oil, add 5 drops of freshly squeezed garlic juice. Stir, drop the mixture into your nose, 1-2 drops at a time. But first, try the product on yourself. If everything is fine, then give it to your child.

If your child is nervous, sleeps poorly, or is capricious, prepare him a calming tea. To do this, combine together an equal amount of fresh mint leaves, crushed valerian root, oregano herb and sweet clover. Add hawthorn and rose hip flowers. Mix well. Now pour 2 tbsp. l. mixture 0.5 l. boiling water Wrap it up and wait until it cools down. Let's drink between meals and before bed. Be healthy!

Rules traffic

When leaving home

If there is possible movement at the entrance of the house, immediately pay attention to the child to see if there is any approaching traffic. If there are vehicles parked at the entrance or trees growing, stop your movement and look around to see if there is any danger.

When driving on the sidewalk

*Stay to the right.

* The adult must be on the side of the roadway.

* If the sidewalk is next to the road, parents should hold the child's hand.

* Teach your child, when walking along the sidewalk, to carefully watch cars leaving the yard.

* Do not encourage children to go out onto the roadway; push strollers and sleds only on the sidewalk.

Getting ready to cross the road

* Stop and look at the roadway.

* Develop your child's observation of the road.

* Emphasize your movements: turning your head to scan the road. Stop to inspect the road, stop to let cars through.

* Teach your child to peer into the distance and distinguish between approaching cars.

* Do not stand with your child on the edge of the sidewalk.

* Draw the child’s attention to a vehicle preparing to turn, talk about the turn signal signals on cars.

* Show how the vehicle stops at the crossing, how it moves by inertia.

When crossing the roadway

* Cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection.

* Go only when the traffic light is green, even if there are no cars.

* When going out onto the roadway, stop talking.

* Don't rush, don't run, cross the road calmly.

* Do not cross the street at an angle; explain to your child that this makes it harder to see the road.

* Do not go out onto the roadway with your child because of vehicles or bushes without first inspecting the street.

* Do not rush to cross the road, if on the other side you see friends, the right bus, teach your child that this is dangerous.

* When crossing an uncontrolled intersection, teach your child to carefully monitor the start of traffic.

* Explain to your child that even on a road where there are few cars, you must cross carefully, as a car may drive out of the yard or alley.

When boarding and disembarking from transport

* Get out first, in front of the child, otherwise the child may fall or run out onto the roadway.

* Approach the door to board only after coming to a complete stop.

* Do not get into transport at the last moment (you may get pinched by the doors).

* Teach your child to be careful in the stopping area - this is a dangerous place (poor view of the road, passengers can push the child onto the road).

While waiting for transport

*Stand only on landing areas, sidewalks or curbs.

* Street switching skill: when approaching the road, stop and look around the street in both directions.

* The skill of calm, confident behavior on the street: when leaving home, do not be late, leave in advance so that you have some time to spare when walking calmly.

* The skill of switching to self-control: the ability to monitor one’s behavior is developed daily under the guidance of parents.

* Danger anticipation skill: the child must see with his own eyes that danger is often hidden behind various objects on the street.

It is important that parents set an example for their children in following traffic rules.

* Don't rush, cross the road at a measured pace.

* When going out onto the roadway, stop talking - the child must get used to the fact that when crossing the road you need to concentrate.

* Do not cross the road when the traffic light is red or yellow.

* Cross the road only in places marked with the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign.

RESPONSIBILITIES and schoolchildren's rights.

In our country, everyone who comes to school enjoys certain rights and at the same time must fulfill

a number of responsibilities.

Every student has the right:

Get a quality education;

Study, if necessary, in an accelerated programm, according to individual study plans or at home;

Receive additional help from the teacher if difficulties arise in mastering a subject or lesson

were absent due to illness;

Free use of the school library;

Receive grades in academic subjects solely depending on your knowledge and skills;

Freely express your opinion;

Participate in school management, make proposals regarding school life.

Every student is obliged to:

Act for the benefit of the native school, take care of its honor, maintain its authority and traditions;

Strictly observe the school operating hours, attend classes in accordance with the schedule, and not be late for lessons;

Study conscientiously, expand your knowledge, skills and abilities, systematically and on time complete homework;

In case of missing classes, present to the class teacher a certificate from a doctor or an explanatory note from parents;

Follow the orders and requirements of the director, administration, teachers and other school employees;

Treat school staff and other students with respect, help younger students;

Present the diary upon request of the teacher;

Write down homework in all subjects in a diary;

Bring all necessary supplies to class: textbooks, notebooks, diary, pens, pencils, etc. p.;

Look clean and tidy, comply with the requirements of school and personal hygiene, take care of the appropriateness of your clothing and

Appearance in a strict business style;

Take care of your own health and safety, the health and safety of other students, and comply with the requirements

Safety precautions;

Having discovered an abandoned bag (package, package, box) at school or in the school area or having noticed a stranger

suspicious person, immediately report this to a teacher or other school employee;

Take care of school property, maintain cleanliness and order in the school building and on its territory;

Take part in activities to improve the school and its territory


Come to school no later than 15 minutes before the start of classes - because you need time to take off your outerwear,

put on a change of shoes, put things in the wardrobe, clean up, go to class, prepare for the lesson.

Having crossed the threshold of the school, you immediately find yourself in a special world where there are strict rules of behavior.

They are required to be observed by all schoolchildren in all areas of the school and in any situation.

Let us remind you of some of these rules.

When you arrive at school, say hello to all teachers and other school staff, even if you don't know them.

Address teachers, other school employees, and all adults as “you.”

When communicating with everyone around you, show politeness, tact, respect, and modesty.

Arrogance, rudeness, familiarity are unacceptable!

At the door, on the stairs, let adults and younger ones pass first; boys should let girls go ahead.

If you notice things left unattended (bag, package, briefcase), do not touch them under any circumstances,

Immediately report your finding to the teacher on duty or any school employee.

Every student should clearly know: there are things that cannot be done.


Leaving the school building without permission class teacher or teachers;

Open windows, lean out of windows and vents, sit on window sills;

Swear, use obscene words;

Smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs;

Bring dangerous objects to school, the use of which couldharm the health of others and lead to damage

School property (weapons, explosives or flammable substances, alcoholic beverages, drugs, toxic substances and


Your appearance at school

The impression you make on others depends on your appearance. After all, as you know, a person

“They greet you by their clothes.”

It is very important that what you wear matches where you are going. Therefore, at school it is unacceptable to look like

you are going to a disco or to the beach.

No matter how nice and smart you want to dress, remember that school is a public place where people study and work.

And it imposes enough

serious restrictions on the appearance of students. Such restrictions apply not only to clothing and shoes, but also

jewelry, accessories, cosmetics.

If your school has a mandatory school uniform, then choosing what to wear becomes much easier.

Often the school uniform is limited to a jacket of a certain color with the school emblem.

You can wear a uniform jacket in combination with a shirt, blouse, or thin jumper.

If the school does not have a special uniform, then clothing should be classic style.

The classical style is characterized by rigor, restraint and modesty.

Girls can wear a skirt or sundress with a blouse and jumper, as well as a dress.

Boys look great in trousers with a shirt, sweater, jumper. Undoubtedly, a strict one always looks great

Classic suit.

When choosing items of clothing, make sure that they match well in both style and color. Avoid bright

defiant colors!

But this does not mean that you need to dress only in black, gray or brown; calm, soft tones of any kind are always good


Don't forget about comfortable shoes. These can be low-heeled shoes, sandals, sneakers, low shoes.

The sole of replacement shoes should be non-slippery and light-colored, not leaving marks on the floor.

The most important requirement for appearance student - neatness and modesty. Make sure your hands are always

clean and nails trimmed. Change shirts and socks regularly. Your hair should always be not only

clean, but also neatly laid out. If you have long hair, they should be tucked into the hair so as not to interfere

To you and those around you.

Girls should wear dresses and skirts that are not too short. Avoid bright and expensive jewelry that can be

good at a party or at a disco, but not at school. Modest and small jewelry and hairpins will not only complement the costume,

But they will always be appropriate.

If you are already using decorative cosmetics or perfume, for a whileIt is better to exclude them from studying.

Whatever clothes you choose, remember that modesty, neatness, neatness are the most important things for your appearance.


You and other students

There are always a lot of children at school of different ages- both kids and high school students. Try to treat everyone

be kind - both to your classmates whom you know well, and to strangers from other classes.

Maybe it is at school that you will find true comrades with whom you will be friends throughout your life.

Be polite and friendly!

Try to maintain smooth, friendly relations with all your classmates. If possible, do not enter

In open conflicts.

Don't push other guys, don't fight.

Do not under any circumstances offend those who are younger and weaker than you!

Don't show off expensive things.

School duty. Responsibilities of class attendants.

Each class has a duty schedule that all students must follow. If you are appointed

class attendant, you have certain responsibilities.

The attendants keep the classroom clean and tidy.

The attendants help the teacher prepare the class for the next lesson: at the teacher’s request, they hand out notebooks,

wipe the board, ventilate the room, hang up visual teaching aids(tables, diagrams, maps,

portraits of writers and scientists), go to the library, etc.

When cleaning the classroom after lessons, water the flowers, sweep the floor, wash the blackboard, arrange the chairs.

At the same time, do not forget to be careful and follow safety precautions. Do not carry objects that are too heavy.

If you are assigned to be on duty in the cafeteria, you should arrive there a little earlier than your class, if necessary

wipe tables, arrange dishes and cutlery.

Rules of conduct during recess. Information for younger students

The break is intended for rest, visiting the dining room, toilet, and also for preparing for the next lesson.

Many students believe that during recess they can do whatever they want: run, jump, play around, scream, make noise.

Schoolchildren often forget that during recess both students and teachers should rest. Someone needs to repeat

homework in order to answer more confidently in class, some want to talk calmly on the phone, others need

go to the canteen or library. Don’t forget that you are not alone at school, that you are surrounded by classmates and teachers,

Treat others with respect and consideration.

During the break, try to have a good rest and gain strength before the next lesson.

Be calm during recess. Maintain order, do not shout or push each other.


Push each other;

Use obscene language and gestures;

Throw various objects;

Fight and use physical force;

Play dangerous games, perform actions that can lead to injury and damage to school property;

Run along corridors and stairs, near window openings, glass display cases and in other places not suitable for

for games;

Lean over the railing, slide down the railing, crowd on the stairs;

Gnaw seeds;

Listen to the player.

Also, when going up or down stairs, stay to the right.

Do not pass teachers or adults walking down the stairs or along the corridor, and if you need to do this, then ask

Permission to pass.

When meeting teachers, school staff, parents and other adults, stop and say hello.

Be careful when opening and closing doors; do not put your hands in doorways,

Don't play around and slam doors.

When visiting the toilet, do not linger there unnecessarily; the toilet is not a good place for talking and

communication with friends.

After visiting the toilet, do not forget to wash your hands.

Change- this is not only time for relaxation, but also an opportunity to prepare for another lesson.

Keep your workplace clean and tidy: take out from your briefcase everything you need for the next lesson,

Remove everything unnecessary.

Don't forget to keep the school clean. If you notice debris, remove it.

If the teacher asks you to help prepare the class for the next lesson, don't refuse. It will be very nice and polite,

If you yourself offer such help to the teacher (wipe the board, distribute notebooks, arrange chairs, go for books at

library, etc.).

If your class is on duty, you must help the teacher enforce discipline during breaks.

During recess, do not run around the classroom. If the teacher wants to ventilate the class and asks you to leave, do so.

As they tell you. It will be much easier and more enjoyable for you to study in a freshly aired classroom.

During recess, do not play or run with sharp objects: pens, pencils, pointers, scissors.

You may accidentally injure yourself or your classmates.

Do not sit on the windowsill under any circumstances, especially when the window is open. Any careless movement

can lead to dire consequences.

How to behave in the GPA?

Perhaps after school you have to stay at school until the evening. Different schools may have different schedules.

for extended day groups. But probably at this time you are doing your homework, making something with your own hands,

read, listen to the teacher’s explanations, if you didn’t understand everything in the lesson, walk, relax, attend different clubs

or sports sections.

While in an extended day group, try to relax and do something useful. The best way

To achieve this, alternate rest and work. Studying until the evening will tire you out, and idleness is very boring.

Use this time to do your homework. This is especially convenient because you are close to

a teacher who can help you and answer all your questions.

While on a walk, be more active: play, run, jump. But under no circumstances leave the school playground!

If you need to leave school early, make sure your parents notify the class teacher.

or show him a note from mom or dad.

Never leave school with a stranger, even if he says that your mom or dad asked him to do so,

or show a note from them.

If your class goes for a walk around the city or on an excursion, under no circumstances lag behind the class and

don't go anywhere.

Useful tips

Being a parent, in addition to the positive aspects, also includes sleepless nights, endurance, and, of course, constant washing, cleaning and laundry.

But thanks to the Internet, some things can be made a little easier, albeit not much, but still making life easier.

Here are 20 useful tips that may help make life a little easier for parents:

1. If toys are scattered throughout the house, create a “treasure map” that will help the child find all his toys (treasures) and collect them in one place.

3. Small wax crayons or pencils can be placed in a small jar or container. You can take the container with you or just store all the necessary school supplies in it at home.

4. If you don't want your sweet tooth to constantly grab sweets, then hide all the sweets in the packaging of something the kids don't like, like an empty frozen vegetable package.

5. To prevent ice cream from dripping on the floor, use a muffin tin.

6. Every child has musical toys. Sometimes the sounds from these toys are very loud, and to fix this, simply cover the hole on the toy where the sound is coming from with tape.

7. Use clothespins to hold children's toothbrushes.

8. If your child does not want to take cough syrup or other liquid medicine, dip the lollipop in the desired medicine and try giving it to your child again.

9. If a child wants to paint a fence, just give him a brush with water. On a wooden fence, water will act as paint.

10. Attach the roll of paper to a stand on the wall and thread it through the frame. This way the child can draw whatever he wants, and you can change the old “screen” for a new one.

11. To prevent mold from forming in rubber toys that a child takes with him to the bathroom, cover the hole of such a toy with hot glue.

12. A shoe organizer will help you store construction set parts in one place.

13. Bath toys can be stored in baskets that attach to the shower bar. To do this, you will need an extra crossbar and some hooks to hold the baskets on the crossbar.

14. In winter, you can build an ice (snow) wall from snow bricks. For this you will need a regular large plastic rectangular container.

15. When a child grows up, his crib can be turned into a desk.

16. If you tie a sheet or duvet cover to the table, you can build a hammock.

Young children have an amazing ability to shatter our illusions about motherhood and parenting. When we look at photographs of our babies, we see their happy faces and remember funny moments from their lives. But behind this there is still a lot of physical and emotional work that we do as parents. Hysterics, whims, sleepless nights, quarrels - you must try to react to all this correctly in order to remain a good mother. Or at least try.

Psychotherapist and mother of two children Andrea Loen Neyer went through a difficult journey of raising her age. For herself, she came up with ten phrases that helped her control herself during the difficult period of motherhood.

10 phrases that help me be a good mom

Recently I was walking up the stairs, passing photographs of my children when they were 1 and 3 years old, when I suddenly stopped. I pass by these photos many times a day, but for some reason at that moment I stopped and stared at their young faces.

I started crying as my heart filled with regret. In fact, I don't remember many details of that year - it was one of the most difficult of my life. I slept no more than two hours at a time every night. My youngest kept waking up every two hours or so, and my oldest was up at 5am. Most of my days ended in tears.

Looking at these photos makes me want to go back in time and be better. I would like to lead myself through the hardest moments of life, making me the mother I would like to be.

In fact, this was one of the main reasons I left my psychotherapy practice and went into parenting education: I needed to know how to become a better person.

I won't let it get to me

This phrase really saved me. When milk spills, toys take over the house, or the bathtub overflows and ends up on the floor, I take a really long, deep breath and tell myself, I'm not going to let this get to me.

Because this happens almost every day.

He's not trying to make me angry, he's trying to deal with his frustration.

One of my kids is what they call an “energetic” kid. My days as a mother of preschoolers were filled with tantrums. I became an expert at preventing, de-escalating and managing tantrums because I had to! I needed to find a way to throw myself a lifeline.

One of the things I did to avoid my fight-or-flight response when one (or both) of my children experienced aggressive outbursts was to remind myself that my child did not want to make me angry: he was upset and lacked tools, communication abilities and skills needed to deal with this situation. Undoubtedly, it is easier to react to aggressive attacks when you yourself are not aggressive.

I wonder why my child is desperate?

Some of the reasons why my boys threw tantrums for hours seemed completely ridiculous to me. I soon realized that no matter how stupid they seemed to me (the banana was broken, the yogurt was stirred, the yellow plate was occupied) for my child they were a significant reason for outbursts of rage.

I overcame the absurdity of these reasons and searched for meaning. In most cases, the answer to the question “Why?” lay deeper than visible: he was fed up with me not paying close attention to him, I offered him a snack much later than I should have, and by this point he was “ready.” And some days kids get angry over a broken banana just because they have very little experience - they don't know that bananas taste the same when broken, or that a banana can't be glued back together. In their world, the banana went from being delicious to being trash.

Knowing the answer to the question “Why?” makes it easier for me to see things in perspective and focus on supporting my child rather than blaming them.

How can I react without being intimidating?

I constantly ask myself: what should my reaction be to my child's actions so that he still feels respected and loved. I wrote the following phrase on the board next to the sink: “What is the most emotionally safe way to respond so that my child knows he is loved?” From the book “Safe Home: Why emotional security is the key to raising children who live, love, and behave well." Joshua Straub.

What my children think of me is more important than what strangers think

I calmly endured children's tantrums, trying to get them out of public places, without worrying about the judgmental looks of random viewers. It became more important for me to be on the child's side than to face the disapproval of strangers.

It's okay to cry

I mean myself, not my children. On several occasions, my children witnessed me unable to hold back my sobs. It doesn't happen often, but when I throw my hands up in surrender and don't know what to do, I just allow myself to feel helpless and sad. Interestingly, every time this happened, my children stopped their noisy games to be with me. I allowed myself to cry until I felt empty.

I taught my children to do the same thing - cry until the tears stop. Clarity often comes after tears.

I need myself

I made the mistake of trying to do everything while raising small children. I realized that in order to keep my self intact, I needed to pay more attention to my needs. Knowing what I was missing and taking steps to make up for it helped me become more fulfilled. And then I was able to share myself with my children.

Give a place to rest

It takes effort. Isn't it stupid that we should make an effort to rest? But that's true. I needed to make time to rest because, imagine, small children take up so much of our energy!

Calm down first. Then speak

When my children are upset, I don't talk to them until I calm down myself (if I feel the need to).

Stop. Think about it

When chaos is happening around me and I start to get irritated, I remind myself: sit down, breathe and think about the available ways to solve the problem. Reminding me of this step helps me avoid getting involved in dramatic twists and turns and find a way out of the situation.

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As you know, summer is a time when you only come home to eat and sleep. Therefore, communication and interaction with others, just like you, almost homeless and sometimes hungry, is a large part of this summer life.

This year, Vova and his peers clearly wanted to be friends with each other; they were no longer satisfied with the usual fussing in the sandbox or walking around their mothers with dummies. There were also disputes over a scoop or a stick, and they still happen. Therefore, for a month now we have been analyzing life and book situations into “what is good” and “what is bad.”

And then we came across a book...

about good manners, which in a humorous form gives basic advice on the rules of behavior. Vova accepted the book easily. The text in it is short and everything is strictly to the point. The illustrations are not a masterpiece of animation, of course, but very pleasant. The characters are so mi-mi-cute with wonderfully conveyed mi-mi-facial expressions! I looked at the pictures and laughed. And then I showed the book to my son. He laughed, but not at everything (his son 2.10). From the pictures below I didn’t understand about “Hello” and “Bye”. So I had to explain the humor in places. But the sketches from the life of a hare and a tortoise just went with a bang. I especially liked “return what you are lent” and “knock on the door before you enter.” Either he remembered something from life, or the pictures were funny, or both.

Wonderful presentation of material! If only exact sciences were taught in schools this way, with humor, so that children would go to school as if it were a holiday. :) And Vova looks at the book like a comic book, and at the same time, she embeds good manners deeper and deeper into her memory.

We also use it for independent reading. The font and number of words on the page are just right for us. Overall, a very enjoyable book!

And it will be useful not only for kids, but also for many adults!

This can confuse someone who wants to eat you.

Otherwise, your knees will be the proud owners of a thick blue hippopotamus butt.

Otherwise you'll break your leg.

Otherwise, no one will want to shake your hand. The spread is very significant for boys :)

Well, isn’t it a deer to tolerate such behavior from some pink hare?

Otherwise, you risk becoming a rabbit.

I think there's a turtle screaming at the top of his lungs, "No! Just don't touch anything! Go already!" :)

Otherwise, you risk becoming a rabbit again.

No comments here :)))

Oh, by the way, in the book, hares are often presented in the form of food. Personally, I take this calmly.

Very life advice. Sometimes I neglect it, but in vain.

We are all sometimes not who we think we are. And avid predators sometimes sneak a carrot.

Especially if you are generally contraindicated to eat.

This happened to me a couple of times too. Apparently, the boys from 9-B did not read this book then.

Philippe Jalbert, the wonderful illustrator of this book, is French. And the book is also originally French, just translated into Russian. So we are dealing with French humor. We have heard a lot about English, now we have an idea about French, which is quite deep and extraordinary. By the way, the book was a success in its homeland.

A little about printing. In a word - excellent!

Number of tips - I counted 43.