We sometimes don’t notice the beauty of all that Earthly...
We somehow run past, leaving behind...
All the beautiful valleys and sunrises in the distance...
All those wonderful stories fly by like in a dream...
After all, we don’t know where we’re rushing, we’re rushing around the ring with you...
We don’t notice the life around us, we sleep pollen on the flowers...
We won’t even notice the wind, it’s as if there are no clouds...
We won’t see beautiful birds, we won’t notice the whole world...
Maybe we should stop and think about ourselves...
Take it and fall in love with that World again, plunge headlong...
In this rainbow and sun, in this rain and clouds...
In those open spaces and valleys and endless forests...
We will open a countless treasure, we will live differently...
In this beautiful World, we will suddenly gain freedom...
Let's evaluate life differently, in this big space...
We will love our earth, we will gather the world into our bouquet...

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Women have one problem - to lose weight,
To look better - to succeed in everything.
There is a set of programs for all kinds of diets.
Oh, dear women, here's some advice for you:
- Pull your stomach in,
So go with him here.
Give yourself an aversion to food
Then your appetite will disappear.
Walk more to please yourself,
And reason will win in everything.
No need to sit and no need to lie down,
And move, jump and even run.
You need to forget about the cult of food.
Eat vegetables and fruits - be active.
Cakes, fats, pastries - away!
We will bypass them together!
Just don't be tempted, no,
And don't eat lunch again.
So great that overweight fell,
And he seems to have become a slender man,
And not some kind of round kolobok,
Which is hard to get into the house.
Illness and misfortune will immediately fly away.
Healthy image life will win!

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Weekends are like the freedom you missed
Weekends are not work, everyone knew that in life,
The weekend is a holiday, all hope is with you,
Weekends, like a prankster, on weekdays he was behind the wall.

And now he is suddenly free - circling, jumping, flying,
He promises joy - and he will fulfill it with soul,
After all, we deserve it, we worked with our souls,
And now it's the weekend - have fun, play and sing!

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What happiness: everyday life has flown by!
You smile at the sun, laughing.
And you can bask in bed for a long time,
And drink coffee without any rush.
And there is so much fun ahead:
Go to the theater, to an exhibition, to the cinema,
Absorb more impressions
And, of course, relax at the same time.
So that later, on a quiet Sunday evening,
Sigh that the holiday has flown by,
And suddenly think: it has become easier
Back to the world of urgent matters.

Polina Nikolaeva

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Beautiful Saturday evening
Let's forget about business
About the eternal vanity in vain,
About thoughtless words.
How funny you and I are!
So why sit here and be sad?
That's why they're weekends
To leave the house!
Let's go, my dear, with you
Without clear plans, at random,
To where the white arrow
Clouds are flying over the forest.
Or museum silence
Let's please our hearts
And we will be happy with you
As before on weekends.

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The benefits of morning exercises
Still praised as a classic.
Praise us, guys:
The whole family, for a long time (since the summer),

We don’t regret squats,
We do push-ups as needed.
You must be waiting
Us like that, Olympics?

I'll come, I'll come!
I'll bring my daughter and husband -
And not at all for winning
(This is not what I need in life

I am simple, my husband is not proud...)
But I’ll come, I promise
I say thank you to the sport,
So united the family!

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I wake up in the morning with aching joints,
I'll stretch like the Terminator, with a crunch.
So, it turns out, it’s a small matter here -
Sneakers, a light jacket - let’s go for a run!

The morning stars are dim, unhurried,
They go out little by little. The sky was bright.
And with my cheerful, daring jog,
Good and cheerful morning is coming!

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The struggle to stay slim is not an easy task!
Diet alone will not help my grief!
You need to go to the gym for beauty,
Trying to overcome blues and laziness!

Not an extra centimeter on the body
The rhythm of the tap dance will not allow you to save it.
This effect, proven in practice,
It will help you to love yourself!

Will tighten the abs and give elasticity to the hips
Pilates combined with tai bo,
Gives liveliness to Latin movements,
And with bodyflex we can breathe easily!

There is a solution to any problem in fitness,
The answer to all questions is at hand!
Shaping will easily lift your mood,
And yoga will bring peace to the soul!

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It's always good to play sports
Take care of your health, eat right.
Going to the pool is not just about swimming,
And to harden and improve your health.
Be sure to go for a run in the morning
With dumbbells in hands at the same time,
This definitely helps
To be strong, strong, mega-modern.
Doing push-ups on parallel bars in the evenings -
Try to pump up muscles of steel,
So that if you have to undress,
Stop being shy about inquisitive glances.
There is no need to load the body instantly,
Try to exercise alternately
And the strength will gradually gain -
The figure will become simply awesome.

How to set yourself up for positivity. Proven tips for changing your life by increasing your positive attitude and positive thinking. Hello everyone, guys. This article is about positivity. 9 powerful tips that will help you set yourself up for positivity, lift your spirits and charge you with positive energy. Tips that work and that I use to make everything even better for me.

Life modern man filled with different worries and experiences. He daily reinforces negative thoughts with his fears, experiences increasing stress and negative emotions. All this can lead to the development of depression and mental disorders. Well, if you constantly experience negative emotions, disappointments, depression and you can’t do anything. So it’s time to seriously think about changing your life and set yourself up for the positive.

Find out if you are a fairly positive person by taking a 16-question test

How positive are you?

The test will help you analyze your attitude towards life during a difficult period. A positive outlook on life attracts people, a negative one creates difficulties. The test was developed by British psychologists. By answering these questions honestly for yourself, you will get a reliable result.

It seems that everything is clear, be more positive and that’s it. But not everyone succeeds. I'll give you 9 powerful tips on how to set yourself up for positivity.

1. Remember only the good.

The ability to think correctly is the first step to a good mood and a fulfilling life. Try to remember all the good deeds and positive moments of the day, write down your happy thoughts in a notebook or publish them on social networks.

Remembering your positive moments in life can greatly lift your spirits. And as a result, negative memories and emotions will be replaced. Keep a diary of your positive moments in life, I am sure that you have something to remember. Remember that optimism is a life position, not a temporary state.

2. Be grateful for everything you have in life.

Before you get upset over minor setbacks, think about those who are now several times worse off. Disasters often happen in the world, fighting and epidemics of dangerous diseases. Mentally thank fate for the opportunity to live and work in a calm environment. Surprisingly, many people don't notice how happy they are! I communicate with many people, and I know that many have problems in life. More precisely, they have constant problems. Not everyone has what they want or would like to have. There is always something to thank God, the universe, this whole world for. especially if everything is great with you.

3. Hope that everything will work out.

Optimists always hope for success in any life situation. If plans don't work out for any reason, don't blame yourself for it. Just think about your desires. You should not give in to despondency, because thoughts are material. You need to work on yourself, and then all your dreams will certainly come true. You will succeed, you have to believe in it. And faith and self-confidence and your own strength will give you more energy and, as a result, you will experience positive emotions in anticipation of a quick and positive result.

4. Use affirmations

It is known that a person who is positive can achieve a lot. Our thoughts manifest themselves in real life, so constant complaints only make the problems worse. How to properly set yourself up for positivity? A simple and understandable exercise is an affirmation that allows you to consolidate the desired attitude in a person’s mind. Short phrase when repeated many times, it stimulates positive changes in life and evokes appropriate emotions. For example, inspire yourself with the idea that life is filled with exclusively pleasant events. Start repeating the affirmation right now and the result will not take long to arrive. I have a whole series of settings that make my life easier. Whenever possible, I constantly say them to myself or out loud and everything works out.

5. Focus on the future

You should not live with past experiences and grievances. This is pointless, because the past cannot be changed, you can only extract useful knowledge from it. The mistake most people make is that they cannot plan for a happy future due to past grievances. Envy also brings nothing but harm to health. You need to learn to feel joy for another person and wish him well. Achieve your goals, focus on the future and your future achievements.

6. Think about your dream

How else can you set yourself up for positivity? Every person has a dream. This could be a new place of residence, a car, a trip to an exotic country. How to implement it? In your free moments, imagine yourself as the owner of a desired car or a satisfied tourist in interesting places in another country. Thus, thanks to the abundance of positive emotions, you can achieve your goal. Dreams come true. Positivity and a positive reality will speed up the realization of your dreams. This is how our universe works.

7. Listen to positive music

On the way to work and in transport, try to listen to pleasant music on headphones. Good music will help you get rid of negative thoughts and tune in to the positive. Recharge yourself with positive energy from rhythmic music. When I clean the house, I often listen to my favorite music, which gives me a lot of energy.

8. Communicate with optimists.

A good environment is also very important for a person. Communication with cheerful and friendly people will certainly bring joy and help set you up for success. It is better to exclude pessimists from your social circle. Under no circumstances should you pick up on someone else's bad mood! Also, you should not take criticism seriously, which is not always useful. Learn to take criticism correctly. I am also criticized, but I go step by step towards my goal and every day my life becomes even better.

9. Praise yourself for your success.

Don't forget to praise yourself for your successes. For women, it will be an excellent gift for yourself. new hairstyle, manicure or chocolate. Any achievement, any victory is an opportunity to praise yourself for the work you have done, for a new skill, for an improvement in your life. So, the principles of positive thinking include the ability to benefit from any life situation, creating a clear image of the desired result and reinforcing positive thoughts with good deeds.

They say that life is like a mirror. We see what we show, we get what we give. It often happens in life: under the pressure of circumstances you cannot smile.

The world becomes gloomy, vanity covers your head. Getting bogged down in a routine, there is neither energy nor time left for positivity.

To get out of a state of depression and get rid of stress means to find yourself and return to normal life.

This must be done, the condition has a devastating effect on health. The simplest things will help with this: films, music, positive words.

Try to remember when the most good events? In those moments when you are relaxed, easy, and don't expect anything. Catching such a state means letting go of everything that worries you.

Let's tune in to the positive - step by step instructions:

Step No. Advice Explanation
1 Getting rid of everything oppressive in real life We change jobs, transfer to distance learning, move away from our parents, leave our inattentive boyfriend.

All conflicts should be resolved and disturbing situations should be eliminated. Put things in order in your life, without this it will be useless to renovate your soul

2 Getting rid of mental garbage Next, we throw out every single offense from our life. Forgive everyone who offended you.

Introduce them, tell them you forgive, ask for forgiveness. If you are tormented by guilt, apologize for what you did to a real person.

3 Filling ourselves with positivity Having cleared the territory of oppressive thoughts and situations, it’s time to fill it with light and kindness. First, do a few good deeds unselfishly.

Force yourself to smile more often in front of the mirror and more. Start with this

4 Make changes Change your usual environment, change the color of your nail polish, buy a new phone, change the music in your player, start watching a new TV series.

Change your clothing style and hairstyle. Re-wallpaper, rearrange the sofa, buy a new painting

5 Do what you love Find time to do what you love: play games computer games, sing karaoke, go dancing, learn how to bake pies, go fishing

These actions will help you stay positive. This scheme works flawlessly.

You just need to make an effort and work on yourself: nothing comes easy. Do you want good life- work on yourself.

Additional tips:

  • Be active, play sports, run. Give yourself a challenge every day.
  • Don't overeat. Make it a rule to eat a little. And don't eat before bed.
  • Drink tea with honey before bed. This is an almost mystical remedy for all diseases and nightmares. You are guaranteed to have good dreams.
  • If you are overwhelmed by negativity: grief, sadness, melancholy, fear, rinse your feet with cold water. Do this quickly, then put on warm socks and drink hot tea.
  • A contrast shower will give a similar effect.
  • Walk more.
  • Focus on the positive: think about pleasant things, events and people.

Phrases for a positive morning mood

As you start a new day, make it a habit to make yourself happy with small phrases. It is better if you print these phrases on a sheet of paper, cut them and string them on a string using paper clips.

Take one note every morning, read it and remember it. This will be your prediction for today - your phrase of the day.

List of phrases:

  • "I am the most beautiful."
  • "I'm happy".
  • "You'll be lucky today."
  • "Happiness will come soon."
  • "Everyone loves me."
  • "The world is beautiful."
  • "I am unique."
  • "There's a lot of happiness all around."
  • "I attract good luck."
  • “I feel good.”

The list of phrases can be continued at your discretion. It is important that all phrases are positive. There is enough negativity in life as it is.

Positive songs and music for every day

Tastes differ. Any positive song can cause strong negativity if it doesn't suit your taste.

But there are universal works that will suit everyone. Yes, we are talking about classical music.

Important! Even if you don't like classical music, find a couple of tunes that don't annoy you and listen to them daily.

This has a beneficial effect on the psyche. Consider it your contribution to mental health.

In addition to the classics, you can arrange relaxation sessions for yourself. Turn on the sounds of nature at work or at home, enjoy the sound of rain, tide or birdsong.

If you fall asleep to such music, complete relaxation will occur. Give it a try.

Films that put you in a positive and good mood

Cinema is the most important of the arts. Films make us think, adopt positive traits heroes.

Thanks to the right films, you can both drive yourself into depression and pull yourself out of it.

List of films that charge with positivity:

  • "Pleasantville."
  • "How to become happy."
  • “Always say yes.”
  • "Peaceful Warrior"
  • "The mirror has two faces."
  • "The most charming and attractive."
  • "Big fish"
  • "Singing in the Rain"
  • "Love and Doves"
  • "August Rush."
  • "Double miscalculation."
  • "1+1".
  • "Where dreams lead."

For young people there is a separate list of funny and somewhat daring comedies:

  • "American Pie".
  • "Eurotour".
  • "Friends with Benefits".
  • "Mixed".

For family viewing, something timeless that has become a classic is suitable.

Films that carry meaning, with an interesting plot and a happy ending:

  • "The irony of fate or enjoy your steam."
  • "Pirates of the Caribbean".
  • "Home alone."
  • "Gorgeous".
  • "Best Friend's Wedding"
  • "Shadowboxing"
  • "Dirty Dancing"
  • "Girls".
  • "Dante's Peak".

Choose a movie to suit your taste, get charged with positivity, and tune in for the best. Everything in life is temporary, don’t get hung up on unpleasant events. They happen in the life of every person.

Fight, overcome difficulties and quickly adapt to the situation. Become psychologically flexible. Become such a person, everything is in your hands.

Useful video

Read the annotations to the most famous books that will show you the path to wealth and financial independence.

1. Bodo Schaefer. "Mani, or the ABC of Money"

Using Bodo's children's story as an example, Schäfer shows us the path to wealth. Even those who left childhood Readers will very quickly notice that Schaefer's advice and ideas are quite applicable to the adult world, that a person of any age can implement them and learn something new. Little Kira and her friends learn to handle money, take care of it, increase it and get rid of debts. They begin to understand how to make their dream of a prosperous life come true. Bodo Schaefer explains every step leading to wealth in an absolutely understandable way, and shows that not only the possession of wealth, but also the process of making money itself can bring pleasure.

2. Valery Sinelnikov. "The path to wealth, or where the treasures are buried"

Valery Sinelnikov is a famous practicing psychotherapist, psychologist, homeopath, author of unique simplicity and effectiveness psychological techniques- offers a book in which you will find advice not only on how to do the right thing, but also why you need to do it this way and not otherwise. You will learn about a new model of attitude towards money, the ability to increase it, give and borrow, and spend wisely. You will be able to manage the events of your own life in the areas of money, work and business.

3. Joe Girard. "How to Sell Anything to Anyone"

In his book, Joe Girard shows that every salesman can achieve extraordinary success by talking with clients face to face and carefully thinking through all the necessary steps to achieve a deal. Starting with what and how to say, doing phone calls"from the street" (which, by the way, work successfully), and right up to the "grabbing" of a hesitant buyer, this book outlines a complete and unrivaled sales system.

4. Randy Gage. "Why are you stupid, poor, sick"

In this powerful and mind-expanding book, Rady Gage reveals the secrets to attracting health, happiness and prosperity. But we warn you in advance: the author speaks directly, bluntly and with brutal honesty, exposing the secret influence of “mind viruses” that can program our subconscious and make you sabotage your own success. Millions of people around the world have abandoned limiting beliefs and achieved great success thanks to his advice.

5. Napoleon Hill. "Think and Grow Rich"

In this book you will find a proven plan on how to become a rich person.

She will tell you how to act, and how to act immediately. About what helps a person move forward all his life, arrange his happiness and increase his wealth, while others cannot even begin.

In fact, what gives one strength and energy, while leaving others passive? Why are some able to see the future in a tangle of problems and make their way to what they dreamed of, not paying attention to the cruel blows of fate, while others make desperate efforts, endlessly make mistakes, but never get anywhere?

When the mood is at zero, a little carbohydrates won't hurt. And if you don’t like sweets, eat a conventional hamburger.

2. “Hugging” a dog or cat

It’s been a hard day, but an understanding animal will curl up on its lap or lie at its feet.

3. Walk down the street at lunchtime for coffee

Instead of free coffee on the floor or mediocre coffee at the nearest coffee shop - a 10-minute walk to good option under a light breeze.

4. Surprise treat in the office

You weren’t full at lunch and were already thinking about what to do with it, when suddenly new colleague came with a box of donuts. Or pizza.


5. Today is Friday

This week has exhausted you, and suddenly your colleague remembered that tomorrow is a day off, and on Monday you also don’t have to come in for overtime. That's great!

6. A message from a loved one

He knew, knew exactly when to write!

7. There was money in my jeans pocket

Even though these 500 rubles were already yours, you feel as if you really found them.

8. Letter from an old friend

It's nice to know that he remembers you and wants to meet you, even if it goes against your plans.

9. Petting someone else's dog

You met her on the street, and for some reason the dog immediately developed warm feelings towards you. Very nice.

10. See a kitten

Even if you don't like cats, kittens are usually so cute! And if there are several of them, even better.

11. Try a new restaurant

And study the menu in advance, anticipating a gastronomic pleasure.

12. There was already money in the machine

Someone paid for the purchase and left without choosing anything. Someday you'll return the favor, but for now you can grab your favorite candy bar and juice.

13. New episode released

It doesn’t matter what series, but you love it and have been waiting for it for a whole week.

14. The price of the thing you were eyeing has fallen

You were going to buy it anyway, and now you’ll have even more money left in your wallet.

15. Your post on social networks received a lot of likes.

You didn’t write anything special, but everyone liked it. That's great!