The word "actinolite" is of ancient Greek origin. It was formed from the combination of the words “aktinos” - ray and “lithos” - stone. There are other names for this stone or its varieties: emerald spar, tremolite, stibolite, smaragdite and the like. This stone is most often used as an ornamental stone.

Actinolite contains silicon in its composition. The stone has a green color with tints of either brown or gray. The mineral has a glassy luster.

Rich deposits of actinolite have been discovered in China, Africa, Canada, New Zealand, Russia and other countries.

The healing properties of actinolite

The healing properties of actinolite have been known to people since ancient times. This stone is actively used in folk medicine. It is used to treat various diseases hair and skin. If the mineral is worn as jewelry on both hands, it will help its owner get rid of lichen, skin fungus and eczema.

To treat peeling skin, the stone must be worn on the middle finger of the right hand, and it should be set in silver. If a person is very worried about hair loss or dandruff, then medicinal properties actinolite will appear if the stone is set in silver in the form of earrings.

The magical properties of actinolite

The Chinese believe that actinolite “reads” the fate of its owner. He can even influence him and correct some events intended for him. In view of this, the people of China consider it a bad act to pick up this stone on the street. The stone might have been lost by someone, and so they are afraid that fate former owner can magically transfer to the finder.

African shamans believe that the magical properties of actinolite make it possible to detect lies. Most often they use stones that have the effect of “ cat eye", as a lie detector. If the stone begins to flicker in the hands of the person holding it, this means that he is telling the truth. If the stone responded differently to the touch, then the shamans could easily accuse the person of lying.

Residents of the Urals in ancient times believed that whoever found a crystal of this stone would certainly in the near future either become famous or become rich. The stone could contribute to the fulfillment of the finder’s deepest desire.

The stone is universal, so jewelry with it can be worn by people born under any zodiac sign. But actinolite can only belong to one person, since he perceives the fate of the latter and becomes one with the owner. Therefore, this gem should not be given to anyone or transferred in any other way. Astrologers are sure that, having left its owner, a stone can take his luck with it.

Actinolite is recommended to be worn as a talisman by people engaged in scientific research, including students. He will help his owner make the right decision and understand his aspirations. It can also give the ability to understand the hidden meaning of the interlocutor’s words.

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The mineral actinolite is a silicate containing iron. It is painted in gray-brown-green colors and consists of a large number of needle crystals, which give the stone radiance and shine, which is why it got its name “radiant”. Along with actinolite, garnet, quartz, talc, and epidote are often mined. This gem is used in jewelry, and its elastic variety is used to make rubber for tires.

Actinolite is a common mineral, deposits of which are not uncommon. Its most significant deposits were found in Russia (Urals, Karelia, Primorsky Krai, Yekaterinburg), as well as in countries such as Austria, the USA, Brazil, China, Canada and New Zealand.

Transparent actinolite is mined in Africa, and deposits of blue-gray stone are located in Italy. Crystals high quality for making jewelry originally from Tanzania and the northern regions of India. Instances of ornamental quality were found on the territory of Ukraine in the Azov region.

Switzerland, Slovakia, Afghanistan and Madagascar also began to develop actinolite deposits.

Actinolite has been known since ancient times, but was described and given its name in 1794. The Greek words "actinos" and "lithos" are translated as "ray" and "stone", that is, the literal translation of the name of the mineral is radiant stone, which indicates shiny, shining crystals made in the form of rays.

After some time, they were discovered and described various types actinolite, each of which received a separate name.

Iron and silicon are the predominant elements in the composition of actinolite; depending on their percentage content, the color of the mineral changes. Impurities include compounds of titanium, aluminum, potassium, manganese and magnesium.

The crystals have a monoclinic system, the shape is needle-shaped or columnar, elongated. The color range ranges from green, greenish-gray to black. The stone is transparent or translucent. It has a glassy, ​​pronounced shine. In some specimens there is a “cat’s eye” effect due to the shine of thread-like thin fibers.

At the fracture, the actinolite is uneven. It has medium cleavage, hardness 5-6. The density is 3.03-3.24 g/cm3. This mineral is quite fragile, but resistant to acids, slightly soluble only in hydrochloric acid.

The following subspecies of actinolite are distinguished according to their color:

  • Jade - in addition to iron, contains chromium and manganese, due to which it is characterized by the widest palette of colors: from almost white through yellowish-green, grass, emerald, swamp green to black. Blue and red varieties are rare and most valuable.
  • Bissolite is a fine-fiber mineral of greenish or green-gray color, deposits of which are located in the Alps. It got its name because of its external resemblance to flax fibers.
  • Smaragdite is a rare bright specimen, the rich color of young grasses.
  • Amianth is an actinolite of violet tones without dark spots.

In ancient times, actinolite was often used by enlightened magicians, shamans and sorcerers for rituals and ceremonies, and each nation associated its own signs and legends with this gem.

On the African continent, actinolite was used to identify liars, because they believed that a change in aurora indicated who was deceiving. The stone was used in justice: if it faded in the hands of the accused, it was believed that this indicated deception and the person was found guilty.

The Chinese believed that the discovery of an actinolite crystal was a very bad omen, and it was considered even more unfavorable to bring the mineral into your home. They believed that actinolite took on the fate and energy of its former owner. Thus, picking up a mineral along the way, along with it, a person also took the fate of its owner.

At the same time, the inhabitants of the Urals, where large deposits of actinolite are located, endowed the stone with a number of opposite properties. So, they believed that actinolite brings treasures, good luck, and the fulfillment of cherished desires.

Today, actinolite is considered a symbol of ambition, decency, wisdom, courage, and loyalty. It is believed that the mineral contained in the talisman is the key to positive changes in the life of the owner.

The main use of actinolite is related to the treatment of skin diseases. To do this, combine the mineral with silver, since its properties increase significantly. When the skin peels, wear a ring with actinolite on the right hand. Paired bracelets worn on both hands help cope with ringworm, skin fungus and eczema. For problems with the scalp and hair, wear silver earrings with this gem.

In general, actinolite has a positive effect on the entire body. Thus, it improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestion, bones and joints. In folk medicine it is used to restore potency. Actinolite crystals of a green hue are indicated for the treatment of mental problems.

Actinolite is not only unusual and beautiful, but also quite easy to process, which has made it a popular stone in jewelry.

A transparent mineral is used to create jewelry– earrings, rings, brooches, pendants and necklaces. Opaque crystals are used to make bracelets, beads and necklaces. Beads and small beads for embroidery are also made from actinolite, and large specimens become the basis for beautiful souvenir balls.

Stones of unusual shapes and intergrowths are collected by collectors.

Elastic samples with a fine-fiber structure are used as rubber fillers.

The main color in the actinolite palette is green and all its various shades. The color of the mineral is determined by its iron content, as well as inclusions of other elements. Due to the latter, the color range expands to bluish, gray and brown tones.

Today, there are methods for producing synthetic actinolite, but rich deposits of the stone do not necessitate their widespread use.

To determine the naturalness of actinolite, do the following:

  • The sample is held in a candle flame, real stone it does not melt:
  • A piece of mineral is dipped into acid. Natural stone does not change its structure and color.

Actinolite is a stone that does not require special care. But it must be stored carefully, due to its fragility, regularly cleaned with clean water and a soft brush, and protected from excessive exposure to the sun.

Actinolites are suitable for all zodiac signs, but most of all – Sagittarius and Aquarius. In order for the talisman to bring success, it is important to buy it yourself and not give it to anyone, since this stone interacts very closely with its owner and is able to take away good energy when sold or even temporarily stored from another person.

Actinolite crystals cost between $25 and $65. Faceted stones are more expensive, depending on weight, size and color, the price ranges from $100 to $400.

  • Talismans with actinolite are recommended for anyone involved in scientific research, as well as students. It is believed that the stone becomes an assistant for making the right decisions and setting goals. In addition, jewelry with actinolite helps to change the path of life in a positive way.
  • Unlike many other stones, actinolite is universal for all zodiac signs. But this mineral should have only one owner. The gem is not recommended to be given or given away to anyone, as it remains connected to its owner and contains his destiny.

Actinolite is a stone that belongs to the category of rock-forming minerals; it belongs to the silicate class and has an original color that combines green, brown and gray colors. The name of the mineral is translated from Greek as stone and ray; it has a glassy luster.

In the material you will get to know it better, learn more about its types and properties, and also see in the photo exactly what it looks like.

Classification of actinolites

The mineral received its official scientific justification at the end of the 18th century. Then a number of its varieties were studied in detail by scientists, the stones were structured depending on structure and shade:

According to their chemical composition, the rocks are predominantly composed of flint and iron, these elements play a significant role in the color of the mineral. They also include impurities such as:

  • magnesium;
  • aluminum;
  • potassium;
  • titanium;
  • manganese.

The minerals are characterized by medium hardness, even fracture, a high level of fragility, perfect cleavage, and in addition, they are resistant to acids.

In deposits the rocks look like columnar or needle-shaped crystal. The thin and thread-like fibers that characterize quartz and transparent minerals give them a shine, also called “cat’s eye.”

How to determine whether a stone is real or not

On the market, actinolites, like other valuable stones, are often replaced with fakes. To understand that this is the real one, you need to do the following:

  • hold the mineral in the flame of a candle, real actinolite will not melt;
  • take a piece of rock and put it in a container with acid. If it is genuine, then it will not change in any way, either in terms of structure or color.

Main actinolite deposits in the world

These minerals not classified as rare. Actinolite deposits can be found in different countries. The largest deposits of stones are located on the territory of Russia, in such regions as:

  • Ural;
  • Karelia;
  • Yekaterinburg;
  • Primorye.

Deposits are also found in other countries, for example:

  • New Zealand;
  • Canada;
  • China;
  • Italy, etc.

On the African continent you can find rare transparent minerals, in Italy predominantly blue-gray actinolites are found. Quality samples, which are then used as raw materials for jewelry, can be found in Tanzania and northern India. Stones of other types are also mined in Madagascar, Afghanistan, Switzerland and Slovakia, and good jewelry examples are found in Ukraine and the Azov region.

The magical properties of this mineral

According to the legends of different peoples, actinolite has magical properties. Even in ancient times, shamans, sorcerers and magicians widely used it for their rituals, ceremonies and initiations. Actinolites were part of the local belief system and were an integral part of them.

For example, African aborigines used such a mineral to recognize deceivers. They believed that if actinolite changes the flickering prism, then he points to the person who lied. And the high priests of the black continent used actinolite in acts of justice. So, if the accused took a stone in his hands, and it became dull in his palms, then he would certainly be found guilty.

But in China, the presence of a found pebble in the house was a bad omen. According to local beliefs, this mineral preserved the energy of the lost person and took upon himself his fate. And the person who picked up the actinolite, together with it, took upon himself the fate of the previous owner, whatever it was - happy or not.

In the Urals, where there is one of the largest actinolite deposits in the world, there are also beliefs about it. Thus, when actinolite was mined, it was believed that it would bring wealth, recognition and good luck to the house, and that actinolite would allow one’s cherished desires to be fulfilled.

But in our time, actinolite is considered a symbol of such human qualities, How:

  • loyalty;
  • ambition;
  • wisdom;
  • decency;
  • courage.

Experts say that if a person wants positive changes in his life, he can use actinolite as a talisman.

The healing properties of actinolite

Most often this mineral is used for treatment serious illnesses skin problems such as fungus, ringworm or eczema. To do this, you need to wear actinolite jewelry in a silver frame, since it is believed that such interaction only enhances the healing properties of the mineral. But if the skin is peeling, then you need to put on right hand ring or a ring with this mineral. It is also recommended to wear paired actinolite bracelets on both hands to treat such skin diseases. If a disease of the scalp and hair has been detected, wear silver earrings with particles of this mineral.

Actinolite is believed to have a beneficial effect on key functions of our body. Thanks to its use, the functioning of the heart improves, blood vessels are put in order, the respiratory organs and intestines return to normal, in addition, joints and the spine can be healed. Traditional healers believe that with the help of this mineral men can solve their problems with potency.

Green actinolite crystals are used to treat minor mental disorders, as well as recovery from depression, including even prolonged depression.

Jewelry Application

This mineral has incredible beauty and structure, and its ease of processing makes it incredibly popular among jewelry makers. Made from transparent minerals beautiful jewelry. They are first cut using a cabochon, then it is inserted into products such as:

  • rings;
  • earrings;
  • brooches;
  • pendants;
  • rings, etc.

But opaque crystals are used for making necklaces, bracelets or beads. Original stones and joints are incredibly popular among specialized collectors, but beads and faceted beads based on actinolite are used for embroidery. Minerals are used for souvenir balls; rubber can also be filled with elastic and fine-fiber actinolite.

Actinolite for representatives of different zodiac signs

A talisman based on this breed can be worn by all zodiac signs, but most of all it suitable for Aquarius and Sagittarius. In order for this mineral to attract success and prosperity, it is recommended that you purchase it or jewelry along with it yourself and never pass it on to others. And if you want to sell the stone, give it as a gift, or simply let someone use it, then it will take with it everything good that the person had.

Different stones are credited with different properties, both medicinal and supernatural. Actinolite is no exception; you could get acquainted with its features above.

Actinolite (from the ancient Greek words ἀκτίς - ray and λίθος - stone) is a mineral of the amphibole group of the silicate class. It is an intermediate member between tremolite and ferro-actinolite. It has a needle-crystalline structure. Hardness 5.0 - 5.5. Transparent to opaque. The color is greenish - green-brown, green-gray, emerald green. Chemical formula Ca 2 (Mg,Fe) 5 2 (OH) 2. Fragile. Melts in the candle flame. Synonyms: radiant stone, cupzeferite, tafilite, zilbeloite, stibolite, etching.

Types of actinolite:
- Jade
- Amianth is asbestos.
- Bissolite – hairy aggregates consisting of the finest needle-shaped and microscopic fibrous crystals that easily break when bent.
- Smaragdite - continuous fine-grained masses of emerald-green actinolite.
- Emerald spar is an outdated name. Now the term has moved into the category of trade and can mean anything.

Asbestos and amianth actinolite cannot be wetted: it will stick together. Such specimens are of interest only to geologists and collectors. Some samples of asbestos actinolite look like a mane of fur. Very durable, by the way, you can even brush it with a brush, but it can easily be crushed by a touch or even a gust of wind. Samples of “shaggy” actinolite look sloppy in collections precisely because they do not hold their shape.

Unfortunately, the "hairies" are poisonous. Their small needles fall into respiratory tract and provoke silicosis, a severe and fatal disease. IT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to process fibrous actinolite at home. It is best to keep it in a closed display case to avoid it. This does not apply to other types of actinolite.

Inclusions of actinolite in other minerals create various optical effects: cat's eye in chrysoberyl and quartz, silky iridescence in spica quartz and tourmaline. Sometimes polished quartz with actinolite needles is found under the name hairworm, although it has nothing to do with real quartz hairworm - that is, golden needle-shaped rutile. Actinolite "hair" has needle-like inclusions ranging from emerald green to almost black. Some quartz are colored with tiny particles of actinolite; they are quite attractive in appearance, especially if the quartz itself is clean and transparent. Such samples are polished into cabochons and used as ornamental material for bracelets and beads and individual inserts. Transparent green quartz with a clean and even color - prasiolite - has nothing to do with actinolite quartz.

How ornamental stone green translucent actinolite is also used. It is also quite similar to jade, but differs in structure and is more fragile. It must be said that there are such ornamental jades, which are actually actinolites or a mixture of actinolite and jade, on the market. They are not sold under their own name and are similar in appearance, so it is not possible to really estimate the percentage of true jades from those masquerading as them. Small carvings and inserts are usually made from such pebbles. There are also rings made entirely of actinolite, which are very fragile and break quickly. Such handicrafts are not typical for branded sealed products.

Actinolite is characterized by a structure with parallel internal tubules. It may itself have a cat eye effect. Cat's eye jade is almost certainly actinolite, since all the fibers inside the jade are tangled.

Jewelry varieties of actinolite are rarely used due to the softness of the material - its hardness is close to the hardness of glass, and it breaks easily. Faceted actinolite - collectible rare stone.

Along with jade itself, actinolite is popular in China. There is even a [para]medical monograph from 1960 by the Chinese scientist Sue Tuoqiong, entirely devoted to the healing properties of actinolite.

The history of this mineral goes deep into the past, during the Stone Age. Until now, from previous ways of using actinolite (and it was not always only decorative stone) there is little left.

Actinolite was not known to Europe as an ornamental (and not only) stone - it was used as a source of asbestos. But in Africa it has been exploited since ancient times and is still used by local shamans. In particular, the "witch's finger" variety of actinolite from Zambia is a magical item.

Because of its specific “glory,” actinolite is often used as a material for occult objects, exotic jewelry, etc. Some varieties of actinolite are used in “black” lithotherapy, including in the specific African and New Zealand direction, Indian classical lithotherapy (for the support chakra ), not to mention Chinese. There are still healers living in Russia who know how to use the mineral for treatment.

Finding a collectible specimen of actinolite is easy, but finding a product made from it is much more difficult.