Scientists around the world talk about the negative impact of synthetic materials on human health.
After all, it is the presence of chemically produced synthetic thread in clothing (boots, blouses, stockings) that disrupts the natural heat exchange of the body.

Synthetic fabrics are also endowed with other harmful properties, including:

Low hygroscopicity, due to which the moisture that is released from human skin, poorly absorbed into the fibers, clogs the air pores, impedes air circulation, and reduces the thermal insulation properties of the fabric;
- long-term retention of unpleasant odors;
- wash less well;
- electrostaticity;
- volatile components of chemical fibers, including toxic ones, can be released for several months when ironing clothes;

Synthetic fabrics dyed with chemicals are completely contraindicated for people suffering from allergies, skin diseases, eczema or psoriasis. And low quality material can cause dermatitis even in a healthy person!

New Zealand experts recommend abandoning the use of synthetic bedding in favor of natural materials. Scientists have identified synthetic fabrics as a serious danger to human health.
Based on the results of numerous studies, it was revealed that synthetic bedding contains a high concentration of fungal microorganisms. For asthmatics and allergy sufferers, such underwear is especially dangerous.

At the same time, in synthetic pillows the concentration of fungus and mold is 2-3 times higher than in feather pillows. In addition, in mattresses that have served for more than 5 years, the level of these organisms exceeds the permissible norm by 3 times.

The dependence of oncology statistics on bras made from certain types of synthetic fabrics was revealed; and all kinds of pads and tampons containing chemically reactive components represent another chemical risk factor, as well as a genetic risk for future children, affecting directly the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs of girls and women.

Contrary to popular belief that allergies are caused by the paint used to paint the material, it is not the only paint that can cause harm. There are many other substances that are found in synthetic fabric that can cause irritation, redness, itching and even an asthma attack. Of course, not all synthetic materials cause this effect. But if you've ever worn synthetic clothing, you're definitely familiar with unpleasant consequences static electricity.

Most researchers consider synthetics to be the most dangerous and little-studied factor in the harm they cause to humans. static electricity penetrating synthetic fabrics.

At the core negative influence Static electricity of synthetic fabrics on the human body is caused by a neuroreflex mechanism.

Action of S. e. is expressed in direct irritation of the sensitive nerve endings of the skin, or irritation occurs secondary, due to the polarization of cellular elements and changes in ionic relationships in tissues. Irritation of sensitive nerve endings causes a reaction of the whole organism: skin sensitivity changes, capillary blood flow is stimulated, vascular tone changes, a number of systemic changes are observed, including changes in the central nervous system.

People exposed to prolonged exposure to S. e. complain of increased fatigue, irritability, poor sleep, etc. Objectively, there is a tendency to arterial hypertension and bradycardia, which indicates vascular spasm and dystonia. Action of S. e. not specific and does not cause a specific disease.

In addition, synthetic fabric does not allow the body to breathe: during movements, the body heats up, normal heat exchange is disrupted, and sweating increases.

Such clothing does not allow moisture to pass through - it is waterproof: the sweat that is released by the body does not evaporate from the fabric of the clothing, but is retained between the body and the clothing. The effect of a steam bath occurs, only at the same time you are engaged in steaming in your own sweat, alkali, fats and acids that are released along with it.

Based on materials:
W. Nilsson "Synthetics are hellish clothes"

Despite the fact that all scientists unanimously speak about the dangers of synthetic fabrics on the body, we do not always refuse these materials. For some of us, this fact seems something illusory and not so significant in order to decide on changes. We will try to convey to you what is really important to know, what will make you think about your health.

So, let's start with the fact that the skin produces moisture and, naturally, this moisture needs to go somewhere: to be absorbed or evaporate. Otherwise, the surface will begin to rot and this will not end well. Synthetic fabrics have very low hygroscopicity, which eliminates the absorption of moisture. As a result, the pores become clogged, air circulation is disrupted, and the thermal insulation properties of the fabric are reduced to zero. Moreover, synthetics do not conduct heat, so it is hot in summer and cold in winter.

Another not very pleasant moment: static electricity, which often accompanies synthetic fabrics. The effect of electricity on the nerve endings of the skin is not natural for the body, which causes irritation. Next, a number of reactions occur in the body: capillary blood flow is stimulated, vascular tone begins to change, various shifts and interruptions occur in the system, which, of course, negatively affects the nervous system. Scientists have noticed that people who have a predominance of synthetics in their wardrobe are more likely to suffer from nightmares, fatigue, and aggression.

Perhaps the most terrible and dangerous drawback of synthetic fabrics is the high content of various chemicals. Volatile toxic components, in most cases, remain on the material forever, and even washing, ironing and drying are not able to completely clean the fabric. It turns out that every day your body is at the mercy of chemicals that envelop your body, enter your respiratory tract, and penetrate your body. Now imagine the consequences if we are talking about patients with asthma, prone to allergies or children. It's not even worth explaining.

There are people for whom synthetics are strictly contraindicated: those suffering from skin diseases, allergies, eczema or psoriasis. But don’t be fooled if you don’t have these ailments. Cheap and low-grade fabric can cause dermatitis in an absolutely healthy body.

Another problem that can await owners of synthetic bedding is fungal diseases. As a rule, in synthetic textiles the concentration of fungus and mold is several times higher than in natural fibers. Pillows and mattresses that have lasted more than one year are especially dangerous to use. The result can be redness, itching, irritation, and even an attack.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the production of synthetics itself excludes any interaction with nature. After all, the fiber does not feed on the resources of the earth in order to ripen, does not receive solar energy, but is grown in a laboratory, which makes it absolutely far from living matter and dangerous for it.

Wool has warming properties, is good for the liver and kidneys, and helps with fatigue. Wool preserves the primary structure of domestic animals, it has a positive effect on human energy and even enhances it

What was worn in Rus' thousands of years ago?

They are burning, the new is the well-forgotten old. Let's look into the chests of our great-great-great-grandmothers - could their design ideas be useful to us?

In ancient times, clothing performed not only a purely utilitarian function; many traditions were associated with it. Already in the ancient period (10-12 centuries) in the costume of Russian women there was a division into underwear and an outer dress. Underwear clothing - "shirt" - was made from linen, bleached and unbleached.

Outerwear was loose and long. It consisted of a straight, often belted, dress, complemented by a cape-cloak trimmed with a border. Cloaks (“hila” or “robes”) were made of silk. The clothes of noble women were multicolored: blue, brown, green, green and yellow. The most favorite color in the costume of all classes was red, the color is “amulet”.
Clothes were decorated with pearls and “alamomi” - silver and gold chased plaques, and trimmed with gold thread embroidery.

During the cold season, women wore furs. The wealthy made the edges of their dresses from ermine skins; the richest could afford knee-length ermine overlays. Fur coats were made from the skins of wolverine, beaver, squirrel, sable, and fox, worn with great care and passed on from mother to daughter.

A mandatory addition to any costume was a headdress. The tradition of covering the head came from pagan times, when a covered head meant protecting a woman and her loved ones from “evil forces.” Women's hair was considered dangerous to others. This is where the tradition of Orthodox women comes from – not to go to church with their heads uncovered.

The headdress corresponded to the family and social status of ancient Russian women. Girls wore braids or loose hair, the top of their heads was always open. Girls' headdresses: crown (a narrow strip of metal or material fastened at the back of the head), koruna (a more intricately decorated corolla). The most ancient ones - ubrus and povoi - completely covered the head. Later, they began to wear crowns - kokoshniks or kikis - over the crown, and in winter - a hat with a fur band. The front part of the kiki - the necklace - was decorated with pearls, embroidery or precious stones

Properties of various fabrics.

Wool It has warming properties, is good for the liver and kidneys, and helps with fatigue. Wool preserves the primary structure of domestic animals; it has a positive effect on human energy and even enhances it. The thicker and coarser the wool fabric, the greater the energy reserve it has.

Wool fabrics Suitable for people who are indecisive, unsure of themselves, as well as weakened and sick people. It is useful to wear woolen clothes, socks made of camel hair, and cover yourself with a woolen blanket. The body will be supported energetically both day and night.
Cotton also warms, its sunny and soft nature allows the use of cotton fabrics for making linen. Cotton suits everyone. It carries the energy of calm. Cotton fabric perfectly absorbs excess negative energy from the body. Therefore, it is good to dress in cotton clothes when we are sick or doing physical labor. Wear at least cotton underwear and change it often, washing it immediately in cold water, as this will neutralize what the cotton fabric has collected.

Linen canvas are saturated with the life-giving power of the Sun, Earth and Water, therefore since ancient times they have been used for underwear and bed linen. Scientists have proven that the use of linen clothing prevents a number of diseases, since linen has rare bacteriological properties - neither bacteria nor fungus coexist on it. This absolutely pure ecological fabric is a natural antiseptic. Linen kills germs, infections, suppresses harmful microflora, wounds under linen bandages heal faster. Flax contains silica, which inhibits the development of bacteria.

Sleeping on linen sheets helps to increase the level of immunoglobulin A in the blood, which restores the immune system.

Flax, Perhaps it has the strongest energy of all materials. It awakens in a person a feeling of calm concentration, thoughtfulness and regularity. Psychotherapists are convinced that flax fibers protect a person from depression, neuroses, and mental disorders. Therefore, linen is relevant right now, in times of constant stress.

Linen is favorable for harmonizing with nature. However, when communicating with a client at work or in a controversial situation, linen creates problems with concentration. Linen to some extent serves as an insulating material in interactions between people. Everything seems to slide off the flax without harming its purity. This property protects us, if not from a direct blow, then from general energy pressure completely. Therefore, it is useful to wear linen not only at work, but also in crowded places; linen is an excellent clothing for being in a crowd.

Natural silk- a child of the East, clothes made from it are moderately warm. According to popular belief, it strengthens the body, drives worries away from the heart, enlightens the mind, and also sharpens vision.
Silk has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and human performance. It helps to better concentrate thoughts, and therefore it is best to practice creative work and meditation in silk clothes.

When people believed in the evil eye, those who could afford it also wore silk clothes as a shield, because it has natural protective properties to protect the energy body from bad influences.
Therefore, in China, the birthplace of silk, various symbols of amulets are woven into its texture, and it is from this fabric that not only underwear is made, but also outerwear, especially for those who work with people. Ancient Chinese women always wiped their faces and necks with silk after bathing and slept on pillows with a pillowcase woven from silk. Wearing silk items is recommended for those who often suffer from tonsillitis, as well as those who suffer from arthritis, dermatitis and allergies. Silk bands on wrists and knees relieve joint pain. Silk pajamas relieve insomnia because the touch of this fabric relaxes and soothes. Silk bed linen is beneficial. it is hypoallergenic; pillows and blankets stuffed with silkworm cocoons do not harbor bed dust mites and saprophytes, which, according to doctors, are infested with feather pillows. Silk blankets improve sleep, increase vitality and restore youth. Holes in the silk help retain heat and keep cold out. A silk blanket has the ability to calm the human nervous system and reduce the impact on it external factors. A blanket can not only prevent insomnia, but also completely eliminate daytime fatigue, so under such a blanket people relax better and get up more rested.

Fabric made from hemp fibers - hemp. This fabric does not lose its appearance when washed, and with prolonged use it exhibits additional properties: it becomes more active and retains positive qualities hemp – refreshes, removes toxins, blocks the development of pathogenic microbes, does not interfere with the metabolic processes of the skin... the fabric does not stretch, maintaining the shape of the item. It promotes natural heat exchange in the body: it retains heat in winter and releases heat easily in summer. Practically does not transmit ultraviolet radiation (reflects 95%) Hemp fabric completely destroys bad smell sweat, as an indispensable attribute of the active life of pathogenic organisms.

In addition, clothing made from hemp does not accumulate static electricity at all, which negatively affects the functioning of the human cardiovascular system...with constant use, the fabric reveals additional healing properties of hemp as a medicinal plant.

Living hemp tissue has a refreshing and softening effect on the human body, toning it and beneficially affecting the functioning of the entire body throughout the day.
At large physical activity the body receives additional support during the recovery period, quickly replenishing energy costs.
It has been noted that hemp fabric has an analgesic and calming effect.

Nettle fabric is able to protect a person from evil spells and the evil eye, as well as heal from various diseases.

It is not without reason that nettle yarn was used to knit socks that were worn for rheumatic pain and belts used for radiculitis and migraines. The kings wove bed linen from nettle fibers, which were particularly soft and durable.

Rugs for the hallway were woven from nettles to deprive the evil power of a guest entering the house.
Clothes made from nettles are medicinal. It restores the correct flow of energy in the body. Therefore, nettle was used for weakness and impotence.
Nettle fabric- this is a protector, a talisman. It protects against external and internal aggressive energy. Previously, thanks to its beneficial qualities and strength, products made from nettle fibers were actively used both in the palaces of the nobility and in the homes of ordinary people. Fortunately, modern craftswomen have again remembered this wonderful plant and are ready to return it to its former glory. The Italian fashion house Corpo Nove began producing clothes from nettles. The first fabrics were made from German nettles from the banks of the Rhine. Nettle jackets and jeans are a resounding success.

Artificial fabrics are obtained from fibers made from natural gas, oil, coal, cellulose, glass, metals... Nowadays, artificial fabrics are becoming more and more similar to natural ones - they are breathable, pleasant to the body, soft in texture. The undoubted advantages of synthetic fabrics are that they retain the shape of the product and almost do not wrinkle.

Viscose. It is obtained from wood cellulose chemically. Many people believe that this is a natural fabric, probably because viscose has many advantages characteristic of natural materials - anti-allergic properties, good breathability, pleasant tactile qualities. But there are also disadvantages - they wear out quickly, the fabric tears easily, especially when wet, and becomes very wrinkled. It is advisable to purchase products made from viscose, which has a silky smooth finish, therefore it is more durable and better retains its attractive appearance.

Acrylic. This is a synthetic fiber, the raw materials for which are extracted from natural gas. In appearance, acrylic is very similar to wool - it is just as flexible and soft, it retains heat well, which is why acrylic is sometimes called “artificial wool”. However, acrylic does not allow enough air to pass through, and after washing it loses its elasticity, stretches significantly and wrinkles. The optimal combination of acrylic with wool or mohair is then the pellet will be smaller and the deformation of the product will be less pronounced. Acrylic may be referred to as PAN.

Polyamide. This is a highly elastic synthetic, products from which do not wear out for a long time due to durable fibers, while perfectly maintaining their original shape. Polyamide is also used for the manufacture of underwear, tights, stockings, leggings, and is also included in outerwear. The most famous varieties of polyamide are nylon, taslan, and Jordan. Nylon is the most practical, easy to clean and dries quickly, while Taslan and Jordan are designed with improved hygiene characteristics in terms of breathability and water repellency. The disadvantages of polyamide fibers are that they do not retain heat well, do not absorb moisture and are very electrified. But still a spectacular appearance, strength, resistance to washing, bending - all these advantages also deserve attention. It is desirable that the product contains no more than 10% polyamide fibers.

Fleece. Synthetic pile material made from polyester. Fleece retains heat remarkably well, is lightweight, elastic, strong and durable. Manufacturers have already fallen in love with this material for making warm sportswear, tourist clothing, warm children's clothing. Fleece can be one-sided - thermal underwear, shirts, or double-sided. Can be used as lining fabric. To improve water-repellent properties, fleece is treated special means(for example, for sewing fleece demi-season jackets).

Polartek. New fabrics, more than 150 types, developed by the American corporation MALDEN MILLS. High-tech Polartec fabrics are created specifically for various types sports and outdoor activities, reminiscent of tightly knitted jersey. It is 100% polyester with a dense pile, sometimes with the addition of cotton, lycra, wool, nylon or rayon. Polartek produces strong, durable sweaters, jumpers, turtlenecks, jackets that do not absorb odors, perfectly retain their shape and color; this is why Polartek is superior to wool and other natural fibers. And at the same time, the breathability and heat retention properties are no worse than those of wool. These new fabrics do not allow wind to pass through at all, resulting in a thermos effect - the air inside between the body and the product is heated by body heat and does not cool down.

Membrane. Membrane fabrics appeared not so long ago. A membrane is the thinnest film or special impregnation applied to the top layer of fabric using a special technology. On the inside, this film or impregnation can be protected by another layer of fabric. Clothing and shoes made of membrane fabric are comfortable in any weather, as it does not allow moisture to pass through, protects from wind and at the same time breathes, wicks sweat out, retaining heat. There are microporous membranes - they are a film with pores several thousand times smaller than a drop of water, so raindrops cannot pass through these pores, but at the same time steam from the body is removed outside (for example, Gore-Tex, Porelle). There are hydrophilic membranes - this is a dense film without pores, completely impervious to water, but water vapor is removed out (for example, Sympatex, Ultimex, Sofitex, Cyclone, TransActive). There are combined membranes - for example, TriplePoint. Microporous membranes breathe better, hydrophilic membranes stretch better and do not become clogged with dirt. The disadvantages include the fact that if there is a film of water or ice on the surface of the clothing, breathability deteriorates sharply. Membranes are actively used in the production of children's outerwear and footwear, for outdoor activities.

Microfiber A synthetic material often used in the manufacture of underwear, lightweight casual wear and sportswear. It has enviable hygienic indicators for synthetics: good heat resistance, while allowing air to pass through well, such clothes are comfortable in both hot and cold. This material lasts a long time, looks great - thin, elastic, and at the same time quite durable. Often combined with nylon to increase density.

Elastane. This is a whole group of synthetic fibers, the most common of which is lycra. The main effect of these fibers is to impart elasticity to the product. The elastane thread stretches 6-9 times its original length, then returns to its original state. They are usually added to other fabrics. And then things don’t wrinkle, wash well, and are very practical. Not a single stretch item is complete without elastane - it can be anything from banal tights, underwear to skirts, turtlenecks, dresses.

"Modal"- a special fiber with a high water-repellent effect, containing 100% cellulose isolated from beech wood pulp. The fabric recreates all the natural properties of cotton, but unlike the latter, it does not wrinkle. Modal does not contain harmful impurities. Its tensile strength is higher than that of viscose, and its hygroscopicity is superior to cotton (almost 1.5 times). Fabrics with Modal remain soft and elastic even after repeated washing. This is due to the fact that the smooth surface of Modal does not allow impurities (lime or detergent) remain on the fabric, making it hard to the touch. Products with Modal do not require the use of softeners when washing, and retain their original colors and softness, giving a skin-to-skin feel even after numerous washes. The Modal content in the fabric gives additional sophistication and shine.

Synthetic fabrics They do not have their own natural charge, no primordial properties, since their fibers are created by people. Nevertheless, artificial fibers have an equally amazing ability to accumulate an induced field, both positive and negative. Therefore, the same fabric can be both harmful and beneficial for you.
Oddly enough, we cannot charge our own thing that we wear ourselves. To do this, someone must act from the outside while the item is being put on. You yourself seem to be isolated from the thing you are wearing, but almost any stranger or close person can tell her the charge.

Ask someone close to you who treats you kindly to touch your clothes while they are already on you, thus charging them with positive energy towards you, which will serve as good enough protection for a while.
Having accepted the program, synthetics further perceives only what is within the boundaries of such a program.
And this continues until the first wash. published

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The harmful effects of synthetics on the body are much wider than is commonly believed. Impaired heat exchange is just the tip of the iceberg; problems with the skin and even the nervous system can arise. Compound
Clothing made from synthetic fabrics became a real breakthrough in the 20th century, taking away a large market share from natural fabrics. Such clothes have another significant plus - practicality in use. Synthetics, as a rule, do not wrinkle, are easier to care for and store, and are more durable compared to natural fabrics. Synthetic fibers are synthesized from petroleum, coal and natural products, recalls Tatyana Sysoeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist at the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center.
They have been used in clothing production for more than 50 years; the most popular materials are: polyester, polyamide, acrylic, elastane, nylon.
Sysoeva explains: synthetic fabrics in most cases do not allow the skin to breathe. As a result, air circulation is disrupted, thermoregulation suffers, and the person sweats more.
A favorable environment for the growth of bacteria is formed, especially in summer. This threatens with infectious skin lesions: folliculitis, pityriasis versicolor, inguinal epidermophytosis Tatyana SysoevaCandidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist of the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center
Dermatocosmetologist, candidate of medical sciences Leila Roz also notes that synthetic clothing often causes allergic reactions - rash, redness, itching and skin irritation, especially in people with atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases. Due to intense sweating, an unpleasant odor appears, which is difficult to “wash”.
Allergic reactions can also be caused by low-quality toxic paints, which are used in the production of cheap clothes. In addition, according to the head of the expert department of NP Roskontrol, hygienist Andrei Mosov, some materials can release some toxic substances under clothing - monomers of synthetic fibers.
The physical properties of even the most modern synthetic materials, such as the ability to absorb moisture, breathability and electrostatic properties, are strikingly different from the properties of natural materials. That is why synthetic materials, especially as the first layer of clothing, are undesirableAndrey MosovHead of the expert direction of NP Roskontrol, hygienist At the same time, according to Tatyana Sysoeva, due to the fact that synthetic fabric does not absorb moisture well, which means sweat does not evaporates and causes tissue adhesion, the time and area of ​​contact with the skin increases, this increases the risk of developing dermatitis.
As Maya Belousova, a cosmetologist and dermatovenerologist at the multidisciplinary medical center “Clinic No. 1” notes, a violation of thermoregulation may well lead to overheating of the body in hot weather, up to heatstroke. In summer, tight synthetic clothing is a direct path to heat illness. Today, this is the name given to various health disorders due to overheating, including the well-known heatstroke, agrees with colleague Andrei Mosov.
Also, according to Mosov, a violation of the air-heat balance of a person who experiences discomfort all day long, worsens mood, causes stress, can cause many psychosomatic diseases and even lead to more serious problems with health.
You've probably noticed a crackling, tingling sparkle when you take off synthetic clothes - this is static electricity, which can also have a bad effect on the nerve endings of the skin, which leads to general irritability, fatigue and problems with sleep Leila Roz, Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatocosmetologist
The expert also does not recommend sleeping on synthetic bedding; this, among other things, “increases the risk of attacks in patients with bronchial asthma and allergic reactions.
Natural fabrics also have disadvantages: they are difficult to wash and iron, and they are less practical. However, today a fairly large volume of production has been occupied by mixed fabrics containing natural and synthetic fibers simultaneously. Dermatocosmetologist Alena Chernookova believes that this allows you to combine the environmental friendliness and hygiene of natural fabrics with the practicality of synthetic ones and there is nothing wrong with wearing such things. It is the properties of such fabrics that destroy the myth about the dangers of all synthetic clothing.
The optimal content of synthetics in clothing is from 5% to 15%. This amount will protect you from allergic reactions, infectious and fungal diseasesAlena ChernookovaDermatocosmetologist
According to Leila Roz, it is always necessary to take into account that there are high-quality materials and their not very high-quality analogues. For example, quality fabrics for good sportswear include breathable fibers, they have micro-holes that allow air to pass through to the surface of the skin and allow moisture to escape without letting it back in. In addition, in these clothes you will not get wet in the rain. The expert is also sure that it is quite possible to choose things from natural ingredients with the addition of synthetic materials, but in a ratio of no more than 50% synthetic fibers.
Not only the fabric, but also the design of clothing and other wardrobe items can be hazardous to health.

Chemical fibers are manufactured both in the form of threads of endless length (silk, cord) and in the form of a cut rope (staple). They are divided into artificial (viscose, acetate fibers, etc.) and synthetic (polyamide, polyester, polyacrylonitrile, etc.).

Artificial fibers are produced by chemical processing of natural polymers, mainly cellulose. The main raw materials in the production of viscose, copper-ammonium and acetate fibers are wood and cotton cellulose. In the production of synthetic fibers, products from oil, coal and natural gas are used, which are then polymerized. The adverse effects of chemical fibers are mainly due to the presence of intermediate substances released into the air of industrial premises.

In production viscose fibers cellulose is treated with carbon disulfide and fibers are spun from solutions of cellulose xanthate in alkali (viscose). The air in chemical shops contains carbon disulfide vapors, and in spinning and finishing shops, in addition, hydrogen sulfide is released during the neutralization of viscose.

Upon receipt copper-ammonia fibers spinning solutions are prepared by mixing cellulose with an aqueous solution of ammonia, basic copper sulfate and sodium hydroxide. An occupational hazard is the release of ammonia vapors.

Acetate fibers are esters of cellulose and acetic acid. In their production, acetic anhydride and acetic acid are used, and acetone and methylene chloride are used as solvents for preparing spinning solutions. When spinning fibers using the wet method, methanol or aqueous solutions of acetone are used. Most of these substances can pollute the air of industrial premises.

In production polyamide fiber nylon (nylon, perlon, silone) the starting raw material is the monomer subjected to polymerization - caprolactam, and in the production of anida fiber (nylon 66, perlon T) - the so-called AG salt. Vapors and aerosols of caprolactam, hexamethylenediamine, as well as a mixture of diphenyl and diphenyl oxide, used as a high-boiling coolant, are released into the air of industrial premises.

Symptoms of intoxication with nylon fibers are characterized by irritant and toxic effects. Complaints of headache, increased irritability, fatigue, sweating, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, memory loss, weight loss, sometimes “flickering” in the eyes when changing body position, painful sensations in the area of ​​the heart. Objectively: asthenovegetative syndrome with symptoms of neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypotonic type. Functional disorders liver, disorders of the secretory and acid-forming functions of the stomach. Dermatitis. Female workers producing nylon fiber experience menstrual irregularities.

Dacron polyester fibers (terylene, dacron) obtained from polyethylene terephthalate. The starting materials are dimethyl terephthalate and ethylene glycol. During the production process, diglycol ester of terephthalic acid and methyl alcohol are formed.

Symptoms of intoxication: autonomic-vascular dysfunction, sometimes in combination with autonomic-sensitive polyneuritis. Tendency to arterial hypertension. Liver dysfunction, tendency to anemia and leukopenia.

During production nitron fibers (orlon, acrylan, PAN, volkrylon) Polyacrylonitrile, obtained from acrylonitrile, and dimethylformamide are used as a polymer solvent. Dimethylformamide vapors are released into the air of industrial premises, which has irritating properties and also affects the central nervous system and parenchymal organs.

The air in industrial premises may contain vapors of acrylonitrile and dimethylformamide. Functional diseases are common among workers nervous system(more often vegetative-vascular dysfunction, less often asthenovegetative syndrome, neurasthenic syndrome); diencephalic pathology is possible. Myocardial dystrophy, gastritis; moderate hypochromic anemia, reticulocytopenia. This pathology may be partly due to the action of dimethylformamide.

Production of vinol fiber (vinylon, kuralon) based on the processing of polyvinyl alcohol into threads. An occupational hazard of this production is formaldehyde, which is used to make the fiber resistant to water treatments.