Few people know that making wishes is a huge potential effort directed outward, into the world around us. When dreaming, a person does not just imagine what he would like to receive,

what he wants to achieve and so on, he directly communicates with the information shell of our planet. This theory tells us that making a dream come true is not hard work, but just a simple combination of manipulations with the outside world, called the “Key”.

The technique, which is extremely popular in America, Britain and Canada, for some reason has not received proper distribution in our homeland. And the point is not that our compatriots do not know how to dream, or that realizing the dream of the average Russian does not require any auxiliary functions, these games are simply not for us. We are used to doing things, not lying on the couch and looking at the ceiling, imagining money, houses and women. So, whether dreams come true with this system or not, you can decide for yourself by continuing to read the article!

Step one: dream line

The system tells us that making a dream come true is a simple process of communicating with the macrocosm, that is, a certain planetary mind that receives any of our requests, presented in the form of visualization (what a bureaucrat!) with the most vivid realism. To do this, lie back, relax and imagine what you have always dreamed of. If this is a vacation on the seashore, then visualize yourself on the sand, imagine how the hot sun warms you with soft rays, and a light sea breeze gives you a slight coolness.

Step two: details

When using this technique, details are extremely important. You must visualize, for example, not just money, but its crunch, color, smell. You must touch them in your dreams and believe that they are real. This mechanism is called “reality transfer” - transferring into our reality those now non-existent aspects of our life that we need, by visualizing them with the greatest possible realism. On the one hand, it’s still stupid, but what will probably please all supporters of the “conspiracy theory” is that all these mechanisms are used in Wiccan (and other witchcraft) traditional rituals and meditations, and the “Key” itself was not a revelation for esotericists.

Step three: releasing "Enter"

Like any other request, the fulfillment of a dream depends on whether you sent it to the right address or not. The process is most reminiscent of communication through correspondence on the Internet: you type a message, forming a thought. You correct punctuation, spelling, style, and if you do everything correctly, then after sending your message you will receive some kind of response. But first of all, you press the Enter button, sending a message to your interlocutor. This button in making wishes is the complete suppression of all thoughts about the dream. Having generated and sent a request, you wait for the result, and do not start sending the same text to your interlocutor again and again. The same thing happens here: to realize the dream of your whole life, perhaps only one thing is missing - the freedom to realize it for you!


We will not claim that this system is the ultimate truth, but there is undoubtedly some truth in it, as in every joke.

Since childhood, a person dreams. Some people talk about cute little things, while others talk about making great discoveries and traveling to unknown countries. But there are not many people who have realized their dreams. What prevents you from achieving your goal?

What obstacles do you encounter when making your dreams come true?

In fact, there are only a few reasons why a person cannot achieve the fulfillment of a desire.

These include:

Are there really no proven ways to make your dream come true?

Know yourself and make your dream come true

In fact, using a simple technique, you can achieve your goal in just 12 steps. Naturally, you will have to make every effort and be patient.

But the dream is worth it!

What if all efforts are unsuccessful and the completed book is rejected by the publishing house? There is no need to become discouraged. Even on the negative side you can find positive qualities. The attempt to get closer to the dream was realized and working on it helped me develop so many wonderful qualities in myself: hard work, confidence, the ability to solve problems and organize work.

Sometimes a wish is just a wonderful fairy tale, which, alas, is not destined to come true. However, you can make the fairy tale come true.

Every person has cherished dream, on which he spends a lot of time and energy. In fact, it is not difficult to achieve what you want, but to do this you need to fully concentrate on your dream. Now you can learn how to make a wish come true using the power of thought.

Nowadays, the phrase “Dreaming is not harmful” is familiar to every person. But in most cases, it deprives us of faith that we can really get what we want. Many people do not give up and believe that it is quite possible to make their dream come true. Who makes a wish on a falling star, some do it during the chimes, but only a few have learned to make their dreams come true with the power of thought...

Our thoughts are a powerful tool with which we can attract whatever we want into our lives. Several ways will help you with this.

Formulate a dream

Many people make a mistake already when formulating a desire. In this case, it becomes incomprehensible to the brain, which means that you will have to wait a very long time for its execution. It doesn’t matter whether you say your desire out loud or simply write it down on paper, at the moment of formulation your thoughts should be focused on the dream. Don't describe what you want in a short phrase. For example, if you want to get rich, write down the amount you want to get and how you plan to get it. In this case, you will give yourself instructions and thereby direct your thoughts in the right direction.

Make only wishes that come true

If you dream of living on a desert island, think about whether your desire is really possible and whether you believe that it is possible. Our imagination is limitless, but the subconscious will still remind us that it is almost impossible to realize a fantastic dream. If you rely on the power of thought to fulfill your dream, it is important that your desire is real. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to implement it.

Make your deepest wishes

If you want to attract what you want with the power of your thoughts, your dream must come from your heart. In this case, every time you think about your desire, you should feel a pleasant feeling, experience joy, and the very thought that your desire can come true should lift your spirits. If this doesn't happen, then your dream isn't that important. Then you should think several times whether it is worth spending time and energy of thoughts to make it come true.

Set a time frame

To direct the power of thought to fulfill a dream, you must adhere to one of the most important criteria - specification. This has already been mentioned above, when we told you about the correct and precise formulation of a desire. But now you need to set a time frame. For example, if you want to lose weight, do not forget to mention how long it will take you to achieve your desired weight. It is important that the time frame must be realistic. If you want to get rid of 10 kilograms in an hour, then, as you yourself understand, you will not be able to do this.

Visualize what you want

To visualize what you want, you can mentally imagine images or make a wish map. In both cases, this will help speed up the process of making your dreams come true. However, both methods can be combined. You can look at your vision board and imagine your dream at the same time. In this case, you don't need to limit your imagination. The brighter and richer the images presented, the sooner your cherished dream will come true.

Believe that your wish will come true

If you want to make your dream come true with the power of thought, but don’t believe that it’s possible, then don’t wait positive result. Quite often, people complain that they have made a wish more than once, but it has not yet come true. In most cases, this happens precisely because a person does not believe in the fulfillment of a dream. Therefore, before you attract what you want with the power of soap, you must sincerely believe that it is possible.

Don't tell anyone about your desire

On the one hand, a desire is a goal, and when we tell other people about it, we stimulate ourselves to quickly fulfill it and not be a laughing stock in the eyes of others. On the other hand, when we voice our dream to others, we send a signal to the brain that it has already come true, and thereby lead our thoughts astray. Therefore, psychologists and bioenergetics experts believe that it is better not to share plans and dreams with others.

When making a wish, a person must believe that it will come true. But what to do if after a long time you still haven’t managed to get what you want? In this case, there is no need to lose faith in a miracle and give up: it is best to seek help from a strong conspiracy to make your wish come true. May your dreams come trueand don't forget to press the buttons and

20.09.2018 07:00

By making wishes, we hope that they will come true in the near future. To make your dreams come true...

Everyone has their own dreams, but not all of them come true. How to make your dream come true? Many people want to increase their salary, but the main reason why this does not happen is that this desire remains exclusively at the dream level. It didn't become a target. But as soon as this transformation occurs, a miracle will not keep you waiting.

Step 1

In order to realize your dream, you first need to turn it into a goal. What is the difference between a goal and a dream? A dream is simply our desire: “It would be nice to have more income.” But a goal cannot be just a desire. When an arrow is fired at a target, she does not doubt or think about how to fulfill her dream, she is full of energy and flies exactly where she was sent. Also, a goal cannot come true by chance; it is always a clearly formulated milestone that needs to be achieved, otherwise how can it be realized?

But how to formulate your goal? When a person says to himself: “I want to increase my income,” there is no goal, because it is just a desire. This desire will never be followed by action. The goal is always specific. When a person says: “I want to double my salary,” this is already the first step towards setting a goal. It alone is not enough, but it has already been done.

Why only the first step? Because common mistake in setting a goal: formulated it and conveniently forgot it. This way you won't be able to achieve your dream. It remains just a wish, and everything returns to the pipe dream. Common techniques for visualizing a goal, that is, when you draw a picture or write it to yourself in words and hang it on the wall to re-read every day - this is all good, but will only work if there is a second step.

Step 2

In order for a dream to come true, there is not enough specificity. But specificity is a tough thing; it just won’t let you get to your goal until you answer all the questions necessary for this. As a rule, there are few of them, but they all require a clear answer. For example:

  • How are you going to double your salary?
  • What position in your job offers this kind of income?
  • And if this position does not exist, what other job could you earn such a salary?
  • What needs to be done in order to get the appropriate job and position?

That is, for the set goal, clear, understandable and specific points for achieving it must be formulated; this makes the desire to fulfill the dream concrete and broken down into points. Then these points actually turn into a plan to achieve the goal. Without a plan, the goal is dead, it is just a wish and a pipe dream.

Sometimes it is not possible to write a plan within 5 minutes: sometimes there is simply not enough necessary information that needs to be collected and understood. But this is already movement towards the set goal, it helps to fulfill your dream. Essentially, this is preparation for its implementation. When the plan is finally drawn up, you understand all the stages that need to be completed for this, that is, a clear guide to action.

Step 3

So, there is a goal, a plan for achieving it has been formulated. One more detail is missing - time. Do you want to double your salary in 20 years, for retirement? Most likely not. Because in this case, wages will increase anyway, if only because of inflation. As a rule, a person wants it here and now; in extreme cases, he is ready to wait a few months, but no more. How to realize your dream if you don’t set a specific time for its implementation? This means that the goal, as well as the plan for its implementation, must have a clear time frame for its implementation.

Need advanced training, time to search new job or something else - an idea appears of how and within what time this can be achieved.

At the same time, the time limit is very important in relation to the set goal. Remember your student years: you could prepare for the exam in a month, or in one night.

In this sense, the more time is allocated to the goal (in general and to specific points for its implementation), the longer you will move. You will never get ahead of your plans. Therefore, it is much better to set a strict time limit. It will force you to change plans, look for other ways to achieve this or that point, work hard and focus on the main thing, discarding everything unimportant - in general, it will make you really “spin.”

Thus, there is no magic or miracle in achieving the goal of a sharp increase in salary; this is a systematic movement that allows you to realize your dream.

It is enough to simply formulate it clearly. However, its formulation consists of several components, and this fundamentally distinguishes the goal from ordinary human desire. The first component is the goal itself. The second component is the plan for its implementation. The third component is the time it takes to achieve it. Then the dream may already sound like this: “I want to double my salary within 6 months.”

Step 4

And, of course, all this is not done in order to throw it all away and forget tomorrow. Any plan, any goal, any dream is dead without action. Fill the plan with immediate action. It must necessarily include what you will do today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Let the first steps require just 5 to 10 minutes of daily activity. The taste of moving forward will pick you up and lead you further. Only one rule must be strictly adhered to: daily do what you consider the main thing.

That's enough important point. Each of us will find 1000 reasons why today he did nothing to achieve his goal on the path to his dream. Tomorrow there will be reasons again, the day after tomorrow again, etc. But if you first do what is indicated as the main thing (in this case, the next point in the plan), then every day will bring you closer to your goal, to the realization of your dream.

As a result, achieving the set goal seems like a miracle or unexpected luck only for people from the outside: who have not seen and do not know the daily efforts in this direction.

For you, this is the result of well-thought-out daily, in a certain sense, purely mechanical work. And while someone is wondering how you managed to make your dream come true, you can already move on to the next goal.

In order to make a dream come true, you need not only to turn it into a goal and systematically move towards achieving it, but also to properly set yourself up psychologically and mentally. Let's look at a few important advice, which will help you form the right attitude towards your goal and help you make your dream come true.

The dream must be real

If your dream sounds like “become a millionaire in a month,” and you just graduated from college and have no work experience, of course, such a dream will remain a dream. You need to set realistic deadlines and goals. You can break the path to your dream into stages and move towards its implementation, but all plans must be realistic.

Believe that you will achieve your dream

How to make a dream come true that you don't believe in? If a plan has been drawn up and you seem to be trying to stick to it, but you don’t internally believe and don’t imagine that success awaits you, problems and excuses will definitely start to emerge that can lead you astray from the plan, the dream will not seem so real and all the desire will gradually fade away. Belief in making your dreams come true is very important both for self-esteem and, if you like, for the cosmos.

Visualize your dream coming true

IN free time, before going to bed, visualize your success, imagine how you feel when you manage to fulfill your dream. This will help you set yourself up for success, believe in it, and solve emerging problems more easily.

Don't be discouraged by problems on the way to your dream

You have drawn up an action plan and clearly decided to fulfill your dream, but circumstances arise that disrupt your plans and force them to be adjusted. In such cases, it is important not to lose composure and faith in your dream. Difficulties will always arise, it is important to stay the course. Winston Churchill said:

“Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm.”

Don’t lose your enthusiasm, there will always be problems, but you won’t be able to achieve your dream without solving them.

Be grateful

When you managed to reach some stage on the path to your dream, and, even more so, if your dream came true, thank God, higher powers, or what you believe in for your success. Be grateful to fate for the implementation of your plans and it will reward you. And on the contrary, do not blame fate for failures, just move on without stopping.

Now you should have an understanding of how to make your dream come true. Everyone has their own dream, their own difficulties, but in the advice provided above, undoubtedly, everyone will find practical techniques for moving towards success.

Brian Tracy wrote: You are a living magnet. You attract into your life what matches your dominant thoughts. Some consider their dreams and desires a waste of time, illusions that interfere with life. Such people believe that nothing can change in their lives. They tend to think that in reality they will not achieve success, wealth, or happiness, so they simply prefer not to have desires, so as not to suffer. But this is fundamentally wrong. Dreams and desires are a kind of incentive to action, a goal that you strive for. If people did not dream, such works of art as Bach's music, your favorite films, famous works of architecture and painting would never have appeared. A person would never have risen into the sky and visited space if he had not dreamed of something that is difficult to achieve. The conclusion from this is: don’t be afraid to dream. But remember that not all desires are acceptable. Only if your desire does not harm others or yourself, it is worthy of trying to fulfill it; in addition, you need the power of intention to make everything come true.

It has long been proven that everything in the world consists of energy. And, as you know, it does not go anywhere and does not come from nowhere - it simply transforms from one type to another. Only at first glance does a person appear to be a solid body. But if we talk about more subtle matter - our emotions, thoughts and feelings, that is, what makes us human - it turns out that a person consists of energy vibrations. Moreover, each emotion has its own frequency, which is higher, the more pleasant the feelings we experience. Thus, if we proceed from the fact that everything in the world is energy in one form or another, it turns out that our thoughts, and therefore desires, are material. To implement them, you need to use the power of intention; you will learn right now how to realize your dreams and desires and achieve success.

It is believed that opposites attract. But in reality, all processes in the Universe are based on the law of attraction. This means that everything in the world is attracted to its own kind.

You might think, “Great. This means that if everything is bad now, then it will only get worse. Just wonderful." But don't rush to conclusions. We promised to teach you how to fulfill your desires. To do this, you don’t need much - learn to manage your thoughts and feelings.

This is very important, because, in accordance with the law of attraction, you attract circumstances into your life where the power of intention plays a huge role, at the frequency of which you vibrate. That is, when you experience certain emotions, you attract what makes you experience them. This means that by holding the emotional note of wealth or love, we receive precisely love and wealth from the material world. And vice versa - experiencing negative emotions, You are only making the situation worse.

Imagine that the Universe is a genie who speaks the language of emotions. He does not understand words, but only knows the feelings that you experience. And one of your desires is to get rich. But if at the same time you only think that your salary is low, the genie perceives it this way: “She wants to be poor.” And in life everything gets worse and worse. But if you learn to rejoice in what you already have and thank the Universe for what you already have, it will repay you in kind - and you will get what you want.

It is important to keep in mind that negative emotions should never be suppressed. They need to be changed to those that correspond to higher vibration frequencies. Yoga, dancing, sports will help you with this - everything that makes you feel joy and satisfaction. By changing the frequency of your feelings, you will attract good luck and happiness into your life, which means your wishes will come true.

Learn to think positively. To do this, eliminate the expressions “I won’t succeed”, “I can’t” from your vocabulary. Even in your thoughts, try to replace words that have a negative connotation with those that have a positive emotional connotation.

Also, do not be afraid to do what you think will lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams, because no one knows the only correct way to realize your dreams and desires. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes if you really want something - the Universe will give you a chance to achieve it. And mistakes will only become additional experience in your life.