You don’t know how to quickly get rid of a hickey on your neck? Then read carefully. Unwanted signs of love. The largest and most uncontrollable feeling in the Universe is called love; a person overcome by emotions towards the object of his love loses for a short time the ability to think and perceive the reality around him. All-encompassing love pushes a person to crazy actions. In the annals of history, there are known facts when love became the cause of bloody enmity between entire nations. However, a terrible feeling can also become a driving force. The greatest pleasure gives a person the ability to move mountains and turn the world upside down, all this is Love. This article contains useful recommendations, which will help remove the hickey on your neck as quickly as possible.

Once you're caught up in it strong feeling, you are unable to be distracted by anything else and the fever of love covers your entire body, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. After preening slightly, you will be upset when you discover unpleasant consequences love passion. This surprise is called a hickey, which can most often be on the neck. This consequence of love by its nature is an internal hematoma, in other words, a bruise without obvious damage to the skin. It can appear anywhere - on the chest, neck, everything will depend on the scenario of the love game. Well, if you don’t know how to kiss yet, then we can tell you. And so, how to get rid of a hickey quickly if it’s on your neck or chest, folk remedies will help you, as usual.

Folk remedies for hickeys

There are places where such a nuisance can be easily hidden with clothes, but what to do if the hickey is on the neck and chest and it cannot be hidden. Of course, traces of a hickey can be removed with folk remedies and medical ointments, but this will take some time, and what to do when there is no time and you need to quickly get rid of a hickey on your neck and chest. Little tricks will help solve this difficult problem. Clothing with a high collar, a sweater, a scarf, locks of hair, foundation - these are the simple tricks that will help you regain confidence in your situation and get rid of hickeys on your neck. A man will be able to hide such unwanted problems under a wound that seems to be caused by a razor and treated with a band-aid.

One of the radical ways to get rid of a hickey is to put a medical device like a Shants collar on the neck area. However, there will be some material costs and moral excuses when you walk in it. Excellent help to solve the problem of hickey on the body modern way tanning, such as (how to properly sunbathe in a solarium), this will help hide the unnecessary incident in one skin tone. Modern pharmacology offers a sufficient range of ointments that remove traces of bruises on the body. Ointments transovezin, lyoton, and other heparin-based products. Such drugs promote the resorption of hematomas. There are also proven folk remedies for quickly removing a hickey on your body, be it the neck or shrud.

How to remove a hickey on the chest, neck

Immediately after the formation of a hickey, applying snow, ice and other cold helps effectively. After all, professional athletes eliminate hematomas using the freezing method. But such a solution has negative consequences. It is quite possible to catch a cold in your neck; exposure to cold on your chest is strictly not recommended. How to quickly get rid of a hickey, removing it on the neck worries many; using natural folk remedies, such as garlic and onions, will be effective. It is recommended to treat the hickey area with onion juice or a clove of garlic; the result will be favorable, although there are still negative aspects. The rubbed area may become irritated, and the main disadvantage is the pungent odor present after the procedure. Often, hickeys on the body appear as a result of unpredictable strong and passionate kisses, so you need to be able to do this and there will be no such problems and minor troubles.

Removing a hickey from the chest

An effective way to help get rid of a hickey from the chest and remove it is to apply toothpaste to the site of the hematoma. The active substances in the paste quickly remove hickeys from the chest. You can also help solve the problem with improvised means, make a compress from simple baking soda. You need to prepare a thick paste of water and baking soda and treat the problem area.

Iodine for removing hickeys on the body

As usual, iodine helps a lot in solving such problems. With its help, a mesh is drawn that resolves a bruise or hickey on the neck or chest and at the same time masks the defect. It is important to perform the procedure carefully so as not to burn the skin. If you have a medicinal aloe plant growing at home, this is exactly when it will come in handy. It is necessary to prepare an extract from fresh aloe leaves and alcohol, which should be used as a lotion. This procedure helps quick elimination unpleasant signs of ardent passion on the skin.

Removing bruises using potatoes

One of the oldest methods for removing hickeys on the chest and neck is treating the affected area with strips of chopped potatoes. It is recommended to replace the potato pieces with fresh ones after 30 minutes. This effective method He also helped the hussars. In spring and summer, ordinary plantain will help solve the problem. You need to collect the leaves, chop them coarsely and apply them to the site of the hickey. Repeat the procedure several times. This method gives positive result when eliminating a hickey.

Cabbage leaves for hickeys on the body

Among garden plants, cabbage leaves are excellent at dissolving bruises and hickeys. Cabbage is recognized as the most effective remedy for eliminating inflammation and bruises. This way it is possible to eliminate not only a bruise, but also the consequences of a passionate hickey on the neck. It is necessary to apply cabbage leaves to the site of the hematoma, so you can get rid of the consequences of the hickey quite quickly. A vinegar compress has proven itself to be effective in eliminating hematomas. For this purpose, vinegar is diluted in water in a ratio of 1/3 and applied for a short time. The negative side of this procedure will be a strong vinegar smell.

Rubbing and massage

In conclusion, another simple method if you have a hickey on your neck or chest. Light rubbing and massage of the damaged area of ​​the skin can help in eliminating signs of violent manifestations of love. Do not overdo it, the movements should be very light, so as not to have the opposite effect and the bruise from a sucked neck or chest will only increase. Don’t forget – these unpleasant signs were created under the influence of a wonderful feeling. And now you can quickly and know how to get rid of a hickey on your neck and chest quickly, using folk remedies to treat and disguise the bruise.

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It won't take much effort to give someone a hickey, demonstrating possessiveness, but getting rid of it will be much more difficult. No one wants to flaunt such a spot of dubious origin. Of course, it’s not worth raising questions from curious interlocutors and harming your own reputation. Therefore, you can try to get rid of the unfortunate hickey yourself at home. The effectiveness of these methods has not been proven, but it is quite possible to reduce the intensity of the color of the stain.


You can also apply half a raw potato to the affected area on the skin or apply a compress of grated potatoes for half an hour. This product accelerates metabolic processes in tissues.


There are special medications to combat bruises. Such ointments also have an excellent effect on the consequences of hickey. For example, heparin ointment, arnica balm and other similar products have absorbent properties and accelerate the treatment of swelling and blood stagnation.

Hiding the consequences of a hickey

The easiest way to hide a hickey is to resort to help decorative cosmetics. First, we tone the skin with a cosmetic corrector with greenish tint. In combination with a reddened area of ​​​​the skin, this toning will give a beige makeup color. Next, apply foundation to even out the skin color around the spot, since modern creams have a transparent texture; you can’t do without a pencil or corrector. You can also use light eye shadow or beige blush. To improve the camouflage effect, use foundation or eyeshadow half a tone lighter than your skin.

One of the not popular ones, but quick ways hiding a burgundy-blue stain is by covering it with a band-aid. By filming at home before bed, the torment will only last a few days.

You can also successfully hide a purple spot from a hickey using clothing and accessories. A sweater with a high neck or golf is the best option, which does not require additional effort from the person. A light scarf or scarf, tied in an ornate manner, can complement an outfit favorably and hide traces of a hickey from prying eyes. Let your hair down if it is long or style it so that the unfortunate spot is not visible. Long massive earrings and flashy beads can, if not hide, distract attention from a hickey.

Waiting and patience

Time - best friend in this situation, not even a week will pass before the question disappears by itself, and there will be no trace left of the hickey. If this is a random absurdity, which happens extremely rarely, then there is no need to panic. After all, this is a mere trifle, which we can then just laugh about together.

Some, on the contrary, proudly display the traces of a passionate night or a lingering kiss, demonstrating to others that they are in demand, so that friends and girlfriends do not ignore the spot in a prominent place.

If the consequences of intimate communication in the form of hickeys cause one disorder, find a way to explain to your partner about such inconveniences. Why spoil the joy of intimacy for each other if you won’t end up with trouble later on, masking inappropriate stains. Otherwise, you will have to resort again and again to tedious procedures to get rid of unattractive hickeys on the skin, instead of the usual enjoyment of life.

Video on how to get rid of a hickey

How does a hickey on the neck appear and when does it go away? How to disguise it and remove it. Why are hickeys dangerous?

It sounds surprising, but some girls and guys are delighted with hickeys. And in places visible to everyone. For example, on the neck. They consider subcutaneous bruises inflicted intentionally or carelessly as a sign, a mark of love, and sometimes they themselves ask to leave them. And on the Internet you can read about the hickey technique. But most people don’t like such “symbols of passion”; they cause a feeling of shame. Urgent measures are being taken to eliminate the hickey or, at a minimum, to disguise it. You can read about them, as well as about the danger of hickey, in this article.

What does a hickey on the neck look like: photo

A hickey is essentially a bruise, hematoma, or subcutaneous hemorrhage. It can remain on any part of the body due to:

  • a bite that does not result in a violation of the integrity of the skin
  • too intense kiss
  • sucking

Under pressure, the capillaries under the skin or mucous membrane burst, and the blood that comes out of them coagulates. At the damaged site the following is formed:
hematoma in the form of a red-violet spot, which over time, like any other bruise, turns yellow, green and gradually disappears
red rash

IMPORTANT: A hickey is called a “reverse bruise”, since at the moment of injury the area of ​​skin is not pressed in, but is pulled out when sucking.

Hickeys are intentionally or accidentally left on the necks of boys and girls, since the skin there is delicate and there are a large number of blood vessels underneath it.

A hickey on a guy or girl's neck looks beautiful, so many people think. It eloquently demonstrates the presence of a person’s “other half” and the passion in a relationship with her. Is this true? Like any injury, and such a hickey is from the physiological side, it can be unpleasant both for its “owner” and for those around him. Therefore, if you deliberately put this mark on your lover or lover, keep in mind that the reaction to it can be extremely negative.

How long does it take for a hickey on the neck to go away?

Depending on the degree of damage to the subcutaneous vessels and the characteristics of the guy or girl’s body, the hickey goes away within 5 to 15 days.

A hickey on a girl's or guy's neck: what does it mean?

Many ignorant and not very experienced lovers believe that a hickey on the neck has an obvious or hidden meaning. The mark indicates that:

  • the guy or girl is busy (“the other half” has put its mark)
  • passionate love between partners (vibrant sex or, at least, passionate petting)
  • a guy or girl with a hickey allows his partner to dominate
  • the owner of a hickey does not think of hiding his vibrant sex life from others

A hickey on the neck is a mark that not everyone finds attractive.

In fact, this hematoma is not a symbol of anything specific. In fact, it means rudeness or carelessness on the part of the partner, some kind of disrespect.

How to quickly get rid of a hickey on your neck?

So, what happened was that a hickey was left on the neck. What should I do to get rid of it? Or will you have to put on makeup or wear a scarf for a week, or even two?
Firstly, you need to immediately apply years. Depending on the depth and area of ​​damage, the characteristics of coagulation in specific person the hickey “dissolves” within 5-30 minutes. If you have ice in the freezer, put a couple of cubes in a plastic bag, wrap it in a handkerchief and apply it to the damaged area. If there is no ice, any frozen food will do, even meat. It should also be folded into several bags and wrapped in clean natural fabric. Apply a cold compress for 20 minutes. For the first two days, repeat it 3-4 times a day.

If there is no ice or freezing, cool a spoon, a large coin, or another metal object under running cold water, and apply to the damaged area.
Secondly, you need to saturate the body with substances that accelerate regeneration processes, primarily vitamins. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, berries, as well as nuts, sunflower and flaxseeds. You may need to take a complex preparation containing vitamins C, E, K and P.
Also, the drug Ascorutin will help you quickly get rid of a hickey on your neck.

Remedy for a hickey on the neck: Ascorutin.

External agents with a regenerating effect help resolve the hematoma: Heparin ointment, Lyoton, Rescuer, Troxevasin. Carefully read the instructions for a particular drug to know how often and in what quantity to use it.

Remedy for a hickey on the neck: Rescuer.

Every day, draw an iodine mesh at the site of the hickey. Just know that this method has questionable effectiveness, but it is quite likely to burn the delicate skin of your neck.
Make lotions from calendula tincture.


How to hide a hickey on your neck?

During the week or two that the hickey lasts, those who find it vulgar and unacceptable must learn to disguise themselves:

  • use foundation
  • If the weather permits, wear clothes with a high collar
  • buy a scarf, it will not only hide the hickey, but also complement your image
  • the desire to hide a hickey is a reason to visit a solarium (of course, if you have no contraindications)
  • if you have long hair, let it down and style it so that it hides your neck
  • get a temporary tattoo, preferably a transfer tattoo

How to cover up a hickey on the neck, how to remove the mark from a hickey?

A hickey can be made up using foundation and powder.
You will need:

  • foundation in two shades - one to match the skin tone and one tone lighter
  • sponge
  • powder

  1. Degrease your skin with lotion.
  2. Apply to neck, face and décolleté foundation, which you usually use.
  3. Apply a light foundation to the area with the hickey.
  4. Use powder.

IMPORTANT: To properly camouflage a hickey, it is better to use a fairly oily and thick foundation.

VIDEO: How to cover up a hickey?

Remedy for hickeys on the neck

To make the hickey go away faster, use folk remedies.

If the hickey hurts, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen. Use arnica gel or cream for local pain relief.

Make a pulling compress: boil 1 potato in its jacket, crush it into a puree, add 1 teaspoon of vodka, 1 teaspoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of mezha to the puree. Wrap the mixture in compress paper and apply it to the hickey.

Take a cabbage leaf, scald it with boiling water, beat it, brush it with honey, and apply it to the hematoma.

Take a plantain leaf and crush it into a paste. Mix the gruel with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of onion juice. Apply a compress to the area of ​​skin with a hickey.

Strong hickeys on the neck: what to do, why are they dangerous?

Hickeys on the neck are not just unsightly, but also dangerous. And it’s deadly!
There is a known case: a 17-year-old teenager died from a hickey in Mexico. The hickey led to the formation of a blood clot, which in turn led to a stroke.

IMPORTANT: If you have a tendency to form blood clots, you definitely don’t need hickeys. If such a mark does appear on your neck, consult a doctor. He may prescribe you blood thinners.

VIDEO: Teenager dies after girlfriend gives him a hickey

Ardent feelings and seething passion often leave marks on the bodies of people in love. Everyone’s attitude towards such “love marks” is different: some consider it proof of love and fidelity, while for others it is vulgar and humiliating. In any case, you need to know how to get rid of a hickey within a few hours or at least one day.

A hickey is a kind of hematoma caused by the bursting of small vessels and capillaries. It disappears after 10-12 days, just like a regular bruise. A hickey mark, which is a manifestation of passion and love, very often puts a person in an awkward position, regardless of his age and status. Teenagers are afraid of parental punishment, students are looking for ways to hide traces of violent hugs from watchful and strict teachers, and a visible hickey on the neck makes adults blush in front of their boss or employees.

How to deal with traces of passion

It is much easier to prevent the occurrence of a hematoma than to look for ways to remove a dark spot on the chest or neck. If you apply cold to the site of the hickey immediately after it has been diagnosed, then the next day you will find that the area of ​​skin is practically intact and unharmed. You can use ice, snow, frozen food, or a spoon chilled in the freezer. You need to hold them at the place of the kiss for at least 20 minutes, but keep in mind that if you want to remove a hickey on your chest, then using cold is strictly prohibited.

In the heat of passion, lovers rarely think about the consequences, and few people want to break out of their embrace and rush to the freezer for a piece of ice or a bag of frozen peas. Most often, people are looking for a way to get rid of a hickey on the neck when it is bright and conspicuous.

Disguise can be considered a convenient way to combat traces of a passionate kiss. Women can let their hair down, covering the neck area. If it's winter outside, you can wear a turtleneck sweater or cover your neck with a scarf. Men often apply a patch to their neck, pretending the affected area is a cut during shaving. Many people try to hide a hickey with foundation, but if the tone is chosen incorrectly, you will only aggravate the situation and draw unnecessary attention to the strange yellow-green spot on your neck.

Medicines or folk remedies?

Since a hickey is a subtype of a common hematoma, they will help remove it pharmacy creams or ointments for bruises or warming ointments after bruises. Medicines can quickly and, most importantly, efficiently eliminate all traces of a stormy night. The most popular drugs:

  • Bruise-off;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Lyoton-gel;
  • Dolobene;
  • Larkspur;
  • Bodyaga.

All of the above ointments are very effective in combating kiss marks, but buying some of them is expensive. It is much better to know the secrets with which you can get rid of hickeys at home.

Heparin ointment is one of the cheapest and effective means

Before the advent of special ointments and gels that eliminate bruises, people learned to deal with them using folk remedies. Many of the products suitable for relieving bruises are also perfect for combating traces of passion:

  • toothpaste;
  • soda;
  • raw potatoes;
  • cabbage leaves;

Toothpaste instead of gel for hematomas

Toothpaste is especially effective against fresh hickeys on the neck. But if the moment is missed and the hickey has already completely settled on your body, then you need to take action. White toothpaste Apply a thin layer to the affected area of ​​skin and leave until completely dry (10-15 minutes). After this, wipe it off with a damp sponge. This method is contraindicated if there is damage to the skin (scratches, bites, wounds). Repeat the procedure two or three times until the hickey becomes less noticeable.


Soda helps fight everything in everyday life, in medicine, and in cosmetology. It turns out that using soda you can remove the marks of rough kisses. You need to dilute a thick paste (dilute 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of water) and apply it to the hickey. Baking soda works especially well against fresh traces of lovemaking.

Raw potatoes

The favorite root vegetable is often used in cosmetology to combat dark circles under the eyes. Its properties are somewhat similar to plantain. For more than 2 hundred years, it has been customary to use potatoes to combat hematomas. Wash a medium-sized potato thoroughly, peel and cut in half. The cut should be applied to the affected area of ​​the neck, chest or other part of the body. Every 20 minutes it is recommended to replace the “compress” with a fresh, juicy piece of root vegetables.

Cabbage leaves

Leaves of fresh cabbage, just picked from the garden, are great for helping to resolve bruises and hematomas. Why then not try to fight hickeys with their help? A cabbage leaf should be applied to the bruise. If it is the neck, then it is advisable to wrap it tightly with a scarf, pressing the cabbage to the bruise. Change every 30 minutes cabbage leaf. This remedy is very effective and quickly helps remove the consequences of careless love games.


Everyone remembers the iodine net from childhood. It helps not only to cope with colds, but also resolves bruises and bruises. Therefore, drawing iodine at the site of the hickey will improve the absorption of blood and relieve you of visible spots on the neck or chest. When drawing a mesh, do not overdo it, do not apply too much iodine to the skin, as you can harm yourself and cause a burn.

None of the proposed remedies will help you completely get rid of a hickey in an hour or even a day, but they are all effective and as fast as possible. The only way to prevent such bruises from appearing on your neck is to keep your partner away from it. If you have a very important business meeting tomorrow, then the best remedy After all, there will be a disguise of the hickey.

Strong feelings and passion can so captivate a person that in these impulses he loses control over his actions. If at such a moment you get carried away by a kiss, then unwanted marks – hickeys – may appear on the body.

Marks on the body in the form of hickeys do not look very beautiful, to put it mildly. Being a hematoma (bruise) resulting from the rupture of blood vessels under the skin, a hickey stands out on the body as a bright burgundy or dark purple spot. It happens that more than one mark remains on the skin, but a rather large area is occupied by a red rash.

A partner can accidentally leave such a “trace of love” with a very strong kiss with skin sucking or biting. But more often, such situations happen deliberately, with the intention of “marking” your lover, so that it becomes clear to others that this person already has a partner. This behavior of the other half is disrespectful towards their partner, because the latter has to experience a feeling of shame and awkwardness in society because of their appearance.

If you don’t take urgent measures and don’t worry about how to quickly get rid of a hickey, the problem will resolve itself within one to two weeks. Over such a period of time, any bruise disappears without any outside intervention.

Urgent relief from a hickey

Unpleasant consequences of violent passion can appear in any, even the most unexpected places. The most distressing marks are those located on exposed parts of the body, because they are not easy to hide under clothing. Most often, hickeys remain in the neck area. Few people can afford to sit at home for two weeks until the stain becomes invisible. Therefore, you need to immediately begin eliminating the hematoma, from the very moment of its appearance.

There are several popular tips on how to quickly get rid of a hickey on your neck.

All the proposed methods can be used not only to get rid of a hickey on the neck, but also on other parts of the body. All these methods are folk, used since ancient times.

Medicinal methods of dealing with hickeys

For people who are skeptical about folk medicine, there are more modern effective drugs: ointments, creams, solutions. At the pharmacy you can purchase products that have anti-inflammatory drugs with a resolving effect: “Rescuer”, “Troxevasin”, “Lioton”, “ Ambulance", "Bruise OFF". Perhaps the pharmacist will recommend some other medications for bruises. All ointments must be used strictly in accordance with the attached instructions.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect the hickey to disappear instantly. But when used correctly medicine The treatment period can be reduced to 3-5 days, depending on the degree of damage.

Iodine or badyaga will help supplement the main treatment. They are also sold in pharmacies.

Iodine helps resolve the resulting damage. To do this, you need to draw an iodine grid on the hematoma itself and around it. It is recommended to repeat the procedure periodically, but do not be too zealous to avoid burns. It is better to start using iodine a day after the formation of a hickey.

Badyagu should be used in the form of a gruel. To do this, the powder is mixed with water or baby cream and applied to the bruise. After 20 minutes, the mixture should be washed off with water.

Masking a hickey

As has already become clear, the resulting mark will not disappear in one day, even if you use the most modern means. In parallel with the procedures being carried out to get rid of a hickey, there is a need to appear in society, go to work, to the store. You'll have to use tricks to disguise the bright spot.

You can hide the hematoma under the high collar of a sweater or turtleneck. A scarf tied around the neck is ideal. Long hair will also help hide your injured neck from prying eyes.

There are special means, masking bruises. They are sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. Foundations and leather pencils will also help make the stain less noticeable.

To avoid the problem of getting rid of a hickey in the future, you should talk to your partner. It is important to explain how unpleasant it is to find yourself in such a situation and how problematic it is to resolve the issue of spoiled appearance. loving person He will definitely understand and will not repeat his mistakes.