An epochal event in early 2017, which the Ukrainian media did not even briefly mention, was the landing in the port of Odessa of the first group of immigrants from Israel, led by the former Soviet military intelligence officer Igor Berkut, who is now revered by many Jews around the world as “Mashiach Ben Yosef” .

For reference. Brief biography of Igor Berkut

Igor Vitalievich Berkut (real name Gekko) was born in 1964 in Severodonetsk, Lugansk region, where he spent his childhood. After graduating from school No. 10, he entered the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School, which he successfully graduated from. Having received a military education, in 1986-1987 he served as a reconnaissance platoon commander in the Central Group of Forces in the 45th separate air assault battalion. In 1988, at his own request, he was sent to Afghanistan, where he was the commander of a reconnaissance platoon, then appointed head of reconnaissance of the battalion. In 1989, in connection with the reform of the 40th Army, Igor Gekko was transferred to the Central Asian Military District, where he served until 1991. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he (at the age of 27) retired. Using a grant received under a program for former Soviet military personnel, Igor Gekko received a financial education in Russia and the USA in 1991-1992. Probably, during his years of study abroad, he was recruited by the Israeli special services (otherwise further events in his life simply cannot be logically explained). Then he worked in the banking and financial sector, where he made a very successful career. Organized and headed the Great Ukraine party. He wrote the book “The True History of Ukraine,” where he sets out his own version of the events that took place on the territory of our country, starting from 142,000 BC.

In January 2017, a group of 183 Jewish pioneers arrived in Ukraine from Haifa (Israel) on a boat to lay the first stone in the foundation of the so-called Heavenly Jerusalem on the fertile southern Ukrainian soil. This event marked the beginning of the practical implementation of the grandiose Jewish civilizational project “Heavenly Jerusalem” (also called “New Jerusalem”), which, according to its organizers, will be carried out on the territory of 5 regions located in the south of Ukraine: Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaevskaya.

It is assumed that the next target could be Crimea. It is known that under the Bolsheviks, Jews already intended to create a Jewish republic in Crimea; the project was considered from 1924 to 1944. Now, having strengthened during the period of “democratic reforms” and having secured the support of a number of Jewish figures in the leadership of the Russian Federation, they apparently intend to see the matter through to the end.

After all, as I. Berkut explains, according to the teachings of Kabbalah, the number 5 means harmony, development and the possibility of self-improvement; and the number 6 is the finding of an eternal home.

From the speech of Igor Berkut himself, the executive director of the project to create the main center of world Jewry on the territory of five southern Ukrainian regions, it became known that the “New Jerusalem” by 2027 should become a center of prosperity for Jewish immigrants, built on the technologies of the 7th economic structure ( see video below).

Huge money and decisive breakthrough technologies for the “Heavenly Jerusalem” will be given by the largest banking houses and the world's transnational companies, most of which, as is well known, are owned by Jews. The “Heavenly Jerusalem” project is a practical response to the predictions of well-informed political heavyweight, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the late Palestinian prophet Sheikh Yassin that by 2022-2025 the residence of Jews in the current territory of Israel will become impossible due to the aggressiveness of the surrounding Muslim population, natural anomalies and the coming cataclysm of the “Battle of the End” predicted by the prophet Daniel.

According to Igor Berkut, the advanced group of Jewish settlers under his leadership has already begun most actively preparing the infrastructure to receive the first hundred thousand Jews. Their arrival and settlement in the territory of the “New Jerusalem”: Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaev regions is expected until mid-2018. And in total, by the end of 2022, 6 million Jews from Israel and more than 12 million from Russia, the USA and the European Union are scheduled to arrive in the New Homeland.

Management of the “New Jerusalem”, when it is officially announced (after the adoption of the Law on the Decentralization of Ukraine), will be entrusted to the Council of Benefactors consisting of 12 leaders. Here is the agreed composition:

  • Golda Meir, a native of Kyiv, 5th Prime Minister of the State of Israel, was declared the Honorary Eternal Head of the Council.

  • B. Netanyahu will become Chairman-Prime after the end of his term as Prime Minister in the State of Israel.

  • The speaker of the Council will be the former President of the Russian Jewish Congress, Evgeny Satanovsky.

  • Finance will be led by former US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Shalom Bernanke.

  • Defense issues will be in charge of the current Minister of Defense of Israel, a native of Chisinau, Avigdor Lieberman.

  • The intelligence services will be headed by Yakov Kedmi, a former head of the Bureau for Relations with Jews of the USSR and Eastern Europe “Nativ”, who was born in Moscow.

  • Foreign affairs will be in charge of Moscow-born political scientist and publicist Avigdor Eskin.

  • Internal affairs will be entrusted to the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the State of Israel, Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky.

  • The propaganda will be led by the famous Russian TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov.

  • Crimean native, lawyer and jurist Tatyana Montyan will deal with justice issues.

  • It is proposed to appoint an ethnic Ashkenazi as the chief rabbi of the Khazar version of the emergence of this branch of the tree of Israel.

Literally everything has been thought out, right down to the creation of analogues of Soviet organizations of October and Komsomol members. According to the organizers, residents of any non-Jewish nationality living on the territory of the “New Jerusalem” will be asked to take appropriate exams to receive a certificate officially confirming that the person is not an anti-Semite. This document will give the right to work in government agencies of the new Jewish state, the rest of the “natives” living there will be given cash benefits so that they can survive without problems and not engage in crime. The official capital will be Dnepropetrovsk, and the cultural capital will be Odessa.

Reflections on the New Jerusalem Project

According to astrologers, according to the so-called “Law of Change”, the arrival of cosmic energies of the year of the red rooster (came on January 28, 2017) heralds the beginning of a new stage in the cycles of history. Moreover, the cycle itself starts in 2020 (according to the eastern calendar - the year of the white rat). And in general, apparently, the very next few years will become a turning point: a radical change in the mentality of the masses, the lifestyle of the elites, the very system of power and the political course of the heirs of the USSR from the current “worship of the West” to “reliance on one’s own strengths.”

As a consequence, this will inevitably generate a wave of changes with powerful amplitude. A wave that naturally, in the first place, can sweep away the main conductors of such projects to change the world order, which have already led almost the entire planet and our country, in particular, into a state of deepest systemic crisis.

Something suggests that the described Jewish plans will not be able to come true. Yes, they have begun. However, just starting does not guarantee successful completion. As they say, the Jews propose, but the Almighty disposes.

However, this does not mean that you can sit back and wait for the Lord God (the Almighty, Higher Powers, History, Cosmos, Noosphere, etc. - whoever likes it) to correct the situation and direct it for the better. You have to fight for your future. And first of all, by increasing our own level of general literacy in the broadest sense of the word. Then it will be more difficult to manipulate people and a project like the one described above will not be destined to be successfully completed. It should be understood that now, in fact, people are constantly being zombied through most of the leading TV channels, magazines and newspapers owned by you know who.

Igor Berkut states: “ Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny..."Is this really so? As is well known, representatives of more than 130 nationalities and nationalities live on the territory of Ukraine. How many of them are ready to agree with this statement? How many of them are ready to begin studying the basics of Judaism and take the appropriate exams in order to receive a certificate from Jews who arrived from Israel giving them the right to work in their native Ukraine? How many Orthodox people (or Muslims, or Catholics, or Protestants) would want their children to join the youth organization of “Jewish Cossacks” (analogous to the Soviet Komsomol)?

If you don’t have time to watch both parts of the interview “Ukraine-Israel: one people, one destiny” (and this is approximately two hours in total), in any case, we recommend watching the last three minutes of the 2nd part of the video (after 1:03:00) , where executive director I. Berkut addresses Ukrainian opponents of the Jewish civilizational mega-project “New Jerusalem” headed by him - this is very impressive!

By the way, on December 8, 2014, the famous Ukrainian public figure of Jewish nationality Eduard Khodos published “Address to Ukrainians. Khazar Kaganate: blood and hell." The essence of the appeal: Jews, using Ukrainian nationalists, turn Ukraine into the Khazar Kaganate, they seize the territory of Ukraine, receive it on a symbolic silver tray from the hands of the Ukrainians themselves, fooled by Jewish propaganda of hatred of Russians as enemies. Substitution of concepts is a classic Jewish technique. Russian friend, blood brother is called an enemy. Some Russians have also recently begun to consider Ukrainians enemies.

Russians and Ukrainians fell into almost the same trap in 1917, when the brotherly Slavic peoples, divided by Jewish propagandists into red and white, killed each other to bring to power the Bolsheviks, whose leadership was almost entirely made up of Jews. Unfortunately, many Ukrainians and Russians have not wised up since then. Today they are killing each other in Ukraine to make way for the Jews who started this bloody mess. There is no anti-Semitism in this message! These are just historical facts, this is just the naked truth without embellishment and without verbiage.

I don't have enough information. There is only what I know from the Internet and the Israeli press. So I may be wrong about something. I would be glad for clarifications and additions. Now about the essence of the matter.

Over the past two days I have been asked to comment on this video:

You can see roughly the same thing here:

Israel has begun the actual occupation of Ukraine

About the launch of the cherished project in Ukraine: “Heavenly Jerusalem”

“An epochal event at the beginning of 2017, which the world media did not even briefly mention, was the landing in the port of Odessa of the first group of immigrants from Israel, led by Igor Berkut. This group of 183 Jewish pioneers arrived in Ukraine from Haifa to lay the first stone in the foundation of the Heavenly Jerusalem on the fertile soil of Southern Ukraine,” - this is what the portal “” told the world on the first day of the coming Year of the Red Rooster (01/28/17).

From the speech of Igor Berkut himself, the executive director of the project to create the main center of world Jewry in the territory of five southern Ukrainian regions, it became known that the New Jerusalem by 2027. will become a center of prosperity for Jewish settlers, built on the technologies of the 7th economic structure.

According to Igor Berkut, who is revered by many in Israel as “Mashiach Ben Yosef,” money and decisive breakthrough technologies for the Heavenly Jerusalem will be given by the largest banking houses and global multinational corporations, most of which are owned by Jews.

The Heavenly Jerusalem project is a practical response to the predictions of the well-informed political heavyweight Henry Kissinger and the late Palestinian prophet Sheikh Yassin that by 2022-2025 the residence of Jews in the current territory of Israel will become impossible due to the aggressiveness of the surrounding Muslim population, natural anomalies and the future cataclysm of the "Battle of the End".

An advanced group of Jewish settlers, led by the non-Jew Igor Berkut, began preparing the infrastructure to receive the first hundred thousand Israelis. Their arrival and settlement in the territory of New Jerusalem: Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaev regions is expected until mid-2018. And in total, by the end of 2022, 6 million Jews from Israel and more than 12 million from Russia, the USA and the European Union are scheduled to arrive in the New Homeland.

The management of New Jerusalem, when it is officially announced after the adoption of the law on the decentralization of Ukraine, will be entrusted to the Council of Benefactors consisting of 12 leaders.

Golda Meir, a native of Kyiv, 5th Prime Minister of the State of Israel, was declared the Honorary Eternal Head of the Council.

B. Netanyahu will become Chairman-Prime after the end of his term as Prime Minister in the State of Israel.

Finance will be led by former US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Shalom Bernanke.

Defense issues will be in charge of the current Israeli Defense Minister, a native of Chisinau, Avigdor Lieberman.

The intelligence services will be headed by Yakov Kedmi, a former head of the Bureau for Relations with Jews of the USSR and Eastern Europe “Nativ”, who was born in Moscow.

Foreign affairs will be in charge of Moscow-born political scientist and publicist Avigdor Eskin.

Internal affairs will be entrusted to the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the State of Israel, Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky.

The propaganda will be led by the famous Russian TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov.

Issues of justice will be resolved by a native of Crimea, lawyer Tatyana Montyan.

The speaker of the Council will be the former president of the Russian Jewish Congress, Evgeny Satanovsky.

It is proposed to appoint an ethnic Ashkenazi as the chief rabbi of the Khazar version of the emergence of this branch of the tree of Israel.

B. Netanyahu has already negotiated friendly economic and political assistance in the implementation of this civilizational mega-project, including the organization of the resettlement and settlement of Jews in the kibbutzim (communes) of New Jerusalem with the current Prime Minister of Ukraine V. Grosman; Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev; senior adviser, son-in-law of the 45th US President Donald Trump.

From the perspective of the Law of Change, the arrival of cosmic energies of the year of the red rooster (came on January 28, 2017) heralds the dawn of a new day in the cycles of history. Moreover, the cycle itself starts in 2020 of the white rat.

According to non-politicians, 2020 will be the year of a turning point: a radical change in the mentality of the masses, the lifestyle of the nobility, the system of power itself, and the political course of the heirs of the USSR from the current “worship of the West” to “reliance on the energy of the East.”

A.P. Devyatov

Something suggests that the described Jewish plans will not be able to come true. Yes, they have begun. However, starting alone does not guarantee successful completion. As they say, the Jews propose, but the Almighty disposes.

Although Devyatov declares some departure from the linear model of the unfolding of history, the transition processes he predicts are still weak in amplitude.

It seems to us differently: before our eyes, the beginning of the breakdown of a centuries-old biblical project is taking place. And this will give rise to a wave of changes with powerful amplitude. Which, first of all and naturally, will sweep away the main conductors of this project. A project that brought the planet into a state of deepest systemic crisis.

Therefore, there cannot be both the collapse of the biblical project and the preservation of the well-being of its conductors in the life of the planet and society.

However, this does not mean that you can sit back and wait for History (the Almighty, Cosmos, Noosphere, GP,.. - whatever you like). You have to fight for your future. And first of all, by increasing our own level of general literacy in the broadest sense of the word. Then it will be more difficult to manipulate people and a project like the one described above will not be destined to be completed.

The place of misanthropic Jews is in the dustbin of history.


Although I no longer work in the press, I continue, out of old habit, to regularly monitor the main Israeli media in Hebrew. So, I didn’t see any information about the epoch-making visit to Israel of the Ukrainian politician Igor Berkut, aka Igor Gekko. A Google search in Hebrew also does not reveal anything about Igor Berkut (Gekko). Of course, there is also no information about the beginning of the implementation of the epochal project “Heavenly Jerusalem” and the departure from Haifa of the Mayflower, sorry “Ruslan”, with 183 Jewish pioneers towards Odessa. All this could not have passed my attention if something like this really happened.

The video shows an alleged performance by Berkut at the Shusterman Center for the Study of Israel. This center is actually located in the USA, in the state of Massachusetts.

In the video, Igor Berkut demonstrates newspapers in Hebrew with large, full-page articles dedicated to his supposed visit to Israel, and with large portraits of himself. The articles are called exactly as Berkut calls them, but he does not name the newspapers in which these materials were allegedly published or the dates of publication. A search on the Internet in Hebrew does not show anything like this, although all the central Israeli publications have their own Internet sites, and such publications could not help but leave a mark on the World Wide Web. So this is a fake. Where Igor Berkut published these supposed “Hebrew newspapers” is an open question.

Judging by what I found out about Igor Berkut (Gekko), he is a professional provocateur working for those who pay him for it. Thus, in 2015, he promoted, allegedly on behalf of the Ukrainian government, the idea of ​​​​transferring Western Ukrainian regions to Poland. He has his own pocket party “Great Ukraine”, which has never participated in any elections in Ukraine due to its lack of chances.

And we will continue to monitor this topic.

P.S. I’m wondering where Igor Berkut made a selection of so-called “Hebrew newspapers”. It was made by someone not very literate, most likely Russian-speaking journalists or near-journalists. One example is that the word "Jerusalem" is feminine in Hebrew, so "Heavenly Jerusalem" would be ירושלים שמימית, not ירושלים שמימי. In addition, there is a clear language pattern ירושלים של מעלה, because of this the tracing paper from Russian ירושלים שמימית is almost never used in Hebrew.

The topic of the collapse of Ukraine has become so speculative that it has turned into fertile ground for the machinations of various kinds of craftsmen to warm their hands on the troubles of an entire people.

The topic of the collapse of Ukraine has become so speculative that it has turned into fertile ground for the machinations of various kinds of craftsmen to warm their hands on the troubles of an entire people. The adventure of a certain Igor Berkut combines the problem of the integrity of Ukraine with the half-century-old Palestinian conflict in distant Israel. The exposure of the “Zionist conspiracy” he invented threatens the newly minted impostor with deprivation of his image as a Ukrainian political scientist and the margin from the world’s billions, which this Maidan adventurer has set his sights on.

At the end of January, the Rassvet TV channel published an interview with the chairman of the Great Ukraine party, Igor Gekko, better known under the sonorous pseudonym “Berkut.” The channel itself positions itself as an online platform for revealing the truth about events in Ukraine. That is why the sermon of the “post-reformer and visionary” who recently returned from Israel was supposed to produce the most plausible effect on the citizens of Ukraine, tired of war and devastation, as well as members of Jewish communities throughout Independence.

In an interview, Igor Berkut presented the results of his trip to Israel, where he allegedly taught at various universities for a year. During this time, an experienced banker with an American financial education identified the main problem of Israel - the outflow of educated youth due to the lack of social conditions for self-realization caused by overpopulation and security threats.

To solve this complex social problem, the Ukrainian traveler proposed a project to create a “heavenly Jerusalem” on the territory of five regions of Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson, Nikolaev, and Odessa regions. The leader of “Great Ukraine” motivated the choice of Novorossiya to replace the Jewish state with religious traditions, citing the words of John the Theologian that the Jewish people “will find the land of the new Jerusalem, on which they will continue their path to happiness and prosperity.”

The Ukrainian educator of Jewish youth also gives a modernization of this New Testament message, proposing to bring world capital and advanced Israeli technologies to this territory. Igor Berkut guaranteed the loyalty of the local population by fulfilling the “main dream of the Ukrainian people” - a pension of 500 euros. And to convince Jews from the former Pale of Settlement, the politician played on religious feelings, saying that the selected five areas ideally correspond to the contours of the ritual horn “shofar”.

The mythical touch of Jewish antiquity Gekko, as an experienced schemer of the 90s, dressed real politicians in political engineering, naming the names of specific people who will join the government of the “new Israel” in Ukraine. To the surprise of the audience, in addition to current Israeli politicians, there were well-known names of Yakov Kedmi, Evgeniy Satanovsky, Vladimir Solovyov and even Tatyana Montyan, whom Igor Berkut entrusted to resolve legal contradictions with Kiev for occupying five regions as the “heavenly Jerusalem”.

In addition to this nuance, the only thing the Ukrainian politician is concerned about is relations with Western nationalists, the Catholic propaganda of the Pope will allegedly be aimed at pacifying them. He leaves the border regions of Donbass and Crimea out of the picture, as well as the sacred sacrifice of 10 thousand Ukrainians killed during the war in the South-East of Ukraine, on the lands of which this Maidan Ostap Bender is going to arrange the fate of Israeli settlers. True, as it turned out, no steamship with 188 first settlers from Haifa came to Odessa, just as there were no enthusiastic reviews about the Gekko project itself in the Israeli press.

In Ukraine itself, Igor Gekko is called a “political science fiction writer” for his outrageous books and marginal opinions on important topics that require special knowledge. To understand the fakeness of his new Israeli project, it is enough to remember how in 2011 he declared on camera that Turkey would take Crimea, and after Maidan he said that the Russian army would drink itself to death before it reached Kyiv. In an interview with the Rassvet channel, this “soldier of fortune” also threw dust into his eyes by translating from Hebrew Anna German’s legendary song “Hope,” which Israeli settlers allegedly sang on a non-existent ship on the way to their new spiritual capital.