The child’s name day is approaching, and he is ready to accept congratulations and interesting gifts from parents, grandparents, close friends, classmates. Before buying a birthday gift, people around you think about the choice. I would like to not only pleasantly surprise the student, but also give him a useful and practical gift.

Children visiting kindergarten they dream about school, because there is no “quiet hour” there. This is the first step into adulthood, according to many guys. And so the child went to first grade. Before we knew it, he was already a second-grader. The 3rd and 4th academic years are just around the corner.

Toys for primary school children

Many of them come with additional items. The toys are battery operated. This option is more suitable for a girl's birthday.

Various types of construction sets can be selected for both boys and girls. Construction is an exciting and fun activity.

Collecting from different elements something unified, the child learns spatial thinking, develops logic and motor skills.

For a boy's birthday, choose a scale model of a car as a gift. The models reproduce not only the appearance of the cars, but also the high detail of the vehicle. Many cars have doors, trunk, hood, etc. that open.

Presents for middle school students

Roller skates are a good gift for active children. The present is more relevant for girls and boys born in spring or summer. After all, this is what gifts exist for, so that the birthday person will not only be delighted after receiving it, but also immediately begin to use the gift.

Don't forget about additional accessories: special socks, protection, helmet, backpack. Children who celebrate their birthdays in the fall and winter may ask for skates as a gift. Ice skating is considered one of the most popular winter activities.

Board games will be an excellent dominant for development logical thinking schoolchildren.

The stores offer different types and directions:

Creativity kits are suitable for those boys and girls who love to create something with their own hands.

For example, a device for burning, a kit for making textile toys, a digital album for drawing pictures, and others.

Children, aged 13-15, are already beginning to follow fashion with might and main, especially girls. One of the birthday gift options for advanced fashionistas is clothing or additional accessories to the image.

You can give a surprise gift or pick out clothes with your teenager. After all, at this transitional age, parents may not please their child.

Birthday boy's day at school

Regarding gifts for students from the class, purchased by the teacher or parent committee, then they are usually given twice a year. Schoolchildren are divided into two groups. The first group is those born in the spring and summer months.

The second group of students is formed from those born in the autumn and winter.

1. Big schoolchild encyclopedia
The encyclopedia provides accessible and understandable information about amazing things- about the mysteries of the night sky, about where life on the planet came from, about the mysteries of wild nature, about new inventions and mysterious discoveries, about the mysteries of ancient civilizations, etc. Each chapter of the encyclopedia reveals a whole list of thematic questions, the answers to which can be obtained by studying the encyclopedia.

2. Telescope (for children)
We all sometimes find it interesting to look at the night sky, various constellations and the moon. It is much more interesting to examine the mysteries of the night sky through a telescope. Despite the fact that the telescope is for children, looking through it, you can clearly see the constellations and watch the fall of comets and meteorites. If your child is seriously interested in astronomy, and this science has become his hobby, then he simply needs such a telescope.

3. Metal construction set
Who doesn't like folding construction sets? This is simply a huge field for the imagination and mind of a child. From a set of certain components, you can model and create ever new variants and varieties of objects. A metal construction set is a real simulator of imagination, attention, coordination of movements and fine motor skills child's hands.

4. Set for children's creativity
Kits for children's creativity are very popular. This set includes: threads of various colors and thicknesses, a set of sewing and embroidery needles, a thimble, scissors, colored sequins, colored beads, embroidery floss, canvas with embroidery designs printed on it. This set will delight not only girls, but also boys.

5. Set for making coinage
Embossing is a picture made of metal. Creating embossing is like painting a picture, but instead of using a brush and paints, the embossing artist uses a hammer and various attachments, with the help of which patterns and various images are obtained. Chasing is a type of artistic forging.

Good day, dear blog visitors! Today’s post was prompted by the approach of the school year. Among other things, the question of “jam” days will arise again. And for me personally, the topic of “gifts for children’s birthdays at school” is more relevant than ever.

Choosing gifts is not an easy task

How to choose gifts? First, let's define the conditions that should be taken into account when searching for them. The fundamental criterion here, you see, is: buy gifts from only one product item. So that the kids do not receive exactly the same or completely various gifts, heterogeneity is allowed only in the assortment range.

As for expenses, let's, based on prices, focus on 100-300 rubles. This amount is quite affordable for most parents.

Gift ideas for 7-9 years

7 years is a turning point. And it is extremely important. Many people experience stress associated with the transition from kindergarten to school. The situation has changed, the environment has been updated, responsibilities have appeared, and workloads have increased.

Therefore, birthday days become a good opportunity for children to get closer to their classmates and teacher.

Well, let's go over the presents for schoolchildren aged 7-9 years:

Are the reins of power for the children?

I know another experimental method that is suitable for joint name days. This means that we allow our son or daughter to personally choose a gift for a classmate (without participation)! Of course, within the agreed amount.

Provides all parents with a class list with dates of birth. Parents in right time remind the child of the approaching date, and he begins the search.

Agree, it's interesting. This is how we teach our child to respect his peers, remember dates, and be interested in the tastes of the people around him. That's great!

And one of my friends told me that they generally followed the “revolutionary” path.

At class name days, they present who, how and what they want: some a postcard, some a drawing, some something small or large. No conditions or requirements. No obligation. You don't have to give at all! And general tea drinking is not necessary.

I don’t know, perhaps such a system is also legal. Children also learn independence. But I am against such an innovation. I immediately imagine such a terrible picture in front of me: a schoolboy with a birthday who was not given anything.

A little about gifts for children 10-13 years old

Middle school students cannot be ignored. Our kids will grow up, and we will have to think about it.

It’s not easy to please a 10-13 year old child. Transitional age again. It’s no wonder why middle schoolers are giving up birthday days. But our article is for those who have preserved a good tradition.

So, I offer 4 gift ideas:

  1. 3D puzzles- a wonderful surprise, especially for the inquisitive minds of boys. They will certainly collect them with more interest than usual. In terms of price, you can find quite “budget” options.
  2. Stained glass and creativity kits. From the mass of “handmade things”, like small stained glass windows, it’s easy to find incredibly interesting ones. Well, wouldn’t kids like making plaster figures with their own hands, for example?
  3. Photo album. Nowadays we store photographs more on computers and print them on paper less often. But a small album given for Valentine's Day may give the child the idea of ​​printing out the most memorable photographs.
  4. Flash drive. Well, without modern gadgets no way today. By the way, the last two ideas can even be used when choosing a present for high school students.

That's all for today! Let me end my post and wish you all the best. See you again!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

1. Craft kit
This could be a construction set for assembling a model of an airplane or car. For girls, a kit for embroidering or weaving baubles is suitable. It can also be a board with a drawing and a magnifying glass to burn it out. A very interesting and entertaining activity. Both boys and girls will like it.

2. Sweet souvenir
A chocolate product in the shape of a toy or globe. Interesting and very tasty - double pleasure! Also, by September 1, some confectionery companies produce cakes in the shape of books and boxes of chocolates dedicated to this day. Simple and original.

3. Toys
This may seem unnecessary to some, but it is not. For girls, you can choose a doll that comes with a set of patterns for sewing dresses. This gift will come in very handy during labor lessons. And for boys, a soccer ball is suitable, which can be kicked around not only after school, but also during physical education lessons.

4. Book stand
It can be either just a stand or a board with additional accessories. It may be accompanied by a cup for writing instruments, a stationary pencil holder and stands for all sorts of necessary little things.

5. Calendar
Large wall calendar for the academic year with a lesson schedule. Your child can use it to celebrate friends' birthdays, weekends and holidays. Hang it above a student’s desk and he won’t forget what lessons he has tomorrow.

At the age of 9–10 years, children are approaching an important period in their lives. Their behavior, psychology and attitude towards others changes. The child begins to show independence and stubbornness.

You need to choose a gift for a third grader based on his character and interests. You should not indulge your child in everything - his desires should not contradict the beliefs of his parents.

Modern ideas

The best gift for a boy involved in martial arts would be. It is chosen depending on the weight of the athlete.

Both boys and girls from third grade will be happy. It will bring a lot of emotions and allow you to spend time usefully. It is important not to make a mistake with the sizes, but it is better to purchase a larger model, “for growth.”

You can buy checkers, a set for playing darts. Good gifts will become:

  • Rollers. A particularly popular hobby among young people, which requires the additional purchase of a helmet and knee pads.
  • Skateboard. A favorite pastime of many boys and girls. It is advisable to purchase special clothing for it.
  • Skis. In the right climate, this is a useful gift.
  • Masks, goggles and fins. During summer holiday The child will have more fun with these accessories.

A multifunctional horizontal bar or wall bars would be suitable as a gift for a third grader. This is a subject for those who want to become stronger and taller. The device allows you to perform a set of exercises for different muscle groups.

Unusual gifts

Third grade students will get a lot of impressions from a trip to the aquarium. The child will remember the huge aquariums with sea predators for a long time. It is very interesting to see sharks and giant turtles.

Almost all children love water - the child will happily remember going to the water park with the whole family. The slide ride will also be remembered for a long time.

If you are unsure what to give your third grader on February 23rd, go with him. The boy will love this modern hobby. In full gear, he will feel like an action hero. You can compete with your friends against each other.

Everyone has idols in childhood. A boy or girl will be happy to attend a concert of their favorite band - it will become a real event.

It is better for one of the parents or an older brother/sister to go with a third grader. The impressions from such an event will last a lifetime.

The best birthday present for a young football player would be a visit to the stadium. Not all small towns have one, but if there is one nearby, it's worth going there.

This is an additional motivation for playing sports. A photo with your favorite player will be a source of pride for a lifetime.

Toys and accessories

Everyone at this age dreams of a gaming console. If parents keep control of the entire process, then even video games will be beneficial. When looking for something to give your third grader for his birthday, you should go to a toy store.