Age: 9-12 months

Materials: 120 g fine acrylic yarn white, 50 g yarn blue, some yarn in yellow, ocher, apricot, natural, red, burgundy, orange, blue and blue flowers. 4 decorative yellow buttons.

Knitting needles No. 3 and 3.5.

Double knit set: aux. With a thread, cast on the number of stitches half as much as required + 1 stitch. Continue elm. with a thread of the main color (1st row of knitting stitches), knit 5 rows. persons Ch. At 6 p.m. *Knit the 1st p., pull out a new p. from the broach of the 1st p. main color and knit, repeat. from * to the end of the river Next is the elm. the necessary pattern. Having finished elm, aux. remove thread.

Front surface (knit. gl.): knit. r. - persons p., out. r. - purl p.

Res. 1x1, jacquard patterns: according to patterns 1, 2, 3.

Knitting density: 10 x 10 cm = 23 p. x 35 r.

Job Description


Use blue thread on needles No. 3 in a double elm set. cast on 33 sts = 65 sts and knit 3 cm res. 1x1. Continue elm. using knitting needles No. 3.5, perform 2 rows. pattern according to scheme 1 and continue elm. persons Ch. white thread. At a height of 24 cm from the beginning there is an elm. close the central 17 stitches for the neckline, on both sides of them in every 2nd row. 2 times 3 sts, 2 times 2 sts, 10 times 1 sts and the remaining 4 sts. Finish the elm at a height of 30 cm.


Elm, like the back. If desired, perform the pattern according to scheme 2, after 2 p. according to scheme 1, knit 2 rows. persons Ch. with a white thread and then place the pattern in the center according to scheme 2. At a height of 22 cm from the beginning of the elm. close the central 17 stitches for the neckline, on both sides of them in every 2nd row. 5 times for 2 sts, 10 times for 1 st and the remaining 4 sts. At a height of 29 cm, finish the elm.


Use blue thread on needles No. 3 in a double elm set. cast on 19 p. = 37 p. and knit 4 cm res. 1x1, then - knitting needles No. 3.5. ch., alternating 2 p. white thread and 2 r. with a blue thread and adding on both sides every 6th row. 7 times 1 st. At a total height of 18 cm, close all sts and finish with elm.


Attention: if the pattern according to pattern 2 was not knitted, you can embroider it if desired.

Along the edge of the back neckline, using needles No. 3, pick up 100 sts with a blue thread, knit 6 sts. res. 1 x 1 and close the stitch according to the drawing. Also trim the front neckline. Place 6 cm of each back shoulder over the front shoulders and secure. Sew the sleeves into the armholes. Sew remaining seams. On the shoulder straps of the back, make 2 holes for buttons (overstitch 1 stitch): the first - about 1 cm from the armhole and the second - after 4 cm. Sew on the buttons. Finished product moisten and let it dry.


Use blue thread on needles No. 3 in a double elm set. cast on 23 sts = 45 sts and knit 2 cm res. 1x1. Continue elm. knitting needles No. 3.5 knit. Ch. 8 r., alternating the color of the thread every 2nd r. Then tie 10 cm straight with white thread. Elm. heel with shortened r. track. way: 1st p.: 12 p. and return. 2nd and all even rows: elm. purl 3rd row: 10 p. and return. 5th p.: 8 p. and return. 7th row: 6 sts and return. 9th row: 4 sts and return. 11th row: 6 sts and return. 13th row: 8 p. and return. 15th p.: 10 p. and return. 17th p.: 12 p. and return.

Complete the second part of the heel symmetrically. Continue elm. persons Ch. with a white thread and for the toe knit: 1st row: 10 knits, 3 stitches inm. persons., 19 persons., 3 p. vm. persons and 10 persons.

2nd and all even rows: elm. purl

3rd row: 9 persons, 3 sts. persons., 17 persons., 3 p. vm. persons and 9 persons. Continue elm., ub. thus 4 p. in every 2nd r. 6 more times, and bind off the remaining 13 sts. Perform the second sock in the same way.


On the outside of each sock, embroider according to pattern 3. Sew the back seam. Moisten the finished socks and let them dry.

Pattern and pattern for knitting a jumper for a baby:

A very cute set for a six-month-old baby - a blanket, jacket, booties and a hat. Decorated with funny ducklings.

You will need:

Yarn PUFFY SEASON (50% viscose - 50% acrylic, 300m/100g)
Color number: 113-06-60
Number of skeins: 7-1-1
Knitting needles No. 4

Size: 6-9 months

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OUTDOOR SQUARES: 1). Cast on 40 stitches with yellow thread. Knit 7 rows in garter stitch. 2). Knit the 8th row like this: 15 loops in garter stitch, 10 knit stitches (for duckling), 15 loops in garter stitch. 3). On the wrong side: from 10 loops, add another 10 loops (a total of 50 loops). 4). On the front side, from 20 central knit stitches, 10 loops cross 5x5 to the right, 10 loops cross 5x5 to the left. 5). After crossing, knit 18 rows. 6). Then, for the head, make crossings in the same way, and then knit another 8 rows. In the 9th row, cross again, only this time cross in opposite directions. 7). On the wrong side, knit part of the 20 central loops, knitting 2 loops together so that 10 loops remain. 8). On 40 loops, knit another 7 rows in garter stitch, bind off the loops. Knit another 19 squares in the same way.

CORNER DIAMONDS: 1). Cast on 3 stitches and knit in garter stitch. 2). Knit 11 rows, adding 1 loop at the edges, then knit the central 10 loops (duckling). 3). On the wrong side of the 10 front loops, add 10 more loops, then, on the front side, make crossings, and continue adding loops along the edges. 4). When there are 48 stitches on the needles, stop adding and start decreasing 1 stitch from both edges. 5). When there are 3 loops left on the needles, bind them off. Knit the duckling in the same way as in the outer squares. Knit 3 more diamonds in the same way.

MIDDLE PART: 1). Cast on 160 stitches and knit 45 rows in garter stitch. 2). Then knit in the following pattern: 70 stitches in garter stitch, 20 stitches in knit stitch, 70 stitches in garter stitch. 3). Next, in each row, knit 2 loops (garter stitch) adjacent to the middle part of the knit stitches (in each row, expand the central part of the knit stitches by 2 loops from each edge), until the number of central knit stitches reaches 42.4) . Knit 13 rows on 42 stitches. 5). Then, working in reverse, reduce the number of central knit stitches so that there are 20 of them again (knit 2 outer loops in garter stitch in each row). 6). For the head, also increase the number of knit stitches until their number is 32.7). Knit 8 rows without adding more knit stitches. 8). Reduce the number of knit stitches again until there are 20 left. 9). Knit all stitches in garter stitch for 45 rows, bind off stitches.

ASSEMBLY: 1). 5 square motifs sew to each other along the edges, sew diamonds on the sides of the resulting ribbon. Connect the remaining edges in the same way. 2). Sew the resulting edges to the large central motif. 3). For the beaks and feet of ducklings (small), use an orange thread to make a chain of 5 chain stitches and close them into a ring. Knit: 4 air loops, 3 half double crochets, again 4 chain stitches, knit back with a half single crochet. Sew the paws under the duckling's body. Another motif is sewn to the face like a beak. Make the eyes from black thread. 4). For a big duckling hat: cast on a chain of 25 chain stitches, tie with 26 half double crochets. In the second row: 6 half single crochets, 13 half double crochets and 6 half single crochets. Repeat again, the hat is ready. 5). For the beak of a large duckling, use an orange thread to cast on a chain of 6 chain stitches, knit 5 long half double crochets, 6 chain stitches, knit 1 half double crochet. 6). For the feet of a large duckling: cast on a chain of 6 chain stitches, close them into a ring, tie with 9 long half double crochets. Cast on 4 chain stitches again and move to the next row. Knit, alternating: single loop, double loop, finish the row. Make the eyes from black thread. Sew a ribbon to the neck.

BEFORE: 1). Cast on 41 stitches with yellow thread and knit 7 rows in garter stitch. 2). On the wrong side, knit the pattern (ducklings): 6 stitches in garter stitch, 12 knit stitches, 5 loops in garter stitch, 12 knit stitches, 6 in garter stitch. On the front side, after 6 garter stitch loops, out of 12 knit stitches, cross 6 loops 3x3 to the right, another 6 loops - 3x3 to the left. Knit the second part with 12 knit stitches in exactly the same way. 3). Knit 12 rows and cross again. 4). Knit 6 more rows and make 3x3 crossings again, only this time in reverse side. 5). Work all stitches in garter stitch for 18 rows, then bind off 3, 2 and 1 stitches for the armhole on one edge. 6). At a total height of 22.5 cm, bind off 5, 3, 2 and 1 neck loops on the other edge. 7). Knit 3 more rows with the remaining loops on the shoulder, bind off the loops. Knit the second front in the opposite direction, making holes for buttons on the front edge every 16 rows.

BACK: 1). Cast on 70 stitches with yellow thread and knit 7 rows in garter stitch.2). Knit central 20 stitches stockinette stitch(for duckling). 3). In the second row, make crossings: 5x5 to the right and 5x5 to the left. 4). Knit another 18 rows, then cross 5x5 again, knit another 10 rows. 5). For the head, this time cross 5x5 stitches to the left and 5x5 to the right. 6). In the next row (on the wrong side) knit 20 stitches, knitting 2 together, so that 10 knit rows remain. Continue knitting all stitches in garter stitch. 7). Knit another 18 rows, then cast off 3, 2 and 1 stitches on both edges. 8). At an armhole height of 11.5 cm, bind off the central loops, leaving 12 outer loops for the shoulders. 9). In the next row, bind off all the loops.

SLEEVE: 1). Cast on 45 stitches and knit 7 rows in garter stitch. 2). Knit the central 12 stitches and immediately cross 3x3.3). In every 4th row, add 1 loop from both edges. 4). At a total height of 18 cm, cast off 5 stitches on both edges, continue to cast off 1 stitch in the next rows until there are 14 stitches left on the knitting needles. Then close the loops.

GATE: 1). Sew shoulder seams, pick up 60 stitches at neckline. 2). Knit 6 rows in garter stitch. 3). From both edges bind off 1 loop 3 times, 5 times 2 loops each, then bind off all loops. Knit the beaks and feet of the ducklings as described for the blanket model. Make the eyes with black thread. HAT: 1). Cast on 80 stitches and knit 7 rows in garter stitch. 2). Then knit like this: 7 stitches in garter stitch, 6 knit stitches, 6 in garter stitch, 6 knit stitches, 6 in garter stitch, until the end of the row. 3). In the wrong row, in facial loops make increases so that there are 12 loops each, on the front side immediately make crossings 3x3 to the right and 3x3 to the left. Knit the ducklings in the same way as for the blouse. 4). Knit 4 rows in garter stitch. 5). To round the crown, knit alternating: 9 stitches in garter stitch, decrease 1 stitch, 9 in garter stitch, decrease 1, etc. 6). On the purl row, knit all stitches in garter stitch. 7). Next row: 8 stitches in garter stitch, 1 decrease, to end of row. In the next front row: 7 stitches in garter stitch, 1 decrease, knit in this way until all stitches are completed. Decorate with a pompom.


1). Cast on 5 loops, knit in the following pattern: 1 knit, 1 yarn over, 3 loops in garter stitch, 1 yarn over, 1 knit. Knit like this until 20 holes are formed. 2). Then, for the heel, close 10 loops on both sides. 3). Continue knitting the remaining loops, making yarn overs. 4). On one side, knit 12 duck stitches. 5). When you get 32 ​​holes, knit 1 row in garter stitch, 1 row, alternating decreases and yarn overs, 3 row in garter stitch. Close all loops.

In the children's set "Duckling" knitted includes: blouse, hat, booties and blanket. The set is decorated with funny ducklings, which are knitted using the cable knitting technique, and their beaks are crocheted.

Size: for a child 6-9 months

You will need:

Yarn PUFFY SEASON (50% viscose - 50% acrylic, 300m/100g)
Color number: 113-06-60
Number of skeins: 7-1-1
Knitting needles No. 4


  • Cast on 41 stitches with yellow thread and knit 7 rows in garter stitch.
  • On the wrong side, knit the pattern (ducklings): 6 stitches in garter stitch, 12 knit stitches, 5 loops in garter stitch, 12 knit stitches, 6 in garter stitch. On the front side, after 6 garter stitch loops, out of 12 knit stitches, cross 6 loops 3x3 to the right, another 6 loops - 3x3 to the left. Knit the second part with 12 knit stitches in exactly the same way.
  • Knit 12 rows and cross again.
  • Knit 6 more rows and make 3x3 crossings again, only this time in the opposite direction.
  • Work all stitches in garter stitch for 18 rows, then bind off 3, 2 and 1 stitches for the armhole on one edge.
  • At a total height of 22.5 cm, bind off 5, 3, 2 and 1 neck loops on the other edge.
  • Knit 3 more rows with the remaining loops on the shoulder, bind off the loops. Knit the second front in the opposite direction, making holes for buttons on the front edge every 16 rows.
  • Cast on 70 stitches with yellow thread and knit 7 rows in garter stitch.
  • Knit the central 20 stitches in stockinette stitch (for duckling).
  • In the second row, make crossings: 5x5 to the right and 5x5 to the left.
  • Knit another 18 rows, then cross 5x5 again, knit another 10 rows.
  • For the head, this time cross 5x5 stitches to the left and 5x5 to the right.
  • In the next row (on the wrong side) knit 20 stitches, knitting 2 together, so that 10 knit rows remain. Continue knitting all stitches in garter stitch.
  • Knit another 18 rows, then cast off 3, 2 and 1 stitches on both edges. 8). At an armhole height of 11.5 cm, bind off the central loops, leaving 12 outer loops for the shoulders. 9). In the next row, bind off all the loops.
  • Cast on 45 stitches and knit 7 rows in garter stitch.
  • Knit the central 12 stitches and immediately cross 3x3.
  • In every 4th row, add 1 loop from both edges.
  • At a total height of 18 cm, cast off 5 stitches on both edges, continue to cast off 1 stitch in the next rows until there are 14 stitches left on the knitting needles. Then close the loops.
  • Sew shoulder seams, pick up 60 stitches at neckline. 2). Knit 6 rows in garter stitch.
  • From both edges bind off 1 loop 3 times, 5 times 2 loops each, then bind off all loops. Knit the beaks and feet of the ducklings as described for the blanket model. Make the eyes with black thread.


  • Cast on 80 stitches and knit 7 rows in garter stitch.
  • Then knit like this: 7 stitches in garter stitch, 6 knit stitches, 6 in garter stitch, 6 knit stitches, 6 in garter stitch, until the end of the row.
  • In the purl row, in the front loops, make increases so that there are 12 loops each; on the front side, immediately make crossings 3x3 to the right and 3x3 to the left. Knit the ducklings in the same way as for the blouse.
  • Knit 4 rows in garter stitch.
  • To round the crown, knit alternating: 9 stitches in garter stitch, decrease 1 stitch, 9 in garter stitch, decrease 1, etc.
  • On the purl row, knit all stitches in garter stitch.
  • Next row: 8 stitches in garter stitch, 1 decrease, to end of row. In the next front row: 7 stitches in garter stitch, 1 decrease, knit in this way until all stitches are completed. Decorate with a pompom.


  • Cast on 5 loops, knit in the following pattern: 1 knit, 1 yarn over, 3 loops in garter stitch, 1 yarn over, 1 knit. Knit like this until 20 holes are formed.
  • Then, for the heel, close 10 loops on both sides.
  • Continue knitting the remaining loops, making yarn overs.
  • On one side, knit 12 duck stitches.
  • When you get 32 ​​holes, knit 1 row in garter stitch, 1 row, alternating decreases and yarn overs, 3 row in garter stitch. Close all loops.



  • Cast on 40 stitches with yellow thread. Knit 7 rows in garter stitch.
  • Knit the 8th row like this: 15 loops in garter stitch, 10 knit stitches (for duckling), 15 loops in garter stitch.
  • On the wrong side: from 10 loops, add another 10 loops (a total of 50 loops).
  • On the front side, from 20 central knit stitches, 10 loops cross 5x5 to the right, 10 loops cross 5x5 to the left.
  • After crossing, knit 18 rows.
  • Then, for the head, make crossings in the same way, and then knit another 8 rows. In the 9th row, cross again, only this time cross in opposite directions.
  • On the wrong side, knit part of the 20 central loops, knitting 2 loops together so that 10 loops remain. 8). On 40 loops, knit another 7 rows in garter stitch, bind off the loops. Knit another 19 squares in the same way.


  • Cast on 3 stitches and knit in garter stitch.
  • Knit 11 rows, adding 1 loop at the edges, then knit the central 10 loops (duckling).
  • On the wrong side of the 10 front loops, add 10 more loops, then, on the front side, make crossings, and continue to add loops along the edges.
  • When there are 48 stitches on the needles, stop adding and start decreasing 1 stitch from both edges.
  • When there are 3 loops left on the needles, bind them off. Knit the duckling in the same way as in the outer squares. Knit 3 more diamonds in the same way.


  • Cast on 160 stitches and knit 45 rows in garter stitch.
  • Then knit in the following pattern: 70 stitches in garter stitch, 20 stitches in knit stitch, 70 stitches in garter stitch.
  • Next, in each row, knit 2 loops (garter stitch) adjacent to the middle part of the knit stitches (in each row, expand the central part of the knit stitches by 2 loops from each edge), until the number of central knit stitches reaches 42.
  • Knit 13 rows on 42 stitches.
  • Then, working in reverse, reduce the number of central knit stitches so that there are 20 of them again (knit 2 outer loops in garter stitch in each row).
  • For the head, also increase the number of knit stitches until their number is 32.7). Knit 8 rows without adding more knit stitches.
  • Reduce the number of knit stitches again until there are 20 left.
  • Knit all stitches in garter stitch for 45 rows, bind off stitches.
  • Sew 5 square motifs to each other along the edges, and sew diamonds on the sides of the resulting ribbon. Connect the remaining edges in the same way.
  • Sew the resulting edges to the large central motif.
  • For the beaks and feet of ducklings (small), use an orange thread to make a chain of 5 chain stitches and close them into a ring. Knit: 4 chain stitches, 3 half double crochets, 4 chain stitches again, knit back with a half double crochet. Sew the paws under the duckling's body. Another motif is sewn to the face like a beak. Make the eyes from black thread.
  • For a big duckling hat: cast on a chain of 25 chain stitches, tie with 26 half double crochets. In the second row: 6 half single crochets, 13 half double crochets and 6 half single crochets. Repeat again, the hat is ready.
  • For the beak of a large duckling, use an orange thread to cast on a chain of 6 chain stitches, knit 5 long half double crochets, 6 chain stitches, knit 1 half double crochet.
  • For the feet of a large duckling: cast on a chain of 6 chain stitches, close them into a ring, tie with 9 long half double crochets. Cast on 4 chain stitches again and move to the next row. Knit, alternating: single loop, double loop, finish row.
  • Make the eyes from black thread.
  • Sew a ribbon to the neck.
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A very cute set for a six-month-old baby - a blanket, jacket, booties and a hat. Decorated with funny ducklings.

You will need:

Yarn PUFFY SEASON (50% viscose - 50% acrylic, 300m/100g)
Color number: 113-06-60
Number of skeins: 7-1-1
Knitting needles No. 4

Size: 6-9 months


OUTDOOR SQUARES: 1). Cast on 40 stitches with yellow thread. Knit 7 rows in garter stitch. 2). Knit the 8th row like this: 15 loops in garter stitch, 10 knit stitches (for duckling), 15 loops in garter stitch. 3). On the wrong side: from 10 loops, add 10 more loops (a total of 50 loops). 4). On the front side, from 20 central knit stitches, 10 loops cross 5x5 to the right, 10 loops cross 5x5 to the left. 5). After crossing, knit 18 rows. 6). Then, for the head, make crossings in the same way, and then knit another 8 rows. In the 9th row, cross again, only this time cross in opposite directions. 7). On the wrong side, knit part of the 20 central loops, knitting 2 loops together so that 10 loops remain. 8). On 40 loops, knit another 7 rows in garter stitch, bind off the loops. Knit another 19 squares in the same way.

CORNER DIAMONDS: 1). Cast on 3 stitches and knit in garter stitch. 2). Knit 11 rows, adding 1 loop at the edges, then knit the central 10 loops (duckling). 3). On the wrong side of the 10 front loops, add 10 more loops, then, on the front side, make crossings, and continue adding loops along the edges. 4). When there are 48 stitches on the needles, stop adding and start decreasing 1 stitch from both edges. 5). When there are 3 loops left on the needles, bind them off. Knit the duckling in the same way as in the outer squares. Knit 3 more diamonds in the same way.

MIDDLE PART: 1). Cast on 160 stitches and knit 45 rows in garter stitch. 2). Then knit in the following pattern: 70 stitches in garter stitch, 20 stitches in knit stitch, 70 stitches in garter stitch. 3). Next, in each row, knit 2 loops (garter stitch) adjacent to the middle part of the knit stitches (in each row, expand the central part of the knit stitches by 2 loops from each edge), until the number of central knit stitches reaches 42.4) . Knit 13 rows on 42 stitches. 5). Then, working in reverse, reduce the number of central knit stitches so that there are 20 of them again (knit 2 outer loops in garter stitch in each row). 6). For the head, also increase the number of knit stitches until their number is 32.7). Knit 8 rows without adding more knit stitches. 8). Reduce the number of knit stitches again until there are 20 left. 9). Knit all stitches in garter stitch for 45 rows, bind off stitches.

ASSEMBLY: 1). Sew 5 square motifs to each other along the edges, and sew diamonds on the sides of the resulting ribbon. Connect the remaining edges in the same way. 2). Sew the resulting edges to the large central motif. 3). For the beaks and feet of ducklings (small), use an orange thread to make a chain of 5 chain stitches and close them into a ring. Knit: 4 chain stitches, 3 half double crochets, 4 chain stitches again, knit back with a half double crochet. Sew the paws under the duckling's body. Another motif is sewn to the face like a beak. Make the eyes from black thread. 4). For a big duckling hat: cast on a chain of 25 chain stitches, tie with 26 half double crochets. In the second row: 6 half single crochets, 13 half double crochets and 6 half single crochets. Repeat again, the hat is ready. 5). For the beak of a large duckling, use an orange thread to cast on a chain of 6 chain stitches, knit 5 long half double crochets, 6 chain stitches, knit 1 half double crochet. 6). For the feet of a large duckling: cast on a chain of 6 chain stitches, close them into a ring, tie with 9 long half double crochets. Cast on 4 chain stitches again and move to the next row. Knit, alternating: single loop, double loop, finish row. Make the eyes from black thread. Sew a ribbon to the neck.

BEFORE: 1). Cast on 41 stitches with yellow thread and knit 7 rows in garter stitch. 2). On the wrong side, knit the pattern (ducklings): 6 stitches in garter stitch, 12 knit stitches, 5 loops in garter stitch, 12 knit stitches, 6 in garter stitch. On the front side, after 6 garter stitch loops, out of 12 knit stitches, cross 6 loops 3x3 to the right, another 6 loops - 3x3 to the left. Knit the second part with 12 knit stitches in exactly the same way. 3). Knit 12 rows and cross again. 4). Knit 6 more rows and make 3x3 crossings again, only this time in the opposite direction. 5). Work all stitches in garter stitch for 18 rows, then bind off 3, 2 and 1 stitches for the armhole on one edge. 6). At a total height of 22.5 cm, bind off 5, 3, 2 and 1 neck loops on the other edge. 7). Knit 3 more rows with the remaining loops on the shoulder, bind off the loops. Knit the second front in the opposite direction, making holes for buttons on the front edge every 16 rows.

BACK: 1). Cast on 70 stitches with yellow thread and knit 7 rows in garter stitch.2). Knit the central 20 stitches in stockinette stitch (for duckling). 3). In the second row, make crossings: 5x5 to the right and 5x5 to the left. 4). Knit another 18 rows, then cross 5x5 again, knit another 10 rows. 5). For the head, this time cross 5x5 stitches to the left and 5x5 to the right. 6). In the next row (on the wrong side) knit 20 stitches, knitting 2 together, so that 10 knit rows remain. Continue knitting all stitches in garter stitch. 7). Knit another 18 rows, then cast off 3, 2 and 1 stitches on both edges. 8). At an armhole height of 11.5 cm, bind off the central loops, leaving 12 outer loops for the shoulders. 9). In the next row, bind off all the loops.

SLEEVE: 1). Cast on 45 stitches and knit 7 rows in garter stitch. 2). Knit the central 12 stitches and immediately cross 3x3.3). In every 4th row, add 1 loop from both edges. 4). At a total height of 18 cm, cast off 5 stitches on both edges, continue to cast off 1 stitch in the next rows until there are 14 stitches left on the knitting needles. Then close the loops.

GATE: 1). Sew shoulder seams, pick up 60 stitches at neckline. 2). Knit 6 rows in garter stitch. 3). From both edges bind off 1 loop 3 times, 5 times 2 loops each, then bind off all loops. Knit the beaks and feet of the ducklings as described for the blanket model. Make the eyes with black thread. HAT: 1). Cast on 80 stitches and knit 7 rows in garter stitch. 2). Then knit like this: 7 stitches in garter stitch, 6 knit stitches, 6 in garter stitch, 6 knit stitches, 6 in garter stitch, until the end of the row. 3). In the purl row, in the front loops, make increases so that there are 12 loops each; on the front side, immediately make crossings 3x3 to the right and 3x3 to the left. Knit the ducklings in the same way as for the blouse. 4). Knit 4 rows in garter stitch. 5). To round the crown, knit alternating: 9 stitches in garter stitch, decrease 1 stitch, 9 in garter stitch, decrease 1, etc. 6). On the purl row, knit all stitches in garter stitch. 7). Next row: 8 stitches in garter stitch, 1 decrease, to end of row. In the next front row: 7 stitches in garter stitch, 1 decrease, knit in this way until all stitches are completed. Decorate with a pompom.


1). Cast on 5 loops, knit in the following pattern: 1 knit, 1 yarn over, 3 loops in garter stitch, 1 yarn over, 1 knit. Knit like this until 20 holes are formed. 2). Then, for the heel, close 10 loops on both sides. 3). Continue knitting the remaining loops, making yarn overs. 4). On one side, knit 12 duck stitches. 5). When you get 32 ​​holes, knit 1 row in garter stitch, 1 row, alternating decreases and yarn overs, 3 row in garter stitch. Close all loops.