Establishment "Education Department of the Volzhsky Administration municipal district» MDOU “General developmental kindergarten No. 9 “Spikelet” Chasovennaya village

Conducted by: Mikhailova O.V. -teacher 2016

Goal: To form children’s idea of ​​family.



  • introduce children to the concept "family"
  • teach finger painting techniques.


  • foster a sense of love and pride in your family


  • to form ideas about the family as people who live together and love each other
  • enrich and activate the vocabulary on this topic.

Preliminary work: looking at the poster "Family" , family photos, conversations about family members, consolidating the names of parents, learning finger games, didactic game "Family" , reading fiction about mom, family.

Equipment: doll, easel, photographs depicting family members, a picture depicting family members, leaves with images of palms of different sizes; gouache, a glass of water, whatman paper, napkins, musical accompaniment.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Children, look how many guests have come to us, let's say hello!

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle. The teacher brings a doll in a beautiful dress to the group.

Doll: Hello guys! I'm so glad to see you. My name is Masha. Let's get to know you? You will say your name, and I will say mine. Agreed? (Masha gets to know each child)

Doll: Tell me guys, who brought you to kindergarten today?

Children's answers: mom, dad, grandpa, grandma.

Educator: Yes, guys, each of you has a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. What to call them all, in one word? This word is family. Each of us has our own family. These are the ones we love most, these are our relatives.

Educator: Tell me Masha, do you have a family?

Doll: Yes, of course, I also have a family: mom, dad, grandparents, and I love them very much. (The teacher hangs a picture of the whole family on the easel)

Educator: Guys, look at the picture, who is depicted in it? (grandmother, grandfather, father, mother)

What does grandpa do? (grandmother, father, mother)

Do you think this friendly family? (children's answers)

Doll: Well done! And the guys will be able to tell more about their family, please...

Educator: Children, do you have a family? (children's answers)

Guys, come to the table, let's show Masha what lies here! (photos) The guys brought family photos, they will show and tell about their family.

Who is depicted on them? (mom, dad)

What are the names of your mom and dad? (children's answers)

What do you like to do together at home?

(3-4 children talk about their family, naming the names of family members, family relationships: grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister).

Educator: We can play with our fingers and teach our Masha. (carried out together with children finger game "Family" ) .

Clench one hand into a fist, and with the other you will gradually straighten each finger on your hand.

This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mom

This finger is me.
That's my whole family.

What do you think this game is about? This game is about family.

Educator: Guys, come to the table. Look what's drawn here?

(children's answers).

Are they the same? Whose hand do you think the big hand might be? (mom's, father's, grandmother's, grandfather's).

Whose little hand is it? (little guys)

Place your palm on the small one. That's right, this is your palm.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle: “He gets up early, sings loudly, doesn’t let the kids sleep.” . Who is this?

Children: Cockerel!

Educator: That's right, cockerel! How loudly does he sing?

Ku-ka-re-ku! Right. Who will be our rooster? (I put a hat on the child).

Educator: What a handsome daddy cockerel. And he doesn’t live alone, with a mother hen and chicks. Let's play, I'll be the mother hen, and you the chicks. And the mother chicken is a caring one, she loves her babies very much. So she calls them to follow her.


Chicken chatter

Walks around the yard
The crest inflates,
Convenes small children: “Ko-ko-ko!”

What a friendly family this is. Who is the mother in this family? And dad? What about the kids? This means that everyone has a family, not just people.

Doll: Well done, how well you played.

Look, I made a card for my family, but I think there's something missing here? (children's answers).

Educator: That's right, there aren't enough flowers here. Let's help Masha and finish the card.

(Drawing coloring of flower buds).

Well done guys now beautiful postcard? Now we’ll give it to Masha so she can give it to her family.

You guys learned so much about family. What is family? Family - who is it? Who else has a family? (Answers)

Well done!

Doll Masha is glad that you know so much about your beloved family and gives you a treat. Doll Masha praises the children, thanks them and says goodbye.

Program content :

1. About educational:

- promote the development of speech as a means of communication;

— consolidate knowledge about forest inhabitants;

2 . Educational:

— develop communication skills.

- develop motor skills and abilities, fine motor skills fingers.

3. Educational:

- cultivate interest and desire to perform physical exercises.

- develop confidence in yourself and your capabilities.

- develop the ability to communicate with peers.

Integration educational areas:

cognition, communication, socialization, health, physical education, reading fiction, music.

Main activities:

communicative, gaming, motor, reading fiction.

Equipment: hedgehog toy, health track, massage mats, gymnastic beam, jump rope, cubes, massage balls, a basket of mushrooms, a disc with a recording of the sound of rain.

GCD move.

Children enter the group and greet the guests.

Educator: Guys, let’s remember what animals live in the forest. Children name the animals: wolf, fox, squirrel, bear, hare, hedgehog. Well done, you named all the animals. Children, do you like to visit? Today I invite you to visit. And guess who?

There are needles on the back

Long and stinging.

And curls up into a ball -

There is no head or legs.

A child makes a riddle about a forest dweller.

Educator: That's right, hedgehog. And we will go to visit the hedgehog.

We're walking, we're walking,

Right along the path

We raise it well

Raise our legs!

Come on, more fun, top, top, top!

That's how we do it, top, top, top.

Children are walking along the path to health.

Well, if you're not tired,

Quickly - quickly ran.

Children run without overtaking each other.

Educator: Look, guys, here is the hedgehog.

Hedgehog: Hello children. Who knows what my name is?

Sly hedgehog - eccentric

I sewed a prickly jacket -

A hundred pins on my chest

A hundred needles are behind.

The poem is narrated by a child.

Guys, I just woke up. What do children do after sleep? That's right, exercise.

Hear the music playing

Invites children to exercise.

Let's do exercises together, and you will be hedgehogs. What kind of fur coat do they have? That's right, prickly. Make “needles” - clench your fists and open your fingers to the sides. These are the “needles” they have.

1.I.p.: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Tilt your head forward, turn your head to one side, then to the other - “The hedgehog welcomes the guys.”

2. I. p.: standing, legs apart, hands down.

Circular movements hands - “The hedgehog is running along the path.”

3. I. p.: lying on your stomach, chin on bent arms. Raise your head, look forward - “The hedgehog is looking for guys.”

4. I. p.: lying on your back, arms along the body - the tummy is warming up. Roll over onto your stomach - your back gets warm - “The hedgehog is basking in the sun.”

5. I. p.: standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Jumping in place - “The hedgehog enjoys the sun.”

Hedgehog: Well done! All exercises were performed correctly and beautifully. Oh guys, I forgot the basket of mushrooms, help me find the basket.

Educator: Children, let's help the hedgehog find the basket?

Children: Yes!


So that we can find a basket,

We have a long way to go.

We'll go down the path

And we’ll crawl over the log.

Children walk on massage mats and crawl through a gymnastic beam.

Hedgehog: Well done! These are how brave these kids are.

Educator: Look, guys, a path made of cubes.

If the cubes are on the way,

Be brave, step over!

Children step over the blocks without stopping. Well done!

The sound of rain is heard.

Educator: Guys, it’s raining, listen to how it drips.

Children imitate rain by tapping their palms with their fingers.

Finger gymnastics.


Rain, rain

Lei, lei!

(tapping palm)

On me and on people

(show “yourself” and “people”)

Little by little on me

(show “tiny” with index finger and thumb)

Spoonful for people!

(fold your palms like a ladle)

Well done!

Educator: Look, puddles have formed after the rain.

There are puddles on the roads.

Well, we don’t bother -

Let's jump over the puddles.

Children jump rope.

Educator: That's how much fun we had, well done!

Hedgehog: Guys, do you know what the names of my children are? That's right, my kids' names are hedgehogs. Hedgehogs are so disobedient, if they run away, I can’t collect them. Help me collect my hedgehogs.

The teacher and the children find hedgehogs in a clearing.

An outdoor game “Collecting balls” is played.

Hedgehog: Thank you guys, you did great, you helped me collect naughty hedgehogs.

I will tell my hedgehog children how important it is to do exercises in the morning, how you boldly walked along the path and climbed over a log, cheerfully stretched your legs, and rejoiced in the rain. Smart girls!

A hedgehog walks in the garden under a bench,

Sticks on pins - a pear, a plum -

Every fruit that can be found under the tree.

And with a gift for the rich he returns to the guys.

Oh, guys, look, here is a basket of mushrooms.

Come on, I'll treat you.

teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Forget-me-not”,

Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, Russia.

Nomination “Methodological piggy bank of a preschool teacher”

Abstract directly educational activities at 1 younger group on the theme "At the edge of the forest."

Integration of educational areas: Speech development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development.

GCD purpose: Activation and formation of children's speech.

Speech development: Practice selecting adjectives for nouns. Activate children's speech using questions. Develop breathing.

Cognitive development: Clarify the signs of winter. To form in children an idea of ​​the appearance of a hare and the peculiarities of its nutrition.

Physical development: Support the need for independent activity in children, improve children’s health using health-saving technologies.

Social and communicative development: Cultivating empathy, the desire to do good deeds, develop initiative, and independence. Create a positive atmosphere.

Material: in the box there are snowflakes cut out of paper; cut picture of a hare; Toy hare white. Paper basket, pictures with vegetables for the bunny.

We offer children's shoes made of n... natural materials, which fully complies with the most stringent quality standards for children's products.

Progress of direct educational activities

We have guests today, they want to see how we can play. Let's say hello first.

1. The game “We woke up” is being played(playing out a nursery rhyme song).

WITH Good morning, little eyes! (Lightly touch the eyes)
Are you awake?
Good morning, ears! (Touch ears)
Are you awake?
Good morning, nose! (Touch the nose)
Are you awake?
Good morning, little mouth! (Touch mouth)
Are you awake?
Good morning, hands! (Stretch your arms forward, palms up)
Are you awake?
Good morning, legs! (Touch legs)
Are you awake?
The eyes are watching
Ears are listening
The nose is breathing, (take a deep breath)
Mouth eats, (am, am, am)
Hands clap, (clap, clap, clap)
Feet stomp, (tap, stomp, stomp)
We woke up!

Let's say "Good morning" to our guests!

2. Educator: We sit on chairs in front of the screen. Guys, what time of year is it now? ( Winter).

SLIDE No. 1 Winter landscape.

Look how beautiful it is! There is white, fluffy snow all around. What is the weather like in winter? (Cold, frosty, wind blowing strongly).

3. Breathing exercise

Educator ( picks up a box): Look how beautiful my box is. What's in this box? Shall we look into it? ( Open the box and take out the snowflakes). There are snowflakes here! Let's play with them ( put a snowflake on your palm).

Educator: The wind blows, blows and lifts a snowflake! ( Blow a snowflake from your palm.) Like this!

Music is playing. The teacher gives each child a snowflake. Children place them on their palm and then blow them off.

Educator: Well done, you know how to blow hard. Now let's put the snowflakes in the box (put the snowflakes in the box).

4. SLIDE No. 2. Ears appeared on the screen behind the bush.

From a snowdrift at the edge of the forest
Someone's ears peeked out,
And he rushed off, skok-skok-skok.
White little animal.

Educator: Who is this little animal? ( Hare, Bunny).

5. The teacher suggests calling: Bunny - come to us. ( Quiet, loud).

(The slide changes - winter forest .A toy hare appears on the table. The teacher offers to touch it).

  • What kind of fur coat does the bunny have? (Soft, fluffy).
  • What does the hare have? (Head, ears, tail, paws, torso).
  • What color is a hare's coat? ( White).
  • What kind of tail does a bunny have? ( Short).
  • What kind of ears does a hare have? ( Long).
  • So, what can you call a hare? ( Long-Eared) .

The teacher asks each child in turn: Which bunny? ( Long-Eared). The teacher helps someone who has difficulty pronouncing this word.

Slide number 5. Hare in winter and summer.

In summer the hare has a gray coat, and in winter it is white. Where does the hare live? ( In the forest) .

Slide number 6.

Educator: What does he eat? ( He eats grass, chews bark). The hare also loves to eat cabbage and carrots.

6. Educator: Why is our bunny so sad? What's happened?

Bunny: Oh-oh-oh. There was a lot of snow in the forest. I have nothing else to eat.

Educator: Don't cry, Bunny, we will help you. Play with us first to make it more fun for you.

7. Round dance game “Bunny”

Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the center is a sad Bunny. Children say:

Bunny, Bunny, what's wrong with you?
You're sitting there so sick.
Get up, get up, jump!
Here, have a carrot!
Here, have a carrot!
Get it and dance!

One child treats the bunny with a carrot made of paper. The bunny takes the carrot, becomes cheerful and starts dancing. Children clap their hands. Then another bunny is chosen. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Bunny: Good, interesting, fun game. I just really want to eat.

Educator: Guys, I have a basket. Let's fill it with different vegetables for Bunny. ( Object pictures are laid out on the table. Children choose vegetables and stick them on the basket.)

Educator: Well done guys, our bunny is very happy. He was delighted and thanks you for playing with him and giving him a whole basket of vegetables.

The teacher quietly hides a toy hare and a basket.

SLIDE No. 7. Bunny with a basket in the forest.

Educator: Look, guys, our bunny galloped off into the forest. And now you and I will go for a walk.

Summary of educational activities in the 1st junior group on the topic: “Our kindergarten” (speech development, familiarization with the outside world)

Target: promote the development of speech as a means of communication, based on expanding orientation in the immediate environment, develop understanding of speech and activate vocabulary


Create an environment of a comfortable psychological climate;
- teach to clearly and loudly say your name and the names of other children; strengthen children's ability to form plural forms of nouns;
- develop verbal attention and dialogic speech, develop the ability to navigate in a group room;
- cultivate a love for kindergarten, a friendly attitude towards peers and basic polite communication skills

GCD move.

1. Surprise moment.
The bear cub Mishutka comes to visit the children. The teacher organizes communication with the game character and encourages them to say their name clearly and loudly enough.
-Now that we have said hello and met our guest, tell him the name of the house in which we are together? (...)

2. Reading a poem about kindergarten.
What is a kindergarten?

This is a holiday for the guys
Games, fun,
Fun and laughter-
Our kindergarten -
This is a joy for everyone!
We play, walk, dance, sing,
We have fun in our kindergarten!
We love our kindergarten. All the children in the kindergarten live together and do not quarrel. We usually say this:
Playing together is more interesting.
- Our children always share toys and know how to give thanks and say “thank you”

3. Didactic game “Pass the toy.”
.Children pass soft toy“Sunny” and say “thank you” to each other. The teacher encourages us to call each other by name (thank you, Varya)

4. Dynamic pause “What can we do?”
- Our guest wants to know what we are doing in kindergarten. Let's tell him and show him. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text and as shown by the teacher)

What can we do?
We'll show you, look!
So we count our fingers
So we put on boots,
So we stomp, play pranks,

And this is how we sleep...
So we roll the car,
So we catch up with the ball,
This is how we hug each other!

5. Game exercise"One is many"
This is our playroom. There are a lot of toys here.

We don't have one doll, but many...(...)
We don't have one car, but many...(...)
We don’t have one pyramid, but many...(...)
We don't have one cube, but many...(...)
We don’t have just one tumbler, but many...(...)
We don’t have one nesting doll, but many...(...)
We don't have one ball, but many...(...)

6. Physical education session “We wash ourselves”
-What room is behind that door? This is our toilet room. Let's show our guest how we wash ourselves.
Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

One, two - we raise our sleeves.
Three, four - the tap was opened.
Five, six - there is soap.
Seven, eight - we'll ask for a towel.
We wash ourselves clean, dry ourselves,
We smile at each other.

7. Game exercise “What are the names of adults”
- This is our bedroom. Mishutka wants to ask who made the beds so beautifully, who cleans our group, who brings us lunch?(...)
- Yes, this is ours, Tatyana Alekseevna, assistant teacher.
- Who plays with you, reads books, goes for a walk?(...)
- Yes, these are our teachers: Tatyana Mikhailovna and Lyudmila Aleksandrovna.

(Choral and individual answers in a form accessible to children.)

8.Result of activities.

Summary of educational activities for children of the 1st junior group "Pets".

A summary of direct educational activities with children of the 1st junior group, compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, will help educators in forming children’s ideas about pets.
Summary of educational activities for children of the 1st junior group "Pets".
Integration of educational areas:“Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”.
Educational: Teach children to distinguish by appearance and name the most common domestic animals. Form an idea of ​​the animal and its appearance.
Developmental: Develop understanding of speech, thinking, memory, attention, observation.
Speech: Contribute to the development of dialogue speech, enrich vocabulary children.
Educational: To cultivate a love for pets, their importance in human life, and curiosity.
Target: Development of cognitive interest in the world around us, formation of ideas about domestic animals.
Demo material:
Images of domestic animals (cow, horse, pig, sheep, dog, cat). Models or toys of domestic animals (cow, pig, horse, sheep, dog, cat).
Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, didactic game “Pets and their young”, physical education session, summing up.
Preliminary work: 1. Looking at an illustration from a series of children’s books depicting domestic animals and their babies, looking at a poster with a picture of a house. animals.
2. Reading fairy tales “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Winter Hut of Animals”.

Progress of the lesson.

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, the teacher sits in front of them.
Educator: Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello.
Educator: Look, another doll “Anya” came to visit us. (The doll says hello and sits on a chair)
- Guys, doll Anya told me in my ear that she brought you pictures with animals, but she forgot their names and asks you and me to help her remember them.
- Can we help the doll remember the names of the animals?
Children: yeah!
The teacher takes turns putting pictures of animals on the easel.
The teacher puts up a picture of a cow.
Educator: Who is this?
Children: Cow!
Educator: Cow eating in the meadow
poppies and chamomile,
milk will be delicious
to cook us some porridge.
Educator: Guys, how does a cow moo?
Children in chorus: Mooo...
Educator: Well done!

The teacher puts up a picture of a sheep.
Children: This is a sheep.
Educator: It's on the sheep's fur,
Curls and rings.
It's hot in the summer in a warm fur coat,
So I'll be getting my hair cut soon.
Educator: Guys, what does the sheep say?
Children: Whew!
Educator: That's right, the sheep says b-e-….

The teacher puts up a picture of a horse.
Educator: Who is this?:
Children: Horse.
Educator: Clack, clack, clack, clack
I am a horse - gray side,
I'll knock my hoof
If you want, I'll give you a ride.

Educator:-Let's all say together how the horse speaks.
Children and teacher say: yoke-go...

The teacher puts up a picture of a pig.
Educator: Tell Anya who this is?
Children: pig!
Educator: Round pink barrel
The nose is a snub heel.
Educator: Tell me how the pig grunts?
Children: Oink-oink!
Educator: That's right. Well done!

The teacher puts a picture of a cat and a dog.
Educator: Well, who is this?
Children: Cat and dog.
Educator: cats and dogs live very close to people. The dog lives in a kennel and protects the house from strangers, and is very fond of bones; and people feed the cat milk, and the cat also catches mice so that they do not spoil the supplies.
Tell me, how does a cat meow and how does a dog bark?
Children and the teacher pronounce like a cat and a dog: meow..., woof-woof...
Educator: Well done.
Educator: Guys, all these animals are “pets”, and they are called pets because they live next to a person, next to his house. A person takes care of them, feeds them, and in return they give us a lot of useful things.
Educator: Guys, do you know where pets live?
Children: In the village!
Educator: Right. Let’s go to the village and take Anya’s doll with us too.
Children get up from their chairs. They play a game.

"Let's go..."
Got in the car
Gasoline was poured
(Stand up and “grasp” the steering wheel.)
Car, car
It's driving, it's buzzing,
In the car, in the car
The driver is sitting.
(“We’re driving” in a car and “honking.”)
We've arrived!
On a horse, on a horse
I want to go for a ride.
(Walk raising your knees high.)
I'll sit down, I'll sit on the horse,
I'll ride a horse!
(Sit down and stand up again.)
Clack, clack, clack, clack.
(“Let’s ride” on a horse.)
We rode a horse
And we got there.

Educator: Here we are. And here is the village courtyard. Tell me who lives on it?
Children: Pets.
Educator: Let's see who's here (children take turns listing the animals).
Doll: Thank you guys, you not only helped me remember the names of the animals, but also showed them to me, now I definitely won’t forget them! Thank you very much!