Glaucoma is a chronic eye disease. It appears as a result of neurovascular disorders. This increases intraocular pressure and disrupts the circulation of fluid in the eye. This leads to the fact that when viewing objects, the clarity of their contours disappears.

Glaucoma treatment with folk remedies - infusions and decoctions

  • Ginger, cinnamon, lemon balm, licorice root, motherwort herb and buckwheat flowers must be taken in equal quantities and mixed, then pour boiling water over everything and strain. You need to take this decoction half a glass 3 times a day. The tincture is effective both for the disease itself and for prevention.
  • You can take blueberries in absolutely any form, up to 3 times a day.
  • It is necessary to squeeze out the juice of celandine and mix it with water, all in equal quantities, then moisten a cotton swab or napkin and apply it to the sore eye. This procedure must be done 2 times a day.
  • A glass of rose hips must be filled with vodka and allowed to brew for a week. Take 5 drops dissolved in water, up to 2 times a day.

Other folk remedies for the treatment of glaucoma

Acupressure for glaucoma It must be done during attacks of glaucoma, at the point between the index finger and thumb. Duration of massage is 3 minutes.

Vitamins B6 and C. The use of vitamins B6 and C can regulate intraocular pressure. B6 should be taken 50-75 mg per day, and vitamin C 5 g.

Treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies according to the recipes of the Ural healer Ivan Prokhorov

  • Drink 0.2 g of "mummy" 2-3 times a day for 10 days, break 5 days, 3-5 courses in total.
  • Use onions for glaucoma different types. Traditional medicine recommends consuming viburnum, blueberries, blueberries, rowan, and sorrel in any form.

Glaucoma treatment with folk remedies according to Natalia Frolova’s recipes

Lotions made from an infusion of herbs collected in May help well against glaucoma: half a glass of nettle for 1 glass of water, 1 teaspoon of lily of the valley petals, mix everything, leave for 8-10 days in a dark place, then add half a teaspoon of baking soda.

Make lotions from the resulting mass to sore spots.

Treatment of glaucoma with prayers and spells

Prayer to the “holy martyr Longinus the centurion” (about healing the eyes): “Pilate commanded you, the holy martyr Longinus and your soldiers, to stand guard at the cross of the Lord Jesus, but you, who had sore eyes and were healed by a drop of blood that dropped into your eyes, when the ribs of the Lord were drawn with a spear, at the same time, he gained spiritual insight and, seeing the miracles that took place during the crucifixion of the Lord: an earthquake, a solar eclipse, and the resurrection of the dead from the grave, he clearly confessed Jesus Christ - the son of God. After this, in awe, seeing the pieces of silver given by the Sanhedrin for concealing the Resurrection, you rejected them and, having preached Christ, you were beheaded.

A few years later, to a certain widow who had not seen, the holy martyr appeared in a dream and you visited the place where your honorable head remained in obscurity. Having found her, this woman with faith sought healing in her for the blindness of her eyes and, having kissed her, received insight. Therefore, we pray to you, St. Martyr of Christ Longinus to sore eyes ambulance yours and heal them, so that, having been freed from their illness, they would not want to see anything that inflames voluptuousness, but would rush to the contemplation of beauty, glorifying God. Amen".

Symptoms of glaucoma

The most basic symptom of glaucoma is a narrowing of the peripheral vision field. There is deterioration in vision in dark time days. A little later, discomfort appears in the eyes, pain is felt in the temples and head. During acute attacks, nausea and vomiting are possible, and the pain, in addition to the head, can radiate to the stomach and heart.

Causes of glaucoma

It can be primary, secondary and congenital. Primary glaucoma occurs in people over 40 years of age, and signs of its onset appear suddenly. Secondary glaucoma occurs due to diseases such as cataracts, scleritis, keratitis, as a result of eye damage, etc. Congenital glaucoma, its cause is an anomaly in the development of the eye in the embryo.

Traditional medicine is quite effective; using it to treat a disease leads to improvement. If you have glaucoma, treatment with folk remedies should be started only after consulting a doctor.

Article specially for the site

Glaucoma: symptoms and treatment

Glaucoma (lat. glaucoma) is a group of eye diseases that lead to progressive and irreversible damage to the optic nerve and retinal ganglion cells and, consequently, to deterioration or loss of vision (or a decrease in the field of view). The main factor causing damage to the optic nerve in glaucoma is excessively high pressure inside the eyes. Can glaucoma be cured? Yes - treatment for this disease consists of lowering intraocular pressure using drugs to facilitate the outflow of intraocular fluid from the eyeball and/or reduce its productivity.

An estimated 70 million people worldwide suffer from ocular glaucoma. In our country, there are about 2 million patients with this disease, and about 6 million people are at risk of developing eye diseases. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. It is especially common in women and Asians. According to experts, in 2020 the number of people with glaucoma in the world will increase to 79,600,000, which will lead to complete blindness for approximately 11.2 million people.

Causes of the disease

The so-called aqueous fluid constantly circulates in the eyes, which nourishes all tissues and maintains correct intraocular pressure. In a healthy person, this fluid is excreted through special openings of the eyes, but when their outflows close, the pressure increases. If the pressure remains high for a long time, the optic nerve begins to die. For many years this was thought to be the main cause of glaucoma. Unfortunately, to date, researchers have not been able to find the exact causes of the occurrence and development of this eye disease.

Risk factors

The development of the disease is influenced by the following risk factors:

  • age over 40 years;
  • cases of eye glaucoma in the family (the disease is inherited);
  • cardiovascular diseases (hypertension);
  • migraine;
  • peripheral circulatory disorders;
  • other eye diseases (farsightedness, myopia);
  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • eye injuries;
  • treatment with corticosteroids;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives


There are several types of eye glaucoma: acute, subacute, primary, secondary, etc. If you have non-acute glaucoma, symptoms may not appear until the last moment, when sudden blindness occurs. Therefore, you should pay attention to non-specific symptoms such as:

  • frequent headaches;
  • tearing eyes;
  • reaction to bright light;
  • pain in the eyes

But acute glaucoma has pronounced symptoms:

  • very severe eye pain;
  • large pupil;
  • matte cornea;
  • bloodshot eyes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • severe abdominal pain

Very often, acute glaucoma is confused with food poisoning, since the symptoms of both diseases are very similar. You will learn more from this video:


You should be prepared for the fact that treating glaucoma is a fairly lengthy process. A variety of folk methods are aimed at reducing pressure inside the eyes and supporting the functioning of the optic nerve.


Many patients admit that they were able to cure glaucoma with honey. This is not at all surprising, since honey has many properties that are beneficial for vision. It improves eye function and nourishes the retina.

So, you must prepare simple eye drops: dilute natural honey with boiled water in a ratio of 1:3. This remedy should be applied to the eyes every morning and every evening. Remember that water with honey quickly deteriorates, so prepare a new portion of the medicine every 2 days. Honey drops sting your eyes a little, but you have to be patient - it's in your best interest. With glaucoma, the eyes need to be instilled with this medicine for life.


Blueberries are very useful for many eye diseases. You can cure glaucoma with folk remedies based on it if you take this product regularly.

So, in the summer, when the blueberries are ripe, you should prepare a potion for the whole year. It is best to grind the berries with sugar and store them in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon of blueberry jam every day. Continue this treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies until all symptoms of the disease go away.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are often used in the treatment of eye glaucoma. They are rich in vitamin A and other components important for vision. Numerous studies have shown that eating 65 grams of sunflower seeds daily for two weeks cures most eye diseases.

Juice mix

When treating glaucoma, it is best to combine different methods. For example, naturopaths recommend recognizing the healing power of juices to help. Prepare this mix:

  • Carrot juice - 200 ml;
  • Celery juice - 100 ml;
  • Chicory juice - 50 ml;
  • Parsley juice - 50 ml

This mixture provides proper nutrition all nerves and muscles of the eyes. You should prepare yourself such a juice drink every day.


Here's another one effective recipe for the treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies. In the summer, when duckweed grows, you need to collect as much of this plant as possible. Grind it through a meat grinder and fill the glass jar halfway. Then fill the vessel to the top with vodka, close the lid and leave for 1 week in a dark place. After this, strain the medicine and bottle it. To treat eye glaucoma, you need to drink 1 tablespoon of this drug every morning on an empty stomach with water. After some time, you will notice that the eye pain has gone away and your vision has improved significantly.

Sesame oil

If you prefer to treat eye glaucoma with folk remedies, you should buy cold-pressed sesame oil. You should put this oil in your eyes before going to bed. The first few times it may be a little painful or unpleasant, but later you will get used to the sesame oil. This method of treating glaucoma is described in the book “The Art of Rejuvenation and Longevity” by the Chinese folk healer G. Ogsawa. The author writes that people who have glaucoma should use these remedies throughout their lives. Sesame oil moisturizes and cleanses the eyeballs well, and helps treat all ophthalmic diseases.



This exotic fruit is very beneficial for eye health. Even in its cross-sectional appearance, kiwi reminds us of human eyes. Traditional healers advise eating this product every day for glaucoma - this way you can maintain visual acuity and reduce intraocular pressure.


Kalanchoe juice is used to treat many eye diseases. This plant will also help us with glaucoma. Squeeze the juice from the Kalanchoe, dilute with distilled water in a 1:1 ratio, add natural honey (at the rate of ¼ of the total amount of the mixture), and boil in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. The cooled medicine is used for eye drops.

Herbal collection No. 1

Herbs are often used to treat eye glaucoma. For example, the following collection will be useful to you:

  • Meadow firefly grass - 30 g;
  • Chamomile flowers - 30 g;
  • Cornflower flowers - 30 g

How to use: ½ tablespoon of the herbal mixture is poured with 2/3 glass of boiling water, left covered for 15 minutes, allowed to brew for 5 minutes, then filtered. Make warm compresses for your eyes with this mixture several times a day. Continue treatment until complete recovery.

Herbal tea No. 2

If you notice symptoms of such a dangerous disease as glaucoma, use folk remedies based on herbs:

  • Field poppy flower - 30 g;
  • Chamomile flowers - 30 g

Preparation and use: pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave covered for 15 minutes, then strain. Use the eye lotion liquid several times a day.

Herbal tea No. 3

To treat many eye diseases, including glaucoma, the following collection is used:

  • Calendula flowers - 30 g;
  • Plantain leaf - 30 g;
  • Sweet clover herb - 15 g

Preparation and use: pour ½ tablespoon of the mixture into 2/3 cup of boiling water, boil in a steam bath for 30 minutes, then let sit for 10-15 minutes and strain. Use as a compress on the eyes several times a day. Treatment should be continued until all alarming symptoms disappear completely.

Herbal mixture No. 4

The following herbs help with eye glaucoma:

  • Plantain leaf - 20 g;
  • Gerbil - 20 g;
  • White jasmine flowers - 10 g;
  • Chamomile flowers - 10 g

Preparation and use: pour ½ tablespoon of the mixture into 2/3 cup of boiling water, leave covered for 15 - 20 minutes, strain and cool. Use as an eye wash morning and evening.

Herbal mixture No. 5 (for oral administration)

If you are treating such a complex disease as eye glaucoma, you must not only influence the diseased organ externally (with lotions, drops, etc.), but also increase the internal resistance of the body. It is known that all diseases are interconnected, therefore, if you improve overall blood circulation, you can stop the development of eye glaucoma. So, you need these ingredients:

  • Tricolor violet herb - 40 g;
  • St. John's wort herb - 35 g;
  • Wheatgrass rhizome - 25 g;
  • Coriander - 10 g;
  • Nettle leaves - 10 g

Preparation and use. Pour 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture into 2 cups of boiling water, leave covered for 15 minutes, then filter and cool. Take ½ cup of the drug 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Continue treatment for 1-2 months (depending on the severity of the disease)

Herbal mixture No. 6

For eye diseases, treatment is carried out with the following collection:

  • Calendula flowers - 50 g;
  • Dandelion root - 50 g;
  • Mistletoe herb - 25 g;
  • Immortelle herb - 25 g;
  • Horsetail grass - 25 g;
  • Potentilla herb - 25 g
  • White jasmine flowers - 25 g;
  • Nettle root – 25 g

Preparation and use. Pour ½ tablespoon of the herbal mixture into a thermos, pour 2 cups of boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for 1 hour. Take ½ cup of the drug 3 times a day between meals. You will soon feel significant relief for your eyes. Treatment can be repeated in courses lasting 3 weeks (there should be a month break between courses).

Treatment of glaucoma at home with folk remedies

Glaucoma is an eye disease that can cause complete loss of vision. Due to disruption of the natural circulation of intraocular fluid, intraocular pressure increases during illness. The most characteristic signs of glaucoma include the occurrence of periodic but persistent headaches, the appearance of rainbow circles around light sources, blurring, sensations foreign body in the eye, lacrimation, blurred vision, progressive narrowing of the field of vision, the need to frequently change glasses.

Increased intraocular pressure is associated with a lack of vitamins C and B6. This is the first step towards the development of the disease. People predisposed to and suffering from glaucoma should take at least 5 g of vitamin C and 50-75 mg of vitamin B6 daily.

Glaucoma can be treated with medication, or you can treat glaucoma at home using folk remedies.

Treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies

There are many other folk remedies for the treatment of glaucoma, the list of which can be endless. Doctors still advise using traditional methods in combination with drug treatment.

Glaucoma - treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies

The eyes are not only a mirror of the human soul, but also the main analyzer and informant of a person. Since 80% of all information about what surrounds him, a person receives through vision. Of course, it is very bad if a person does not have the ability to see. Unfortunately, in 50% of such people the cause of vision loss is glaucoma. which can be cured using folk remedies. Treatment of this disease with folk remedies can also be combined with taking medicines prescribed by a doctor. At its core, glaucoma is a broad group of eye diseases in which increased intraocular pressure is observed. And treatment of glaucoma must be comprehensive. That is why it is advisable to combine the treatment of this disease with traditional medicine, thanks to which the healing process can be accelerated.

Symptoms and treatment of glaucoma

At its core, glaucoma is a pathological increase in intraocular pressure resulting from certain provoking factors. For example, normally the pressure is 15-20 units, but if it is already more than 20, then this pressure is considered elevated. In general, the scale of the device for measuring intraocular pressure ends at 33, but in especially advanced and severe cases this scale may not be enough. Regarding the main symptoms of glaucoma, there are very few of them. If the disease is congenital or glaucoma develops as a result of injury, then in this case the patient experiences a headache, lacrimation, vomiting and nausea, a bursting sensation in the eyes, multi-colored circles appear before the eyes, and images of objects are distorted.

However, in most cases, glaucoma does not show much, behaves quietly, and is discovered after regular visits to the eye doctor. This is where the insidiousness of the disease lies, since untreated glaucoma can lead to complete blindness. The disease must be treated comprehensively, using traditional and folk methods of treatment. This is the only way to recover from the disease and prevent loss of vision.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of glaucoma

Many people have a question about how to get rid of glaucoma in a short time? As for medical care, medications, special drops are used, or in extreme cases they resort to surgery. The choice of a suitable drug is made only by a doctor, but most patients try to use traditional methods of treatment. Separately, it is worth noting that the most effective options for the treatment of glaucoma traditional methods or there are a lot of ways today. Naturally, these prescriptions must be taken in combination with the use of medications that are prescribed only by a doctor. Today, there are several folk recipes for the treatment of glaucoma, which have been tested by many generations of our distant ancestors. Here are the most famous recipes from traditional medicine for the treatment of glaucoma.

You will need woodlice grass for treatment. For one course of treatment you need to collect 8 kg of woodlice grass. then wash it, drain the water and put everything through a juicer. You need to add vodka to the finished juice. For 1 liter of woodlice juice you will need 100 ml of alcohol solution or vodka. In general, you get 6 liters of grass juice. Everything is mixed and placed in the refrigerator. Use this medicine immediately, for which you take one teaspoon of tincture 2 times a day, always 30 minutes before meals. And if the taste is unpleasant, the tincture can be diluted with water. Treatment lasts 2 months.

Duckweed is used for treatment. To treat glaucoma, duckweed is mixed with honey one to one. This mixture is taken 1 teaspoon twice a day and only before meals. For use in winter, you can make an alcohol tincture from duckweed. To prepare it, you need to collect clean duckweed in a clean pond, rinse it well, and then chop it. Pour 200 ml of vodka over everything. It is infused for 4 days, and then taken one tablespoon at a time, all washed down with 100 ml of water.

Honey in the treatment of glaucoma. For treatment, you need to dissolve honey in warm and boiled water, calculation 1:3, and then drip just one drop in the morning and evening until improvement appears. You can try the second option, for which you need to cook chicken egg hard-boiled, then cut it in half and pour in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Then connect both halves and place this egg in the oven for 30 minutes. The result is an egg-honey liquid, which should be dripped 1 drop into the eyes, 2 times a day. But the cooked egg should not be used for more than 2 days, after which a new solution must be prepared.

Herbs in treatment. You need to take one of the listed herbs, this is chamomile. anise or dill seeds. One teaspoon of the herb is poured into one glass of boiling water, then left until it cools completely, and the eyes are washed with the prepared decoction 2-3 times a day. Herbal decoctions can be changed; you can also make compresses from the decoctions at night. Today there are a huge number of excellent options for traditional treatment glaucoma. Therefore, by choosing one of them, you can get excellent results in the treatment of this disease.

For gray eyes

This conspiracy is for a loved one with gray eyes read in cloudy weather, when the sky is gray and it rains. You cannot read on church holidays.

“Clear light, gray-eyed slave (name), rise at dawn, thoughts about to me. No matter what you do, everything about me will stir up. Your heart would beat, pound, call my slave (name) to me, in the morning at dawn, in the afternoon in the light, in the evening under the moon. Amen".

On smoke for black, brown eyes

This spell for a person with dark eyes is read into a stove that is heated after sunset. The stove contains aspen wood. The door must be locked. They read three times and spit over their left shoulder three times.

“Grey smoke from the fuel fire, fly to the crab (name) and call him and lead him through high mountains, dark forests, fast rivers. Through 33 courtyards, through 33 thresholds, bypassing the moon, passing the sun, everything comes to me, slave (name). He would keep walking and driving, running and hurrying, looking at me, but he wouldn’t see enough for the rest of his life. Amen".

If the person you love with green eyes is indifferent to you, seek help in this plot. It is read on the dewy grass, early in the morning. With your left hand, pick as much grass as you can fit in your hand.

They read the plot three times, sprinkle grass near the house where your green-eyed sweetheart lives.

“Mother Ant, whoever didn’t care for you didn’t sew on your body. Slave (name) walks on you with white feet, white body wears, does not bow his head. He doesn’t think about me, slave (name), walks around, doesn’t notice, doesn’t grieve for me, doesn’t miss me. Mother ant, may slave (name) bow his head, keep me on his mind, keep me in mind, never forget. No matter where you stomp or hang out, everything would come back to me. Turn his frisky legs before me, slaves (name). Amen".

Visual perception is a person’s ability to receive up to 90% of information through complex transformations of the visual system. And when this system begins to fail, and there are many reasons for this, a person’s vision begins to deteriorate and eye diseases begin to develop.

Conspiracies for vision from a series of rituals carried out and a number of preventive measures will help to cope with problems associated with vision.

With the development of eye diseases or deterioration of vision, the quality of visual perception of the environment is lost. Accordingly, the quality of life is impaired. But modern ophthalmology has come a long way in its development and offers unique methods restoration of almost 100% vision.

But, along with innovative methods there is traditional medicine which helps in restoring vision folk recipes And magical spells. Suffice it to remember that stye on the eye was treated by smearing it with morning saliva.

Methods for restoring vision:

  •  Computer programs;
  •  Gymnastics for the eyes;
  •  Folk remedies;
  •  Massage;
  •  Drug treatment;
  •  Diet;
  •  Hardware methods;
  •  Laser treatment;
  •  Surgical treatment.

The methods should be applied after visiting an ophthalmologist and his recommendations. To enhance the effects of therapeutic treatment, there are various magic spells. With their help, treatment and restoration of vision is faster and more effective.

Ritual for eye diseases

To carry out the ritual, a birch branch and spells for eye diseases are used. The ritual is performed both on oneself and on a person who needs help with treatment.

Actions are carried out at dawn, in front of an open window. A branch is placed on the table in front of the person and the words are spoken:

“As soon as the disease comes to the pupil, let it go away. The twig will burn in the fire, the disease will not return to (name).

Take the charmed branch and apply it three times eyes closed with the words:

“I apply a twig to my sore eyes and conjure pain on it. From sight to branch, branch into fire. Fire turns branches into ashes and disperses them throughout the world. Let it be so.”

After the conspiracy, the branch is burned in the yard and the ashes are scattered in the wind with the words:

“Wind, you are a powerful wind, you disperse flocks of clouds, and it won’t be difficult for you to dispel the pain (name).”

Second option

To carry out the ritual, you will need a glass of consecrated water and a church candle. At sunset, sitting facing the window, a glass of water is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to and a candle is lit. A conspiracy is read over the water:

“As this water is pure, like a tear, so may the eyes of God’s servant (name), be pure and clear.”

Bend over the glass and blink into the water, pour the waste water onto the tree and say:

“Forgive me, tree, but take the disease out of my eyes. There will be no harm to you, and health will come to (name)’s eyes.”

If vision deteriorates

When a person feels that his vision is starting to deteriorate, there is no need to delay it. Sometimes it is enough to spend magic ritual to improve visual perception so that you can see 100% again.

For the ceremony you will need:

  •  Dry branch from a tree;
  •  A bunch of dry grass;
  •  Pebble stone, preferably white;
  •  A piece of red woolen thread.

At noon, sit facing the window, put the prepared artifacts in front of you, first tie the grass into a bunch with red thread. While reading the plot, whichever object is indicated, you must touch it, then immediately bring your hand to your eye. For example, stone-eye, grass-eye. After touching the named object, it must immediately be thrown under the table. The plot to improve vision reads like this:

“Blindness, blindness, go away from me, servant of God (name), onto the grass-ant, onto a forest branch, onto a white stone. Leave my eyes alone, let them see far and near, high and low, until the end of my years. Amen".

Go out into the yard to burn dry objects, then bury the ashes along with the stone under a tree and whisper:

“Branched tree, green tree, don’t armor me, but take my blindness for yourself. There will be no harm for you, but I will see you well.”

On the water

Carrying out a ceremony to improve vision will require minimal preparation. Pour water into a plate, preferably consecrated; if you don’t have it, running water will also do. Read the plot on the water:

“Holy water, let me wash my face and recharge my health. And take away the blindness from me and take it with you, in deep waters, distant distances. I will bow to the Lord three times so that he strengthens my eyes, I cross myself three times so that he strengthens my vision. Let it be so. Amen".

Splash the charmed water on your eyes three times. Then bow to the ground and cross yourself three times. Repeat the ritual until vision returns completely.

Restore vision with milk ritual

A spell on goat's milk strengthens the optic nerve, relieves fatigue and eye strain.

Cooking recipe folk remedy for the eyes: ferment goat milk, separate the whey and dilute with cooled boiled water. Serum is diluted 1:1.

For age-related vision deterioration, rapid eye fatigue and for treatment, you need to use the following recipe: ferment goat milk, heat it, strain the whey and mix it in half with boiled water. While mixing the ingredients, read the plot:

“The goat walked in the field, chewed juicy grass, drank clean water and brought home healing milk. Milk gets into the eyes and relieves fatigue as if by hand, the power of the earth strengthens the eyes, and the power of water cleanses them. I will see far and walk wide. As I said, so be it.”

Place one drop of the prepared mixture into each eye. Put on the bandage and lie down for 30 minutes. The eyes should be relaxed while resting. Do the procedure in the evening for a week.

Goat milk whey has a beneficial effect on the eye lens, improves the metabolic process in the eyes and strengthens the eye muscles.

Conspiracy for squint

The ritual is performed using church candle. A lighted candle is passed over the head of a person who needs to correct a vision defect and the words are said:

“The house of God, the eternal temple, stands firmly and is not subject to permission. So let the head of God’s servant (name) be like a stone, strong and unharmed. Let his eyes look straight at him, and not squint and droop. Just as the holy faces on the icons look directly at him, so let him answer them with a direct gaze. Lord help your servant (name), get rid of oblique disease and begin to look straight, without a braid. I send glory to you. To the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

For fish eyes for glaucoma

The spell for glaucoma is read when the moon is in its waning phase. The ritual requires a live fish; it will be good if it can then be released into the water. Take the fish with both hands, look into its eyes and say:

“I look into the eyes of the fish and see the young moon admiring its reflection in the water. Like the red sun in the evening dawn, he washes himself in the water. So I want to be reflected in your unblinking eyes, so that just as your body will not be warm, so I will no longer suffer and cry. You will swim deep into the water and take my illness with you. She will remain lying at the deep bottom, under a heavy stone, and will never be born again and will not disturb anyone. Key. Lock. Stone".

Release the fish into the reservoir; if this is not possible, dispose of it. It is not suitable for cooking.

From glaucoma to the dawn

Stand in front of the window and watch the sun rise. At the first rays, read the words of the conspiracy:

“As soon as the first rays appear, my illness will disappear. I command words and place a strong spell on them. So that from now on my eyes will blink and I won’t even remember about the illness. Together with the rays of the sun they sparkled, looked far into the distance, smiled and did not return to tears. So be it."

After the ritual, cross yourself and bow three times.

Making chickens blind

On the waning moon, in the evening, you need to go into the chicken coop, if possible, find seven chickens sitting nearby and say the following spell:

“Seven hens, fourteen eyes, I renounce my blindness and send it to you. It won't be worse for you, but great benefits will come to me. Just as the silver on the king’s table sparkled and shone, so let my eyes sparkle, shine and show their vigilance into the distance. You chickens take away my blindness and return my vigilance. May your eyes never hurt or sting again. Amen".

Thank the chickens for giving them your blindness, leave the chicken coop, wash yourself with water and thank the Higher powers.

A conspiracy to improve vision has a positive effect if a person does not have the habit of telling lies and forgetting promises. Otherwise, the subconscious will perceive them as another deception. When the spell words are repeated several times, the images reach the subconscious and begin to be embodied.

Spell phrases are said for farsightedness, pain in the area of ​​the eye sockets and forehead, and strabismus. With blurry, unclear vision. Also for other eye diseases. For example, with color blindness.

She shared many ancient conspiracies that are mentioned in this article in her books. Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova.

How to pronounce

When you speak healing words, think only about good things. Something that will make you smile. Don’t let negative thoughts and fears enter your mind. Try to feel the surge of health in your eyes. Imagine them beautiful, young and with a healthy glow.

It is better to read conspiracies at a time of day when you have more energy. If healing words need to be read at a certain time, then try to get a good night's sleep before that. If you have weakness or any illness, it is better to get cured of it first.

Conspiracies that affect vision improvement

While saying the following text, look carefully at the surface of the water:

Usually this ritual is performed on odd numbers up to nine times in a row.

The next one also whispers over the water. After all, the healing power comes from her.

Water will gain medicinal properties. Wash your eyes with it and dry your face with a clean towel.

The next conspiracy takes its strength from the sunrise. When it whispers, look at rising sun.

Here, first a prayer is read, and then special words are spoken three times.

Say this short but strong conspiracy on Easter morning, looking at the icon.

Conspiracies for a specific eye disease

These words are intended to help you get rid of stye. Wash your hands before the ceremony. Spit on thumb hands. Lightly touch the barley and say:

This conspiracy was shared by the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya. Read it three times in a row in the evening if you want to get rid of it.

The following words are intended to relieve myopia. Whisper them at noon.

One of the popular ways to restore and improve vision is considered to be various conspiracies. Official medicine does not recognize their actions, but we will present some of them for your reference.

In order for a conspiracy to be valid, certain rules must be followed. First of all, you need to stop lying. Fully. This is difficult to do, especially for those who are used to composing, but it is necessary. Secondly, always deliver what you promise. These simple rules will allow you to charge the words with an implementation program. If you want words to have more power, you need to become strong-willed person. All methods are suitable for this: do exercises regularly, choose any activity you like and train daily. Increase the load until you reach your goal. Believe in the power of your words and the realization of results. Train your imagination - it will help you out more than once. This way you can feel events, people, objects energetically and informationally. Be persistent, always achieve your goal. Accumulate energy. This is the only way you can hope for results. If you are unhappy or sick, words will have little weak charge and mean little. If you are reading a spell to improve your eyesight, do not do it in the presence of others. There can only be a person nearby who helps you.

Conspiracies to improve vision

For any eye diseases, this ritual can be performed. You need to go out onto the stairwell, with a slightly damp piece toilet paper first wipe the healthy eye, and then the sick one, after which the paper is thrown into the trash bin, reading the following words: “I hurt myself, I’ll help myself. What I hurt myself is how I heal. Where it came from, that’s where it went.”

Conspiracy with a thorn

Vizulon- a modern color pulse therapy device, with several programs, which allows it to be used not only for the prevention and complex treatment of vision diseases, but also for pathology nervous system(for migraines, insomnia, etc.). Available in several colors.

The most famous and popular eye device based on color pulse therapy methods. It has been produced for about 10 years and is well known to both patients and doctors. It is characterized by low price and ease of use.