The heart is a very important organ of the human body. As long as it works, a person lives. In witchcraft, much attention is paid to treating the heart. These include herbs, roots, and various healing prayers. Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova She helped thousands of people forget about heart pain. Today we invite you to learn some prayers and conspiracies from her arsenal that will keep your hearts healthy for many years.

Prayer for heart disease, which is read before bed

This prayer is read at night, before going to bed, since it is at night that most often people’s hearts hurt and stop:

"There is in the ocean-sea
Pike to all pikes.
The head is copper
The scales are pale.
Iron teeth
The tail is tin.
The fin of that fish is wooden.
That pike's eyes
Zaozersky owl.
She lives for a thousand years
She doesn't eat, she eats.
Eats from morning till night
What was the point?
Eats everything, devours everything,
Knows no peace.
Get off me, pike
Heart disease
And swallow
My heartache.
Eat it! Eat it!
Take all the ailments to yourself.
From the heart
Take it out from under your heart,
What torments me
Take it for yourself.
So that I have enough
Get some sleep
And I can eat enough.
How strong is iron
And Alatyr-stone,
It would be so strong
My heart.
Marry me, God
With life as a ring
For now, for centuries,
For all time.

Conspiracy if your heart hurts

If your heart is worried, compressed and hurts, say some water and wash your face, chest and hands. They say this:

“Without braiding my braid, I’ll go,
I'll find the yellow shore.
I’ll go to mother water,
I will bow - I will submit,
I will pray to Jesus Christ.
Like on a drake
Doesn't hold up
Never dew
No God's water
It would be the same for me (name)
The illness did not last
And my heart would
It didn't shrink.
It wouldn't whine
Didn't suffer
Every hour
I forgot about the illness.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever,
Forever and ever.

Conspiracy for heart disease

This remedy will also help against heart disease. During the new month, before its first quarter, go to the patient’s home at dawn and treat him with spoken water, giving the patient something to drink and wash. The heart will get better. They say water like this:

“For the sake of the Most Pure One
Your Mother,
Lord Jesus Christ,
You were on the cross
I endured the torment
For Mother's Pangs
I looked.
For the sake of His and Her torments
Heal God's servant (name).
From now on,
By Your order,
Send to the heart of the Servant of God (name)
Peace and health.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Spell for a sick heart

To treat the heart, they take two knives with wooden handles. Holding the blades, they hit the handle against the handle near the patient’s heart and speak.

"How I knock
Hand to hand
And the knife doesn’t hurt,
So the heart of God’s servant (name) should not hurt.
The knives are damask steel,
Wooden handles,
Words are heavier than the Alatyr stone.

Heart attack conspiracy

This spell can cure a person who has had a heart attack. People who have had heart surgery may not be helped. They talk about drinking on the new month, on Saturday:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
A dead man rides into the field
I ask him: “Where are you going?” -
"I'm going to the sea,
To the red dawns,
On paper feather beds,
Our dead are there
Having fun.
Their hearts don't hurt
Doesn't whine
Doesn't yearn for anything.
And so would the servant of God (name)
My heart didn't hurt
Didn't mourn
I didn’t worry about anything.
How soon is this word
Will change
So soon
And the slave's greyhound (name)
The disease will be cured."
Forever and ever.

Conspiracy if your heart often hurts

If someone in the family often suffers from heart disease, you can give the person strength and health again. They do it this way: Agree with the groom or with the person who has access to horses, pay him for the horseshoe that was removed from the horse not very long ago, no more than a month. You cannot take a horseshoe for free. Let the patient stand on the horseshoe and read the plot:

"Like horseshoes
They knocked on the ground,
It would be so loud and clear
Slave's heart (name)
It beat and knocked
Blood rushed through the veins.
Renew yourself, blood, in the liver
And light throughout the body,
Be reborn
With the name of Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy for cardiac dyspnea

To get rid of cardiac shortness of breath, collect reed fruits (brown, soft, but not fluffy). Brew them as you usually brew tea and drink while the drink is warm. Drink five sips every four hours. In a month you will forget that you suffered from shortness of breath. I'll also teach good plot, but it should be read only under the Intercession:

"Lord, my God,
I am in front of You.
Baptized by the Church
Forgiven by father and mother.
Forgive me too
Lord, let me go
From heart disease,
The pain is endless.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever.

If you have a heart condition, I also recommend drinking cedar milk every day. It is prepared simply. Cedar kernels (peeled fruits) are crushed and poured with whey. If you don’t have whey, you can add some water. Take one glass of whey for one glass of nuts. Now you can buy ready-made cedar kernels, and you can make the whey yourself.

A strong spell for pain in the heart

The spell for pain in the heart is read at dawn, holding right hand on the heart area:

“I’m coming, servant of God (name),
On the ground
My heart is beating
In me
With my body
Zealous rules:
Doesn't sting, doesn't hurt,
Doesn't press
Doesn't squeeze or pinch
Neither at night nor under the moon,
Not at dawn.
Not in the field
Not in the hut
Not in plowing
Not in the water
Neither in the bathhouse, nor on horseback.
It would beat inside me
It would beat
It was pounding
So right
So nice
Like a bright Easter
The bells are ringing
Long life for me.

Prayers and spells for heart disease

How to find out why you dream about prayers and conspiracies for heart disease? The meaning of the dream Prayers and conspiracies for heart disease will tell you about the secret dream in detail. The interpretation of dreams can always be found in ours. We hope your dreams will be bright and clear.

diseases, Conspiracies, Prayers, hearts

Last updated: August 9, 2015

    Cardiac arrhythmia is a heart rhythm that does not correspond to the normal heartbeat. A normal heartbeat is considered to be the regularity and consistency of the heart rate. For many years, people have suffered painfully from heart arrhythmia. They take different medications, but the effect is zero. Then you should turn to conspiracies against cardiac arrhythmia and gradually get rid of such a dangerous disease.

    For this plot you need to take eight thin church candles. Every day, morning and evening, light one candle and walk around the house clockwise with it, while reading the words of the conspiracy. After this, you need to put three candles by your bed and read “Our Father”, and put on clean underwear before going to bed.

    “Not church arrows, but God’s arrows. Not the wick of the bowstring, not the flame - the headband. Let the unclean from this weapon go to his owner. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Let it be so according to the word of the Lord! Amen"

    When there is no one at home, you need to pour clean water into a jar or bottle, but only made of light glass, stand in the middle of the room and whisper into the water:

    “The servant of God (name), who came from the earth, found his lot, walked across the field, and found health for himself. His heart beats evenly, strongly, strongly, evenly, like water flows, strongly, evenly, like the wind blows, strongly, evenly, like the sun shines, strongly, evenly, like the stars in the sky burn, strongly, evenly. So it would beat every day from that time until the very time when his time, the servant of God (name), would come, and he would go in a rowing boat to the stone chambers beyond the blue lake to find a heavenly shelter there. Amen"

    Give the patient a drink on an empty stomach every day. Take the drink with your left hand, put your right hand on your chest, where your heart is.

    If you feel unwell in the heart area, but there are no traditional remedies at hand, then try reading the spell by placing your right palm on your heart, and your left palm on top of your right. At this time, it is better to stop and sit down, quietly, calmly and without haste, whisper the following words of the conspiracy:

    “No pain, no pain, get well, Angels will protect me, Archangels will save me, Holy Spirits will take heart disease out of me, I will be healthy now and forever, and forever and ever, amen!”

    Then sit for a while in silence and repeat again, you need to repeat it three times in total. Such a plot can also be read when used traditional remedy for pain in the heart.

    The heart is a very important organ of the human body. While it works, a person lives. In witchcraft, much attention is paid to treating the heart. These include herbs, roots, and various healing prayers. Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova helped thousands of people forget about heartache. Today we invite you to learn some prayers and conspiracies from her arsenal that will keep your hearts healthy for many years.

    Prayer for heart disease, which is read before bed

    This prayer is read at night, before going to bed, since it is at night that people’s hearts most often hurt and stop:

    “There is in the ocean-sea

    Pike to all pikes.

    The fin of that fish is wooden.

    That pike's eyes

    She lives for a thousand years

    She doesn't eat, she eats.

    Eats from morning till night

    Eats everything, devours everything,

    Get away from me, pike

    My heartache.

    Take all the ailments to yourself.

    Take it out from under your heart,

    What torments me

    So that I have enough

    And I can eat enough.

    How strong is iron

    It would be so strong

    Marry me, God

    With life as a ring

    For now, for centuries,

    Conspiracy if your heart hurts

    If your heart is worried, compressed and hurts, drink some water and wash your face, chest and hands. They speak like this:

    “Without braiding my braid, I’ll go,

    I'll find the yellow shore.

    I’ll go to mother water,

    I will pray to Jesus Christ.

    Never dew

    No God's water

    It would be the same for me (name)

    The illness did not last

    And my heart would

    I forgot about the illness.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Conspiracy for heart disease

    This remedy will also help with heart disease. On the new month, before its first quarter, go to the patient’s home at dawn and treat him with spoken water, giving the patient something to drink and wash. The heart will get better. They say water like this:

    Lord Jesus Christ,

    You were on the cross

    For Mother's Pangs

    For the sake of His and Her torments

    Heal God's servant (name).

    By Your order,

    Send to the heart of the Servant of God (name)

    Peace and health.

    In the name of the Father and the Son

    And the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Spell for a sick heart

    To treat the heart, take two knives with wooden handles. Holding the blades, they hit the handle against the handle near the patient’s heart and speak.

    And the knife doesn’t hurt,

    So the heart of God’s servant (name) should not hurt.

    Words are heavier than the Alatyr stone.

    Heart attack conspiracy

    This spell can cure a person who has had a heart attack. People who have had heart surgery may not benefit. They slander drinking on the new month, on Saturday:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    A dead man rides into the field

    To the red dawns,

    On paper feather beds,

    Our dead are there

    Their hearts don't hurt

    Doesn't yearn for anything.

    And so would the servant of God (name)

    My heart didn't hurt

    I didn’t worry about anything.

    How soon is this word

    And the slave's greyhound (name)

    Conspiracy if your heart often hurts

    If someone in the family often suffers from heart disease, you can give the person strength and health again. They do it like this. Agree with the groom or with the person who has access to horses, pay him for the horseshoe that was removed from the horse not very long ago, no more than a month. You cannot take a horseshoe for free. Let the patient stand on a horseshoe and read the plot:

    They knocked on the ground,

    It would be so loud and clear

    Slave's heart (name)

    It beat and knocked

    Blood rushed through the veins.

    Renew yourself, blood, in the liver

    And light throughout the body,

    With the name of Christ.

    In the name of the Father and the Son

    Conspiracy for cardiac dyspnea

    To get rid of cardiac shortness of breath, collect reed fruits (brown, soft, but not fluffy). Brew them as you usually brew tea and drink while the drink is warm. Drink five sips every four hours. In a month you will forget that you suffered from shortness of breath. I will also teach you a good spell, but you should read it only under the Veil:

    “Lord, my God,

    Forgiven by father and mother.

    Forgive me too

    Lord, let me go

    From heart disease,

    In the name of the Father and the Son

    And forever and ever.

    Recipe for a sick heart - cedar milk

    If you have a heart condition, I also recommend drinking cedar milk every day. It is prepared simply. Cedar kernels (peeled fruits) are crushed and filled with whey. If you don’t have whey, you can add some water. Take one glass of whey for one glass of nuts. Now you can buy ready-made cedar kernels, and you can make the whey yourself.

    A strong spell for pain in the heart

    The spell for pain in the heart is read at dawn, holding the right hand on the heart area:

    Conspiracies for heart and vascular diseases, heart attacks

    For pain in the heart

    It is better to take a large glass bottle. And a cork to it. The water must be running. But it will also work from the tap. Only you can’t pour it into a bottle, pour it straight into a bottle, and then start talking. To read without stumbling, it’s better not to read from a piece of paper, but to memorize it, otherwise it won’t be of any use.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Allegedly, the initial Trinity helped, brought me to Himself, and took away the pain. A dead man is riding into the field. The raven said to him: Are you going far? - I’m going beyond the seas, to distant lands, where the dead feast and heal themselves. How they have hearts that are like stones, not diseased, but iron, and so the servant of God (name) had a strong and molded heart, dexterous and pure, it drove blood through his veins, his veins did not tear. According to what was said to be from now on and forever and ever. Amen.

    Having spoken to the water in the bottle, you need to close it with a stopper. And give the patient something to drink. Morning and evening, a little, every day, until you feel better.

    If there is a prick in the heart

    This plot is read while the moon is growing. In the morning you have to get up while it’s still dark. Pour running water into a jar or bottle. And first you need to read the “Our Father” three times, and then immediately - the prayer to St. Panteleimon.

    For the sake of the Most Pure Mother, the Lord Jesus Christ, who suffered mortal torment on the cross, with a copy of the pierced sword, now for the sake of Her obscene torment the servant of God (name) is healed from the stab of the heart. And he wouldn’t have the injections, he wouldn’t flutter, he wouldn’t get worse, he wouldn’t get sick, but he would feel better and feel better. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Speak to the water and drink it yourself or give it to someone who has a problem with their heart to drink. You can also sprinkle the patient’s bed with enchanted water, right before bed. Drink the charmed water while the moon is waxing. Then stop. Start again when the new moon occurs and the moon begins to grow.

    If your heart hurts or beats unevenly

    When there is no one at home, you need to pour clean water into a jar or bottle, but only a glass one, made of light glass, stand in the middle of the room and read into the water.

    The servant of God (name), who came from the earth, found his lot, walked across the field, and found health for himself. His heart beats evenly, strongly, strongly, evenly, like water flows, strongly, evenly, like the wind blows, strongly, evenly, like the sun shines, strongly, evenly, like the stars in the sky burn, strongly, evenly. So it would beat every day from that time until the very time when his time, the servant of God (name), will come, and he will go in a rowing boat to the stone chambers beyond the blue lake to find a heavenly shelter there. Amen.

    Give the patient a drink on an empty stomach every day. Take the drink with your left hand, put your right hand on your chest, where your heart is.

    For heart attacks

    Then - words on the water.

    I, the servant of God (my name), will stand up, blessing myself, and walk, crossing myself; I will wash myself with the morning dew, wipe myself with air, girdle myself with a handkerchief, white, clean, thin, thin, and I will go and show myself, from the hut to the door, from the door to the gate, under the eastern side to the ocean-sea. On that sea-okiyan, on that okiyan - there is an island in the middle, in the very surroundings. And on that unknown land there stands the white-flammable stone Alatar, dug into the ground up to the waist. The prophet Elijah and his angels are sitting on that stone, their legs looking down. I, the servant of God (name), will go to that stone, I will fall at the feet of Elijah the Prophet, and I will say: Elijah the Prophet, help me, atone for the pain of my heart. Yes, you would send your angels to hurt me, the servant of God (name), disperse, scare her, so that she would hide, dissolve, and kill herself on a stone.

    The treatment should be as follows: spray your head and chest with a little water, and then take three sips. And do this every day until you feel better. But don’t tell anyone about the treatment.

    The servant of God (name) stood up, blessing himself, and walked, crossing himself, into a clear field and into the blue sky. He came out of the hut through oak doors, out of the courtyard through iron gates, and out of his bodies through his transparent soul. And the soul flies to the Throne of the Almighty and speaks to that Throne and murmurs to it: “I, the soul of the servant of God (name), in the body I clearly toil, I am restless, I ask for freedom, since the body is pressing and tearing, I am being pressed and crushed in it . And it would have happened this way, but in the body of the servant of God there would have been no pressure, no oppression, but my soul would have been clearly calm and at ease, so that the blood would clearly flow in my veins calmly, so that my heart would flow freely, so that I would not be afraid, but laugh with laughter " He heard these requests and gave rest to the body. Forever and ever. Amen.

    The patient should be sprinkled with this water from head to toe. This is done if there is an attack of high blood pressure. And if it is elevated all the time, then every day you need to spray it and give it to drink. As soon as the charmed water runs out, you must speak again.

    For nosebleeds

    Water should be collected late in the evening so that it sits overnight on the window in a cup or glass. In the morning, take a pinch of dry mint or chamomile flowers and throw it into the water, saying:

    Water-water, and in the water there was grass that was not planted, not sown, not weeded, plucked, dried, thrown into the water, they said from above: fulfill God’s command, to the servant of God (name) for healing. So that the blood does not come out of the nose, flows in the veins, does not come out, does not make the servant of God (name) powerless, does not get sick, does not become gloomy. Amen.

    Then you can soak a rag in water and apply it to your nose. (You can also put a bottle of water on the window and throw grass into it. Then you can use that water for treatment for a week, if necessary. But then close the bottle tightly.)

    Here you need running water and salt. Not just any salt will do, but only coarse rock salt. Collect water at dawn. And you also need to read it in the morning. Read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon. When speaking a spell, you need to keep salt on hand and a bottle of water too:

    The holy relics do not hurt, they lie in a shrine and are in no hurry to come out. And the servant of God (name) would have veins flowing through the bones, through the meat, but would not ask to come out, would not radiate and would not snake. Now and ever, and forever and ever, the servant of God (name) does not have pain in his hands, his legs do not hurt, his head does not hurt, his eyes do not hurt, neither his veins nor his veins hurt. The relics should lie in a shrine, but the servant of God (name) should walk around the world and not know grief. Amen.

    After all the words have been said, immediately throw three pinches of salt, one after another, into the water and immediately close the bottle. You need to add this water to the basin with warm water and wash your sore feet like this every evening for one week.

    This must be done in the evening. Before going to bed. Pour water into a basin, warm it up over an open fire, or on the stove. And speak facing east. Read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon. And read these words:

    The river runs and does not stand still. Blood, run through the veins of the servant of God (name), do not stand still, do not languish at your feet. Don’t tie yourself in knots, don’t torment the servant of God (name), so that he doesn’t suffer and doesn’t suffer from vein disease. Just as a bee’s sting does not hurt, so would the servant of God (name) and all his companions not be sick. Amen.

    And immediately put the sore leg in that water. And he kept them there, watering them with that water until the water was warm. Make a spell in a row every day of the month, starting with the new moon. Then stop and see what happens. If the disease still exists, then it’s time to do it again with a new moon.

    Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for heart disease, 2 short prayers

    You can heal your sick heart by making a prayer request to Matrona of Moscow.

    The heart can pound, ache, or simply “burst” from internal experiences.

    Without under any circumstances canceling the treatment prescribed by the doctor, let a piece of Orthodoxy into yourself.

    Matrona of Moscow always healed those in need.

    The only thing that is required of you is sincere faith in the Lord God.

    Go to an Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about your own health.

    Place 3 candles each to the icon of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow.

    While standing near the image of the Elder, say these prayer lines to yourself:

    Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Let my heart not ache, let my heart not hurt. Amen.

    Cross yourself and leave the Temple.

    For home prayer, buy 12 candles and the icons listed above. Pour some holy water into a spacious container.

    When your heart hurts again, if you can light candles, let them burn. 3. Place an icon and a cup of holy water nearby.

    Calm yourself with short prayers:

    Blessed Elder, deliver me from heart disease and from shortness of breath. Amen.

    Blessed Matrona, in spiritual turmoil and daring sinfulness, deliver my heart from sharp colic. Amen.

    Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Calm my heart from stitches and pain, heal my faith according to the Divine will. Amen.

    Cross yourself diligently and drink holy water.

    Be sure to memorize at least one prayer so that heartache does not take you by surprise.

    As soon as you feel an attack, take the medicine and supplement traditional treatment holy orthodoxy.

    A spell to stop your heart from hurting

    If your heart “stabs” or pain appears in your heart, take a knife with a wooden handle, tap the handle of the knife on the edge of the table and say:

    It doesn't hurt like a knife,
    So that my heart doesn't hurt,
    Don't pinch, don't stab, and don't grieve.
    The knife has a wooden handle,
    My illness, be it glass...

    Conspiracy for a weak heart

    Holy, holy, holy!
    Holy twig, holy branch,
    Holy leaf
    You have no sorrows, you have no illnesses.
    If God’s servant (name)’s heart didn’t hurt so much,
    It wouldn’t ache, it wouldn’t sting, it wouldn’t ache:
    Neither at noon nor at midnight,
    Neither in the morning nor in the evening,
    Neither after dawn nor before dawn,
    Neither on Monday nor on Tuesday
    Not on Wednesday, not on Thursday...

    To help in the treatment of heart diseases, under Ivan Kupala (July 6) tie two with a red rag birch branches and read this plot:

    Holy, holy, holy!
    Holy twig, holy branch,
    Holy leaf.
    You have no sorrows
    You have no illnesses.
    The slave wouldn't be so sick...

    A spell to help treat heart disease.

    On Ivan Kupala (July 6), tie two birch branches with a red rag and read the following plot:

    Holy, holy, holy!
    Holy twig, holy branch,
    Holy leaf.
    You have no sorrows
    You have no illnesses.
    The slave wouldn't be so sick
    God's (name) heart,
    There would be no aching, no stinging.
    Not a brain:
    Neither at noon nor at midnight,
    Neither in the morning nor in the evening,
    Neither after dawn nor before dawn,
    Not on Monday...

    Conspiracy for epilepsy

    The spell words are pronounced over water, half of which the patient must drink and wash his hair with the rest. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

    I'm walking down the path,
    Along untrodden paths,
    In Christ's footsteps,
    Through the tears of Christ.
    I beg and persuade
    I speak and speak
    The disease is epileptic, severe.
    The apostles and angels are with me,
    And forty saints, and Christ Himself...

    Plot for baldness, plot for alopecia, for alopecia

    If a person’s hair begins to fall out significantly, be sure to speak to him against baldness on the new moon. The plot is read while standing at the threshold of the house in which the patient lives. Interlock your fingers tightly and, holding them above the head of the person you are helping, say three times in a row:

    How the month was born
    So is the hair of God’s servant (name)
    Let it be born and come.
    How no one counted the stars in the sky,
    So the hair of God's servant (name)
    Let it multiply and thicken without counting.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Speak a burnt tongue

    A burned tongue causes a lot of suffering to a person. If such a misfortune happens, let the patient stick out his tongue, and you, crossing index fingers both hands so that the finger of the left hand is on top of the right, bring them to your tongue and say:

    Yegor was boiling boiling water and spilled it on his tongue.
    The blood was baked, the saliva was spilled.
    Egor collected the water and took all the pain away from his tongue.
    I speak my tongue, I speak my tongue.
    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    The dead man is traveling through distant lands, across distant seas, through distant mountains and to the red hill. On a red hillock in a black hole the dead are having fun. Do the hearts of the dead hurt? - They don’t. So let God’s servant (name)’s heart not hurt, not ache, but beat evenly. Amen.

    Fill a glass with clean water, drink it slowly, in small sips. Lie down until the pain in your heart goes away.

    Conspiracy against interruptions in heart rhythm (tachycardia, arrhythmia)

    In dark ice, the cuckoo crows smoothly and evenly, does not make mistakes, does not get lost. Let the servant of God’s heart beat evenly and smoothly, let it not make mistakes and not go astray. Heart of God's servant (name), do not run, do not rush, do not sleep, but knock steadily! Amen.

    During an attack of arrhythmia, pour tap water into a simple cup, cross it three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” say and drink immediately. Lie down until your heart rate returns to normal.

    Conspiracy for heart failure

    The heart of God's servant (name), in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I tell you! The Lord gave you, ordered you to beat evenly, to drive blood through your body, you are tired of not knowing. So fight, as the Lord commanded, do not get tired, save God’s servant (name). Amen.

    Three times a day, pour clean water into a cup, baptize it with the words “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen,” then start talking and drinking.

    Conspiracy for angina pectoris

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Your heart does not break, does not shrink, but beats evenly, tries, so let the servant of God (name) have a heart that does not break, does not shrink, and tries to beat evenly. Amen.

    Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” recite and drink on an empty stomach.

    Conspiracy against heart disease

    On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, stands the golden Church of the Lord. That golden Church of the Lord has a high threshold, beyond the threshold there is vice. Vice will not enter the Church; it will leave the servant of God. Amen.

    Every morning and every evening, pour clean water into a glass, cross it three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” then speak and drink in small sips.

    Heart attack spell

    On a black night the Moon shines in the sky, on a clear day the Sun warms, and God’s servant (name)’s heart beats while the Moon shines, while the Sun warms. It beats, doesn’t break, doesn’t get stuck, doesn’t sniffle, doesn’t hurt or itch. Forever and ever. Amen.

    Every morning, pour water from the tap into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” slander and drink on an empty stomach to those who have problems with their hearts.

    After heart surgery

    On the sea-ocean, on the Buyan island, there is the Alatyr stone. Mother sits on that Alatyr stone Holy Mother of God. She sews, embroiders, stitches up the wound on the heart of God’s servant (name), so that the heart is smooth and strong. Amen.

    Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” speak and drink on an empty stomach to someone who has undergone heart surgery.

    Conspiracy for thrombophlebitis

    In an open field, in a wide expanse, a river runs between steep banks. The water in the river flows smoothly, the steep banks do not argue with each other, and do not tie themselves into knots. So let the blood-ore run smoothly through the veins of the servant of God, the veins do not argue with each other, and do not tie themselves into knots. Amen.

    Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” speak and wash the sore spots with this water.

    High blood pressure spell

    I wash my face with spring water and order the evil pain to go away. It’s a cruel pain, get off God’s servant (name), go away forever, don’t come again, don’t crush him with a vice, don’t whip him with whips. Go, be sick, into the dark forest, there, jump to the skies. Amen.

    Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” slander and moisten whiskey with this water, and then drink on an empty stomach to someone who has a tendency to hypertension or whose blood pressure suddenly jumps .

    Low blood pressure spell

    On the sea-ocean, on the Buyan island, there is the Alatyr stone. On that stone sits a girl, the Tsar Father’s sister. That girl is not dizzy, her vision is not blurry, so let the servant of God (name) not be dizzy, her vision is not blurry. Amen.

    Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” slander and drink on an empty stomach to someone who has a tendency to hypotension or whose blood pressure suddenly drops.

    Conspiracy for varicose veins

    Mother Most Holy Theotokos spins yarn without knots, her thread is even and strong. So let the veins of God’s servant (name) be knot-free, straight and strong. Amen.

    Take clean water, cross it three times with the words “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen” and wash the places where the varicose veins are.

    After a stroke

    If one of your loved ones suffered a stroke, you will help him recover faster with this spell.

    Water-voditsa, a red maiden, takes on the disease from the servant of God (name), the disease will be carried away into the ocean-sea, and she will return clean. Amen.

    Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” speak and moisten the patient’s whiskey. Leave it at the head of his bed until the night. Before going to bed, change the water, talk again and leave until the morning. Do this until the patient recovers completely.

    Vascular sclerosis

    The river flows quickly along the steep banks, carrying away all the dirt with it. Let the blood-ore also run through the veins of the servant of God, taking away all the dirt with it, let him leave what is necessary and remove what is not necessary. Amen.

    Every morning, pour tap water into a simple cup, baptize three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” slander and drink on an empty stomach to someone who has vascular sclerosis.