Long and thick eyelashes are the secret weapon of any lady. They can make the look touching and defenseless or passionate and fatal. The use of modern materials allows you to create eyelash extensions that look as natural as possible. They do not require daily makeup and transform any woman. What benefits do owners of artificial eyelash extensions receive, and are there any consequences of the procedure? In this article we will talk about the pros and cons of eyelash extensions.

A little about eyelash extension technology - pros and cons

The procedure takes place using two technologies:

  • Ciliary hair removal involves a single fixation of artificial hairs onto natural hairs. The length of eyelashes for the outer and inner corners of the eye may vary. Volume technology is performed by fixing several rows of artificial hairs on one natural eyelash.
  • The beam technique has a shorter wear time. Fixation is carried out by bundles of 2-5 artificial eyelashes. The procedure takes about an hour. The result has a less natural effect than with eyelash technology.

By extending long eyelashes only in the corners or in the center of the eyes, it is possible to correct their shape and minimize the negative visual effect of a drooping eyelid.

At the beginning of the procedure, the eyelid is degreased with a special composition. Each artificial hair or tuft at the base is treated with an adhesive for extensions. This is a special one that cannot be replaced by anything.

Its excess is removed with a lint-free cloth. Extended eyelashes are fixed to natural ones near the eyelid. Fixation occurs towards the inner corner of the eye. The eyelashes are held with tweezers, but professional technicians wear medical gloves. Delicate cleansing and care will be provided.

The appearance of eyelash extensions and the duration of their wearing depend on the quality of materials and the experience of the artist.

Benefits of thick eyelash extensions and how to care for them

With the advent of this technology, the need for daily make-up and curling of natural eyelashes disappears, which will allow you to wake up half an hour later. Is it possible to dye your eyebrows with hair dye?

When choosing artificial eyelashes, you can choose black, dark brown or colored ones, with or without a curl. The savings on purchasing mascara practically pays for the cost of the extension procedure.

The undoubted advantage is that at any time of the day your eyes will be expressive and bright. Even if natural eyelashes are light and short, no one will guess about it after extensions. Those with oily eyelid skin will be able to forget about unsightly mascara streaks under their eyes. The almost complete absence of medical contraindications makes extensions accessible to all women. Can pregnant women paint their nails with gel polish?

During extensions, it is possible to adjust the shape of the eyes using hair fixation different lengths for certain parts of the century. The squirrel or fox technique will give the eyes an almond-shaped cut, while the doll technique will create a gentle and reverent image. To create festive look colored hairs, rhinestones, sparkles are used, volumetric techniques. Which milk chocolate hair dye deserves attention is described.

The procedure is especially popular during the holidays. Using even waterproof mascara will not provide your eyes with flawless makeup on the beach or in the pond. Artificial hairs will not change color and shape in the sea or solarium.


Negative reviews about eyelash extensions, as a rule, arise from those women who did not take into account the disadvantages before the procedure. They experience rapid loss of artificial hairs and an allergic reaction. To keep your hair well-groomed, find out.

For thin natural eyelashes, artificial hairs with a thickness of no more than 0.2 mm are used. Use classical technique eyelash extension, without 7D effect.

Among the important disadvantages of the procedure are:

  1. Careful handling of eyelids. You should not rub them often or touch them with your hands unnecessarily.
  2. For evening make-up removal, you cannot use soap. It is recommended to use special low-fat products: micellar water, lotion, milk.
  3. If the eyelids are too oily, use a makeup base and remove excess fat during the day with mattifying wipes.
  4. Night sleep is preferable in a position on the side or on the back. When hairs rub against the pillow, they break off.
  5. Non-greasy gels are used as eyelid care products. Creams and oils dissolve the adhesive base, and the hair extensions will fall off.

If there is a small eye slit, blonde hair You should stop using long black hair extensions. Such eyelashes will not look natural.

Using the services of a trusted specialist is the key to the durability of eyelash extensions. After some time, correction will be required, during which the master fills in the resulting gaps. Is it possible to paint eyelash extensions with mascara?

If you decide to remove your hair completely, then conduct a course of restorative procedures for natural eyelashes. Under the influence of the adhesive composition they are weakened.

To minimize the negative impact, it is recommended to take breaks between extensions of 2 months. During this time, the artificial eyelashes will completely disappear and the natural eyelashes will rest. Treatment and relaxation – .

Who should refuse

If you constantly wear contact lenses, the use of artificial eyelashes is not recommended. By removing and putting on the lenses, you will act on the adhesive base. This will cause the eyelashes to wear for a short period of time. Coloring without regret or.

The risk of allergic reactions to the gel pads used for eyelash extensions and inflammatory processes due to poor eyelash hygiene also increases. Find out about nail polish and gel from Sofin at.

The presence of chronic conjunctivitis with a sluggish inflammatory process is a contraindication to the extension procedure. The adhesive composition on the eyelids activates inflammation, which will be difficult to cure.


Video with an opinion about eyelash extensions and the pros and cons of the procedure

Modern extension technology allows you to transform from an ordinary woman into a queen. The cost of the procedure is well compensated by the price decorative cosmetics and makeup removers.

When using thin artificial eyelashes, the load on natural hairs is small. By following the rules of care, you will enjoy your new look without harm to your health. And they will always help you maintain an impeccable appearance.

3644 09/11/2019 5 min.

Thick and lush eyelashes are the dream of every woman. Besides this, this important detail when creating beautiful makeup. Until now, girls have created volume using mascara. But not so long ago, beauty salons began to practice a procedure called eyelash extensions. In a short period of time, she became very popular. However, like all cosmetic procedures, eyelash extensions have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Positive qualities

Eyelash extensions would never have become such a popular procedure if it had not had numerous advantages, which will be discussed below.

Beautiful look

The first advantage of the procedure is that eyelash extensions are a unique opportunity to get spectacular and beautiful makeup. This is what pushes women to carry out manipulation. And this is true, because the look turns out to be surprisingly expressive.

Young people cannot pass by such a woman. No girl can naturally have such thick and long eyelashes; even the most expensive and branded mascara cannot cope with such a task.

Long lasting effect

A woman can wear artificial eyelashes for 2-4 weeks. Here everything depends on certain conditions. Skin type plays a big role. If she is fat, then the woman will have to visit the beauty salon more often.

The professionalism of the master who performed the extension is in the thief's place. If the work was done by an inexperienced person, this means that he made a number of mistakes, due to which the eyelashes may fall off within a few days. When the technology has been fully followed, you will be able to walk around with luxurious eyelashes within a month. What to do to make eyelash extensions last a long time.

Saving time and money

Self Confidence

Most women cannot feel comfortable when they are not wearing makeup. Some people even lose self-esteem, so even going to the store is a reason for them to put on makeup. Eyelash extensions create the perfect effect, making your eyes expressive and your facial features clearer. You will find the link.


Everything in this world is known by comparison. Therefore, like any cosmetic procedure, eyelash extensions have a number of disadvantages that a woman should definitely know before going to the salon for the procedure.


To perform this procedure, the master uses various glues, the components of which can provoke the development of an allergic reaction. If salon workers are responsible people, then they will definitely warn their clients about possible side effects. If the master is silent about possible consequences, then the girl herself must find out everything about the procedure she is going to carry out, and also require a certificate of quality for the materials used for eyelash extensions.

Video of eyelash extensions: pros and cons:


The cost of the procedure is high, especially if a woman performs it not at home, but in good salon. Of course, you can choose a more profitable method in terms of money and build up your houses, then there is a risk of falling for scammers. In this case, the savings may come back to bite you. Then you will spend money on improving your health and the condition of your own eyelashes.

The quality of work depends on the master

The result of the eyelash extension procedure is directly related not only to the quality of the materials, but also to the level of skill of the specialist.

Thus, every woman, going to the salon, runs the risk of not getting the result she hopes for.

Damage to natural eyelashes

It should be clear to everyone that eyelash extensions have a negative impact on the condition of their own hairs. Moreover, this cannot be avoided, even if high-quality materials are used. In exchange for their natural beauty, girls may get uneven buns, but whether it will be possible to return them to their former health is no longer known.


Eyelash extensions are a procedure that not everyone can do. Therefore, a woman will have to give up lush and long eyelashes if:

  • there is an allergy to animal dyes and medications;
  • who works at a computer and has sensitive eyes;
  • who wears contact lenses.

The disadvantages of the procedure do not end there. Eyelash extensions can fall off, become quite irritating to the mucous membrane and be dangerous if the girl is used to sleeping on her stomach. Artificial eyelashes can cause irritation, even if formerly a woman I didn’t experience any burning or stinging in my eyes.

Eyelash extensions are one of the most tempting offers in the modern beauty industry. They look natural and chic. But every medal has reverse side. Like all other beauty procedures, eyelash extensions also have their pros and cons.

Wouldn't the payment be unreasonably high if you decide to do it? Is it worth following this popular trend, or is it better to abstain? Let's look at the pros and cons to understand all the nuances.

What is eyelash extensions?

The essence of the method is to glue artificial hairs to your own eyelashes at their base. Both single elements and their bundles can be attached.

Eyelash technology provides longer lasting results – up to 4-5 weeks. Bundle extensions last less, but look very attractive. It is recommended to do it for any special event.

By gluing hairs of different lengths, changing their bend and density, you can achieve different visual effects:

  • puppet;
  • fox;
  • squirrel;
  • volumetric;
  • rarefied.

The master will help you choose what will suit the client’s image and preferences. He will also recommend whether the selected eyelashes suit your appearance type or not.

Over time, as the appearance deteriorates, correction is made when the lost elements are restored by gluing new ones.

Pros: beautiful effects.

To ensure long-lasting results and no problems, it is important to choose a professional craftsman who uses high-quality materials. This is the main guarantee of the success of the procedure.

Pros and cons

This procedure allows you to create any image.

Rarely lucky people are lucky enough to have naturally long, thick and dark eyelashes. Basically, this is - oriental women. But nature has deprived most of the northerners in this regard. Extending artificial fibers permanently allows you to at least temporarily correct this oversight of nature.

It makes it possible to enjoy the beauty of your eyes without the daily manipulation of applying and removing makeup, and all the associated inconveniences. This is what the advantages of eyelash extensions are based on.

It is likely that in the near future this technology will be improved, new materials will appear, and its disadvantages will be minimized. In the meantime, unfortunately, there are a lot of them. Let us consider the advantages and disadvantages of this method in detail.

Positive aspects

Extension process.

Judging by the growing popularity of this service, women have appreciated its benefits. After all, it allows:

  1. Look more beautiful. Girls of low-contrast appearance will acquire the necessary brightness due to the dark accent on the eyes. And this is always a plus for beauty, because it is a contrasting appearance that is perceived as the most attractive.
  2. Skillful extensions allow you to adjust the shape of the eyes, achieving maximum harmony with the features and oval of the face, hairstyle and image. Afterwards, the reflection in the mirror makes you happy and your self-confidence increases. And these are very significant advantages.
  3. Get rid of the need to apply and remove eye makeup, as well as all the problems that accompany it. These include smudges and shedding of carcass.
  4. Have beautiful eyes at any time of the day. After this procedure, they are always ideal: both in sleep, and immediately after waking up, and in the gym, and in the shower.
  5. Have a natural look. Unlike painted ones, they look much more natural. To be convinced of this, just look at the before and after photos. A person inexperienced in beauty industry trends will not even suspect that this is not a gift of nature, but the work of a master.


The result of unsuccessful extension.

Unfortunately, eyelash extensions also have significant disadvantages, and there are quite a few of them. Let's consider in order from the most significant to the least significant:

  1. This procedure is not for everyone. Most clients tolerate it easily and without consequences, but some may experience conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids, and increased lacrimation. Therefore, if you are prone to such problems, it is better to avoid it.
  2. Damage to your own eyelashes. According to reviews, eyelash extensions cause thinning to a greater or lesser extent. hairline century This is due to the fact that it has to bear a considerable load, especially with the beam method. Periodic adjustments are required to maintain the effect. When the situation becomes critical, it is necessary to take a break, giving the eyelids a rest. During this period, it is advisable to use, for example, castor oil to strengthen and enhance the growth of eyelashes. Usually one month is enough for recovery. But this period is difficult for many to endure because of another disadvantage, which is the subject of the next paragraph.
  3. Addictive effect. Having once used this service, many cannot refuse it in the future and regularly repeat it again and again. Considering that the cost of the procedure cannot be called low, the costs are quite significant for the budget.
  4. Discomfortable sensations in the first days. Judging by the reviews, some people are bothered by tingling sensations in their eyelids when blinking and closing their eyes, a feeling foreign object. But literally after 1-2 days these disadvantages of eyelash extensions disappear.
  5. Forced refusal to care for the skin of the eyelids. The glue that glues the fibers does not tolerate contact with fats, so you have to refuse to apply nourishing and protective creams to your eyelids. Since the skin in this area is often dry, without regular care there is a risk of wrinkles. To some extent, wearing sunglasses will help correct the situation.
  6. Inability to visit the sauna. After the steam room, significant losses may occur in the rows of glued hairs. Therefore, you will have to give up this pleasant pastime.
  7. Some inconveniences and restrictions. To prolong the effect of extensions, you will have to constantly control yourself - do not rub your eyes, do not sleep with your face in the pillow. Breaking long-established habits is difficult for everyone. However, getting rid of them will only benefit beauty. After all, frequent rubbing of the eyelids and regular sleeping on the stomach contribute to the formation of wrinkles. So this minus can be considered a plus.

IMPORTANT! If you are prone to allergies, you need to be tested in advance, and only if there is no negative reaction, extensions should be done. This method is not suitable for those who have weak and sparse eyelashes. oily skin century Wearing lenses is also a contraindication - the liquid for them reduces the durability of the glue.

Pros and cons of the sea

With extensions at a seaside resort, any lady will look stunning.

This topic deserves a separate subtitle, since when vacationing at seaside resorts, hair extensions have both advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages of eyelash extensions at sea are the opportunity to look beautiful at any time and in any situation:

  • in the sea waves;
  • early in the morning in a hotel room;
  • on an evening walk.

The downside is that sea water and the sun are merciless to this artificial beauty. And, most likely, the correction procedure will be required much earlier than usual - immediately after returning, or even on vacation.


We looked at the pros and cons of eyelash extensions. And everyone interested, having weighed all the pros and cons, can make an informed choice - to resort to this service or to abstain.

And for those who have not yet decided, we recommend watching the selected video. Perhaps this will help in deciding the pros and cons. We will be grateful if readers share their experience of going through this procedure by leaving their feedback in the comments.

Eyelashes make a woman's look deep and expressive. Not everyone has naturally beautiful and thick hair. Cosmetologists offer hair gluing services. Thanks to this procedure, the client receives voluminous and long eyelashes. What are the advantages of extensions, all the pros and cons of the procedure, what are the contraindications to it and other basic issues are covered in the article.

How to do extensions

Every woman dreams of beautiful eyelashes. Beauty salons will help you make your look more sensual and vibrant. Extensions are carried out on the eyelids using artificial hairs and adhesive. The procedure should only be performed by a certified, experienced technician who will not harm the eyes.

Important! To ensure a satisfying result, it is recommended that you take your choice of a cosmetologist seriously. The quality of work depends on the experience of the master.

Hairs can be glued in bunches or individually (microcapsule extensions). The result and wearing time will differ depending on the technology. If artificial hairs are attached one at a time, the procedure will take longer.

Before starting, the master must cover the following questions for the client:

  • How the gluing will be done, how long it will take;
  • The desired length and volume are discussed, artificial hairs are selected;
  • It is necessary to find out from the client whether there are any contraindications, tell what cases there are in which the procedure is prohibited;
  • The cosmetologist tells you how long the eyelashes will last and how to properly care for them;
  • What is recommended to do if hair extensions fall out, where and how best to remove them;
  • When to make a correction, repeat the procedure.

FYI. If you have decided to make your eyelashes voluminous and long, then study the ways you can grow hair, and also learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure.

Extension methods

The benefits of artificial eyelash extensions can be noted immediately after the procedure. Modern industry Beauty offers several hair extension technologies.

The most popular methods:

  • Japanese. This method of hair extension will require time and patience from the client. This is a technology of eyelash gluing hairs to the base of the eyelid. The technician must carefully and accurately apply each eyelash. The resulting result will make the eyes more expressive, while maintaining a natural look. The hairs used are from natural material: silk, mink, sable;
  • American. The technology is a micro-extension of artificial hairs to the bases of natural eyelashes. It differs from the Japanese one in the material used. The American method is used to glue hairs made of rubber and silicone. The main advantages of extensions are resistance to high temperature, moisture permeability;
  • Indonesian. The method involves gluing new hairs onto weak and thin eyelashes. All materials are hypoallergenic and natural. Suitable for girls with thinning or damaged hair. The advantages of eyelash extensions using this method are that special composition, to which new hairs are glued, nourishes the bulb of native eyelashes, restores and strengthens them;
  • Volume. The essence of this method is bunch gluing of artificial hairs. In this case, very thin artificial eyelashes are used. The most commonly used material is mink. The eyelashes made from it are very light and look natural, there are only a few hair extensions.

Which technology to choose depends on the effect you want to achieve. Eyelash extensions have their pros and cons. All details are discussed in advance with the master. He can advise the most optimal method based on the condition of the client’s eyelashes.


With voluminous and long eyelashes, the girl looks very impressive and beautiful. Representatives of the fair sex take care of their appearance and emphasize their eyes with eye extensions.

  • Long lasting effect. At proper care Eyes with hair extensions can be treated for up to 1 month. This is a very long time compared to using even the highest quality mascara;
  • Change of view. It is possible to individually select the gluing technology, hair length, volume, material. At the same time, you can correct your gaze, visually change the shape and size of your eyes;
  • Always a beautiful look. With artificial eyelashes you can relax and swim in the sea, visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse, etc.;
  • Save time. After the procedure, there is no need to spend time on makeup every day. This will save it. Plus: you will always look great;
  • You don't have to use a perm. If a girl has naturally straight eyelashes, then after the procedure you can forget about curling and curling your hair;
  • It is safe for health. The procedure does not require special preparation from the client and does not require recovery time. Most girls endure this painlessly. Plus: if you don’t like the new eyelashes, they can be removed or remade;
  • Harmless. Almost every girl can easily go for extensions. The materials used have virtually no side effects on the body;
  • You get lush eyelashes and a beautiful look. Long eyelashes look very impressive, making the eyes expressive and languid;
  • With artificial eyelashes you will be irresistible at any time of the day without additional cosmetics.

The benefits of eyelash extensions are obvious to every girl after the procedure.


Despite the large number of advantages, this cosmetic procedure there are a number of disadvantages:

  • Regular visits to the beauty salon. After getting an irresistible look, you need to visit your specialist every month to correct and maintain your eyelashes in a well-groomed form. At the same time, you need to pay separately for each procedure;
  • Duration of the procedure. The pros and cons depend on the method of eyelash extensions. It takes about 3 hours to add eyelash hair extensions. Not every girl can devote so much time to a salon service;
  • Big eyelashes. If you choose the wrong length and volume for your eyes, there is a risk that the result will not please you, the look will be doll-like and unnatural;
  • Reaction to material side effects. With frequent extensions, redness of the eyes is possible due to contact of the composition with the mucous membrane;
  • You can't rub your eyes. The girl will be required to follow the rules for eye care: do not rub your eyelids, sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • Experienced master. The most important thing in extensions is an experienced master who uses only high-quality materials and has certificates confirming his qualifications.

It is not advisable to spend a lot of time in a hot bath or at sea. Effect of temperature and sea ​​water may lead to hair loss. It is necessary to temporarily remove products containing fat, oil, and alcohol from your cosmetic bag - this has a negative effect on the eyes after the procedure.

It is advisable to know the pros and cons of eyelash extensions before going to the salon. Evaluate all the benefits and choose a cosmetologist carefully. An experienced and talented specialist will make your look flawless and help you forget about all the shortcomings of the procedure.

Important! A certified cosmetologist with high-quality materials charges for his service high price. The cheap cost should immediately alert the client - consumables can be rough and cause allergic reaction before our eyes.


Extensions have some contraindications; usually the cosmetologist immediately discusses with the client prohibitions for the procedure.

Girls should not be given artificial hair if:

  • Observed inflammatory process in the eye area. The composition that is applied to the eyelids can aggravate the disease and increase redness;
  • For chronic conjunctivitis. Cosmetic intervention on the eyes is contraindicated - an exacerbation of the disease is possible after applying glue.

Girls with contact lenses should be wary of such procedures and choose only proven professionals. It is worth considering that due to constant use of lenses, eyelashes may break or fall out.

Allergy sufferers must be checked for individual intolerance to the components that make up the glue. You can try to extend a few eyelashes; if there is no redness or itching, then complete the procedure in a day.

Pay attention! If your natural eyelashes are thin and sparse, then it is recommended to select the appropriate extension technology. If you glue massive hairs, there is a risk of losing your natural eyelashes.

Eyelash extensions have pros and cons, just like any cosmetic procedure. In this case, much depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist and care after the procedure. At the right approach By extension, you will be satisfied with your charming look.


It is known that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Like any mirror, they should have an attractive frame - eyelashes. It’s good when a girl has fluffy, long and shiny eyelashes from birth. What should the fair sex do if they cannot boast of such magnificence? Is it worth resorting to the extension procedure?

Benefits of extensions

– Having done this procedure, a woman becomes the owner of thick eyelashes with a beautiful curve. By entrusting the work to a qualified craftsman, your look will be transformed in just a few hours. It will acquire exciting depth and charm.

– Extensions allow you to visually correct your eyes. Depending on the effect, you can visually change the shape, hide some flaws and emphasize the advantages.

– A woman can forget about makeup for a long time. She will look charming at any time of the day. There is no need to apply mascara or use a curling tool. There will be additional time for morning sleep.

– The owner of eyelash extensions does not need to worry about running mascara! Sports activities, swimming in the pool or the sea will bring more pleasure. Eyelashes will attract the gaze of others, maintaining their original freshness.

– The extension procedure allows you to safely experiment with your image. is varied, so you can come up with an original image. For any occasion, be it a youth party or a special event, a woman will be able to choose the appropriate look.

Currently eyelash extension procedure accessible to almost every woman. At making the right choice With a qualified technician, you can get gorgeous eyelashes in the shortest possible time and at affordable prices. Of course, while there are pros, there will always be cons.

Disadvantages of eyelash extensions

– If you have eyelash extensions, you will have to stop using oil-based cosmetics. Nourishing cream, it is better to exclude makeup remover milk from use. The fat contained in cosmetics, dissolves glue. When the glue breaks down, the eyelashes fall off and the eyes lose their original attractiveness. It is better to use non-greasy toners or makeup removers.

– Those who want to have beautiful long eyelashes should not sleep on their stomachs with their faces in the pillow for as long as possible. This may shorten the lifespan of your eyelash extensions.

– The procedure in question is not recommended for representatives of the fair sex who suffer from allergies and eye diseases. The fact is that the glue that fixes the artificial eyelash to the natural one can cause allergies. It contains substances that can provoke an unpleasant reaction. If you decide to try extensions, make sure that the specialist uses a special hypoallergenic glue.

– To increase service life, you will have to take special care in hygiene procedures. Eyelash extensions do not tolerate friction, so you need to wash your face carefully. However, with the help of special brushes you can remove dust and dirt that has accumulated during the day.

– For weak, thinning eyelashes, it is also better to avoid eyelash extensions. First, it is recommended to take a recovery course using castor oil or vitamins. Then, after consultation with a specialist, this procedure can be performed.

– If at the time of extension the owner is taking antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, it is advisable to notify the specialist. When taking certain medications, the lifespan of artificial eyelashes is reduced.

Being always beautiful is the dream of many women. But in the pursuit of perfection, it is important to remember that everything should be in moderation. Ideal beauty is natural, slightly retouched by a professional master. Having weighed all the pros and cons, it is much easier to decide whether it is worth transforming your look in this way.

Those wishing to use eyelash extension services should be strict in choosing a specialist. Only a responsible and qualified specialist is able to perform high-quality work, guaranteeing safety.