Comprehensive notes

Comprehensive thematic planning in the middle group “Toys gather for a holiday”

Aitova M.M., teacher of MBDOU D/S No. 21 “Fairy Tale”, Stary Oskol

Comprehensive thematic planning in middle groups e “The toys are gathering for a holiday” (.doc)

December (Hello, guest, Winter!)

3 week (19.12 - 23.12) Topic: “Toys gather for a holiday.”

Target: Reinforce the general concept of “toy”. Activate knowledge about the types of toys and the materials from which they are made. Raise a caring

attitude towards them. Develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations. Introduce winter holidays.

Final event: Exhibition “My Favorite Toy”.

Day of the week


group, subgroup


educational activities

in critical moments

I half of the day

Morning greeting, creating a joyful atmosphere in the group.

Announcing the topic of the block.

Center "Cognition" - viewing toys in group room. Z: cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

“Find someone as tall as you.” H: practice comparing objects by height.

Nature Center. Care indoor plants. H: to improve children’s ability to wipe the leaves of plants, to help remember the correct working techniques, to activate the names of indoor plants in the dictionary.

Center "Cognition" - Examination of illustrations, paintings on New Year's themes, books for reading and viewing.

Cognitive development. Topic: “Water and air transport. Steamboat." Z: introduce the names of types of water and air transport, their components, learn to compare them; artistic word - poem, riddles, surprise moment - doll - Dunno.


Dog observations. Z: expand children’s understanding of the dog, its appearance, behavior; cultivate a love for animals; compare: what is common and what is the difference between a living dog and a toy dog.

P/n “Catch up with the plane.”

Z: learn to run quickly at the teacher’s signal, without looking back.

Develop the ability to throw snowballs accurately at the target - Seryozha, Mark, Camilla.

Cognitive - research activities: Experiment with ice. H: introduce the properties of ice (thin, fragile, can be broken with a shovel, melts from heat).

Mystery: Warms in winter, smolders in spring, disappears in summer (ice).

Work: shoveling snow around trees. Z: cultivate a desire to work. P/i "Giants - dwarfs".

Z: learn to alternate walking with small and wide steps.

Here is a bug's dog, a squiggle tail. The teeth are sharp, the fur is motley. Woof!

II half. day

Gymnastics after sleep.

Literary readings: I. Surikov “Winter”.

Z. Aleksandrova “Snowball”.

Z: maintain attention and interest in the word in a literary work.

Continue to teach children to get dressed after sleep in the correct sequence - Sonya, Timur, Vera.

KGN. "Learning to comb your hair."

Z: instill self-care skills; cultivate attention to appearance.

Center "Game" s/r "Toy Store". H: instill elements of social communication skills, develop role-playing dialogue “seller - buyer”; form positive relationships between children.


Watching the winter sky. Z: pay attention to the beauty of the winter sky; cultivate a love for nature.

P/n “Hit the target.”

Z: learn to throw the ball at a target, develop accuracy.

Game exercise “Standing jumping up” - Katya, Yura, Varya.

D/i “One, two, three, find what could be dangerous.”

Target: consolidating ideas about the sources of danger in the house, developing intelligence and attention.

"Games with Cuisenaire sticks."

Z: development of children's mathematical abilities.

P/i "From trace to trace." Z: continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game.

Interaction with parents

Day of the week


Joint activities adults and children, taking into account

integration of educational areas

Organization of a development environment for independent activity children (activity centers, all group rooms)

group, subgroup


educational activities

in critical moments

I half of the day

Morning exercises.

Conversation “Our musical toys.” Z: give children an idea of musical toys How they are similar and different from other toys.

Game “What has changed?” Z: develop observation, attention.

Situational conversation “Soap is our friend.” Z: educate children, the need to wash their hands with soap.

Game Center -

D/i “Where is the toy?” Z: orientation in space.

Speech development. Topic: Compiling a story based on the “An Incident in the Forest” set of toys. Z: encourage compilation short stories based on a set of toys; learn to correctly use prepositions in, on, under, between; artistic word, a surprise moment - a boy doll, toys - two Christmas trees, a hedgehog and a hedgehog; pictures - beetle, giraffe, scissors, flag, dog, cube, watering can, bucket; painting "Hedgehog".


Watching the wind. Z: to arouse interest in the world around us, to form a realistic idea of ​​nature, to broaden our horizons.

P/i "Two Frosts". Z: learn to run in all directions, develop spatial orientation skills, speed.

Practice skating on an ice path while maintaining safety - Artem, Vova, Arseny.

Riddles:- Snorts, growls, breaks branches, knocks people off their feet (wind).

Bends trees to the ground, drives up clouds, raises waves both in the river and in the sea (wind).

Bring out shovels to clear the paths of snow.

Work: clear paths to the veranda.

P/i "Cat and Mice".

Z: learn to act in accordance with words.

II half. day

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep.

Walking on buttons.

Reading poems:“Mom, look from the window...” A. Fet, “Winter” by I. Surikov.

Practice finding numbers from 1 to 5, counting to 5 and back - Seryozha, Diana, Mark.

D/i " Wonderful pouch» Z: consolidate the ability to correctly name objects lying in a bag, describe their color and shape.

Center "Game" s/r "Family". Z: promote the development of friendly relations, hospitality, the ability to develop a plot.


Watching the snow. Z: expand the understanding of the phenomena of inanimate nature; teach to reason, compare, instill an interest in nature.

P/i "Sparrows", "Owl". Z: develop the ability to run without bumping into each other.

“Name the winter months” - Polina, Artem, Vova. Z: learn to name the winter months using signs.

Game exercise “Smart toys”. H: to consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic of “toys”, to give an idea of ​​“smart” toys: books, printed board games, puzzles, Legos.

Creativity Center - Teaching children how to draw snowflakes (pencils, markers, crayons).

Interaction with parents

Memo “Beware of the flu.”

Day of the week


Joint activities between adults and children, taking into account

integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

group, subgroup


educational activities

in critical moments

I half of the day

Morning exercises.

Conversation “What does a toy have?” Z: to consolidate children’s knowledge about toys: their meaning.

Learning to write a story about toys - Polina, Artem, Vova.

KGN - exercise “Teach Dunno to use a handkerchief.”

Center "Game" - D/i "Which toy is gone." Z: promote the development of memory and attention.

REMP. Topic: "Rhythm" (search and compilation of patterns). C: form an idea of ​​rhythm (patterns), the ability in the simplest cases to see a pattern and compose a series of regularly alternating objects or figures; secure geometric shapes, consolidate the ability to identify and name the properties of objects, and use them to solve problems.


Transport surveillance. Z: consolidate children's knowledge about vehicles.

P/i "Locomotive"

Z: teach to move at different paces, change direction. Practice pronouncing sounds.

Invite the children to draw a car in the snow.

Sliding along the ice path - Mark, Adeline, Zakhar, Ksyusha.

Memorizing the poem by O. Vysotskaya “On a Sleigh.”

The sled rolled down

Hold on tight, doll!

Be careful not to fall-

There's a ditch ahead!

We must drive carefully

Otherwise you might crash!

Remote material: shovels, buckets.

Work: shovel snow to tree trunks.

Playing with snowballs and with snow “Let’s make snowmen.”

II half. day

Invigorating gymnastics after sleep. Walking along a ribbed path.

Reading the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut.” Z: conversation on the content, examination of illustrations.

Enriching children's sensory experience - Varya, Seryozha.

Game "Buttons".

Repetition of poems about toys by A. Barto “Toys”, “Bear”,

"Ball", "Horse".

Center "Game" s/r "Zoo". Z: expand your understanding of zoo workers, the ability to talk about animals.


Watching the winter sky. Z: to develop the ability to see the beauty of the sky, develop creative imagination, and evoke a desire to fantasize.

Game-situation “Chauffeurs”.

Z: to teach children to play together, amicably, and to select the right attributes for the game.

Invite Diana and Seryozha to put together a picture from cubes Z: to develop thinking, attention and perseverance.

Cognitive and research activities:

“How to warm your hands?”

Z: Identify conditions under which objects can become warm (friction, movement; heat conservation). Game material: Mittens are thick and thin.

Design Center - offer children Logic Cubes.

Z: develop thinking and attention.

“Creativity” Center - offer children plasticine, paper, pencils.

Interaction with parents

Individual conversations with parents upon their request.

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Plan for the thematic week “Games and Toys” in the senior group

“To grow up as a healthy child,

Children don't need to be able to read, they need to be able to play! Fred Rogers

Goal: to improve the professional level of teachers on organizing children's play activities; developing children's interest in types of games and supporting their free creative self-realization in play; involving parents in an active discussion of issues of creating conditions for the development of the child’s play at home.


Educational activities

Joint activities

Monday is the Day of Russian folk games and toys.

Motto: “Our Russia is famous for its painted spoons, and is also proud of its Russian nesting dolls.”

1st half of the day

Educational conversation “The diverse world of toys. What is he like? Presentation “Classification of toys”

Organization of Russian folk outdoor games “Tag”,

“Burn, burn clearly”, “Stream”,

"Crucian carp and pike"

2nd half of the day

Educational conversation “How they played in the old days”

Drawing the folk toy “Russian Beauty”

Visiting a doll exhibition in national costumes(3rd group)

Master class with parents: “Making a paper doll “Bereginya”

Tuesday is Day of Theatrical Games.

Motto: “The curtain has risen and Cinderella lives on stage.

She’s sad, laughs and sings, and after the ball the prince is waiting for her.”

1st half of the day

Educational conversation “My parents’ toys”

Creative workshop:

drawing “Visiting a fairy tale”

Theatricalization based on the fairy tale “Chipolino” for children of the younger group

Practical lesson on driving a puppet.

2nd half of the day

Video about the Obraztsov Theater.

Dramatization game with life-size puppets.

Educational situation

"We walk, we play"

Wednesday Day of intellectual games and toys.

Motto: “I want to know everything!”

1st half of the day

An educational story about Robotics.

Children's laboratory: “What are toys made of?”

Exhibition " Modern toys»

Checkers tournament

"I know. Think. I'm winning"

Board games "Imaginarium",

"Monopoly", "Battleship"

Construction "In the city of Lego."

2nd half of the day

Mind game

"Which? Which? Which?"

Solving crossword puzzles “Favorite cartoons”

O/i activity “Multi-Color-

water", "Experiment with a feather"

Thursday Day of your favorite toy and role-playing game.

Motto: “I have a backpack behind me, it’s full of toys. Having come to the group cheerfully, I call my girlfriends.

We like to play role-playing games so much: sometimes we are all teachers, sometimes doctors, sometimes tigers.”

1st half of the day

Conversation “The Life of a Toy”

Motor-speech miniature “The sea is agitated once...”

Creative workshop for making

the development of attributes in the s/r game

P/game with plot content “Shaggy Dog”

2nd half of the day

Writing riddles “My favorite toy”

Watching the cartoon "Toys"

Transformation game:

"Journey to the World of Toys"

Master class with parents “Toys in the kitchen made from fruits and vegetables”

Friday is the day of musical games and musical toys.
Motto: “Now the game is not entertainment, but with great meaning,

1st half of the day

Educational presentation about the conservatory.

Creative workshop: making a noisemaker toy

Round dance game “There is a viburnum on the mountain” - playing musical instruments.

Game "Guess the melody".

2nd half of the day

Round dance game “How our girlfriends went”

Game “Name the fairy tale where the heroes sing” and sing this song.

Exhibition of musical toys.


N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (2017) Basic general educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”, Moscow

MM. Borisova (2017) Sedentary games and game exercises. For classes with children 3-7 years old. Methodical manual. Federal State Educational Standard.. Moscow

Comprehensive thematic planning “My favorite toy” in middle-senior group

Date: from 01.10. to 05.10.

Topic of the week: My favorite toy.

Tasks: form an idea about different toys, cultivate interest in toys; the ability to care for them and put them back in place after the game.

Final event: wall newspaper “My favorite toy” - Friday 05.10.

Responsible: educators.

Monday 01.10.

Conversation “What are toys made from” - to consolidate children’s knowledge about different materials, from which toys are made: rubber, plastic, clay, wood, fabric.

Consideration of the thematic album “Toys from different countries.”

D/i "Toy Store".

Breathing exercises “The porridge is boiling.”

Finger gymnastics “Toys” - development fine motor skills fingers

1. Cognitive development.

Topic: Travel to amazing world toys.

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of toys, their history and purpose.


Observing weather conditions - continue to teach children to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

P/i “Mousetrap” - repeat 5 times.

D/ and “One is many.”

P/n “Sly Fox” - repeat 5 times.

D/i “Call me affectionately.”

II half of the day.

Reading fiction A. Barto “Toys” - questions about what you read.

Looking at illustrations of toys.

Household work - washing toys.

Exercise children in tug of war.

Round dance game “Even step” - repeat 3 times


Monitoring the maple - continue to monitor the maple and its changes in the autumn. Involve children in long-term observation, develop the ability to observe and compare.

P/i “Geese - Swans” - continue to reinforce the rules of the game, develop attentiveness, auditory perception, speed - repeat 5 times.

D/i “Continue the sentence.”

P/i “Dwarfs and Giants” - to develop auditory attention in children - repeat 5 times.

D/i “Yes or no.”

Tuesday 02.10.


Complex of morning exercises.

Conversation “My favorite toy” - encourage children to tell stories; practice naming words - signs.

D/i “Guess by description” - develop children’s ability to guess a toy by its description.

Game miniatures – descriptions “My girlfriend is a soft toy.”

Breathing exercises “Leaves in a puddle.”

Finger gymnastics “Magpie - Belobok” - development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

1. Speech development.

Topic: Compiling the story “My favorite toy.”

Goal: to teach children to describe an object from memory according to a model specified by the teacher.

2. Physical development.


Tree watching. Note the changes that have occurred to the trees with the arrival of autumn.

P/i “Traps” - develop speed - repeat 5 times.

D/i “It happens or not.”

P/i “Traps with a ribbon” - repeat 5 times.

D/i "Ecological signs".

Word game "Telegraph".

II half day

A complex of invigorating gymnastics.

Word game "Telegraph" - teach children syllabic analysis of words.

D/i “Find the mistake.”

Drawing on the theme “My favorite toy.”

Work in a natural corner - watering flowers.

Round dance game “On a level path” - repeat 3 times.


Watching the wind. Note how strong the wind is, the direction of the wind, cold or warm.

P/i "Keys" - new.

D/i "Time of year".

P/n “Feet off the ground” - repeat 5 times.

D/i “Get in line for a day”

Wednesday 03.10.


Complex of morning exercises.

Conversation “What kinds of toys are there?”

Consideration of the thematic album “Toys of our ancestors”.

D/i “Guess what I’m drawing.”

Breathing exercises “The goose hisses.”

Finger gymnastics “Cabbage” - development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

1. Cognitive development (FEMP).

2. Physical development.

Topic: In a toy store. Podolskaya, p. 59.


Monitoring the work of the janitor. Note what tools the janitor uses in autumn time year.

P/i “Traffic light” - repeat 5 times.

D/i “Who do I look like?”

P/n “Owl” - repeat 5 times.

D/i “Whoever comes up with the ending will be a great guy.”

II half of the day.

A complex of invigorating gymnastics.

Making attributes for the role-playing game “Cafe”.

D/i "Toys play hide and seek."

Relay race "Who can dress the doll faster."

D/i “Find the mistake.”

Round dance game “Where was Ivanushka” - repeat 3 times.


Sky observation. Develop observation, speech, imagination.

P/n “Day and Night” - repeat 5 times.

P/i “Fox in the chicken coop” - repeat 5 times.

D/i “Who screams how.”

Thursday 04.10.


Complex of morning exercises.

Conversation “What toys did our ancestors play with?”

D/i “Name it in one word.”

Guessing riddles about toys.

Breathing exercises “Flower”.

Finger gymnastics “Flowers” ​​- development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

1. Artistically – aesthetic development.

Topic: My favorite toy.

Objectives: introduce children to toys and their history; consolidate knowledge about toys; develop imagination, memory, attention, accuracy; learn to draw and paint over a picture, arrange it beautifully on a sheet of paper; cultivate interest in artistic creativity.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (music according to the music director’s plan).


Observing the rowan - continue to introduce children to the rowan and the features of its appearance.

P/i “Shaggy Dog” - repeat 5 times.

D/i “Describe familiar objects.”

P/i "Hunters and Ducks" - new.

D/i “What objects and how we use them.”

II half of the day.

A complex of invigorating gymnastics.

Game situation “Let’s feed the toys.”

D/i "World of Toys".

Situation – study “Recognize a toy by touch.”

Exercise children in walking along a narrow path.

Round dance game “Stream” - repeat 3 times.


Bird watching. Note the appearance, body structure, method of movement, habitat.

P/i “Echo” - teach children to be open to interaction, obey the general rhythm of movements - repeat 5 times.

D/i "Who - who."

P/i “Snake” - to develop children’s group interaction skills.

D/i “What to do?” - strengthen children’s ability to make the right decisions in various situations.

Friday 05.10.


Complex of morning exercises.

Conversation on the questions “What are toys made of?”, “Where are toys made?”

D/i “Find out by description” - toys.

D/i “Find what I’ll name” - toys

Breathing exercises “Airplanes”.

Finger gymnastics “Glasses”, “Table”, “Chair” - development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

1. Social and communicative development.

Topic: Toys are my friends

Goal: formation of moral qualities of the individual: careful attitude towards toys.

Objectives: teach children to cooperate, empathize, show care and attention to toys; develop adequate evaluative activity of preschoolers, aimed at analyzing their own behavior and the actions of the characters, the ability to evaluate positive and negative actions; cultivate a caring, friendly attitude towards toys, mutual assistance.


Observing the weather - introduce children to the most typical features of autumn.

P/i “Pair dashes” - repeat 5 times.

D/i “Let’s help the kids” - to cultivate responsiveness in children and a desire to help the younger ones.

P/i “Secret” - teach children to navigate according to the scheme - repeat 5 times.

D/i “Yes - no”.

2. Physical development.

Topic: "Classics". Glazyrina, p. 242 – cf. V.

II half of the day.

A complex of invigorating gymnastics.

The final event is the wall newspaper “My Favorite Toy”.

Examination of illustrations on the theme “Folk Toy”.

D/i “Every toy has its place.”

Relay race "Who will find the toy faster."

Round dance game “The cup went out for a walk” - repeat 3 times.


Observation of leaf fall.

P/i “Geese - swans” - repeat 5 times.

D/i “What is wrong?” - develop auditory attention, speech; teach to detect semantic inconsistencies, select the right words taking into account the content of the text.

P/i "Wheat and grain grower" - new.

At the end of the school year, children’s knowledge of different topics. In the second younger group, it is advisable to spend a week “My Favorite Toys”, aimed at enriching children’s vocabulary on the topic, strengthening the ability to draw object pictures, learning poetry and discussing works about toys. This week the teacher plans to look at paintings, take a trip to the museum, and find out what toys are made of. Detailed Description conversations, a selection of poems and stories for children can be found in the appendix to the “Themed week “My Favorite Toys” plan.”

Social and communicative development

The teacher continues to work on developing the emotional sphere of children, and begins every morning with a greeting. Social and communicative development is promoted role-playing games, watching cartoons on safety, talking, as well as helping with washing and cleaning toys.

Cognitive development

In the area cognitive development the teacher plans a series of observations of the sun, reinforces, organizes games on mathematical development“Doll Tapes”, “Continue the Sequence”, etc.

Speech development

By creating conditions for speech development, the adult offers children games to develop the grammatical structure of speech, involves them in discussing literary works and viewing the paintings “Children Play”, “Masha is Confused”.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The games “Caterpillar”, “Find the same color in the picture”, “Clap like me” contribute to artistic and aesthetic development younger preschoolers just like the application “Slide of Cubes”, drawing “Tumbler”.

Physical development

Work on physical development continues. Kids relieve eye strain with the “Curious Fly” ophthalmic simulator, repeat the games “Find your color”, “Wolf and Hares”, “Who will throw the furthest”, etc.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Game-exercise “Morning greeting”. Goal: develop communication skills, create a positive climate in the group.Conversation with children “What kinds of toys are there?” Goal: to form a culture of behavior, enrich children’s vocabulary, expand their understanding of the materials from which toys are made.Pronunciation of pure sayings. Goal: development of phonemic hearing and onomatopoeia ability.Drawing "Tumbler". Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to draw round objects.Exercise “In the Sun”. Goal: to introduce children to relaxation techniques and develop imagination.
WalkS.r. game "It's good in our garden." Goal: to enrich the storylines of games on the theme of Kindergarten.Monitoring the weather conditions. Goal: to learn to determine the time of year based on its characteristic features.Di. "Frogs and little frogs." Goal: to develop children's speech attention.Exercise “Colors around us.” Goal: to practice finding a given color or shade in surrounding objects.P.i. “Hares and the Wolf” develop the ability to jump and perform actions in accordance with the text. P.i. "Traps." Purpose: to introduce the rules of the game, to remember the fishing technique.
2 p.d.A conversation about how to treat toys correctly. Goal: to develop a caring attitude towards things in kindergarten. Cognitive and research activity “Drink tasty juice dolls.” Goal: to reinforce the idea that paints dissolve in water.Reading A. Barto “Toys”. Goal: to continue acquaintance with the work of A. Barto.Excursion to the Museum of Folk Toys. Goal: remember with children vintage toys and their features, to introduce them to folk culture.Examination of the poster “The Human Body.” Goal: to develop the ability to distinguish and name sense organs.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.S.r. Game "Happy Housewarming" Goal: to develop children’s ability to independently develop a plot.Exercise “Ribbons for dolls”. Goal: to consolidate the concepts “Wider is narrower, longer is shorter.”Exercise " Magic bag" Goal: to achieve clear pronunciation of the sounds V, F, G in words and phrases.Round dance game "Cap and Stick". Goal: remember words, consolidate the ability to walk in an even circle.Exercise “Throw, don’t yawn.” Goal: to teach how to take the correct starting position when throwing.
WalkObservation of plants and shrubs. Goal: to reinforce the idea that any tree and shrub is a living being, to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.Didactic games at the request of children. Goal: to encourage initiative in games.Exercise “Complete the sentence.” Goal: expand children's vocabulary, practice using nouns in the accusative case.Games with theatrical toys. Goal: to promote the development of creative imagination.P.i. "Giants are dwarfs." Goal: improve walking technique, achieve a clear, wide stride. P.i. “Who will throw further?” Purpose: to train children in throwing.

Plans a week of games and toys and, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, this topic is reflected in all educational fields. During the week, preschoolers remember the correct handling of toys, consolidate their knowledge of Dymkovo and Gorodets toys, and get acquainted with the Kargopol toy and the features of its painting. Reading poems and stories about toys allows children to expand their understanding of the stages of production and the purpose of toys. A detailed description of the teacher’s stories, speech exercises on the topic, the script for the puppet show “Katyusha’s toys”, etc. You will find in the appendix to the plan “Thematic week “Games and Toys”.

Social and communicative development

Children remember the Victory Day, get acquainted with the coat of arms of their native land, decide problematic situation“All the toys have disappeared from the group.” Social and communicative development is also facilitated by conversations about male and female professions, household work and self-analysis “My good deeds.”

Cognitive development

When solving problems of cognitive development, the teacher offers children the games “Tangram, Geocon, Columbus Egg.” On a walk, older preschoolers watch insects, potato growth, and experiment with sand and clay. The teacher tells the children about the history of the toy, about who makes the toys for us. In games with a ball, children consolidate their knowledge of animals of the North and continue to learn how to draw in squares.

Speech development

In the field of speech development it is planned finger gymnastics“I have toys...”, reading “Naughty Doll” by T. Kryukov, playing “What Happens in Spring” and writing descriptive stories according to plan.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The week begins with viewing the presentation “Kargopol Toy”, then children look at the album and color Kargopol toys. Puppeteering skills are reinforced in the production puppet theater“Katyusha’s toys”, children draw their favorite toys and make homemade toys from paper, which promotes artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development

The teacher does not ignore outdoor folk games. In the area physical development Folk games “Tea, tea, help out”, “Wand - knocker”, “Burners”, etc. are planned. Children learn about products that are good for teeth, solve riddles about personal hygiene items, which contributes to the formation of neatness and neatness.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation “What I saw at the parade.” Goal: remember with children about the holiday of May 9.Conversation with children about Russian folk toys and games. Purpose: to give an idea of ​​folk toys, folk crafts and games.Game "Throwing syllables." Goal: learn to form words using the first syllable, develop phonemic awareness.Presentation "Kargopol Toy". Goal: to introduce children to the craft, to give an idea of ​​the peculiarities of painting.Morning warm-up “Favorite toys”. Goal: develop physical qualities.
Introducing children to proverbs that accompanied people in their work. Goal: to help children understand the meaning of proverbs.Watching a ladybug. Goals: expand knowledge and understanding of appearance features ladybug; cultivate an attentive and caring attitude towards all living things.S.r. game "In a toy store." Goal: to consolidate the ability to write descriptive stories according to plan.Independent games in the theater corner. Goal: to liberate children, develop imagination.P.i. “Tea, tea, help me out.” Goal: develop physical qualities. Folk game"Burn, burn clearly." Goal: remember the words.
2 p.d.Conversation “What our coat of arms tells about.” Goal: to form patriotic feelings.Cognitive and research activity “Who makes toys for us?” Goal: to expand understanding of professions and technologies for making toys from different materials.“My toys” O. Kras. Purpose: to teach to listen carefully to the work.Drawing “How we play in kindergarten.” Goal: learn to distribute the image across the entire sheet, maintaining the proportions of objects.Exercise “Who will collect the most toys with their feet.” Goal: to develop psychomotor functions, dexterity.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Discussion of the story by T.A. Shorygina "Scarecrow". Goal: to cultivate the desire to be neat.Games "Tangram, geocon, Columbus egg." Goal: develop perception, analytical thinking, ability to focus on a model.Reading nursery rhymes, jokes, chants. Goal: to continue acquaintance with folk art.Coloring pages "Kargopol young lady". Goal: to cultivate aesthetic taste, to consolidate the ability to work with a brush.Game exercise “Tell Dunno who ... football players (hockey players, athletes) are.” Goal: expand ideas about sports professions.
Role-playing game "Trip to Children's world"(with the distribution of roles by gender: boys - drivers, father, son; girls - mother, daughter, salesman, conductor, cashier). Goal: to develop creativity, the ability to imagine images in the imagination and show them expressively.Observation of different types transport. Goal: to consolidate knowledge that a person uses a bicycle that does not require gasoline; a person moves by turning the pedals.Di. "Why did this happen." Goal: to teach children to find the cause of events and express it in words.Game "Changes". Goal: to teach children to create images of objects in their imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual parts of these objects.Team game “Change the flag”. Goal: to develop the ability to play in teams. P.i. "Don't get your feet wet." Goal: develop balance.