Entertainment in the preschool area for children 6-7 years old. Frog observation.

Myzhevskikh Natalya Sergeevna, teacher at the Lesobazovsky kindergarten, Yarsky district.
Purpose: this material is intended for preschool teachers, teachers primary classes and teachers additional education. This material will help teachers introduce a preschool child into the world of knowledge of the surrounding reality, awaken and strengthen his interest in animals in nature, and captivate his cognitive interest through games.
Target: familiarizing children with the appearance of a frog and their way of life.
Tasks: 1. Give children the idea that frogs are inhabitants of damp places;
2. Develop imagination, motor activity, orientation in space; development fine motor skills hands; develop the ability to perform movements without interfering with each other;
3. Develop an interest in nature and the ability to play together.
Material: pictures of frogs.

Educator. I suggest you go to one of the greenest places on the site. And we will get acquainted with an amazing amphibian creature, and what its name is, you can guess for yourself by guessing the riddle:
Bounces like a ball
Swims like a fish.
Children. This is a frog.
Educator. Of course it's a frog. And you all know how many of them there are in this part of our site. (Shows a picture.)

Educational conversation with children.

Frogs are often found near a pond, swamp or lake, that is, where there is dampness. They are well adapted to move both on land and in water.

They have a short, compact, streamlined body, bare, mucus-covered skin, long folding hind legs with webbed toes, and short front legs. This structure allows them to easily swim in water and move on land by jumping. On the frog's head there are bulging eyes, nostrils, and a large mouth with a long sticky tongue. The ears are covered with eardrums and are invisible. The frog has a camouflage skin color: on the ground or in the grass it is not visible at all if it is hiding. Frogs are useful animals, they need to be protected, they feed on midges and mosquitoes: from the water or from the grass they follow their flight, and then “shoot” with their tongue.
Questions to consolidate the material:
Children, is the frog clearly visible among the grass? (Children's answers.)
Is it easy to catch her? (Children's answers.)
Why does the frog jump and not run?
Children. The frog's hind legs are longer than its front legs, which is why it jumps.

Educator. Let's move around a little and play a fun game game "Two frogs"
We see them jumping along the edge of the forest (Turns to the sides.)
Two green frogs.
Jump-jump, jump-jump, (Stepping from toe to heel.)
Jump from heel to toe.
There are two girlfriends in the swamp, (Hands on the belt.)
Two green frogs (Half squats left and right.)
In the morning we washed ourselves early, (Perform movements in accordance with the text.)
We rubbed ourselves with a towel.
They stomped their feet,
Hands were clapping.
Leaned to the right
They leaned to the left.
That's the secret of health,
Hello to all physical education friends! (Walk in place.)
Educator. Guys, there is no need to offend frogs. Everything in nature was not created by chance, and every creature has the right to life. And to kill someone means not only to do evil, but also to embitter one’s heart, to make it cold and callous. Frogs have plenty of enemies besides humans: birds of prey, weasels, wild boars, martens, snakes and, of course, water birds. Which ones do you know?
Children. Storks, cranes and herons.
Educator. The frog is an amphibian. Let's try to figure out for ourselves what an “amphibian” animal means. What words does this word consist of? (Children's answers.) How do these words relate to the frog?
Children. Frogs live on land and in water.

Game activity.

Educator (reads a poem by C. Rossetti.)
jumping frog,
Ride to me without fear,
I won't offend you
I'll never knock.
Jump, jump, frog -
Green shirt
We must live
Without harming each other.
Now, guys, let’s close our eyes and “Turn around yourself and turn into frogs. One-two-three – wipe your eyes!”
Little frogs, let's show the funny frogs that are mentioned in the poem.
Finger game “Laughing Frogs”.
Two frogs - laughing frogs (Children show their index and middle fingers, the rest are collected into a pinch.)
They jumped and galloped. (Image jumping with fingers.)
With a paw - clap, with the other - clap, (They slap their hand on their leg.)
The cheeks were swelling. (They show the roundness of their cheeks with their fingers.)
We saw a mosquito (They show the mosquito with their fingers folded into a pinch and trace the trajectory of its flight.)
They shouted: “Kva-kva-kva!” (Make a frog's mouth with your fingers.)
The mosquito flew away like the wind. (They sharply throw their hand forward, putting out their index finger.)
It's good to live in the world! (They stroke their chests with their palms, exposing thumb forward.)
Educator. When there are a lot of frogs, they create a wonderful choir. How do frogs croak? (Children imitate the croaking of frogs.) Now I suggest you play outdoor game “Musical guys”.
Two cords are laid out in parallel on the ground - this is a “river”. Here the frogs will “swim”.
Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! (Children jump and say: “Kwa! Kwa!”.)
It's time for us to jump into the river.
Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! (Children “swim” and repeat: “Kwa! Kwa!”)
You can swim until the morning!
One, two, three! (Children “row” and repeat: “Kwa! Kwa!”)
Row with your paws!
Kwa! Kwa! (They jump out of the “river”.)
It's time to go to shore!
Kwa! Kwa! (Catch mosquitoes.)
Catch the mosquito!
The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Fixing the material.

Educator. Let's look for frogs together. However, it can be difficult to notice them if they are hiding - they have a camouflage coloring. They are clearly visible when they jump. Let's quietly approach their habitat and see what they do.
We pick up the caught frog and examine its appearance.

What is the size of a frog?
What is her skin like (to the touch, by color)?
What's on her head?
How many legs does a frog have?
How are the front and back legs different?
Does a frog have a tail?
We looked and admired the frog, and now we need to return it to its place without offending him, since he is still small (it was a frog).

Educator. Unfortunately, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten, but we need to turn back into children. So, we closed our eyes: “Turn around yourself and turn into guys. One, two, three – look at me!”
Guys, what did you like most about our trip? (Children's stories.)
Who would you like to meet on your next walk? (The teacher listens carefully to the children and writes them down in a notebook.)

Thank you for your attention!

Maria Anashkina
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Observing a frog”

“N A B L Y D E N I E H A L A G U S H K O Y”

Program content:

Strengthen children's knowledge:

About appearance frogs obtained during an excursion [a small animal of a grayish-green color, large, bulging eyes];

Introduce movements frogs[she jumps on land, swims in water];

Show the connection between the structure of the fore and hind limbs and the method of movement [the legs are longer than the front ones, so it jumps];

Report that frog eats mosquitoes, flies;

activate children's vocabulary through the use of words denoting the actions and characteristics of an animal;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards frogs;

Introduces children to reproduction frogs;

Teach children how to make paper frogs, work carefully, do the work carefully.

Progress of the lesson:

Invite children to solve a riddle:

In the summer you will find her in the swamp

Green frog

Who is this? (Frog) .

Consider with children frog.

What size is this animal?

Is it visible in the grass? Why?

What is the name of the coloring of animals that allows them to hide from their enemies?

What animals' coloring allows them to be invisible to others?

[The hare is white in winter, polar bear on the snow, coloring of some fish].

Does it have wool? frogs? What does it feel like?

Examine the eyes. They are big and convex frog blinks rapidly. The frog's eyes play a major role in hunting. Having noticed any insect or other small animal, frog It throws out a wide sticky tongue from its mouth, to which insects stick. frogs They only grab moving prey.

Sitting in the water frogs They stick only their eyes out of the water and wait for flying insects, so the eyes are in the upper part of the head. There are nostrils in front of the eye on the head. The frog breathes air, draw the attention of children that frog body short, a large flat head without a neck goes into the body.

Consider how frog moves. Why doesn't she walk, but jump? U frog legs different lengths . The hind legs are longer and stronger than the short front legs. Seated frog rests on short front legs and hind legs are bent. Sharply straightening the hind legs, frog jumping. Examine the animal’s paws, the membrane between the toes. Suggest thinking about what this membrane is for frogs. Observe, How frog swims, moving his hind legs.

Explain that frog amphibian animal (lives in water and on land).

Where do they sleep? frogs all winter?

What are they doing? frogs in spring?

Who hatches from eggs frogs?

When can you hear the first singing? frogs?

Physical education minute: "Dance frog» . (Children repeat the movements after the leading girls).

What sounds are made frogs?

(Sound analysis of the word "kwa".)

Invite you to come up with riddles-descriptions about frog, paying attention to structure, color, movement, nutrition.

The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

And a mosquito and a fly. (Frog)

Specify what frog useful animal, it destroys mosquitoes and flies, it must be protected.

Invite the children to make paper homemade frogs.

(cm. "Wonderful paper crafts" Z. A. Bogateeva, p. 26).

Krasnodar region

Municipal entity Tuapse district

Georgievskoe village

municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 12

My observations of frogs.

The work is prepared

4th grade student

Ponomarchuk Diana.

Teacher: Ponomarchuk Felimenna Adamovna

2012 -2013 academic year

Why did I start my observations?

Every year a bathtub was installed in the garden,

water was collected into it for irrigation. And in this water there were frogs.

I was interested in looking at the tadpoles.

What did I want to know?

1.How do baby frogs appear?

2.How long do they take to appear?

3.How many frogs will leave the water bath?

4. Find out more about such frogs from the Internet and books.

Total - 109 days.

I found out that the frog's name iscommon tree frog . I watched her climb perfectly on smooth vertical surfaces, Fine jumps and swims. She has interesting paws - with suction cups. I also learned that the female lays about 690-1870 eggs in several portions in the form of small lumps. I have seen such lumps, from a dozen in a bath to 40 eggs in a lump.
Adult tree frogpainted bright green.
Sizesmall: 3-4 cm.Lifespan: in nature - up to 12 years.
ABOUTThe tree frog lives in deciduous and mixed forests, meadows, river valleys, gardens and parks, and vineyards. The mountains rise up to 1500 m above sea level.
Part spends its life on trees, bushes or tall herbaceous plants, where it completely merges with the background on which it rests, and it can be difficult to notice. It readily inhabits the lower and middle tiers of the forest, rising to a height of about 2 m. The common tree frog leads a predominantly twilight and nocturnal lifestyle. At dusk it descends to the ground, bathes in dew or water and hunts. It spends the day motionless, attached to a leaf or simply to a tree trunk, grabbing prey flying by.Feedsground food (flea beetles, click beetles, leaf beetles, caterpillars, , flying insects). When catching prey, the common tree frog throws out a long sticky tongue, hitting the victim, and when capturing large prey, it pushes it into its mouth with the help of front paws
Tree frogs have enemies:(snakes), frogs, , animals of prey, birds. During the larval stage, many tadpoles die from predatory water beetles, larvae , predatory fish, newts and other inhabitants of water bodies.
Benefits for humans: Eats a huge number of insects.
The common tree frog has long been considered a harbinger of rain; this is especially visible before summer storms, when the color of its body instead of light green becomes dark green, dark gray or brown. Before a thunderstorm, but not always, tree frogs call more often and louder.
From the encyclopedia about animals and the Internet, I learned that at present the number of common tree frogs is gradually declining.

Threats to the species: loss of habitat (water pollution, deforestation, construction of hydraulic structures).
Currently, 6-8 subspecies are distinguished, of which 3 are found within our country.
A poison is released onto the skin of frogs - a peptide that is not dangerous to humans. After contact with a frog, it is advisable to wash your hands.
The common tree frog is listed in the International Red Book as a species with a low risk of extinction.

Interesting facts about tree frogs.

    Tree frogs are the smallest family of frogs. Tree frogs differ from other species by having widened discs on their toes that help them climb upward. Some species of tree frogs can “fly”. This is not flying in the full sense of the word, but planning. This ability allows tree frogs to escape from enemies; they can “fly away” to a distance of up to 12 meters.

    Frogs' vision is designed in such a way that they can look forward, sideways and up at the same time. They never close their eyes for long, even while sleeping.

    It should be noted that frogs use their eyes to swallow food. When a frog blinks, its eyeballs move downward, creating a bulge at the top of their mouth. This bulge compresses food and pushes it into the throat, which is located on the back.

    The most playful among frogs are Australian tree frogs, which are known as tree frogs. She is capable of jumping up to 1.7 meters.


    Eggs, larvae, tadpoles, frog - stages of frog birth.

    For a very long time - 109 days, I watched the appearance of the baby frogs. The baby frogs were small, no more than 1 cm, when they left their birthplace.

    There were a lot of eggs, it was impossible to count the baby frogs / exactly, more than 200 /, and only 12 frogs grew up.

    The whole family walked around the site with caution, but never small

We didn’t see any frogs.

I hope that my little frogs will grow up and sing their song for me.

Attached to the work:

1. Presentation “My observations of frogs” using author’s photographs / authors Diana Ponomarchuk and brother Dima /.

2012 -2013 academic year G.

Ulanova L. A., Jordan S. O. Methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting walks for children 3-7 years old.

Target- introduce the appearance of the frog, its movements.

Progress of the walk

Observation: Pay attention to the appearance of the frog, the color of its skin. Is it clearly visible among the grass? Is it easy to catch her? Tell them that frogs are useful animals and need to be protected. They destroy mosquitoes and flies. Ask older children to think about why the frog jumps and doesn’t run. Pay attention to the front and back legs (the back legs are longer than the front, which is why she jumps). She jumps on land and swims in water.

Poems on the topic:

jumping frog,
Ride to me without fear,
I won't offend you
I'll never knock.
Jump, jump, frog -
Green shirt
We must live
Without harming each other.

C. Rossetti

Very difficult
The humble frog
Living in a puddle
On the green edge.


Look, there are little frogs on the river,
Musical guys.
- Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! -
Everyone is singing songs.

P. Zolotoe Riddles
Summer in the swamp
You will find her
Green frog.
Who is this?

The little animal is jumping,
Not a mouth, but a trap.
Will fall into a trap
Both a mosquito and a fly.

Taras sits under the shore,
It’s okay to shout.

Didactic games

  • "Which frog?" The goal is to teach children to select relative adjectives.
  • “Who can name the most actions” - children select verbs that characterize the actions of the frog. The goal is to activate vocabulary verbs.

Exercise to develop fine motor skills of the hands

"Treat for the frog." Playing with sand - children “cook” porridge, “bake” Easter cakes for a frog.

Work (A) and individual physical exercise (B)

A. Make a grass house for the frog.
B. Jumping on two legs while moving forward. Outdoor games 1. "Musical guys" The goal is to teach how to perform movements without interfering with each other. Progress of the game. Two cords are laid out in parallel on the ground - this is a “river”. Here the frogs will "swim".

Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! (Children jump and say: “Kwa! Kwa!”) It's time for us to jump into the river.
Kwa! Kwa! Kwa! (Children “swim” and repeat: “Kwa!”
You can swim until the morning! Kwa!"
One, two, three! (Children “row” and repeat: “Kwa! Kwa!”)
Row with your paws!
Kwa! Kwa! (They jump out of the "river".)
It's time to go to shore!
Kwa! Kwa! (They “catch” mosquitoes.)
Catch the mosquito!

2."Jumpers." The goal is to teach children to jump on two legs while moving forward. Progress of the game. A circle is drawn on the ground. One of the players stands in the middle - he is a tag. At a signal, children jump over the line of the circle and, if there is no danger of being stained, continue jumping on two legs to the center of the circle. Participants in the game try to dodge the tag and jump out of the circle in time. Anyone caught becomes a tag.

Federal State Educational Institution
Higher professional education
"Vologda State Pedagogical University"


Topic: “Observations on the life of a frog (grass and sharp-faced)”

Faculty: Social work pedagogy and psychology
Direction: Pedagogical education
Profile: Primary education
Course: I (correspondence department)
Teacher: Kolesova Natalya Sergeevna
Student: Pavlova Elena Andreevna

Vologda 2012
Main part
Characteristics of the class, order of the amphibian family………….5-7
Features of biology and annual life cycle of herbal and
sharp-faced frog……………………………………………..... 8
Characteristics of the appearance and general structure of the frog………12
Observing the life of frogs in elementary school……………….13
Additional material for familiarization with the topic....................................15
List of references………………………………………………………...18

The primary school today is called upon to be persistent in educating a new generation, which has a special vision of the world as an object of constant concern. The formation of environmental consciousness is the most important task of primary education at the present time.
Outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children: Ya. A. Komensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will. K. D. Ushinsky was in favor of “leading children into nature” in order to tell them everything accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development
During school age, the foundations of environmental thinking, consciousness, ecological culture. But only under one condition - if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show the little person the beautiful world of nature, and help establish relationships with him. Working with schoolchildren in the classroom involves collaboration: co-creation of the teacher, student, and parents. Various topics of classes, conversations, excursions into nature will show their effectiveness: the level of environmental knowledge and environmentally correct attitude towards the natural world will help overcome the feeling of disgust towards amphibians. The frog is a symbol of hidden beauty. In Slavic mythology, the frog is associated primarily with fertility, moisture, and rain. She is the keeper of rivers, lakes, wells, the mistress of water.
Therefore, schoolchildren need to be enriched with knowledge about amphibians (grass frogs and sharp-faced frogs) and explained that small animals are defenseless, and they, that is, children, are stronger. At the same time, children’s attention should be focused not on their advantage, but rather try to evoke sympathy and a desire to protect animals. The child’s awareness of his position exalts him in his own eyes; he is stronger and smarter than other creatures, and therefore must take care of them.
Observation objectives:
1. Expand and deepen ideas about animals as representatives of living things in the natural world (about the diversity of external structure, about the main vital functions - nutrition, breathing, movement, growth, development, reproduction).
2.Expand knowledge about frogs, as representatives of the animal world, about their habitat.
3.Continue to teach children to use previously acquired knowledge when solving cognitive and practical problems:
4.Improve the level of accumulated practical skills.
5.Form a consciously correct attitude towards representatives of the animal world.

Characteristics of the class, order of the amphibian family.
Characteristics of the class amphibians.
Overkingdom: Eukaryotes (Eukaryota)
Kingdom: Animalia
Type: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Infratype: Gnathostomata
Superclass: Quadrupeds (Tetrapoda)
Class: Amphibians (Amphibia)
Subclass: Lissamphibia
Order: Tailless (Anura)
Suborder: Neobatrachia
Family: True frogs (Ranidae)
Genus: True frogs (Rana)
Species: Grass frog (Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758), sharp-faced frog
Class Amphibians, or amphibians (Amphibia) - limited in the possibilities of distribution due to imperfect adaptation to life on land) Amphibians are the first small group of vertebrate animals in terms of the number of species (2.1 thousand) that have mastered the terrestrial environment, but have retained a close connection with water. Distributed everywhere, but most widely found in regions with warm and humid climates. They live near bodies of water, represented by three orders (tailed, legless and tailless).
Amphibians descended from one of the groups of ancient freshwater lobe-finned fish - stegocephalians, which lived about 300 million years ago in swampy reservoirs. The most important adaptations that allowed amphibians to enter the terrestrial environment are associated with overcoming the force of gravity (gravity) and protecting the body from loss of moisture.
The characteristic features of the organization of amphibians are as follows:
1. The body is slightly flattened and is divided into a head, a trunk and two pairs of five-fingered limbs. A small group of amphibians have a tail.
2. The skin is thin, bare, moist, rich in mucous glands.
3. The skull is movably connected to the spine, which consists of four sections: cervical, trunk, sacral and caudal. The shoulder and pelvic girdles provide support for the limbs. The skeleton of the limbs is built like a system of movable levers, allowing the animal to move on a hard surface. There is a lot of cartilage in the skeleton.
4. The muscular system consists of individual differentiated muscles. The movements of different parts of the body are more varied than those of fish.
5. Amphibians are predators. They have developed salivary glands, the secretion of which moistens the mouth, tongue and food. Actively captured prey is digested in the stomach. The last section of the digestive canal is the dilated cloaca.
6. The respiratory organs of adult animals are skin and lungs; in larvae they are gills.
7. The heart is three-chambered. There are two circles of blood circulation: large (trunk) and small (pulmonary). Mixed blood flows through the arteries of the systemic circulation, and only the brain is supplied with arterial blood.
8. Excretory organs - paired trunk kidneys. Urine flows through two ureters into the cloaca, and from it into the bladder. The excreted end product of nitrogen metabolism is urea.
9. The forebrain of amphibians, compared to that of fish, is larger and is divided into two hemispheres. The cerebellum is less developed due to low mobility. The structure of the organs of hearing and vision is adapted to life on land. Amphibian larvae have a lateral line organ.
10. Fertilization is external, in water. Development with incomplete metamorphosis, with the stage of a fish-like larva.
Order anurans (anura)
Of all amphibians, this is the most highly organized and rich in the number of types of orders. Representatives of this order, various frog- and toad-like creatures with a large head and stocky body, are easily distinguished from other amphibians by the absence of a tail (which is reflected in the Russian and Latin names of the order). The tail is present only in larvae (tadpoles), which are completely different from adults, and disappears after metamorphosis.
Another name for these animals, which was widely used earlier and sometimes even now, Salientia (“jumping”), indicates their characteristic method of movement - by jumping, sometimes quite long.

Characteristics of the true frog family (Banidae)
One of the largest families of the order of tailless amphibians, uniting more than 550 species included in 45 genera. The extremely diverse amphibians of this family are characterized by the presence of teeth on the upper jaw, cylindrical, unexpanded (or slightly expanded) transverse processes of the sacral vertebra, and the absence of intercalary cartilages between the phalanges of the digits. The eastern hemisphere should be considered the probable center of origin of amphibians of this family, with Africa becoming the place of their greatest differentiation. Nowadays they are distributed throughout the world, with the exception of the Arctic regions, Australia and the extreme south of South America. The most extensive genus - true frogs (Rana) unites more than 200 species. This includes both very small species with a maximum body length of up to 30 mm, and the largest of the tailless amphibians - the goliath frog, reaching 326 mm.

2.Features of biology and annual life cycle
grass and sharp-faced frogs.

Annual cycle
Grass frog (Rana temporaria)
Pointy-faced frog
Preparation for reproduction, mating
Grass frogs reach sexual maturity in 2–3 years and emerge from wintering grounds in March–April. Already on the way to the reservoir, grass frogs begin to form pairs, and the males, while still on land, embrace the females (grass frogs can remain in a state of amplexus for quite a long time - up to three days). The mating vocalization of male grass frogs is a fairly loud but low rumbling, amplified by lateral internal paired resonators. Mating begins 2–10 days after arriving in a reservoir (the grass frog successfully tolerates low water temperatures.) Warmed areas of reservoirs are chosen for spawning.
They awaken from hibernation in mid or late April. Having appeared in ponds, they immediately begin mating vocalizations and mating.
Spawning sometimes takes place in the same reservoirs as the grass frog, but somewhat later and at a more high temperatures water – 10–15 °C. Males of the sharp-faced frog at this time acquire a soft blue or almost lilac color, which is often called the mating plumage. During this period, their calls merge into a barking-gurgling chorus, although the vocalization of an individual male resembles the dull cackling of a chicken, amplified by internal lateral resonators.
Childbirth and raising young animals
The clutch contains from 900 to 4000 eggs with a diameter of 2–3 mm. Sometimes up to 40–90 clutches accumulate in one reservoir. The development of eggs lasts from 5 to 25 days, and the later the eggs are laid, the faster they develop. Adult grass frogs do not show care for their offspring. Moreover, they are characterized by cannibalism (eating their smaller relatives). Normally, grass frog tadpoles develop in about three months. Among tadpoles, only 70% survive to the next stage of development (fingerlings).
In a clutch there are usually from 200 to 2000 eggs with a diameter of up to 2 mm (with swollen shells - up to 8 mm) in one or two egg lumps. Males actively defend the clutches, rushing at potential enemies. The development of eggs lasts 2–21 days, larvae - from a month to three (sometimes up to four), depending on temperature and other conditions. external factors. Typically, only less than 3% of frog eggs develop into fingerlings.
Preparing for winter
Grass frogs leave for the winter late (sometimes through snow and ice at an air temperature of 2 °C). An antifreeze substance (glycerol) dissolved in the blood helps them survive the cold. It lowers the freezing point of body fluids. Fingerlings, possessing amazing resistance to low temperatures, leave for the winter even later than adults.
Frogs go to wintering shelters (rodent holes, stumps, basements of buildings) already in the snow. Less commonly, sharp-faced frogs overwinter in a layer of silt in reservoirs. Occasionally they form wintering aggregations of 20–60 individuals.
Grass frogs overwinter at the bottom of reservoirs under overhanging banks in thickets of vegetation, under stones, in streams, ponds with spring water, in deep ditches, as a rule, with at least a slight current.
While in winter, the frog tucks its hind limbs and covers its head from above with its front ones, turning its palms outward, where bright pink blood vessels are clearly visible, the number of which is winter time increases. During this period, frogs are inactive, but are not deprived of the opportunity to feed. In reservoirs with poor aeration (that is, with stagnant water and covered with ice), frogs often die from a lack of oxygen in the water. Hibernation in this species of frogs lasts 180–200 days.
Sharp-faced frogs winter on land from October to April, under leaves, pine needles, piles of brushwood, and in rodent burrows.

grass frog
Motor activity: Active activity of the grass frog begins at dusk. In cloudy weather, frogs are often found during the day. And sometimes they can remain dormant in shelters for more than a day and not appear on the surface.
Habitat: In summer, grass frogs prefer to stay in dark mixed forests with a predominance of spruce. Unlike many other species, grass frogs are still quite common in forested areas. They prefer damp biotopes and often settle in coastal meadows, near springs, etc.
Lifespan:In natural conditions they live up to 17 years.
Pointy-faced frog
Habitat: In summer, sharp-faced frogs prefer light forests with a predominance of pine; they are also common in sphagnum bogs.
Lifestyle and nutrition: Frogs are not equally active during the day. They are most often found in the morning and evening, although in shady areas they can also be seen during the day. Usually during the daytime they hide among trees under stones and leaf litter or in thick grass. Sharp-faced frogs feed on various insects: beetles, caterpillars, mosquitoes, spiders, grasshoppers, caterpillars, and bedbugs. They hunt only for moving insects, instantly grabbing prey with a long sticky tongue. Large individuals are capable of swallowing a small lizard or even a frog.
Lifespan:In nature, representatives of this species live up to 5–9 years, although in captivity some individuals can live for 10–12 years.

Characteristics of the appearance and general structure of the frog.
General structure of the frog skeleton.

Characteristics of the appearance of the sharp-faced frog.
Dimensions - 4-6.5 cm. Its internal calcaneal tubercle is high, laterally compressed, and its muzzle is pointed. From above, this frog is hardly noticeable on the grass, as it has a grayish-brown color with dark spots and dots. A dark spot that stretches from the eye through the eardrum to the shoulder perfectly camouflages the eye of an amphibian when hunting. The throat of the sharp-faced frog is whitish, mostly with a marbled pattern. The belly is white or yellowish, in the vast majority of cases without spots. In spring, males develop a bright silver-blue coloration and their entire body becomes swollen and swollen. The general color tone of the sharp-faced frog depends on the weather. So, on a sunny day, these amphibians brighten significantly. Males have black or dark brown nuptial calluses on the thumb.