The concept of “defender of the Motherland” can be interpreted in different ways. Young soldiers are also called defenders Russian Army, both men and all military personnel. However, among them there are special category people who have made the defense of the borders of the Fatherland their profession and their life.

These are border guards - those who literally, without closing their eyes, monitor the inviolability of our borders. The glorious Russian border guard is worn by thousands of young guys and already experienced specialists. This title has lived in our country for almost a hundred years. Border guards are proud of their families, the country, and all of us. A separate holiday on May 28 is dedicated to the enormous work and courage of these people.

On this day, congratulations on Border Guard Day are accepted by everyone who serves or has once served in the troops guarding Russian cordons. Mothers, fathers, and families of border guards convey congratulations to their loved ones. Border guards who have already served meet and exchange funny cards, short humorous poems, jokes. On this day, solemn congratulations on Border Guard Day in prose are heard from the government and from the leaders of the regions of Russia. The whole country congratulates its permanent defenders of our peace and guarantors of a peaceful sky.

Cool congratulations on Border Guard Day on May 28, 2018 to the guys who served in verse

A sense of humor helps a border guard cope with stress and the constant pressure of work. Anyone who knows the costs of constant concentration, vigilance and observation of minimal changes around will understand why “border guards” value rest, humor and relaxation so much. Jokes and cool congratulations Happy Border Guard Day to each other - best way relieve stress.

You took care of yours
You served at the border,
And today he deserves it
Thirty congratulations! I want to wish you
There is only positivity in life,
Always be on top
Let troubles pass by!

One morning, at dawn,
The border guard went out into the garden,
There are two dushmans at the net,
Grapes are harvested.

He blushes, he turns pale,
I wanted to give in to them
But he spun them in a second,
Our border detachment.

These are the guys, that's how it is,
Be a brave border guard
And believe on this day,
I’m not too lazy to congratulate you!

Put on your cap quickly
And quickly grab your phone!
Make an appointment with all your colleagues,
Border guard's day - here it is!

Don't forget to take your guitar with you,
After all, there’s nowhere without your song!
And give those around you some heat:
To remember the day forever.

May you be surrounded today
Only better lives Friends,
Only best girls near,
Live this day for yourself!

The best congratulations on Border Guard Day to your beloved man in verse

Almost every border guard who is serving or has already served has a woman closest to him - a mother, wife, sister, friend. They are the ones who worry and worry about the guys who vigilantly guard our cordons more than anyone else. On Border Guard Day, they send congratulations to their loved ones.

Border Guard Day in spring
And on the border with summer!
Let the joys flow like a river,
And happiness is a bright light!

May luck be with you
Always - both day and night,
I'm proud of you, my hero,
I love you very much!!!

You are protecting my peace,
My border guard, knight, my hero.
You stand up for me like a mountain.
And I don’t know a better hero.

Today, on holiday, I want to wish
Not only the sky is bright blue,
Not only more mercies from God,
But also get your star from heaven!

Darling, you serve on the border,
Which means he is an honest person,
You are truly on friendly terms with our law,
Let this verse, like a talisman, protect you during the service,
Will bring you good luck
I wish you real service,
Don't forget - the bride is waiting.

Solemn and official congratulations on Border Guard Day in prose to colleagues

The responsibility that lies on the shoulders of Russian border guards is incredibly great. They are the ones who make sure that the enemy does not penetrate our country either from the air, from the land, or from the sea. Hundreds of terrorist threats were prevented precisely thanks to the attention and vigilance of Russian border guards. The defenders of our borders accept solemn congratulations on Border Guard Day in prose. Words of gratitude are heard from the government, the media, and military units.

Not everyone has the honor of standing as a reliable guard at the border, and those who are proudly called border guards carry out their service with dignity and honor. The peace and tranquility of the country depends on them, on the brave border guards, therefore, on their holiday, on the day of the border guard, all citizens honorably congratulate everyone who was and is in the border service! Border guards today receive wishes to always remain persistent, firm, soldiers loyal to the oath and the Motherland! Let your service make your family and friends proud, and let not a single enemy pass through our borders, thanks to you! Happy Border Guard Day guys!

So that the native country can sleep peacefully, brave and brave guys - border guards - perform their service at the border. They steadfastly and vigilantly monitor the border of the Fatherland and of course deserve to hear today on their holiday - Border Guard Day sincere words Thank you very much for your service! Let these guys always have peace of mind for their people and their Fatherland, let every border guard know that it is he who ensures security and peace in the state, and of course, let them feel the sincere gratitude of their citizens for their hard work, for their worthy service! Happy Border Guard Day, our dears!

Russia has more neighbors than any other country. And they are not always peaceful. Therefore, the service of a border guard is honorable. You need to know how to use the latest technology and find an approach to the dog, know languages ​​and be a psychologist, have endurance and use a weapon as a sniper.

Sincere congratulations on Border Guard Day to dad in verse

Border Guard Day is celebrated in Russia on May 28. It was on this warm spring day that the most sincere congratulations our wonderful warrior-defenders receive from loved ones, friends, leadership, and ordinary citizens.

The twenty-eighth of May has arrived...
Wearing a green attribute,
Listening to the raging spring,
Border guards are walking around the world...
Yes, this is forever! It's sacred
And the city cannot be avoided
Traditional parade!
Happy Border Guard Day, guys!
After all, you are still the same! Keep it up!

Happy Border Guard Day! This is fate
And you owe her good luck.
Let her continue to support
Opening up all the possibilities at once!

So that the bright sun gives warmth,
And the sky, flowing down the roofs,
The rain knocked on your window
And it became lighter and closer.

Let everything that you have gone through light up in your soul -
Warm yourself with good hope!
Remain yourself, be true to fate
And you will become more cheerful than before!

Oh, how many years have passed since then
When in the heat, and in the rain, and in the cold,
You didn’t take your eyes off the borders,
Carrying out responsible service!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy Day of Brave Border Guards,
May good luck lie ahead
Every day brings peace!

Let health embrace you,
And happiness will give you a hand forever,
May joy surround you now
The soul of a huge man!

Short congratulations, SMS and poems on Border Guard Day to dad, colleagues, friends who served

“Border guards” are people who do not tolerate relaxation or loss of time. Even on their professional holiday, most of the guys do not leave the service, continuing to fulfill their duty and their work: protecting the state borders of Russia. Send to your dear border guards short congratulations in SMS or read a short verse over the phone, the website writes. These can be funny, sincere and parting words: choose for yourself.

Congratulations, friend, congratulations,
Happy truly May day,
On border guard's day I wish you
Always be the first, in everything!

You served, you paid your debt to the country,
Valiantly defending the borders,
Never stay away
Remember the life of the page with honor!

The border is always under control
The enemy will definitely not get through here.
To the border guards today
Special honor from everyone.

Congratulations on your day,
Be vigilant always
Under your valiant protection
The whole country sleeps peacefully.

Strength, wisdom, strength, tranquility,
Always enjoy your service.
Let your wife be a faithful stronghold at home,
And the work often rewards me with a bonus,
Brings you joy and will be easy.
Today is Happy Border Guard Day!

On May 28, congratulations on Border Guard Day become support for those who vigilantly guard the integrity of our borders. Don't forget to congratulate your loved ones on the holiday. Let yours kind words in prose they will help serve the children. The “border guards” who have served can take great pleasure in playing pranks on each other on this day: a joke, funny short poems and messages to young border guards will amuse the current border defenders.

Even though it’s peacetime now, the border guard is always on duty. In any weather, day or night, he closely guards the cordons of his native country. We live peacefully because we know, thanks to the border guards, that the world is under control, and there is no reason to worry. Dear border guards, today is your holiday. Let me express my gratitude for your service. We wish everyone good health, good luck, and great love. May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil. Let love for the Motherland be limitless.

Border guards, the Motherland has entrusted you with protecting the world and protecting the cordons from uninvited guests. After all, even in peacetime you are like in war. In the service, under no circumstances should you allow yourself to make mistakes. We are grateful to you for everything. Today is border guard day. Let there be peace and quiet at the border. May fireworks thunder in your honor on this day. May God grant you good luck, health and joy. Let them come true cherished dreams. Let all sorrows and anxieties disappear like melt water. We wish you success and good luck in everything.

We all know well that border troops are the most important branch of the military. After all, border guards protect the peace and tranquility of our vast Motherland. Under a close gaze, even a bird will not fly unnoticed at the border. Congratulations on your holiday, dear border guards. We wish you a long and happy life, peaceful service. Always be an example for everyone. We wish you progress up the career ladder higher and higher. Let everything in your life work out as well as possible. May God grant you success, joy and peace.

The border guard is the shield of our state, the threat of all enemies. You stand at your post all the time, tirelessly and sleeplessly, defending our Motherland. We call you heroes, because only you the country trusts and hopes for. Today is your holiday. May luck beckon you every day, may your children laugh. May there always be prosperity in your home. Let the sun shine peacefully, warming you with its rays. Strive for your goals with dignity, avoid crooked paths, but only follow the right path you have chosen. May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil.

The border guard performs a difficult service, guarding the borders of our country. Your profession is always held in high esteem; it is the profession of real men. We are confident that the cordons of the Motherland are in good hands, and there is no reason to worry. Happy Border Guard Day to all brave soldiers. We wish you peaceful skies, happiness and health. Let the high feeling of patriotism never leave you. Let us raise glasses full of wine to you, our valiant warriors. May there be only peaceful victories in your life. May the bird of happiness often fly to your home.

Border guards monitor order on the border of the state. They do their work not for the sake of glory, it is simply their duty to their Motherland. Today is the holiday of border guards. We wish you all optimism, good luck and peaceful victories. Let only reliable friends meet on your life’s path, because a friend’s shoulder is so necessary in the service. We wish you good health, personal happiness, and great success. May your dreams always come true, may all bad weather pass by. May your home be full, and may peace and tranquility always reign in your family.

Border guards are responsible for the peace of our borders. The outpost always requires attention and diligence. You have the honor of protecting every meter of your native expanses. Today is your holiday, dear soldiers and guards. We sincerely wish you good health, happiness in your personal life and peaceful skies above your head. May the guiding star always accompany you, may luck knock on your home. Let good mood and your sense of humor never leaves you. May you always be surrounded by reliable and true friends. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and beautiful love.

Congratulations for the border guard: In verse | Short

Congratulations on Border Guard Day and I want to wish you to remember your years of service with a smile and a sense of pride, to show patience, courage, strength, intelligence and courage in any matter in life. Let there be faithful comrades nearby, let the borders of the Motherland and personal well-being always remain under reliable protection.

Happy Border Guard Day! I wish your life to be bright and clean, bright and happy. Let the time that was given to the service remain in memory and make you proud of yourself. Happy holiday!

Your job is done, your debt to the Motherland has been repaid, and the memories of your service on the border will forever remain in your heart. I wish you frequent meetings with comrades, I wish you confident positions in any business, I wish you stability in life and confidence in the future, I wish you absolute peace on the borders of the Fatherland.

Congratulations to the wonderful people who gave their debt to their Motherland, valiantly guarding its borders and borders. We wish that your heroic courage will be passed on to the next generations of border guards. So that your experience, courage, and dedication become not only an example for the young, but also the foundation of a strong defense that will withstand any onslaught of the enemy. Happy Border Guard Day!

Congratulations on Border Guard Day and I want to wish you to always be proud that service on the border allowed you to become a strong and courageous defender of the Motherland. I wish you never to forget about the code of honor, I wish you never to leave a comrade in trouble, I wish you not to let the enemy approach the borders of the happiness of your heart and soul.

Congratulations on Border Guard Day and I would like to wish you to remember how it was, with what pride and honor your heart devoted the days of courage and bravery to faithful service. I wish that heroes like you serve on the border; I wish that no one should be allowed to violate the boundaries of your happiness and hopes.

You paid your debt to the Motherland, you performed hard service, you were guardians of the borders of the Fatherland. We congratulate you, brave guys, on Border Guard Day and wish you to always remain lively, courageous, vigilant, attentive, courageous, smart, inventive, invulnerable and strong men. May the boundaries of your personal life always be under the reliable protection of prosperity and good luck.

Happy Border Guard Day, brave guys, real men who paid their debt to the Motherland, who became more confident, courageous, stronger and more responsible. We wish you, dear border guards, to always remain people of honor and pride, perseverance and courage. Let not a single enemy violate the borders of the Fatherland, let not a single envious person penetrate the borders of your happiness. Health to you, men, success, victories, true friendship and love!

I sincerely congratulate you on the border guard's holiday! And let neither state nor personal borders ever be violated by anyone! Incredible success and mind-blowing prosperity!

Happy Border Guard Day! I wish you to strictly protect your personal boundaries from anger, resentment and disappointment. And let happiness, love, prosperity and health receive a lifetime pass for the smooth passage of your life’s milestones.

Let attentiveness, keen eyes and developed intuition They don’t let you down either during the day or, especially, at night. After all, your every success is the key to the general peace of the country. Good luck, border guard!

Happy Border Guard Day! And may all contraband be found and seized, violators stopped and punished, and salaries revised and increased based on exceptional, incredible merit!

On Border Guard Day, I wish you recognition for exceptional, responsible and superbly done work, which will undoubtedly lead to the desired wealth, incredible success and well-deserved pride!

On the day of the border guard, I wish you, valiant warriors, good spirits, good health, high spirits and inexhaustible optimism. Let your smiles give us confidence, and your victories give us peace and tranquility. Happy holiday!

Our dear border guard! When going to work, do not forget to take optimism and vigilance with you, let them, like two reliable wings, help you in your work so that the career ladder can be climbed easily and naturally.

Dear border guard! Your military duty is to guard the peace of your beloved country and its respectable citizens. You carry it with honor. May your keen eyes know no fatigue, and may happiness always live in your valiant heart!

Congratulations on an amazing holiday - Border Guard Day! And may rare valor, incredible conscience and inspiring justice always triumph, and not just on holidays! Good luck!

A border guard is honor, courage and strength; he is a serviceable, reliable castle on the borders of our country. On your professional day, I wish you to have the highest degree of health throughout your life, to always remain in in the best mood and be incredibly happy.

We congratulate you, our warriors, defenders of the borders of the Motherland, on your professional holiday. We are proud of you and wish you unshakable health and military excellence, peaceful dawns, successful days and sunsets that bring harmony. Honor and glory to you!

A border guard is a person who, one way or another, deserves immense respect. There is not much in the lives of our military professional holidays, so you should encourage each of these celebrations with your attention. If this happens, the guys with the organization will probably figure it out themselves. They will celebrate, and have fun, and remember the old times. But, believe me, their tough and courageous hearts can melt instantly, as soon as the people they love begin to read out their congratulations to them.

You have several options here. You can simply express your emotions and wishes, you can do this, or you can use prose. In this section of the Vlio website you will be offered exactly the last option, that is beautiful congratulations Happy Border Guard Day in prose. We have tried to put together the most diverse, unusual and original collection of congratulations so that you really have plenty to choose from.

Take several options or just one, congratulate, give pleasure and receive it in return. Together with the ready congratulations offered to you from our side, this will be as simple as possible.

Happy Border Guard Day! You have chosen a courageous profession, and it suits you very well. A handsome man, brave, athletic, young and strong. This is how a defender of the borders of our Motherland should be! Thank you for your service! May God protect you, may your superiors appreciate you, may your friends respect you. I wish you good health, love and harmony in your family, and that you have enough money for everything you want.

Congratulations on mobile

Please accept congratulations, dad, on Border Guard Day and know that you and I are always guarding peace and tranquility in our home, love and tranquility in our souls. For a strong and reliable friendship, we will become an indestructible mountain for anyone, all together!

Border guards, the Motherland has entrusted you with protecting the world and protecting the cordons from uninvited guests. After all, even in peacetime you are like in war. In the service, under no circumstances should you allow yourself to make mistakes. We are grateful to you for everything. Today is border guard day. Let there be peace and quiet at the border. May fireworks thunder in your honor on this day. May God grant you good luck, health and joy. Let your cherished dreams come true. Let all sorrows and anxieties disappear like melt water. We wish you success and good luck in everything.

Happy Border Guard Day! On your holiday, I wish that the service brings pleasure! May vigilance never leave you and your colleagues, may peace and quiet always reign at the border, and may no one ever risk encroaching on the borders of our native country. I wish you good luck, joy and love in your personal life, and also a great mood!

Son, my little blood, my glorious protector, my sun, I congratulate you on the day of the border guard and I wish that all your worries were only training, blank shots, that there were tears in your eyes only from joy, and that the commanders became friends. May you repay your debt to your Motherland with dignity and return home healthy and unharmed!

The border guard is the shield of our state, the threat of all enemies. You stand at your post all the time, tirelessly and sleeplessly, defending our Motherland. We call you heroes, because only you the country trusts and hopes for. Today is your holiday. May luck beckon you every day, may your children laugh. May there always be prosperity in your home. Let the sun shine peacefully, warming you with its rays. Strive for your goals with dignity, avoid crooked paths, but only follow the right path you have chosen. May the Lord protect you from troubles and evil.

I congratulate you and your colleagues on Border Guard Day! Be persistent, strong and resilient, because we count on you! We say a huge thank you to everyone who protects our peace of mind every day and every night!

Border guards monitor order on the border of the state. They do their work not for the sake of glory, it is simply their duty to their Motherland. Today is the holiday of border guards. We wish you all optimism, good luck and peaceful victories. Let only reliable friends meet on your life’s path, because a friend’s shoulder is so necessary in the service. We wish you good health, personal happiness, and great success. May your dreams always come true, may all bad weather pass by. May your home be full, and may peace and tranquility always reign in your family.