With the advent of disposable diapers, the life of young parents has become significantly easier. Indeed, the number of diapers and onesies that need to be washed has sharply decreased, but what can we say about the benefits of using them while walking and traveling on public transport? Of course, the practical side of diapers is difficult to overestimate, but opinions are often heard from both ordinary mothers and grandmothers, and doctors that there are very serious harms of diapers. Is this really so, and what do experts think about this? Let's try to consider what diapers are: harm or benefit?

Diapers: harm and benefit

A lot can be said about the benefits of disposable diapers, but we can limit ourselves to their main advantage: it is convenient. Today, the choice of disposable diapers on the shelves of stores and pharmacies is very large: Pampers, Huggies, Libero and many, many other companies produce waterproof clothing for children of all ages: from birth and older. But what could be the harm behind diapers?

Skin doesn't breathe

Many argue that by putting a diaper on a baby, we deprive his skin of air flow, in other words, his skin does not “breathe.” Manufacturers of the most modern diapers, on the contrary, emphasize that their products are created in a special way so that, while not allowing liquid to pass through, they simultaneously allow air to penetrate the baby’s skin.

The secret lies in the structure of a disposable diaper: its shell is permeated with millions of microscopic pores that easily allow air to pass through and can also remove fumes from the baby’s feces, making the inner surface in contact with the skin drier. In any case, diapers are not intended to be worn forever - depending on the type, they can be worn for a certain amount of time, after which they need to be replaced. Also, after each trip to the toilet “in a big way”, the diaper must be changed, having first washed and dried the baby’s skin. Failure to follow hygiene rules and change diapers can lead to.

Diapers are healthier than diapers

Many mothers categorically declare that being in diapers, which are a natural material, is much more beneficial than keeping the baby in a diaper. In fact, the situation is not quite like that, or not at all like that. The main task of the diaper is to eliminate or minimize skin contact with a wet surface that can irritate the baby’s skin. At the same time, modern diapers perfectly absorb a large amount of liquid, while the diaper immediately gets wet and comes into contact with the baby until it is replaced, and it is not always the mother who can quickly notice an “accident.”

Myths about the dangers of diapers

There are several other serious myths about the dangers of diapers, which, fortunately, have nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Often the “carriers” of such myths are grandmothers, who, at one time, were deprived of such a useful accessory.

Legs become crooked in diapers

There is an opinion that when wearing disposable diapers from birth, the baby’s legs can become bent. In fact, the harm of diapers in the curvature of the legs is an ordinary fiction, often spread by adherents of swaddling newborns.

On the contrary, bowed legs in babies can be caused by certain diseases (rickets) that have nothing to do with wearing a diaper.

Potty training difficulties

Another “grandmother’s” misconception is that diapers will complicate the process of potty training your baby. In fact, a diaper does not affect the difficulty of a child learning to use the potty - this process always causes a number of difficulties for parents and the more consciously the child learns to relieve himself in the potty, the better. Many pediatricians, on the contrary, believe that potty training children at a very early, unconscious age can subsequently result in much bigger problems: bedwetting.

Serious harm from diapers - myth or reality?

There are several other basic myths about the dangers of diapers that are even more frightening. They are associated with the health of male and female reproductive organs, while in the press and media we can often hear about any research by scientists proving the veracity of the myths. In reality, the situation is a little different. Let's figure it out.

According to this myth, constant use of diapers for boys leads to subsequent impotence and infertility. In fact, data from all kinds of studies do not provide any basis for asserting this.

The main argument about the dangers of diapers for boys is the increase in scrotal temperature. Some studies conducted on adult men indicate a decrease in sperm activity with a significant increase in scrotal temperature, but there are several nuances that do not allow us to say that disposable diapers are truly dangerous.

With the advent of a newborn baby, especially if it is the first-born, a young mother faces a lot of questions about care, feeding, and education. The controversy surrounding diapers is another exciting topic.

  1. Does keeping a child in a diaper for a long time have a harmful effect ()?
  2. Up to what age can diapers be used and when is the best time to potty train a child?

This article is based on my own experience and the experience of other mothers, and I hope it will help you resolve your doubts about diapers.

Pros and cons of diapers

Being in an “interesting situation,” I studied a lot of literature on this topic and decided for myself that I would not keep my future baby in a diaper all the time, but use it only on walks, when going to the clinic, and at night. The most compelling arguments against the continued use of disposable diapers were the following:

  • Constantly wearing a diaper can cause the extinction of the innate genitourinary reflex, and, as a result, a significant decrease in bladder volume;
  • Continuous stay of a baby (especially a boy) in a diaper can cause overheating of the genitals and adversely affect his reproductive abilities;
  • Children who are constantly in diapers are very difficult to potty train.

Moreover, I was very interested in when my baby would start asking to go to the potty on his own.

Raising a child without disposable diapers is possible, but is it as economical as some mothers think?

Disadvantage of a reusable diaper

Reusable diapers, in my opinion, are a relic of the past. Can't imagine what it looks like? A diaper folded 4 times, put on the child like panties and secured with pins(!). There are even several options for folding and wearing a reusable diaper.

Perhaps someone has adapted to this option, but I couldn’t. The diaper gets confused, does not stay on the bottom and, worst of all, it is wet all the time. At the end of the day there is a pile of wet, often pooped, diapers and the same number of wet panties. However, all this heap of dirty laundry needs to be washed by hand with baby soap, bleached for 6 hours in oxygen bleach, rinsed, and then machine washed in a full program, dried in a well-ventilated area and ironed on both sides (!).

Are you really capable of such heroism as to perform these actions every day? Add to this the characteristic smells throughout the apartment.

If you don’t wear a disposable diaper at all, but only a blouse and rompers, then the situation will not be much different: the same pile of dirty laundry and daily laundry.

This is how our grandmothers and mothers raised their children, and this is how you, dear readers of the article, grew up in wet diapers.

About disposable diapers

Someone will object: disposable diapers are expensive. But if you calculate the cost of electricity, washing powder, depreciation of the washing machine and your strength, then, believe me, diapers will cost less. The benefits of using this small benefit of civilization become obvious and undeniable.

And now I will give the most important argument in defense of disposable diapers. Many mothers try to get their children to sit on the potty as early as possible, but despite all efforts, children begin to ask on their own at about 2 years of age (give or take six months). It is at this age that children mature and can control their urges, that is, be patient a little. It happens that babies ask to use the potty by the time they are 1 year old, but this is an exception to the rule.

Let me give you the example of a friend of mine who was proud that her daughter grew up without a single “diaper” and washed all her diapers by hand (!) because she took care of it. washing machine. At what age do you think her child began to consistently ask to go to the potty? After two and a half years!

What is the difference between children who were raised without diapers and children who grew up “dry”?

Parents try to potty train children who are raised without disposable diapers from six months of age. As a result, they understand its purpose and do “their business” there when planting it, but they don’t ask to use the potty themselves. Often children carry a potty or point a finger towards the toilet, but only “after the fact”.

Children growing up in diapers most often resist being planted and are even afraid of the potty. It is indeed a little more difficult to toilet train such children. In any case, potty training children is a long process. Be patient and use washing powder. ()

At what age is the best time to potty train a child?

Experts advise starting after a year: 1.2-1.6. But it’s worth introducing your baby to the potty when the baby starts: at 6-7 months. This way he will understand the purpose of this item and will not resist planting in the future. By putting your little one on the potty immediately after sleep, after meals and walks, you can save 2-3 diapers a day.

Diapers - both for and against them have been spoken out since their invention by both specialists and parents of newborn toddlers. And although it would be more correct to call them diapers, the original nickname “diapers” has become so firmly ingrained in the consciousness that products from any manufacturer are already called in the old fashioned way. Undoubtedly, diapers greatly facilitate working days and sleepless nights for mothers and provide babies with maximum comfort. However, those who appreciate the benefits of disposable pads for some reason prefer a mountain of washing when it comes to a child. Let's figure it out, are diapers as harmful as the rumors reaching us make them out to be?

The inability to restrain its natural needs characterizes any newborn child. Therefore, there were analogs of “diapers” at all times, among various nationalities. Their type and material of manufacture depended on climatic conditions, religious and other traditions. In countries with hot climates, children's genitals were mostly left open, which allowed the diapers to dry faster. The children of the desert were dressed in some kind of sand diapers that absorbed moisture. The nomadic peoples of the north came closest to the modern invention: they placed compressed moss diapers on their newborns, which had excellent absorbency and separated from the baby’s skin in the form of a dense mass as it was filled.

Middle-class mothers used reusable rags, which were continuously soaked, washed, dried and ironed, and again placed between children's legs in the form of diapers. The problems this cycle creates are obvious:

  • The baby’s “pees” reach several dozen times a day, so you need to have a huge supply of rags, a place to dry them and time for washing and ironing;
  • night awakenings plague women who are forced to frequently get up, wash, and change babies;
  • It’s impossible to take a long walk with your child, and getting ready for a walk turns into a nightmare when you don’t have time to dress the baby and he’s already wet.

Surprisingly, the world owes the invention of diapers to a man. The deepest love for his work, family and, of course, for himself pushed Victor Mills, a chemical technologist at the famous company Procter & Gamble, in the 50s of the last century to try to make the everyday life of mothers drowning in an endless series of washing and ironing reusable diapers. He experienced all the difficulties women experience when caring for newborns “on his own skin,” caring for his young grandchildren. The first experiments with diapers packed in plastic panties were carried out on them. It is clear that the idea of ​​​​packing the most delicate skin in plastic was not the most successful, and diapers went through a number of transformations before they were put into mass production. Then, in 1961, the topic of whether they were harmful was not even raised, because hundreds of parents of boys and girls appreciated the advantages of diapers compared to reusable models.

Now the production of diapers has been put into production by various manufacturing companies. High competition forces them to constantly improve their products. At the same time, thematic debates began to arise about whether diapers are harmful for boys, and myths began to multiply that wearing diapers provokes various harms for children's health. Misconceptions are debunked by E. S. Keshishyan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Research Institute of Pediatrics and Children’s Surgery in Moscow.

The most burning question for mothers is: “Is it harmful for boys to wear diapers?” The doctor replies that research results do not confirm the creation of the so-called “greenhouse effect” when wearing modern models disposable diapers. There is also no confirmed negative effect on blood flow in the testicles of boys, an increased risk of genitourinary infections and pressure on the genitals, leading to masturbation. The professor noted that tight swaddling and lack of hygiene when using gauze pads have a much greater negative impact on boys than wearing disposable diapers.

Myths surround not only boys, but also little representatives of the fairer sex. Opponents argue that diapers are harmful because they lead to infections or gender identity disorders. Numerous studies indicate that there is no significant connection between wearing diapers and diseases genitourinary system girls, and issues of sexual identification generally relate to the field of genetics and social environment. Among the myths, one can also note the idea that the harm of diapers extends to the condition of the legs of boys or girls and to the speed of their potty training. E. S. Keshishyan, Dr. Komarovsky and orthopedic specialists deny the involvement of diapers in the curvature of children’s legs and even note their benefits for the prevention of early hip dysplasia in children. But diapers influence the speed of training to send their needs to a specially designated place: children are potty trained not reflexively, but consciously, respectively, a little later.

Those who ask whether diapers are harmful for boys are unlikely to be familiar with their modern design. Behind the outer primitive structure of diapers lies complex technology that is constantly being improved by developers to ensure dryness, softness, anatomical conformity and comfort. Now you can find specimens with Velcro or elastic bands, which are easy to put on even in public places. Disposable briefs usually consist of the following parts:

  1. an outer “breathable” porous layer that provides air flow to the baby’s skin and “locks” excess liquid, preventing it from escaping;
  2. an internal soft layer with good permeability, directly adjacent to the baby’s skin;
  3. the thinnest conductive layer ensuring uniform distribution of liquid throughout the diaper. Thanks to this layer, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of lumps that create discomfort for the baby;
  4. an absorbent layer capable of retaining huge amounts of moisture by turning it into a gel;
  5. an additional barrier in the area around the baby’s legs;
  6. fasteners that make it so convenient.

The safety of diapers is determined by numerous clinical tests for allergenicity, toxicity, mutagenicity and other potential harm to boys and girls. With such strict requirements, we can say with confidence that the products are absolutely not harmful to the health of children. However, the approach of the parents themselves plays a big role: selection correct size and timely change of an overfilled diaper, or girls when changing panties and regular air baths. Of course, you can argue further, even after all the facts in defense of diapers, or make a decision about comfort for yourself and your baby. The choice is yours!

IN modern family When you have a baby, it is quite difficult to imagine life without diapers. They allow you to raise a child in comfort, primarily for the parents themselves. It is convenient to walk with the baby in it, visit the clinic, and the baby sleeps better at night in a high-quality diaper than without it. However, society has not yet come to a consensus on the balance of harm and benefit of diapers. The famous doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky talks about how to treat diapers and how to use them correctly.


Baby diapers, in the sense in which they are perceived now, became widespread in Russia in the late 90s. Until this time, diapers were gauze triangular, and in families who were incredibly lucky, children grew up in reusable diapers - cellophane panties with buttons, into which ordinary gauze pads were inserted.

Today on the shelves of pharmacies, children's stores and regular supermarkets there are huge selection these hygiene items are disposable. There are both universal diapers and those designed separately for boys and girls. In addition, they differ in size (based on the minimum and maximum weight baby), as well as in style - they come with Velcro, in the form of panties. All these parameters must be indicated on the packaging.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Evgeniy Komarovsky believes that diapers are a useful thing not so much for the child himself, but for his mother, who after childbirth needs to have a good rest and recovery, and not stand for hours over a basin with dirty diapers that need urgent washing.

The doctor advises not to take into account the opinions of representatives of the older generation who raised their children without disposable panties, since they are often not supported by any reasonable arguments about why it is healthier for a baby to pee and poop in a diaper.

Parents who have chosen disposable diapers as a hygiene product for their child should remember several important rules:

  • Temperature regime. If, thanks to the efforts of the grandmother and mother, the room where the baby is growing is always warm and even hot (above 25 degrees), then the baby will be more than uncomfortable in a diaper. This will lead to diaper rash, contact dermatitis and a host of other unpleasant skin manifestations of sweating. To the best of your ability, you need to maintain the temperature in the room at 18-20 degrees, no more. In the midst of the summer heat, it is better not to put diapers on your child while he is awake.
  • Duration of use. Some parents get so used to their baby wearing diapers that they “forget” to take them off in time. If the mother has already recovered after childbirth, and there is washing machine And hot water, you should not keep your baby in a diaper all the time. As soon as the baby starts sitting, you can hold him over the potty, and at the same time you can learn to “catch” the moments when he wants to go to the toilet. You can wean your child from peeing in a diaper at night in his sleep a little later, when he learns to pee and poop in a potty during the day.
  • Caution in case of illness. If the baby's temperature rises above 38 degrees, Dr. Komarovsky recommends not wearing a diaper. It covers about a third of the child’s body area; heat exchange will be disrupted in high heat.
  • Hygiene. Change your panties as often as the situation requires. Definitely - after each bowel movement and as you fill - the rest of the time.

About the dangers of diapers

Komarovsky calls all existing studies by supposedly authoritative world scientists about the dangers of diapers unproven, because the arguments presented in the publications do not correspond to the theory of evidence-based medicine. In particular, the probability of diaper rash and dermatitis in disposable panties is approximately equal to the similar probability in diapers. Moreover, for children growing up in diapers, and from time to time (in their sleep) lying in these wet diapers, the likelihood of developing skin problems on the bottom increases significantly.

Quite often, opponents of children's disposable diapers talk about them negative impact on the health of boys - allegedly, the scrotum overheats, as a result of which the quality of sperm decreases, which leads to male infertility in adulthood. Indeed, the number of infertile men is constantly growing, and today about 15% of the stronger sex are unable to have their own children for health reasons. However, it is stupid to blame diapers for this, says Evgeny Komarovsky.

Factors that influence the reproductive function of men are ecology, bad habits, previous infectious diseases (such as mumps), but definitely not disposable diapers.

And here's why: Leydig cells, which are located in the testicles, are responsible for the production of male sex hormones. But until the age of 7-8 they practically do not work and are activated only on the eve of puberty.

Sperm as such begins to be produced in a boy’s body at the earliest by the age of 10-11 years, but at this age boys no longer wear diapers. Thus, to the question of whether they are harmful for boys, the answer is quite simple - you cannot harm what is not there. Sperm is not produced, the mechanism is not running, which means there is no harm from the extra degree that the diaper will add to the temperature of the testicles.

For those especially in doubt, Evgeniy Komarovsky provides the following data: in order to reduce sperm motility, you need to expose the scrotum to temperatures above 45 degrees for several days. In this case, the man will not be infertile, his sperm will simply have a lower speed when moving, and this does not deprive him of the opportunity to become a dad. The temperature of the scrotum of a boy who is growing in gauze and a diaper is about 34-34.5 degrees. If a child wears disposable panties, the scrotal temperature is 36 degrees. As you can see, that very 45 degrees at which a slight change in sperm quality occurs is a long way off.

Typically, disposable panties are made from materials that, on the contrary, have an absorbent effect; they absorb moisture rather than accumulate it like a greenhouse.

Diapers must be of high quality and safe. Typically, such properties of their products are guaranteed by “promoted” brands. Yes, such panties are not cheap, but there are fewer complaints about them. In pursuit of saving the family budget, it is much worse to buy an unknown creation of Chinese industry (or even an underground workshop). Such “authors” do not guarantee you that they have chosen environmentally friendly materials, and therefore the risk of allergies and dermatitis cannot be canceled.

Diapers should not be too small or too big for the child. Both will cause him understandable inconvenience. In the first case, it will press and cut, in the second, it will dangle and rub.

Pay attention to the absorbent layer. Conduct a home experiment with pouring liquid into a diaper, see how the inner absorbent layer is distributed, and you can understand whether your baby will feel wet and uncomfortable in such panties at night.

For more details, see Dr. Komarovsky’s program.

Thanks to diapers, caring for newborn babies has become much easier. Now mothers do not need to waste valuable time on endless laundry. But since disposable diapers have become widely popular, there has been ongoing debate about their harm to babies.

In this article we will look at which of the pros and cons are true, and which are nothing more than a myth.

Disposable diapers: benefits and harms

Today, the variety of diapers on the shelves is simply surprising: you can find both budget and “elite” models. These hygiene products are available for both newborns and older children. There are even panty diapers, especially convenient for potty training babies.

All diapers are required to undergo many checks and tests. Products made from low-quality materials simply would not be allowed for sale. Therefore, any harm to the child can only be caused by improper use of diapers.

There really are cases of irritation after wearing diapers. But basically, these phenomena occur if you do not remove the diaper for a long enough time - more than 8 hours.

Disposable diapers are designed for 3-5 hours for daytime, 6-8 for nighttime.

Sometimes on packages of diapers you can find the mark “up to 12 hours”. This duration of wearing may only be acceptable for children over 1 year of age.

Another thing against disposable diapers is their price. But once you calculate how much money will be spent on a huge number of onesies and diapers, it becomes clear that buying diapers is not such an unaffordable expense.

Myths about disposable diapers

We have selected a refutation for each of the myths that opponents of diapers often use.

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1 Nappies are healthier than nappies. The main task of diapers is to absorb moisture well, reducing its impact on children's skin. The fabric remains wet, and the baby’s skin is in contact with the wet surface until the diaper is changed. The likelihood that diaper rash will begin to form on the baby's bottom is greater in the case of diapers. Moreover, powders and creams will save you from such irritations only temporarily.

2 A child’s legs become crooked in diapers. Of course, diapers cannot in any way affect the slimness of a baby’s legs. After all, the diapers are made of very soft material, and their design is designed so as not to interfere with the child’s positioning of his legs correctly.

3 Having difficulties with potty training. Difficulties with potty sitting are rarely associated specifically with diapers.

4 The dangers of diapers for boys. It is believed that prolonged wearing of diapers by boys negatively affects their reproductive function in the future. Usually these disorders are associated with overheating of the scrotum, which occurs in diapers. But modern pediatricians have every reason to say that changes in the functioning of the reproductive system cannot be caused directly by diapers.

Firstly, the increase in temperature when wearing diapers is quite insignificant - about 0.5 degrees. Secondly, in boys, the opening of the seminal canals occurs no earlier than 7 years. Until this time, the germ cells in the testicles do not perform any functions, being in “standby mode”. Accordingly, the argument about negative impact diapers on men's health can be questioned.

How to use diapers correctly?

No matter how comfortable diapers are, a child should not wear them all the time. Every day you need to organize sun and air baths for your baby. It is recommended to leave the child naked for at least several hours a day - this is an important condition for his comfort.

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Many mothers are concerned about the age at which a baby can wear diapers. It is impossible to name a specific age; it all depends on the individual qualities of the baby. The optimal time to give up diapers will be the period when you start potty training your child - 1.2-1.6 years. After this age, it is better to use diapers only in emergency cases, for example, when going to the doctor or visiting. There are cases when wearing diapers should be limited or eliminated altogether:

  • The child was born premature. In premature babies, it is constantly observed high temperature– up to 37.4 degrees. Until the baby regains the balance of heat production and loss, it is better to do without diapers.
  • Diapers are not used during periods of colds or other illnesses when the baby has a fever.
  • The child has skin diseases: dermatitis or eczema.
  • In the summer, during extreme heat, you should discard the diaper due to the likelihood of overheating.

So, it turned out that diapers do not pose any danger to babies. But only if parents have read all the rules for using these hygiene products. Do not believe dubious recommendations, listen to the advice of your pediatrician, and your baby’s health will be the strongest.