Little Chester the raccoon stood at the edge of the forest and cried.
“I don’t want to go to school,” he told his mother. – I want to stay at home with you, play with my friends and toys. I want to read my books and swing on my swing. Let me stay at home, please.
Mom took Chester by the paw, scratched him behind the ear and said affectionately:
“Sometimes we all have to do things we don’t want to do.” Even if it seems strange and scary to us at first. But you'll like school. You will make new friends, you will play with new toys, read new books and swing on a new swing. And then,” Mom added, “I know one wonderful secret that will help you feel as good at school as at home.”
Chester wiped away his tears and asked with interest:
- Secret? What's the secret?
“This is an old secret,” my mother answered. “I learned it from my mother, and she learned it from hers.” It's called "kiss paw."
- Paw with a kiss? What is this?
- I'll show you now.
Mom took Chester's left paw and opened his little fingers like a fan. Then she leaned over and kissed Chester right in the middle of his palm.
Chester felt his mother's kiss run up his paw and reached his very heart. This kiss made even Chester’s muzzle, covered with black silky fur, feel hot.
“Now,” Mom smiled, “if you feel lonely and homesick, just press your paw to your cheek and say to yourself: “Mom loves me, Mom loves me.” And then my kiss will jump onto your cheek and fill you with pleasant, warm thoughts.
She took Chester's paw in hers and gently squeezed his fingers into a fist.
- Make sure you don't lose my kiss. And don't worry - if you wash your paws, the kiss won't wash off.
Chester really liked his paw with a kiss. Now he knew that his mother's love would always remain with him, wherever he went. Even to school.
After some time, Chester and his mother stood in front of the school. Chester thought about it. Suddenly he turned to his mother and smiled:
- Give me your paw.
Chester took his mother's paw with his paws and opened her large fingers, so familiar to him. Then he leaned over and kissed my mother in the middle of her palm.
“Now you also have a paw with a kiss.” After that, Chester affectionately said to his mother:
- Goodbye, I love you.
He turned and started skipping.
Mom watched as Chester jumped over the tree branch and entered the school. And when the old owl rang the bell, announcing the start of the new school year, mother pressed her left paw to her cheek and smiled. The warmth of Chester's kiss filled her heart, which was beating: "Chester loves you, Chester loves you."



Goals and objectives: acquaintance of the class teacher with the class staff, parents; tour of the school; familiarization with the school's operating hours; organizational issues.

Additional material: musical accompaniment, posters, blanks with riddles for parents, “Sun” notebooks, blank drawing sheets, felt-tip pens, pencils, pictures of school supplies.

Progress of the meeting

Children and parents meet in the school yard. They are met by the class teacher and taken to class. The parents take their seats. Children and the teacher remain in the hall. The teacher invites the children to choose a partner and leads the children into the classroom in a formation accompanied by musical accompaniment. Children sit in the places they like.

I. Greetings

Teacher's word:

Hello, dear parents,

Hello girls!

Hello boys!

Fragile, tender,

Thin fingers.

Cheerful eyes

Scarlet cheeks.

You are all beautiful

Like flowers.

I want to be with you

Jump, laugh, play hide and seek,

Chasing each other.

Tell you all

How many of you are there in the world,

Happiness to you, glorious ones,

Dear children!

My dear children! I am glad to see you and your parents so beautiful and elegant, so obedient. I am your teacher and my name is Olga Semyonovna.

Repeat please. What's my name?.........

I will try to create such an environment in the classroom that the school becomes a second home for you. I will teach you to write and read, add and subtract, draw and fantasize, and of course, be friends.

Today you have crossed the threshold of the Land of Knowledge. All residents of this country bear the honorary title - DISCIPLE! On September 1, with the help of an ordinary bell, you will turn ordinary girls and boys into students.

We entered a magical room called a classroom. Here you will receive gifts every day. But these are not candies, not cakes, this is KNOWLEDGE! I will tell you everything that I know myself. I wish you to be kind, honest and hardworking.

II. Acquaintance

Let's start our first day with introductions. And the game “Finish the phrase...” and a magic flower will help us.

Game. Children pass a flower to each other, saying clearly and loudly:

My name is……I love… The teacher starts the game.

III. Creative task

In order to remember this first day at the gymnasium, leave your palms on a piece of paper, color the print, write your name.

Children trace their palm on a piece of paper and color the print.

During the assignment, the teacher introduces parents to the working hours of the gymnasium. Answers parents' questions. The drawings are collected in a special envelope “First time in first grade!”

IV. Physical education minute

We'll go right now

And then let's go left.

Let's gather towards the center of the circle

And we'll go back.

We'll sit down quietly

And let's lie down for a while.

And again we will all stand together.

Dance our feet

And clap your hands!

V. Guessing riddles

- Your fathers, mothers, grandmothers have prepared a task for you. The magic of this room depends on how you handle it...

A word to the parents... (Parents are given cards with riddles at the meeting).

What school supplies will help us study?

  • If you hone it

You will draw everything. Whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?


  • Cage, ruler...

Numbers, words...

How I try

She will show you. (Notebook)

  • There's a huge house behind me,

And the pencil case, and the books in it,

Both notebooks and album.

This house goes to school. (Knapsack)

  • In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, eraser, paper clips, buttons -

Anything for the soul. (Pencil case)

  • I walked across the field,

She drove with her beak.

She left her mark -

I made a point. (Pen)

  • I love directness

I'm straight myself.

Make a new line

I help everyone. (Ruler)

  • Multicolored sisters

Bored without water.

Auntie, long, thin,

He carries water to them, sighing. (Paints and brush)

  • She speaks silently

But it’s understandable and not boring.

You talk to her more often -

You will become ten times smarter. (Book)

Picture answers are displayed on the school board.

Your first assistant in September will be the “Sun” notebook. Look at the notebook.

VI. Conversation about school

The letter "E" was given to the class. Let's give our letter gifts (verbal).

  • Game "GIVE» Children take turns saying words starting with the letter E.

VII. Fairy tale “POW WITH A KISS”

Without mom and dad, you will be at school all day. Someone will have a very difficult time without them. I will read you a fairy tale that will help you cope with these difficulties.

Reading a fairy tale.

VIII. Parting.

It's your first time guys

We visited the first class.

The red sun laughs

Cheerful laughter is heard.

Congratulations, friends!

I wish you happiness!

Children can ask questions:

What do you remember from our meeting?

Which guys do you remember?

What is the name of your class teacher? Etc.

Now let’s smile at each other, stand in a circle, clasp our palms in the sun and sing the cheerful song “Smile.”

Audrey Penn

Paw with a kiss

Chester the Raccoon stood at the edge of the forest and cried.

“I don’t want to go to kindergarten,” he told his mother. - I want to stay at home with you. I want to play with my friends and toys. Read books and swing on a swing. Please, can I stay home with you?”

Mother Raccoon took Chester by the paw, leaned over and sniffed him behind the ear.

“Sometimes we all have to do things we don't like,” she told him softly. – Even if at first they seem strange and scary. But as soon as you start going to kindergarten, you will like it there. You will make new friends, play with new toys, read new books and swing on a new swing. Besides,” she added. “I know one wonderful secret that will help you feel as good and comfortable as at home.”

Chester wiped his tears and asked with interest: “A secret? What's the secret?

“It’s an old secret,” said Mother Raccoon. “I learned it from my mother, and she learned it from hers.” It's called Kiss Paw."

“Paw with a kiss? – Chester asked. -What is this?

“I’ll show you,” Mommy Raccoon took Chester’s left paw and opened his tiny fingers. Then she leaned over and kissed Chester's palm.

Chester felt his mother's kiss run from his palm up his paw and reached his very heart. Even Chester's muzzle, covered with black silky fur, felt the warmth from this kiss.

Mother Raccoon smiled. “Now,” she told Chester, “whenever you feel lonely and homesick, just put your paw to your cheek and say to yourself: “Mommy loves me. Mom loves me." And then my kiss will jump onto your face and fill you with pleasant thoughts.”

She took Chester's paw and gently squeezed his fingers into a fist. “Now be careful not to lose it,” she told Chester. – And don’t worry. When you open your fist and wash your paws before eating, I promise that the kiss will remain.”

Chester really liked his Kiss Paw. Now he knew that his mother's love would always remain with him, wherever he went. Even to kindergarten.

That evening Chester stood in front of the kindergarten and looked thoughtfully. Suddenly he turned to his mother and smiled.

“Give me your paw,” he told her. Chester took his mother's paw in his and opened her big and dear fingers. Then he leaned down and kissed her palm.

“Now you have a kissable paw too,” he told her. Then he added affectionately.

- My dear first graders! Congratulations - you have become schoolchildren today.

You guys are so beautiful, smart, and, I think, happy. You have crossed the threshold of the land of knowledge. All residents of this country bear the honorary title - student! Today you too have turned from ordinary boys and girls into students.

From tomorrow we begin serious work, everyday work. You will receive special gifts every day. Not just any sweets and toys, but real values ​​- knowledge. And I, your teacher, will teach you how to acquire knowledge, how to live an interesting and fun life at school. I will tell you, my students, everything that I know myself; I wish you to be kind, honest and hardworking! So, let's go!

Game "Friendship Ball"

And now I want to meet you. To do this, we will play the game “Friendship Ball” with you. Each person will take turns passing the balloon and saying their name.


Total in our class... boys and…….. girls.

2. Conversation about school.

How do you think school differs from kindergarten?

Why should children go to school?

Now, guys, we will meet every day, spend a lot of time together, we will work and relax together. Therefore we must become friends. Do you agree? (YES)
- Will we be friends? (YES)
- Will we respect each other? (YES)
- Will we help each other? (YES)
- Will we trust each other? (YES)
- Will we love each other? (YES)
- Will we be one team? (YES)
Then give us your hands (the children get up from their seats and approach the teacher). We will unite them in a common handshake, like musketeers.
- Do you feel warm? strength? What did the musketeers always say to each other?!

ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE ! (children sit down in their seats)
- Now we are one team, and we will help each other in everything, including in our main business. What is our main school activity? STUDY!

Guys, tell me what every student who is going to school should have? (briefcase)
What should be in it?
Teacher: After solving the riddles, you will find out what accessories should be in the briefcase.
My cover is blue.
On any page there is a line,
To help the student
Output the line exactly. (notebook)
I can write on the run,
But I can't live without you.
Who is ready to be friends with me,
He won't regret it -
How many good words does she have?
He can write!(pen)
I'm your other friend-
Agile, black...(pencil)
Directness -
My main feature.(ruler)
I know everything, I teach everyone,
But I myself am always silent,
To make friends with me,
We need to learn to read and write.(book)

Introduction to the book “Belarus is our Radz” і ma"

And now I will introduce you to the book that each of you received today as a gift from the President of our country. What is the name of the country we live in?

The book begins with a letter in which the President, addressing each of you, believes that when you grow up, you will work and with your work will benefit your Motherland.

On the next page are the symbols of our state - the coat of arms, flag and anthem.Today the anthem was played at the school line. They always listen to him while standing.

Physical education minute

Game "Good and bad"
“Good” - clap our hands, “bad” - stomp our feet.
1. Say hello when you meet.
2. Pushing and not apologizing.
3. Help pick up a fallen item.
4. Do not give up your seat in transport.
5. Sit in a hat at the table.
6. Break branches of trees and bushes.
7. After relaxing in the forest, leave trash behind.
8. Congratulate your family on the holiday.
Teacher. What should a person be like?(Kind, polite, well-mannered)

Conversation “What are Belarusians proud of?”

- Belarus is known all over the world. They know thanks to the people who work at Belarusian enterprises. What products is Belarus famous for?

There is a factory in Minsk that produces... But you will find out what they are releasing by guessing the riddle:

Among working people

I'm held in high esteem

One Hundred Good Horses

I will replace it at work,

I carry loads, plow fields,

I don’t ask for tasty food (Tractor)

What is this riddle about?

Admire, look-

The North Pole is inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there

Winter itself lives there! (Fridge)

All children love sweets very much. The most delicious sweets are produced at the factory.... "Kommunarka"

(treat everyone to one piece of candy)

This academic year marks 70 years since Victory Day over Nazi Germany. ! We understand that for everything we have - life and holiday in our lives - we owe to all those who fought, died, survived in those hellish conditions when it seemed that it was impossible to survive. And with a feeling of deep gratitude, we turn on this day to our veterans who saved the world.

5. Reflection.

This ends our first lesson. Your parents were present. Look how they smile.

Children, would you like to come to school tomorrow, but without moms and dads?

I want to tell you and your parents a very interesting fairy tale. Listen to her carefully and you will learn about one secret. Knowing him, you will feel confident and free at school.

Fairy tale “Paw with a kiss”

Little Chester the raccoon stood at the edge of the forest and cried.

“I don’t want to go to school,” he told his mother. - I want to stay at home with you, play with my friends and toys. I want to read my books and swing on my swing. Let me stay at home, please.

Mom took Chester by the paw and said tenderly:

I understand you: sometimes something new seems terribly strange to us. But you'll like school. You will make new friends, you will play with new toys, read new books and swing on a new swing. And then,” mom added, “I know one wonderful secret that will help you feel as good at school as at home.”

Chester wiped away his tears and asked with interest:

Secret? What's the secret?

“This is an old secret,” my mother answered.

I learned it from my mother, and she from hers. It's called "kiss paw"

Paw with a kiss? What is this?

I'll show you now.

Mom took Chester's left paw and opened his little fingers like a fan. Then she leaned over and kissed Chester right in the middle of his palm.

Chester felt his mother's kiss run up his paw and reached his very heart. This kiss made even Chester’s muzzle, covered with black silky fur, feel hot.

Now,” Mom smiled, “if you feel lonely and homesick, just press your paw to your cheek and say to yourself: “Mom loves me.” And then my kiss will jump onto your cheek and fill you with pleasant thoughts.

She took Chester's paw in hers and gently squeezed his fingers into a fist.

Make sure you don't lose my kiss.

Now Chester knew that his mother's love would always remain with him, wherever he went.

After a while, Chester began to think. Suddenly he turned to his mother and smiled:

Give me your paw.

Chester took his mother's paw with his paws and opened her large fingers, so familiar to him. Then he leaned over and kissed my mother in the middle of her palm.

Now you also have a paw with a kiss. After that, Chester affectionately said to his mother:

Goodbye, I love you.

He turned and started skipping.

Mom watched as Chester jumped over the tree branch and entered the school. And when the owl rang the bell, announcing the start of the lesson, mom pressed her left paw to her cheek and smiled. The warmth of Chester's kiss filled her heart.

Did you like the fairy tale?

Come to school. I'll be waiting for you all. Don't forget to leave your parents' paws with kisses. Goodbye!