Bazarny Vladimir Filippovich, in his research, revealed the roots and causes of the process of degradation and extinction of the vitality of the people observed in recent decades, convincingly showing that the existing system of raising and educating children in kindergartens and schools is oriented against the nature of the child.

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Child of Man, Bazarny Vladimir Filippovich

Life convinces us: all the basic characteristics that determine the species’ moral and rational essence of people are not given ready-made from birth. Initially, the life of every human child who comes into this world is based on lower reflexive-instinctive programs. And this means that from birth we are nothing more than “wild”.

That is why peoples in their spiritual history developed methods and technologies of “agriculture”, with the help of which each older generation, through long, literally sacrificial labor, “cultivated” (humanized) each new younger generation.

Bazarny Vladimir Filippovich (born May 4, 1942), Russian scientist, doctor and innovative teacher. He devoted more than 33 years to solving a fateful problem for Russia - preventing a demographic catastrophe by preserving and strengthening the health of younger generations. In his research, he revealed the roots and causes of the process of degradation and extinction of the vitality of the people observed in recent decades, convincingly showing that the existing system of raising and educating children in kindergartens and schools is oriented against the nature of the child.

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What this book is about can be understood from the table of contents:

Section I. From conception to appearance.

01. About the creation of children “in the image and likeness” of the impressed surrounding life.
02. Scientific and rational awareness of the sinful and moral conception of the human child.
03. The nine-month period of a baby’s intrauterine life is the basic stage of the subsequent human development strategy.

Section II. Birth.

01. An innate passion for survival and humanization in a human child.
02. Life up to one year: in a halo mother's love, in the rhythm of the mother's heart.
03. Breast-feeding a baby (at least 2 years old) is an absolute condition for his healthy development and humanization in love and fortitude.
04. Hanging cradle - as a universal man-made mechanism that ensures a balanced adaptation of the baby to the gravitational rhythms of the earth.
05. The meaning of a lullaby.
06. Speech and play in infant development.
07. First steps.
08. Movement and freedom.
09. A hand-made soft doll is a method of folk pedagogy of early education in girls of feelings of tenderness, love and motherhood.
10. The early “living” of boys in the image of a warrior-defender is the basis for imprinting and instilling in them a masculine character and fortitude.
11. Fairy tale and education.
12. Freedom and space.
13. Mind and posture.
14. How a thought is born.
15. About the meaning of handicraft.

Section III. Children at school.

01. Evidence-based criticism of the education system that developed during the Enlightenment.
02. Breakdown or adaptation?
03. Study posture and stress.
04. Consequences of immobilized learning.
05. ADHD - origins and causes.
06. Stress and soul.
07. Commonality of childhood diseases.
08. Stress and cardiovascular diseases in schoolchildren.
09. Multiple consequences of asexual education.
10. Lifestyle in childhood and premature old age.
11. Science of the soul.

Section IV. From education in slavery of “corruption” to education in freedom of spirit.

01. What makes a cell “glow”?
02. Long-term effect of children's development, educational process which were built in the mode of upright walking and activity.
03. Laws of healthy development.
04. Social and educational project “Save the Children - Save Russia.”
05. Approaches to the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 916 “On the all-Russian system for monitoring the state of physical health of the population, the physical health of children, adolescents and youth”...
06. Program of action for parents to protect the main right of the child - the right to free and healthy development in the educational process.

V.F. Market

Child of man. Psychophysiology of development and regression


Life convinces us that all the basic characteristics that determine the species’ moral and rational essence of people are not given ready-made from birth. Initially, the life of every human child who comes into this world is based on lower reflexive-instinctive programs. And this means that from birth we are nothing more than “wild”. And therefore, peoples in their spiritual history developed methods and technologies of “agriculture”, with the help of which each older generation, through long, literally sacrificial labor, “cultivated” (humanized) each new younger generation. And therefore, in the sacred scriptures, in figurative and symbolic language, the reconstruction of human essence is compared with the cultivation of a cultivated orchard.

And this only means that the Creator once handed us the “baton” to be His co-creators forever and ever. And a great disaster awaited peoples and even civilizations who, rushing towards other values ​​and meanings of life, lost the skills of highly experienced “gardeners” in cultivating the main “fruit” of human life - the moral and rational essence of people. Then people, under a pharisaically crafty justification, left the orchard to coexist on an equal basis with wild shoots, to coexist in equal “liberal” freedoms. And one day, a would-be gardener suddenly saw how the once blooming garden of spiritual-intelligent life was being crowded out and overgrown with more resilient wild weeds, living according to the laws of “instinctive freedoms.” It is precisely through such cycles that the history of the development and fall of past civilizations seems to have been shaped. - Yes, and modern civilization is developing according to the same self-destructive scenario.

That is why, if we truly want the morally reasonable history of our family trees to continue “from generation to generation,” then at a minimum we must know the laws of scientific “agriculture” of people. For 30 years, I have been turning to famous scientists - professors and academicians from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education with the following question: “Can you name at least a few laws on the basis of which we must humanize every child who comes into this world?” The same question was asked in a large audience of teachers and psychologists, professional specialists in raising children. But I never heard a clear answer. By what laws then do we recreate people? And after this, is it worth surprising at the tragic processes of “dehumanization” of people that are inexorably growing in modern civilization, based on material values, instinctive freedoms and aspirations for eternal “heavenly pleasures”?

Well-known thinkers in the world have already spoken clearly on this matter. Let us give just one typical conclusion - the verdict of modern civilization: “During these two years, I understood two truths: the first - what happened should have happened, and the second - it happened not only here, it happened all over the world. The peoples are seized by rage, anger is spreading across the planet. Peoples are morally degrading, individuals are becoming wild and destroyed... Only one thing is clear: “Homo sapiens” is not able to overcome hostility and war as one of the ways to regulate the number of a biological species.”(I. Vasiliev, 1995).

Anticipation of the onset of decline and the great fall of modern civilization, which has lost the laws and technologies of “agriculture” in the reconstruction of people, we find in the studies and conclusions of modern Western experts: Spengler, F. Fukuyama, I. Wallerstein, S. Huntington, P. Buchanan, Michael A . Cremo and others.

How many mistakes have we already made in the burning problem of recreating morally reasonable generations of people! Paraphrasing the words of Napoleon that a mistake is worse than a crime, today we can say: worse than any crime in the end is the mistake that is brought under the chain of successive generations. This is already an evolutionarily significant tragedy! And even more terrible in its consequences is the mistake that is imposed public opinion as an ethical, virtuous way of life.

It is known that in recent centuries civilization has been developing on the foundation of scientific and technological progress. But we somehow did not understand that on this foundation there was never a place for the man-made moral and rational progress of man himself. Man as a measure of all values ​​that are not given to us ready-made, but are instilled and rooted through the long work of the family and society that accepts the human child who comes into this world.

On the one hand, we have the brilliant hypothesis of F. Engels about the fundamental role of the verticalization of our body, about the role of the hand and speech in the formation of creative moral reasonable person. On the other hand, in modern “scientific and technical civilization” they have never found a scientific and experimental verification of this brilliant hypothesis in the real practice of recreating people. And as a result, they began to recreate people on a qualitatively different educational and pedagogical basis. They began to educate new generations by instilling and rooting a rational person alien to nature - the “armless”, “sciatic-immobilized”, bent-enslaved educational dynamic stereotype, by learning the virtual world, detached from the senses. Knowledge by dead letters, numbers, diagrams. Knowledge not with one’s own, but with someone else’s eyes, etc.

And after this model of education was introduced in Russia, they immediately noticed with surprise: for some reason, eternal painful pallor, migraines, a bent, sick spine, gout, psychoneurasthenia, schizophrenia, pince-nez on the nose, and a cane in the hands became an indispensable attribute of such education. , and often... consumption. This was especially clearly visible in the initial stages of universal education. From the appeal of the Nizhny Novgorod nobles to the Emperor we learn: “The school returns to parents the children who were sent to it healthy - disfigured, lopsided, short-sighted, incapable of anything, knowing nothing, aging prematurely.”

Having thoroughly studied the well-being and quality of development of children in this model of education developed in the West and imposed on society, D.I. Pisarev wrote back in 1865: “It has long been... noticed that school has a special influence on children, which is more pronounced in a physical sense. This influence is expressed in the fact that the former freshness, vigor and flourishing health of children are replaced by lethargy, exhaustion and soreness. Some even stop growing: most lose their former carefree cheerfulness and look somehow gloomy and fearful. This influence is often reflected mentally: children become dull, lose their former talent and instead acquire some kind of painful nervous irritability - a sign of weakness. Therefore, those who speak of the degeneration of the human race under the disastrous influence of school are not entirely wrong.”(“Teacher”, 1865, No. 9, p. 316).

The fact that with the introduction of this model of education, civilization entered an era of body degradation and full-fledged childbearing was ringing all the bells back in the middle of the 19th century, the doctor Edward Clark from Harvard. It was he who discovered that after school girls acquire “frailty of bodies”, anemia, which disrupts the course of pregnancy, including the quality of development of infants. And many people completely lose their reproductive abilities.

The famous doctor Lamann (France) wrote vividly and figuratively about the well-being and quality of development of children in schools in those years: “They argued a lot and are still arguing about overwork. For a healthy and strong child, the demands of school are not at all excessive, but positively unbearable, so that under the system that reigns in our school, if physical education, even the healthiest material would remain healthy, and thus the harmful consequences of a perverted pedagogical system cannot but affect young people and adults...

That’s why, when it’s time for school, we see how the children’s rosy cheeks turn pale, how constant complaints about lack of appetite, indigestion, headaches, etc. are heard and, in other words, the phenomena of real neurasthenia develop... But the child overcame school , and yet the false system of education continues to exert its influence... Nature claims its rights, but the misdirected instinct of youth forces us to look for surrogates for lost childhood in dubious entertainments that corrupt the soul and body. Many, very many of them die, primarily because at this age debilitating chronic diseases claim especially many victims: those who survived, by the painful nature of their ideas, clearly testify that their nervous system received a strong shock. For many, at this time the time comes for exams, which are like a special test for neurasthenia... One during this work gets a neurasthenic headache, which makes him a complete “idiot” and unable to work, another begins to have a nervous digestive disorder, the third completely loses all courage . At the end of the exams, the nervous system of many is so shaken and exhausted that they are no longer capable of any further activity...

Life convinces us that all the basic characteristics that determine the species’ moral and rational essence of people are not given ready-made from birth. Initially, the life of every human child who comes into this world is based on lower reflexive-instinctive programs. And this means that from birth we are nothing more than “wild”. And therefore, peoples in their spiritual history developed methods and technologies of “agriculture”, with the help of which each older generation, through long, literally sacrificial labor, “cultivated” (humanized) each new younger generation. And therefore, in the sacred scriptures, in figurative and symbolic language, the reconstruction of human essence is compared with the cultivation of a cultivated orchard.

And this only means that the Creator once handed us the “baton” to be His co-creators forever and ever. And a great disaster awaited peoples and even civilizations who, rushing towards other values ​​and meanings of life, lost the skills of highly experienced “gardeners” in cultivating the main “fruit” of human life - the moral and rational essence of people. Then people, under a pharisaically crafty justification, left the orchard to coexist on an equal basis with wild shoots, to coexist in equal “liberal” freedoms. And one day, a would-be gardener suddenly saw how the once blooming garden of spiritual-intelligent life was being crowded out and overgrown with more resilient wild weeds, living according to the laws of “instinctive freedoms.” It is precisely through such cycles that the history of the development and fall of past civilizations seems to have been shaped. - Yes, and modern civilization is developing according to the same self-destructive scenario.

That is why, if we truly want the morally reasonable history of our family trees to continue “from generation to generation,” then at a minimum we must know the laws of scientific “agriculture” of people. For 30 years, I have been turning to famous scientists - professors and academicians from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education with the following question: “Can you name at least a few laws on the basis of which we must humanize every child who comes into this world?” The same question was asked in a large audience of teachers and psychologists, professional specialists in raising children. But I never heard a clear answer. By what laws then do we recreate people? And after this, is it worth surprising at the tragic processes of “dehumanization” of people that are inexorably growing in modern civilization, based on material values, instinctive freedoms and aspirations for eternal “heavenly pleasures”?

Well-known thinkers in the world have already spoken clearly on this matter. Let us give just one typical conclusion - the verdict of modern civilization: “During these two years, I understood two truths: the first - what happened should have happened, and the second - it happened not only here, it happened all over the world. The peoples are seized by rage, anger is spreading across the planet. Peoples are morally degrading, individuals are becoming wild and destroyed... Only one thing is clear: “Homo sapiens” is not able to overcome hostility and war as one of the ways to regulate the number of a biological species.”(I. Vasiliev, 1995).

Anticipation of the onset of decline and the great fall of modern civilization, which has lost the laws and technologies of “agriculture” in the reconstruction of people, we find in the studies and conclusions of modern Western experts: Spengler, F. Fukuyama, I. Wallerstein, S. Huntington, P. Buchanan, Michael A . Cremo and others.

How many mistakes have we already made in the burning problem of recreating morally reasonable generations of people! Paraphrasing the words of Napoleon that a mistake is worse than a crime, today we can say: worse than any crime in the end is the mistake that is brought under the chain of successive generations. This is already an evolutionarily significant tragedy! And even more terrible in its consequences is the mistake that is imposed on public opinion as an ethical, virtuous way of life.

It is known that in recent centuries civilization has been developing on the foundation of scientific and technological progress. But we somehow did not understand that on this foundation there was never a place for the man-made moral and rational progress of man himself. Man as a measure of all values ​​that are not given to us ready-made, but are instilled and rooted through the long work of the family and society that accepts the human child who comes into this world.

On the one hand, we have the brilliant hypothesis of F. Engels about the fundamental role of the verticalization of our body, about the role of the hand and speech in the formation of a creative, morally intelligent person. On the other hand, in modern “scientific and technical civilization” they have never found a scientific and experimental verification of this brilliant hypothesis in the real practice of recreating people. And as a result, they began to recreate people on a qualitatively different educational and pedagogical basis. They began to educate new generations by instilling and rooting a rational person alien to nature - the “armless”, “sciatic-immobilized”, bent-enslaved educational dynamic stereotype, by learning the virtual world, detached from the senses. Knowledge by dead letters, numbers, diagrams. Knowledge not with one’s own, but with someone else’s eyes, etc.

And after this model of education was introduced in Russia, they immediately noticed with surprise: for some reason, eternal painful pallor, migraines, a bent, sick spine, gout, psychoneurasthenia, schizophrenia, pince-nez on the nose, and a cane in the hands became an indispensable attribute of such education. , and often... consumption. This was especially clearly visible in the initial stages of universal education. From the appeal of the Nizhny Novgorod nobles to the Emperor we learn: “The school returns to parents the children who were sent to it healthy - disfigured, lopsided, short-sighted, incapable of anything, knowing nothing, aging prematurely.”

Having thoroughly studied the well-being and quality of development of children in this model of education developed in the West and imposed on society, D.I. Pisarev wrote back in 1865: “It has long been... noticed that school has a special influence on children, which is more pronounced in a physical sense. This influence is expressed in the fact that the former freshness, vigor and flourishing health of children are replaced by lethargy, exhaustion and soreness. Some even stop growing: most lose their former carefree cheerfulness and look somehow gloomy and fearful. This influence is often reflected mentally: children become dull, lose their former talent and instead acquire some kind of painful nervous irritability - a sign of weakness. Therefore, those who speak of the degeneration of the human race under the disastrous influence of school are not entirely wrong.”(“Teacher”, 1865, No. 9, p. 316).

The fact that with the introduction of this model of education, civilization entered an era of body degradation and full-fledged childbearing was ringing all the bells back in the middle of the 19th century, the doctor Edward Clark from Harvard. It was he who discovered that after school girls acquire “frailty of bodies”, anemia, which disrupts the course of pregnancy, including the quality of development of infants. And many people completely lose their reproductive abilities.

The famous doctor Lamann (France) wrote vividly and figuratively about the well-being and quality of development of children in schools in those years: “They argued a lot and are still arguing about overwork. For a healthy and strong child, the demands of school are not at all excessive, but positively unbearable, so that under the system that reigns in our school, with physical education being neglected, even the healthiest material would remain healthy, and thus the harmful consequences of a perverted pedagogical system cannot but affect for youths and adults...