Select a target (2 minutes)

  • Close your eyes and just be aware of your body and thoughts for a minute. What do you need today? Maybe you're nervous and want to calm down, or maybe your body feels stiff and tense and you need to relax?
  • Use your sensations as the goal of your morning practice. Let this goal - to be more relaxed, calm, peaceful - set the tone for the whole day.

Practice even breathing (3 minutes)

  • Sit on a chair or mat in a comfortable position.
  • Breathe through your nose and count to yourself: inhale in three counts, exhale in three counts.
  • You can increase the length of your inhalation and exhalation. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.
  • If you need to calm down, exhale twice as long as you inhale. For example, inhale for three counts, exhale for six counts.

Performing asanas (8 minutes)

To benefit from, it is not at all necessary to twist into unimaginable poses. On the contrary, morning asanas should be simple and comfortable, since their main purpose is to achieve awareness and strengthen the body-mind connection, as well as prepare for meditation. A mandatory requirement is to combine movement with proper breathing.

Exercise No. 1. Mountain pose and side bend

Mountain pose

Mountain pose
  • Stand straight, legs together, feet parallel to each other.
  • Imagine that each foot has four corners and you press them evenly into the ground. This will help you distribute your body weight correctly.
  • The knees are tense, the kneecaps are pulled up.
  • Tighten your buttocks, point your tailbone down, as if trying to lengthen it.
  • Drop your shoulders, straighten chest.
  • Direct your gaze forward, stretch the top of your head upward, as if lengthening your neck.
  • Watch your breathing: it should be calm and uniform.
  • Stay in this pose for five breathing cycles.

Side Bend from Mountain Pose

Side Bend from Mountain Pose
  • From mountain pose, inhale and raise your arms straight above your head and interlace your fingers.
  • Keeping your hands clasped, turn them over with your palms facing up. Bend to the right, gently stretching and lengthening one side of your body.
  • Both feet are firmly planted on the floor, as if your roots are rooted in the ground.
  • Feel how one side of the body stretches, spend five breathing cycles in this position.
  • As you exhale, return to an upright position, lower your arms and assume mountain pose. Hold it for another five breathing cycles, and then bend in the other direction.

Exercise No. 2. Warrior Pose II

Warrior Pose II
  • From Mountain Pose, step into right side at a distance of 1–1.2 meters. Keep your hands on your hips.
  • Turn your right foot outward 60–90 degrees. The heel of the right foot should be level with the instep of the left foot.
  • Bend the knee of your right leg so that it is over your foot and your thigh is parallel to the floor.
  • The knee of the right leg is turned to the right side, the left leg is straight, the hips are open and looking forward.
  • Raise your arms straight until they are parallel to the floor, fingers together, palms facing down. The shoulders are above the hips, without skewing in one direction or another.
  • Turn your head to the right, look at your fingers right hand, relax and lower your shoulders.
  • Stand in this pose for five breathing cycles, and then change the position of your feet and perform the asana in the other direction.

Exercise No. 3. Transition from mountain pose to chair pose

Two chair posture options
  • Return to mountain pose.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms straight above your head, palms shoulder-width apart and facing each other. If you have had shoulder injuries, clasp your arms in front of you with your palms facing each other across your chest.
  • As you exhale, bend your knees, shift your weight to your heels, and perform a squat.
  • Inhale deeply to stretch your arms and raise them higher. Relax and lower your shoulders, try to lower your shoulder blades and open your chest.
  • Exhale and deepen the squat, trying to bring your thighs parallel to the floor. Keep your back straight, pull your tailbone towards the floor.
  • The gaze is directed forward, the neck is straight. Hold the position for five breathing cycles, sitting down a little deeper with each exhalation (but not further than your thighs are parallel to the floor). On your last exhalation, come into mountain pose.
  • Make five transitions from Mountain Pose to Chair Pose.

Exercise No. 4. Rest in corner pose

Angle Pose
  • Sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you. If you feel uncomfortable, sit on a rolled up blanket.
  • As you exhale, bend your knees and pull your heels closer to your pelvis. Then gently spread your knees out to the sides so that the soles of your feet are together and the outside of your feet are pressed toward the ground.
  • Wrap your thumb and index finger around your big toes. If you cannot reach your feet, place your hands on your shins.
  • Sit with your back straight, stretch your head up. The pelvis should be in a neutral position so that the lower back does not round or sag. Relax and lower your shoulders, squeeze and lower your shoulder blades. Open and lift your chest, relax your hips. Don't put pressure on your knees to lower them!
  • Maintain this pose for five breathing cycles. To come out of the pose, use your hands to lift your knees off the floor and straighten your legs in front of you.

Meditation (2 minutes)

  • Lie on your back and relax in Corpse Pose. Hands lie at an angle of 45 degrees from the body, palms facing up. Shoulders are lowered and relaxed.
  • Close your eyes if you feel more comfortable. Concentrate on the sensations of your body. First, move your attention to your feet and gradually rise higher, up to the top of your head.
  • Remember your goal and let your thoughts flow calmly, without concentrating on them or making judgements.
  • Breathe calmly and naturally.
  • At the end of the meditation, open your eyes, take a deep breath, and carefully rise up, helping yourself with your hands.

Physical exercises of the complex will help you get your blood flowing,

The best way to wake up and get ready for the new have an interesting day morning yoga classes are considered. By regularly performing morning yoga exercises for beginners, the overall well-being of the body will improve, the back will straighten, the muscles will become more elastic, and blood circulation will improve.

The benefits of morning yoga

To provide the body with an effective load at the beginning of the day, experts recommend regularly performing simple morning yoga exercises. Why you should do yoga after waking up:

  1. If you want to lose weight by practicing yoga morning complex for beginners, you need to know that morning asanas have a more beneficial effect on weight loss excess weight compared to evening ones.
  2. A charge of vivacity and excellent mood after the classes will be provided for the whole day.
  3. Morning exercise helps create a clearer daily routine. With constant exercise, waking up and going to bed at the same time will become habitual for the body. Sleep will become strong and healthy, and awakening will be easier and more joyful.
  4. Simple asanas in the morning calm you down and help you relax.
  5. Morning exercises improve metabolic processes in the body.
  6. The level of self-discipline increases. By waking up at the same time every day, the practitioner trains endurance and willpower.
  7. There is a pleasant feeling of an important task well done.
  8. Yogic asanas add physical and moral strength.

Gradually, such yoga classes in the morning for beginners bring more benefits than evening exercises.

Correct breathing

When performing the listed morning yoga exercises for beginners, it is important not to forget that yoga trains not only a person’s physical capabilities, but also makes him mentally stronger and more purposeful. In all exercises, the technique of correct measured breathing must be observed.

To master this technique and constantly apply it in the future, you can complete the following tasks. They must be performed in classic pose lotus:

  • take slow, deliberate breaths, after a while slow down your breathing a little and exhale sharply;
  • inhale as much air as possible, do not hold your breath, take a long, measured exhale.

If you spend a few minutes every day practicing these simple techniques, then after a while the practitioner will notice how much easier it becomes for him to perform asanas.

Things to remember

Morning yoga for beginners includes a wide variety of poses that are aimed at maintaining flexibility and endurance of the body. You should not do too much stretching in the morning; there are evening hours for this.

It is not possible to become healthier, stronger and stronger in spirit by doing yogic exercises from time to time. The whole essence of classes lies, first of all, in regularity and self-discipline. If you practice yoga in the morning every day for several months, the practitioner will notice an improvement in his internal state, increased resistance to stress and self-control.

Instead of a cup of invigorating coffee during morning yoga, experts recommend drinking purified water. From the very morning, the practitioner’s body will be filled with life-giving energy, which will help him to be cheerful and active during the coming working day.

Keeping body, spirit and mind under control. All three of these components contribute to the achievement of harmony and enlightenment, which is difficult to achieve by any other means.

Benefits of yoga

Many people think about the question of whether yoga at home is useful? The morning complex has many advantages, the main ones are given below:

  1. The body will become strong, healthy, and gain flexibility. After regular exercise, each person will experience flexibility that they could not achieve before. With yoga, muscles and ligaments become more elastic and make it possible to freeze in a pose that a month ago seemed simply impossible.
  2. Relaxation guaranteed. The mind will calm down, all unnecessary and disturbing thoughts will go away. After a few sessions, the body will become resistant to stress and any external irritation.

Where to start classes

Yoga is a morning set of exercises for which you don’t need to spend money on equipment. To perform the exercises, you only need comfortable clothing and a sliding surface. The room should be spacious, with the most suitable temperature. Special music for classes will help you relax and remove all unnecessary thoughts from your head.

Exercises for beginners

Yoga (morning routine for beginners) is necessary for every person. If you do basic exercises, the charge of positivity and vigor will not leave you throughout the day. And even the most unpleasant news will be perceived easier and without aggression.

The simplest yoga, a morning or evening complex, consists of 4 exercises, which will be enough to obtain the first positive results:

  1. Standing straight, legs shoulder-width apart, feet and torso turned in one direction. Then you should tilt your torso parallel to the floor and extend your arms forward.
  2. Again, the vertical position, but the legs are spaced a little wider. Hands are lowered to the floor as much as possible. The head should be pulled down and the tailbone should be pulled up.
  3. In the previous position, the feet turn outward and the arms rise up (you can parallel each other or connect your palms). Then the legs bend at the knees, without lowering to form a right angle.
  4. The final pose is relaxation. To do this, you just need to lie on the floor, forming a straight horizontal line with your whole body, and relax for at least 3 minutes.

Breathing exercises

Breathing yoga is a morning routine for beginners that will help you establish a connection with your own consciousness. After all, having mastered inner consciousness, each person will be able to control thoughts and remain calm in tense situations.

  1. Cleansing. Standing in an even position, you should take a deep breath through your nose, and then, putting a wide smile on your face, exhale in small portions through your mouth.
  2. For voice development. In the same position, inhale through the nose, and then through a wide open mouth, exhale sharply and quickly.
  3. Morning. Breathing yoga is a morning complex that includes an exercise that relieves drowsiness. To do this, you need to stand straight on the mat, tensing all your muscles as much as possible. Rising on your toes, take a deep breath, and after 3-4 seconds, lowering yourself back onto your feet, exhale completely.

Evening complex

Basic rules

The first step is to find out at what age classes will be beneficial:

  • the smallest children need fresh air and regular walks in the park;
  • from the age of 6, you can begin to teach your child proper breathing and try out the simplest yoga exercises;
  • from 10 years of age you are allowed to relax in the Lotus position;
  • at the age of 17, it’s time to start mastering complex static and dynamic exercises, as well as learn to control your own breathing;
  • up to the age of 40, you should regularly practice skills and improve them, but after crossing this line, in addition to yoga, it is best to add walks;
  • After 50 years, it is advisable to slow down the pace, but not stop training.

Women are fans of yoga and consider it the best sport and way of relaxation, but there are some restrictions for them:

  • During menstruation, it is strictly forbidden to perform exercises upside down; it is better to replace them with breathing exercises;
  • Beginners should go for walks instead of strength-training elements. fresh air or visit the swimming pool;
  • in the first days of pregnancy, you are allowed to perform absolutely all asanas, but before that it is better to consult a doctor;
  • After childbirth (the first couple of months), it is forbidden to exercise, and after the time has elapsed, you should start doing the exercises with the simplest ones.

In addition to the above precautions, you should also know what general (for men and women) limitations yoga has. A morning complex for slimness and beauty will definitely give results that will be noticeable quite quickly. But you can’t overdo it in order to quickly achieve your desired goal.

Everyone must follow simple rules:

  • It is not recommended to exercise after spending a long time in the heat;
  • people with problems with blood pressure or the cardiovascular system cannot perform exercises without consulting a doctor;
  • combining several sports, performing them at the same time, is prohibited;
  • If you experience frequent dizziness, exercises with the head tilted down should be replaced by bending forward.


Energy yoga (morning routine) requires special preparation before starting the class. First of all, you should pay attention to clothes (they should be loose so that they do not restrict movement) and shoes (if possible, it is best to practice without shoes). In addition, there are a few more simple rules:

  • 20 minutes before the start of the workout, an invigorating contrast shower will not be superfluous;
  • the ideal time for yoga is 5-6 am;
  • You shouldn’t exercise on an empty stomach, but at least 2 hours should pass between meals and training;
  • Exercises in the fresh air will be easier to perform, and the calm outdoor environment will help you concentrate.

Five invigorating asanas

  1. Asana Tarudasana (arm intertwining). Performed in a standing position: one leg is intertwined around the other (so that the fingers are on the calf muscle). The hands are intertwined at chest level to bring the palms together. After 20 seconds in the pose, you should take a short break and repeat, changing your legs and the direction of twisting your arms.
  2. Asana Vrikshasana (tree pose). In a vertical position, the foot of one leg is placed on the knee of the other, and the arms are raised up, joining the palms. It is recommended to stay in for at least 20 seconds, after which the legs change.
  3. Asana Virabhadrasana (martial pose). Standing straight, one leg is raised back, forming a straight line with the body, and a perpendicular with the second leg. Hands reach forward and clasp together. Balance must be maintained for about 30 seconds, and then change legs.
  4. Asana Ardha matsyendrasana (spinal twist). Sitting on the mat, one leg is bent and pulled towards the body (heel and knee on the floor), and the second leg, bent at a right angle, is placed with the foot pulled up behind the knee. The body itself twists at the lower back. You are allowed to relax in this position for no more than a minute.
  5. Asana Gomukhasana (Cow Head). One arm rises straight up and bends at the elbow so that the palm reaches the shoulder blades. The second hand does the same actions, only from below, that is, it goes down and bends at the elbow. Then the fingers of both hands interlock. When performing, you should keep your back straight (without slouching or bending). In total, you can hold in this position for about 20 seconds, alternately changing hands.

This morning yoga complex for beginners will help you wake up and keep your body in good shape. Morning yoga is a set of exercises for beginners that absolutely everyone can do.

Everyone knows that there are a lot of long-livers among yogis. Take Pattabhi Jois, the founder of the Ashtanga Yoga school, who died at 94; Sri Krishnamacharya - died at 101 years old, practicing yoga until last days life; Indra Devi – 103 years old; B.K.S. Iyengar did not live to be 96 years old; Sri Swami Yogananda Maharaj Babaji passed away last year at the age of 106.

Of course, there will be examples of those who will give a list of great yogis who passed away much earlier than many people who do not have even the slightest idea about yoga. But personally I am convinced (and my beliefs have scientific evidence) is that yoga has a positive effect on the body. And even if we discard factors such as ecology, nutrition, stress and lifestyle, there are results of practical experiments that have proven the effectiveness of yoga practice. For example, American scientists have found that with regular yoga classes, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases (according to research results - by 30%), blood pressure normalizes, anxiety levels decrease, and concentration increases. And for me personally, as a person living in the frantic pace of a big city, in conditions of constant “deadlines” and “time pressures”, but striving to preserve youth, health and natural beauty as much as possible, these positive arguments seem more than sufficient for in order to do at least something that is within my power. Moreover, regular yoga practice does not require much: a few minutes of time a day or several hours a week (it all depends on your time management) and a matJ

For those who are interested in how you can maintain youth with the help of yoga, I will give a number of asanas that are aimed at enhancing vital energy, cell regeneration, improving the condition of facial skin and developing flexibility, and therefore have a positive anti-aging effect.

(position No. 1)

(position No. 2)

Simple but very effective exercise for the spine: helps get rid of drowsiness, eliminate tension in the back and neck, improve blood circulation and awaken the body. The exercise is ideal for morning practice. During its implementation, the back and neck are massaged, muscle stiffness is eliminated and prophylaxis against muscle cramps is provided. This should be done 6 to 20 times.

2. Abdominal retraction (to replenish vocabulary beginner yoga - “Uddiyana bandha”)

I note that for this exercise, the condition of the abdominal muscles and the size of the abdomen do not matter at all, as it may seem at first time. The technique is based solely on correct breathing: you need to take as deep a breath as possible and, as you exhale, draw in your stomach, trying to press your navel to your back, as if “sucking in” your stomach and pressing it to the spine. Having completely released the air and pressed your stomach as much as possible, hold your breath for about 10 seconds. After mastering this stage of practice, instead of delaying, you need to work with the abdominal wall back and forth, which further enhances the effect.

Regular practice of Uddiyana makes the abdominal muscles strong and has a beneficial effect on the internal organs, and also tones the abdominal muscles. Girls, pay attention, this exercise is ideal for achieving the “flat tummy” effect.

3. Inverted poses: Shoulderstand “Birch” (Sarangasana) and “Bent Candle” pose (Viparita Karani)

(position No. 1)

(position No. 2)

Not even a page is enough to describe the effect of performing inverted asanas. They are simply a storehouse of health and rejuvenation of the body. The secret of effectiveness is that inverted positions stimulate the thyroid gland and help achieve hormonal balance, which directly affects weight correction, improves appearance and promotes a person’s harmonious well-being. In addition, blood flow to the face has a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating signs of aging and preventing formation of wrinkles.

In addition to the main effect, regularly performing inverted asanas for a few minutes a day improves blood circulation in the body, ensures healthy stretching of the neck muscles, speeds up metabolism and improves digestion. Moreover, the asanas help relieve pain during the menstrual cycle (however, note: performing inverted asanas directly on the days of the cycle is not recommended).

4. Plow pose (“Halasana”)

The pose well develops the flexibility of the spine and back as a whole, eliminates tension in the neck and lower back, reduces the risk of arthritis, has a massage effect on the liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands, helps reduce excess fat deposits, and thereby helps maintain the youth of the physical body .

5. Forward Bend (or “Padahastasana”)

When performed correctly, the pose has a beneficial effect on the spine, developing its flexibility, effectively reduces fat deposits in the abdominal area, prevents diseases of the stomach, liver, and intestines, reduces the risk and helps stop the development of diabetes, and even helps stimulate the functioning of brain cells. But I never tire of repeating for those who have just started practicing: do not forget that when bending, you need to pull your shoulders down and keep your back straight. Even if in your version the pose with a straight back is performed only a third of what is presented in the photo, remember that the main qualities that contribute to success in mastering yoga asanas are gradualism and patience. Be hardworking, patient and keep practicing, then everything will definitely work out!

6. Fish Pose (Matsiyasana)

The pose activates the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system, which affects mainly the condition of the skin; promotes gentle stretching of the muscles of the face and neck, serves as an excellent prevention against the effect of “ double chin", and also distributes energy throughout the body. The pose serves as compensation for inverted asanas, so do not forget about it so that your practice is balanced and harmonious.

7. King of the Fish Pose (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

The pose helps to stretch the lateral surfaces of the body, giving the body flexibility and slowing down the aging process, restores posture and eliminates lateral curvatures. The rejuvenation of the entire body is facilitated by such positive effects achieved in the process of performing this asana, such as improving the process of absorption of nutrients and removing toxins from the body.

8. Gymnastics for the neck muscles

Unfortunately, we often forget about such an important organ as the neck, bypassing it while performing various training complexes. But it is through the neck that the body is connected to the head and blood flow to the face and brain is ensured. Therefore, gymnastics for the neck is necessary: ​​it helps maintain skin tone, prevents salt deposits and the appearance of a “double chin,” and corrects the contour of the face.

Exercises for the neck muscles are extremely simple: they can be performed by anyone, even those who have never done yoga or other physical exercise. However, all exercises must be performed very slowly and consciously: controlling each muscle and paying attention to each muscle, without jerking or sudden movements.

My complex for home practice is this (about 10-12 repetitions):

  • turns the head to the right and left, leading the chin from one shoulder to the other,
  • tilting the head back and forth, while inhaling, lifting the chin up and exhaling, bringing it to the chest;
  • pulling your chin to your chest, perform head rolls, moving your chin from one shoulder to the other along the trajectory of a crescent;
  • tilting your head back and pointing your chin to the ceiling, tilt your head to the right and left shoulders;
  • pull your shoulders down as much as possible and slowly perform a full circle with your head in one direction and the other.

The given set of exercises is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. It is advisable to perform it in the morning, since all asanas are selected in such a way as to fill the body with energy and help you set yourself up for a successful day.

And remember: “You are young as long as your spine is flexible.” I am sure that 24/7 everyone can find a few minutes for themselves.

19 votes

There is nothing better than starting your day with a light workout that can awaken, invigorate and give you strength until the evening. Even those who have only read and heard about yoga from friends can do this. Believe me, morning yoga for beginners is a complex with which you will want to start every day.

Set of exercises

Certified international yoga trainer Alexandra Lebedeva (Instagram: @sasha__lebedeva) shared with our readers a set of exercises that are perfect for a morning workout:

Trikonasana - triangle pose

If you want to strengthen your knees and ankles, tighten your leg muscles, eliminate back and neck pain and open your chest, and also achieve weight loss, then this asana simply must be in your daily practice.

To make trikonasana a little easier, the hand can be moved to the instep or shin. Under no circumstances place your hand on your knee to avoid damaging it!
Strive to stretch both sides parallel to the floor, rotate your chest forward and straighten both legs.

If you feel a lot of tension in your neck when you look up for a long time, then you don’t need to overstrain it, turn your gaze to the floor.

Try to position your body in one plane and stay in the triangle pose for 10-15 deep breaths. Feel how your hamstrings stretch, how your well-being improves and your mood lifts.

Asana for balance

Stand up straight and tilt your body forward to a ninety-degree angle. Bend your right leg at the knee and pull your knee towards your armpit.

Place your right hand under your leg, left hand behind your back and try to interlock your fingers. (If that doesn’t work, you can use a strap and gradually move the brushes towards each other).

The left leg is active, the kneecap is pulled up, we try to straighten our back, the top of the head is pulled forward.

We stand for 30–60 seconds, maintaining calm breathing.

Carefully exit the asana, shake your left leg a little, relaxing it, and repeat on the other side

Ardhomukhasvanasana - "downward facing dog"

Inhaling, you need to rise onto your toes; if lifting allows, you can roll on your toes and become “like a ballerina,” transfer your body weight to your hands, move your body a little forward and, with an exhalation, pull your knee to your nose/forehead.

Hold this position for 10-15 deep breaths, return back to downward-facing dog and repeat on the other side.

If you do 3 sets on each leg, your abs will work no worse than with regular abdominal exercises.

Exercise with lunge element

If you don’t like to stretch long and tediously in a static position, like me, then this option will be very useful.

We lunge on our right leg, stretch our arms up, do three deep breaths.

We lower the opposite (left) hand on the forearm to the floor, place the right foot on the outer side and move the knee as far as possible to the right, again take a few deep breaths.

If you get bored in this position, then bend your left leg at the knee and stretch your heel towards your buttock. We take the left foot with our right hand and stretch the front surface of the thigh.

It certainly won’t be boring here, since there should be something to do everywhere. One, two, three... We carefully return to the lunge and try to straighten the front leg.

Two exercises for splits

Is it possible to do the splits just by practicing yoga? Of course yes!

It will take a different amount of time for everyone, but in the end, regular practice will lead to the coveted splits or hanumanasana, as they call it in yoga. In this case, the process itself will be less traumatic and softer.

To speed up the process, we need to do more sequences and asanas that engage our hamstrings and hip joints.

By keeping your back straight and pulling your straight leg towards you, alternating with twisting, we stretch the back of your legs.

And the fact that the heel of the bent leg is located on the outer side of the thigh, as in the hero’s pose - Virasana, helps us stretch our ankles and feet, as well as relieve pain in the knees.

Do you want to do the splits? Then yoga for beginners in the morning should certainly include the following asana.

Whether you bend your knees or straighten them, whether you reach your toes to the floor or not, the back of your legs, hamstrings, and hips will still open.

The main thing to remember is that the lower back should remain on the floor, while the buttocks can be lifted off the mat. And if you raise your head and shoulders from the floor, your abdominal muscles will also work, so there is only one benefit, stretching and strengthening the muscles.

You need to take a breath, straighten your arms and stretch the top of your head up, lower your shoulders, move them back and try to connect your shoulder blades, stretch your chest forward, and your tailbone back and down to your heels. You can stay in this pose for a few breaths, rest and repeat 2-3 more times, you can also try to raise your legs one by one, but do not forget to follow the asana that you set up at the beginning.

And even though this is just one exercise, it can serve as an excellent start in strengthening your back muscles and developing a beautiful figure.

Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Big Toe Grasping Pose)

If you can’t straighten your leg and hold it thumb- take a strap, a jump rope or at least a towel and in any case straighten your body and leg, do not bend over, crouch or bend your knee. Regular practice of this asana significantly improves coordination, strengthens the thigh muscles and hamstrings, and reduces fat deposits in the area of ​​the waist, hips and buttocks.

Constant practice develops body awareness, firmness and patience.


Lotus is one of the most important asanas in yoga.

Not everyone gets it right the first time, and the reason is primarily not in the knee joints, but in the hip joints. Before performing it, you need to warm them up well and open them.

During execution, it is important that the back remains straight, so in the initial stages of mastering this asana, you can try to do it against a wall or in a lying position.

And let such a lotus not leave your consciousness in a collected state during meditation, but it will relax you very well. Place your palms together on your chest, close your eyes and rest.

Important additions to the exercises

Such “charging” will certainly set the mood for your entire day, so it is very important to initially get in the right frame of mind.

Daily practice has also been proven to help cope with regular headaches and migraine attacks. Therefore, if you are tormented by this illness, welcome!