Family holiday

Based on the philosophy of Feng Shui, the marriage zone is the southwestern part of the apartment or house. This sector is mainly associated with the relationship between you and your partner, as well as with the way you relate to yourself, your family, friends, colleagues, people and phenomena in general. If you are very lonely and have been looking for a partner for a long time, then you need to turn your attention to this sector. If you already have a loved one, then using Feng Shui techniques will help you maintain beneficial energy for your relationship. Moreover, they will bring harmony and positivity to your communication with others.

The element of Earth, fueled by Fire, reigns in this territory. But Water and Metal are unacceptable here, they significantly weaken the strength of the zone.

Activation of the reject zone

Effect of activation: the sector will be responsible for all areas of relationships - between children and parents, close and not so relatives, your partner and you; the sector will directly affect your sex life.

Make sure that the marriage area is always perfectly clean - this will help you keep your relationships clean, for example, maintain the fidelity of your spouses. If you don’t keep order here, then discord will inevitably arise in your relationship, which often ends in betrayal.

Pay close attention to ensuring that there are no broken, damaged or cracked objects in this sector, otherwise “cracks” will also appear in your personal life. In Feng Shui, it is believed that the strength of the objects in this zone is the strength of your relationship.

Under no circumstances should you store previously used items, such as antiques, in this sector. Due to the fact that such objects carry with them all the energy of their former owners. Don’t forget that these things will still be foreign, no matter how well they fit into your interior, so don’t be surprised if someone else appears in your relationship, or your spouse starts cheating. Always be very careful with such things and objects. In this zone, everything should be personal and verified.

Candles for romance

Place a couple of candles in the sector - red and white, they will represent a man and a woman. Some feng shui gurus suggest tying candles with a red ribbon to maintain a strong relationship between spouses. In the event that misunderstandings and conflict situations arise between you and your partner, light these candles for a while, thereby clearing the subtle levels of your energy.

In order for the relationship between spouses to always remain tender and full of love, Feng Shui advises that all things in this sector - from an armchair to a sofa cushion or lamp - have their own pair. The presence of unpaired objects in this area, as well as portraits, photographs of single women and men, or single figurines, can lead to divorce or prevent you from finding your other half.

Of the paired feng shui symbols to activate this zone, the following would be appropriate:

  • Dove figurines embodying immeasurable love and tenderness
  • Beautiful butterflies, they are inherently associated with joy and love
  • Mandarin ducks are one of the most significant symbols of happiness and fidelity in family life.
  • Swans, personifying fidelity to a partner for centuries.

If you are single, and it is vital for you to attract romantic feelings into your destiny, then place in the zone any objects made in the shape of a heart - boxes, pictures, soft toys, valentine hearts, etc. They will help activate the sector.

The love and marriage zone is an ideal place to place a love altar, where you store:

  • Erotic things, objects for love pleasures, sexual incense and oils, aphrodisiacs.
  • Romantic witnesses of your feelings, photographs dear to your heart, where you are together with your partner and where you are happy, love letters and especially valuable gifts and souvenirs.
  • Books about love, for example, “Kama Sutra”, “Tao of Love”.
  • Your stones corresponding to the zodiac signs of your partners - they should always be nearby so that they are never separated by other objects.
  • Pictures with erotic content will help enhance the sexual part of the relationship.

Do not allow anyone to touch these items and do not display them in public.

Place yours on the walls wedding photos or photos taken on your honeymoon in which you and your partner are happy and radiating love. The powerful energy of such images will affect not only this area, but your entire home.


Make sure that gentle, romantic music is always played in this zone - it will harmonize the energy and bring it into balance.

Avoid using household electrical appliances in this sector, especially in the bedroom, as they generate excessively active, almost uncontrollable energy. This can negatively affect your relationship with your partner, figuratively speaking, making it artificial.

Remember, the marriage area is an ideal place to store treasured memorabilia related to your family, such as a family album or archive.

It is important for success in your personal life how you work on arranging the marriage zone. If, in spite of everything, you are sure that your destiny is loneliness, you will be lonely. Because there is no place for love in your heart. You need to feel internally that life will certainly change, and these changes will only be for the better.

Feng Shui connects human life with natural harmony, leads to the rational use of earth's energy, as well as the unity of soul and body in everyday life. This teaching will help improve a person’s life in all areas, and family relationships no exception.

It happens that gradually people’s feelings fade away, as if they dissolve in everyday worries, this is due to the fact that any energy is mobile, it needs to be nourished and directed. Happy is the marriage in which constant work is being done to connect different energies. And use the wisdom of the teachings Feng Shui will help improve existing relationships and.

The Chinese believe that even if a person does not notice something, his brain sees and remembers everything, so what surrounds a person constantly plays a big role. To make love strong and sensual, symbols are used that protect the family from disintegration, such symbols include:

- elephant - makes the family strong and reliable;

- playing carps - awakens marital energy, this is a very powerful symbol, necessary for every home;

- dragon - gives the couple strength in overcoming difficulties, maintains financial stability;

- tree - planting a family (fruit) tree together will constantly feed the energy of the family; the tree needs to be looked after and protected from strangers.

Almost everything affects the well-being of family relationships: bed linen, cutlery, room decoration, interior details. Before making any changes to your home, it is better to conduct a Feng Shui analysis of your home. Using special techniques, weaknesses that need to be harmonized are identified.

First, they adjust the overall energy of the house, and then restore it. All rooms in the house should not be cluttered, all objects should be arranged according to certain rules, cleanliness and order should be maintained so that nothing interferes with the flow of energies.

Bedroom- This is a shrine for husband and wife, it needs special care. Colored ribbons, candles, paintings and photos of lovers, paired figurines (carp, pigeons, etc.) are placed in the bedroom. Bed linen is chosen without sharp patterns.

To harmonize energies, objects are not only added, but also removed. It is not recommended to keep a TV in the bedroom, which distracts the couple from each other. If there are aquariums and images of water in the room, they should be moved to another place so that the love does not “wash out”. Dangerous objects (scissors, knives, swords, etc.) cause tension, which can lead to anger and arguments.

Bed the most significant item in the bedroom, its location and design depends on many factors and features, depending on what effect the couple wants to get: to establish financial situation, improve health, add passion to relationships or harmony in everyday details. It is advisable that the bed has a headboard, it will protect the senses.

Feng Shui includes so many elements and rules that it is incredibly difficult to figure everything out on your own. This teaching can improve a person’s life at work, at home, and in love, bring peace of mind or give vigor. Family is the most important thing in life, it needs to be protected and cherished, and Feng Shui will definitely help with this.

According to Eastern philosophy, everything has a pair - this is the general harmony. Loneliness is unnatural. A lonely person is a violation of harmony, so the Universe helps everyone in finding their soul mate.

Before using Feng Shui techniques to attract love, listen to yourself and make sure that you are looking for a permanent partner, and not one-time sexual adventures. Feng Shui helps those who are committed to serious relationships and marriage.

Tidy up your bedroom

A single bed conveys to the Universe that you are focused on loneliness: replace it with a double bed.

Look what the bed looks like. She must have an attractive and seductive appearance. An unsightly, sloppy bed with an ugly bed linen– signs of a lack of personal life.

There should be nothing in the room that reminds you of loneliness. Furniture and accessories - armchairs, ottomans, floor lamps, sconces - must be paired.

There should be no thorny plants or objects with sharp corners in the bedroom - these are sources negative energy. Fill the room with round objects. Do not keep dried or artificial flowers in the bedroom - they symbolize ashes and interfere with the emergence of relationships.

Prepare a place for your future partner. Clear out a few shelves in your wardrobe. If you sleep on half of an unassembled sofa, unfold it at night.

Buy items that symbolize eroticism: silk bed linen, a beautiful peignoir, candles with the scent of chocolate, roses, myrrh.

Accessories will attract the energy of love and help hold it.

Rearrange the furniture

There is a saying in China: rearrange 28 objects in your house and your life will change. Bulky objects, such as furniture, affect the flow of energy in the house. Furniture must be positioned correctly. Before you move, clean out your home.

In Feng Shui, liberation from the old is important. Old things are carried negative energy and memories - they have no place in the house. Take your time and get your apartment in order. Throw away junk you don't need. Clear out the cabinets and dust them.

The house transmits information to the Universe. New energy means new acquaintances. Do not block the energy path with old unnecessary objects that form rubble.

When cleaning your home, don't overdo it. Leave everything that makes you happy and once brought you happiness, even if it’s old items. For example, children's albums with drawings. Exceptions are things left over from old relationships. Hide or throw away photographs, letters and memorable gifts. They block the path of new love.

Get rid of accessories, paintings, photographs and posters with images of lonely people or animals, as they carry the energy of loneliness. Replace posters of posing but lonely movie stars with pictures of men and women hugging, forming happy couples.

The apartment is hung with posters of kittens, lonely beauties, the interior is decorated in pink tones and bottles are placed - a clear overabundance feminine energy. Dilute it with a masculine look and bring into the interior items that a man would like.

The room should not be filled with children's toys. In an interior where everything reminds you of childhood, mature relationships will not arise.

So, if you want to find a permanent partner who would like to share your home, add items to the interior that he might like.

Arrange the talismans of love

Some people believe that according to Feng Shui, the love zone is in the bedroom. Such people find the southwestern part of the bedroom and try to activate it.

This opinion is wrong. Love is not just sex. In Feng Shui, love is associated with marriage and family life, so we need to take a broader approach to solving the problem of loneliness.

The zone of love and marriage according to Feng Shui is the southwestern part of the house or apartment. Here is the energy responsible for the personal life of the people living in the house.

Using a compass, find the southwestern part of the apartment and put it in perfect order. Keep it clean and well lit. Remove things with sharp corners - they scare away potential partners. Make the southwestern sector of the apartment an island of love and romance, and in return it will attract love.

It is necessary to attract the energy of love into the bedroom, as well as into the sector of love relationships - the southwest of the apartment or room. This sector is associated with romance and love, marriage.

To attract new things into life, you need to get rid of everything old and unnecessary.

1. We destroy all memories that are associated with the past, no longer promising man. There is no need to keep photographs, letters and other touching reminders of ex-friend. Dried flowers also block beneficial energy.

2. Eliminate symbols of loneliness. If the walls of the house are decorated with a painting of one woman, or photographs of you in splendid isolation, then in this way you are saying that you love yourself alone and will not let anyone into your narcissistic life. It should not be surprising that such women find it so difficult to enter into a new relationship.

3. The interior of a “bachelor” apartment should be a mixture of male and female energies. When one gender is dominant, feng shui becomes unbalanced and the luck of the marriage will disappear. An excess of feminine energy in the house is undesirable: lace napkins, ruffled curtains, a huge array of cosmetics. A man in such an environment will feel uncomfortable. Think about what masculine touches you can add. If you are interested in collecting soft toys, dolls, then an obstacle to “adult” relationships arises.

4. From the love zone - the southwest - it is necessary to remove anything that distracts from love meetings: documents from your work, a computer, a TV. To prevent your man from getting lost in his long search for you, the apartment needs good lighting. Hang a crystal sconce and attach a crystal next to it on a red ribbon. Playing with all its facets, it dispels negative energy and attracts positivity.

5. In the marriage sector we place a list of qualities that your future man should have. Let your imagination draw his appearance, character, habits that you would like to see in your ideal chosen one. It is important to imagine the image of your soulmate. Such meditations will help you achieve marital status faster. Make room in your locker and desk drawer for a potential man. You need to share space with a non-existent partner.

6. The bedroom - a temple of love - should be located as far as possible from the front door. This gives the greatest security. The noise of the elevator, conversations of neighbors, smells coming from the kitchen - all this distracts from love game. It is important to create a calm and harmonious environment here. The bedroom is intended only for relaxation and personal life. It is not advisable to work in it or receive guests. Don't overload this room with too much furniture. The bed should be positioned so that it can be approached from both sides - this will ensure an influx of love energy. No need to sleep with your feet towards the door. A folding sofa is not the best purchase - it divides the bed in half, as if drawing a boundary between you and the man. If you can’t buy a bed, cover the sofa with a soft blanket before going to bed. Red is the color of happiness and love, lay down a red blanket. Dressers and bedside tables disrupt the flow of energy. Scattered linen and clothes interfere with the free flow of qi. A pile of dirty laundry kills love.

7. For a successful love relationship, you need to choose the color of your clothes. Pink is very feminine and sexy. Try combining it with red, the color of passion; together they form a piquant combination.

  • Men perceive a woman in white as an angel, innocent, kind creature. They will treat you more reverently and tenderly. But in China white color special treatment is a symbol of death, so it is better to add other colors to your appearance.
  • Yellow color invigorates and fills with energy. Therefore, a man next to a woman in yellow will be perky and playful.
  • A backless dress sends a powerful message to men, to which they simply cannot help but respond.
  • Snakeskin or crocodile leather shoes(its imitation is also suitable) will influence the instinct of the opposite sex. A man is first and foremost a hunter.

8. Amulets and talismans are a way of communicating with supernatural forces. To give them the desired properties, you need to put all the power of your desire into the image. You need to relax, close your eyes and clearly formulate what you want when turning to the talisman. Do not let strangers touch your amulet. Traditional talismans of love are, first of all, paired things: a pair of candlesticks with red candles, a pair of vases, a pair of dolphins, a pair of birds (doves, cranes). Figurines of two mandarin ducks bring love happiness. This is one of the most effective symbols in Feng Shui and signifies harmony in marital relationships. Two red or pink hearts are symbols of love. Chocolates, chocolates placed in the love zone will attract love energy.

9. To strengthen an existing relationship with a man, you need to put a bouquet of peonies in the bedroom. In Feng Shui, these flowers have special abilities to attract love.

10. Paintings depicting a happy couple bring a positive effect. It should be noted that there should only be two people; we don’t need strangers in our union. You can cut out an illustration from a magazine.

By following these simple tips, you will attract love luck into your home, find the right person or revive faded love.

In the modern rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to maintain warm and tender relationships in the family. We don’t have enough free time to completely lose ourselves in the pleasant worries of a loved one and maintain the bright flame of love in our marriage.

If you strive attract love V own house or you want to preserve and also increase it in a family union, then this is for you The ancient science of Feng Shui will help. She keeps secrets that help increase positive energy in the home and keep you strong and happy in love. Based on the provisions of Feng Shui, our home plays an important role in regulating and creating relationships between chosen ones. For that so that love reigns in the house and respect, it is recommended to pay attention to three important components of the room: the location of the front door, the arrangement of the bedroom and bed.

Let's look at their features in more detail:

1. Feng Shui entrance door.

This element of any home contributes to the accumulation and penetration into the house of special life Qi energy, which is used by members of your family entering or leaving, as well as guests of your home.

Based on Feng Shui, it is best to plan the location of the entrance in three directions:

  • the southeastern direction will help maintain calm and excellent relationships in the family, and will also significantly improve material well-being its members;
  • the southwestern direction is favorable for female representatives, as it contributes to the creation of harmonious relationships with a partner;
  • the western direction is associated with the creation of a romantic mood and violent passion in the home.

If the doors of the rooms are located in other directions in your house, this does not mean that there will be no peace, love and harmony in the house. To attract and improve properties of energy Qi, it is recommended to choose the shape and color of the entrance doors that match five main feng shui elements: Wood, Water, Fire, Metal and Earth. As a result, the vital energy of Qi will be directed in the necessary direction and will attract love, happiness and good luck into your home.

2. Bedroom location.

Best location bedrooms according to feng shui is southwest corner at home, as it helps create an atmosphere of fidelity and sincere love in the family. But if the room is located in another part of the house, then this is not a reason for sadness and concern. The Feng Shui system has effective tools that can help make your home more comfortable and holistic.

First of all, this room should have always order and cleanliness. This symbolizes the purity of your thoughts and loyalty to each other. If there is constant clutter in this room, then so will yours. love relationships there will be chaos and division.

In this case, from the bedroom it is necessary remove any electrical equipment. If you do not have such an opportunity, then try to place it at a far distance from the location of the bed.

Based on the basics of Feng Shui, all photographs, portraits and other images remove from the bedroom. It is best to place them in common rooms.

Try out the bedroom throw away all items that are no longer in use, since they carry negative energy, which contributes to the appearance of the same “cracks” in relationships as in old things.

To attract to the bedroom energy of love and passion, fill it with elements of the five elements. For example, red candles and pink crystal balls, will help ignite the fire of love and positive energy into the room. Lamp or night light, executed in yellow or red tones, will also help to return former passion and improve intimate relationships between partners. Small figurines of mandarin ducks will perfectly enhance the energy of love, as well as dragon with phoenix, beautiful butterflies, figurines of doves and swans. Amethyst located under the foot of the bed can prevent infidelity in marriage.

In order for the relationship between people in love to always remain tender and romantic, it is necessary to place only paired objects in the bedroom.

3. Decorating a bed according to Feng Shui.

To improve relationships in marriage it is important to position it correctly in the rest room bed. Feng Shui experts advise calculating your individual Gua number. To do this, you need to add the last two numbers of your year of birth.

If the result is a two-digit number, then it should be added one more time. As a result, the numbers:

  • 2, 5 and 7 - north-west direction;
  • 3, 6 - southwestern direction;
  • 1 - south direction;
  • 4 - east direction;
  • 8 - western direction;
  • 9 - north direction.

In this case, the bed should not rest against the wall on one side so that there is opportunity approach to her from different sides, and also be located opposite doorways. This will enable the two partners to feel equal in marriage. If you break this rule, then the chosen one, sleeping against the wall, will feel infringed on his own rights.

In addition, the size of the bed is important. It should not be very broad, as this is an indicator of the level of intimacy in the relationship.

When choosing a mattress for a bed, pay attention to the fact that it is not double, since this feature symbolizes the duality of relationships and their subsequent split. Specialists in feng shui Also do not advise acquire water mattresses, since the presence of the Water element in the bedroom is undesirable. Negatively affect the relationship between spouses mirrors hanging above the bed, since this element symbolizes the presence of a third party in a love union.

Pay attention to the corners of your bed and bedside table. According to the science of Feng Shui, they should not be sharp.

It should be noted that when completing feng shui bedroom we must not forget that this zone of love and marriage. In this regard, make sure that in this room Always sounded lyrical melodies, and also contained erotic items, books about love, special oils and incense, promoting love pleasures.

Placing furniture and accessories in the bedroom according to the Feng Shui system, do not forget that the success of a marriage also depends on ability to compromise, as well as the partners’ ability to love, respect and understand each other.