The first date is significant. It is here that it is decided whether your meetings will continue or not. There is no need to doubt whether a girl likes you or not. If you managed to persuade her and she came, she likes you. And you don’t even have to doubt it. So, the first date is set, your target has arrived and is waiting. How to behave, what to do? This is exactly what I want to talk about in this article.

Confidence is the main thing. As soon as the girl feels that you don’t have it, she will find a reason and leave. And there will be no second date. So exude self-confidence and let it really be there. You can imagine that this is not the first date and you have known each other for a long time. In this case, the relationship will be more friendly, the girl will become comfortable, and tension will disappear.

Look at it from a woman's point of view: she comes on the first date precisely in order to assess whether she really likes you. Are you really the same as you were at the club or place where you met her? If you are the same, then she continues to like you. She wants to see this type of man next to her. But if he doesn’t want to, he simply doesn’t come. At the same time, the girl hopes that everything will go well and your meetings will continue in the future. Remember all this, then everything will be just wonderful!

It’s worth making it clear from the first date that you want to continue the relationship physically. To do this, touch the girl and do it often. With confidence. When she approaches, you can get up and kiss her on the cheek. From my own experience I can say that a kiss on the hand makes a great impression. Even today, many still believe in the prince. So be one at least a little! At the first opportunity, kiss the girl on the cheeks, you can even risk it on the lips.

If you don’t do all this, then at most on the third date the girl will be disappointed and that’s all over. And there are two options: either the meetings end completely or you go into the friend zone. There is no return from there. You are her friend and that's it, that's the end. Don't let your endeavor end here. Kisses, touches - show her in every possible way that you are interested in more than just communication. Believe me, this will not scare the girl. She's also interested in what's in your pants. Don't seem like a castrato, meant only for the friend zone.

If you are a confident man and show it in full force, the girl understands that everything will end exactly the way you want. Having shown that she is interesting to you sexually, you can move on. Touching and kissing should simply be written into first dates and be mandatory. At the same time, do not make hesitant touches. This will show that you are afraid to make a decision. This position can turn off any girl.

Act confidently, then the girl will simply follow you. Individual pickup training in Moscow will help you understand all these subtleties of the game, learn how to behave correctly and learn a lot of new things that can help when communicating with a girl. Practice shows that with a normal acquaintance, already the third date in a row ends in bed. But you can also learn how to do this on the first date. Maximum - on the second. The main thing is confidence in yourself and your abilities. And a little knowledge, which we provide in these articles.

Pickup artist! This is who the true lover of freebies is. A master class by a professional pick-up artist costs between $300 and $4,000 - because there are a lot of people who want to learn how to pick up a chick without any problems. This vile cynic keeps count of the women he has put to bed. And he doesn’t care how old she is, what she looks like, the main thing is that every time there is a new victim. And the victim does not even suspect that his new acquaintance (this almost prince on a white horse) will disappear into the morning fog forever. How not to succumb to his charm and not fall into the trap of a calculating freeloader?

The English word pick-up can be translated as “to pick up”, “to remove”. The pickup truck as a movement arose in the USA in the early 90s of the last century (1992). Experienced male womanizers organized seminars and trainings for modest young men who found it difficult to meet girls: skilled seducers taught newcomers the subtleties of seduction, which they themselves used.

Today, similar courses exist in Russia. The pickup truck ideology quickly gained popularity and acquired followers. Future hero-lovers are willing to pay a lot of money to know Casanova’s secrets and quickly get what they want.

How to understand that this is a pickup artist?

It has already been noted that a modern hunter for easy sex is identified by 8 signs. And no matter how pleasant and gallant a young man is, a lady should be wary if in his image, as well as in a barely established relationship, there are...

1. Unusual date
The most common technique of a pick-up artist is organizing a memorable romantic date. An insidious seducer will not take a girl to the cinema, cafe or bowling alley. Most likely, this will be a meeting in nature, where he will tell a lot of incredible life stories and will show views that will turn your companion’s head.

2. Catchy, stylish clothes
The pickup artist is most often dressed tastefully. He will probably be wearing a fashionable fitted shirt, a formal or not very formal jacket and tight classic trousers, into which a belt with a massive plaque is tucked. Around your neck is a bright scarf or a narrow tie. In winter, a jacket replaces a thin coat classic cut.

With his entire appearance, he demonstrates success, high social status, he will definitely emphasize that he arrived by car and in any situation he easily manages to be right. The initial goal of the seducer is to impress the girl and stand out in the crowd of “ordinary” men.

3. Unusual acquaintance
Saying hello and asking how you are is not for a pickup artist, it’s too banal for him. A professional seducer will make an impression with a memorable and non-standard phrase. A classic of the genre is to ask in which film he could see such a beautiful person and ask for an autograph. The “film star” will definitely smile and make contact.

4. A specific place for the first meeting
The pick-up artist meets in conditions that are ideal for this: youth bars, nightclubs, restaurants. Less often, city streets and shopping centers become like this.

5. No treats
The fundamental commandment of a pickup truck is to get a woman without spending a penny on her. For example, in a cafe, a guy who is focused on this will never offer his companion tea or a cocktail; he seduces only by the fact that he does not require investment: beautiful speeches, a waterfall of compliments, admiring glances.

6. Contact through touch
A few moments after meeting, the pick-up artist, as if by chance, begins to touch the girl: he lightly hugs, touches her arm, and can playfully adjust an accessory or a lock of hair. The man complements every touch with an unworn compliment. He is well-educated, has a wonderful sense of humor and tact, so he has no problems communicating with the weaker sex.

7. Disappearance
Despite the excellent communication, the pickup artist moves forward very confidently and rushes things along. In a few hours, he makes the “victim” fall in love with him, and having received her mobile number, he disappears for a while, thereby making the lady worry, bored and impatiently awaiting a new date. And then, 5 days later, the ladies' man calls the girl and invites her to an unforgettable rendezvous. This is how the “victim” ends up in a pre-prepared network.

8. Unexpected sex

The point of a pickup truck is a date with everyone new girl end with sex. A professional seducer is capable of turning heads like that woman's head that young ladies sometimes don’t even notice how they find themselves in his arms. The pickup artist will not rent luxury apartments. In the best case, the first and only night of love will take place in a friend’s vacant apartment, but it is possible that the “lovers’” refuge will be a store fitting room, or a park bench, or a hotel for an hour.

There are girls who are not embarrassed by fleeting romances, which means that even from a relationship with a pick-up artist they will get their pleasure. But if a lady is looking for a long and lasting relationship, then she should immediately study the habits of the modern sex hunter in advance: this way, there may be one less victim in his network.

Some men have a good hundred first dates behind them, but with each new one they invariably step on the same rake. Others have practically no such experience at all (for example, due to long relationship), and they don’t know how to make such an important first impression on a girl.

Collected the most gross mistakes that men make when meeting the opposite sex - a note to everyone who wants to make sure that an ideal date is not a myth, but a reality.

1. Be late for a date

If anyone can afford to be late (and no, this is not late), it is only a woman. And she has good reasons: to do perfect makeup, curl her hair into curls, change her mind and straighten it, try on three dresses, jeans with a blouse and a pantsuit, realize that orange pumps do not fit any of the options, burst into tears and completely redoing your makeup may take much longer than allotted. But for men, being late is unforgivable: by allowing yourself a delay of even just 20 minutes, you risk giving the girl the impression of an unreliable and simply ill-mannered person.

2. Not planning everything in advance

Even before the date starts, you should already have a clear plan of where you will take the girl, what places are best to take a walk, where you will have dinner, etc. Even if the scenario ends up being completely replayed, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that this very scenario exists at all. Believe me, when going on a date, not a single girl wants to hear the passive “Have you by any chance thought about what we could do today?” Any representative of the fair half of humanity initially expects initiative from a man - just come to terms with it and think through a plan for at least the first few meetings.

3. Not caring about the girl

Look at your chosen one. If she came on a date wearing shoes high heels- most likely, your idea of ​​going around all the best parks in the city, and then turning onto an old street covered with paving stones and walking along it downhill will be a fiasco. No, walks on fresh air- this is wonderful. But girls are extremely gentle creatures, and therefore comfort for the vast majority of them means very, very much. And if you don’t want to see tears on your chosen one’s face instead of joyful emotions because of calluses that have been worn until they bleed, it’s better to choose the option “have a nice time in a restaurant or a movie.” And save active scenarios for subsequent dates - if the girl feels really good with you that evening, you will definitely need them in the future.

4. Order dishes that are inconvenient to eat

Wings, ribs and other foods that you can't eat without getting your hands dirty are absolute taboos on a first date. A sauce that wants to “settle” on your chin while you are concentrating on gnawing a piece of juicy meat on the bone will clearly not add pluses to your charm. And especially squeamish and impressionable young ladies will run away completely as soon as they have such an opportunity. Naturally, in this case, you can’t even dream about your first kiss.

By the way, try to unobtrusively clarify before the first date whether your chosen one is a vegetarian. After all, if the answer is positive, you should take care in advance of finding a good restaurant with a delicious vegetarian menu.

5. Act selfishly

Naturally, not a single first date is complete without presenting yourself and your loved one in the most favorable light. And this is important: you need to be intrigued by yourself. But moderation is necessary here more than ever before: if you talk exclusively about yourself all evening, you risk never seeing your companion again. Moreover, rumors about your talkativeness and arrogance can spread at the speed of light.

To make everything go as harmoniously as possible, follow the 50/50 proportion. In other words, tell some interesting fact about yourself, and then ask the girl something on the same topic. And, most importantly, listen to her to the end, and even better, continue to show lively curiosity. Make sure that the date does not turn into an interview: your conversation should bring you pleasure, and not drops of cold sweat appearing on the forehead of your chosen one while you dryly throw out questions. Moreover, by adhering to the above proportion, you won’t have to frantically figure out what else to discuss besides yesterday’s rain.

6. Be a critic

Even if yours new girlfriend suddenly she let slip that she reads Dontsova avidly, likes to brew tea bags three times and considers football the most boring of games - don’t rush to sound the alarm. First dates are invented precisely for this purpose, so that both of you can properly evaluate each other, understand whether you are comfortable together or not. So listen calmly and draw your own conclusions. But under no circumstances should you start a heated argument on the topic of personal preferences - you won’t be able to change the girl’s tastes (and, you must admit, that would be completely ugly), but you’ll be able to remember her as a hysterical idiot.

7. Pay attention to other girls

Since your choice fell on this girl whom you invited on a date, then be kind enough not to show signs of attention to other ladies, not to follow your eyes and not to evaluate every beauty passing by. Even if you are so loving and all the maneuvers described above occur at the level of male instincts, i.e. almost uncontrollable, then try and gather all your will into a fist, and this evening be with the girl who came to meet you. Otherwise, this could be your last date. Girls have unique peripheral vision, and even if it seems to you that all your “Casanova” glances towards other women will go unnoticed, you are deeply mistaken.

8. Remember your exes

On the first date, completely forget about your exes - today your history is as clear as white sheet. You definitely shouldn’t talk about previous relationships in either a bad or a good way. In the first case, the girl will note to herself that she is also not immune from unflattering reviews if she suddenly ends up on the list of your exes. And in the second, he will think about it: if you speak so well of your past lover, then it is possible that your feelings for her have not yet cooled.

If your new companion tries to broach this topic herself, don’t get angry. Talk about your ex in a few words, but do it as calmly and informatively as possible. And, of course, be on your guard: if a girl is too insistent in prying into your past, this is an alarm bell, and it is possible that the situation will only get worse.

9. Whining incessantly

Trying to pressure a girl into pity is far from best way conquer her. If not the worst. No - she, of course, will listen to all your heartbreaking stories about how at the age of 6 your beloved dog was hit by a car and you cried for two weeks in a row, at school you were periodically bullied by the leader of a local gang, and at work they have not wanted you for three years raise wages. He will listen, regret it and disappear forever. Because women don't want losers and whiners - it's not sexy and it's not at all reliable. Work on yourself, and you simply won’t have time for grudges. Be a man - strong and capable of moving any mountains, or at least striving for this.

10. Be a cheapskate

Believe me, any manifestations of your greed will be immediately noticed and added to the list of your biggest shortcomings. Therefore, never use a calculator to determine the “correct” tip amount, and also never refuse to pay for service in principle. Even if the latter was disgusting. And, of course, forget forever about offering to pay equally for dinner. Believe me, this doesn’t make you look good at all.

11. Stay connected to your smartphone

When you come to dinner, just turn off your phone. Believe me, your chosen one will appreciate this step with much greater delight than if you brought her a bouquet of the most beautiful peonies. No, peonies are of course wonderful, and it’s still better with them than without them. But your willingness to completely devote your evening to her alone, without being distracted for a second by letters on Facebook or updating your Instagram feed, is worth a lot, believe me.

Naturally, don’t forget to also watch the girl: if she doesn’t let go of the phone all evening and you can’t even really see the color of her eyes, because her companion’s gaze is constantly lowered to the monitor, then she’s not at all interested in your person. Yes, you can try to shake her up. But is it necessary, given the fact that you were so openly bullied?

12. Not ending the date gracefully

Everyone, even the most confident girls, having said goodbye to a man after the first date, falls into a state of jitters. “What if he didn’t like me? What if I'm too fat? Damn, I shouldn't have worn light colored trousers, they make me look fat. And there was no need to talk about that funny incident - now he definitely thinks that I’m a fool,” such thoughts often settle in the heads of most young ladies. If you really liked your chosen one and would like to continue the relationship, put a beautiful end to the date. In other words, before saying goodbye, be sure to let the girl know that she intrigues you very much. Any ideas will be suitable for these purposes: beautiful words, romantic kisses and, of course, a special SMS that you should send after the end of the date. She will keep this message as a family heirloom, and it is possible that even your future grandchildren will read it.

Do you want success with girls and don’t know where to start? In this article, we asked one of our regular authors, Andrei Vysotsky, to talk about his rich experience in seducing girls. You will learn where to start your journey in a pickup truck: what to read, where you can learn, what you should pay attention to, what mistakes lie in wait for you ahead.

What is this article or introduction from the author about?

I won’t be able to cram all my knowledge and experience into one article. But I can tell you about the fastest ways to achieve your goal, and about possible mistakes that lie in wait for you ahead.

Is it possible to learn pickup truck on your own?

So, you want to be great with girls. It doesn’t matter whether you want to wake up every morning with a new beauty or you need one and only one. In any case, you have only three options:

Sit at home on your favorite couch and wait for success to come to you

Are you waiting for fortune to shower you with money, and beautiful girls will line up to jump into your bed? This will never happen.

The only thing that comes by itself is old age. Everything else needs to be achieved. It's hard (sometimes very hard). To do this, you will have to pull yourself out of your comfort zone: learn new things, try new things, change your habits, change your social circle. If you want results, you have to work hard. This is the law of life.

Go to a special training where they will teach you everything

I think this is the most best option of all. It has two decisive advantages:

  1. Availability feedback. Live communication with a coach - important part training. The coach will always point out your mistakes. If you have any questions, he will answer, tell, show, explain the incomprehensible.
  2. Motivation. Often, all you need to succeed is a magical kick in the ass. A good coach always has a carrot and a stick (which is callous and can also be used to beat you) with which he will force you to move in the right direction.

But, unfortunately, there are several serious disadvantages:

  1. It's expensive. Good training is expensive. If you don't have a good financial background, you won't get anywhere.
  2. Lots of charlatans. Finding a good coach is a difficult task. There are a lot of different pseudo-coaches and dubious specialists who will take your money, but won’t teach you anything, because they themselves don’t know how to do anything. I advise you to contact trainers who have been in this topic for a long time and who already have a good reputation. Another option is serious organizations with wide representation and their own crowd, for example, RMES.
  3. Not available everywhere. The same RMES members conduct their training only in large cities. If you are a resident of a small town, you have additional problems with travel to the training site and accommodation.

Learn everything on your own

If things don’t work out with a good coach, that’s not a reason to give up. You can learn everything on your own.

You won't have feedback and no one will give you a magic kick (except yourself), but if you are determined enough, you will definitely achieve your goal. And in this article I will help you do this.

Where to look for information

There is a huge amount of free and paid information on the Internet about seducing girls: books, blogs, forums, newsletters, articles, etc.

Digging through this pile of slag and finding useful information in it is a very difficult task. But I have good news: I have already done this for you. This is what I recommend reading.

Free books

On the Internet you can find many useful and interesting and, most importantly, free books from different trainers. Here are a few options that I find most useful for a beginner.

Egor Sheremetyev

My first impression of Yegor is that he’s a nondescript guy who talks about seduction—nothing special. When I got to know him better, I realized that first impressions are deceiving. No matter what anyone says, he knows how to communicate with girls phenomenally. Here is a video where he immediately meets a girl right in a traffic jam:

He conducts many different events: trainings, master classes, bootcamps, etc. including the Bachelor Party in Asia in Pattaya. Here he talks about it himself:

In short, there is definitely a lot to learn from him. I definitely recommend reading it free book“Secrets of successful dating on VKontakte.” The book is very interesting: little water, a lot of practical information and examples of successful phrases and dialogues from real correspondence. In order to download the book, you need to go and leave your e-mail address. After this, you will receive an email with a link to download the pdf file.

Another must-read book by the same author is “A Little Kick to Big Sex.” It contains a lot of interesting information about how to properly meet girls: how to approach, what to say, how to overcome shyness, etc. To download.

Roman Vinilov

I have been following Roman’s activities for quite some time. He has been in the subject of seduction and pickup for 10 years already. Author of courses, seminars and trainings. Trainer, coach, writer, etc. I don’t see any point in listing his entire track record - read it yourself if you’re interested. Here are a few of his books that will be useful to read:

  1. Effective dating. There is a lot of useful information about dates here: how to invite, where to go, how to behave, what to talk about, etc.
  2. 7 steps to building a relationship with a girl. All about how to build harmonious relationships and remain the best man for her.
  3. How to surprise any girl. More than 70 pages of various examples for all occasions that will help surprise her and make a good impression.
If between the remark “He’s not like everyone else!” and a love bed for no more than three days - come to your senses, perhaps this is a pick-up artist!

He has mastered the art of seducing women, and all he needs from you is... But do you agree to have sex without obligations?

He is dressed to the nines, courteous and tactful, fragrant with a sweet and cloying aroma. His compliments flow like a deep river, and the touch of his hands gives you goosebumps. No, it’s impossible not to fall in love with this! And he knows about it. He knows - and uses it cynically. – who is he really?

In the past, this is a typical loser or nerd who is not able to meet a woman on his own. To learn this simple (for a future macho - incredibly complex) business, he took the appropriate courses. The cost of the latter is from 300 to 4 thousand conventional units, which certainly need to be “recaptured”, that is, to create a collection of dozens or even hundreds of fooled women.

Classics of the genre: how a pickup artist works

Pickup artists are trained in three basic scenarios. Improvements in the process are possible, but they are not significant. By using these “picture models,” it won’t be difficult for a woman to determine who is in front of her - a worthy example of the stronger sex or a cynical pick-up artist.

Scenario 1. Going “hunting”

As a rule, it is played by beginners who are just learning how to seduce women. A young man stops you on the street with a witty joke or remark, keeps the conversation going, and takes your phone number. Then his actions diverge - if he is sure that he will be able to get sex on the first date, he immediately invites you to a cafe or nightclub, where he will try to get what he has in mind. If in front of him is an unapproachable OGP (female person), he will call you a few days later to calmly, slowly (but within 3 dates) promote you for intimacy. After sex, the macho man will disappear and you will never see him again.

Scenario 2. Pickup classic style

A man meets you at a club and strikes up a conversation. He demonstrates in every possible way his interest and fascination with you. During the conversation, he unobtrusively “kinesthetizes” (touches you). He can straighten your hair, tell fortunes by your hand, gently support your elbow, and hug you. Its goal, as in the previous scenario, is to take your phone number. A few days later he will call and make an appointment for you. Please note that he will not offer you to meet or go somewhere, but will set a date and time at which you must be in a certain place.

If you come, it will be an ideal date, you will be sure that you have found your soul mate and will long to meet her again. The next date will dot the i's. They will give you a “roof blower” - that is, they will organize a pastime that will literally “blow your mind” and you will rush into the arms of the pick-up artist. This could be a walk under the moon on the roof of a high-rise building, a candlelit dinner at a new friend's dacha, or something even more romantic. The ending of this story is natural and sad - you will be left alone with a broken heart.

Scenario 3. Pick-up artist chic

You cannot shake the feeling that your acquaintance is not accidental. It seemed to be set up, it went “by the book.”

A man constantly kinestheticizes you, his touches are gentle and unobtrusive.

For no apparent reason, you began to believe that you had met a “soul mate.” It’s difficult for you to specify exactly how this manifests itself.

Your chosen one does not tell anything about himself, but is completely interested in your personal life. He is interested in where you studied and worked, how many men you had and what was the reason for the breakups.

You have been given a meeting in a very unusual place, you are delighted and dizzy with happiness. You've had a blast.

The young man persistently pushes you towards spontaneous sex, he literally does not allow you to come to your senses and take a breath.

Be loved! May your chosen one be worthy of you!