Modular origami is a way to create a three-dimensional object from paper. This art came to us from China and gained many fans. The figures need to be assembled using a certain technology so that the structure is durable. If everything is done correctly, the product will turn out beautiful and durable.

Swan from modules - step-by-step instructions with photos and videos

This technology is based on modules made from landscape paper. To make it, you will need to cut the sheet into 32 equal parts. Each leaf must be folded in half 5 times and then cut along the fold line. After preparing the material, you can find a step-by-step diagram of an origami swan from modules and get down to business.

This origami lilac swan will be an excellent home decoration. To create it you will need 1111 parts, that is, 36 landscape sheets. Of these, 937 modules should be lilac, 136 blue, 1 black and 1 red. Once they are prepared, you can start assembling the craft. A step-by-step diagram of a swan from modules will tell you how to act.

First, form a chain as in the photo:

Close it in a circle and start building up rows. You will need 11 of them at the moment. The chest part should be done as follows. Wear 1 blue, 8 lilac and again 1 blue. Continue further, focusing on the photo:

Make the neck from 18 layers. Alternate blue and lilac shades. It should look like the image:

Now we can move on to the head. Alternate the colors again, and complete the figure with black and red. After this, the bird's head will be ready.

For the ponytail, you will need to increase the rows, lifting them up. They should taper towards the end so that there is only one module left at the top. If desired, you can make a stand. It is made of three layers closed in a circle. You will need 135 pieces of paper.

If everything is done correctly, you will get a craft like in the picture:

To make the process of creating a bird clearer, it is recommended that you watch the instructional video.

Origami Swan Princess - step-by-step instructions with photos

The Swan Princess looks like a royal, as she is distinguished by her bright color, chic tail and exquisite appearance. Making it is no more difficult than a regular origami bird if you follow the instructions. In total you will need 166 green, 680 blue, 615 snow-white, 335 orange parts.

By alternating shades with each other, you can get a bright pattern. You will need to make feathers - 8 small and one large. After this, they will have to be secured to the tail. When assembling, you need to repeat the figure as in the photo:

For the base of the body, 36 pieces of paper are used, then everything is laid out in a circle and so on until the 11th row. After this, you need to start narrowing the product towards the top.

The neck is made up of 25 rows, the colors alternate with each other. For the beak you need to use one red and one black module. When making wings, the layers will need to be narrowed towards the top. The same goes for the tail.

For the stand you will need to use 39 paper pieces, it must be made of 3 different shades. You should refer to the picture:

The finished product is fixed to the stand using a hot glue gun. The origami Swan Princess should look something like this:

Double swan from modules - step-by-step instructions with photos

To create a bird, you need to prepare 1332 white parts and 180 pink parts. It is recommended to start collecting from the body, gradually building up layers. There should be 15 of them in total, after which you can move on to the neck, wings and tail.

For the neck and tail you should use pink pieces. Place these parts opposite each other as in the picture:

First make the wings from 10 rows, and then gradually reduce them by 1 piece of paper. It should look like this:

Now make a stand, securing it with glue:

All that remains is to form the inner wings. They need to be narrowed towards the top so that the end result looks like in the photo:

You will also have to make an inside bet; in the image it is located on the right:

After connecting the parts, you will need to make the neck and head. It is advisable to fix everything with glue. It is recommended to make the beak from 1 black module and 1 red one. If everything is done correctly, the craft will look like this:

Origami is considered one of the most ancient eastern trends that have found a new life. Constant improvement allows us to significantly expand the expressive capabilities of art to create a masterpiece from a simple sheet of paper.

One of the common images for embodiment is a swan. This bird has become a symbol of purity, fidelity and perfection. And it’s worth considering how to properly make an origami swan.

Swan diagram in classic style

To make simple origami swan for beginners in the traditional style, you will need a square piece of paper. Then you need to perform a series of simple steps:

  • first the sheet needs to be folded diagonally;
  • after that it must be deployed;
  • the result of these actions will be a straight line;
  • now you need to fold the bottom edges parallel to the diagonal;
  • at the next stage you need to turn the workpiece over and repeat the previous operation;
  • the body and tail of the swan are ready;
  • now you need to make a transverse fold to get the bird’s neck;
  • bending the smaller corner again, we get the head of a swan;
  • All that remains is to bend the work in half again and adjust the head a little.

To make the figure stable, you will need to slightly straighten some of the folds. And the beautiful origami swan is ready.

Manufacturing of modules

The diagrams and instructions on how to make origami from modules look a little more complicated. However, this method allows you to create more complex shapes that combine several colors. Therefore, it makes sense to master this technique.

First of all, you need to learn how to make blanks for modules. A4 office paper will be sufficient as material. The size of the blanks will depend on the size of the craft. For a figure made from small modules, an A4 sheet will need to be divided into 32 rectangles measuring 3.7x5.3 cm.

To obtain larger elements, you will need to divide the sheet into 16 rectangles of 5.3x7.4 cm format. Each of them needs to be shaped using the following steps:

  • first you need to bend the workpiece in half horizontally;
  • the next fold must be made vertically;
  • now you need to unbend the rectangle to the previous position;
  • and the edges need to be folded towards the vertical fold;
  • turning the workpiece over, you need to bend the protruding corners to obtain a small gap;
  • the edges need to be lifted and folded vertically.

Having understood the module manufacturing scheme, you can master the master class on origami swan. To obtain a standard figure you will need 459 modules.

For a monochromatic craft, they can all be made from white paper, diluting the composition with one red element. For a colorful bird you will need modules of all colors of the rainbow.

Making a three-dimensional swan

The complexity of this work lies in connecting the elements without using any fixing compound. You can make a modular origami swan in several stages. First, the first 3 blanks are taken. They need to be folded so that one side of two modules ends up in the pocket of the third. Two more elements are added to the resulting structure using the same method.

The operation is repeated until the circle is closed. While working, you should hold the already folded elements so that the craft does not fall apart.

The next row of modules is put on top of the previous one in a checkerboard pattern. As a result, the resulting circle will become wider and wider. And thus you will need to make 2 more circles.

Turning the resulting structure in the opposite direction will be the most difficult, but necessary part of the work. After this, new modules will be connected from above. After completing one more circle, the swan's body will be ready.

Now you have to perform rows with intervals. The filled parts will gradually take on the shape of wings, and the resulting voids will contain the head and tail.

The rows representing the wings are made with decreasing elements on both sides at each level until their number is reduced to two. The tail is done in a similar way.

To make the neck, you need to put the corners of each module into the pocket of the previous one. You need to start with the red element, which will represent the bird's beak.

As you work, you should immediately form the desired curve of the neck. To secure the resulting structure to the body, you will need 2 needles.

Looking at the photo of the origami swan, you can understand that to complete the work, all that remains is to make a stand. It consists of two circles, the principle of which is similar to the neck of a swan. First, the resulting parts need to be glued together, and then the finished figure must be attached to them.

To summarize: the capabilities of the origami technique allow you to create figures of any degree of complexity. This requires desire, time and perseverance. The result will be an original craft that can decorate your home. Or become a gift to a close friend.

Photo of origami swans

Good afternoon Today we will show and tell you in detail, how to make a swan from modules.

For this, let’s say right away, difficult origami, you will need a lot of paper and patience. First we need to know how to make a module (the main element for this origami) to create a swan.

So let's get started.

Master class on creating a module - a triangle.

1. Let's take a sheet of A4. From a sheet of this format you can make sixteen small origami modules. The size of the sheet will determine the size of the module. Small ones are usually used. Fold the A4 sheet in half horizontally, then vertically, again in half and in half again.

2. We cut along the fold lines and get 16 small rectangular blanks for the modules.

3. Fold the workpiece in half horizontally, then vertically.

4. We have a rectangle.

5. First we take one edge and fold it to the line, then the other edge - we get two triangles, and there is a fold inside.

6. Let's unfold the workpiece so that we see an isosceles triangle. We bend the lower edges of the triangle in the opposite direction, as in the picture.

7. We turn the protruding corners inward, so that we again have an isosceles triangle.

8. Fold the triangle in half and carefully iron the folds. The corner is ready.

9. If there were any unclear points from the pictures, below is a schematic algorithm for forming a corner.

10. The next origami corner you will make must be inserted at an angle into the hole (the module has two holes).

Now we can begin to consider two options for collection - swan made of modules.

Step-by-step instructions for origami swan from corners.

Option #1 .

This origami scheme is simpler. To bring this beautiful and unusual origami to life, you will need 458 triangular modules in white (or black - depending on what color you want to make the swan) and an orange corner for the beak of our bird.

1. Let's start by assembling the first rows of origami. Let's take three modules (trinity) and insert them into the algorithm, which you can see in the picture.

2. The corners on both sides of the module must be inserted into the two holes of the third.

3. We insert the next pair now into the left one, and then into the right one.

4. Now, using the same pattern, we insert two more paper corners. At this stage, the first two rows are not very tightly held together - don’t worry, we’ll compact them with the third and subsequent rows, we’ll do everything carefully.

5. We insert it into the hole of the second row on the left.

6. Then, also on the right, we place it in the holes of the modules.

7. According to this scheme, we will assemble 3 rows of future origami and form a circle; in each row we will have thirty modules.

8. Using the same algorithm, we insert it into the circle, forming the fourth and fifth.

9. Now you need to turn out the resulting structure, to do this, take it with your hands and fingers, lightly press on the center and turn it out.

10. We get a plate.

11. We bend the edges of the swan up, the swan now looks from the side, look at the picture.

12. The picture shows what it looks like if we flip it over.

13. Placing the corners like chess, insert the sixth row.

14. When we start inserting the seventh row, first we insert twelve modules, indent two corners, then twelve modules. Where we retreated two corners, we will then place the swan neck in the process. On the larger resulting indent there will be a tail.

15. Starting from the eighth circle, we reduce the number of modules in the places where the wings will be, each by one (11 in the eighth, 10 in the ninth, and so on).

16. The picture shows what the diagram looks like from the side.

17. When we reached the point where the last module is inserted in a row, we give a slight bend to the wings.

18. Using the same algorithm, we create the tail of a swan - insert modules, decreasing them by one in the next rows.

19. Now all that remains is to make the neck of our origami swan and crown it with the head. For this we need nineteen (19) white corners and one orange. The algorithm for collecting the neck is different. Let's take 2 corners and arrange them - look at the picture.

20. Arch your neck as it will look more natural. We make up all the white corners one by one. The last one we insert is orange.

21. Then we carefully insert the neck into the two corners that we left for it. Congratulations! We have created a magnificent and graceful swan.

22. View of a swan from above. You can glue the bottom to it and use it as a vase for candy or others.

Swan made of double modules, origami diagram.

Option #2.

In the picture you can see what our wonderful swan will look like. Beauty - isn't it?

For this origami we will need a lot of modules, namely 1502 pieces. And, of course, patience and the desire to do something extraordinary with your own hands. You can involve your loved ones and children in this process. I think the children will especially like you helping in this process. You can even arrange a small competition to see who can make the most modules in a certain time.

You can make this swan entirely from plain white paper, but if you want a more interesting accent for origami, you can create it using colored elements, then you will need one thousand three hundred twenty-two (1322) corners of white and one hundred eighty (180) of another color. In our scheme we used pink.

1. We take 3 modules (trinity) and insert them according to the algorithm that you can see in the picture.

2. Then, using the origami instructions from the first option, we make 2 rows of thirty modules each. We get the following construction.

3. Add 3 more rows. We get a skirt. Just as shown in the first version of creating a swan in point No. 9.

4. Next, we assemble the modules until we have ten rows. We slightly bend the bottom of the swan for greater stability.

5. We assemble five rows of pluses and stretch and bend the resulting structure for a more realistic shape of the swan’s body.

6. So, we have fifteen rows. Now we need to make a neck from six modules, a tail from four and wings from ten. To do this, take the already colored corners.

7. First of all, let's assemble the neck. Let's look at the picture.

8. On the opposite side of the neck, we collect the tail.

9. Now the wings: in the initial row there are ten colored ones.

10. When we create the second row of wings, we take white paper again and insert the modules, as shown in the instructions in the picture.

11. For all subsequent rows of wings we spend 10 modules.

12. Each wing will have ten rows. Please note that the wings must be at the same level.

13. When we start the eleventh row of wings, we begin to reduce the number of modules by one.

14. So, 770 modules are behind. Our work is almost finished! Look at the image - at this stage this is what your swan looks like.

15. So that your swan can stand on its feet, we glue the modules at equal distances to the bottom of the structure. We do this as shown in the picture.

16. Then, for reliability, we glue the second row onto the first row.

17. Now let's create the inside of the swan. To do this, I follow the same algorithm as the beginning of the first part, we reduce the number of modules involved, there should now be twenty of them in a circle.

18. The design will contain seven rows. Pull the element out slightly.

19. We make inner wings - ten in a row for each.

20. Connect 3 rows.

21. We again begin to reduce the number of modules in a row (by 1 in subsequent ones).

22. Adding colored elements.

23. Ours now looks like the picture.

24. Let's move on to the last part of the diagram. We do everything according to the same algorithm, only twelve (12) modules in a circle.

25. We make six rows.

26. Starting from the seventh row, we reduce the number of modules by one.

27. Hooray! The final part is finished. Now all that remains is to collect them into a single and beautiful swan.

28. We insert it very carefully and, if necessary, slightly move the lower parts apart.

29. If the third part is poorly inserted or does not stay in the structure, you can use glue to secure it.

30. Now the neck: we recommend fixing the first row with glue; make it from three to four modules. The next few rows - we reduce the number of corners and form the bend of the neck at your discretion. Don’t forget to highlight the beak with an orange or red corner.

31. Congratulations! Our master class - a swan made of modules - has come to an end, and your creation has been born in all its glory! Swans can serve as an interesting gift or wedding table decoration.

  • Use not two, but, for example, three or more colors - similar in shade (or contrasting);
  • You can decorate it in an interesting way by gluing or drawing eyes and eyelashes;
  • Tie your neck with a bow;
  • Glue colored pebbles onto the wings or rhinestones;
  • Make the swan's wings more impressive using varnish and special glue with glitter.

An elegant, proud, regal bird – these are the epithets poetic natures bestow upon the swan. And the swan couple also personifies love and fidelity, although in nature this is not at all the case. Making a swan with your own hands means not just making another craft, it is something more, carrying a certain energy load to attract love and happiness into your life. This article tells you how to make a swan out of paper.

From one sheet

The simplest option that beginners can do:

Graceful origami swan from half a square sheet:

Scheme for assembling a small swan from a square sheet:

How to make a swan craft step by step:

  1. Diagonal folds are made on a square sheet;
  2. The sheet must be folded in half lengthwise and crosswise;
  3. Having received the necessary folds, a double triangle is folded;
  4. The side triangles are bent towards the central axis. First the lower ones, then the upper ones;
  5. The upper ones open back, and the top of the diamond bends down. The whole figure is squashed and smoothed out;
  6. The layer of paper on top rises and is pulled upward;
  7. One triangle curves from left to right;
  8. The whole figure is bent in the middle;
  9. The inner triangles are pulled out to the sides;
  10. Now you need to slightly stretch the swan, grasping the points at the junction of the triangles;
  11. Pull first along, then vertically;
  12. A swan's head is formed from the edge of the left triangle.

Craft from modules

There is such a direction in the art of origami as assembling products from modules.

At first glance, it may seem that making such a voluminous swan is very difficult. Actually this is not true. Making modules is a very simple task; assembling figures from them is also not difficult.

The most difficult thing is that the larger the figure, the greater the number of modules that need to be made. If the paper sculpture must consist of several colors, then it is important not to get confused about the color.

For modular figures, A4 office paper is best suited. It is dense enough to hold the desired shape and does not tear at the folds.

How to make a module: We divide the A4 sheet into 16 pieces of paper. Depending on the size of the module, the leaves can be made either smaller or larger.

The leaf needs to be folded in half lengthwise, then across, then unfolded again. From a rectangle folded lengthwise, a triangle is formed with the vertex at the intersection of two axes. The bottom edges are folded up and ironed. Then the excess ends protruding beyond the edges of the triangle are hidden inside the fold. The workpiece is folded in half along the central axis. The module is ready.

How to assemble modules step by step:

The corners of two modules need to be inserted into the pockets of the third.

The next two modules are inserted into the pockets on the sides.

In the same way we insert two more modules.

To prevent the resulting workpiece from falling apart in your hands, we fasten the two ends of the modules with another module, thereby forming the third row.

We continue to make the third row, adding new modules. The structure is no longer falling apart.

We collected 30 modules in each row and closed them in a circle. We dress the 4th and 5th rows in the same way as the 3rd.

We take the workpiece with both hands and press the middle with our thumbs.

This is what it looks like from the side:

We do the 6th row as before, and from the 7th row the wings, neck and tail begin.

Between two rows of 12 modules there are 2 corners for the neck; in a wide place there will be a tail.

The next row in each wing is one module smaller.

We continue to reduce the rows of wings in the same way, bending them in the desired angle, until we reach 1 module.

The wings are ready, we make the tail using the same principle.

The swan neck is assembled differently. Modules must be inserted into each other from top to bottom.

In this way, 19 white modules and 1 red are assembled.

Carefully place the neck on the 2 corners left for this.

The module swan is ready.

Video on the topic of the article

From paper:

Graceful origami swan:




Features of modular origami:

Not a single bird can compare in nobility and grace with swan, so we simply have to learn how to do it technically modular origami. In addition, those who like to create masterpieces from paper triangles with their own hands most often want to assemble a swan. Therefore, I suggest you use step-by-step instructions and realize your intentions.

The proposed model may not be what you expect, but you will definitely like it. The bird looks as if it were alive. It will take its rightful place in your home or make an excellent gift.

How to make a swan in modular origami

For the craft you will need:

  • 626 white modules;
  • 1 red or orange triangle slightly smaller for the beak;
  • eyes ready-made or made independently;
  • glue.

I make thin modules according to the scheme described. For details, I take leaves measuring 4x6 cm. Prepare the required number of triangles and start assembling.

Swan body

Start with the main part - the body of the paper swan. It will require 352 white modules. The assembly goes in a circle. The result will be an oval shape with a hole for the neck and head.

Start with 5 modules, connecting them in a circle with five more parts. As usual, the sharp ends of the triangles of the first row are inserted into the pockets of the modules of the second row. Now double the number of parts in the row, using intermediate modules that need to be inserted between the existing ones. Only 5 extra pieces.

In the 7th we leave a hole for the bird’s head without putting on 2 modules. There will be 18 pieces in total in a row. There are 17 parts in the 8th row. Again we do not reach the end of the row so that there remains a hole. And in the 9th there are 18 modules. There are 19 pieces in the 10th row.

We close the hole in the 11th. To do this, insert 2 additional parts onto the outermost modules of the hole, putting them on at one end. There are again 20 triangles in the row.

Up to the 17th row inclusive, continue assembling the swan’s body without changes - 20 parts each.

It's time for the first decrease. There are only 18 modules in the 18th row. Two need to be removed by putting 4 triangles not on two ends, as usual, but on three. In the 19th there are 18 pieces again.

The last two have 12 modules each. That is, in the penultimate row, close 6 parts in a similar way, putting 12 pieces on three ends.


The tail is a continuation of the body, but is assembled a little differently. It won't take you much time. Take 20 parts. Place 5 of them with the short side facing out where the swan's back ends. Then another 5 with the long side. Now 4, 3, 2 and 1 final module.

Neck and head

We will attach a long swan neck to the hole in the body. Assemble it separately and put it on the protruding ends of the modules.

You will need 45 triangles. Put them on top of each other, alternating 2 and 1. There will be 30 rows in total. Attach a small red module to the end. You can glue the eyes right away or do it after the assembly is complete.

Bend the swan's neck in an arc and place it on the prepared place. This is what happens.


All that's left to do is work on the wings. Each will require 103 modules. Make them symmetrical.

Connect 7 and 6 parts together - this is the base of the wing. From the 2nd row, make a chain of 17 triangles to the side, inserting only one end into the pocket.

Attach one more to each module of the chain with one end, 15 pieces in total. There are 13 modules in the 3rd horizontal row.

Now make 6 branches down, alternating 2 and 1 module each time. There will be 6 such rows in two branches, 5 in two and 3 rows in the outer two. The wing is ready. The wings of a modular one are assembled in a similar way.

The second is assembled in the same way, but in a mirror image. All that remains is to glue the wings on the sides of the body and the swan is ready to take off! I have no doubt that you have created a real work of art!