It is quite difficult to imagine a modern family without various gadgets: smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets. These and other electronic and digital devices have become a fixture in our lives. It is not surprising that today's kids begin to be interested in them from a very young age. However, many parents are concerned about the question: is such a hobby safe?

On the one hand, it is not very prudent to completely limit a child’s exposure to computers and other electronic devices, since they contribute to the intellectual development of children.

On the other hand, modern technologies often take up a lot of time from the baby, which he could spend on more useful activities: outdoor games, reading books, usual fussing with friends.

Let's find out what the benefits and harms of gadgets are for the health and development of a child.

The influence of gadgets on children: advantages of use

Computers and Internet technologies are gradually entering the lives of even the youngest children. The task of parents is to teach their child to use wisely all these benefits of civilization. Moreover, they can be useful.

1. Development assistant

Gadgets can become the same developmental tool as more traditional toys: pyramids, cars, dolls, cubes and other children's attributes. A baby who randomly presses buttons and keys imperceptibly develops finger motor skills and involuntarily remembers certain numbers and letters.

By listening to melodies and looking at pictures on the monitor, the baby improves auditory and visual perception.

2. A way to keep your child busy

Thanks to laptops, smartphones and tablets, parents now know what to do with their little ones in a long line at the hospital, during a car trip or stuck in a traffic jam.

You don’t need to take a whole bunch of toys with you; you just need to turn on an interesting cartoon or play a game for your child.

In this case, he will not bother you due to boredom and will have an interesting time.

3. Library in your pocket

Modern electronic “readers” can replace an entire book depository, so the student does not have to carry large volumes from the library and back. You will only need to download the books you are interested in from the Internet.

In addition, you will teach your child the idea that the World Wide Web is not only a source of entertainment, but also a concentration of useful information.

4. An indispensable assistant for studying

Among the heap of various computer games you can find really useful products that contribute to the development cognitive processes and acquiring new skills and abilities.

Some applications teach children literacy, mathematics, drawing, and develop attention, memory and logical thinking. Educational cartoons will help to impart new knowledge about the world around the child in an unobtrusive form.

The influence of gadgets on children: disadvantages of use

Technological progress has significantly reduced physical activity on people, which is why the problem of physical inactivity and its consequences has become more relevant than ever before.

Sitting on gadgets for a long time is especially dangerous for children's health.

1. Negative effects on physical development and health

This aspect of the influence of gadgets on children is worth considering in more detail.

If a child is overly interested in a tablet or laptop, he may suffer:

  • vision – if a baby spends more than half an hour a day in front of a monitor, there is a risk that after six months his visual acuity will significantly decrease, because children’s eyes are under enormous strain;
  • posture – children often slouch at the computer, which is fraught with curvature of the spine and numerous difficulties with posture in the future;
  • brain – from prolonged stay in one position, blood circulation in the limbs and internal organs can be disrupted, including the brain, which has an extremely negative impact on the child’s intelligence, fraught with a decrease in concentration and memory.

2. Incomplete assimilation of information

Yes, gadgets help child development, however, children at an early age need to use all channels of perception. It is important for the child to touch, twist, and examine the ball from all sides in order to understand that it is round and can roll.

Educational cartoons are not able to show all the diversity of the world, so the baby cannot fully study this or that subject.

3. Decreased creativity

No computer, laptop or smartphone can replace children’s real work with various materials, the joy of creating something new with your own hands.

In real life, kids fantasize and realize their ideas by sculpting, cutting, coloring, and creating appliqués. Even the most sophisticated program with an advanced interface will not keep up with children's imagination.

4. Entering virtual space

Of course, not every child replaces real world computer games and communication on social networks. And yet, some children become seriously dependent on gadgets, focusing all their interests on the virtual world.

Not only communication with peers suffers, but also studies and relationships with parents.

We use gadgets for children wisely

If you want to prevent children from developing computer addiction and reduce the possible negative impact of electronic devices, you need to use them correctly, adhering to several important rules.

  1. Despite all the advantages of gadgets, remember that tablets or phones are not items of primary importance and necessity for preschoolers and young children. Full development It’s possible without all these “miracles of technology,” but if you still want to please your child, then follow the principle - technology for a child should be appropriate for his age.
  2. For children under six years of age, it is better to purchase children's tablets that are designed specifically for this age period. In this case, you will be sure that the gadget is useful for the child, and it will become much easier for you to control your enthusiastic baby. Don’t buy tablets for small children to grow into and expensive phones just to make your child “cooler” than everyone else.
  3. Gadget addiction can develop if parents begin to replace real interaction with their baby with various electronic devices. Don't use the computer to keep your child occupied while you cook dinner or clean up. The best way out is to involve children in this process.
  4. The child should not be allowed to be at the computer for more than the established age standards. So, children under three years old should not sit at a laptop for more than an hour a day, and every 20 minutes they need to have physical exercise to rest their eyes. Older children can be allowed to spend more time in front of the monitor, but breaks are also required.
  5. Try to adhere to the age recommendations for computer games and cartoons. Information intended for older children can overload the child and even lead to a nervous breakdown.
  6. Children should not be given gadgets before falling asleep. From the flickering of bright pictures on the screen nervous system children become agitated, causing them to sleep poorly, have nightmares, or not be able to fall asleep at all.

Finally, I would like to say that we should not prohibit children from using modern technological advances. We live in an era of technology and progress, which means that skills and abilities in this area will be useful to children in the future.

To avoid possible problems, monitor the time your child spends on a tablet or smartphone.

And don’t forget that real communication with a child cannot be replaced by any, even the most expensive and new-fangled devices.

Mobile phones, tablets and computers have long lost their original purpose as communications and computing machines. Now for most people they perform an entertainment function, the value and significance of which has completely eclipsed the original purpose of these devices. The functions of gadgets as means of communication have also changed - they are used not so much for transmitting voice messages, but for communicating on social networks. Moreover, these are certainly not the only manifestations of the consequences of the development of computer technology and communications.

It is worth remembering that speech and thinking in humans are inextricably linked. Back in 1887, the English linguist and Oxford professor F. M. Muller wrote in his work “The Science of Language”: "No one, I think, willable to challenge the fact that thought without language or any other embodiment is impossible. What we are accustomed to calling thought is only the reverse side of a coin, the front side of which is articulate sound.”. What impact can gadgets have on a child’s development, given that today parents often begin to teach their children to use them almost from the cradle?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the report “The Impact of Gadgets on the Speech Development of Children,” which was presented by St. Petersburg teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category Emma Santrikovna Agopyan at scientific-practical conference“On the way to a school of health: the formation of education in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard”, held as part of the VIII St. Petersburg International Educational Forum.

The influence of gadgets on children's speech development

Every summer I went on the train to visit my parents with a child, or even two or three. It was a real test: two days in a confined space... All the children in the carriage were making noise, running, talking, visiting each other. Then their parents occupied them with reading books, coloring, board games, telling different stories, since all the fairy tales had already been learned by heart, the children themselves came up with games, coming into contact with other children in the carriage. I saw a completely different picture on the train this winter. As soon as a slight noise arose, the parents handed the tablet to their child and it was not heard for many hours. Great! Children do not make noise, mothers are calm. I was wondering how such an early passion for gadgets can affect a child’s speech development? I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that we will consider only speech development.

Let's go in order. Let's start with intrauterine development fetus The formation of the hearing aid is completed by the 24th week of development; Until this time, the fetus perceives sounds over the entire surface of the body. Therefore, first of all, he “feels” the sounds of his mother’s voice: they are carried out in the form of vibrations of the tissues of her body and amniotic fluid. At the same time, words addressed to the fetus, husband, colleagues or someone else will be felt by the baby absolutely the same.

Starting from the sixth month of intrauterine life, the baby can already hear in our usual understanding of this word; Now he has the ability to distinguish differences in intonation - the overtones of sound and thus can distinguish between the sounds of his mother's voice and surrounding noises. Therefore, after being born, the baby can actually react more actively to voices that are “familiar” from the prenatal period of life; the baby “recognizes” his mother, father or grandmother by intonation. This happens provided that people close to the child during the period of intrauterine development talk, and not necessarily with the tummy, but simply talk with each other. Modern mom she is silent, she herself is online, but with grandmothers it is becoming more and more difficult, young families mostly live separately. In the evening, dad will come home from work, eat and also go into the virtual world. Thus, the child is deprived of communication before he is born.

Let's try to compare the early development of a child (since it is entirely related to speech development) of the recent past and the present.

From 0 to 1.5 years

Was: a child in his arms, in a playpen, on the floor, in a stroller. He crawls around the room, bumps into everything, brings down a mountain of ironed linen on himself, tries to catch the cat, then cries because it is scratching, they calm him down, take him in their arms, tell him tall tales, kiss the place where it hurts. In a word, they show attention, sympathy, and interaction between an adult and a child occurs.

The main significance of the preverbal stage in the development of a child’s speech is that at this time the conditions for understanding speech are formed, they learn to distinguish among all sounds the sounds of human speech, and during this period sensitivity to those characteristics of speech sounds that form an understanding of the meaning of a word increases.

Now: The difference is small, except that mom has more free time and a lot of anxiety. Therefore, the child is basically fastened: to the stroller, to the mother, to the high chair... there is no question of crawling around the yard calmly. There is danger all around, dirt, cigarette butts, animals. In a modern city apartment, a variety of devices, toys, “developmental games” and “distractions” have been invented. All in order to prevent the child from exploring on his own the world around us. But in order to develop harmoniously, a child needs to run, climb, dig, pour and pour, break, smell, wake up, that is, independently explore the world, gaining invaluable experience. Mom wants to calmly wander around on social networks. Therefore, as soon as the child grows up to sit independently, he is handed an old phone or tablet, or the TV is turned on. Now the child is busy, and mom has half an hour for herself.

We also almost completely switched to cars. The child in the car is bored. He is capricious, trying to escape from the chair to which he is tightly fastened. To prevent the parent from being distracted from driving and for safety reasons, the child is given a gadget.

In line at the children's clinic, on the subway, on the train, in any waiting situation when parents don't know how to keep their child occupied or don't want to strain themselves - an electronic friend will help out everywhere!

From 1.5 to 3 years

Was : a child walks by the hand, walks in the yard or in the park, digs in the sandbox, collects cigarette butts, throws sand, falls and gets up, tries to catch a stray dog, finds a dead bird, and is in contact all the time; either with parents or with the same kids. There is active communication - verbal, tactile, emotional...

The first, second and third years of a child’s life are the so-called sensitive period for speech development. In other words, this is a period when speech is actively developing and the corresponding areas of the brain are developing. It is during this period that active communication with peers, grandmothers, and parents is necessary.

Now: strapped in, spends more time with the gadget, since the games that the child has mastered have become more complex, and he has already developed a screen addiction. The child is encouraged, punished, educated by promising or taking away the gadget. Tablet games contain only bright, changing pictures accompanied by music, which greatly captivate children, boost the pre-verbal level of activity and fix the child on it. This preverbal world of images becomes very valuable, the child begins to prefer it to all other ways of functioning.

From 3 to 5 years

Was: walks in the yard or on the playground, helps dad fix a car, fix shelves or a stool, helps mom wash the floor on Saturday, beat out a carpet in the snow. He travels with his parents to the dacha using four types of transport, it’s practically a trip around the world... And if you’re lucky, the child will be left for a couple of weeks with his grandmother in the village: he runs after chickens, makes friends with a dog, helps his grandmother in the garden, climbs around the whole neighborhood with local children and will receive so many impressions that it will last until your next visit.

Now: watches cartoons, plays with gadgets, walks under the supervision of his mother, goes to educational games at the Development center, goes to classes with a speech therapist. The screen becomes the main “educator” of the child. According to UNESCO, 93% of modern children aged 3-5 look at a screen 28 hours a week, i.e. about 4 hours a day, which far exceeds the time spent communicating with adults. This “harmless” activity suits not only children, but also parents. In fact, the child does not pester, does not ask for anything, does not misbehave, is not at risk, and at the same time receives impressions, learns something new, and joins modern civilization. When buying new videos, computer games or consoles for their baby, parents seem to care about his development and try to keep him busy with something interesting. The home screen has completely replaced grandmother's fairy tales, mother's lullabies, and conversations with father.

I propose to complete the milestones of speech development of our children here, since ideally by the age of 5 oral speech should be formed. By the age of 5-6 years, the sensitive period ends, the areas of the brain responsible for speech cease to be plastic, and if by this time the child speaks very poorly or hardly speaks, then it will no longer be possible to teach him and correct the situation completely. Scientists say that children acquire 70% of information about the world before the age of 5. The remaining 30% is earned over the rest of your life.

The first generation of “screen children”

Speech is born only in the process of active interaction with the outside world, with people. The first function of speech is communicative, socializing. First, the child hears his parents' comments about his actions and feelings, he connects the parents' words with his actions.

Next, the child himself wants to somehow influence his parents, to inform them about his desires and feelings. The more actively a child interacts with the world, the more speech he develops. The activity must also be specific - it must be largely communicative. A child’s communicative activity greatly depends on the parents.

It depends on what meaning they attach to it, on whether they talk to the child, whether they leave him space for communicative activity. If a child is already two, let alone three years old, and his parents still continue to treat him like a baby, trying to guess and prevent all his desires, without expecting any effort from him, then his motivation to speak decreases.

Why should he even talk if it’s so good? The level of interaction with other people remains primitive, the interaction itself remains passive.

Silent computer toys further reduce motivation. If TV somehow stimulates speech (pictures on TV are constantly accompanied by emotionally loaded speech), then moving to a higher and more complex level of mental functioning requires a serious set of efforts.

The more time a child spends staring at a screen, the less he learns to communicate, accumulate experience in communicating, scanning and exchanging emotional states.

Consequences of early introduction to gadgets

Speech development delay

This seemingly harmless activity is fraught with serious dangers and can lead to very sad consequences not only for the physical health of the child (quite a lot has already been said about visual impairment, lack of movement, and poor posture), but also for his mental development.

Nowadays, as the first generation of “on-screen children” comes of age, these consequences are becoming increasingly obvious..

The first of these is a delay in speech development. IN recent years Both parents and teachers are increasingly complaining about delays speech development: children begin to speak later, speak little and poorly, their speech is poor and primitive.

Special speech therapy assistance is needed in almost every group kindergarten. As special studies have shown, in our time, 25% of four-year-old children suffer from speech development disorders. In the mid-1970s, speech deficits were observed in only 4% of children of the same age. Over the past 20 years, the number of speech disorders has increased more than six times!

However, what does television have to do with it? After all, a child sitting in front of a screen constantly hears speech. Doesn't saturation with audible speech contribute to speech development? What difference does it make who speaks to the child - an adult or a cartoon character?

The difference is huge. Speech is not about imitating other people’s words or memorizing speech cliches. Mastery of speech at an early age occurs only in live, direct communication, when the baby not only listens to other people’s words, but responds to another person when he himself is included in the dialogue.

Moreover, he is turned on, not only by hearing and articulation, but by all his actions, thoughts and feelings. In order for a child to speak, it is necessary that speech be included in his specific practical actions, in his real impressions and, most importantly, in his communication with adults.

Speech sounds that are not addressed to the child personally and do not imply a response do not affect the child, do not encourage action and do not evoke any images. They remain an "empty phrase."

Modern children, for the most part, use too little speech when communicating with close adults. Much more often they absorb television programs that do not require their response, do not respond to their attitude and which he himself cannot influence in any way. Tired and silent parents are replaced by the screen.

But the speech coming from the screen remains a little meaningful set of alien sounds; it does not become “our own”. Therefore, children prefer to remain silent, or express themselves by shouting or gestures.

However, external spoken speech is just the tip of the iceberg, behind which lies a huge lump of internal speech. After all, speech is not only a means of communication, but also a means of thinking, imagination, regulation and mastery of one’s behavior, it is a means of awareness of one’s experiences, one’s behavior, and consciousness of oneself in general.

In inner speech, not only thinking takes place, but also imagination, and experience, and any idea, in a word, everything that makes up the inner world of a person, his spiritual life. It is dialogue with oneself that forms the inner form that gives stability and independence.

If this form has not taken shape, if there is no inner speech (and therefore no inner life), the person remains extremely unstable and dependent on external influences. He is simply unable to maintain any content or strive for any goal. The result is an internal emptiness that needs to be constantly replenished from the outside.

Difficulties in learning to read and perceive information by ear

Many children find it difficult to perceive information by ear– they cannot retain the previous phrase and connect individual sentences, understand, grasp the meaning. Hearing speech does not evoke images or lasting impressions in them.

For the same reason they hard to read– while understanding individual words and short sentences, they cannot retain and connect them, as a result they do not understand the text as a whole. Therefore, they are simply uninterested and bored with reading even the best children's books.

Children who are used to, or are already dependent on gadgets, often say that it is inconvenient for them to read. Frequent and prolonged games on tablets and iPhones create dynamics in the work of the eye muscles that are completely unnatural for reading and writing.

It is difficult for a child to focus his gaze and keep it on an object that is not moving, because the eyes are accustomed to following moving bright objects in games.

There is also a violation of eye movements when tracing a line from left to right and a return movement of the eyes with a transition to a new line. The chaotic movement of objects, which is used in computer games, does not in any way contribute to the formation of movements when tracing a line from left to right and from top to bottom.

In order for learning to read and the reading process itself to be comfortable and optimal for a child, the child must be able to move his gaze from left to right and be able to do this carefully and focused throughout the entire reading or writing process. It is necessary to maintain attention and control the eye muscles. Children who are already dependent on gadgets have a “running” look.

Autism Spectrum Disorders

The replacement and substitution of the human method of communication in the family with an electronic surrogate poses a significant danger, as it violates the normal code and algorithm of the mental, social, cultural and spiritual development of children. Young users of electronic toys become self-sufficient; their normal needs and motivations for contacts with parents and children weaken.

Gradually, adults lose their leading role in relation to mental, speech, emotional, communicative, social and spiritual development and lose the ability to influence the child's behavior. This is one of the reasons for the significant increase in the number of children with autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

ASD is gradually turning into an “epidemic” of the 21st century. In 2006 in Russia there were, “even according to the most conservative estimates, at least 150 thousand children with autistic disorders,” in 2011 there were already “at least 250-300 thousand children with ASD under the age of 18 years.”

The introduction of gadgets into the living space influenced not only the formation of oral speech, but also led to the emergence of a special type of written speech (SMS) without spelling and syntactic rules and forms of politeness, the main feature of which was brevity and a minimum of keystrokes.

As children grow older, they increasingly “listen with their eyes,” read SMS messages and chat messages, and “talk with their fingers.” Leading neuropsychologists testify to a steadily and universally approaching drama - “the loss by modern children of their native language - the supporting axis of consciousness.”

Let's summarize

Evolutionarily, a child’s articulatory apparatus is ready from birth to pronounce sounds, but the development of speech (i.e., the ability to express one’s thoughts in oral and written form through words) takes time. The development of speech, which actively occurs in the first three years of life, is impossible without child-parent communication.

The above does not at all mean a call to exclude television and computers from the lives of children. Not at all. This is impossible and pointless. But in early and preschool childhood, when the child’s inner life is just taking shape, the screen carries a serious danger.

Speech therapist teacher of the highest qualification category Emma Santrikovna Agopyan

  1. M.V. Belousova, A.M. Karpov, M.A. Utkuzova. The influence of gadgets on the development of communication, socialization and speech in children of early and early childhood preschool age.
  2. Karpov A.M., Chudnovsky E.V., Gerasimova V.V. and others. Computer activity of children is a risk factor for mental and personality disorders.
  3. Materials from the site
  4. Belousova M.V., Prusakov V.F., Utkuzova M.A. Autism spectrum disorders in the practice of a pediatrician.
  5. Kerdellan K., Grésillon G. Children of the processor: how the Internet and video games shape tomorrow's adults. Per. from fr. A. Lushchanova.

Elena Faroyan
The influence of gadgets on the socialization of preschool children

The influence of gadgets on the socialization of children

preschool age

“Okay, Google, Engrybirds game!”- a five-year-old boy says loudly into his

tablet. Looking at this picture, I just want say: “What progress has come!”.

Gadgets(tablets, game consoles, mobile phones) can now be seen in the hands of not only adults, but also children. On the one hand, parents

rejoice: “Oh, how smart! He understands it better than me!”, on the other hand – worried: “Isn’t this a health hazard, computer addiction?”

Let’s try to figure out how to preserve the child’s health in this situation and at the same time not deprive him of something important and not hinder his development.


Child-parent relationships

Many parents specifically give their children gadgets. Goals can be

different: for the development of the child, suppressing his whims and hysterics, during long waits in queues or to carve out some free time for yourself. At the same time, introduce the child to gadgets they start as early as the first year of life. And in vain! Since in the early to school age the child develops special emotional relationships with loved ones. This is the time when the role of a loving parent is irreplaceable and any "electronic nannies" can irreversibly harm the child by forming autistic traits in his behavior. During preschool During childhood, the child masters the most important skill - role-playing game, during which he reproduces the behavior of adults. In play, the child is at first emotional and

then intellectually masters the entire system of human relationships, and the meaning of actions and actions is formed from the attitude towards another person. Thus, the evolution of action according to D. B. Elkonin goes as follows path: the child eats with a spoon, then manipulates the spoon ( "feeds the doll", like a mother, then his actions become more and more schematized, feeding turns into care, into a relationship with another person. A computer game performed preschooler has another psycho - social structure. For computer game characteristic:

the predominance of mechanical adherence to the game protocol with immersion in the multisensory world of sounds and bright color effects;

repeated action multiple times to achieve results;

little meaningful progression through difficulty levels;

attempts to catch, sort or collect something, overcoming obstacles of the same type, destroying obstacles that arise along the way.

Such a game does not require high intellectual potential, creativity, the ability to talk, negotiate and cooperate, or demonstrate personal, spiritual and moral qualities. At the same time, it attracts the child with sensory effects and the illusion of controllability ( “If I want, I’ll turn it on, if I want, I’ll turn it off”, a primitive, understandable script without words, the ability to fill your leisure time yourself, regardless of friends and parents. A child’s play on a computer or tablet does not require the parent’s emotional involvement in this process, his participation, help and assistance, which is reflected in the degree of parent-child attachment. Role of the parent transforms: gradually the child perceives him as "guardian gadget» or an annoying obstacle on the way to your favorite device.

Speech development

Researchers from the Kazan State Medical Academy M.V. Belousova, A.M. Karpov, M.A. Utkuzova conducted a survey of 180 families with children of early and preschool age, in order to identify factors influencing on the child’s speech development. U 50 children manifestations of general speech underdevelopment in combination with autism-like disorders were diagnosed. In families like this children there was an unreasonably early acquaintance of the child with electronic devices (smartphones, tablets, prolonged and uncontrolled interaction with them. Authors of the study note: “If a child is early and preschool age uncontrollably and for a long time “hangs” with the tablet if the computer becomes best friend, favorite or only way to occupy yourself and fill free time, if the family’s lifestyle allows the computer to integrate into it as a constant companion of the family system, if the time spent at the computer is of greater value for the child than joint communication with parents, reading books, walking and playing sports, then the evolutionary-civilizational algorithm has been violated family life and education children. Irresponsible use of the achievements of civilization becomes a risk factor for disintegration and degradation of mental functions and behavior children, families and society."

Positive influence of gadgets on child development

Many modern preschool educational organizations

equipped with tablets and computers. When entering the office of a specialist (educational psychologist, speech therapist), despite the variety of toys, they first of all notice the computer, ask to turn it on, press the keys. Playing on the computer serves as a good stimulus for the development of cognitive processes and other useful things in the child. skills. After all, when a child sits at a computer, his eyes light up with genuine passion and interest. He becomes more collected and attentive, as a result of which the volume of memorized information increases, rational activity is activated, and he develops. fine motor skills hands and eyes.

There are a huge number of developmental and educational computer

programs for preschoolers. This is not "walkers" And "shooters", but games that help specialists (teachers - speech therapists, typhlopedagogues, teachers - speech pathologists and educational psychologists) develop the child’s abilities and correct impaired functions. In addition to such games, there are educational programs for teaching preschool children foreign languages , for the development of creative abilities children. For example, computer graphics training programs are very popular, in which a child becomes a cartoonist and creates his own cartoon. Many kindergartens widely use

computer programs designed to develop management skills psycho-emotional state according to the biological method feedback (BOS). This "communication" with a computer is very useful for children with attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, with emotional-volitional disorders (aggression, fears, anxiety, increased emotional fatigue and much more).

Naturally, it is necessary to follow the rules of working at the computer; children should know about the benefits and harms it brings. A computer game is an element of an activity, and not just entertainment. 15 minutes after the start of class (or games) you need to spend time at the computer with children

special gymnastics to relieve visual tension, and at the end of the lesson (games)– a minute of exercise to relieve muscle tension. The duration of computer classes is determined by sanitary standards: 25 min – for children 5–6 years old, 30 min – for children 6–7 years old. As the diagnostic results show, only those activities regulated by certain rules are beneficial.

How to determine the degree of dependence of a child on


Parents can conduct a simple test to determine the degree

their child's computer addiction.

To do this, they must contact the child with a request, for example, So: “Please help me make a gift for my grandmother” or “Please help me pick up the scattered beads”. You need to make a request precisely at the moment when the child is sitting at the computer. (or with gadget in hand) and plays. Reaction options baby:

A. The child easily responds to a request, helps, in the process he can get carried away, switch to another task, get distracted, forget about the computer - this behavior demonstrates complete freedom from the computer at the time of testing.

B. The child responds the second or third time, reluctantly fulfills the request,

demonstrates dissatisfaction, snaps - this reaction can occur at the 1st

degree of dependence within the first month of mastery new toy. At the initial stage of 2nd degree addiction, a similar reaction can also be observed.

B. The child does not respond to the request, clearly does not hear, does not interrupt the game - this behavior is characteristic of 2nd-3rd degree addiction.

If the child behaved according to scheme B or C, it is necessary through some

period of time, for example, the next day, contact him with a detailed, reasoned request, For example: “Son, help me, please. I can't cope alone. I need your help! Please stop what you are doing and help me." If the reaction to the request is similar, then we can conclude that the child has an addiction and the need to provide qualified assistance.

In any queue, in the subway, on park benches, at cafe tables, we can see the same picture. Young people are sitting, staring at the screen of a phone, tablet, or laptop. They are looking at something, replying to someone. Sometimes they look very busy and concentrated, sometimes they look downright bored. But, unfortunately, it is very sad to watch a group of friends clicking their phones together instead of communicating with each other live. On public transport you can rarely meet a person without headphones in his ears, from where loud rhythmic music is heard. On the streets of the city, every person you meet is talking on a mobile phone. People stopped seeing what was happening around them. They stopped thinking because they simply had no time to do it...

Do you know what Wikipedia defines gadgets? I quote:

“A gadget is a small device designed to make a person’s life easier and better.”

But is this really so? Do gadgets really improve our lives? Of course, in their use you can find not only disadvantages, but also advantages. But in order to fairly assess the impact of gadgets, let's look at all sides.

Pros of using gadgets:

1. Quick and easy access to the information you need. Previously, in order to study this or that issue, you had to go to the library or, in extreme cases, home to the computer, but now the Internet is always at hand;

2. Save time. It’s one thing to plan some action and then spend time and energy to carry it out, and another thing to do it here and now. Using gadgets;

3. Opportunity to develop and improve. You can turn on an educational lecture, watch a lesson on YouTube, or read a book anywhere and at any time. This is convenient for those who spend several hours a day on the road or, even worse, are constantly stuck in traffic jams. In this case, the influence of gadgets on a person is clearly positive and it is difficult to overestimate. But do people take advantage of this opportunity?

4. The ability to capture a specific moment. Take a photo or film it. Nowadays, all modern gadgets are equipped with a built-in camera. It's actually very convenient;

5. Fast communication. Possibility to contact at any time the right person with the help of both mobile communications and the Internet has a positive effect on the construction business relations and personal.

Disadvantages of using gadgets:

1. Escaping reality. IN modern world people are surrounded by so many fears, internal complexes and anxieties that they literally cannot remain alone with themselves. The feeling of fear makes them run away from reality, distracted by gadgets. Music, games, constant viewing of social networks helps to drown out their inner voice and create for themselves the illusion that everything is in order in their life;

2. Addiction. Yes, dependence on the use of gadgets can be traced among the majority of their users. Check your email for the hundredth time, scroll through the news feed of social networks, view photos on Instagram, like, write comments. Or, on the contrary, post another photo of yourself in the car, in a cafe, at work, and then come in every minute and see if there is a new comment on it. If you put together all the time that is aimlessly spent on such things, it turns out that people simply burn out several hours a day. Burns out in their dependence. And life goes on...

3. Life in the virtual world. Chat with friends not in person, but on Skype. Exchange text messages via Viber, meet on a dating site. Maintain the status of your page on social networks, edit new and new photos for your profile. Participate in online discussions, maintain your own blog... The virtual world has completely taken over all of our time. And if earlier we devoted at least time to this after work/study, now we are in it every minute. Thanks to gadgets and the Internet;

4. The race for new products. Gadget creators are taking advantage of this mass craze by releasing more and more new models. More convenient, perfect, functional. And they are not cheap at all. Outdated models go out of fashion, are withdrawn from sales, and on TV we are shown all the advantages of new technologies. And we light up, we want. We work, spend valuable time of our lives in order to buy a more advanced gadget with our last money.

5. Personality degradation. Many games are not created to develop logic or enrich the intellect, but to burn time. They are called “time killers” online. And they are used and played with. They go through level after level instead of exploring this world, playing sports, and developing spiritually, in the end. A vicious circle of daily “likes” of photos on social networks, useless games, correspondence with friends “about nothing.”

The influence of gadgets on our lives is profound and undeniable. But is this influence good or bad? It depends only on ourselves. Only we can decide whether they will contribute to our development or degradation. The choice is up to each of us.

Sigacheva Valeria

The report is devoted to the study of modern gadgets and their effect on the human body. The work consists of an introduction, main content, practical part and conclusion. The topic of the report is relevant and of great practical importance, because Almost all people use various kinds of electronic gadgets every day in their daily lives. Moreover, children master modern gadgets much faster than their parents. The speaker’s task is to draw students’ attention to a pressing problem - the impact of modern gadgets on human health, especially on the health of children. Based on his research, the author gives examples of the harmful effects gadgets on children's health and shares some recommendations for solving this problem. The work is distinguished by structural clarity and consistency of presentation. The author is able to determine the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the study, independently and logically makes comparisons and summarizes the results of the study. The report can be used in biology lessons and at extracurricular activities.



Education Committee of Ulan-Ude

MAOU "Secondary School No. 37"

Regional stage of the All-Russian festival of creative discoveries and initiatives “Leonardo”

Category: Ecology

Topic: “The influence of modern gadgets on the human body”

MAOU "Secondary School No. 37"

Supervisor: Khobrakova Norson Vladimirovna




I. The role of modern electronic devices in human everyday life and

their impact on human health in childhood

1. The role of modern gadgets in a person’s everyday life………………………4

2. Consequences of the influence of gadgets on children’s health………………………………. 5-7

II. Practical part. ……………………………………………………………… 9-10

List of references……………………………………………………………… 13



Relevance of the topic:

This topic is considered the most relevant today, because... Almost all people use various kinds of electronic gadgets every day in their daily lives. Moreover, children master modern gadgets much faster than their parents.

Choosing our themedue to the fact that over the past two decades gadgets have become an integral attribute in human life. Various devices like computers, computer tablets and phones are very helpful to a person in his daily life. Thanks to the Internet, people quickly find the information they need, can send a text message to the other side of the world, communicate with each other, etc. And yet, do people overestimate the usefulness of gadgets? By devoting a lot of time, do you become dependent on them? What impact do modern gadgets have on human health, especially on the health of children? We conducted a small study, from which we learned a lot of interesting things about how gadgets can affect the health and psyche of schoolchildren.




  1. Study the role of modern gadgets in human daily life.
  2. To study how gadgets affect the development of speech, communication and socialization in children.
  3. Study the consequences of gadgets on children's health.
  4. Conduct a sociological survey among school students to find out the role of gadgets in the lives of students.
  5. Analyze the collected results and draw conclusions on the work done.

Object of study:modern electronic gadgets

Subject of research:the influence of modern gadgets on the human body.

Research methods:analytical, practical.

  1. The role of modern electronic devices in human everyday life and their impact on human health in childhood

1. The role of modern gadgets in human everyday life

Electronics is a huge niche that is developing every day. And if half a century ago everything related to electronics was largely related to industrial developments, today there is already a huge niche for personal electronics. Many gadgets and devices have become an integral part of our lives, and we can no longer imagine our full existence without them. Mobile phones, cameras, players, laptops, tablets and much more have become our indispensable companions and assistants in everyday life. If we used to get along just fine without them, then, having tried them once, we ourselves don’t notice how we are drawn more and more into the fascinating process of using them.

Most gadgets are the fruits of new modern technologies. Almost each of them has older relatives, because the technical process is constantly in motion. Let's look at how more and more electronic devices for personal use appear every year.

Personal electronics are developing at a tremendous pace, with new developments increasingly aimed at meeting the needs of ordinary users. Compact electronic components and new types of communication have appeared. Storage media have become miniature. The audio player is the younger relative of the stationary tape recorder. The VCR has been transformed into a media player. And a large computer generally has a large family - laptops, netbooks, tablets, etc. The same floor scales now show not only weight, but also the percentage of muscle mass and fat, fluid in the body, and are also able to store this data. In-car media combines entertain passengers and drivers with news, music and video. The navigator will show you the way, and the video recorder will record what is happening on the road and the actions of the driver.

The largest number of gadgets surround the computer. There are pen-dictaphones, a watch-phone, a mug that heats tea, etc. It all depends on the needs and financial capabilities of the user.

Today, the most advanced gadgets are communicators. They can do everything: read a document, listen to music, make a call, movies, videos, TV and hundreds of other programs that can satisfy every taste. Communicators are a true center of entertainment and communications. But, unfortunately, they are not very common, as they are difficult to manage.

Ease of use is the main problem of all gadgets. For now, these are finger controls, voice control, sensors. But there is hope that the time will come and the gadget itself will think about how to fulfill the desire you expressed.

Modern electronic devices have firmly taken their place in modern life, filling all niches, from watches with calculators to laptops and tablets. In a few years, these gadgets will give way to not just multifunctional, but also smart devices. Continuing to develop, the device will become an advisor and personal secretary to the user. It will be able to solve many issues without reminders, as well as give advice in various situations. Now we take advantage of all the advantages of electronic assistants, but feel significant discomfort when for some reason we are left without them.

Thus, modern electronic devices play a big positive role in life modern man, becoming his indispensable assistant in all areas of life.

2. The influence of electronic gadgets on children's health.

It was said above about the positive role of electronic gadgets in the life of a modern person. Let's take a closer look at what the disadvantages of using gadgets are, especially for children.

We all live in the modern world, and modern life places quite high demands on a person. Already in elementary school the student will need knowledgecomputer , therefore, it is, of course, not prudent to prohibit his acquaintance with various electronic devices. But the uncontrolled use of gadgets by children also does not lead to good things, so gadgets should be in the lives of children, but in doses and under parental control.

How do electronic devices affect children's health? First of all, vision deteriorates if a child often surfs the Internet or plays computer games.According to experts, children’s vision “deteriorates” very quickly at an early age, in about six months, but it is not always possible to restore it. Therefore, parents should make sure that the child does not live in a “hug” with a gadget, but still plays and develops in the real world.

The result of the child’s constant communication with modern technologies is a sedentary lifestyle. Children who constantly play electronic games on a tablet or laptop practically do not move. They sit with their favorite gadgets, often slouching. All this provokes curvature of the spine, and problems with posture arise. This problem is not only aesthetic, but also physiological, because The spine plays a very important role for the health of all human organs.

Finally, interactive entertainment often leads to headaches, since static tension is primarily felt by the neck muscles. This constricts blood vessels and reduces the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain. Hence the headaches, which go away only after a good physical workout or an active walk in the fresh air.

The disadvantages, of course, are the damage to mental health.

Firstly, there is a delay in speech development. In recent years, both parents and teachers have increasingly complained about delays in speech development: children begin to speak later, speak little and poorly, their speech is poor and primitive. Special speech therapy assistance is needed in almost every kindergarten group.

However, what does a computer or tablet have to do with it? After all, a child sitting in front of a screen constantly hears speech. Doesn't saturation with audible speech contribute to speech development? What difference does it make who speaks to a child - an adult or a cartoon character?The difference is huge. Speech is not imitation of other people's words and not memorizing speech cliches. Mastery of speech at an early age occurs only in live, direct communication, when the child not only listens to other people’s words, but responds to another person when he himself is included in the dialogue. Moreover, he is included not only by hearing and articulation, but by all his actions, thoughts and feelings. In order for a child to speak, it is necessary that speech be included in his specific practical actions, in his real impressions and, most importantly, in his communication with adults.

Modern children, for the most part, use too little speech when communicating with close adults, because... they absorb information from the Internet, television programs that do not require their response, do not react to their attitude and which he himself cannot influence in any way. Tired and silent parents are replaced by a computer or TV screen. But the speech coming from the screen remains a meaningless set of alien sounds; it does not become “our own.” Therefore, children prefer to remain silent, or express themselves by shouting or gestures.

It has become difficult for many children to perceive information by ear - they cannot retain the previous phrase and connect individual sentences, understand, and grasp their meaning. Hearing speech does not evoke images and lasting impressions in them; they need a ready-made visual image. Therefore, they are simply uninterested and bored with reading even the best children's books.

Another fact that many researchers note is a sharp decrease in the imagination and creative activity of children. Children lose the ability and desire to independently occupy themselves and play meaningfully and creatively. They make no effort to invent new games, to write fairy tales, to create their own imaginary world. They are not interested in communicating with each other. Scientists have noticed that communication with peers is becoming more and more superficial and formal: children have nothing to talk about, nothing to discuss or argue. They prefer to press a button and wait for new ready-made entertainment. One’s own independent, meaningful activity is not only blocked, but does not develop and does not even arise or appear.

But, perhaps, the most clear evidence of the growth of this inner emptiness is the increase in children's cruelty and aggressiveness. Of course, boys have always fought, but recently the quality of children's aggressiveness has changed. Previously, during a showdown in the schoolyard, the fight ended as soon as the opponent found himself lying on the ground, i.e. defeated. This was enough to make me feel like a winner. Nowadays, the winner gladly kicks the prone man, having lost all sense of proportion. Empathy, pity, and helping the weak are becoming less and less common. Cruelty and violence become something commonplace and familiar, and the sense of the threshold of permissibility is erased. At the same time, children are not aware of their own actions and do not foresee their consequences.

Child psychologists believe that the abuse of gadgets leads to the formation of addiction, when a child tries to devote all his free time to computer games and online viewing of cartoons, giving up other entertainment. Having lost their favorite electronic device, children begin to feel uncomfortable and capricious. But, on the other hand, such dependence appears only if the baby has no alternative interests. Constantly being at home without certain activities, it is easier for a child to spend his free time on the computer. But as soon as other entertainment appears (walks, clubs, games with parents), he can easily do without gadgets.

But is it really all the fault of the blue screen and the computer? Yes, if we are talking about a small child, a school student, who is not ready to adequately perceive information from the screen. When the home screen absorbs their energy and attention, when the tablet replaces games, active actions and communication with close adults for them, it certainly has a powerful formative, or rather deforming, influence on the development of the psyche and personality of a growing person.

Childhood is a period of intensive formation of the inner world, the construction of a person’s personality. It is almost impossible to change or make up for lost time during this period in the future. The age of early and preschool childhood (up to 6-7 years) is the period of the emergence and formation of the most basic human abilities, on which the entire edifice of a person’s personality will be built and supported.

Thus, the above does not mean that it is necessary to exclude the computer and tablet from the lives of children. This is impossible and pointless. But in preschool and early school age, when the child’s inner life is just taking shape, the screen carries a serious danger. The use of modern electronic gadgets in childhood should be strictly dosed, under the supervision of parents, and even better, together with them, the whole familywatch and discuss the events taking place on the screen and empathize with their characters.

II. Practical part.


Study the influence of modern gadgets on the human body.

Hypothesis: gadgets have a harmful effect on children's health.


  1. Find out what place gadgets occupy in the lives of schoolchildren at our school.

For this purpose, we conducted a survey among students in grades 5-10. 266 people took part in the survey - 82% of students. The survey data is included in the table (Appendices 1-5).

Most students have almost all gadgets at home. The first gadgets were purchased at the age of 5-6 years for children in grades 5-6 (16-17%), and for students in grades 8-10 - at 7-8 years old (20-29%). 54-58% of students have Internet access on their mobile phones. The majority of children surveyed (39-53%) use gadgets as a means of communication.

Despite the fact that students in the questionnaire indicated the negative impact of electronic gadgets on the human body, they spend quite a lot of time on them (9-48% - more than 6 hours). It is alarming that during recess many students, especially in grades 5-6, spend their time with gadgets and move little, which affects their health.

It is gratifying that children in grades 5-6 have friends in the class; this cannot be said about high school students (8-10% of students have no friends in class).

Children in grades 5-6 spend their free time outside - playing football, visiting playgrounds (inside the school yard and in the courtyards of houses Nos. 26 and 28) and the sports ground of our school. Students in grades 8 and 10 have time left for communication (VKontakte), telephones, etc. Students in grades 10 (60%) are most interested in school affairs. Computer games Most students like to play and watch various TV shows. Students in grades 8 (44%) believe that gadgets help schoolchildren in their studies, and the rest - students in grades 5, 6, 10 (51-63%) - are useful as a means of communication.

On the eve of the New Year, the guys want to receive different gifts from Santa Claus:

Students of grades 5 and 6- more than half of the children have new electronic gadgets with accessories (probably explained by the topic of the survey), as well as a moped, bicycle, skates, etc.

8th grade students -high-speed Internet, electronic gadgets, Wi-Fi connection, trips to different cities, etc.

10th grade students -They didn’t express any special desires (probably realizing that this was just a survey), but they still needed: trips to different cities in Russia, gadgets (1-2 people), a lot of money.

2. Study how gadgets affect the development of speech, communication and socialization of children.

Hypothesis: poor development of oral speech in those children who were familiar with gadgets from an early age (games on a tablet and mobile phone).

  1. We turned to Russian language teachers for help.

They provided us with information on 5 “d” and 5 “d” classes. The 5th grade program includes a reading test. Normal reading speed should be 110 words per minute. Criteria: for “3” -80-92 words, for “4” -94-110 words, for “5” -115-170 words.

Analysis of this table (Appendix 6.7) shows that out of 20 children in 5th grade, 6 (30%) people read at “3”, 4 (20%) read at “4”, 9 (50%) - to “5”.

Of the 21 students in the 5th grade, 5 (23%) read at “3”, 9 (42%) at “4”, 5 (26%) at “5”, 2 (2) at “2” 9%).

Conclusion: Those guys who read in “3” and “2” spend a lot of time at the computer, tablet, and playing electronic games. To develop speech, they need to read a lot and develop reading speed. And also communicate more with your peers, at home with your family and devote less time to entertainment on electronic gadgets.

II.Data used monitoring study in 5 grades of secondary school No. 37.From September 1, 2011, all educational institutions in Russia switched to the New Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (FSES NOO). In this regard, on October 20, 2015, our school conducted a monitoring study of the quality of primary general education to identify meta-subject results in grade 5 in mathematics, the environment and the Russian language. 5th grade students took part in this study.

Analysis of task completion revealed the following:

The world around us

Typical errors identified during the process of checking student answers:

1.lack of reasoning - could not give a detailed answer;

2. do not know how to classify objects based on given classification schemes; they could not find the correct descriptions of plants and animals;

3. From the text, students were unable to identify the similarities and differences between different objects (water and ice);


Typical mistakes:

1. inability to analyze the text of a task and establish a connection between the textual and model description of the situation;

2. inability to analyze a non-standard situation;

3.inability to analyze text;

Russian language

Typical mistakes:

1. They don’t know how to express their point of view.

2.More often they give monosyllabic answers.

3. Reasoning and evidence base are missing.

Conclusion: The subjects are different, but the typical mistakes are the same: children are not attentive, do not read the assignments, do not understand the essence of the questions posed, which indicates that reading competencies and logical thinking, skills of comparative analysis of various sources of information. Among the guys who have the typical mistakes mentioned above, many abuse the computer, tablet and other gadgets.


Based on the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. It is obvious that in most families electronic gadgets are actively used to accompany early development child. Most of the time in the lives of our schoolchildren is occupied by gadgets. They spend a lot of time playing games on the phone, on a tablet, spending time on social networks (for example, VKontakte) rather than reading books and communicating with peers.

2. One of the reasons poor development oral speech is children's excessive fascination with gadgets, which affects reading techniques, retelling and oral responses in lessons in various subjects. In addition, it affects the child’s communication and socialization. And most importantly, it negatively affects the student’s performance. This can be seen from the analysis of monitoring research on various subjects.

3. As a result of the abuse of gadgets, children’s vision deteriorates, their posture is impaired, headaches occur, they suffer from physical inactivity, speech development is delayed, and psychological dependence occurs.

To effectively communicate with peers, a child must be able to organize interaction with children, listen and hear the interlocutor, understand the specifics of the communication situation and get out of the conflict, adequately respond to the actions and statements of others. You can master these communication skills only through communication in the family, at school with classmates, teachers in the classroom and friends.

1.Use electronic gadgets as needed, strictly measuring the time of use.

2. Spend more time reading fiction.

3. Replace frequent games on your tablet or phone with communication with classmates, friends and family.

4. Engage in accessible sports and various group games.

5. Visit exhibitions, theaters and other cultural events with the whole family, class, and friends.

List of used literature

1. Karpov A.M., Chudnovsky E.V., Gerasimova V.V. and others. Computer activity of children is a risk factor for mental and personality disorders. Abstracts of the III International Symposium “Phenomena of Nature and Human Ecology”. - Kazan, 1997. - P. 201-202.

2. Materials from the site

3. Kerdellan K., Grésillon G. Children of the processor: how the Internet and video games shape tomorrow's adults. Per. from fr. A. Lushchanova. - Ekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2006. - 272 p.

4. Samokhvalova A.G. Communication difficulties of a child: problems, diagnosis, correction. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2011. - 432 p.

5. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game. 2nd ed. - M.: VLADOS, 1999. - 360 p.

6. Site materials