
Hello! I'm confused about how often I should wash my children. From some I hear that you need to wash with soap or detergent every day, from others that frequent washing is harmful to the health of the genital organs. Help me figure out how to wash properly?! Karina, mother of two children

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Answered by pediatrician Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Solovyova

Toilet of the external genitalia is an integral part of hygiene measures for both adults and children. This event for children should be treated especially carefully and carefully. The situation is aggravated by the fact that there are many unnecessary and bad advice, disputes and rumors.

So, it should be remembered that newborns and infants (up to 1 year) need to be washed after defecation and when changing a diaper (at least once every 3 hours). In this case, the cleanser should be used only after defecation.

After a year, children need to be washed at least once a day with water, children 5-6 years old should use a wash product 1-2 times a week, 7-10 years old - 3-4 times a week, then daily.

What does cleanser mean? There are special products labeled “for intimate hygiene of children” or “for washing babies”; you also need to pay attention to the age above which it is approved for use. For infants, only the 0+ mark is suitable.

When choosing a product, parents should study the composition; it should not contain parabens, fragrances, lauryl sulfate, triclosan, or phthalates. It is desirable that the product does not have a distinct odor and is transparent.

Next, how to use such tools correctly. No chemicals should be applied directly to the baby’s genitals; you need to dose the product onto the parent’s previously washed palm, dilute it with water, and only then wash the baby with soapy water, immediately rinsing off the foam with running water. The directions of movements should be from the pubis to the sacrum to avoid feces getting on the genitourinary organs.

Now about gender differences. It is advisable to avoid contact detergents on the mucous membrane (vulva) in girls. That is, you should wash your skin. If the mother notices discharge on the labia or anywhere else, they should be removed with a cotton swab moistened with boiled water or, if necessary, peach oil. It is important to moisturize the labia mucosa all the time with baby oil. rich cream. If the labia are moisturized, the risk of synechia - fusion of the labia - is reduced. This condition occurs due to the fact that girls do not yet secrete a sufficient amount of sex hormones and do not produce mucus that moisturizes the external genitalia; the mucous membrane dries out and grows together.

In boys up to a certain age, the head of the penis is fused with the foreskin; this condition is called physiological phimosis. It is not recommended to forcefully open the head of the penis; this can lead to tissue trauma. You need to slightly pull the skin, as far as the baby’s physiology allows, and rinse it with water. You should also not direct the shower stream into the opening of the urethra.

It is very important not to overdo it in your desire to observe the rules of personal hygiene, because the mucous membrane contains useful microflora that prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, and the pH on the mucous membrane is slightly alkaline, which is doubly favorable for the development of the infectious process (resistance to pathogenic microbes is highest in an acidic environment ). Therefore, if parents often resort to using chemicals to wash their children, and especially if they use soap, even baby soap, for this purpose, then all the beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria simply die.

When teaching children the practice of washing themselves, it is worth considering all of the above, the frequency of washing with the product is once a day while performing other hygiene procedures, and after defecation, if conditions permit, the skin around the anus should be washed with running water. Girls in premenarche, and even more so at the onset of menstruation, need to wash themselves 2 times a day or more as necessary, since after 9-10 years, discharge begins to be produced, which gives the feeling of wet underwear.

After toileting the external genitalia, you should wipe the skin with a soft diaper using blotting movements.

Dear readers! You can express your gratitude to the doctor in the comments, as well as in the section.

Attention: This doctor's answer is for informational purposes only. Does not replace a face-to-face consultation with a doctor. Self-medication with medications is not allowed.

You need to wash your face 2 times a day – in the mornings and evenings. Tell your daughter how to do it correctly, give her a beautiful bright personal towel and allocate a separate shelf in the bathroom where she can put her shampoo, soap, and other cosmetics. The girl will definitely like it. Wash your hands with her before eating, as well as after walking and visiting the toilet. Firmly remind your child that this is important to do to get rid of germs. When your daughter begins to cope without your help, you can move on to intimate hygiene.

Intimate hygiene for girls

Explain to your baby that she should change her panties every day and wash herself, preferably without using soap. Many pediatric gynecologists believe that it negatively affects the natural microflora of the vagina. A little girl's sebaceous and sweat glands are still immature, so warm water and a soft towel for drying are quite enough. Frequent use of soap dries out the mucous membrane and disrupts the protective water-fat layer, and washcloths and sponges can injure the delicate skin of a child.

Intimate care technique

The girl should wash herself only with running water at a comfortable room temperature. This should be done by moving your hand from front to back, so as not to accidentally introduce an infection from the anus. Show your daughter how to do this correctly using her doll as an example. Then it’s worth observing for a while how she copes without you, so that you can give advice if necessary.

Hygiene rules for girls aged 1.5 years

If the baby is already 1.5 years old, you can start teaching her to wash herself. At this age, this should be done after each bowel movement; once in the evening before bed is not enough. Prohibit your daughter from sitting on the floor, chair, or sofa without panties. Hygiene rules should be instilled in a child from a very early age.

2.5 years

At 2.5 years old, the baby is already able to wash herself and dry herself with her mother’s help, doing everything without reminders. At this age, you need to wash yourself 2-3 times a day. It is better to change panties twice a day - in the morning and after a nap. A three-year-old girl can easily wash herself, but still her mother should continue to monitor hygiene procedures.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

3-5 years

By the age of 3, the baby should have a supply of panties. Also, she should always have wet wipes in her pocket so she can clean her genitals after visiting the toilet outside the home. Explain to your daughter that only she and her mother can touch her genitals, and, if necessary, a doctor, but strictly in your presence.

5 years

By the age of 5-6 years, the baby should independently carry out hygiene procedures every day: wet the genitals toilet paper after urinating and wash yourself before bed without reminders. You can already change your panties once a day. Let the daughter do everything herself, but the mother should quietly control her.

6 years

The child should already go to school 2 times a day without reminders. Make sure your daughter has a special toothbrush – a child’s toothbrush, with soft bristles. Teach her to rinse her mouth after every meal, wash her hands after going to the toilet and returning from a walk. Also, the child should remember to shower regularly.

9 years and older

It’s time to introduce your 9-10 year old daughter to the peculiarities of the female body: explain to her what menstruation is and how to maintain hygiene during such periods. Tell them that you can’t take a bath at this time, that you need to change pads at least 4-5 times a day. Encourage your daughter to tell you when her period starts. Tell her that you will need to keep a diary and note the timing and duration of your periods. Explain that it is important that they are regular, because the health of the genital organs and the ability to become a mother in the future depend on this.

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Hygiene rules for girls

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The quality of care for an infant determines its health not only during this period of life, but also in the future. The first 28 days after birth are an important stage during which the baby adapts to new conditions. The issue of hygiene is paramount. Therefore, it is important to know how to wash a newborn girl.

Basic rules

In the first 2 weeks of the baby’s life, you can wash use only boiled water. Be sure to check her temperature before the procedure; it should not be higher than +37 °C. It is forbidden to wash a newborn girl in standing water, for example, in a basin. First use a teapot or watering can, and later you can wash the child under the tap. The baby's skin is very delicate, so you should avoid washing it with a washcloth. If you notice a white coating in the genital area, do not try to remove it. This is a natural barrier that prevents harmful bacteria from entering the vagina.

Use intimate hygiene products for children no more than 3 times a week. Despite manufacturers' assurances, these substances can be harmful to the skin. Do not use regular alkaline soap. Be careful not to let water get into your baby's vagina. In extreme cases, you can wipe the child's skin with a damp cloth without antiseptics or alcohol. After completing the water procedures, do not put on the diaper for several minutes so that the skin has time to breathe. Choose soft towels made from natural fabrics for your child. Refrain from growing long nails in the first period of a child's life: you can easily scratch the baby. There should also be no cuts, inflammations or ulcers on your hands.

In the first 2 weeks of the baby’s life, you can only use boiled water for washing.

It is important to be able to hold the baby correctly during the procedure. Place it on your left palm with your back so that the baby's head, neck and shoulders lie on your arm near the elbow. Use the fingers of your left hand to hold the baby's hip, and right hand wash it. You can also bathe the girl with her back up. To do this, place her tummy on your palm, and place her head on the bend of your elbow. When cleaning, move your hand from the genitals toward the anus to reduce the risk of feces getting into the vagina.

Under the tap

Before washing your newborn, prepare a clean diaper, cotton pads, towel, diaper, hygiene product and oil, powder or cream. Then wash your hands thoroughly and remove your baby's diaper.

Soak a cotton pad in water and remove any remaining feces from your baby's skin. Be careful not to get feces on your genitals. Adjust the faucet and check the water temperature. If you don’t have a thermometer at hand, just place your fingers under the stream. The liquid should be lukewarm. Place your baby on your arm using one of the above methods, make sure that the baby will not slide down, and bring her to the stream.

Direct the water with your hand so that it flows from the pubis to the anus. First, wash the skin of the perineum and labia, and at the very end, the anus. Wrap the baby in a thick diaper and place her on the table. Take a soft towel and pat your skin dry. Do not rub it to avoid damaging it. If there are any irritations or problem areas, treat them with the product prescribed by your doctor. After this, put on a new diaper. You can wash under the tap several times a day, the main thing is not to constantly use hygiene, cosmetic and medical products.

On the changing table

The girl must be washed after each bowel movement. But this process does not always happen at home with a comfortable bathroom. In this case, carry with you a pack of wet wipes, cotton pads or regular gauze. Before cleaning your newborn baby, remove her diaper and place her on the changing table. If you have dry products with you, fill a container with warm water.

Place your baby on his back. Soak a cotton pad in water or take out a damp cloth. Squeeze the sanitary product a little to remove excess moisture. Rinse the perineal area first, moving from the pubis. Change the napkin and wash the side skin folds. Take the new disk and lift the girl by her legs.

Wash first the folds of skin under the buttocks, and then the anal area. Remove excess moisture from your baby's skin and, if conditions permit, let her lie naked for a while. Apply makeup and put on a diaper.

When changing diapers

Depending on the conditions, wash the child, as was written in one of the previous sections. Do not use soap or intimate hygiene products. The fact is that these substances can disrupt the microflora on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. If your baby's skin is prone to drying out, then after washing, apply a moisturizing baby cream to it.

In some cases, the diaper can cause irritation, and after water procedures, a special powder is applied to the area. Buy a separate towel for your child and do not use it for other purposes. If you are at home, do not rush to put a diaper on your child. Let him take an air bath.

Before bed

This is the most important water procedure. With its help, you prepare the girl for a long stay in a diaper during sleep. To wash, you can, and in some cases need to, use special products. It is strictly forbidden to use cosmetics for adults. Also avoid using shampoo, creams, and soaps that contain the components described below.

  • Dyes and flavors of synthetic origin. These substances accumulate in the body, and after some time cause micropoisoning.
  • Sulfates and diethanolamine. They are used to form voluminous foam. The components dry out the skin and can cause allergies if used for a long time.
  • Chlorophenol triclosan. It is added to hygiene products for an antiseptic effect. The component will destroy not only harmful bacteria, but also the natural protective microflora on the girl’s skin.
  • Parabens. These substances are considered carcinogens. Long-term use increases the risk of developing cancer cells.
  • Diazolidinyl and imidazolidinyl. These components are used as preservatives. When decomposed, they release formaldehyde, which is harmful to the human body.
  • Propylene glycol. Used to increase skin hygroscopicity. May cause hives and eczema.
  • Essential oils. They have a pleasant aroma and medicinal or antiseptic properties. Due to the high concentration, allergies may occur.
  • Phthalate. Used to fix the smell. When accumulated in the body, it can cause the formation of cancer cells, infertility and diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Mineral oils. They are added to products to reduce production costs. The substances may cause allergies in the child.
  • Ideally, a hygiene product should be hypoallergenic, have a neutral color and acid-base balance, and do not contain aromatic components. Release form – solid soap or gel. Washing a newborn with a liquid product is a little easier. If the soap you usually use has run out, you should not take the formula for adults; it is better to wash your child with plain running water.

If you use special cosmetics during the procedure, you must thoroughly rinse it off the skin. Make sure that soap or gel does not get into the baby’s vagina. The skin of a newborn baby is very delicate and sensitive, so a limited amount of substances can be used to care for it. If you don’t want to take risks with soap, replace it with a weak infusion of chamomile or calendula.

If you have doubts about your abilities, even in the maternity hospital, ask them to show you how to properly wash the boy.


The main thing here is not to go to extremes. On the one hand, there is no need to perceive the baby as a helpless and incomprehensible creature. Of course, a human baby will not survive without the help of an adult, like a turtle baby, for example.

This is why a child’s cry chills any adult, even men. But this is a fully formed little man, fully adapted to life on this planet. He will be able to live without excessive care in the form of boiling water and two heaters in the summer.

On the other hand, it is wrong to believe that a child is a smaller copy of an adult. Some organs and systems will still grow and develop. For example, the reproductive system is finally formed only at the end of puberty - this is 15 - 17 years in adolescents. And there is no need to compare the external genitalia of a newborn with its adult counterpart.

In utero, the glans penis and foreskin are one organ. After birth they are also fused. This is called physiological phimosis.

The foreskin protects against external influences. And the lubricant produced by it has a bactericidal effect, that is, it destroys microbes.

Therefore, the less you touch the foreskin, the less you wash and rinse off the natural lubricant, the better for the baby’s health. If there is a small hole there for free urination, this is more than enough for the next few years. As your boy matures over time, the foreskin will become more mobile and the glans will open. To adolescence no need to worry.

Today, the opinion of pediatricians is based on the principle of non-intervention.

Here's how pediatrician Komarovsky explains it: “In modern medical practice, manipulation of the foreskin in children is recognized as unnecessary and traumatic. But there are still doctors of the old school who recommend mechanically retracting and spreading the foreskin of little boys. Unfortunately, such training sometimes ends in serious injury.”

How to wash a newborn boy?

There are general requirements for personal hygiene of infants, regardless of gender:

  • change the diaper at least once every 3 hours;
  • wash with water after each bowel movement;
  • Use soap once a day when you bathe, preferably simple baby soap;
  • do not abuse gels with fragrances and fragrances.

Pediatricians at the clinic and Dr. Komarovsky’s school recommend bathing your child daily. Of course, this procedure is necessary not only for hygienic purposes. This good massage and a method of hardening newborns.

But if you're dead tired or suddenly cut off hot water, you can skip one day.

So, how to properly wash a newborn boy:

  1. Place an old blanket on your bed or changing table (which is much better for your back). Top with a clean diaper, then oilcloth and disposable film. Don't be fooled by the fact that the baby has already peed. During the process of changing clothes, the child can pee a couple more times in several places, and boys are especially inventive in this regard.
  2. Place your son on his back, lift him by the legs with one hand, and pull the diaper out from under him with the other.
  3. Remove any remaining feces with wet wipes.
  4. With a quick movement, turn the baby over so that he lies with his stomach on your hand. In this case, it is convenient to slightly press your head to your body (do not overdo it!), The legs hang down.
  5. Place your butt under running water. With the other hand (usually the right one), wash towards the sacrum so that feces do not get on the genitals.
  6. You should wipe with a blotting motion. Do not rub too hard, even on an older child. The skin in intimate places is delicate. This may cause irritation.
  7. Let the skin dry, treat it with cream or sprinkle with powder. But one thing. When used together with cream, the powder accumulates in lumps in the groin folds and causes discomfort.
  8. We give the baby time to lie naked. Air baths are always useful.
  9. We put on a clean diaper and clean clothes.

Do not neglect the rules of intimate hygiene for boys. Proper hygiene of a newborn boy is the beginning and guarantee of intimate health. Your task in the future is to teach your child to wash himself properly. Few people, as teenagers, wash or change clothes in front of their mother. Instill personal hygiene skills now.

In what cases should a mother sound the alarm and consult a doctor?

  • firstly, if there is difficulty urinating, the baby is in pain, or if there is redness, swelling or itching;
  • secondly, in case of development of paraphimosis.

Paraphimosis is a condition when the foreskin moves away, exposing the head of the penis, slips off and compresses it at the base. The head of the penis instantly swells. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, tissue necrosis may occur. You should consult a doctor immediately. At home, you can apply cold, squeeze the head of the penis with your hand and try to push the foreskin back into place.

Sometimes natural lubricant accumulates under the foreskin and a smegmal stone is formed. Outwardly it looks like swelling white and may frighten relatives. It’s worth showing the child to a urologist, although doctors say that he will come out on his own. In addition, smegma has bactericidal properties.

To summarize, we can briefly repeat how intimate hygiene for boys is carried out. Carefully, without fanaticism, pouring warm water on the outside, without reaching anywhere with your hands. And don't overheat your baby. Excessive heat is just as harmful to the external genitalia as hypothermia.

As soon as a child is born, parents have no free time, because new worries and responsibilities appear. After being discharged from the hospital, parents are wondering how to properly wash their baby. Anatomical structure The bodies of men and women are different, so it is important to know the procedure for washing newborn girls and boys.

Before you start cleansing your child’s skin, it is important to prepare the products so that you don’t have to keep your child waiting and don’t have to run around looking for care supplies.

Disposable diapers

Pampers are designed taking into account the characteristics of the child, they prevent contact of the toddler's skin with irritating particles and water, and prevent chafing. In diapers the baby feels warm and cozy.

Wet wipes

Hygiene products are necessary to care for a baby's sensitive skin, especially when mother and baby travel or are away from home. You can use them to wipe your baby's skin after bowel movements.

This method of cleansing the skin is very good and quick, but you need to choose good manufacturer napkins to be sure that after treatment the baby will not experience skin irritation.

Baby soap

The most common baby skin care product. Parents should know that best way washing a newborn is cleansing the skin with baby soap, but it should be used no more than 2 times a day, all other times you should wash it with just clean warm water.

Sterile cotton wool

Cotton wool is needed to treat rashes on a child's skin and diaper rash. The cotton wool must be sterile to avoid infection.

Antiseptic solution

When purchasing an antiseptic solution, it is important to read the instructions for use and its composition. A solution that does not contain alcohol can be considered good.

Baby oil

The product is used to lubricate the baby's skin, which has become red as a result of wearing diapers. You should not use oil after each wash; it is advisable to alternate the product with powder.

Water thermometer

A thermometer is necessary to determine the temperature of the water so as not to scald sensitive skin child or not wash it with cold water. Many mothers determine the temperature of the water with their hands - tactilely.

Creams and ointments for skin regeneration

As a result of wearing diapers, irritation and rashes appear on the baby's soft skin, that is, the skin is damaged. To regenerate damaged tissue, mothers use creams and ointments designed to care for the skin of newborns. Creams help cells recover and protect against the negative effects of external factors.

The importance of choosing hygiene products

Before purchasing hygiene products for a newborn, it is important to familiarize yourself with the manufacturers and read the reviews. It is recommended to use only high-quality and safe cosmetics, because the child’s health should be in the foreground.

You can’t rush headlong into the pool and buy expensive care products. It is advisable to purchase those that have already proven themselves well. Purchases should be made at the pharmacy.

Where is the best place to wash your baby: in a basin, bathtub or under the tap

This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since mothers themselves must decide how it would be more convenient for them to wash their baby. Many are inclined to wash under the tap. Unfortunately, not everyone in the villages has amenities, so nothing will happen if you wash a child in a basin.

How to hold a baby

It is important to carry out the washing procedure every time the baby “goes to the toilet”. It is important for a mother to know how to take her baby for washing with one hand and how to hold him correctly. When adjusting the water temperature, it is important to remember: it should be within +37 °C.

  1. Both boys and girls are washed strictly in one direction - they start from the front and direct the water back.
  2. The child is on one arm of the mother, and the mother washes with her free hand.
  3. Before the water reaches the baby's genitals, it flows over the mother's hand, which means the mother can control the temperature of the water so as not to burn the baby or wash him with cold water.

Sensitive after washing intimate parts The newborn should be lightly blotted with a fleecy cotton towel, without rubbing too much. To prevent diaper rash, it is recommended to use the powder without first lubricating it with cream, otherwise the powder will become wet and will not have an effect.

Basic rules for washing a baby

Washing a newborn baby begins with preparation for the procedure. The mother should wash her hands with soap, preferably warm water, so that contact with the baby’s skin does not cause discomfort, and place the newborn toddler on the changing table. The baby needs to take off the diaper.

Algorithm for washing a newborn:

  1. After the diaper is removed, the baby's bottom needs to be cleaned of feces.
  2. Then you should take the baby in your arms so that his face is turned upward, that is, the back should lie along the mother’s arm, and the head should be placed approximately at the elbow.
  3. You need to fix the toddler’s leg along the thigh, and hold the butt with your free hand.

Such manipulations should be carried out when washing small children, regardless of gender. And then you need to observe the specifics of washing girls and boys.

When changing diapers

When changing diapers, it is important to properly treat intimate areas:

  1. You need to cleanse the cleanest skin first, then gradually move to areas that require thorough cleansing.
  2. When washing the boys special attention You need to pay attention to the penis, scrotum and area around the anus. You can wash in any direction.
  3. For girls, the outer folds and perineum are cleaned first, then the buttocks. It is important to wash from front to back to prevent feces from getting into the intimate area.

At the end of washing, it is recommended to give the baby’s skin a little rest, and only then put on another diaper. If redness is noticeable on the skin, it is important to treat the damaged areas by special means and apply powder.

Before bed

Before putting your child to bed, it is important to carry out a hygienic washing procedure. This is a must. The technique is similar to regular washing, only this should be done after feeding. Clear skin The baby will avoid discomfort, and the baby will sleep soundly, nothing will disturb him.

How to wash a baby in the maternity hospital?

It is also advisable to wash the little toddler in the maternity hospital under the tap, with warm water, using cosmetics no more than 1-2 times a day. Using soap more often can dry out your baby's skin. If this is not possible in the maternity hospital, you can use sanitary napkins.

Nuances of hygiene procedures

Washing newborn boys and girls differs due to the structural features of the genital organs.

Boy washing up

After completing the procedure, the boy should not immediately put on diapers; he needs to let the body breathe a little - take a break for 30 minutes.

Subtleties of intimate hygiene

When caring for the genitals of boys, you need to know the specifics. The head of the penis, covered on top by the foreskin, is a special, delicate place that should be given more attention when washing.

Main stages of the procedure

Washing little boy is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. First, it is recommended to lay your son on your arm so that his face looks down. In this position, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the baby’s bottom.
  2. At the next stage, you will need to turn the little one onto his back and wash his penis and scrotum under running water.

It is important to follow the sequence of actions so as not to introduce infection into the baby’s genitals.

What to do with the foreskin

It is not recommended to pull back the foreskin, which covers the penis, while washing it until the toddler is 1 year old.

  1. However, despite the prohibition on retracting the foreskin, the mother needs to know that white flakes - smegma - are constantly accumulating in the bag. They are formed due to the work of the secretion of the sebaceous glands. It is recommended to remove this smegma when washing the boy in the evening. You shouldn't do this more often, only when necessary.
  2. Smegma must be removed carefully by moistening the index and thumb V vegetable oil, using them to push back the skin of the foreskin, remove the smegma using a disk also soaked in boiled vegetable oil.
  3. After completing the manipulations, you need to release the foreskin and moisten the head of the penis with a drop of oil.
  4. Many parents make the mistake of retracting the foreskin as much as possible while washing. This should not be done, since when moving, the white flakes rise up on their own and can be easily removed with a cotton pad.

Note! When removing white flakes, it is important to use a material that will not leave behind lint. The fact is that later these villi will lead to rashes, and the baby will experience discomfort.

For a newborn girl

The intimate organs of a girl who has just been born are still deprived of natural protection - the hymen. It is just beginning to form, so when washing, water should be directed from front to back. If this rule is not followed, feces that enter the vagina will contribute to the development of inflammatory processes.

Physiological features of a girl

Every time girls wash, it is necessary to remove pleural lubricant in the labia area. The “delicate place” should be wiped with a cotton swab, and this should be done very carefully. If the technique is not followed, in the future you can get a problem such as fusion of the labia minora; it will be possible to get rid of it only with the help of surgical intervention.

What tools to use

To cleanse the skin in intimate area recommended by pediatricians baby soap or other care products for little toddlers. Any product should only be used to treat the outer surface of the labia.

How often to wash

If you take it at a minimum, then 2 times a day. However, it is advisable to wash your little one every time you change the diaper. After birth, the baby needs to be washed up to 8-9 times a day. When performing work, special attention is paid to folds, as the urinary tract can become infected.

Pediatricians advise washing with plain water. And only when parents and the baby are on the road, that is, outside the home, can a wet wipe be carried out using special wipes, which were made using soft material that does not leave lint on the skin. The lotion used for cleansing should be alcohol-free.