Oregano has a slightly piquant and pleasant taste, helps improve appetite, which is why it is widely used in folk medicine - it can be used to brew herbal tea or drink in pure form, the plant is not allowed during pregnancy.

Oregano is often prohibited for internal use during pregnancy, especially during pregnancy. early stages, since it contains certain substances that can provoke an increase in uterine tone. Therefore, if you constantly drink tea with oregano during pregnancy, there is a risk of abortion, but the plant is not dangerous for the child himself, and therefore does not cause developmental defects.

That is why, when answering the question whether oregano can be used during pregnancy, gynecologists prohibit the internal use of this herb, including the use of dry oregano, which is included in most seasonings.

There is a possibility that a strong female body can quite easily tolerate a small dose of the substance that is part of the plant without any negative consequences during gestation. But doctors do not recommend carrying out such experiments, since there is still a small risk to the child’s life, especially if expectant mother suffers from gestosis and uterine tone. The use of this plant in any form by women over 33 years of age is strictly prohibited.

Many women who love herbal teas wonder whether it is possible to drink tea with the addition of this plant during pregnancy. There is no definite answer to this question, however, if the tea contains real oregano or its extract, you should refuse such a drink and give preference to other herbal infusions, which will be much more beneficial for the body of a woman and child.

Tea with flavoring that does not contain real oregano will be completely harmless for a pregnant woman. However, it is necessary to constantly take into account the fact that all foods and drinks consumed during pregnancy are passed on to the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to try to completely remove all artificial products, which contain flavorings, dyes and preservatives.

A strict prohibition regarding products with oregano during pregnancy (decoction, tea, seasonings, tinctures, etc.) applies exclusively to internal use. But this rule does not apply to certain external methods of using this plant for cosmetic purposes - various masks, lotions, compresses, wraps.

External use of oregano during pregnancy is possible only if there are no contraindications, since masks and other cosmetics containing the plant can provoke an allergic reaction.

For external use during pregnancy, it is allowed to prepare a decoction of oregano according to the following scheme - take crushed herb (20 g) and pour boiling water (120 ml). The mixture is placed in a water bath and boiled for about 15-18 minutes, then removed from the stove, the container is covered with a lid and left for 50 minutes. As soon as the composition is well infused, filter through cheesecloth. A small amount of plain boiled water is added until the original volume is obtained.

The finished product can be stored for no more than 24 hours in a cool place - for example, a refrigerator is ideal. Oregano decoction is an excellent remedy for removing various types of skin rashes, because expectant mothers very often suffer from this problem. It is recommended to use the decoction for washing or wiping problem areas with a cotton swab dipped in the prepared infusion.

If you often experience headaches, after washing your hair, it is recommended to rinse your hair with a decoction of oregano. This procedure will help strengthen the strands and prevent their loss. This remedy also helps during treatment various diseases oral cavity - for example, pharyngitis, stomatitis, gingivitis. For treatment, it is necessary to rinse the mouth several times a day, but you should not swallow liquid.

When you have a runny nose (rhinitis) or nasal congestion, it is useful to smell oregano flowers, previously crushed and dried. This simple procedure will help you quickly get rid of the feeling of fatigue and severe headaches.

When adding essential oil oregano into the aroma lamp, 3-4 drops of the product will be enough, and for a medallion - no more than 2 drops. During pregnancy, especially in the early stages, it is not recommended to apply oregano essential oil to the skin, as it tends to be quickly absorbed and penetrate directly into the blood.

Cracks in the skin of the hands and feet can be lubricated with a small amount of oil; it is also recommended to be used to treat burns, scratches, ulcers, cuts and other types of damage to the integrity of the skin.

In case of inflammation of the middle ear, in order to relieve pain, it is recommended to apply a few drops of aromatic oil to a cotton swab and insert it into the ear; the compress is removed after 15-20 minutes.

The essential oil of this plant can be used during aromatherapy, as this procedure helps to relax, relieve emotional stress, calm down and minimize the manifestation of acute respiratory diseases.

To be sure of the quality and safety of the product, it is best to purchase oregano at a pharmacy. For cosmetic and medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use the plant in loose form, rather than bagged herb. Before using oregano, you should definitely consult your doctor.

In the article we discuss oregano during pregnancy. We talk about its use in early and later, is it safe or dangerous for the body of the expectant mother. You will learn about the beneficial properties of the plant and what contraindications it has.

Oregano (oregano, oregano) is a plant with a delicate and pleasant aroma. It is used in folk medicine to prepare decoctions and infusions, and in dried form it is used in cooking. Essential oil is also produced from the herb, which is used to treat skin diseases and in the cosmetology industry.

Oregano tea is a valuable source of phenol and vitamin C. It has a relaxing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effect.

The plant contains many vitamins and microelements. This composition determines the effectiveness of oregano in the treatment of such ailments:

  • rheumatism, convulsions, epilepsy, paralysis and radiculitis;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines;
  • neurotic disorders, stress and depression;
  • diseases respiratory tract and ENT organs;
  • diseases of the female genital area.

You will learn more about the beneficial properties of oregano, its use and recipes from this.

Is it possible to drink oregano during pregnancy?

Oregano is a healing remedy that helps cope with a number of diseases and various infections. But it is contraindicated to use during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

Oregano is often used to abort unwanted pregnancy without thinking about what it might lead to. We recommend that you do not experiment, and if you have any illnesses, consult a specialist, especially while bearing a child.

Expectant mothers should not drink drinks with oregano or add the seasoning to dishes.

Despite the fact that oregano tea is prohibited for pregnant women, it can be consumed by breastfeeding women. This drink increases lactation and helps to recover faster after childbirth.

Some women drink tea with oregano when planning pregnancy. This has its own benefits, since the healing drink helps to cope with most various diseases. Please note that if you suspect pregnancy, you should stop taking oregano internally, but you can use it externally for cosmetic purposes.

Oregano in early pregnancy

The first trimester is the most important period in the formation of the fetus. For this reason, gynecologists advise expectant mothers to refrain from taking any medications, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs in order to avoid miscarriage or abnormal development of the fetus.

The mother has long been known for its ability to increase the tone of the uterus, which provokes miscarriage and heavy bleeding. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to disrupt a pregnancy with oregano, the answer is affirmative.

Don’t take risks, it’s better to visit a doctor so he can prescribe safe medicines. If you are tormented by a cough, then find out how to cope with it from this.

Oregano in late pregnancy

It is necessary to refrain from taking oregano in late pregnancy, especially if the uterus is in good shape. The mother's body has a detrimental effect on the expectant mother's body and the development of the fetus. With caution, it is permissible to use oregano ether as aromatherapy to eliminate depression, nervous disorders and improve mood.

Use of oregano herb during pregnancy

We have already found out that taking oregano internally while carrying a baby is prohibited. Now let's talk about how to use oregano to improve your appearance. But there are several rules that are important to follow:

  • do not rub ointments and creams containing oregano extract into the skin;
  • Don't make oregano-based face masks.

Such precautions are due to the fact that the main components of oregano herb can quickly penetrate through the skin into a woman’s body.

Now let's talk about the benefits of external use of oregano-based products:

  • Motherboard is an excellent tool for maintaining skin cleanliness and beauty. Washing with a decoction based on the plant eliminates boils and acne on the face. Rinsing your hair with this product relieves migraines, gives your hair silkiness, strength and a healthy appearance.
  • The antibacterial properties of oregano allow the plants to be used to treat gum inflammation and colds. Gargling with a decoction and infusion of the plant helps eliminate sore throat and gingivitis. Just rinse your mouth carefully so that even a small amount of the broth does not get inside the body.
  • Oregano essential oil has a light and relaxing scent that calms and balances the nervous system. It is used in aromatherapy sessions. The aroma of oregano is an excellent preventative during pregnancy during the cold season.
  • If you are worried about neuroses and, then put a bag of natural fabric, stuffed with dried oregano flowers. The pleasant aroma of the herb helps restore strength, relaxation and tranquility.
  • Powder made from ground oregano flowers relieves symptoms of migraines and runny nose - you just need to sniff it.
  • In case of severe inflammation and pain in the ear due to otitis, a single use of oregano ether is permissible. To do this, apply a few drops of oil to a cotton swab and then place it in your ear. Remember, this procedure cannot be performed more than once, otherwise you risk harming the fetus.

Recipes with oregano during pregnancy

We know how important it is for a woman to feel beautiful at any age and position. Therefore we offer you effective recipes oregano-based cosmetics that will help you look beautiful during pregnancy and beyond!

Cleansing infusion


  • oregano - 2 tbsp;
  • water - 220 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the herb and let the mixture steep for 30 minutes to 2 hours in a container with the lid closed. Filter the infusion.

How to use: Wipe your face with the infusion after waking up and before going to bed.

Result: Regular use of this cosmetic product helps eliminate acne and pimples. For each new day, prepare a fresh infusion.

Decoction for rinsing hair


  • water - 220 ml;
  • oregano - 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Pour the oregano into a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Let the mixture simmer for a few minutes. After this, leave the broth for an hour, strain.

How to use: Rinse your hair with the resulting decoction after each shampoo.

Result: Systematic use of a decoction based on oregano helps eliminate dandruff and itching, accelerates hair growth, and gives it a healthy and shiny appearance.


If your period is delayed, it is contraindicated to use decoctions, teas and infusions of oregano! If pregnancy is suspected, taking oregano orally is prohibited, since even with early pregnancy the plant can cause heavy bleeding. In the future, this will lead to serious complications in the woman’s health or death.

Other contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Side effects from internal intake of oregano during pregnancy can include severe uterine bleeding and miscarriage. Therefore, use oregano-based products only externally!

In the article we talk about the herb oregano, the medicinal properties of this plant. You will learn effective recipes that will help in the treatment of various diseases.

Oregano is a perennial plant from the Lamiaceae family, found throughout Europe. Popular in Italy, where the spice is called oregano.

You can grow the plant in the garden or at your summer cottage; it does not require complex care and easily takes root in any conditions. People have long revealed unique properties oregano herbs, the plant is used in cooking and medicine.

Appearance (photo) of oregano

Chemical composition

The plant contains:

  • essential oil containing phenols (thymol, carvacrol);
  • coumarins and active trace elements;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids and flavonoids;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2), ascorbic acid.

Useful properties

The beneficial properties of the plant have long been known in folk and traditional medicine, due to which it is widely used to this day.

The herb oregano has the following properties:

  • expectorant;
  • diaphoretic;
  • sedative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller;
  • bile and diuretic.

Coumarins and active trace elements, essential oils help fight many diseases. Analgesic and diaphoretic effects make it possible to use oregano in the treatment of colds, fever and sharp pain against the background of inflammatory processes in the ENT organs: sore throat, laryngitis, otitis media. Oregano is useful for bronchitis. Decoctions and infusions of the plant remove mucus from the bronchi and lungs, relieve inflammation and destroy bacteria.

Oregano is often used to treat skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen. Decoctions and infusions of the plant have a healing effect and are used to treat wounds, abrasions and cuts.

Due to its antispasmodic effect, oregano is used in the treatment of diseases. digestive system: gastritis, stomach ulcers. Its action helps reduce pain and discomfort, accelerates recovery and normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract. Infusions with oregano prevent the formation of gases and normalize bile production.

Oregano has a diuretic effect and is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system, including urolithiasis.

Oregano is a powerful antiseptic. Infusions from the plant are used to destroy microorganisms and bacteria that are immune to antibiotics, for example, Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus.

The plant has also found wide use in gynecology, which is why it received the names “female herb” and “mother herb”. The anti-inflammatory effect and analgesic effect make it easier to endure painful menstruation and other disorders of the female genital area. Despite the medicinal properties of oregano, there are also contraindications for women.

Thanks to its chemical composition, oregano is useful for children and adults. The complex of vitamins and microelements contained in oregano can have a positive effect on the condition of internal organs and improve the health of the body as a whole.

Everything should be taken into account beneficial properties oregano, contraindications for use, because improper use and dosage of herbal remedies can be harmful to health.

Use in cooking

The seasoning is also called oregano

Thanks to its delicate aroma and unusual taste, oregano herb has found use in cooking. Spice compositions that include oregano are used in many cuisines around the world.

The spice is used in the preparation of first and second courses, salads. Young leaves and twigs of the plant can be added to marinades and canned dishes. Oregano is often included in alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Spicy herbs for cooking can be used both dried and fresh. Oregano is combined with rosemary, basil and marjoram.

Use in folk medicine

Most often, decoctions and tinctures of oregano are used for treatment. The medicinal properties of oregano allow the plant to be used for diseases of the stomach, cardiovascular, nervous and genitourinary systems. Medicines containing oregano are effective for nervous disorders and stress.

Decoctions and infusions are made with oregano

Cough inhalations

Oregano has a healing effect on the respiratory system, so it is used for various types cough, especially in children.


  1. Oregano essential oil – 2-3 drops
  2. Water – 1 l.

How to cook: Add oregano essential oil to boiling water.

How to use: Bend over the container, cover your head with a towel to prevent cold air from entering. Breathe in steam for about 10-15 minutes until the decoction is hot.

Result: Inhalations with essential oil will help quickly get rid of cough.

A herbal decoction, where the main ingredient is oregano, will also help with cough.


  1. Oregano – 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Coltsfoot – 1 tbsp.
  3. Marshmallow root – 1 tbsp.
  4. Water – 200 ml.

How to cook: Add herbs to boiling water. Leave the decoction for an hour.

How to use: Take the medicine warm, half a glass.

Result: The decoction acts as an expectorant.

Decoction for hypertension

The following recipe will help normalize high blood pressure.


  1. Oregano – 2 tbsp.
  2. Water – 500 ml.

How to cook: Fill the oregano with water and place the container in a water bath. Bring the solution to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Leave the decoction for 2 hours.

How to use: Take 1 glass of decoction three times a day before meals.

Result: Normalization of pressure, improvement of condition.

Tea for insomnia

Tea with oregano will help restore healthy and sound sleep. Dry herbs can be added to green or black tea in equal proportions. A drink made from a herbal mixture of mint, raspberry leaves and oregano is very useful.


  1. Oregano – 1 tbsp.
  2. Mint – 1 tbsp.
  3. Raspberry leaves – 1 tbsp.
  4. Water – 1 l.

How to use: Pour boiling water over the required amount of herbal mixture. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

How to take: Drink as regular tea, but no more than 3 times a day.

Result: Calms the nervous system, has a relaxing effect.

Infusion for the stomach

An infusion according to the following recipe will help with gastrointestinal upset.


  1. Dried oregano – 4 tbsp.
  2. Water – 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the dried oregano. Leave the medicine to cool, then strain.

How to use: Drink the infusion in small sips throughout the day.

Result: Thanks to the prepared infusion, you can get rid of stomach pain, reduce inflammation and flatulence.

If you have problems with stool and to normalize digestion, you can use the following recipe.


  1. Oregano - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Water – 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Pour cold water over the oregano. Bring to a boil in a water bath and cook for 15 minutes with the lid closed. Leave until cool.

How to use: Before use, it is recommended to warm the infusion to room temperature. Take half a glass twice a day before meals.

Result: Normalization of digestion.

Decoction in gynecology

The motherboard is often used to normalize menstruation (if it is delayed, to stabilize the cycle), to relieve inflammatory process in the female genital organs, improving well-being during puberty in young girls.

This recipe will help with painful and irregular menstruation.


  1. Oregano – 1 tbsp.
  2. Water – 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the required amount of herb. Cool and strain the product.

How to use: 2 tbsp. decoction up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 1 month.

Result: Relieving pain during menstruation.

For women's problems, a herbal infusion will be effective.


  1. Oregano – 1 tbsp.
  2. Tansy – 1 tbsp.
  3. Quinoa – 1 tbsp.
  4. Wormwood – ¼ tbsp.
  5. Water – 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the herbal mixture and leave for 2 hours.

How to use: 2 tbsp. up to 6 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks.

Result: Discomfort and pain during menstruation will be reduced.

The medicinal properties of oregano herb have a wide range. Medicines should only be prepared according to a prescription to prevent possible side effects.

For more information about oregano, watch the video:

Contraindications and possible harm

Due to its composition, the plant has a positive effect on the body, but be sure to take into account the contraindications of oregano herbs:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • acute phase of stomach ulcer;
  • inflammation of the liver and bile ducts;
  • severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the active substances of the plant cause contraction of the uterus, which can lead to bleeding and miscarriage. Therefore, oregano should be excluded in any form, even as an additive to salads. For more information about the effects of oregano on pregnant women, read this article.

It is not recommended for men to take medications with oregano for a long time, as it negatively affects the organs genitourinary system. Despite certain contraindications, the medicinal properties of oregano herb are widely known and highly valued in medicine, gynecology and cooking.

Improper preparation of medicinal recipes or overdose of components can cause harm to health. You should not self-medicate; consult a doctor for advice.

What to remember

  1. Oregano is a plant that is used in folk medicine and is part of traditional medicines and folk recipes.
  2. The herb is rich in active microelements, essential oils and vitamins.
  3. Taking medicines from oregano helps not only cure diseases, but also improve health.

The period of waiting for a baby is a magical and at the same time responsible time. It is incredibly important to know what the consumption of a particular product will entail, how it will affect the health of mother and baby, for example, oregano during pregnancy. Let's get to know the plant better and find out whether pregnant women can drink tea with oregano.

Properties of oregano tea

The drink based on oregano has an aroma and a pleasant subtle taste. The grass is a generous source of huge amounts chemical elements, essential oil (phenol) and ascorbic acid. In addition to its relaxing properties, the plant is useful in many aspects and has a wide range of effects on our body:

  1. Antibacterial and soothing effect.
  2. Treatment of rheumatism, seizures, epilepsy, paralysis.
  3. Solving stomach problems and women's diseases.
  4. Widely used in official medicine to treat intestinal atony and increase appetite. Doctors prescribe oregano to calm an overly excited nervous system and insomnia.
  5. The plant has the ability to treat bronchitis, relieve stomach pain and liver diseases.
  6. It is recommended to use the plant to combat hypertension.

More details about the properties of this plant can be found in the articles:

You should avoid using oregano when intestinal colic and pregnancy. Let's look at this in more detail.

The effect of oregano on pregnancy

Drinks with oregano should not be consumed orally by pregnant women. This is explained by the fact that the plant has the property of causing uterine contractions and bleeding, which can lead to premature birth and miscarriages. Traditional medicine uses oregano herb for delayed menstruation and to terminate early pregnancy.

It is forbidden to resort to the use of oregano decoctions on your own in order to avoid harm to the body of the mother and fetus.

But if you can’t drink oregano tea during pregnancy, the plant can sometimes be used externally with great caution.

For example:

  • A decoction of oregano will remove boils and various skin rashes. Pregnancy does not always have a good effect on your skin. You can wash your face with the decoction.
  • The aroma of the plant helps soothe headaches. Use the decoction to rinse your hair. Double result: beautiful hair and absence of pain.
  • Grind the flower heads of the plant to a powder. The aroma of this product will help get rid of a runny nose.
  • Stomatitis and gingivitis recede after rinsing the mouth with a decoction of oregano (swallowing is not allowed). Gargling is used during colds and sore throats.
  • Essential oil is used for aromatherapy sessions: calming the nervous system, treating a runny nose, preventing colds. It is not recommended to apply it to the skin due to rapid absorption.

Each expectant mother is individual, each pregnancy has its own characteristics and characteristics. Therefore, only the attending physician is authorized to decide whether pregnant women can take oregano.

Oregano tea recipe

If you are not in an interesting position and want to try a drink based on oregano, then here is its simple recipe:

Dry tops of oregano (1 tsp) should be poured with 1 glass of boiling water, 3-5 minutes will be enough for brewing, longer brewing will deprive the drink of its aroma.

Tea should be drunk in small sips.

The properties of oregano in tea can be listed in an endless list. However, you should not use it when you are expecting the birth of a child, without a doctor’s prescription. For the most comfortable pregnancy, it is better not to use oregano.

Look interesting video about the features of this plant:

Oregano is a herb that grows in meadows. Its other name is motherboard. It is widely used for infertility, as well as for the treatment of many gynecological diseases, which subsequently simplifies the process of conception and has a good effect on the woman’s body. This herb received its second name due to its unique healing qualities. However, it is strictly forbidden to be taken orally by pregnant women; it can only be used as an external remedy, as well as as an aromatherapy remedy.

Is oregano acceptable during early pregnancy?

This herb can cause uterine bleeding in a pregnant woman, leading to miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, it is not recommended to take it for home abortion, as there can be very serious consequences.

Oregano can be taken externally as decoctions and infusions, as this remedy helps:

  • Improve the condition of the skin;
  • Eliminate headaches;
  • Make hair thicker and silkier.

For severe throbbing headaches, you can put a compress or lotion soaked in oregano decoction on your forehead. You can grind dried oregano flowers and inhale their aroma. This is very good remedy which will help you quickly get rid of a runny nose. If you have a prolonged painful cough or sore throat, you can rinse your mouth with an infusion of oregano, however, it is important to ensure that not a single drop gets inside.

Essential oils should not be applied to the skin, as they can be absorbed into the blood, which is very dangerous for the condition of the pregnant woman and the unborn child.

The use of oregano in the early stages has its own specific characteristics. During the first trimester, the fetus develops its brain and nervous system, which is why any influence on these processes is extremely undesirable, as this can be very detrimental to the fetus. In this regard, doctors try to limit intake as much as possible. medications during this period.

Oregano in early pregnancy can cause:

  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Miscarriage;
  • Disturbances in a child.

Important! You can drink tea with oregano during pregnancy only in that isolated case if the benefits significantly outweigh the risks. You can use this herb as an external remedy, however, provided that the tone of the uterus does not increase. If this happens, you need to consult a doctor.

Tea with oregano is very useful for a nursing mother, as it increases lactation and also prevents allergies in the child. However, you must carefully follow the instructions for use and consult your doctor first, as various side effects may occur. The ban on medicines made from oregano is associated with its effect on the muscles of the uterus, since the plant provokes its contraction and bleeding, and this is a real threat of miscarriage or premature birth if taken in late pregnancy. Its use as a seasoning is not recommended. It is worth considering that it is part of the oregano spice. An infusion can be used as an external remedy. To do this, brew the dry herb with a glass of boiling water and infuse it.

It is worth remembering that when drinking oregano tea you always want to sleep and want to do stretches all the time. That is why you should not abuse this drink.

Reviews: oregano and tansy for abortion

Reviews about oregano as a means of abortion are quite ambiguous, since for some this remedy helps, for some it does not cause any results, and some note the presence of serious complications.

There are many abortifacient herbs, such as:

  • Tansy;
  • Elecampane;
  • Parsley.

Matryoshka, or oregano as it is also called, is one of these herbs. After they are taken internally, the uterus rejects the fetus. The mechanism of action of the abortifacient herbs used in each specific case is completely different, however, they often lead to abortion.

Abortion using medicinal herbs is not so reliable and does not always work positive result However, many have thus managed to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

The principle of action of all abortifacient herbs is approximately the same, however, some of them provoke the death of the fetus, and some increase the tone of the uterus. Plants containing alkaloids are used even in later stages, as well as during childbirth, to stimulate labor. However, their use requires special caution, as they can provoke intoxication and even death of the mother.

Using oregano to terminate pregnancy

For many women, the news of pregnancy is not so joyful. There are many methods to get rid of pregnancy at the earliest stages.

Namely, such as:

  • Abortion;
  • Medications;
  • Folk remedies.

One of these quite effective folk remedies Oregano is considered, however, when using it, all precautions must be taken, since it is a very dangerous plant. Oregano is a plant widely used in folk medicine. It has many useful qualities, however, there are also certain contraindications. In particular, it is prohibited to take products based on this plant during pregnancy. This plant is taken to terminate pregnancy at home, however, this is not advisable, as it can cause severe bleeding and sometimes even infection of the uterine lining. In any case, after a failed abortion you will have to go to the hospital.

You can use a decoction or infusion of oregano to provoke a miscarriage for up to 10 weeks from the moment of conception.

During this period, the embryo is still very small and not very strongly attached, therefore, there is a high chance of getting a positive result. For the child himself, oregano is not so dangerous. It helps to increase the tone of the uterus, resulting in bleeding and expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity. If the bleeding is very severe, you should immediately consult a doctor. When performing an abortion, you must then do a control ultrasound, as additional curettage of the uterine cavity may be required.

Oregano decoction: properties

Many women in medicinal purposes Oregano decoction is widely used.

This is a very good product that helps:

  • Eliminate menstrual irregularities;
  • Normalize health during menopause;
  • Improves hair condition and treats dandruff;
  • Calms nerves and helps get rid of insomnia.

In addition, the decoction can be used to treat wounds and abscesses. This remedy promotes their rapid healing. To prepare a decoction, pour two tablespoons of dry herb into a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, then strain and take throughout the day. To enhance medicinal properties You can keep the broth in a water bath for an hour.

Is oregano acceptable during pregnancy (video)

Oregano decoction is considered very good medicine However, it is prohibited to take it during pregnancy, as the tone of the uterus increases, which can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.