A significant number of citizens (about 12 million people) receive a disability pension in the Russian Federation, including disabled children, who are one of the most vulnerable social groups(there are about 670 thousand people in 2020). Special measures are provided for them social support And additional types assistance, including financial assistance - disability pension, daily allowance and recruitment social services.

Since disabled children have no work experience, they are assigned social disability pension. If you have at least one day length of service will be appointed insurance pension on disability(for example, when employing a person disabled since childhood, group 1, 2 or 3).

What pension is assigned to a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood?

The laws of Russia provide for several types of pensions paid to various groups of the population. At the same time, disabled people (in general), depending on their social status, can receive three different type of disability pension:

  • insurance- if you have work experience, at least 1 day;
  • social- those who do not have a single day of work experience, have never worked and cannot provide for their primary needs on their own (paid in a fixed amount in the form of a monthly benefit);
  • state- for example, military personnel, war participants, astronauts, citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters, and so on.


Of all the listed types of support, disabled children can count on only for social pension, since they do not have insurance experience and have not paid insurance premiums for future pension. Therefore, they will be paid a fixed pension payment, set in the same amount for all disabled children.

Unlike disabled children, disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 since childhood can apply for an insurance pension if they have at least one day of service. In this case, the payment will not be fixed, but will be calculated taking into account the accumulated pension points during work.

Pension amount

The amount of social pension for disabled citizens, which includes disabled children and people with disabilities from childhood of groups 1, 2, 3, fixed for each category. Its size is fixed in Art. 18 law “On state pension provision”. The amount depends on the disability group, while for people with disabilities since childhood and disabled children, the amount of payments is even greater than for those who received the group at working age.

From 01.04.2019 amounts of social disability pensions are:

  • 12681.09 rub.- disabled children and disabled people of group 1 since childhood;
  • RUB 10,567.73- disabled people of group 2 since childhood;
  • 5283.85 rub.- disabled people of group 3 since childhood.

For persons living in areas Far North and in areas with severe climatic conditions, the pension is multiplied by an increasing regional coefficient.


Amount of social pension for disabled people indexed annually from April 1. The amount increases depending on growth living wage(PM) for pensioners over the past year. From April 1, 2020, payments are planned to increase by 7%.

When a disabled person reaches 18 years of age, based on the conclusion of the ITU, he can be recognized as disabled since childhood of groups 1, 2 or 3. Accordingly, the pension amount will be changed according to the established disability group.

In addition to the pension itself, you can apply for payments for caring for a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood. For this purpose, a separate application for granting benefits is submitted. The payment amount is 10,000 rubles monthly (read more).

How to apply for a pension for a disabled child

A disability pension can be issued from the month in which the citizen became entitled to such a payment. In this case, security is assigned from the 1st day of the month in which the application was submitted. An exception is the case when a pension is assigned to a disabled person since childhood who has not reached the age of 19, who previously received payments to him as a disabled child. In this case, the pension will be assigned from the day the disability group is established.

Documents for granting a pension are submitted:

  • To the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or stay (in person, through a legal representative, by mail);
  • Through the multifunctional service center of the MFC (in person or through a representative by proxy);
  • Through your Personal Account on the Pension Fund website (to do this, you must first register on the Unified Government Services Portal).


His legal representative (parent or guardian) submits documents for a disabled child. Depending on the state of health, an adult citizen with a disability since childhood can submit an application independently or through a proxy.

Procedure, conditions and terms of appointment

The two main conditions for granting a pension are:

  • permanent residence in the Russian Federation;
  • belonging to “disabled citizens”, that is, disability confirmed by ITU.

The date of application to the Pension Fund will be considered the day of submission and registration of the application (in person, through an intermediary or electronically) or the date stamped on the registered letter. This is important, because the pension is assigned from the first day of the month, in which there was an appeal.

  • After submitting the documents, the applicant will be given a notification receipt about acceptance of the application(in person or sent by mail). The application along with the documents is reviewed within 10 days.
  • After this period, another notification is sent on the assignment of a pension. And in the absence of any the required document PF employees provide clarification - everything missing can be provided within 3 months after the date of receipt of clarification.

If the recipient is entitled to two types of pension simultaneously, he can choose only one, the most beneficial to him. Along with the disability pension, the following will be additionally awarded:

  • EDV— monthly cash payment;
  • NSO cost— a set of social services (if a refusal to receive it in kind is issued).

What documents are needed and how to write an application

An application for a social pension is submitted on a form that indicates all the necessary information about the applicant and his reasons for receiving the payment. Below is a sample of it ( download the form can be found at the link).

The following documents are submitted along with the application:

  • applicant's passport;
  • power of attorney (if the documents are not submitted by the disabled person himself or his guardian/trustee), certificate of guardianship from the guardianship authority;
  • birth certificate of a disabled child;
  • a certificate confirming the address of actual residence in Russia;
  • an extract from the medical and social examination certificate of the ITU (can be requested by Pension Fund employees independently through the channel of interdepartmental interaction).


The application may not be submitted disabled since childhood under the age of 19, whose pension payment as a disabled child was stopped after his 18th birthday. His social pension will be assigned automatically, without his personal participation, from the day the “adult” disability group is established. The extract or conclusion of the ITU will be transferred to the Pension Fund through the channel of interdepartmental interaction.

Terms and methods of pension delivery

The applicant has the right to independently determine the pension delivery option that is convenient for him. The chosen method must be indicated in the application submitted along with the application for appointment pension payments. In the future it will be possible change delivery method.

At the request of the pensioner, the funds can be:

  1. Transferred through a credit institution to an open bank account;
  2. Delivered by postal organization (will be delivered at home or issued at the Russian Post office).


The procedure for delivering pensions to disabled children has one peculiarity: the right to pension payments is the minor child himself. In this case, delivery can be made both in the name of the disabled person himself and in the name of his representative (parent, guardian, etc.).

  • If the delivery method is chosen - “to a bank account”, then the money will only be sent to separate nominal account for the child, but funds can be spent without the permission of the guardianship authorities.
  • If the child has reached the age of 14, he can receive your pension yourself.

Let's figure out what 2020 will bring for people with disabilities. What significant changes will occur in legislation.

Changes regarding disabled children in 2020

In 2020, children of disabled people and people with disabilities since childhood will experience a record increase in pensions by 7 percent. For comparison, in 2019, pensions for this category of disabled people were raised by only 2 percent.

For clarity, we present a table with the current pension amount and the indexed one.

Increase amount
From April 1, 2019 From April 1, 2020
Disabled people from childhood, group 1 and disabled children 12681,09 13568,77 887,68
Disabled people since childhood, 2 groups 10567,73 11307,47 739,74

A new wheelchair or prosthesis will be given only after the conclusion of a medical and technical examination

The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has approved a list of rehabilitation means, the replacement of which after the expiration of the established period of use must be confirmed by the conclusion of a medical and technical examination.

According to the order of the Ministry of Labor No. 521n dated July 23, 2019, replacement of the above rehabilitation means after the expiration of the established period of use can be made only after confirmation of a medical and technical examination. The conclusion must indicate that the wheelchair or other rehabilitation device indicated in the list really requires replacement.

A medical and technical examination report will also be required upon purchase. wheelchair at your own expense with subsequent receipt of compensation. It will be necessary to determine the compliance of a wheelchair, prosthesis or orthosis purchased by a disabled person at his own expense with the products provided by the authorized body with technical means of rehabilitation, prostheses and prosthetic and orthopedic products.

What does it mean?

For example, you were given an active type stroller; before the above order, after the end of its service life (4 years), you should have been given a new one or compensated for the one you purchased, regardless of its current condition. Now the technical commission will consider the condition of the stroller and only after that decide to give a new one or use the old one. There are obvious cost savings due to disabled people.

Indexation of pensions and payments to disabled people in 2020

The Russian government plans to index insurance pensions by 6.6% and social pensions by 7% in 2020, TASS reports citing Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova.

Disability insurance benefits

The indexation of insurance or labor disability pensions in the new year will be 6.6 percent. The increase will take place on January 1. The pension point amount will be 93 rubles, the fixed payment amount will be 5686.25 rubles.

Social benefits for disability

Indexation of social disability pensions will take place from April 1, the increase, as noted earlier, will be 7 percent. As a result, the average size of the social disability pension will be 13.3 thousand rubles.

Recipient's disability group Social size pensions, rub/month Increase amount
From April 1, 2019 From April 1, 2020
Disabled people of 1st group 10567,73
Disabled people 2nd group 5283,84
Disabled people of 3 groups 4491,30

EDV for disabled people

Monthly payments to disabled people in 2020 will be indexed by 3.8 percent. This will happen from February 1st.

Recipient's disability group EDV, rub/month Increase amount
From February 1, 2019 From February 1, 2020
Disabled people of 1st group 3782,94
3926,69 143,75
Disabled people 2nd group 2701,67
Disabled people of 3 groups 2162,62
2244,8 82,18
Disabled children 2701,67

Social package

The set of social services, which includes the provision of free medicines, sanatorium vouchers and free travel, will also be indexed by 3.8 percent from February 1.

NSU, ​​rub/month Increase amount
From February 1, 2019 From February 1, 2020
1164,03 42,61

Those citizens who, due to their state of health, can no longer work in their profession, but are able to perform another, more simple work or work in their original specialty, but in a lighter mode, belong to disability group III.

Let's look at what the disability pension for group 3 is in 2020.

Pension for the third disability group

Regardless of which particular group is assigned based on the results of the ITU, you can choose only one of two social security options:

Social pension for disability group 3 + EDV = disability pension, or Labor pension + EDV = disability pension, where EDV is a monthly cash payment.

The right to become a recipient of a social pension belongs to those permanently residing in Russian Federation, including minors (Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001).

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Pension size for disabled people of group 3 in 2020

The size of the social disability pension of group 3 in 2019 was 4403.24 rubles/month, including for minors.

How much do they pay for the third disability group? labor pension, are calculated using a special formula taking into account the length of work experience.

The basic (minimum) size of the labor pension is also fixed:

  • RUB 2667.10/month - lonely;
  • RUR 4,445.16 rub./month - with 1 dependent;
  • 6223.22 rubles/month. - with 2 dependents;
  • RUB 8,001.28/month - with 3 dependents.
The total amount of disability pension for group 3 in 2020 takes into account not only the need for benefits, but also marital status.

Algorithm and formula for calculating pension payments

If the recipient only expects to receive a social pension or minimum wage, then the total amount is known in advance with great accuracy, since the size of the EDV is a fixed value.

The calculation will need to be performed in the case where there is length of service and it is necessary to take it into account to determine the size of the retirement pension, which differs from the minimum (basic) value.

You can find out how much disabled people of group 3 are paid using a special formula.

Attention! How much a group 3 disabled person should receive in each case must be found out in the Pension Fund.

To calculate a disability pension based on length of service, the formula looks like this:

TPPI = PC/(T x K) + B, where

  • PC - the amount of pension capital accounted for in the Pension Fund, determined as of the date from which the disability pension will be transferred in the future
  • T - fixed value of the expected time of payment of the old-age pension (in 2019 T = 252 months);
  • K is the proportion between the standard length of insurance service on the date of pension assignment and 180 months. At the age of 19, the standard length of service is 12 months, after which 4 months are added per year. The total sum cannot be more than 180, that is, K< 1 или К=1;
  • B - base size disability pensions 3 groups.

You can find out how much they pay for disability group 3 (working) at the Pension Fund.

Monthly cash payments

EDV is the monetary equivalent of various social benefits, their material expression (additional payment for group 3 disability).

Benefits include:

  1. Free medications with a doctor's prescription (or with a 50% discount).
  2. Free travel on public and suburban transport.
  3. Free spa treatment.

A disabled person has the right to decide for himself and inform the Pension Fund what payments are due to a disabled person of group 3, and in what form he wishes to receive (in kind or in the form of EDV).

Refusal from a set of social services

You can refuse the social package completely, or some part of it, and the amount of daily allowance will be recalculated, which will be accrued to the disabled person after acceptance of his application.

There are more and more people receiving disability status today. This is due to the negligence of employers who did not ensure safety in the workplace, congenital human characteristics, accidents, diseases, and other things. It is almost impossible to insure your life against any incident that may cause disability.

Today, government authorities are trying to provide disabled people with the financial support necessary to restore and maintain the body, purchase the necessary medications or undergo courses of treatment.

Assistance to people with disabilities of groups I, II or III is provided by the state through the payment of pensions. It becomes possible to receive a disability pension only after a person is recognized as unable to carry out activities or limited in them by a doctor. For this purpose, a certain medical examination is assigned, as a result of which the person’s belonging to one of the disability groups is determined. After recognizing a person as disabled, you should submit an application to the authority Pension Fund Russia of a specific subject of the federation according to the registration of a disabled person.

After submitting the established list of documents - passport, certificate of recognition of a person as disabled, SNILS, work record book and application - it becomes possible to receive an insurance pension. If a disabled person is not able to independently submit a package of documents, these actions are allowed to be carried out by a legal representative, or sending can be done through the post office.

There are two types of pensions for disabled people: labor and insurance. Labor pensions in all regions of Russia are assigned based on work experience, regardless of the years worked. If disability occurs during childbirth, childhood, or before labor activity, an insurance pension is calculated. In a situation where the insurance pension is higher than the labor pension, the disabled person has the right to independently decide in favor of larger payments.

Legislation in the field of pension provision establishes a rule that for a person who may be assigned several types of cash payments, payments are made in favor of the larger amount, and the right to financial assistance is canceled for the rest. Exceptions are citizens who have become disabled as a result of military activities, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and some others.

The 2017 program on payments to disabled people provides for an increased amount of pension payments. Thus, the right to receive increased pensions can use:

  • people with disability group I, since the care of third parties is vital for them, and, as practice shows, the majority resort to hired personnel for care;
  • disabled people retirement age who have dependents;
  • disabled people of groups I, II or III who have retired and have total experience 15 worked at enterprises of the North or 20 worked for more than 20 years in regions equivalent to the conditions of the North.

For people with disabilities in the program, an increase in pension payments is planned from April 2017. According to the plan, the total monthly amount of payments will be from January 2017:

  • for disabled people of group I 8,767 rubles;
  • for disabled people of group II, as well as children with congenital disabilities, 4,383 rubles;
  • for disabled people of group III 2,191 rubles.

According to the program, people with disabilities will be able to receive an amount equal to 8,767 rubles.

Changes in payment of disability insurance pension

In 2017, for a group I disabled person who does not have dependents, the pension is set at 10,000 rubles 86 kopecks. Depending on the number of dependents, this amount is subject to change, for example, if there is one dependent person, the amount increases to 10,637.50 rubles, if there are two - 12,157.14 rubles, more than three - in the amount of 13,676.78 rubles.

The amount of disability pension for members with the second group is 4,558.93 rubles, 7,598.21 rubles. and 9117.85 rub. monthly according to the number of dependents.

For the third group, payments are provided in the amount of 2,279.47 rubles, 3,799.11 rubles, 5,318.75 rubles, similar to the number of dependent persons. In some cases, the amount may be increased to RUB 6,838.39.

In 2017, a gradation of payment amounts by disability group was developed.

Social disability pension

According to the Russian Pension Fund, social pensions are paid to persons who are disabled and reside permanently within the borders of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, the following amounts of disability pension payments are established:

  • persons over 60-65 for women and men, respectively, belonging to the second disability group, except for people with a status acquired from childhood - 4,959.85 rubles. monthly;
  • disabled people with childhood, as well as persons classified as the first disability group - 11,903.51 rubles. monthly;
  • persons with the status of the first second group who received this status from childhood – 9,919.73 rubles. monthly;
  • persons with third disability group – 4,215.90 rubles. monthly.

Every year the amount of pension payments is subject to indexation. In 2017, pensions were subject to indexation to an average of 10.3%, which shows an increase in the index of about 5.5%.

The indexation included average amounts spent on the social needs of people with disabilities. This indicator is also expressed in monetary terms and in 2017 is:

  • for medicines – 766.50 rubles;
  • vacation in a sanatorium or dispensary is paid in the amount of 118.59 rubles;
  • Travel to the sanatorium is paid in the amount of 110.09 rubles.

Thus, on average for the constituent entities of Russia, the size of disability pension payments is 13,132 rubles, which indicates indexation in region 4.

Pension points for disability pensions, subject to the inclusion of work experience, are on average 74.3 rubles, which shows an increase compared to the cost of 1 point in 2015 by 3 rubles.

A significant segment of the population of our country is occupied by people with disabilities, therefore, news concerning the lives of disabled people is of particular and increased interest. On the eve of the new year 2017, it will be interesting to know what may change in the financing of people with disabilities.

Additional payment to pension in Moscow in 2017: who should expect the maximum increase

The main participants in promotion programs were disabled people registered in Moscow or the Moscow region. This is a kind of minimum standard under which the Moscow authorities adjust the federal pensions of residents. The latter can be considered partly indigenous. If their size is, of course, below this minimum pension, or rather, the “urban social standard” in Moscow.

A pension supplement up to the city social standard is established for non-working pensioners and individual categories working pensioners and disabled people registered at their place of residence in Moscow and having a duration of such registration of at least 10 years in total (including the time of residence in the territory annexed to Moscow).

Group 1 disability how much do they pay 2017 in the Moscow region





How much does a disabled person of group 1 earn in 2017 - 2018?

Completely disabled people who require outside care may be assigned a 1st degree disability. Such people are entitled to various benefits and pension accruals. The size of such pensions and benefits depends on many parameters. Below we will consider the question of how much disabled people of the first group receive.

There are several types of pensions:

  • Labor pension. In fact, it is a monthly payment that is prescribed in cases where, due to various injuries at work, a person is unable to engage in work. It is important that the injuries received should not be associated with alcohol, drugs or toxic intoxication; also, the injury must not be related to the commission of illegal actions. Also, to receive a labor pension, the total length of service must be at least 5 years. It is important to remember that the labor pension is not fixed. How much they pay for 1st disability group is influenced by many parameters - the length of the insurance period, whether a person with 1st disability group has dependents in the family and their number, region of work, and so on. The minimum labor pension is 9,610 rubles.

Also, disabled people of group 1 are entitled to various additional charges:

  • EDV (monthly cash payments). In fact, EDV is a monetary analogue of various social benefits. It is important to understand that the size of the EDV directly depends on the size of the NSO. The monthly allowance for disabled people of group 1 in 2017 - 2018, if they refuse the NSU package, is 3,538 rubles.