Together with my closest friend, we went through fire, water and copper pipes- we were not able to quarrel either school rather tough competition, or rather complicated relationships with boyfriends, or subsequent marriages and the birth of children of the same age, and, consequently, general exhaustion and fatigue. We still remained the closest people, so when the question arose of leaving the decree, this idea came to our mind at the same time: “Let's look for a job together!”

We found a job easily and were very happy that we were sitting at neighboring tables, helping each other during emergency jobs and not getting bored in the moments of office calm. Who would have thought that in less than a year I would answer her SMS “That's it. Enough ”and I will carry the letter of resignation on the table to the authorities.

The fact that close friends have a place in personal life, and at work can be friends at best, is widely known, and psychologists agree with him. But if circumstances have developed in such a way that it is impossible to separate friendship and work, then it makes sense to imagine how events can develop.

Subordinate friend. It will be very difficult for her to come to terms with the need to observe subordination, but it will be even harder to avoid the temptation to use your official position for her own personal purposes. Your share will be the need to always "get into the position" of a friend and correct her mistakes and mistakes.

Boss friend.
In this case, you will have the need to convince the team of your own competence, but, regardless of your professional success, the reputation of the “thug friend of the boss” will haunt you all the time of joint work. And it is very difficult to reduce this time - changing jobs means letting your friend down, she is counting on you.

The least explosive option is to work in equivalent positions. But it also inevitably leads to competition - after all, the possibility of career growth in the first place shines only for one of you, and sitting a person whose weaknesses are known is much easier than an independent colleague.

In addition, the “state within the state” option, when you and your girlfriend move away from the rest of the team, because you have a lot of your own conversations and deeds, terribly annoys the rest of the employees, causing an irresistible desire to destroy your idyll.

Perhaps the only option for maintaining both friendship and work is employment in various departments so as not to intersect with a girlfriend in any way. official duties, nor subordinate.

And finally, finding a new job is quite easy, which can not be said about friends.

Now our company is looking for a secretary to replace me. And I'm moving to a "computer" position in our own company. A college friend is just looking for a job. She didn’t ask for me, I just told her that we have a vacancy and offered to send her resume. Now I'm thinking, should I? In fact, the direct supervisor of the secretary, and indeed of all other employees, is the director, so I will not stand above her, although some orders and requests will have to be given. The director has not yet seen her resume, and even more so the interview has not yet been. Yes, and objectively, in my opinion, she is somewhat weaker than the other candidates we selected ... But still, what if? Who has any thoughts about working in the same office with a girlfriend?
A? © (27.01.2006 00:01)

Not ... cutlets separately, flies separately :)))) you should not mix work and friendship, as a rule, nothing good comes of this :(
LaConda © (27.01.2006 07:01)

And I have the opposite, from each job there is a good friend!
Menpopers © (27.01.2006 10:01)

It’s better not to take risks after all. If your girlfriend doesn’t have a job at all, then you can help, of course. But sometimes it happens that relationships deteriorate precisely because of disagreements on work issues
GLena © (27.01.2006 14:01)

It all depends on the person. From your relationship with your girlfriend. I worked under the direction of my girlfriend, that is, she was my immediate supervisor. She also proposed my candidacy to the leadership. She is a little older than me, she has more work experience. She immediately warned me that I would have to work a lot, and I would have to learn a lot. I was only happy about this. I came to the company completely green. And I sincerely wanted to learn how to work. Naturally, at first I was given primitive tasks, but when after half a year I began to get bored with what I was doing and being "on errands", I felt that I could do more and it was interesting for me to move on. I told her directly and said: "I have a great desire to do at least one project myself from start to finish." She was just happy and gave me the project. That's all. Unfortunately, I have now moved to another city, and I really miss her in a new place. All the same, when a close friend is nearby, it is much easier to join the team, and in general everything is easier. I am immensely grateful to her for everything she did for me and I will never forget it.
here © (27.01.2006 07:01)

I support. Everything from specific people depends. Brought me to new job my classmate friend whom I haven't seen for 10 years. To a parallel position, so to speak. He got me in on the action. Really taught me a lot. Now he has gone on promotion, ie. became my side boss. Relations remain as good as before.


NATASHA worked in a small trading company, and one day they had a vacancy for the head of one of the departments. Natasha immediately called her friend Olga, who was recently fired due to redundancy. Olga gladly accepted the offer, the salary suited her, besides, she was very happy that she could often communicate with her friend and go to the smoking room with her. Olga had a wonderful interview, and she and her boss really liked each other. “Natasha, what flower did you bring to our flower bed!” he admired. Yes, something, but Natasha’s charm was not to be occupied ...

At first, everything was wonderful: the friends really went to the smoking room, went to dinner together and did not look for souls in each other. However, a month or two passed, Natasha took up a very important project that her boss entrusted to her. She began to get annoyed that Olga, for some reason, still couldn’t “talk” and constantly distracted her with offers to go to drink coffee, then suddenly she came in the most time trouble, plopped down on the chair opposite and, not paying attention to Natasha’s displeased face, begins to tell her the latest gossip. Once, when Natasha was preparing a report, Olga suddenly flew into her office: “Listen, Natka! Run to my buffet for chips, otherwise I'm waiting for a call and I can't leave! “Olya, don’t you see that I’m busy? Close the door on the other side!” Natasha screamed. "Oh, how cool we are!" - Olya feigned bewilderment.

The next day, the chief looked at Natasha very strangely, and then approached her in the smoking room and said: “You know, I would like you to be more polite with Olya. She told me what you did yesterday!” It turned out that Olya, who always had a rich imagination, vividly embellished yesterday's conversation and told her boss that Natasha almost swore at her. “Of course, you can communicate with your girlfriends in any way you like, but only so that it does not interfere with work!” the boss concluded. Natasha was in shock.

But Olya, after her act, behaved as if nothing had happened, and the offense was soon forgotten. Once Olya came to Natasha and asked to help her with a report: “I’m completely sewn up!” Natasha, hoping to improve relations in this way, agreed. She spent the whole evening poring over Olya's papers, so there wasn't much time for her own report. Soon the boss called them both to his office. Olya, you did a wonderful job! (The girlfriends looked at each other and broke into joyful smiles.) The chief continued: “But as much as I liked your report, I didn’t like Natalia Vyacheslavovna’s report. Natasha, what do you generally do at work? Natasha just opened her mouth to explain the situation, as Olya said indifferently: “Yes, Natasha is just busy with her personal life now. Oh, I understand her! I even had to help her with the report!” - and smiled sweetly.

After this conversation, Natasha tried to justify herself to the boss, but he said: “You know, I don’t believe that Olya can cheat. She is a well-mannered and cultured person and does not swear at her colleagues ... Not like you!

Natasha on the same day wrote a letter of resignation. Having already left work, she learned from the rest of the employees that Olya was constantly talking nasty things behind her back, gossiping and setting the boss against her. “Didn’t you notice that you were being “devoured”?” - former colleagues were perplexed. Alas, friendship, like love, is evil...

Psychologist Nikolai Chernov advises

If you want to offer a friend or relative a job:

    do this only when you are clearly sure that you are an authority for this person;

    it is desirable that this person be your subordinate and not be in a position equal to you. If you have a common boss or if this person reports to another boss, there is a risk that a relative or girlfriend will stop reporting to him, begin to skimp on her duties, and you will have to be responsible for this;

    immediately assign an employee to a place so that his actions are not very dependent on the work of other people. Otherwise, all wishes and complaints will be transmitted through you;

    do not allow familiarity from this person and do not make indulgences for him. Otherwise, this person will feel exceptional and will use you to shirk work;

    do not hire people close, but incompetent in this area (if you do not want to spend your nerves and time on their training in the process of work), unscrupulous and dishonest;

    an overly enterprising employee who still requires a high salary is a bad option, since then he can “sit out” you, regardless of family or friendship ties.

If you are applying for a job through an acquaintance:

    conclude a contract that will discuss the salary and your duties. This will allow you not to “ride” you, forcing you to do extra work just because you owe your employer a job;

    remember that family ties or friendships can go sideways if for some reason you still part with your employers. Knowing your social circle, they may begin to spread gossip about you, say nasty things, and even slander you in front of your new boss. It is clear that a person who is not close to you would not do this and you would calmly begin to work in another place;

    do not complain to your relative or girlfriend about your colleagues. She is unlikely to solve all your problems with others, and you will fall out of favor;

    be prepared for the fact that colleagues, knowing your status, will be biased towards you and will consider you a “snitch” and a “mishandled Cossack”. Therefore, try to immediately show your professionalism, do not flaunt your chosenness and use the name of your employer less as an argument in a dispute or quarrel.

Should you hire your girlfriends?

It depends on what kind of work this is and what kind of girlfriend. If a girl has great career ambitions and she is far from being a fool, and you appointed her, for example, as a deputy, then a friend may even try to remove you from your position. After all, unlike other competitors at work, a friend like no one else knows all your strengths and weaknesses and can use this information to your detriment. Remember: when it comes to working together, friendship can end quickly!

In any case, you should be prepared for the fact that with the appearance of your girlfriend at work, you can forget about a quiet life. If your girlfriend doesn't do a very good job, people around you will start whispering that you are a bad leader, since you are setting up a "shelter for the unemployed" at work. They can organize a real persecution of your girlfriend, scribble slander on her. Moreover, both a friend and her ill-wishers will always turn to you with a demand to resolve the situation. And you need it. If your friend is a talker, be prepared for the fact that soon the whole office will know that your childhood nickname was “sausage on legs” or that you tend to stick to all the men you like when drunk.

So here are a few tips. First: warn the girl that you are first of all her boss, and only then - a friend. That is, no one should hear gossip about you from her lips. Second: do not give her any "indulgences" - if she does not cope with the work, tell her off. Third: do not recommend a friend to work with your acquaintances or friends if you are not sure that she will work well. After all, you will have to answer for all the problems. In general, do not make friendship dependent on a career and everything will be fine!

If you dreamed of a girlfriend, then in real life You will receive support from the side where it, it would seem, could not be.

A dream in which you had a big fight with a girlfriend using assault means that for the rest of your life you will strive for something impossible that is realized only at the end of your life path.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation for Women

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Dream Interpretation - Work

Working in a dream is a good sign. The dream promises stability and well-deserved well-being.

Seeing yourself in your own workplace - the authorities will thank you for your conscientious work. Perhaps you will be given a little vacation.

If in a dream you worked hard, it means that your efforts will be crowned with success.

To see how others work - share the joy of your friends.

Join their work - you and your friends will be able to get rich.

Looking for a job in a dream and finding it - you will do a profitable business.

If you dreamed that you could not find a job in any way, this means that the fulfillment of desires is not yet possible.

In this case, imagine that your best friend puts you in a good place.

If you entrusted your work to someone, and you yourself went to rest, this means that in reality they can sit you down.

Imagine that you yourself have done all your work and only then allowed yourself a little rest.

If you do work for someone, it means that you will be offered a promotion or a pay increase.

You can work out a dream about work in a universal way if you imagine that you work with joy, work adds strength to you.

Interpretation of dreams from

The article explains why you cannot work together with best friend. Variants are considered when one of the friends is a boss, a subordinate, or both women occupy the same positions. All three options can lead to a break in the relationship.

Why is working with your best friend contraindicated? There are women as a whole, and even the last crust of bread is divided in half. Alas, psychologists say that it is impossible to mix work with friendship in any case. Do not believe and want to check? Then, first, familiarize yourself with the scenarios for the development of events that await you.

You are the boss

If you are the boss, then your friend is naturally a subordinate. Imagine what happened. Then expect problems on the first day. And they will begin with subordination. How do best friends treat each other? Of course by name, and sometimes by nickname. But this is in everyday life. And at work, subordination requires a completely different relationship.

The senior manager should be called by his first name and patronymic. Will your friend be able to readjust and address you in the way that a working relationship requires? Only a few are capable of this. And these units are very smart women. What level of intelligence does your friend have?

Now let's imagine that the one with whom you share the last crust of bread made a serious “blunder” in her work. You can, of course, forgive and correct mistakes yourself. What if this happens regularly? In fact, unscrupulous employees are fired. This improves discipline. But how to kick your best friend out on the street. Here it is necessary either to break off relations, or to incur the wrath of the authorities. What is more important to you - career or girlfriend?

We should also not forget that women have many different things to do outside of work. Consequently, a person close to you will regularly be tempted to take time off, delay the completion of an urgent task, or simply be late. It is very difficult to keep yourself in a disciplinary framework in such a situation, because the boss is your best friend. Now you understand what threatens such a production idyll?

You are a subordinate

In this situation, let's assume that you are very clever woman. In addition, you are distinguished by high responsibility, discipline and increased efficiency. Taking time off, being late, or being negligent at work is unthinkable for you. That is, you are considered the ideal employee that any manager dreams of getting. But you don't need anyone but your best friend. That's why you ended up in her department as a subordinate.

Now let's see what happens next. The new team will very quickly become aware of your “special” relationship with your boss. Accordingly, you will immediately be classified as a “thieves” caste. There is no need to explain how such an audience is treated in our society. Therefore, you will have to prove even to the last courier that you were hired, not thanks to an acquaintance, but purely for business reasons.

In addition, there will be no turning back, that is, you will have to forget about the dismissal. Otherwise, the best friend will consider herself offended. She made a bet on you, ran to the management, proved that she needed just such an employee, and then an application was put on the table. You will have to work and live up to expectations, even if very tempting offers with a higher salary appear on the side.

It is also impossible not to take into account the purely psychological moment. Gradually, a bad feeling will appear in your soul. The conversation is about envy of the more fortunate and successful person. A friend is a boss, and every day you are more and more convinced that you would perfectly cope with her duties and even perform them better. However, one has to observe subordination and endure comments, because the leader is simply obliged to make them.

All this will gradually lead to a cooling of relations. Some time will pass, and the friendship will end. But let's look at another option.

You and your girlfriend have the same positions

The quietest of the three. You go to lunch together, arrange tea parties, “wash the bones” for the authorities and other employees. At work, you help each other, and it seems like everything is fine. There is no reason for discomfort. But that's until one of you gets promoted. After all, there can't be two bosses in the same position. In this case, the other two options that we have already considered will work.

Yes, and on equal terms, various misunderstandings can happen. One of you does the work in good faith, while the other shirks her duties and tries to shift them onto the shoulders of her friend. On this basis, the likelihood of conflicts is high. They may be obvious, or they may not appear outwardly. But in any case, there will be a cooling in the relationship.

Even if you do not work "for an uncle", but organize your business with equal shares of participation, friendship will come to an end. Large amounts of money have never contributed to close and sincere relationships. Friendship will last only if your joint business fails, and you are left with nothing.

Now, I hope you are convinced that working with your best friend is contraindicated. Much wiser to spend time looking elsewhere labor activity than to lose a person with whom you have been friends for many years and share the most intimate.