So, we will talk about the Nutrilon Premium 1 mixture. Many mothers wrote here that in no case should you buy Nutrilon 400 gr in cans, but only in cardboard boxes made in the Russian Federation, because like German and Dutch peninsya, it puffs up children, etc. So, I personally tested all 3 options, the conclusion is: Nutrilon from a cardboard box foams no less, just puffs from it, since it tastes much SWEETER, it is extremely inconvenient to store the mixture in a cardboard box. Therefore, moms, decide for yourself and be guided by intuition when choosing a mixture or switching (like our version from Nenny to Nutrilon).

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Nutrilon comfort didn’t suit us in a tin, but premium in cardboard with code 229 (Germany, if I’m not mistaken), well, mmm. And yes, it foams very strongly, which I was very surprised at. Since before that they ate the very first mixture, this is Nutrilon Pre, for me it’s the best of these three! 👍🏻 even by the bottle you can see that it does not remain as greasy as, for example, after nutrilon comfort

Each time different batches, nothing swollen in the other brown, all the foam remained

- @kristina221190, and I took a domestic-made cardboard one, sprinkled it with it, and there is more sugar there, just horror. Apparently Germany, although in cardboard, produces a clearly better product

- @tatatatiana, probably so. We had just poured out for comfort and terrible dermatitis began, it’s good that I reacted in time, well, almost on time, on the second day ... I haven’t noticed anything like this yet, I anointed all the rashes with emolium, on the third day everything went away 👍🏻 @ 9rema and about the foam, we have avent classic bottles and everything stays in it too, I was just surprised at this amount of foam 🙈🙈🙈

- @kristina221190 I also went nuts, to put it mildly, when I saw it)) but my daughter ate, burped, fell asleep) The store said that this kind of thing happens ... And my husband and I relaxed

- @9rema, yeah! We also. Pah-pah-pah. We've been on the mix for a week now. I hope you don't have to pick more 🙏🏻

- @kristina221190 we are half a year) relax)))

- @9rema, thank you)))

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Every parent wants to see their baby healthy, strong and fully developing. The quality of his diet plays a big role in this. Of course, the main and most useful food for newborns is mother's milk. But, in the event of its complete or partial absence, a dry mixture, such as Nutrilon Premium 1, comes to the aid of mothers, reviews of which are given below.

Nutrilon - trusted quality

Brand baby food Nutrilon is owned by Nutricia, a well-known worldwide company, which is part of the international French corporation Danone. The history of the company's creation dates back to the end of the century before last from a small Dutch town.

Today, Nutricia is known in more than 100 countries as a conscientious manufacturer of quality baby food. Its production facilities are located in some European countries, there is also a plant in Russia. The company strives to be the first in all indicators for children and mothers.

Composition reviews

From the reviews of "Nutrilon Premium 1" it is clear that this adapted dry milk formula is designed for babies from birth to 6 months. Its composition is as close as possible to breast milk and satisfies the child's needs for all the necessary vitamins and minerals at this stage of development, in addition, it strengthens natural immunity.

The unique complex of ingredients PronutriPlus guarantees the development of intelligence and full growth. What is included in the basis of "Nutrilon Premium 1"?

  • vegetable oils - coconut, palm, sunflower, rapeseed;
  • carbohydrates (lactose) - saturate: from the feedback of parents it is clear that by eating this mixture, children gain weight well and do not know the feeling of hunger;
  • IMMUNOFORTIS (patented prebiotic complex) - strengthens the immune system, stimulates the growth and vitality of the intestinal microflora. Judging by the reviews, "Nutrilon Premium 1" contributes to the normalization of the chair;
  • whey and its protein concentrate. He is responsible for the growth and development of the child's body as a whole;
  • special fatty acids ARA, DHA - thanks to them, the organs of vision and the brain are properly formed.

The Nutricia company has brought the Nutrilon mixture closer in composition and properties to breast milk, which, in turn, protects the immunity of babies in the same way as mother's milk.

Reviews of pediatricians

The mixture is intended for healthy newborns who do not suffer from allergies, pronounced digestive disorders, such as regurgitation, constipation, diarrhea, colic. For such children, Nutricia offers a specialized baby milk aimed at eliminating these ailments.

From the reviews of pediatricians, "Nutrilon Premium 1" is a good substitute for breastfeeding. The ratio of casein and whey proteins in the mixture is the same as in breast milk. All necessary components for full development the child are in the right quantities.

"Nutrilon" is given out in some maternity hospitals of the country to children who need it due to the prevailing circumstances. Moreover, they give a product made at a domestic plant (Istra). Women in labor do not complain, but on the contrary, they note a good appetite and well-being of babies.

For newborns, "Nutrilon Premium 1" (from the reviews of pediatricians) can be used both on artificial and on mixed feeding. With the latter, they are first given a breast, and then supplemented with a mixture, starting with small volumes.

Parents' impressions

Many mothers have reviews of Nutrilon Premium 1, both positive and negative. What do they say good about this mixture?

  • convenient packaging - available in several versions (cardboard box 200 g, 600 g, 1200 g and EazyPack box 400 g and 800 g). The larger the volume, the more profitable it is to buy milk;
  • easy to get - sold in all children's stores, supermarkets, pharmacies;
  • quickly prepares and dissolves well, without forming lumps;
  • the composition includes many useful elements and a vitamin complex;
  • high quality;
  • improves digestion.

There are also not very pleasant reviews about the Nutrilon Premium 1 mixture. Some parents complain about frequent, profuse regurgitation after using it, they note the appearance of colic, frequent gas, constipation, and sometimes allergies.


TO positive characteristics mixtures include the following:

  • a well-known and advertised brand that many people trust;
  • dry milk has a pleasant taste, kids drink with pleasure;
  • balanced composition;
  • in many newborns, after using the Nutrilon Premium 1 mixture, stool improves, digestion normalizes;
  • the mixture is produced at high-tech factories that meet all quality standards;
  • does not cause allergies.

Despite many positive qualities mixture, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician before using it, because some babies may have individual intolerance.


Among the minuses, regurgitation is often noted after taking the Nutrilon 1 Premium mixture for newborns. Reviews of such a plan may be left by parents who do not know that after each feeding, the baby must be kept vertically (in a column) until he burps excess air. Sometimes this procedure takes about 10-15 minutes.

Some parents are alarmed by undigested lumps in the child's stool, as well as a change in its color - it turns green. Because of this, their use of the Nutrilon Premium 1 mixture is called into question.

For many mothers, the presence of palm oil in milk is a huge disadvantage, because they consider it harmful to infants. The manufacturer claims that this oil is well absorbed and digested by the child's body. It contains palmitic acid, which is also found in breast milk. Therefore, palm oil is added to the formula to bring its fat component closer to the fat composition of mother's milk.

Nutrilon baby formulas from Nutricia have proven themselves in the international and Russian markets. Founded back in 1901, the company for the production of milk formulas with a symbolic name, translated from Latin meaning "nurse", in the second half of the last century, rapidly developed and expanded the geography of its business.

Nutrilon for newborns has become the most popular and sought-after product from Nutricia in the infant formula market. It is not only time-tested quality and reliability that has helped it win the recognition of mothers around the world, but also an extensive line of products for nutritionally demanding children with various health problems, as well as constant improvement, taking into account the wishes of parents.

For each age group, there are not only dairy and sour-milk varieties, but also specialized preventive and therapeutic mixtures for babies with digestive problems, premature babies or those prone to allergies. All products are available in various weight options.

Any mother will be able to choose Nutrilon suitable for all parameters for her baby. A pediatrician will help you make a choice, especially if the child needs special nutrition.

The range of Nutrilon baby milk formulas for newborns is presented in four categories according to age

Powdered milk adapted formula Nutrilon Premium is intended for nutrition healthy babies from birth with a lack or absence of breast milk.

  • It is issued for children of four age categories: from birth to six months (1), from 6 months to a year (2), from one year to one and a half years (3), from one and a half years (4). The last two varieties are intended for older children and are called Nutrilon Junior milk drink or "baby milk".
  • On sale, Nutrilon Premium 1 and 2 steps are found both in cardboard boxes of 350 g and in easy packs of 400 and 800 g. Milk drink 3 and 4 steps - only in easy pack.
  • Who it's for: Healthy babies on any of the three types of breastfeeding.
  • Baby food Nutrilon in the Premium line is distinguished by an important additive in the form of a unique Pronutri + complex. Its action is aimed at the formation of immunity, physical and intellectual development, as well as the development of the organs of vision in newborns. Pronutri+ includes prebiotics, fatty acids and a complex of vitamins. Therefore, such a mixture is in demand both among nursing mothers and those who have completely switched to artificial nutrition.

Nutrilon Comfort is a prophylactic infant formula based on partially hydrolyzed protein.

  • It is issued for children of two age categories: from birth to 6 months (1) and from six months to a year (2).
  • Packing format: can 400 and 900 g.
  • Who it's for: Nutrilon Comfort is suitable for both healthy children and children with digestive problems such as colic and constipation. Its main goal is to improve the intestinal microflora. This mixture is preventive, it can be the only and constant food for the baby, as it contains all the necessary substances for good nutrition.
  • Nutrilon Comfort has a bitter taste, which is normal for mixtures that contain hydrolyzed protein. It will be easier to get used to a new taste with the gradual introduction of a new mixture. Another difference may be the grains found in the diluted mixture. This is due to the presence of thickeners designed to reduce regurgitation.

The assortment of Nutricia did not do without a prophylactic sour-milk mixture.

  • Nutrilon Sour Milk is available for children from birth to six months (1) and from 6 to 12 months (2).
  • Sold in tins weighing 400 g.
  • Who it's for: Fermented milk formula is suitable for healthy babies and toddlers prone to digestive discomfort. Such nutrition can be the only one in the diet of the crumbs and fully satisfy his needs, or it can be combined with mother's milk or Nutrilon Premium formula.
  • Fermented milk nutrition Nutrilon has a neutral acidity, close in level to the acidity of breast milk. Therefore, it can be given to children of the first year of life as the main food.

For healthy babies with a genetic predisposition to allergies, and children with already manifested symptoms of food intolerance, Nutricia offers a prophylactic formula based on partially hydrolyzed protein Nutrilon Hypoallergenic.

  • This meal is made for allergic children aged 0-6 months (1) and 6-12 months (2).
  • Produced in cans weighing 400 g.
  • Suitable for: hypoallergenic nutrition belongs to the preventive group, so it can be used for feeding both healthy children and those suffering from allergies.
  • Hypoallergenic formula can be combined with regular milk formula only during the period of changing one to the other. It is impossible to constantly combine them in the diet, since in this case there will simply be no effect from the use of a hypoallergenic product.

Among the Nutrilon milk formulas, there is also a product for small babies - Nutrilon Pre, when it was developed, the special needs of premature babies were taken into account.

  • Mixtures of this type are also divided into steps, but not according to age, but depending on the weight of the baby. If the baby was born with a body weight of up to 1800 g, then Nutrilon Pre (0) will suit him, as soon as his weight increases to 1.8 kg, it will be possible to switch to Nutrilon Pre (1).
  • The powder is packed in traditional tin cans of 400 g.
  • Who it's for: This product is specifically designed for preterm, small birth babies and is tailored to their needs.
  • Born ahead of time the baby is especially in dire need of love and care, and for active growth and development, he needs special nutrition with a high content of protein, vitamins and minerals. In addition, Nutrilon Pre also contains a unique Pronutri + complex, which includes fatty acids for development nervous system and prebiotics to support immunity and healthy gut microflora.

In addition to these prophylactic mixtures, Nutricia also produces several varieties of Nutrilon therapeutic nutrition.

Therapeutic dry mixes NUTRILON

This type of baby food is included in the child's diet only as prescribed by the pediatrician, if there are appropriate indications. All of them are produced only in traditional tin cans of 400 g and are suitable for children of the first year of life from birth.

This group includes:

  • Nutrilon Antireflux with Nucleotides is intended for children prone to frequent regurgitation. Most often, this problem occurs due to immaturity digestive system and disappears as the child grows. The composition of the anti-reflux mixture contains a natural thickener - gum. Such a component not only effectively copes with the regurgitation syndrome in babies, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be fed on its own or as a supplement to breast milk.
  • Nutrilon Lactose free based on calcium caseinate is suitable for newborns with lactose intolerance. Lactose is completely replaced in this mixture by glucose syrup, it is easily digested, and such nutrition allows you to quickly cope with the manifestations of lactase deficiency. Nucleotides and a complex of fatty acids contained in the composition improve digestion and promote brain development. This mixture can be basic in the baby's diet, or it can only partially replace it.
  • Nutrilon Amino Acids are ideal for severe food allergies to cow's milk protein or soy, multiple food allergies and when an elemental diet is needed.
  • Nutrilon Pepti Allergy based on fully hydrolysed protein is recommended for infants with food intolerance to cow's milk protein. Deeply split whey protein corresponds to breast milk in terms of amino acid spectrum, but it is precisely because of the hydrolyzate that such a mixture has a bitter taste. For the same reason, the child's stool may turn green. These properties are typical for all baby food with protein hydrolyzate.
  • Nutrilon Pepti Gastro is suitable for a combination of diagnoses such as food intolerance and intestinal malabsorption. In addition to highly hydrolyzed protein, it also contains high-calorie medium chain triglycerides, which replenish the energy deficit in children with malabsorption. Nucleotides normalize the intestinal barrier function and digestion in general.

Note: Previously, Nutricia also produced Nutrilon cereals. IN this moment these products are not produced, but the Istra plant now produces Malyutka porridge using the same technology.

The choice in the Nutrilon baby food line is very large, it is impossible to unambiguously decide which one is better. There is no one blend that fits all perfectly. Even the best food may not suit someone. Therefore, in the choice of infant formula, it is necessary individual approach. Correction of the diet should be carried out by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body of a particular child. A properly selected menu can not only prevent possible problems with health, but also to solve existing ones.

Questions for moms

What to choose: Nutrilon or NAS?

These two mixtures are very similar: they have the same price category, almost identical compositions and a good long-term reputation. Rare negative reviews on this food are also found, this is inevitable, because each organism can react differently to a new mixture. If one of these options suits you, then there is no point in changing it to another in search of a better one.

Why add palm oil?

Palm oil in infant formula sometimes scares the consumer. In fact, when using good raw materials and thoroughly cleaning it, this component will in no way harm your baby. Its use in the production of baby food is permitted by law. Russian Federation. Thanks to palm oil, the fat composition of the mixture is close to the norm of breast milk. And the energy supplier for a growing organism - palmitic acid - replaces the palmitic acid of breast milk.

How to properly dilute the mixture?

There are several basic rules for preparing formula milk. Before reconstituting the mixture, wash your hands and sterilize all parts of the bottle. Use only chilled boiled water. The temperature of the finished mixture should be around 37°C. Mix water and mixture in a bottle exactly according to the instructions, measure the amount of powder only with a measuring spoon from the package. Shake the mixture in a closed bottle, then check its temperature by dropping it on the inside of your wrist. Do not use leftovers for the next feeding. Do not add any additional ingredients to the mixture, do not mix it with anything.

For children, they try to choose the best. Almost every woman wants to breastfeed her baby, because breast milk healthiest and tastiest. But sometimes it happens that, by coincidence, the mother has to either partially or completely switch to artificial mixtures, which in fact are in no way inferior in composition to natural nutrition. One of the most famous mixtures can be called Nutrilon Premium 1. Reviews about her are also positive. The composition of the product is indicated on its packaging and contains important substances for proper development baby.

"Nutrilon Premium 1". Composition of the mixture

It includes a whole set of substances, the reasonable use of which helps the child to grow and develop normally from birth. This is a carefully balanced and professionally selected set of ingredients, so necessary for the baby for the active functioning of the body.

Nutrilon Premium 1 mixture has the following composition: skimmed milk, lactose, demineralized whey, whey concentrate. The product is also enriched with a mixture vegetable oils, minerals, fish oil, trace elements, taurine, vitamin complex, inosyl, nucleotides, L-carnitine and L-thiosine.

Application area

The mixture "Nutrilon Premium 1" is intended for feeding children from birth to six months. It is used if there is a lack of breast milk or there is no possibility of breastfeeding.

Of course, the best food for babies of this age will be breast milk. "Nutrilon 1 Premium" is used as its substitute. It takes into account the high needs of children and helps protect them from disease. The composition of ImmunoFortis prebiotics is very close to the prebiotics of mother's milk, which favors the strengthening of the immune system. Special fatty acids ARA and DHA have a positive effect on the development of the child's intelligence and immunity.

Introduction order

To ensure the safety of the introduction of new complementary foods, formula should be started in small amounts, using a separate bottle before feeding. The baby will need to adapt to the new food. Therefore, little by little, over time, increasing the amount of Nutrilon 1 Premium, do not forget to reduce your usual diet. Gradually, the child's body will learn to accept a new product. If the adaptation process is accompanied by any reactions of the body, a timely assessment of the process will help prevent Negative consequences introducing a new mixture into the child's diet.

Mode of application

Before cooking, it is necessary to seriously approach the process of washing hands and sterilizing the bottle and pacifier. Then boil the water and let it cool down to 40°C. Find your parameters in the feeding table, and in accordance with its calculations, measure the exact amount and pour into the prepared dishes. It is better not to reuse such water. Be sure to use when preparing the mixture. To be as accurate as possible in measurements, the filling of the measuring spoon should be without a slide. Add the exact amount of the product to the water, as more or less of its mass can harm the child. Then close the bottle and shake vigorously for a few seconds until completely dissolved. Next, you should change the lid to the nipple. Be sure to check the temperature of the liquid on the inside of the wrist, it should be no higher than 37 ° C. The prepared mixture is usable within an hour.

Precautionary measures

Before you start using Nutrilon 1 Premium, you need to consult a doctor. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions regarding the dosage of the prepared mixture, so as not to harm the child. Do not use leftover food for subsequent feedings. Do not use a microwave oven to heat it up to avoid the presence of hot lumps. Do not leave your baby unattended while feeding.


Product components may not individually be tolerated by children. Namely, we are talking about sugar and cow protein (lactose). In the case of (it is easy to determine), the child will have bad stools, spit up, and will also be covered with a severe rash. When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to stop taking the mixture.

Storage conditions

The mixture must be stored in a closed jar in a cool, dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. The humidity of the air in the place of storage should not exceed 75%, otherwise the powder may become damp. The refrigerator is also not the most suitable option, as it can “enrich” the food with the smells and microflora of the products stored in it. Remoteness from flour and cereal products guarantees safety from insect infestation.

Best before date

The shelf life of the mixture is 18 months. If the jar is already open, its contents must be used within three weeks. When storing the Nutrilon 1 Premium mixture, it is necessary to ensure that it is inaccessible to children. The product must not be used after the expiration date, as this may lead to poisoning.