With the exception of the wedding ring, most jewelry does not carry any practical value, but reveals the character of a person. Psychologists have found that it is not so much the ring or ring itself that is of great importance, but the finger on which the ring is located. Thus, the owner of the ring wants to tell others some information about himself.

general information

The ring worn on the ring finger of the left hand says - my owner has a beloved or beloved (and today it is a sign of family ties among Catholics). The ring on the little finger indicates that the owner does not want to marry, on the index finger - he is only looking for a wife. The ring on the middle finger betrays a lover of a "platonic" relationship. But before the new chronology, the rings were only an ornament, a symbol. And they became an obligatory attribute of the wedding ritual of Christians only around 900. They wear an engagement and wedding ring on one finger - first a wedding ring, then an engagement ring. Spouses who have lived together for 25 years wear gold and silver wedding rings at the same time.

Orthodox spouses wear wedding rings on the ring finger of their right hand. Widowers wear their own and spouse's wedding rings on the ring finger of their left hand. Divorced wedding rings are worn on the same hand and the same finger.

A silver ring on the left hand - a girl of marriageable age, on the right - a betrothed. Golden ring on the right hand - married, on the left - divorced. Two gold rings on the left hand - a widow, since the second ring is the ring of the deceased husband.

Ring finger (Finger of the Sun)

Rings on the ring finger - naturally, the most popular column is "marital status". It is filled with a ring on the ring finger of the right hand (or left, as is customary among Catholics). For the first time, this custom of the ring appeared among the ancient Egyptians, who believed that it was from the ring finger that the “artery of love” began, leading directly to the heart. With these thoughts, the people of the pharaohs wore wedding rings made of a wide variety of metals, glass, and even ceramics. Certainty with the material arises at times ancient rome- there is a tradition to give the spouse an iron or bronze ring as a sign of the inviolability of marriage bonds. Gold wedding rings more familiar to us appeared on hands only in the 3rd-4th centuries.

Jewelry worn on this finger (with the exception of a wedding ring) emphasizes the passion for beauty, exquisite things and luxury. The ring on it, especially gold, serves as a guarantee of a cordial connection, helps self-expression, the acquisition of celebrity and wealth.
If a person constantly wears a ring on the ring finger, he strives for pleasure, pleasant pastime, sensual pleasures. At the same time, he is a tireless romantic. When you see a ring on the finger of the Sun on a date with your chosen one, know that he has a great mood, good intentions and the most romantic plans. Rings on both fingers of the Sun show that a person is at the peak of positive emotions.
If the decoration is small, then the person is calm, harmonious, self-confident.
If the decoration is large or bright, then this indicates the violent, even hysterical behavior of the owner.
Wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger shows that marriage for its owner (no matter what a person says in words) is a familiar, significant and quite acceptable state.
If married man with a wedding ring on his right hand, he says how unhappy he is - you can believe this. But if he swears that he wants to break the bonds of marriage, do not believe in any case, for the ring on his hand is evidence of his lie.
Women sometimes put on some second ring over their wedding ring, usually gold with a precious or semiprecious stone. The subconscious meaning of this sign is to emphasize the significance of marriage for her and the desire to further strengthen it.
In a familiar environment, "alarm" is not needed, so many ladies in everyday life or at home do not wear wedding rings.
On the left hand, a wedding ring is more often worn consciously, and usually this sign, like the green light of a taxi, indicates that the owner is free.
Other rings worn on this finger testify to the state of mind of a person at the moment.
Small and inconspicuous rings speak of a calm, relatively indifferent and stereotyped attitude of their owner to the world around them.
Large and extravagant are designed to draw attention to the owner (more often - the owner) and emphasize the desire to be noticed. This can also be a manifestation of an exalted, excitable or hysterical personality, especially if the owner of the ring is a man.
Less often, large rings are worn by women who have great modesty and the same great desire to attract attention. They cannot or do not know how to express themselves in another way.

Index finger (Jupiter finger)

The entry in the column "power" is made on the index finger. A finger decorated with a ring is a sign of a strong-willed character, pride and a desire for power. The "ring of power" on the right hand indicates prudence, the rings on the left hand are more likely about megalomania and a tendency to hysteria. Rings on the index finger were worn by many famous rulers and commanders - Caesar, Ivan the Terrible, Cardinal Richelieu, Henry VIII. The latter, by the way, in principle wore rings only on his index fingers, but on both at once - with them this great monarch, reformer, six-woman and paranoid is depicted in all portraits.

The ring on this finger indicates that its owner is a timid, shy and indecisive person by nature. Experiencing difficulties in communication, he is easily influenced. However, by putting a ring on the index finger, such a modest person gains self-confidence and, perhaps, even strives for leadership. A person who comes on a date with a ring on this finger is ready to conquer and conquer, he has the most serious intentions.
If both fingers of Jupiter (on the right and left hand) are humiliated, then your new acquaintance will stop at nothing in an effort to achieve his goal.

The ring on this finger increases self-esteem and helps the implementation of ambitious plans, especially if it is made of tin - the metal of Jupiter and Perun, or, in extreme cases, of gold, a metal friendly to Jupiter.

Any size ring indicates arrogance, self-confidence, arrogance, dominance of the owner.

Middle finger (Saturn finger)

RING resolution "I'm beautiful!" placed on the middle finger. The longest and most central the best way demonstrates jewelry and how much we like ourselves. The aggressive superiority of the ring on the index finger is replaced by a more polite sense of dignity and forgivable self-admiration. It was on the middle finger that Marilyn Monroe wore a ring when she sang about diamonds. By the way, the size of a diamond also matters in this case - the larger and more noticeable the rings, the stronger its owner seeks to convince others of his irresistibility.

It is curious, but it was on the middle finger that the legendary ring of Omnipotence from Tolkien's trilogy was also worn. The question is, with what gesture did Sauron greet the troops of the enemy, if this finger with a ring was cut off immediately.

As a rule, family jewelry is worn on this finger to emphasize the connection with the ancestors. Thus, a person, putting jewelry on Saturn's finger, accepts fate as an inevitable influence, he believes in his karma and higher destiny. The ring "tames" Negative influence rock and liberates thinking. Having met such a person, be sure that he has great spiritual power. And if he came to see you on a date, it means that your meeting (for him, for sure!) Is predetermined from above. The rings on both fingers of Saturn endow a person with a certain degree of fatalism and a certain detachment from everyday life.

The ring on the middle finger increases common sense and helps to overcome life's difficulties, bestows devotion, constancy and wisdom, especially if it is made of lead, the metal of Saturn, or, in extreme cases, iron.

Small, elegant and inexpensive and artistically made rings testify rather to a sense of self-worth, while large, shiny, often tasteless ones are a sign of pride and vanity.

Thumb (Finger of Mars)

Thumb rings deserve special attention, especially if the hand is male. With these fingers, as in hitchhiking, men give the signal "please pay attention!". According to psychologists, the main desire of the owner of such a ring is to assert himself by any means, and first of all, sexually. Opinion on this score has not changed for the last two thousand years. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb to be a symbol of the phallus and wore iron rings on it to protect their male power.

The little finger is the smallest page of our hand passport. There is only enough space here to put a "tick" in the "creativity" column. According to the women's magazine, little finger rings are a frequent companion of actresses, artists, and fashion designers. Marlene Dietrich preferred such rings to all others. But even if in front of you is a person who is not connected with the world of art, the ring on the little finger will tell you that its owner is interesting and able to go beyond the generally accepted boundaries.

The ring on the finger of Mars reveals an expansive, emotional person with great energy. In the hearts, he is able to say such that those around him will remember what they heard as a bad dream for a long time. To convince such a person of anything is a waste of time.

This is understood by the owner of the ring himself, therefore, purely intuitively, with the help of jewelry, he seeks to curb his ardent temperament.

However, do not be afraid if a person came on a date wearing a massive ring on his thumb. Most likely, the “lord of the ring” wants to pacify his aggression and make the communication process more harmonious.
By decorating the thumbs of both hands, he seeks to increase his chances of finding mutual language with those around you.

According to psychologists, the main desire of such ring-bearers is to assert themselves by any means, and first of all, sexually. Opinion on this score has not changed for the last two thousand years. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb to be a symbol of the phallus and wore iron rings on it to protect their male power.

Little finger (finger of Mercury)

Mercury personifies a sophisticated mind, a passion for subtle intrigues. The constant presence of the ring on the little finger emphasizes the variability of nature, narcissism and coquetry. The little finger was associated with the art of the writer, mathematical abilities, healing, trade and diplomacy - that is, with those areas for which Mercury was responsible.
Mercury's metal was mercury, but due to its toxicity and unusual properties, it is the only metal that is liquid under normal conditions, it is not used in the manufacture of rings. True, Mercury is friendly to almost all metals, he will be able to "negotiate" with almost everyone.

Moreover, this is a sure sign of a gambling propensity and a constant readiness for flirting. The ring or other decoration in this case is designed to calm or even suppress these sometimes very disturbing qualities. What to expect from a person who came on a date with a ring on his little finger? Most likely nothing good. He (she) will fool around, flirt and constantly tell lies. The only thing that can somehow reason with such a person is the rings worn on both little fingers. However, there is no 100% guarantee! Be careful!

If the jewelry is non-traditional and aesthetic, it means that its owner is looking for new, original, unusual sensations and impressions.

Today we will be engaged in visual psychoanalysis and analyze what it means to wear a ring on each finger.

Why should the interlocutor's hands be given such attention? Because with the help of hands a person declares himself to the world. Hands are responsible for our self-esteem, secret desires, ambitions and fears. Consider this your calling card. A professional HR-specialist, a fortune-teller, a psychologist, a thief, a prostitute, a swindler, in short, everyone who somehow wants to understand his "object" always pays attention to his hands. I already wrote that it is easy to change clothes, as well as a hairstyle, and a bag, etc., but your hands will “give you away with giblets”. And if you want to understand what kind of person is in front of you, what he aspires to and what he is like in general, the rings on his hands will open for you what the person himself will not say.

You can analyze the rings themselves and their location on the fingers, only in the aggregate this analysis will give you a complete picture.

  1. Thumb ring

    The ancient Greeks associated it with manhood and with the preservation of male strength and power. That was the main point of wearing the ring on thumb. It is now considered that those men who wear rings on their thumbs, trying to add self-confidence to everyone possible ways, including in the sexual aspect. As for women, this may signal some male character traits: perseverance and stubbornness or hot blood, disposition. On the other hand, this may mean some insecurity or dissatisfaction, especially in terms of intimate life.

  2. Ring on index finger

    On the right hand- demonstrate a desire for power. It also speaks of such qualities of character as caution and foresight. As for the rings on the index finger of the left hand, you can talk about such meanings as the desire to show yourself not to who you really are, as well as developed megalomania and a tendency to hysteria. Many ancient rulers wore rings on their index fingers and, if you remember, gangsters often wear Big Boss in films, there is also a ring on this finger.

  3. Middle finger ring

    The middle finger is responsible for narcissism. The decorated finger says "I'm beautiful." It best demonstrates jewelry and how much we like ourselves. It is the size of the ring on the middle finger that indicates how the inside of a person screams: “Look how cool I am !!!”. The brighter the ring looks, the stronger its owner seeks to convince others of his irresistibility.

  4. Ring on the ring finger

    Everyone knows that this is a finger of marital status, so to speak. Wearing or not wearing a ring, if you are married, speaks of your attitude towards your partner and family as a whole. Oh, I know, now comments a la “I don’t wear a ring, but I love my husband” will pour in (even a rhyme turned out). Girls, this is not for me, this is for grandfather Freud! Who am I to argue with him.

  5. pinky ring

    Wearing a ring on this finger speaks of a materially oriented person. Undoubtedly, there are such qualities as cunning, resourcefulness, intelligence. Often the ring on the little finger is worn by creative people.

I can add that 2 or more rings on one hand- a sign of bad taste and a desire to splurge. "From mud to rhinestones" wear rings on all fingers at once. As for me, 1 ring is better, but expensive and tasteful, than 3 of these. But this is my personal opinion, Freud did not bequeath anything like this to his descendants.

The meaning of the rings on the hands

Do not think that when choosing a ring for yourself, you are guided by taste. This is wrong.
The subconscious mind dictates your choice, based on:

  • how it wants to be expressed
  • that it wants to announce you to the world,
  • what emotions and associations you should evoke in others.

The same goes for clothes, other jewelry, bags, shoes, makeup, hair and even underwear. Look at your hands - what are they telling you? It often happens that a person is surprised: “How is it, I’m all so modest, and my ring speaks of megalomania and the desire for power !?”. Oh, really humble? This is already a big question.

What does the ring itself say?
In the method of visual psychoanalysis, the main word is “analysis”. You can describe a variety of rings for a month, but you can’t describe everything. Therefore, the most important assistant in answering the question "What does the ring say?" your intuition, observation and ability to compare facts will become.

  1. Nice gold ring, not massive, very elegant and refined, with two small flowers made of enamel and stones, on the index finger of the right hand in a spiral

    What do you think, what does the girl say, what does she want to say, what message does she send to others?

    Sweet, gentle, sensual, somewhat infantile? No, that's not what the ring is talking about.

    • This girl is very cunning and belongs to the category of women who twist ropes from men. They rewrite apartments and cars, give large sums of money and at the same time do not have time to come to their senses.
    • Such a woman will have power over a man, and if he is guilty, he will quickly be thrown out of his own apartment.
    • She vehemently defends her personal boundaries, chooses the environment on the basis of personal gain or possible benefit.
    • Self-centered, purposeful, loves power and rivalry
    • He values ​​status and money very much.

    And it would seem that there should be a cute girl "lips with a bow, eyebrows with a house." It might be so, but the ring on the finger of power!

  2. The ring on the middle finger is a large black square stone set in a setting of small transparent stones.

    The ring is so large that it partially covers two adjacent fingers. The color of the ring is very categorical and pretentious. The owner of this ring:

    • careerist,
    • domineering and ambitious
    • and self-confident, she clearly knows what she wants in life and how to get it, but deep inside she is vulnerable.
    • She has few girlfriends, but she has a business or a successful career in a rather masculine field.
    • It is possible that this girl is experiencing difficulties in her personal life, because weak men she doesn’t stand next to her, and the strong themselves run away from her, because they don’t want to constantly compete in relationships.
    • Undoubtedly, such a woman loves and appreciates herself, and status and money occupy a leading position in her pyramid of values.
    • Perhaps in her youth there was an unhappy love, and now she wants to prove something to all the men around.

    As in the first example, this girl is self-centered and very purposeful, loves rivalry and power, but she plays openly, has a straightforward, quite masculine character and has already passed into the stage of narcissism, where the first girl yo will come so after 10.

As you can see, visual psychoanalysis has its own logic, you just need to see it, and then the analysis of your interlocutor or yourself will not cause difficulties. This skill is especially useful in business and at the stage of choosing a partner for creating a family, when you need to know what to expect from a person and be ready for it.

Finger rings are common, with the ring finger becoming the most "popular" place for a ring. Although, as a rule, people do not think about which finger to decorate with a ring. And the choice stops on the finger, which of the five, paradoxically, has no name - nameless! But rings are not just decorations, they significantly affect their owner, and depending on which finger is decorated, certain traits of a person’s character are enhanced.

Ring on the ring finger

So, ring finger. Putting a ring on him, a person (and we all often lack happiness in life that we would feel internally) seems to want to strengthen this feeling - inner warmth. The ring finger is directly related to luck, happiness, creativity, success and recognition of your talent and achievements by others.

And it is the creative abilities of a person that receive additional strength, love and admiration for the beautiful become even stronger. When a person increases the number of rings on the ring finger to two or more, this indicates a lack of these qualities and a subconscious desire to strengthen them.

An example is Vladimir Kuzmin. In addition to increasing the feeling of happiness in a person, the ring gives a significant creative potential. When a person chooses the ring finger of the left or, as it is also called, the passive hand to wear the ring, this indicates that he lacks these qualities, that they need to be drawn from outside. Although outwardly he looks like a person who has them in abundance. An example is Vladimir Vinokur, whose creative potential seems huge, but is quite unstable.

If the ring is worn on the ring finger (finger of the Sun)

Rings on the ring finger - naturally, the most popular column is "marital status". It is filled with a ring on the ring finger of the right hand (or left, as is customary among Catholics). For the first time, this custom of the ring appeared among the ancient Egyptians, who believed that it was from the ring finger that the “artery of love” began, leading directly to the heart. With these thoughts, the people of the pharaohs wore wedding rings made of a wide variety of metals, glass, and even ceramics. Certainty with the material arises in the times of Ancient Rome - there is a tradition to give the spouse an iron or bronze ring as a sign of the inviolability of marriage bonds. Gold wedding rings more familiar to us appeared on hands only in the 3rd-4th centuries.

Jewelry worn on this finger (with the exception of a wedding ring) emphasizes the passion for beauty, exquisite things and luxury. The ring on it, especially gold, serves as a guarantee of a cordial connection, helps self-expression, the acquisition of celebrity and wealth.

If a person constantly wears a ring on the ring finger, he strives for pleasure, pleasant pastime, sensual pleasures. At the same time, he is a tireless romantic. When you see a ring on the finger of the Sun on a date with your chosen one, know that he has a great mood, good intentions and the most romantic plans. Rings on both fingers of the Sun show that a person is at the peak of positive emotions.

If the decoration is small, then the person is calm, harmonious, self-confident. If the decoration is large or bright, then this indicates the violent, even hysterical behavior of the owner. Wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger shows that marriage for its owner (no matter what the person says in words) is a familiar, significant and quite acceptable state.

If a married man with a wedding ring on his right hand says how unhappy he is, you can believe it. But if he swears that he wants to break the bonds of marriage, do not believe in any case, for the ring on his hand is evidence of his lie. Women sometimes wear some second ring over their wedding ring, usually gold with a precious or semi-precious stone. The subconscious meaning of this sign is to emphasize the significance of marriage for her and the desire to further strengthen it.

In a familiar environment, "alarm" is not needed, so many ladies in everyday life or at home do not wear wedding rings. On the left hand, a wedding ring is more often worn consciously, and usually this sign, like the green light of a taxi, indicates that the owner is free. Other rings worn on this finger testify to the state of mind of a person at the moment.

Small and inconspicuous rings speak of a calm, relatively indifferent and stereotypical attitude of their owner to the outside world.

Large and extravagant are designed to draw attention to the owner (more often - the owner) and emphasize the desire to be noticed. This can also be a manifestation of an exalted, excitable or hysterical personality, especially if the owner of the ring is a man.

Less often, large rings are worn by women who have great modesty and the same great desire to attract attention. They cannot or do not know how to express themselves in another way.

Pinky Ring and Thumb Ring

Neighboring with the ring finger and the smallest is the little finger. Choosing it to wear a ring, a person seeks to enhance the possibilities of his self-expression, sociability. They may even increase the ability to commercial activities, such a person, as a rule, is more difficult to influence when making decisions.

There is information about the addition of psychic abilities to the owner of the ring on the little finger. As an example, among famous people, choosing this particular finger for the ring, Wolf Messing, as well as Yuri Bashmet, who wears a large black ring. This indicates that self-expression through creativity is the main goal for him, and the ring once again emphasizes his uniqueness, individuality, striving to be not only the best in his chosen profession, but even unique.

Thumb ring

The ring that adorns the thumb is the least common. A person with such a ring wants to stand out from the crowd, not to be like everyone else both in appearance and behavior. Such wearing of the ring enhances and emphasizes individuality, energy, develops logical thinking, although it weakens the will. Due to the increased energy logical thinking a person is full of new ideas, which are often not able to implement, embody, which is also hindered by the inability to work as a team, in a team.

Some people decorate several fingers with rings, which is a very interesting option. There is also a complete absence of rings on the hands, which would seem to indicate the complete presence of all the above qualities, but, as a rule, life shows that this is not so. In this case, it is necessary to consider other additional indicators. Rings are reinforcing factors, you can read more about this in books from the section on the basics of palmistry.

If the ring is worn on the little finger (finger of Mercury)

The little finger is the smallest page of our hand passport. There is only enough space here to put a “tick” in the “creativity” column. Rings on the little finger are a frequent companion of actresses, artists, fashion designers. Marlene Dietrich preferred such rings to all others. But even if in front of you is a person who is not connected with the world of art, the ring on the little finger will tell you that its owner is interesting and able to go beyond the generally accepted boundaries.

Mercury personifies a sophisticated mind, a passion for subtle intrigues. The constant presence of the ring on the little finger emphasizes the variability of nature, narcissism and coquetry. The little finger was associated with the art of the writer, mathematical abilities, healing, trade and diplomacy - that is, with those areas for which Mercury was responsible.

Mercury's metal was mercury, but due to its toxicity and unusual properties - it is the only metal that is liquid under normal conditions, it is not used in the manufacture of rings. True, Mercury is friendly to almost all metals, he will be able to "negotiate" with almost everyone.

Moreover, this is a sure sign of a gambling propensity and a constant readiness for flirting. The ring or other decoration in this case is designed to calm or even suppress these sometimes very disturbing qualities. What to expect from a person who came on a date with a ring on his little finger? Most likely nothing good.

He (she) will fool around, flirt and constantly tell lies. The only thing that can somehow reason with such a person is the rings worn on both little fingers. However, there is no 100% guarantee! Be careful!

If the jewelry is non-traditional and aesthetic, it means that its owner is looking for new, original, unusual sensations and impressions.

If the ring is worn on the thumb (Mars finger)

Rings on the thumbs deserve special attention, especially if the hand is male. With these fingers, as in hitchhiking, men give the signal “please pay attention!”. According to psychologists, the main desire of the owner of such a ring is to assert himself by any means, and first of all, sexually. Opinion on this score has not changed for the last two thousand years. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb to be a symbol of the phallus and wore iron rings on it to protect their male power.

The ring on the finger of Mars reveals an expansive, emotional person with great energy. In the hearts, he is able to say such that those around him will remember what they heard as a bad dream for a long time. To convince such a person of anything is a waste of time.

This is understood by the owner of the ring himself, therefore, purely intuitively, with the help of jewelry, he seeks to curb his ardent temperament.

However, do not be afraid if a person came on a date wearing a massive ring on his thumb. Most likely, the “lord of the ring” wants to pacify his aggression and make the communication process more harmonious.

By decorating the thumbs of both hands, he seeks to increase his chances of finding a common language with others.

According to psychologists, the main desire of such ring-bearers is to assert themselves by any means, and first of all, sexually. Opinion on this score has not changed for the last two thousand years. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb to be a symbol of the phallus and wore iron rings on it to protect their male power.

Middle finger ring

Another neighbor of the ring finger is the middle one. Such a choice for the ring is the best, harmonizing: it does not enhance or introduce negative traits in the character, it activates some qualities, and smooths out others that are quite pronounced.

So the owner of the ring on the middle finger becomes more calm and balanced, and the manifestations of his character are more restrained. Although wearing a ring for a long time can develop a desire for solitude and even loneliness, isolation in oneself.

As a rule, moral values ​​are very important for such a person, and if he recently began to wear a ring on his middle finger, this indicates a lack of these qualities, a desire to compensate for them. To realize the desire to be calmer, more balanced, more consistent with oneself - a person should put a ring on the middle finger in order to smooth out and balance disharmony.

Yulia Savicheva can be cited as an example: the ring enhances the need for harmony and slightly restrains such qualities of the singer as perseverance, lack of fear of difficulties, independence and self-confidence, openness to others.

If the ring is worn on the middle finger (finger of Saturn)

Ring resolution: "I'm beautiful!", Placed on the middle finger. The longest and most central, it best demonstrates the decorations and how much we like ourselves. The aggressive superiority of the ring on the index finger is replaced by a more polite sense of dignity and forgivable self-admiration. It was on the middle finger that Marilyn Monroe wore a ring when she sang about diamonds. By the way, the size of a diamond in this case also matters - the larger and more noticeable the rings, the stronger its owner seeks to convince others of his irresistibility.

It is curious, but it was on the middle finger that the legendary ring of Omnipotence from Tolkien's trilogy was also worn. The question is, with what gesture did Sauron greet the troops of the enemy, if this finger with a ring was cut off immediately.

As a rule, family jewelry is worn on this finger to emphasize the connection with the ancestors. Thus, a person, putting jewelry on Saturn's finger, accepts fate as an inevitable influence, he believes in his karma and higher destiny. The ring "tames" the negative influence of rock and liberates thinking. Having met such a person, be sure that he has great spiritual power. And if he came to see you on a date, it means that your meeting (for him, for sure!) Is predetermined from above. The rings on both fingers of Saturn endow a person with a certain degree of fatalism and a certain detachment from everyday life.

The ring on the middle finger increases common sense and helps to overcome life's difficulties, bestows devotion, constancy and wisdom, especially if it is made of lead, the metal of Saturn, or, in extreme cases, iron.

Small, elegant and inexpensive and artistically made rings testify rather to a sense of self-worth, while large, shiny, often tasteless rings are a sign of pride and vanity.

Ring on index finger

The most expressive is the choice of the index finger to decorate the ring. This is due to the very meaning of the finger - to indicate, to show will, direction of actions and even thoughts, independence. Accordingly, the presence of a ring on the index finger affects the level of a person's self-esteem - significantly increasing it, a person becomes proud.

These qualities are especially developed with the constant wearing of the ring, which leads to selfishness, pride, overly high self-esteem, colossal love of freedom. The ring on the index finger can be seen on Dima Bilan's hand: the desire to control other people, high self-esteem, the desire to make decisions, the willingness to take responsibility, the need for success and fame, which are higher than material wealth for the singer. For him, the main thing is creativity, from which he will never refuse performances.

If the ring is worn on the index finger (finger of Jupiter)

The entry in the column "power" is made on the index finger. A finger decorated with a ring is a sign of a strong-willed character, pride and a desire for power. The “ring of power” on the right hand indicates prudence, while the rings on the left hand are more likely about megalomania and a tendency to hysteria.

Rings on the index finger were worn by many famous rulers and commanders - Caesar, Ivan the Terrible, Cardinal Richelieu, Henry VIII. The latter, by the way, fundamentally wore rings only on his index fingers, but on both at once - with them this great monarch, reformer, six-woman and paranoid is depicted in all portraits.

The ring on this finger indicates that its owner is a timid, shy and indecisive person by nature. Experiencing difficulties in communication, he is easily influenced. However, by putting a ring on the index finger, such a modest person gains self-confidence and, perhaps, even strives for leadership. A person who comes on a date with a ring on this finger is ready to conquer and conquer, he has the most serious intentions.

If both fingers of Jupiter (on the right and left hand) are humiliated, then your new acquaintance will stop at nothing in an effort to achieve his goal.

The ring on this finger increases self-esteem and helps the implementation of ambitious plans, especially if it is made of tin - the metal of Jupiter and Perun, or, in extreme cases, of gold, a metal friendly to Jupiter.

Any size ring indicates arrogance, self-confidence, arrogance, dominance of the owner.

The oldest and most popular piece of jewelry today is the ring. Wearing rings is also fashionable, because fingers become so beautiful. Even men are no exception. A beautiful and exquisite ring emphasizes the status of the owner, and also demonstrates her taste. If earlier rings were made of precious metals, today we can see, on store shelves, huge selection jewelry that is no worse than gold or silver. We can say that some options are even much prettier than the usual precious metal ring. But you will learn how to wear a ring on a woman’s finger in this article.

You can wear rings on any finger, and no one thinks about whether there is any difference in wearing jewelry. In any case, we wear them the way we like.

Wearing a ring has its roots in antiquity. In those days, it was believed that the ring has some magical power and many different rituals were performed with him, one of which has survived to our times today - the process of marriage. As a sign of fidelity, lovers exchange rings with each other, this connects them on a spiritual level.

The ring can be worn on any finger

For many people, the ring is just an ornament that does not carry any meaning. For some, the ring is a kind of amulet or talisman. You can wear rings on any finger you like and feel comfortable with. But psychologists and palmists unanimously claim that the ring can tell a lot about its owner. And not only its shape, but also on which finger it is worn.

About the meaning of wearing rings in women on the right or left hand

Since wearing a ring is an ancient tradition, and it was a talisman, a kind of magical decoration, the finger on which it was worn was also special. It was believed that divine forces constantly flow through the opening of the decoration. In a word, the ring was a link between a person and the Universe, today you can wear a ring as you like, even on your toes. But still it is worth knowing some rules and meanings of wearing rings.

The ring connects us to the universe

To date, rings can be worn on any hand, there are no specific definitions related to this topic. In 2018, designers suggest wearing jewelry on both hands at the same time, but in moderation. left, or right hand, it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is to be comfortable and look decent and beautiful.

About the palmistry of the ring

Palmistry is a science that helps to predict the fate of a person, find out his character and much more. This is a rather ancient science, because people have always been interested in what the lines in the palm of the hand mean and how they affect the fate of a person. Interestingly, even fingers can say a lot about a person. Their size and shape testify to his character, temperament. And if you believe the palmists, then in order to succeed in a particular area, you need to wear a ring on the right, right finger.

How to wear a ring correctly

By putting a ring on one or another finger, you can develop certain qualities of character in yourself:

  • little finger. It will help develop oratory skills and make you more sociable;
  • Nameless. Wearing a ring on this finger is relevant creative people, as it gives some inspiration;
  • Average. Develops thinking and responsibility. Relevant for those who want to become a leader, director;
  • Pointing. Wisdom and organizational skills;
  • Big. It will help develop willpower and energy.

And on which finger to wear a ring to a woman - "Big" - the finger of Mars

Astrologers say that it is through the thumb that energy flows, which is patronized by Mars. He is responsible for such qualities in a person as: thinking, logic and will. And if you do not have such qualities, then astrologers and palmists advise wearing rings on just such a finger. This will help you activate, described above, the quality.

Thumb ring for those who want to feel the power

When choosing jewelry for this finger, you should decide on its shape, color. The best option would be - a ring with a blue or blue-green color. Interestingly, if you put on a ring with a red stone, then, on the contrary, it will reduce self-confidence. But restore nervous system a ring with a blue stone will not only betray your strength and fill you with energy, but also restore your nervous system. Green stone rings will protect you from bad energy. Interestingly, palmists say that people who wear a ring on their thumb tend to show their power over others.

And on which finger should a woman wear a ring - "Index" - the finger of Jupiter

The index finger is considered the finger of power, and it expresses the power of Jupiter. Astrologers advise wearing jewelry on this finger for those who are too shy and modest. Such great people as Julius Caesar, Ivan the Terrible, Cardinal Richelieu wore a ring on this very finger, showing their power.

It is important to choose the right stone

But putting a ring on this finger, you need to choose the right stone, as this is important.

The specialist advises choosing jewelry with such stones:

  • Sapphire;
  • Lapis lazuli;
  • Opal;
  • Turquoise;
  • Aquamarine.

It is not necessary to wear a precious metal ring. It is quite logical to decorate your index finger with a ring made of pewter or other metal. If a girl put a ring on this finger, it means that she intends to conquer and conquer everything and everyone.

And on which finger to wear a ring to a woman - "Middle" - the finger of Saturn

The middle finger is the longest of all. And many fashionistas put it on this particular finger to show off their jewelry. Astrologers say that the middle finger is a manifestation of Saturn. And on this finger, girls wear self-confident jewelry and feel superior to others.

Since this finger is associated with Saturn, experts advise wearing rings not made of simple metal, but family jewelry that keeps in touch with relatives. It is best to wear rings exclusively made of silver.

By putting a ring on your middle finger you:

  • Can you restore peace of mind?
  • You can look convincing and attractive;
  • You can protect yourself from evil, prying eyes.

Protect yourself from evil looks

Most often, rings are worn on this finger. Firstly, it is convenient, and secondly, it is this finger that stands out from all, especially if the girl has beautiful manicure. Palmists and astrologers do not advise wearing rings with red stones on the middle finger, especially if there is a combination with gold. It is this combination that worsens the situation in the girl's personal life. The size of the stone is also important. If it is very large, then it attracts attention, and this indicates that the girl is open to communication. Small pebbles will beautifully decorate the cute hand of a fashionista.

And on which finger should a woman wear a ring - "Nameless" - Apollo's finger

Wearing a ring on the ring finger is possible not only in case of marriage. If you put it on the other hand, it will show that you are a romantic person and are always open to dating. Most often, it can be seen in actors, artists, musicians, those who are associated with art. The finger of Apollo is also called the finger of the Sun, and this suggests that wearing a ring on this finger indicates that you are a voluptuous nature.

The ring on the finger of Apollo is worn by people of art

A small, small ring on the ring finger indicates that the girl is a self-confident person and balanced in herself. If you wear a large, massive ring, this indicates that the girl is passionate and can behave violently. But the first thing worth noting is that couples in love who have tied the knot wear rings on this finger. Why nameless? Because it is through him that the artery of love passes. But in any case, in our time, even those who are not married can wear a ring on their ring finger.

And on which finger to wear a ring to a woman - "Little finger" - the finger of Mercury

Astrologers say that Mercury is the patron of diplomats, orators and great businessmen, politicians. It is recommended to wear a ring on this finger for those who want to develop the flexibility of the mind and become more eloquent. It is interesting that if you wear jewelry on your little finger, you can easily find a common language with your loved one, and for careerists, establish business contacts.

Little finger can be decorated with a small ring

When choosing a ring for the smallest finger, you should pay attention to the stones that will decorate it:

  • Citrine;
  • Topaz;
  • Emerald;
  • Amber;
  • Cornelian.

Many say that girls who wear a ring on their little fingers are open to flirting. But the fashion of 2018 shows that the rings on the fingers of the smallest size will be the most relevant. With or without stones, it doesn't matter. It's cute and beautiful.

What wedding ring do you wear?

An engagement ring is a symbol of love, devotion and fidelity. When a man and a woman exchange such rings, they thus show their love. Previously, such rings were simple, but made of precious metals. But today the fashion for jewelry and accessories dictates the fashion for wedding rings. They can be of various shapes, decorated with stones, made of several metals (white gold, red, platinum).

A lover's ring should be smooth

The classic thin ring, which has a thickness of 2-5 mm, indicates that none of the lovers will even think about treason, and the marriage itself promises to be long and calm. The ring, which has a thickness of more than 5 mm, indicates that the couple seeks to keep the marriage on an intuitive level. And if your rings are decorated with stones, this speaks of passionate and passionate feelings.

It is believed that the ring for marriages must be smooth so that the marriage is like that. Many couples don't wear wedding rings, but this does not destroy their marriage, because there are many reasons not to wear a ring, one of which is the inconvenience of wearing it to work.

How many rings can you wear?

For many years now, fashion has dictated to us that you can wear many rings at once. And another interesting option was that rings are often worn on the very top phalanx of the finger. This is quite original. Fashionable jewelry is relevant only in the warm season. In winter, wearing such rings is irrelevant. But in any case, the measure is important. If you want to wear several jewelry at once, then remember that they must be combined. Be sure to select the color of the metal, it must be identical. No need to combine gold and silver, as well as precious metals with simple jewelry. Although you can make an exception, but this is provided that you come up with a beautiful and interesting image.

If the ring is massive, then one is enough, but if they are small, then you can put on a couple of rings, on different hands

The ring is not just an ornament. It can carry a lot of information, especially if it has been inherited and is a family jewel. It has long been known that such jewelry absorbs all the information from the person who wore it. But if you really like it, and you want to put on a ring, then you can simply perform a certain ritual of cleansing the ring, and wear it safely. When choosing rings, remember that not only their beauty is important, but also the right combination between themselves. It is not necessary to wear jewelry made of gold or silver. Designers offer beautiful rings made of simple metals, plastic, stones. Small or massive jewelry will emphasize your style and personality.

Studies by modern psychologists have shown that it is not so much the ring or ring itself that is of primary importance, but the finger on which the ring is located. Thus, the owner of the ring tells others some information about himself.

Many people wear rings, most on the ring finger, less often on the other fingers. Often, we wear rings without thinking - on which finger to wear? Meanwhile, each finger has its own name, except for the ring finger - on which rings are most often worn.

Paradox - most often we put a ring on a finger that does not have


Rings are very important and enhance certain character traits, depending on which finger the ring flaunts on.

Let's start from the very little finger- little finger.

The ring on the little finger enhances the possibilities of self-expression of a person, abilities are enhanced, sociability increases. IN special occasions increasing commercial ability. As a rule, it becomes more difficult to influence such a person in decision-making. In exceptional and rare cases, the ring on the little finger adds psychic abilities. If you lack sociability, self-expression abilities, commercial dexterity, or you want to become a more independent person, a little finger ring will allow you to get rid of these qualities. Of the famous people, rings on the little finger can be seen in Yuri Bashmet and Wolf Messing, a dangerous person. Yuri Bashmet's big black ring indicates that for him the highest goal is self-expression through creativity, in this case the ring emphasizes his individuality and uniqueness, the desire to be the best and even unique in his profession.

The most common option is a ring on the ring finger.

In this case, putting a ring on the ring finger, we want to enhance the inner feeling of happiness, which we so often lack in life. It is this finger that is responsible for creativity, luck, happiness, success and recognition of merit by other people. The ring adds strength to creative abilities, enhances the love of beauty. In some cases, two or more rings are worn on the ring finger. In this case, a person lacks the listed qualities and he subconsciously seeks to strengthen them. In addition to enhancing the inner feeling of happiness, the ring brings great creativity. Another interesting feature is the wearing of the ring on the left (passive) hand. In this case, we have a person with a seeming excess of the qualities described, but in fact, internally, he constantly lacks these qualities, constant replenishment from the outside is necessary.

As a rule, the longest on the hand is the middle finger.

The desire for harmony intensifies, pronounced character traits are smoothed out. A person becomes more restrained, balanced and calm. If the ring is worn for a long time, then isolation or the desire for loneliness may increase. For such a person, as a rule, moral values ​​are very important. If the ring is worn recently, then the person lacks these qualities and he seeks to compensate for them. Wearing a ring on the middle finger is the most favorable of all options, since it does not introduce any negative character traits. If you strive to be more calm, balanced - the ring on the middle finger will smooth out your restlessness and imbalance, the ring on the middle finger slightly restrains these character traits.

The most striking example is the ring on the index finger.

Index finger - indicates, expresses will, direction of thoughts and actions, independence. The ring on the index finger at times increases self-esteem, makes a person proud. If the ring is worn all the time, then all this develops into pride, selfishness, great love of freedom and extremely high self-esteem. In addition to inflated self-esteem, he really wants to manage other people, make decisions and take responsibility. In addition, fame and success for him are above the material, such a person will never give up creativity or performances.

The rarest option is a ring on the thumb:

individuality, logical thinking and energy are enhanced. Such people always strive to be different from others, dress in a special way, behave differently from everyone else. Individualism and inability to work in a team are the most important features that a ring on the thumb brings. In addition, the level of thinking increases, but the will weakens. Together with increasing vigor, an excess of logical thinking gives a huge number of ideas that the owner of the ring is unable to complete.

Interesting options is wearing rings on multiple fingers.

If there is not a single ring on your palms, then the situation is ambiguous. On the one hand, you do not lack the listed qualities, but on the other hand, life says the opposite. Therefore, everything here depends on the additional characteristics that the other indicators bring.

P.S. IMHO, I myself wear it on my middle finger, but I never thought about the meanings, it’s just convenient and that’s it ... and once an old woman in line told me about all sorts of such meanings, which, of course, you don’t really believe in everyday life ....