The human body constantly needs certain vitamins and microelements. If the content of certain substances decreases significantly below normal, noticeable changes occur in the body. As a result of such changes, some pathological conditions develop that disrupt the normal functioning of the human body.

Iron deficiency anemia is a condition caused by a lack of one of the most important microelements in the body - iron. Such a deficiency is directly involved in a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.

A person suffering from anemia feels weak, loses ability to work, and may suffer from depressed mood.

There are several degrees of anemia. The higher the degree, the more serious the person’s condition becomes. Mild variants of this pathological condition sometimes go unnoticed and resolve on their own.

Anemia can develop in people of any age group. Anemia is especially common in pregnant women and children of primary school and preschool age.

Main causes

Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common pathological conditions in humans. Various factors can influence the development of this disorder.

It is customary to identify the following common causes of the development of this condition:

Severe blood loss due to trauma, surgery, diseases of internal organs .

Prolonged heavy menstruation in women, provoked by certain gynecological pathologies (endometriosis, adnexitis).

Disruption of metabolic processes in the body and, as a result, insufficient absorption of microelements.

Poorly balanced diet or regular fasting.

The magic of wax, candles and spells Kryuchkova Olga Evgenievna

Conspiracy for allergies, anemia and weakness

To carry out a conspiracy against allergies, you will need to drive a nail into the threshold of the house, while reading the words of the conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Go away, my pains, my illnesses, my ailments; Walk away from me, from my threshold on a long journey. No one can interrupt, overpower, or destroy the words of my conspiracy, just as no one can drive a nail into the wall of my house. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen."

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Experience of Past Lives. How to recognize your own mistakes and correct them by Lynn Denise

Allergies Are you allergic to certain foods? Food allergies can, of course, various reasons, but I have had clients who have discovered that their allergies have their origins in past lives. Alison had an unusual reaction to chicken meat.

From the book Experience of Past Lives. How to recognize your own mistakes and correct them by Lynn Denise

Allergies Some allergies can be alleviated (and even cured) simply by uncovering their underlying cause. past life. List on paper all the allergies you currently suffer from or have suffered from in the past. Next to each, briefly write down what happened in your life at the same time.

From the book Parenting Begins Before Birth author Aivankhov Omraam Mikael

From the book The Path from Birth to Wisdom, or How to Raise Happy Children author Sheremeteva Galina Borisovna

Love Without Weakness Parents must make the child understand from the very first day that they do not intend to obey his every whim, otherwise, when they try to resist him after some time, it will be too late. Parents who spoil their children beyond measure

From the book Your Defenses. Protective magic from the evil eye, damage, curses author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Allergy conspiracy It is necessary to drive a nail into the threshold of the house by reading the following conspiracy: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. Go away, my pains, my illnesses, my ailments; get away from me, from my threshold on a long journey. Do not say my conspiracy word to anyone

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

In case of severe weakness, a special bath, which is prepared from a large number of black currant leaves and pine needles, awakens the defenses and strengthens the weakened person well. First, they are boiled steeply in cast iron or a saucepan, and then this broth is poured into

From the book Conspiracies Siberian healer. Issue 31 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For allergies Just before dawn, bow to the icon three times and cross the patient with his own cross three times, and then say: I say - God helps, I pray, and the Lord heals. Fight night and day, servant of God (name), be strong. Go, you sick man, to the swamp swell, Not (such and such), but

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Words from male weakness Pull out the last board from the fence, sharpen the top of the board, turn it over and dig it into the ground in the same place where you took the board, with the words: I am not a gelding, but a stallion. Conspiracy against male weakness Find out who has a three-year-old bull on their farm,

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy for male weakness (with sexual impotence) If such a misfortune occurs, the following conspiracy will help a man regain his strength: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. There is an ocean-sea, On the umbilical cord of the sea lies the Alatyr-stone, On that Alatyr-stone stands a damask oak - And

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From weakness after childbirth There are all sorts of births: one does not groan, and the other does not come to its senses for several years. Such people need to be treated, otherwise the mother will lose her last strength while caring for the baby and, having undermined her health, will not live much longer. If you have been approached with a request to strengthen such

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Allergy spells are recited on the towel on which the coffin was lowered at the funeral, and wiped with it for 12 days after washing. The Lord said to the disciples: “Go and help and heal.” I also say, God’s servant (name), come, help and heal. Like a dead person there is no pain, no

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 01 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy for weakness after childbirth Everyone experiences childbirth differently: one doesn’t even groan, while the other takes several years to come to her senses. Such women must be reprimanded, since in caring for newborns they will lose their last strength, undermine their health and, in essence, be

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 03 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Allergy spell The spell is read over the towel on which the coffin was lowered into the grave, and wiped with it after washing for twelve days. The plot is as follows: The Lord said to the disciples: “Go and help and heal.” I also say, God’s servant (name), come, Help and

From the book How to protect yourself from damage and the evil eye by Luzina Lada

From weakness Just as fire is playful and strong, so I would like to take the power of fire and not get tired in my work. I take the power of fire and lock it into my body with twelve locks and twelve keys. I remove the damage and throw it into the fire. Amen, amen, amen. Take the hot coals with a flame out of the oven and, holding them on

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 29 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Spell for sexual weakness Read while drinking (tea, milk). The words are: On the eastern side, In the depths of the sea lies a branch. It doesn’t bend or break, it doesn’t wriggle like a snake. It cannot be broken, it cannot be interrupted. Whoever takes the branch will... wake up. He won't sleep

From the book The Healing Power of Mudras. Health at your fingertips author Brahmachari Swami

Conspiracies for anemia

You are ore, God's servant (name) is blood. Be renewed, rejuvenate, become healing from this hour. No sooner said than done. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon. A pin wiped with alcohol and calcined is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. Before speaking, the speaker takes a pin and pricks ring finger on right hand the person being charmed, squeezes out a drop of blood and slanders it directly.

Ever-Virgin Mary embroidered robes, straightened ore for the servant of God (name). You, the ore of God's servant (name), be scarlet and strong, hot and abundant. From now on and forever and ever the ore of the servant of God (name) is like the thread of the Mother of God. Amen.

The conspiracy is done early in the morning in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Conspiracies for anemia

I cross with the cross, I command the ore of the servant of God (name): be strong and abundant. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, the Alatyr-stone is dug into the ground. Just as there is plenty of water around him and plenty of land, so would the servant of God (name) have plenty of ore now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done at noon in accordance with the practice of conducting conspiracies.

Conspiracies for poor blood clotting

I speak words, not simple ones, but golden ones, so that God’s servant (name) has ore flowing through his veins, not spilling out, not spreading across the ground. And if it spills, let it turn into a scab. From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done in the evening. A pin wiped with alcohol and calcined is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. Before speaking, the person speaking takes a pin, pricks the middle finger on the right hand of the person being spoken, squeezes out a drop of blood and speaks directly on it.

I speak to the ore of the servant of God (name). I conjure you, ore. Never leak, be in seclusion every day and hour, guard yourself, don’t open, don’t splash outside. You'll end up with a scab. And so it is always. Forever and ever. Amen.

The conspiracy is done early in the morning. A pin wiped with alcohol and calcined is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. Before the spell, the speaker takes a pin, pricks the little finger on the right hand of the person being charmed, squeezes out a drop of blood and speaks directly on it.

Conspiracies against too viscous blood

Ore, you are ore, flow through the veins of God’s servant (name), pour it, hurry up, don’t clog up the veins, don’t get thicker, don’t be mothers, be quicker and livelier. Amen, amen, amen.

The conspiracy is done during the day. A pin wiped with alcohol and calcined is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. Before the spell, the speaker takes a pin, pricks the ring finger on the left hand of the person being charmed, squeezes out a drop of blood and speaks directly on it.

In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I command the ore in the veins of the servant of God (name): do not wake up the sleeping ones, standing still, scatter, ore, spread out, suddenly dissolve in a row. Whatever God intended for you, so be it. Forever and ever, amen.

The conspiracy is done at any time of the day. A pin wiped with alcohol and calcined is placed on the table in front of the person being spoken to. Before casting a spell, the speaker takes a pin, pricks the middle finger on the left hand of the person being spoken to, squeezes out a drop of blood and speaks directly onto it.

Half a minute later another device began to chirp, Yura grabbed the receiver and, hearing the caller, winked at Nastya. From his meager remarks it was impossible to realize Fr. There is a speech. He finally hung up and smiled broadly. Nastya burst into tears. With your hands. Indeed, the water had already boiled for a long time and was now gurgling in the highest clay chamber. The mug was so desperate that it spilled onto the floor. She frantically pulled the plug out of the socket, but there was still water in the mug. There's not enough left. Nastya obediently trudged along.

Fyodor asked, casting a mean glance at the bottles. Cigarettes. Water. Mineral, fruit, still, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, cola. Hot. Snacks. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fresh whites, shish kebab with side dishes. Italian salads. Crab, shrimp, ham. The tea is hot. The coffee is hot, dark and with milk. The door opened and Oleg saw strong man average Tall in a small black terry robe. His hair was wet, and Oleg realized what the tenant perceived.

He's on a business trip, and you're acting weird. Don’t call me names, otherwise I won’t give you a cot, you’ll sleep on the floor. Okay, take out the soup, you really need to eat it, huh. Leshka will be offended. Dinner turned out to be unexpectedly plentiful and satisfying, and Nastya and Yura, who had crammed so much goods into themselves out of hunger at once, could no longer move. Listen, Nastya said with fear, it seems I can’t even get up. Gluttony is a great sin. Well, let's sit at the table, what's the hurry? Korotkov responded phlegmatically.

This morning everything started as usual. Lilya looked thoughtfully at the buoy dangling in the waves. Said. The licking was missed; for some reason the abundance of fruit did not appear from the snow-white bag. Rita plopped down on a towel and raised her exhausted face to me. I was so dumbfounded that I didn’t even realize which Olga we were talking about. This question could, perhaps, adequately compete with the previous one. He was neither smart nor original. Rita reacted with awareness. To our heartbreaking story, she immediately calmed down and, to her credit, I must admit, she didn’t spill the beans to anyone. And now our sweet joke threatened to turn into nothing. Suspecting Igor Litvak is in big trouble. And I realized that I had to somehow help poor Igor. I acutely felt my guilt towards him and...

I entered a military academy somewhere in the Caucasus. You must become an Ingush officer and serve our native land. If you go to study in Kyiv, you will serve in the Ukrainian army. Aslanbek. Must cancel trip. You are needed. Aslanbek went to the Carpathians. At a small airfield in Kolomyia, the highest big man. With a shock wavy hair and with a smiling face, introducing himself as Vasily Ignatievich. You are aware of what will have to be done for you. Vasily asked when they got into the car and drove towards the mountains. Father said. “I have to do arithmetic with some girl,” Aslan answered hesitantly. Yes, naturally, Aslan nodded absentmindedly, looking out the window at the houses standing on the sides of the road, buried in apple and pear trees. The car stopped in front of the tall metal gates.

Gulya is right. Gulya, you are absolutely right. If the woman did not lie, then the second man did. Then everything comes out. Mishanya, go to the office. “I figured you out, old man,” Misha grinned. Andrey. Chebotaev looked up from the computer and ruffled his hair. She’s not afraid of anything, Nastya agreed. Either he is extremely confident in himself, or he is just a cretin, which is more accurate. And yet I’m wondering if his name is in a magazine that... They took it from the salon, or.

Dampen a small cloth with the patient's blood. Take her into the forest to the big oak tree. Make a small hole in the bark of this oak tree. Place the bloody cloth in it and cover the hole with resin so that the bark grows back together. After this, pick an acorn from the oak tree and give it to the patient. Instruct him to always carry this acorn with him and put it under his pillow at night.

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Mix five finely chopped green Antonov apples with a pound of lard. Place this product in the oven and simmer it over low heat. At this time, grind ten egg yolks white with a glass of granulated sugar, and then add a pound of grated chocolate or half a pound of cocoa powder to them. When the lard with apples has melted, remove it from the oven and strain through a sieve. Combine the first composition with the second. Spread this medicine on bread. Whisper to him:

At sea, on the ocean, on Buyan Island

lies a red stone,

A mighty force is buried under the red stone.

I lift that stone, I release that power,

I am sending God’s servant such and such for healing.

So that the blood turns red, so that frailty flies away

so that the pallor goes away, so that the strength increases.

Be, my words, all strong and sculpted,

spoken and executed.

Let us eat this bread to those whose blood is weak. This treatment must be repeated three or more times a day and be sure to wash down the bread with hot milk. If you treat the patient with other means, then recite this spell on them too.

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Mix equal parts rendered lard, honey, cow butter and cocoa. Dissolve this mixture over low heat and bring it to a boil. Be careful not to burn the potion. When cool, transfer it to a jar with a lid and store it in a cool, dark place. Give it to someone who is weakening in body and spirit. At the same time, let the patient eat a lot of prunes so that there is no stagnation either in the blood or in the stomach.

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Mix three parts of church cahors, two parts of linden honey and one part of aloe juice. Give this remedy one spoon three times a day.

Before dinner, let the patient drink a glass of vodka infused with cinchona peel.

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Anyone who is losing strength should drink black radish juice without pulling it out of the ground. To do this, peel the radish from the top of the soil, cut a groove in it and, after waiting for the juice to fill it, drink it all through a straw. Cut three of these radishes at once and drink the juice from them until it is all dried up. Repeat this treatment twice a day.

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Dissolve gelatin powder in half a glass of water. Beat one egg. Mix everything and give it to someone who is losing blood strength to drink. Repeat this treatment twice a day.

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Squeeze juice from carrots, beets and radishes. Pour them into one large bottle. Cover this bottle with dough and place it in the oven. Simmer the potion for three hours on low heat. Give the resulting medicine three spoons before meals three times a day.

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Give the patient one spoonful of garlic boiled with honey before eating.

Also give two tablespoons of watercress juice. Repeat the treatment three times a day.

Add one spoon of chicory juice to a glass of milk. This milk should not be drunk immediately, but throughout the day. Brew wild strawberry leaves instead of tea.

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For anemia, give the patient infusions and decoctions prepared from dandelion root and herb, wormwood herb, fireweed herb, nettle leaves, flowering tops of buckwheat, yarrow flowers, rowan berries, rose hips, blackberry leaves, anise seeds and caraway seeds.

Individual training in magic

INidentifying and developing your hidden abilities

Pdirect transmission of witchcraft and magical power