A best friend is a person you can always come to for advice, cry into your vest and receive moral support. Sometimes you really know your best friend your entire adult life. Many have been friends since school, some have been friends since college. It’s rare, but it still happens that when parents are friends, their children are also together almost from the very cradle. They don’t choose parents, but they even choose friends. We usually choose as our best friends a person who is somewhat similar to ourselves in terms of views, hobbies, interests, goals and at the same time the complete opposite of ourselves. A best friend is a person you can always come to for advice, cry into your vest and receive moral support. Sometimes you really know your best friend your entire adult life. Many have been friends since school, some have been friends since college. It’s rare, but it still happens that when parents are friends, their children are also together almost from the very cradle. They don’t choose parents, but they even choose friends. We usually choose as our best friends a person who is somewhat similar to ourselves in terms of views, hobbies, interests, goals and at the same time the complete opposite of ourselves.

It's always easy and simple with your best friend. It can be a lot of fun to be with him, since you have common memories, jokes and jokes. It’s not for nothing that they say that friends are like candles, that they make our lives brighter and richer. With a friend you can be yourself, you don’t have to pretend that you feel good when you feel bad and vice versa. Your best friend is capable of much for your sake, and is able to forgive you a lot. He can give his last penny if you need money. Moreover, true friendship is selfless. There are no words to describe the feeling that you feel for a friend of respect and devotion... With your best friend it is always easy and simple. It can be a lot of fun to be with him, since you have common memories, jokes and jokes. It’s not for nothing that they say that friends are like candles, that they make our lives brighter and richer. With a friend you can be yourself, you don’t have to pretend that you feel good when you feel bad and vice versa. Your best friend is capable of much for your sake, and is able to forgive you a lot. He can give his last penny if you need money. Moreover, true friendship is selfless. There are no words to describe the feeling that you feel for a friend of respect and devotion...

But you also need to be able to make friends. It is important not only to receive, but also to give in return. It is important to be able to cherish these relationships until old age. It is important to never betray or use your friend, to always support him and treat him with understanding. Take care of your friendship... But you also need to be able to be friends. It is important not only to receive, but also to give in return. It is important to be able to cherish these relationships until old age. It is important to never betray or use your friend, to always support him and treat him with understanding. Take care of your friendship...

Which small word, And how easy it is to say, And how much good, simple there is in it, But not everyone can become it. What a small word, And how easy it is to say, And how much good, simple there is in it, But not everyone can become one. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain. Money can't buy friendship. Anyone who likes to lie should not be taken as a friend. A friend argues, but an enemy agrees. Not true friend more dangerous than the enemy. Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won't be able to put it back together. Strong friendship and you can’t cut it with an ax.

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Cool hour true friend

Goal: fostering good qualities in students, pupils, the ability to be friends and treat each other with care, achieving intra-group cohesion, understanding one’s personal “I” as part of the common “We”.

“The only way to find a friend is to be one” Ralph Emerson Classroom Epigraph

What is friendship? Everyone knows. Maybe it's funny to ask. Well, what does this word mean? So what is it?

What qualities do you value most in a friend? Can a person have many friends? Are friendships and friendships the same thing?

A friend is a person close to you in spirit, in convictions, on whom you can rely in everything. A comrade is a person close to you by occupation, activity, and living conditions. A friend is a person with whom you have a good, simple, but not very close relationship. An acquaintance is a person with whom you communicate, whom you know.

1. About a person with whom you simply say hello in the yard, you can say... (acquaintance) 2. About a person with whom from time to time you discuss the details of a match, a film, some events, you will say... (friend ). 3. About a classmate with whom a pound of salt has been eaten in 6 years, say... (comrade). 4. About the person you trust with your secrets, with whom you share joys and sorrows, you will say... (friend)

Game “Complete the proverb.” If you don’t have a friend, look for him... /and if you find him, take care of him/. Don’t have a hundred rubles... ... /but have a hundred friends/. One for all...... /and all for one/. A man without friends...... /like a tree without roots/. Friendship is like glass... /if you break it, you can’t put it back together/. The enemy agrees, and ...... / friend argues.

Proverbs If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care. Having a friend means not feeling sorry for yourself. A friend is known in need. Money can't buy a friend. Whoever leaves a friend in trouble gets into trouble himself.

Words - tips Honesty, lies, rudeness, kindness, loyalty, mutual assistance, unselfishness, betrayal, pugnacity, compassion, angry, sympathetic, honest, deceitful, sincere, brave, hostile, conscientious, irresponsible, tolerant, reckless, caring, generous, selfish , purposeful, brave, decent.

“LAWS OF FRIENDSHIP”: 1. One for all and all for one. 2. C good friend more fun when you are successful, easier when you are in trouble. 3. Don't quarrel or argue with your friend over trifles. 4. Don’t snitch, it’s better to correct it yourself. 5. Don’t get arrogant if you’ve done something very well. Don't be angry or discouraged if something doesn't work out for you. 6. In conversation, in play, do not be rude, do not shout.

Help a friend in need. Don't deceive or betray your friend. Don't laugh at your friend's failures. Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you've offended a friend. Don't be offended by criticism.

  1. 1. Completed by a student of class 4 “B” Lyagin Egor
  2. 2.  Do you know what true friendship is? What is friendship, everyone knows? Maybe it's funny to ask. Well, what does this word mean? So what is it? Friendship is if your friend is sick and cannot come to school, visiting him of your own free will, bringing school lessons, friendship in joy and friendship in sorrow. A friend will always give his last. A friend is not the one who flatters, but the one who argues, the one who does not deceive and does not sell. Friendship never knows boundaries, There are no barriers to friendship. Friendship on Earth unites all children - both white and colored.
  3. 3.  I have a friend, devoted and faithful, without him I’m like without hands, frankly. His name is Pavlov Daniil. He is 11 years old, he is kind, good, sympathetic. Danya is in 5th grade and is a good student. Danya and I have been friends for 8 years.
  4. 4. At all times, friendship was sacredly valued. Even in ancient times, people realized its value and importance. Then all the basic concepts of friendship were born.  A friend is someone who takes your hand, but touches your heart!!!  How much we do for friends that we never did for ourselves!  Friendship doubles joys and cuts sorrows in half.  We should treat our friends the same way we would like to be treated by our friends.  The most wonderful gift, made to people after wisdom is friendship.
  5. 5. I agree with the words of the song: “A friend will not leave you in trouble, He will not ask too much. This is what a true faithful friend means!” Friendship means closeness and mutual attraction of people to each other. Only a true friend can understand your mood, your experiences, he will show sympathy in difficult times, comfort and support. Having true friends is a great blessing, because friendship helps us study, work, and live. It makes us better, kinder, stronger.
  6. 6.  You can’t trust everything to your friends and family, you can’t tell everything to your parents, when your nerves get tired, when despair is overcome by illness, your most faithful friend will be the first to come to the rescue.  He who does not throw words into the wind, who in trouble does not flinch from fear, who is ready to give his last, only he is worthy of the title of friend.  One, two - grief is not a problem, you should never be discouraged. Keep your nose and tail high, know that a true friend is always with you.
  7. 7. Your words, like thin threads of friendship, entwined you. Thin threads circled the earth, Threads of parallels and green rivers. Stretch out your hand, stretch out your hand, Every person must believe in friendship. Thank you for your attention.