The star, as one of the oldest symbols of many cultures, has a very deep meaning and many different meanings. At all times, for humanity, the starry world has been attractive and inaccessible. The image of stars on the body testified to the superiority, exaltation, luck and prosperity of a particular person.

Often tattoo fans do not even think about what a star tattoo means, and are guided in their choice only by aesthetic criteria and their own feelings: whether they like this design or not. Many variations of extraordinary designs created by true masters of their craft allow customers to simply browse photo with star tattoo and choose for yourself the most original, beautiful and congenial images. Those who care not only about the appearance, but also about the deep meaning of the design should pay attention to which star will be applied to the body and in what context it will be presented. What could be the meaning of a star tattoo?

The meaning of the tattoo is a shooting star

For more than one millennium, people have rushed to make a wish at the sight of a meteorite plowing the sky and at the same time sacredly believe in its fulfillment. So tattoos depicting shooting stars symbolize the fulfillment of cherished desires and the accompanying luck in life. Often young people choose the image of not one star, but several, combined into a single harmonious composition. Such images can occupy a relatively large part of the body, but at the same time they look very elegant and attractive. Mostly girls choose flying images of meteorites and make such star tattoos on the shoulder, lower back or neck.

Star meaning - pentagram

A five-pointed star can have two completely opposite meanings. If its two corners look up, this is a satanic symbol. The correct pentagram, according to Celtic beliefs, has the most powerful protective power and is a symbol of harmony.

Tattoo designation - Star of David

The six-pointed star is one of the most important religious symbols; it speaks of man's deep faith in the absolute supremacy of God.

Starfish tattoo - meaning

The drawing of a starfish has long been very popular among sailors - it served them as a talisman against evil natural elements. A star tattoo on the hand of sailors and soldiers speaks of their faith in their protector, the guiding star, and the hope that she will certainly facilitate their return home. IN modern world This body design also has a slightly different symbolic meaning. It is believed that a star tattoo on the chest or shoulder will help a person return to the true path if life circumstances have forced him to turn off and take a shaky path. They will show you the right path. In some European countries such a tattoo is considered a symbol of health and longevity. But it is also worth remembering that star tattoos on the leg are often used in gay culture; men thus show their unconventional preferences. Also a small star on the wrist female hand may indicate her passion for representatives of her sex.

But, whatever the deep meaning of the image, first of all, you should be guided by personal preferences and tastes: if you really want to get a star tattoo on your stomach, and you believe that it will bring you good luck, there is no doubt that it will be so!

A talisman is considered to be a thing that is donated or purchased by a person himself in order to protect him from the negative effects of prying eyes and ward off unkind words and thoughts of envious people. It is advisable for every person to always have some kind of talisman with him, accompanying him everywhere, giving him strength and energy. A talisman such as a starfish is also interesting in its meaning.

The natural power of water

Starfish mascot, according to folk superstition, will bring good luck in love affairs to its owner. Many legends from the marine world are associated with the starfish.

Protective properties of the starfish talisman

Protection from harm

It is generally accepted that the stars in the sky are reflected in the depths of the sea in the form of starfish. This is an interesting living organism; by nature, the starfish is a predator, eating all kinds of shellfish, oysters and types of coral on its way. In ancient times, the starfish illuminated the path for sailors, so now it is generally accepted that the starfish will bring good luck in new endeavors and discoveries to its lucky owner.

The starfish has five peaks: three male and two feminine principles. It is no coincidence that to preserve the family hearth and good luck in love affairs, the five-pointed starfish is chosen as a talisman. It protects home comfort and brings the positive energy of love to your home. However, you should not turn the starfish 180 degrees opposite down: in this position, it becomes compatible with the devil himself and will direct his positive emotions completely in the opposite direction to the dark forces.

To this day, sailors take a starfish with them on their voyages, which becomes their talisman along the way. But not only sailors, but also ordinary travelers, especially those who prefer to travel on cruise ships, use the starfish as a talisman as a protective amulet.

For women staying at southern seaside resorts, it is good to bring a starfish as a small souvenir: it will bring a feeling of joy and fill the house with harmony and love, and if a starfish becomes a talisman for a woman who is still waiting for her betrothed, then the talisman will certainly help her in love affairs affairs in the very near future and will implement cherished dream about women's happiness.

Starfish, like many other inhabitants of the ocean depths, were one of the favorite themes for tattoos among sailors. Nowadays, work with this amazing creature can be seen quite rarely, so the idea is very original.

As you know, almost any image has some symbolic meaning. The starfish tattoo is no exception.


Starfish are one of the most ancient inhabitants of the seabed. They have existed on our planet for more than 500 million years, that is, much longer than all fish known to science.

Tattoos with starfish equally loved by both women and men. The meaning behind a starfish tattoo is partly related to some of the characteristics of this creature. It is known that starfish are able to completely regenerate a severed limb or shed it at will if the star is in danger. Therefore, such a tattoo can mean rebirth. Naturally, we are talking here about a certain revival of personality: a person loses something (or deliberately gives up something) in order to receive something new in return.

Another meaning of a starfish tattoo, associated with the structural feature of this creature, is security. In nature, it has very few enemies, because the star is covered with needles, so the risk of becoming someone’s dinner is very small for it. In addition, the star’s body has tiny claws that are always ready to repel an attack.

Tattoos with a starfish have a lot in common in meaning with the symbolic image of celestial bodies. Therefore, such work may indicate a search for a path, that is, one’s place in life. As you know, sailors navigated by the stars when determining their course. The stars in the sky gave hope for a successful return home, confidence and a sense of security.

By the way, although starfish are always depicted with five limbs, their number can vary, up to twelve. The meaning of the tattoo will depend to some extent on how many limbs the star has. For example, the ancient Celts considered the familiar five-pointed star a symbol of harmony and magical powers, it was widely used in protective spells and to create amulets. The six-pointed star has a deep religious meaning and means the dominance of the divine principle over all things. The septagram - a star with seven ends - is popular among people interested in esotericism. It is believed that the image of a seven-pointed star can enhance magical abilities person, establish a connection with mystical forces. The eight-pointed star symbolizes abundance; a tattoo with its image is designed to attract luck and wealth into a person’s life. IN ancient Scandinavia one of the ritual images was a star with nine ends, which symbolized the nine worlds, of which, according to their ideas, the Universe consisted. Nowadays the nine-pointed star is considered a symbol of stability.

A tattoo with a starfish may well combine marine theme and the symbolic meaning of the star.

Which style should you choose for a tattoo?

One of the most suitable styles is realism. The first realistic works began to appear in the century before last. They say that a certain professor began to study the art of tattooing and collect copies of tattoos with portraits of famous personalities, for example, Napoleon or Bismarck.

Realism is considered the most difficult style to execute. For the image to be truly realistic, the master must also be a talented artist. Applying such a design on skin is much more difficult than on canvas, so working in the style of realism can take more than one session and be expensive.

It is not at all necessary to limit yourself to the image of just one starfish. You can depict an entire seascape; in this style, such works look really impressive. The subject of the tattoo can be either real (for example, an image of the seabed and its inhabitants) or fantasy (portraits of mermaids and other fictional sea creatures).

Do-it-yourself work will look interesting. This style especially attracts lovers of monochrome tattoos. It is believed that the roots of the style go back to ancient times. Cave paintings have been found in African caves depicting people with tattoos made using multiple dots. These drawings date back to the 7th-6th millennium BC. e. It is believed that this style is inspired by pointillism, a movement in painting of the 19th century, the essence of which is to apply a pattern with dotted strokes.

The starfish tattoo is an image unique in its uniqueness, beauty, and effectiveness. The symbol of a resident of the deep sea, along with other aquatic inhabitants, is in constant demand in tattoo parlors. These sea ​​creatures They have an unusual body shape that attracts attention. They differ from each other in the number and length of rays, surface structure and color. The apparent primitiveness associated with the absence of a brain and eyes is actually not such. The animal can climb the smooth vertical wall of the aquarium, open the valves of the mollusk in search of food, and can develop simple reflexes. The star can restore and grow a torn ray to the required length.

History of the symbol

The symbol first became popular among sailors, and its origins are quite ancient. The ancient sailors were very superstitious people. Sailing for many months in stormy waters led to the emergence of many superstitions. Therefore, for protection, sailors began to apply a tattoo amulet on their body, in the form of a starfish, which was supposed to protect and help them return to their home port alive and whole. Over time, the image became popular among travelers and soldiers, because each of them wanted to return to their home.

In Ireland, the symbol has the meaning of good health, which is associated with the starfish.

Nowadays, it is common among US Navy personnel, although its popularity is not limited only to this contingent. The starfish tattoo is an elegant, attractive decoration that symbolizes the Virgin Mary in Christian iconography. It grants safe passage through the waters of a stormy sea and is a beacon of salvation for a traveler in the waters of the world.

Meaning of starfish tattoo

The main symbolic meaning of the tattoo is a guide and landmark on the waters of the sea, associated with the unpredictability of life, its storms and storms. The ability of a sea creature to regenerate its rays indicates the ability to revive, restore, and change current negative events for the better. The sign symbolically denotes protection and is a protective amulet that bestows protection and safety. The ability of a starfish to sense its prey and move towards it is associated with the ability to see its goal and reach it. This pattern will be worn by purposeful people who have goals and know how to succeed in achieving them. Association with the Virgin Mary (Stella Maris - translated as the star of the sea), symbolizes salvation in difficult and difficult times, love for higher powers and faith in their help if necessary.

The animal located at the bottom of the sea also symbolizes the stars located in the sky, which provide guidance when moving around the area and on the path of life. The image of the symbol helps to overcome obstacles and temptations. A tattoo will remind a person who is often away from home for a long time of home.

Location, styles, colors, additional symbols

Sketches and tattoos themselves can be made in color or plain, small or large in size, two-dimensional or three-dimensional. The three-dimensional image is modern look pattern on the skin, combining the artistic part and optical illusion. The appearance of a starfish tattoo in 3D allows you to see a photorealistic optical illusion. This tattoo is made in any technique and style, can be schematically drawn in black, can be multi-colored and cheerful, like a cartoon character, and can also be realistic. The image is complemented by symbolism associated with the sea - algae, stones, fish. It all depends on the wishes of the potential owner, on his artistic preferences and, of course, on the professionalism of the master. An experienced craftsman will select a unique sketch and create a masterpiece on leather that will become an adornment and pride for the owner.


So, in this publication we tried to answer the question in as much detail as possible: “What does a starfish tattoo mean?” Therefore, before applying a design to your body, find out the semantic meaning of the symbol, whether it suits your character traits, and whether you will complement each other. And then contact an experienced master to create a suitable sketch and create a masterpiece on your skin.