And after some time the industry produced the widest range postcards, pleasantly pleasing to the eye in the windows of newsstands filled with traditionally discreet printed products.

And even though the quality of printing and the brightness of the colors of Soviet postcards were inferior to imported ones, these shortcomings were made up for by the originality of the subjects and the high professionalism of the artists.

The real heyday of the Soviet New Year's card came in the 60s. The number of subjects has increased: motives such as space exploration and the struggle for peace appear. Winter landscapes were crowned with wishes: “Let New Year will bring success in sports!"

A varied variety of styles and methods reigned in the creation of postcards. Although, of course, it could not do without interweaving the content of newspaper editorials into the New Year's theme.
As the famous collector Evgeniy Ivanov jokingly notes, on the postcards “the Soviet Father Frost actively participates in the social and industrial life of the Soviet people: he is a railway worker on the BAM, flies into space, melts metal, works on a computer, delivers mail, etc.

His hands are constantly busy with work - perhaps that’s why Santa Claus carries a bag of gifts much less often...” By the way, E. Ivanov’s book “New Year and Christmas in Postcards”, which seriously analyzes the plots of postcards from the point of view of their special symbolism, proves that there is much more meaning hidden in an ordinary postcard than it might seem at first glance...












Old New Year cards, so cheerful and kind, with a retro touch, have become very fashionable these days.

Nowadays you won’t surprise many people with a shiny anime, but the old ones New Year cards They immediately evoke nostalgia and touch us to the core.

Do you want to call a loved one born in the Soviet Union, memories of a happy childhood?

Send him a Soviet postcard with New Year's holiday, having written down your most cherished wishes.

Scanned and retouched versions of such postcards can be sent over the Internet via any messenger or email in unlimited quantities.

Here you can you can download for free soviet postcards New Year's

And you can sign them by adding yourself

Enjoy watching!

A little history...

Regarding the appearance of the first Soviet greeting cards there is some disagreement.

Some sources claim that they were first published for the New Year, 1942. According to another version, in December 1944, from the countries of Europe liberated from fascism, soldiers began sending their relatives unprecedented colorful foreign New Year cards, and the party leadership decided that it was necessary to establish the production of their own, “ideologically consistent” products.

Be that as it may, the mass production of New Year's cards began only in the 50s.

The first Soviet New Year's cards depicted happy mothers with children and the Kremlin towers, later they were joined by Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

And after some time, the industry produced a wide range of postcards, pleasantly pleasing to the eye in the windows of newsstands filled with traditionally discreet printed products.

And even though the quality of printing and the brightness of the colors of Soviet postcards were inferior to imported ones, these shortcomings were made up for by the originality of the subjects and the high professionalism of the artists.

The real heyday of the Soviet New Year's card came in the 60s. The number of subjects has increased: motives such as space exploration and the struggle for peace appear.

Winter landscapes were crowned with wishes: “May the New Year bring good luck in sports!”

Postcards from past years reflected the trends of the times, achievements, changing direction from year to year.

One thing remained unchanged: the warm and sincere atmosphere created by these wonderful postcards.

New Year's cards from Soviet times continue to warm people's hearts to this day, reminiscent of old times and the festive, magical smell of New Year's tangerines.

Old New Year cards are more than just a part of history. These postcards delighted Soviet people for many years, in the happiest moments of their lives.

Christmas trees, pine cones, happy smiles of forest characters and the snow-white beard of Father Frost - all these are integral attributes of Soviet New Year's greeting cards.

They were bought in advance in pieces of 30 and sent by mail to different cities. Our mothers and grandmothers knew the authors of the pictures and hunted for postcards with illustrations by V. Zarubin or V. Chetverikov and kept them in shoe boxes for years.

They gave a feeling of the approaching magical New Year holiday. Today, old cards are festive examples of Soviet design and simply pleasant memories from childhood.

"I wish to make a wish for Santa Claus,
Not trying for myself, but for everyone,
So that tears stop flowing in the world,
And so that healthy laughter sounds everywhere,
So that all terrorists without exception
There was no water in the desert
And they would have perished there from exhaustion,
And so that the wind scatters their traces;
So that no children in Africa go hungry,
No adults would have to die
And so that on our solar planet
Happiness, peace and grace reigned!"

New Year's greetings snowman

The snowman sends a letter to his friend:
"I wish you a blizzard...
So that the blizzard lasts all year...
Ice, snowdrifts, snow slides,
And the frost is minus forty...
And warmth!"
Author of poems A. Usachev

There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
Green bangs,
One and a half meters.
An event occurred
One winter day:
The forester decided to cut it down! -
So it seemed to her.
She was noticed
Was surrounded...
And only late in the evening
She came to her senses.
What a strange feeling!
The fear has disappeared somewhere...
Glass lanterns
They burn in its branches.
Jewelry sparkles -
What an elegant look!
At the same time, without a doubt,
She is standing in the forest.
Not cut down! Whole!
Beautiful and strong!..
Who saved her, who undressed her?
Forester's son!
Sergey Mikhalkov.

The three of us with my friends
Let's sing a merry song,
And then we'll dance together
And we'll pour some champagne.
Let's drink, friends, to
May we be lucky in life,
Even if not immediately - gradually
Happiness has come to us all!
After all, you can’t live without faith,
Happy New Year, friends!!!
Author of poems VasiLina

The last days of the passing year
The minutes are flying by, there is a lot to do!
And somehow the troubles were forgotten
And we think: what to wear for the holiday?

We hurry, fuss and wait impatiently,
So that festive table cover it quickly
And send the Old One away - without regret!
And immediately forget all the troubles!

Let's raise a glass to our health!
Let happiness enter every home on the planet!
And let the world be filled only with love!
And our children will make us all happy!...
Author VasiLina

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Even guys can
All wishes come true
It is only necessary, they say,
Make an effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn,
And have patience
And don’t count your studies
For your torment.

They say: on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not make a wish?
A modest wish -
Execute "excellently"
School assignments.

So that the students
Began to study
To get a deuce in the diaries
I couldn't get through!
Sergey Mikhalkov

In a white fur coat,
Not in sable - snow,
Walks on the ground on its own
Empress Winter!

Admire, look -
On the hem, on the chest -
Clusters of pearls and gold!
It’s immediately obvious that she’s rich!

It’s immediately obvious that it’s good -
Does not spare silver
Distributes gems
All day and night long!

Doesn't skimp on gifts -
It’s immediately obvious that the queen!
Natalia Karpova

Soon, soon the world will be enveloped in a snow-white blizzard,
Snowflakes will dance in a patterned window with mischief,
And the apartment smells of fluffy resinous spruce,
Caramel, gingerbread and magic!

Serpentine curls rustle, scattering all around,
The tinsel made of thin silver foil will sparkle,
The branches will accommodate: malvinas, pierrots, pinocchios,
Goldfish, nuts, balls, moths!

At night the oak cabinet door will creak mysteriously,
Footsteps on the parquet, someone's quiet, exciting laughter.
And in the morning there are gifts under the pine needles: skates, a bonbonniere,
And toys - what else do you need for children's fun?!

Soon, soon, confetti will flutter from a smoking firecracker,
The garlands will blink and your heart will feel warm...
And the mysterious angel from the high spruce top,
With a serene smile, he will spread his wing for happiness!
Osya Belenky

What is the name of Santa Claus in different countries?
Austria – Nikolaus
Bulgaria – Uncle Mraz,
Germany - Knecht Ruprecht
Holland - Sinte Klaas
Vietnam – Thao Quen
Italy - Babbo Natale
Spain - Olentzero
Kampuchea - Santa Heat
Colombia – Papa Pascual (Pasquale)
China - Sheng Dan Laoren
Cyprus - Saint Basil
Mongolia - Uvlin Uvgun, Otkhan
Norway – Nisse
Netherlands - Sunderklass
Ossetia – Arthuron
Panama – Popeye Noel
Romania - Mos Jerile
Slovakia - Jerzyszek
Western Slavic countries - Saints Mikalaus
USA, English-speaking countries - Santa Claus
Czech Republic - Ded Mikulas
Uzbekistan - Ker Bobo (Korbobo)
France - Per (Pere) Noel
Finland - Jolupukki
Sweden – Yultomten (Yultomtennen)
Estonia - Jouluvana
Japan - Oji-san, Toshigami, Shogatsu-san

It's almost midnight! Fu-you, well-you!
The gait is taken at full speed.
That's when one minute
Saves for a whole year!

Poems by B. Timofeev.
Artist M. Mazruho. 1957 "Leningrad artist".

Run out quickly
Look at bullfinches.
They arrived, they arrived,
The flock was greeted by snowstorms!

And Frost is the Red Nose
He brought them rowan trees.
Sweetened well.
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet grapes!

In the middle of a snowy clearing
The tree sleeps serenely.
Like a sleeping princess
Queen of the Wonder Forest.

The old elk calls the animals:
- Hey, here! Hurry, hurry!
Have you forgotten? After all, today
There will be a New Year's holiday!

We need to decorate the Christmas tree,
Run for gifts:
Otherwise it's New Year
There's no way he'll come to us!

The gray wolf carries firecrackers,
Hedgehog - garland and toys.
And the eared bunnies
The cones on the Christmas tree are silver.

The squirrel carries pies
Woodpecker - foil stars.
The month flew from the sky,
Sat on the top of the Christmas tree!

Smiling New Year
It's coming towards them through the snowdrifts!
Irina Gurina.

The world becomes kinder in winter
And more fun from holiday worries

And know that New Year is coming soon!

Decorated Christmas tree and lights,
Gifts, wall newspaper by the window.
And I, like in childhood, speed up the days,
So that there is only one night left.

I want a noisy New Year's table,
I want a salad, "The Irony of Fate"
And so that Santa Claus comes again,
I want fabulous surprises, any...

And let the fallen leaves fly,
But if the holiday time has come,
We really want a little magic
And we learn to give warmth to others!

Will appear again under the Christmas tree
Gifts, unnoticed, as always...
And it will shine over the toys
A living, real star!

And the candles on the table will burn,
As a sign of love, as a code for the future...
It's nice to wake up in December
And know for sure that New Year is coming soon!
Poetry author Peter Davydov

You still have a rush, a blockage, a park,
But when you finally give away
Everything, literally until the last gift -

Come to me. If you want, then walk
Come as a trusted and old friend,
With my empty bag -
Delightfully spacious container.

That's when I use it!
I'll immediately throw the empty one into the bag
All unnecessary and superfluous rubbish,
Strained my soul, mind and back.
Take the bag to the dense dark forest,
Yes, away so that THIS doesn’t come back.
Don't complain, dear, about the terrible weight:
I carried it and didn’t even seem to bend...
Author of poems Shizel (Lyubov Sirota)

Come on, girls! Come on, beauties!
Let the country sing about us!
And let them be famous with a ringing song
Our names are among the heroes!

All paths in the world are open for us,
And the earth brings us its bow.
It’s not for nothing that flowers and children grow here
And the rich fields are making ears!

And cities, and factories, and arable lands -
All this is our dear and sweet home.
Let the new day overtake yesterday
With your cheerful, joyful work!

Grow, a country where by the will of one
The peoples have all merged into one people!
Blossom, the country where a woman and a man
In the same rows, free, he walks!