There is always a lot of negativity around us. It seems that people have already forgotten how to live positively and see the good in what surrounds them. But what if you don’t want to live in an evil world? If you want to live a positive life but are being hindered? How can we turn negative energy to the positive?

Turn on your imagination

Imagine that the bad things that happened to you are just an accumulation beautiful stars, which smoothly move in space to incredibly beautiful music.

Imagine love

After all the negativity has turned into a shower of stars, imagine some image that you associate with love.

Rivers of positivity flow throughout your body and fill every cell.

Does this seem like some kind of nonsense? But this is a very effective technique that is used by many psychotherapists today and it really has results. But when using this technique, it is important for you to know a few more rules that will help transform negative into positive.

Rules for a positive life

Rule 1: Be grateful

For everything you have and don't have, you need to be grateful. If you are grateful to the Universe, it will give you even more.

Rule 2: Don't expect anything in return from people.

People don't have to speak to you with respect, tell you only good news, or live in a positive way. It's your decision, and they decided they wanted to be depressed. There is no need to be upset that they do not understand the truths that you understand.

Rule 3. Surround yourself with positivity

Your success depends 50% on the environment in which you live and create, so make friends with those who give you joy, who always react positively even to the saddest events.

So, in order not to live in negativity, first of all, you must make this decision. It depends only on you how you will live, in negative or positive, in joy or sadness.

Most of us perceive the beginning of a new year as the beginning of a new stage in our lives - when we want all the negativity to remain in the old year. But there are unpleasant memories that “wander” from year to year and do not give us peace. When they surface from the depths of memory, a powerful wave of emotions rolls in. Moreover, they are so strong, as if this event just happened to you. Such a reaction means only one thing: the emotion was experienced, but the situation was not rethought, so the memory of it still torments.

In this case, the person, mentally returning to the traumatic situation, experiences stress, and this is a direct road to illness. The fact is that under stress, adrenaline is released into the blood, which constricts blood vessels. In this case, the organs do not receive enough blood, which is why various disorders can occur in them. Therefore, it is very important to recognize and transform the information that contributed to stress. How? With the help of a new direction in practical psychology, which is called “holodynamics”.

Holodynamics means “dynamics of the whole” (hole - whole, dynamic - force in action). By “whole” we mean the harmonious functioning of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The first is responsible for our ability to process information, think logically, and analyze. And the second is for ours imaginative thinking, emotions and experiences. Thus, both the right and left hemispheres of the brain are actively involved in holodynamic processes. Whereas, for example, during meditation, when we try to turn off the “head”, only the right one actively works.

How will both of your hemispheres be engaged when you work through traumatic situations? You will use your imagination (this is the paraphry of the right hemisphere of the brain), imagining an image of psychological trauma (at the same time you will enter a meditative state), and then you will analyze what lesson this situation has taught you.

HELLO, I AM YOUR COLDINE. In holodynamics, images and thought forms are called holodyna. To better understand what this is, remember your father. Imagine him standing in front of you. Look how he looks outwardly, what his face is like, what his eyes are like. If you concentrate on the memory of your father, you will be able to see a three-dimensional mental image, a hologram. Everything we have ever seen has such mental images. So, without effort, you can draw a hologram of a lemon in your imagination (this may even cause a sour taste in your mouth), an airplane - or anything. At the same time, you do not strain yourself by inventing these images, but they themselves emerge in your imagination. Right now, while reading these lines, remember something or someone and imagine it. I am sure that you will immediately “see” some kind of hologram.

In holodynamics, it is believed that our emotions can also have their own holograms. But since emotions cannot be touched, but can only be felt in your body, then, in order to see their image, you will first have to concentrate on the bodily sensation that this or that emotion causes. To better understand what I'm talking about, think about any emotionally charged event in your life. For example, when you were afraid of something. As a rule, fear causes coldness in the body, severe constriction and spasms. It most often underlies diseases of the body. It is with these feelings and sensations that cold dynamics works.



“Concentrate on bodily sensations” are not empty words, but a certain algorithm of actions. How to achieve this? There are many concentration practices and almost all of them are related to our breathing. Now try to concentrate on something and at the same time breathe quickly, rhythmically. You definitely won't succeed. Therefore, before you begin to work with your emotions, and above all, to concentrate on the bodily sensations that they cause, you need to balance your breathing. To do this, take a deep breath and exhale slowly several times. At the same time, in order not only to calm down, but also to enter into a positive mood, imagine that a candle is burning in your heart and the light from it spreads in waves throughout your body with each exhalation.


Then notice the sensation caused by the emotion. What does it mean to pay attention? If you really succeed, then nothing but this sensation will distract your attention from its object - not a pressing shoe, not an uncomfortable chair, not noise outside the window.

Now let's focus on the “object” of attention. If emotions have just been “baked”, then you will feel them, as they say, “here and now”. For example, for several hours after a conflict situation, I may have a feeling of heaviness in the solar plexus area.

If the emotions are deeply buried and associated with a long-standing event, then by breathing slowly and remembering this event, you should feel the most tense area in your body. There is the “residence” of your emotions.


We direct light from our heart to it in our imagination and mentally imagine an image that corresponds to the sensation in the body. We don’t invent it, but imagine it. That is, this image, as when remembering a lemon, should simply “jump out” in your imagination. For some this may take a few seconds, for others a few minutes. For example, when I concentrated on my pressing feeling in the solar plexus area, I literally immediately saw a three-dimensional image of a furry black spider that was sitting on my chest.


After you see the image of your emotions, look with your inner eye at your heart, which is pulsating and emitting light, take a few breaths and imagine that your heart is increasing the light. Take a deep breath and, as you exhale, direct this light from your heart to the image you see and transform it into a positive one. In this case, the left hemisphere of the brain needs to be turned off. Only the right one works, which is responsible for our imagination; the transformation must happen on its own. There is no need to invent anything.

For example, when I shined the light on my spider, I saw in my imagination how it turned into a diamond. At the same time, I felt the tension leave my solar plexus and a deep sigh spontaneously escaped me. By changing the image of emotions, I changed the feeling in my body, because they live in close connection.


At the next final stage of the holodynamic process of transforming negative into positive, you will need to turn on the left hemisphere of the brain and mentally ask yourself the question: “Why did I need this situation?” The answer should come quickly, since you will be in a state of concentration when you can best “hear” the prompts of our subconscious, which, as psychologists say, knows everything.

The beauty salon team is a living organism, the development of which is largely influenced by the director of the enterprise. But in any team negative situations can occur: conflicts, misunderstandings, depression. It's no secret that negative emotions have a detrimental effect on the person experiencing them. In addition, the negativity of one employee affects the state of the entire team, which ultimately sometimes leads to conflict situations. Special techniques help solve problems. We present some of them.

How to think positively

We analyze techniques that allow you to effectively translate negative into positive in the work of a beauty salon.

Beneficial comparison (reframing)

The same event can appear positive and negative depending on the frame in which it is placed. If you compare failure with success, it will seem even more significant. But if you compare failure with a larger failure, then it no longer seems terrible. Such a comparison always helps ease the feelings caused by failure and helps you start thinking positively.

Reframing is rethinking and changing the perception of an object by placing it in a new context.


This technique is similar to the new context technique. Here you offer the person a less pleasant alternative. Having voiced the option that you propose, say an alternative that will be worse than the first proposal. This way you can present the situation in a more favorable light.

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New shortcut

Human consciousness is filled with stereotypes. Everyone has ideas about what is good, bad, successful, and high quality. These ideas are the same for most people. Using knowledge about stereotypes, you can change the employee’s thinking. By adjusting an event to an already established stereotype, you can achieve the desired assessment of this event and turn a negative into a positive.

Compensating the negative with the positive

We are often ready to make inconveniences and even sacrifices if we are sure of what awaits us ahead positive result. If you focus on the positive side of an event, you can change your attitude towards it for the better. The following algorithm helps to apply this technique in practice.

The first is to admit the shortcomings, agree that there are negative aspects in the situation: “Yes, the situation is unpleasant...”, “The current situation has many shortcomings...”

The second is to show the advantages, compensating for the negative with the positive: “But we have the opportunity...”, “Despite this...”

New wording

The same event can be presented in different light, describing it in different words. Imagine that you are late for a plane. When you tell people you know about this event, you might call it a “terrible accident” or a “funny incident.” If you use neutral language, your friends will perceive this event not as an unpleasant incident, but as a new opportunity.

Try to use “annoying situation”, “incomplete success”, “minor mistake” instead of the words “catastrophe”, “failure”.

Recording positive experiences

Fixation on negative events leads to the fact that the employee and even the salon manager himself have a pessimistic view of life and lose faith in their abilities. While fixation on positive experience and success, on the contrary, gives new strength and self-confidence, helps a person maintain a positive attitude and confidence, even if he finds himself in an unfavorable situation.

To train your mind to fixate the positive and learn to think positively, you should remember specific moments of your success: a promotion, a successful deal, good review client. If you fail, remember this pleasant situation and immerse yourself in it. If you have already achieved success, then you have all the qualities and knowledge to achieve it again.

Thought Substitution

Don't set yourself up for failure in advance. Avoid saying “I can’t”, “It’s too difficult.” Try to maintain positive thinking and ignore negative thoughts.

Positive Attitudes

Any undertaking should be treated as if it were already successful. Before important meeting tell yourself that you have already achieved your goal. Come up with positive attitudes: “My proposal was accepted,” “My project was a success.” By repeating such settings, you tune in to a positive wave and become more confident in your success. Arnold Schwarzenegger, as an unknown aspiring athlete, often told himself that he would succeed and win the Mr. Universe title. He repeated and believed in these principles even before he achieved his first victory. Now he is a movie star, a multimillionaire, a politician, and has been awarded the title “Mr. Universe” five times.

Mechanical Methods for Creating Positive Thinking

If you find it difficult to train yourself to think positively using only willpower, use mechanical methods. To stop children from swearing, some parents put a rubber band on their wrist and force them to slap their hand for every bad word. This method seems primitive at first glance. But it reflects the principle of how our brain works: two signals received simultaneously are associated in our subconscious. If you snap yourself a rubber band every time a negative thought appears in your mind, you can achieve the same effect. The brain will connect two signals - a negative thought and pain. And then our consciousness will perceive negative thoughts as painful and will avoid them.

Colored bracelet

It is believed that you can instill any habit in yourself by repeating the action for 21 days. Priest Will Bowen, the author of the technique, suggested wearing a bracelet of a certain color on your hand for the entire period without taking it off. During this time, you need to avoid complaints, criticism and other negative thoughts. If you break the ban, put the bracelet on your other hand and try to hold out for the next 21 days. This way, you can train your mind to avoid negative thoughts.

As you work to transform negatives into positives, involve not only your employees in this activity, but also yourself. A positive attitude towards life and the ability to see the good in bad things will help you achieve success.

Do you still have old photographic films? Don’t rush to get rid of them: it’s better to give these shots new life! To do this, you just need to convert them into digital format and figure out how to turn negative into positive. Read on to find out all the nuances and learn how to turn negatives into normal photographs in the PhotoMASTER program.

Preparatory stage: digitization of negatives

The best place to start is by converting the negatives into digital format. There are several ways to do this. The easiest way is to use a scanner: place the film in this device and make copies. You can crop the white background when scanning or later in a photo editor. If you don’t have a scanner at hand, you can digitize the film using your phone or camera: just take the necessary frames one by one and send them to your computer.

How to turn negative into positive on a computer

Launch “PhotoMASTER” and load a photo into it for work: to do this, click on the “Open Photo” button and point the editor to the path to the negative on your PC or drag the image into the working window directly from Explorer.

Open a photo to work with

Go to the "Tools" section and select "Curves". A graph will appear in the panel on the right:

Activate the Curves feature

By default, the editor offers to change the RGB curve. It is with her that we will work. To get the colors in your photo correct, you need to drag the bottom left end of the curve to the top left corner and the top right end to the bottom right corner. The points in the middle need to be deleted: to do this, simply double-click on each of them. If you did everything correctly, the photo will take on an adequate appearance.

Set the position of the curve as in the screenshot

How to Improve Photo Quality

You learned how to turn negative into positive from photographic film. However, sometimes a photo requires additional processing. For example, color correction is often required. The following tools are available for this in the program for restoring old photos “PhotoMASTER”:

You can trim the edges of your film using the Crop tool. Simply select the appropriate proportions, mark the part of the image you want to keep, and then save the changes.

Trim the excess with the crop feature

If the photographic film was stored for a long time in unfavorable conditions, then, most likely, defects appeared on it. Cracks, bends and dirt will all negatively affect the quality of the final photo. Fortunately, you can get rid of them in the PhotoMASTER program. The Healing Brush will help remove small stains; the Stamp will help remove large defects. You can also remove grain or sharpen the image if necessary.

“Stamp” will help remove minor imperfections

To fix the result, click the “Save” button. Select the location where the file will be located, give it a name and select a suitable graphic format. Ready! Now you know which program to turn negative into positive. Download the PhotoMASTER editor right now! The program will help you quickly put any images in order, and soon you will be able to decorate your family photo album with them.