During pregnancy, various pains can occur. But, for sure, pain in the abdominal area causes the most severe anxiety and fear. However, it is worth remembering that not all pain during pregnancy poses a danger to the expectant mother and baby. Often, a pregnant woman may feel cramping in the lower abdomen or aching pain. Is this pain dangerous? What are the reasons for these sensations? And what to do if a cutting pain appears?

Causes of cutting pain in the lower abdomen

Among the causes of cutting pain in the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman, there are two main ones that occur most often:

  • Stress

Pain in the lower abdomen may appear after a stressful situation. In such cases, doctors advise paying attention to the nature of the pain: its intensity, frequency of occurrence, whether painful sensations regular or go away on their own. If the cutting or stabbing pain was short-lived, it soon stopped, and additional symptoms did not appear, then, most likely, the painful sensations were provoked by stress, and the pregnant woman in this situation needs to rest and relax a little. If the pain does not stop, becomes stronger, and discharge or other alarming signals appear, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

  • Bladder function

If pain in the abdominal area is short-term, not intense, then this is most likely a common manifestation physiological pregnancy. Quite often the bladder reacts to the growth of the uterus with cutting painful sensations. There is nothing dangerous in this; this is a normal reaction of the body to changes during pregnancy.

However, there are often cases when pain in the lower abdomen and when urinating can indicate cystitis. This disease occurs quite often in pregnant women. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy the immune system decreases. In pregnant women, the bladder mucosa is quite susceptible to infection, which can enter the bladder either through the intestines or through the wide and short urethra from the outer labia.

To accurately diagnose cystitis, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory test. If this disease is neglected, complications may arise in which inflammatory process it also spreads to the kidneys, which is much more dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Cramps in the lower abdomen during different periods of pregnancy

In the first half of pregnancy If you experience cutting pain in the lower abdomen, you should pay attention to the nature of the pain itself, as well as the presence of other symptoms. Bloody discharge from the genital tract should alert a pregnant woman. Such a symptom may indicate ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage.

The main symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, in addition to cutting pain and discharge, are pallor, loss of consciousness, and dizziness. However, there are times when the signs of an ectopic pregnancy are not so obvious. Therefore, at the slightest occurrence of one of the symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examination. A woman with an ectopic pregnancy requires urgent surgical attention.

With a spontaneous miscarriage, the pain may not be very pronounced, but bleeding is always present. Therefore, in this case, the most important thing is to get medical help as quickly as possible. Since if a pregnant woman is taken to the hospital in a timely manner, there is a chance of saving the pregnancy.

In the second half of pregnancy Most often, pain in the lower abdomen is physiological in nature. Therefore, when pain appears in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms: discharge and general condition.

Complications in this period of pregnancy may be associated with premature placental abruption, as well as premature birth. Both conditions are very dangerous for both mother and baby. Therefore, if you experience pain with bloody discharge from the genital tract, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Remember that during pregnancy a woman cannot feel good all the time. Sometimes various previously unknown sensations and some discomfort will arise. The most important thing is not to panic, listen to your body and not self-medicate.

We invite you to watch a video about several rules of behavior during pregnancy:

During pregnancy, women often complain of pain in the lower abdomen. It should be noted that such painful sensations can be physiological, and are associated with a complete restructuring of the body for the full bearing of a child. In some cases, such pain is a dangerous symptom and requires immediate treatment.

Important In any case, at the first signs of discomfort in the lower abdomen, you should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist for diagnostic measures and further treatment if necessary.

Reasons for appearance

Lower abdominal pain occurs during pregnancy:

  1. Physiological;
  2. Pathological(requires immediate treatment).

Basic causes of physiological pain:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body. Under the influence of progesterone, blood circulation in the genitals increases, the blood vessels of the uterus and its appendages grow, which leads to aching or throbbing pain. Such pain should not be severe, occur periodically and go away after a short period of time, and not be accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina;
  2. Uterine ligament tension. From the second trimester, intensive growth of the uterus begins, which leads to tension in its ligaments. Characteristic is the appearance of pulling or stabbing pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left. The pain may intensify with sudden movements, physical activity and goes away when changing position;
  3. Physiological divergence of the symphysis pubis. During pregnancy, the cartilage and ligaments of the pubic joint are loosened and serous (up to 0.6 cm), which helps increase the capacity of the pelvis during childbirth. The pain is usually not severe, pressing, and may at some moments make it difficult to move. After proper rest, the pain goes away or decreases;
  4. Baby moving. The pain is especially pronounced when the fetus lies with its buttocks and legs down. When pushing, a sharp shooting pain occurs, often with the urge to urinate and defecate;
  5. (appears after 30 weeks). The uterus periodically begins, aching pain occurs in the lower abdomen, which quickly passes after rest;
  6. Pressure of the head on the pelvic floor. This pain is typical only in the last weeks of pregnancy before childbirth.

Information Physiological pain is a normal condition, does not pose a threat to the health and life of the mother and child and does not require treatment.

Causes of pathological pain in the lower abdomen are divided into obstetric (caused directly by the pregnancy itself) and non-obstetric (occur due to diseases of other organs and systems). TO obstetric reasons include:

Non-obstetric reasons are:

  1. Acute surgical pathology(appendicitis);
  2. Diseases of the urinary system;
  3. Bowel dysfunction;
  4. Food poisoning.

Symptoms and treatment of diseases that cause pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy- this is the development of a fertilized egg not in the uterine cavity, but outside it (more often, in the fallopian tubes). On early stages a woman cannot independently recognize this pathology, because pregnancy develops normally and does not cause a deterioration in general health. As a rule, termination of an ectopic pregnancy occurs by 6-7 weeks and can occur in the form tubal abortion or fallopian tube rupture.

Tubal abortion is characterized by:

  1. Sharp cramping pain, usually on one side;
  2. Bloody discharge;
  3. Marked weakness.

With a complete rupture of the fallopian tube the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Severe cramping pain;
  2. Heavy bleeding;
  3. General weakness up to loss of consciousness.

dangerous Ectopic pregnancy is an extremely dangerous condition that threatens a woman’s life and requires immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.

If a woman is diagnosed in advance before bleeding and pain appear, then it is possible to undergo surgery to remove the embryo without removing the fallopian tube. If the operation is performed as an emergency, then the tube or part of it is removed, and the ovary on this side will no longer participate in the function of childbearing.

Threat of miscarriage can be at any time: up to 22 weeks of pregnancy - this is threatening spontaneous miscarriage, from 22 weeks to 37 weeks is premature birth.

Stages of development of spontaneous abortion:

  1. Threatened miscarriage. It manifests itself only as aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  2. Abortion in progress. This stage is characterized by cramping or aching pain and bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  3. Abortion in progress. The pain intensifies significantly, bleeding becomes profuse;
  4. Incomplete abortion. fertilized egg partially expelled from the uterine cavity. The cervix is ​​slightly open, severe pain and bleeding continue;
  5. Complete abortion. The fertilized egg has been completely removed from the uterine cavity and may be in the vagina. The bleeding and pain stop.

They arise due to increased contractile activity of the uterus in the period from to. At the initial stage, only aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen is characteristic. When premature labor begins, the pain becomes stronger and proceeds like contractions; bleeding and discharge of amniotic fluid may occur.

When the first signs of a threatened miscarriage appear, the woman is urgently hospitalized and treatment is started to maintain the pregnancy. Pregnancy can be saved in case of threatening and, with difficulty, beginning of abortion, in the initial stage of premature birth. In other cases, therapy has no significance; termination of pregnancy at any stage is indicated.

Premature placental abruption- This is the separation of the placenta from the walls of the uterus before the birth of the child. Happens two types of detachment:

  1. Partial. Characterized by mild nagging pain in the lower abdomen, the uterus is in good shape, minor bleeding is possible;
  2. Full. Severe cramping pain and profuse bleeding appear.

At the first signs, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there is a real threat of intrauterine fetal death. In case of partial detachment, timely treatment begins to stop bleeding and normal development of further pregnancy. In case of complete detachment, urgent delivery is necessary, regardless of the stage of pregnancy, because intense bleeding threatens the woman’s life.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency ( is a pathological condition characterized by a violation of the obturator function of the cervix. Normally, the cervix should be closed and only towards the end of pregnancy can it soften a little and open slightly. With ICI, the cervix is ​​not able to support the weight of the growing fetus, which ultimately leads to premature termination of pregnancy and possible infection of the placenta and baby. Most often, with this pathology, a woman complains of heaviness in the lower abdomen and periodic aching pain. For treatment they use (a mechanical device to support the cervix). In severe cases, surgical treatment is prescribed: circular sutures are placed on the cervix.

During pregnancy, the risk of developing acute surgical pathology, in particular, appendicitis. A predisposing factor is an increase in the size of the uterus, which leads to displacement and poor circulation in the appendix. During an attack, colicky pain, fever, and possible nausea and vomiting appear. Appendicitis requires urgent hospitalization and emergency surgical delivery.

From diseases of the urinary system Inflammation of the bladder is common during pregnancy (). Most often, pain in the lower abdomen occurs suddenly and is stabbing in nature. Characterized by painful frequent urination and increased temperature. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a urologist.

Bowel dysfunction In pregnant women, it most often manifests itself as constipation and bloating. Causes of malfunction digestive system are displacement of internal organs due to the growth of the uterus, poor nutrition, low physical activity. Treatment consists primarily of normalization of water and nutritional regime:

  1. Avoiding spicy foods, smoked foods, and foods that cause bloating: cabbage, grapes, etc.;
  2. Inclusion in daily ration enough fresh vegetables and fruits;
  3. Increased physical activity(frequent walking, gymnastic exercises for pregnant women, swimming);
  4. Frequent consumption of fermented foods;
  5. Fractional frequent meals(5-6 times a day in small portions);
  6. Sufficient reception fluids (if there are no restrictions for edema).

If there is no effect from normalizing the diet, the doctor prescribes medications: Lactulose is widely used to treat constipation in pregnant women, and Espumisan is widely used to treat intestinal bloating (take only as prescribed by a doctor!).

Food poisoning often occurs during pregnancy and is associated primarily with decreased immunity and disruption of the digestive system. Manifested by severe abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting,. At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Long-term poisoning can lead to dehydration, which is extremely dangerous for women and children.

From the earliest stages of an “interesting situation,” a woman pays special attention to her tummy, because within a few months the most amazing transformations take place in it, giving new life. Although the main work in conception, growth and gestation of the fetus is performed by the uterus, it is the systematically increasing abdominal circumference that gives anticipation of the happiness of future motherhood.

That's why even mild pain scares the expectant mother. This is especially true for the stomach. Cramps in the lower abdomen during pregnancy make you wonder: is everything okay with the baby?

To prevent fears for the life and health of the long-awaited baby from becoming intrusive, it is necessary to understand the most common causes of abdominal pain.

First group– physiological reasons. These are completely normal and understandable processes when the body gets used to a new role, prepares to do “the work of two” for several months, safely “raise” and release the baby into the world.

In the early stages, there is a cutting sensation in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, as if menstruation will soon begin. It is during this period that implantation of the embryo occurs. These sensations may be accompanied by scanty reddish vaginal discharge, which should not cause panic.

TO physiological reasons Abdominal pain also includes slowing down of the intestines, softening of ligaments, stretching of muscles and connective tissues due to an increase in the level of hormones and the uterus. But on later pain in the abdomen may be associated with divergence of the pelvic bones.

Physiological reasons should not frighten expectant mothers. Patience, calmness, regular walks in the fresh air, positive communication, attending special courses and yoga for pregnant women will make it as easy as possible to adapt to the changes occurring in the body.

Second group– reasons requiring medical supervision or immediate intervention:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • violations of pregnancy (spontaneous abortion - up to 22 weeks, premature birth - up to 37 weeks);
  • fetal freezing;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • infections;
  • spinal diseases.

This group of reasons requires a more detailed consideration, so that abdominal cramps during pregnancy are not frightening from the first symptoms, and the procedure for action and first aid is clear.

Symptoms and pain during ectopic pregnancy

The causes of pain in the first weeks of pregnancy can be very scary. There is still a long way to go before registration, there was no first ultrasound, and expectant mother has every reason to assume a serious pathology.

A planning couple should be wary of the following set or most of the symptoms:

  • mild pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes nausea and vomiting;
  • there is discharge of a brownish or other bloody color, although it is still far from the start of menstruation;
  • sexual intercourse is accompanied by painful sensations;
  • pressure drops sharply;
  • the woman may lose consciousness.

In this case, the best “insurance” would be an ultrasound examination and determination hCG level in the blood. If the diagnosis of “ectopic pregnancy” is confirmed, only surgical intervention is indicated, in which doctors will try to preserve as much as possible the organs responsible for the woman’s reproductive health.

Pain during miscarriage

A dangerous reason why a pregnant woman’s lower abdomen “cuts” may be miscarriage. In the early stages (up to 22 weeks), the risk of miscarriage is high; in later stages, birth is considered premature, and doctors will try to save the baby.

In addition to severe pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, as well as in the lumbar and sacral areas, the following may indicate miscarriage:

  • spasms;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, nausea and vomiting;
  • bleeding.

If not diagnosed in a timely manner and without the help of doctors, miscarriage can cause infertility. But in the early stages of women’s treatment, pregnancy can be maintained if placental abruption has not begun.

How to determine a frozen pregnancy?

There could be many reasons for such a sad outcome. But it is important to find out in time the arrest in development and death of the fetus in order to protect the woman’s health and give her a chance for procreation in the future.

This question is especially relevant for expectant mothers in the early stages, who cannot yet clearly monitor the changes occurring in the body. Then any suspicion becomes a reason to visit a doctor. When the baby begins to move, it is much easier to control his condition at home.

In case of a frozen pregnancy in the early stages, a sharp absence of symptoms of toxicosis and chest pain may be alarming.

In the later stages of this pathology, women experience pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, cessation of fetal movements, an increase in body temperature to inflammatory levels, and a general deterioration in well-being.

In some cases, even tests can show that pregnancy is developing. But in fact, the intrafetal membrane continues to grow. Therefore, it is so important to consult a supervising doctor in a timely manner.

Let's look at other causes of pain in the lower abdomen

The causes of pain in the abdomen can be caused by diseases of the internal organs, spine or infections. During such a period, the expectant mother’s body deliberately reduces its protective functions, directing most of its activity to the “new life” developing inside, while the immune system weakens so as not to reject the fetus.

It would be good if you had time to plan and prepare for the birth of your baby. But often a woman learns about the true state of her health when something hurts already during pregnancy.

If you experience pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, this may indicate an exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the bladder, kidneys or appendix. Such pain cannot be ignored; the pronounced nature of the symptoms requires immediate medical attention.

An unpleasant feeling in the second trimester in the right side may be a reflection of discomfort due to fetal growth. The baby grows in size, actively taking up space. This puts pressure on the intestines and bladder. This is a natural process that requires only patience and calm on the part of the mother.

If you are bothered by pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, this may indicate problems with the stomach, pancreas, spleen or intestines. Only after consultation with a doctor and additional examinations can the exact cause be determined if the pain occurs periodically.

Severe pain during late pregnancy will most likely be a consequence of pressure from the enlarged uterus on the internal organs. But in the early stages - dangerous sign ectopic pregnancy.

Common pathological processes that previously worried a woman become even more active during pregnancy. Therefore, when seeking medical help, even with minor pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, you should tell the doctor as much as possible more information about your past or chronic diseases. Then the time for diagnosis will be reduced, on which the health and life of both the expectant mother and the baby growing in her belly directly depends.

Recognizing dangerous and “correct” pain in the third trimester

Being at the finish line, the expectant mother should not relax at all. When the third trimester has arrived, cramps in the lower abdomen can be dangerous harbingers.

Although many women note that during this period they feel much better than in the first and second trimester. Having already gotten used to the baby, they are able to recognize its movements and their effect on the internal organs.

Thus, pain in the navel area during pregnancy can be given a logical explanation - the stomach grows, internal organs, including the liver, shift. These pulling sensations are not dangerous.

But if a pregnant woman is bothered by cramps in the intestines, then there is cause for concern. When the symptoms are cramping, they are often accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, and fever, which is characteristic of an intestinal infection. In this case, you cannot hesitate: in addition to the toxic threat to the mother’s health, such a scourge affects the baby, causing premature birth.

Nagging abdominal pain in the third trimester can also be caused by so-called training contractions. The uterus prepares for childbirth, often becoming firm and toning. These sensations are easy to distinguish from real contractions, which are characterized by distinct pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, clear periodicity, an increase in the amount of discharge, and intestinal upset. As soon as such symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently go to the maternity hospital.

Preventing abdominal pain

If you often experience pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, these sensations may be a consequence of inactivity and poor lifestyle. In such a special period for every woman, it is easier to “reconfigure” yourself by taking time to eradicate bad habits and introduction of useful ones.

Dosed and correct physical activity improves overall physical condition, has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, which often relaxes under the influence of the hormone relaxin released in large quantities, helps to gently stretch the muscles and prepare the body for childbirth.

Maternity leave opens up opportunities to pamper yourself. And even those who don’t really like to spend time in the kitchen can find many recipes for the most delicious dishes that they definitely want to try. You shouldn’t be overzealous here either: choose dishes from as many healthy products, rich in vitamins and fiber. It is better to eat freshly prepared food often, but in small portions.

Monitor your body position during periods of rest or rest.

Pay special attention to your body position during periods of rest or rest. When sitting, do not slouch or lean back too much. Control the deflection of the spine.

During pregnancy, you should forget about your favorite “leg-to-leg” position. In this position, the pelvis sags more and sharp pain may occur in the lower abdomen. If you have to sit for a long time, take care of a footrest.

Starting in the second trimester, sleep only on your left or right side. Special pillows for pregnant women will help you adjust your sleeping position and make it more comfortable. Shapes in the form of the letter “G” or “P” are convenient.

Special breathing, which a yoga instructor for pregnant women will show and help train, helps pregnant women relieve discomfort during nagging and cutting pain. This practice, by the way, is very helpful during contractions and pushing in the maternity hospital, when the expectant mother faces the most hard work- the birth of a long-awaited baby.

Protect yourself from heavy objects and sudden movements. A painful feeling during pregnancy can also arise from the fact that you suddenly got out of bed after sleep, brought a heavy package from the supermarket, or decided to do vigorous housework yourself (for example, vacuuming, hanging curtains or washing the floors). If, however, there is no one to help with everyday issues, measure the load: take an extra walk to the store fresh air very useful indeed. And thorough cleaning is much less important for your well-being.

Cramps in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are not always a reason to panic. But such symptoms cannot be ignored. May you always have prompt communication with an experienced consulting doctor who can clearly explain why the lower abdomen cuts during pregnancy, as well as advise the worried mother on the next steps.

Every second woman during pregnancy experiences pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms can accompany various ailments and malfunctions of the body. In some cases, such sensations are not dangerous. How to determine the cause of pain? When should you seek immediate medical attention?

There are many reasons why pain and cramps occur in pregnant women. In some cases, discomfort in the lower abdomen is considered normal. This is due to the fact that the fetus grows, the uterus increases in size and puts pressure on the internal organs.

Pain syndrome is also caused by diseases such as adnexitis, cystitis and endometritis. Provocateurs of pain are: hernia, radiculitis and hemorrhoids. The pain varies in nature and intensity. It can be paroxysmal, pulsating, constant and periodic.

Crashes in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can grow over time and gain strength. They arise on the right or left, and then cover the entire abdomen. May be observed colic, nagging and severe pain, a feeling of heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen.Often the pain radiates to the anus. If the pain is localized on the right, then appendicitis is suspected. In this case, emergency hospitalization is required. Similar symptoms are observed with a cyst, ectopic pregnancy or bleeding. Abdominal cramps during pregnancy are a serious reason to consult a gynecologist.

The causes of such ailments are conventionally differentiated into two groups. The first includes situations that pose a threat to miscarriage, the second – those that do not. The first group of causes includes infections, ectopic pregnancy, and inflammation in the urinary tract. The second provocative category includes pain of a non-gynecological nature. Basically, this is a disruption of the full functioning of the digestive system, as well as stretching of the muscles and ligaments that support the uterus.

Cramps during an ectopic pregnancy are intense and have the character of contractions. Symptoms are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, fainting, vomiting, and bleeding. The reason for this clinical picture is the attachment of the egg outside the uterus. As a rule, it is attached to the fallopian tubes. The egg grows quite quickly, so every day it puts more and more intense pressure on the pipes.

This situation can provoke a pipe rupture, which is very dangerous not only for maintaining reproductive function, but also for the life of a pregnant woman.

When the pain is paroxysmal, aching in nature, spontaneous abortion most likely occurs. The process is accompanied by bleeding from the vagina. Pulling pain at 35 weeks of pregnancy indicates placental abruption. The discharge is observed not only red, but also brown. The cause of the malaise is high blood pressure, stressful situation, physical activity and other aggravating circumstances. In such a situation, you need to call ambulance.

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen also arise against the background of irrational, poor nutrition. In addition to pain, the following symptoms are observed: upset and inconsistent stool, flatulence, bloating, dysbacteriosis. To eliminate unpleasant manifestations, it is enough to normalize your own diet and not overeat.

One of the most common causes of pain is a sprained muscle or ligament. The lower abdomen of a pregnant woman experiences incredible stress, which provokes short-term pain. Cramps appear due to spasms, sneezing, coughing, and sudden movements. To calm the pain, you need to take a horizontal position and relax.

Gymnastics for expectant mothers

A pregnant woman needs to remember that a number of serious changes occur in her body, for which she needs to prepare. Strange sensations, pain, and discomfort may occur. Don't panic. However, it is important to be attentive to your body’s signals and, if suspicious symptoms are detected, promptly consult a doctor. In the event of intense painful manifestations accompanied by concomitant symptoms, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

To lift and strengthen vitality To overcome pain and pain in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to do special gymnastics at home. It is designed for pregnant women. Gymnastics helps strengthen muscles and prepare them for the future. labor activity. Such exercises relieve toxicosis, improve well-being and mood.

Before doing exercises, you should consult a gynecologist, as gymnastics has contraindications. To achieve the full effect, you must perform the exercises accurately and carefully. There are many video lessons that help you perform similar exercises.

Gymnastics for pregnant women has the following advantages:

  • control your own weight;
  • normalization of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • muscle development;
  • relief of pain and pain in the lower back, especially in late pregnancy.

Gymnastics helps stimulate the activity of all systems and internal organs, normalizes blood circulation, and prevents fetal asphyxia.

To avoid complications, if pain occurs, it is recommended to seek medical help. Be attentive to your body and do not self-medicate.