In general, one could confine oneself to simply quoting the federal Weapons Law:

Edged weapons are weapons designed to hit a target using human muscular power in direct contact with the target... Edged weapons do not include products certified as household and industrial products, sports equipment that is structurally similar to weapons.

But this definition includes absolutely everything that can be used to harm a person through a blow. Even a banal stone is “a projectile guided by the movement of a person’s muscular power.” Alas, it has not yet been possible to ban stones by law, so we had to expand the definitions a little.

Therefore, such concepts as throwing weapons and bladed weapons appeared. They say that a stool leg and a randomly picked up stick are not exactly something that should be regulated by law. But what had to be purposefully manufactured is very good.

It’s just that not everything is clear with cold bladed weapons. There are ordinary bladed weapons, which will be discussed a little later. There are hunting and sporting weapons, which, despite the fact that they have all the typical characteristics, are not subject to the law. And there are also edged weapons designed to be worn with national costumes. And it is also regulated by completely different laws.

But for a standard bladed weapon there are clearly defined criteria. On at the moment, a knife is considered a melee weapon if it has the following parameters:

  1. Blade length- more than 90 mm.
  2. Blade spine thickness- from 2.6 to 6 mm.
  3. Blade hardness- more than 42 units on the HRC scale.
  4. Presence of a finger stop or the depth of the finger grooves, if any, is at least 4 mm each.
  5. Availability of sharpened blade.

Officially, a knife is considered a full-fledged edged weapon only if it meets all five points on the list. Which opens up a lot of room for maneuver. And such knives can well be used for self-defense.

However, if there is at least one sign, they may already be interested. The last point is especially interesting - about “sharpening”. According to GOST, a knife is considered sharpened if it cuts 6 times without problems, chips or nicks. birch branch approximately 12 mm thick. But this is according to GOST, which still needs to be checked. And so, they can cling to the wording: “cutting paper means sharp.”

  • Knife without a point. It is either rounded or functions as a screwdriver or something similar. A piercing blow is impossible - not a melee weapon.
  • A knife whose tip is located 5 mm above the butt. It is also extremely difficult to deliver direct piercing blows with such a tool.
  • A knife with a spine deflection of more than 5 mm. Derivative of the previous point. It is believed that such knives are not suitable for direct stabbing attacks.
  • The blade is 5 mm below the butt for a length of up to 180 cm, and 10 mm for more than 180 cm. Again, the displacement of the center line makes piercing attacks more difficult.
  • If there is a hook for ripping the skin at less than 1/3 of the point. Purely a hunting weapon, yes.
  • Blade length less than 90 mm.
  • The tangent to the edge of the blade and the butt line form an angle of more than 70°.
  • Knives with a handle that does not provide grip when pricking.
  • Knives with a handle less than 70 mm. Yeah, they don't count as melee weapons.

And a number of other signs. To put it simply, any knife that cannot be used to stab normally is not a bladed weapon. It doesn’t matter how well you can chop with it – a machete, for example, doesn’t pass most of these points. It sounds paradoxical, but yes. From the point of view of the law, a machete is a household tool. True, I don’t think that internal affairs officers will like it if you wave this tool on the street. And even demonstrate it. And even with a certificate. They may well confiscate it for examination. According to the results, of course, nothing will happen to you, but it is not a fact that the instrument will be returned. And if, of course, this is a real examination, and there is no urgent need to “increase disclosure” or an order from above to “do this.”

Therefore, it is better to generally protect yourself from unnecessary fuss and attention, and use a more “peaceful” knife. And leave more serious specimens for trips to nature and generally to places where there are fewer people =)

Many novice hunters, tourists, fishermen and just ordinary citizens really want to buy a hunting knife, but they don’t always understand why it is needed, where to use it, and most importantly, how to buy it. Many people believe that a hunting knife is necessarily the most reliable, durable and cuts the best. We decided to write an article on this topic, dispel myths, consider the pros and cons of knives for various purposes, in general, let's figure it out.

Let's define the terms, what is a hunting knife, in fact, any knife that is taken on a hunt can be subsumed under this term, these are Scandinavian knives, Yakut knives, ordinary tourist knives, in general, they are just good, strong and comfortable knives, but for some reason many people think that a hunting knife is a large, strong knife, with wrist rests and a blood flow (the dol serves to lighten and increase the strength of the blade, and not to drain blood), and it is necessarily a bladed weapon. Therefore, in the article, we will also refer to the hunting knife as a cold bladed hunting weapon, although this is not entirely true.

Hunting knife how to buy

IN Russian Federation You can purchase a hunting knife in several ways: legal and illegal, or foolishly from some private craftsman. We will not consider the last two methods; let’s move on to the legal one.

In the Russian Federation, the rules for acquiring, storing and carrying edged weapons are regulated

Article 13 (extract)
Citizens of the Russian Federation who have permission from the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking or its territorial body to store and carry hunting weapons have the right to purchase hunting bladed weapons. Hunting cold blade weapons are registered by a trade organization when selling these weapons in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking.

Article 9 (extract)
Purchasing, exhibiting and collecting weapons and ammunition on the territory of the Russian Federation not subject to licensing in case:
acquisition of sports and hunting bladed weapons.
(Licensing was canceled in 2017 on the basis of Federal Law of December 5, 2017 N 391-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”)
This means that to purchase a hunting knife you must be 18 years old and obtain a license to store and carry hunting weapons, and after that you can go buy a hunting knife. A hunting license is not needed for this, and the knife number does not fit into it. There is no need to separately obtain a license for a knife and register it with the Russian National Guard.
There is no limit on the number of knives purchased.

Is it possible to carry a hunting knife?

It is possible, but only in hunting grounds, during the hunting season, if you have a valid Hunting Rights in this area. In all other cases, only transportation is permitted if there is a valid permit to store and carry firearms.

What is a hunting knife for and who might need it?

Let's try to figure out why a hunting knife is needed and whether it is needed at all. This fragment of the article will simply contain the author’s opinion and reasoning, so if you don’t agree, write in the comments why.
When hunting, a bladed weapon is needed only in two cases: if you were attacked by a wolf and a bear, you lost your gun, and you want to either die with the animal by killing it with this knife, or survive like the hero of the movie The Revenant. In such a situation, theoretically a good knife can save you, but in practice it is doubtful.

The second option is to use a hunting knife to finish off a large wounded animal.
At this point, in our opinion, a hunting knife is no longer needed for hunting; for everything else, any high-quality knife can successfully replace it. The exception is long taiga expeditions or hunting trips with a long overnight stay, where it is not advisable to carry an ax, but there may be a need to cut down small branches and bushes to build a shelter.
Another argument in favor of purchasing a hunting weapon if you are a collector and simply a fan of knives, because under the guise of hunting knives in the Russian Federation a huge number of Western combat knives such as Kabar USMC, Fallkniven S1 or A1 and others are sold, and there is no other way to buy them for your collection legal opportunity.

Advantages and disadvantages of hunting knives

The main advantages of a hunting knife are excellent penetrating ability, high strength and reliability, a comfortable and safe handle when delivering piercing blows, in general, all the advantages of a combat edged weapon designed to defeat manpower, which is what it was created for in principle. Ability to cut small branches.

Let's now move on to the disadvantages:

  • the need to have a permit to carry and store hunting firearms;
  • It is possible to carry it only in hunting grounds, in other cases only transportation is allowed, that is, you cannot take it fishing or go into the forest with it, you can only do so if the knife is in a bag, we will talk about responsibility below;
  • due to the large thickness of the blade spine, a hunting knife does not cut well, but chops well, but for this there is an ax or you can simply break something that can be chopped with a knife;
  • it is big and heavy;
  • poor performance when cutting the harvested carcass.

Responsibility for illegal or improper carrying of a hunting knife

As of 2018, criminal liability for carrying knives in the Russian Federation has been abolished. All that remains is the administrative one, but it’s not that simple.
If you are not a hunter and you do not have documents for storing and carrying firearms, then the maximum you can face is punishment under Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine of 500 to 2000 rubles.
If you are a hunter and you have the right to carry and store a smoothbore firearm, then in addition to a fine of 500 to 2000 rubles, you may be deprived of your weapons license.
Also, if you are in the hunting grounds during the non-hunting season, with a hunting bladed weapon and you do not have the right to hunt, theoretically you could be charged with poaching.

In this regard, it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between carrying and transportation, because according to the law on weapons, carrying a hunting bladed weapon is allowed only in hunting grounds, if you have the right to hunt, in other cases only transportation is allowed, that is, the hunting knife must be in sheath and is in the bag, but not hanging on the belt.

List of popular questions and answers about hunting knives

What is the difference between hunting knives and special forces knives?

The bulk of special forces knives are no different, but there are special knives with additional functions, such as shooting, or knives with additional functions, for example, the bayonet knife of a Kalashnikov assault rifle, with the help of the sheath it is possible to cut through wire.

I want to give a hunting knife

If the knife is not a collectible, then it is not worth giving it as a gift, since the knife is an intimate thing and there is a high probability that they will not use it, or you need to know exactly what to give as a gift. At the same time, you need to understand that to buy a real hunting knife (edged weapon) in a store, you must obtain a permit; if you do not require it, then either the knife is not real or it is not legal.

Does the metal detector ring on a hunting knife?

It rings like any metal object

What kind of steel should be on a hunting knife

Based on the purpose of the knife as a weapon, there are no special requirements for the grade of steel, other than good and high quality, there is only one requirement, if you follow the GOST for edged weapons, the hardness of the steel must be at least 42 HRC on the Rockwell scale.

What does a one-hit knife mean?

What should a hunting knife be in size and performance?

Depends on the goals and objectives, the size and performance qualities are selected from the size of the trophy you plan to hunt with this knife

What is better: a hunting knife or a regular knife?

Unfortunately, a better conclusion cannot be drawn, given the different purposes and tasks for which these knives are intended, and there are excellent and convenient knives in both categories. Therefore, let’s simply summarize all the pros and cons into a single list.

  • can only be used for hunting, or for illegal purposes as a weapon, although statistics say otherwise;
  • wearing is permitted only during hunting and only during the hunting season if there is a legal right to hunt, in other cases under the administrative code of the Russian Federation. In other situations, only transportation and storage is permitted with a hunting firearms license;
  • You must have a permit to store and carry firearms.
  • When transporting by air, you must notify airport security that you have bladed weapons in your luggage.

Touring knives, skinning cutting knives, penknives.

Here the choice is much greater in terms of convenience, functionality and convenience.
If we consider analogues of bladed weapons, then they usually have differences: either in the absence of a guard, the hardness of the steel, the thickness of the butt; otherwise, these are absolutely identical knives, with the exception that due to the lack of a guard it is dangerous to pierce, a permit for hunting firearms is not required and can be worn anywhere.

Which knife should you choose?

So, which knife should you choose? If you are asking yourself this question, then take any knife other than a bladed weapon, although you can do it if you don’t have any difficulties in carrying and storing it until you decide what it is needed for.
In our opinion, you need to be guided by the following criteria when choosing a utility knife:

  • Good producer;
  • Good steel, the main requirement is quick and easy sharpening with improvised means;
  • Lightweight and durable design;
  • You need two knives, one for cutting trophies, the other universal for household tasks, for example a folding knife;
  • Low price in case of loss.

If you don't agree, write in the comments.

At the moment, there are a huge number of knife manufacturers, whose main task is not so much to make a high-quality product, but to stand out from the general range of similar companies (marketing, after all, is impossible without it!). Hence the various “ super-super-tactical-combat-knives-able-to-cut-a-rail-along". The words are loud, but they, of course, do not correspond to reality. Just because combat knife cannot be tactical at the same time. Simply because of its purpose and application features.

The main and only task combat knife- kill people. As quickly as possible, relatively easily and most importantly - effectively. Quick and simple strikes. We apologize for the slightly incorrect analogy, but “he quietly came up from behind, quickly stuck it in and left.” All. Maximum simplicity and maximum functionality.

Therefore the real combat knife must meet the following criteria:

  1. The total length of the knife is from 22 to 30 cm, with a blade length from 12 to 18 cm. A shorter length will not allow you to effectively hit vital organs, a larger length will complicate the use of such a knife and reduce maneuverability.
  2. No folding knives or other tricky designs. Fixed blade only, hardcore only.
  3. Weight from 200 to 300 grams. This weight is optimal for delivering powerful penetrating blows (physics, F=m*a). Less weight, based on practice, is poorly suited for the functions of a combat knife, more weight gives the weapon too noticeable inertia.
  4. Double-sided sharpening or at least one-and-a-half. This will save time and not be distracted by controlling the orientation of the blade in combat at the time of using the knife.
  5. The blade profile is leaf-shaped, with differentiated sharpening. This is necessary not only to create terrible puncture wounds, but also contributes to the delivery of cutting blows with no less serious wounds. Although a combat blade is essentially designed to deliver lethal thrusts, we must not forget about the cut - sometimes this is almost the only option for completing the task.
  6. The width of the blade at the base is at least 25-30 mm. This allows you to reduce the sharpening angle by increasing the width descents, which further improves cutting properties. And piercing wounds from such a knife are characterized by increased “fatality”.
  7. The tip of the blade coincides with the axis of symmetry of the knife. This is the only way to achieve maximum penetrating force applied exactly in the direction of movement.
  8. Blade hardness is at least 50 units on the HRC scale. Simply so that the steel can withstand impact and penetrate various protective layers. And so as not to break as a result of strong, but not very accurate blows, for example, when hitting a bone.
  9. The center of gravity of a combat knife should be located as close as possible to the middle of the handle. In this case, manipulations with the knife are simplified and the accuracy and power of the penetrating blow increases.
  10. An oval cross-section of the handle so that the knife fits comfortably in the hand and so that its orientation can be felt by touch.
  11. Special coating of the handle - the knife should not slip in the hand even if water, dirt, oil, blood, etc. gets on the handle.
  12. The presence of a limiter (precisely a limiter, calling it a “guard” is a mistake). So that your fingers cannot slip onto the blade during use. In this case, the handle limiter should not be too large so as not to interfere with intercepting the combat knife.
  13. Scabbard without fasteners. A combat knife must be held securely in its sheath only by friction. The sheath should be located and secured so as not to interfere with movement, and provide the ability to remove the knife with one movement of one hand and put it back in one movement. And all this is silent.

It is clear that you can use even a kitchen knife in battle (and it will even “pass” according to one or two of the criteria described above), but the purpose of a kitchen knife is to cut meat and vegetables, and a combat knife is to cut and stab people. This is also its difference from tactical, tourist, hunting, underwater, survival knives, and so on and so forth.

Correct combat knife will never have a serrator, glass breaker, any forms “for chopping” and handles convenient for planing carcasses and cutting logs. Western colleagues sometimes use the term “universal tactical knife” - this is a knife (often even a folding one) that can be used as a combat knife if necessary. But, as we said, even a corkscrew can be used in this capacity, in the absence of the best remedy to destroy the enemy.

Now here's an interesting point. In the legal classification of the concept “ combat knife" No. There is only survival knives, hunting and household knives, whose characteristics are regulated by GOSTs and relevant laws. Therefore any knife will be assessed to determine whether it is cold steel, precisely according to these standards. We'll talk about them next time. In the meantime, as always, we are waiting for your comments and feedback.

The section “The Knife and the Law” examines the signs, if present, that knives are NOT edged weapons.
Answers to frequently asked questions are given, the main one being

What is a bladed weapon?

The most interesting and important things come first. Penalties for carrying knives are:

  • For sales cold steel - imprisonment for up to two years (Article 222.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • For making cold steel - imprisonment for up to two years (Article 223.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • In accordance with Art. 6 of the Weapons Law, trafficking (read carrying bladed weapons) is prohibited. Punishment for wearing cold - an administrative fine of up to 2000 rubles (Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) plus confiscation. A warm and friendly conversation with people in uniform, where you will act as a person being checked for involvement in all unsolved domestic crimes using piercing and cutting tools, is also guaranteed.

Also covered here

Signs on the basis of which knives are not chemical weapons, but are classified as household, tourist, cutting or skinning knives are described in the Law “On Weapons” No. 150-FZ and in the following GOSTs:

  • GOST R 51501-99 Touring and special sports knives.
  • GOST R 51644-2000 Cutting and skinning knives.
  • GOST R 51215-98 Cold steel. Terms and definitions.
  • GOST R 51500-99 Hunting knives and daggers. General technical conditions.
  • GOST R 51548-2000 Survival knives.
  • GOST R 51715-2001 Decorative and souvenir products, similar in external structure to bladed or throwing weapons.
  • GOST R 51549-2000 Crossbows and sports bows. Crossbows and bows for recreation and entertainment.

And if you think that a knife in your pocket is a more relevant item than a small squad of personal bodyguards or protective voodoo spirits, then it is better to learn these few signs in order to feel confident when talking with friends in uniform.

A brief summary of the above GOST requirements, in the presence of which knives are not edged weapons:

Examples. These knives are not edged weapons in accordance with GOST standards:

Knife without a tip (item 1)

The tip is above the butt line (item 2)

The tip is above the butt line (item 3)

Knife with a concave spine (item 4)

Knife with a concave spine (item 5)

Knife with hook for ripping (item 6)

Knife with a deflection in the form of a “rocker arm” (item 7)

Knife blade shorter than 90 mm (item 8)

A knife with a convergence angle between the blade and butt of more than 70 degrees (item 9)

Knife with a handle shorter than 70 mm (item 12)

The difference in the width of the handle does not exceed 8 mm (item 13)

Knife with a single stop less than 5 mm (item 14)

The size of the limiter is less than 4 mm (item 15)

Examination of knives for signs of edged weapons. 04:16

Attention! When purchasing a knife in a store, ask for a Certificate for the knife, also called an “Information Sheet”, which contains a note stating that the knife is not a bladed weapon and belongs to household, tourist, or other knives that can be safely carried. It is advisable to carry this Information Sheet with you, for example in your wallet. This will allow you to significantly save your time in case of questions from law enforcement agencies.

Example of an Information Sheet:

Combat knife- This is one of the first types of weapons that people began to use. Knife- one of the first guns made intelligent being, because even monkeys can use sticks and stones for self-defense. Years passed, historical eras changed, people learned to use new materials for their needs, improved methods of processing them, and after the era of stone came the age of metal. But combat knife it remained that way true friend men, hunter and warrior.

Modern knives Outwardly little has changed. Of course, today edged weapons are made from perfect materials, taking into account all ergonomic requirements, but these weapons have not undergone fundamental changes. Combat knife resembles an ocean shark - a predator that appeared on our planet millions of years ago, survived dinosaurs and mammoths, and today remains one of the deadliest creatures of the sea.

There is an opinion that the importance of edged weapons in modern warfare has decreased to almost zero. There is indeed some truth in this; the time for bayonet attacks is long gone. However, the importance of edged weapons (primarily combat knives) during special operations does not decrease.

Modern world- This is a world of local conflicts, hybrid wars and semi-guerrilla or guerrilla warfare, where special units come first. Soldiers of the mass armies of the Cold War also had individual edged weapons; in the Soviet army it was a bayonet-knife, but it can hardly be called the standard of a combat knife; it is usually used by military personnel to perform everyday functions.

It should be noted that a bayonet knife is unlikely smog would make a good combat knife. The point is that knife and the bayonet are too different from each other, they perform different functions. The bayonet is attached to the barrel of the weapon, the blow is applied with both hands at once, the fighter’s body weight and the weight of the weapon are involved in it. The bayonet does not need to be too sharp; it will already perform its functions. The requirements for a combat knife are completely different.

Real combat knife- This is a true work of weapon art. Everything is calculated in it: blade length, handle shape, sharpening and balance. A conscript soldier is unlikely to be able to use it effectively, knife fight– this is a real art that takes a long time to learn. Such a weapon is perfect for special forces soldiers; it is perfect for close combat, for silently removing sentries or penetrating a guarded enemy facility.

For a long time, Europe developed firearms, improved artillery and invented machine guns. Knives seemed to be an outdated “medieval” weapon, which belongs in museums or as an element of a ceremonial uniform. The situation changed dramatically during the First World War, when it became clear that troops did not have normal bladed weapons for hand-to-hand combat in trench warfare. Soldiers of the warring sides began to make homemade blades on a massive scale or shortened bayonets that were in service.

Combat knife and its features

By definition, combat knife- This is a type of bladed weapon designed to destroy enemy personnel. Usually it is officially adopted by the army or other law enforcement agencies.

Combat knife has not only specific characteristics, but also has a special legal status that distinguishes it from household, hunting, cutting and other types of knives. The storage, use and sale of such knives is regulated by law in most countries. Such attention from the law is based on one very important circumstance: military knives- This is a type of bladed weapon designed specifically for killing a person.

The designs of combat knives may be different, their appearance may differ, but in their manufacture certain principles and features are always taken into account, which allow this type of edged weapon to perform the functions assigned to it.

Knife fighting masters claim that a skilled fighter can successfully use any knife, but in order to be as effective as possible the weapon must meet certain parameters:

  1. The handle of a combat knife should have an ovoid or oval cross-section, it should not be round. The reasons for this design are very simple: firstly, a handle of this shape fits more comfortably in the hand, and secondly, the fighter can feel the position of the blade at the time of its use.
  2. In addition, the handle of a combat knife should not slip in your hand. Today, for overlays they are most often used various types plastics that perfectly meet this requirement.
  3. For a combat knife, double-sided or one-and-a-half sharpening is desirable. Using a knife in combat is much more effective if the fighter can use both sides of the blade without turning it over.
  4. For a combat knife, the width of the blade is important; it should be at least 2.5-3 cm. In this case, the width of the blade slopes allows you to reduce the sharpening angle of the blade, which increases its cutting properties. When stabbed with such a knife, extensive wounds with profuse blood loss are left.
  5. The shape of the blade is very important for a combat knife. The best option is a leaf-shaped blade with differentiated sharpening. This allows you to deliver effective cutting and piercing blows. The combination of differentiated and reverse sharpening is especially effective. Combat knife can also be equipped with serrated sharpening. However, the chamfer on the butt of the knife should not be confused with its sharpening.
  6. Combat knife must have a limiter on the handle. This is necessary so that during a stabbing blow the hand does not slip onto the blade. The handle with the limiter should be comfortable for the fighter; the limiter (it is often mistakenly called a guard) should not be too large and interfere with intercepting the weapon.
  7. The overall length of the combat knife is no less important. As a rule, such weapons have a length of 18 to 30 cm. Size is very important if knife will be shorter than the specified length, then in battle it will be more difficult for them to reach an enemy whose weapon may be longer. The length is more than thirty centimeters knife too heavy and uncomfortable to wear and use. In addition, a knife that is too long is difficult to quickly get out and hide securely under clothes. The specified length is quite sufficient to damage vital organs abdominal cavity and chest at any angle of impact. A knife that is too long is easier to knock out of your opponent's hand.
  8. Blade hardness. This is one of the most important characteristics For a good combat knife, it must be made of high-quality steel with a hardness of no less than 47-55 HRC. The hardness of the blade ensures good penetration, it should be able to pierce clothing and, if necessary, push apart the fibers of Kevlar body armor. However, the penetrating effect of a combat knife depends not only on the hardness of the steel from which it is made, but also on the shape of its tip. In the 90s of the last century, experiments began on creating blades from titanium and titanium alloys. These materials are superior in strength steel, have less weight, are not subject to corrosion. In addition, they have anti-magnetic properties, which is very important for divers working with underwater mines. Such materials have an unpleasant feature: sharpening very quickly loses its sharpness.
  9. For good penetrating ability during stabbing blows, the tip should coincide as much as possible with the axis of symmetry of the blade. That is, the tip of the knife should not be shifted to the side; when striking, maximum force should be focused on it. In hunting knives, the tip is usually shifted slightly upward, which is determined by the specifics of their use.
  10. The weight of a combat knife should be 200-300 grams. It is difficult to inflict a serious and deep wound with a lighter weapon, but if the knife is too heavy, this will create difficulties in its use.
  11. The center of gravity of a combat knife should be closer to the handle, and not to the tip of the blade, in this case it is much easier to use.
  12. There are also requirements for the sheath of a combat knife. They must be durable, lightweight, comfortable and firmly attached. Tactical scabbard color ( black or just dark). There should be no fasteners to hold the knife in the sheath; they may prevent you from removing the weapon at the right time. Knife must be kept in the sheath only due to the force of friction, not slip out or fall out in any position of the body. The weapon should be easy to reach even with one hand without the slightest noise. The scabbard and its fastening should not interfere with the fighter’s movements and disrupt his camouflage.

Currently gaining more and more popularity personal protective equipment from various dynamic damage. It is quite problematic to pierce them with a knife. Therefore, the main targets for a combat knife were not the internal organs of the enemy, but his open parts of the body (neck, face, forearms).

It must be added that combat knives are not intended for throwing, special throwing weapons are developed for this purpose knives, having a special shape, mass, size and balancing.

The design of modern combat knives

IN recent years So-called tactical tactics are becoming increasingly popular among sellers and consumers. knives. A large number of experts in the field of old-school edged weapons believe that this term is not very correct and should not even be used. A tactical knife is knife, which can be used not only as a military weapon, but also to perform household or economic tasks.

Today, one of the trends in the development of combat knives has been the introduction into their design of the most successful technical solutions taken from the so-called survival knives. Another trend that is clearly visible is the maximum simplification of the knife design. In addition, a modern combat knife must be adapted to various conditions of use and be versatile. That is, to perform not only combat functions, but also to be suitable for various tactical actions, without which it is difficult for a fighter to do in combat conditions.

A combat knife must be able to quickly cut a cable or wire, remove branches or other obstacles, deal with a lock, dig a shelter, or open a can of canned food. The main challenge facing designers of combat knives today is the desire to combine the functions of a weapon and a tool in a knife.

Before starting the story about the most popular Russian and foreign combat knives, a few words should be said about the design of knives and the terminology that is used to describe them. And also say a few words about the most common blade shapes and sharpenings.

If we pick up any knife, we will see that it consists of two parts: a blade (1) and a handle (2). The blade ends with a tip (3), and the handle ends with a pommel (10). At the bottom of the blade there is a blade or cutting edge (4). On the side of the blade opposite to the blade there is a butt (6). A bevel, descent or grind is a surface that tapers towards the blade blade (5). Such a surface is called a false bevel if it does not end with a blade (for example, on the butt). It is designed to lighten the blade. For the same purpose, small grooves are made on the side surfaces of the blade - valleys (7). In addition, they improve the balance of the knife by moving its center of gravity closer to the handle.

Both fullers and false bevels are not very necessary for small and medium-sized knives; often the manufacturer makes them for aesthetic reasons.

The unsharpened part of the blade, located directly next to the handle, is called the heel of the blade (8). In this part the blade resembles an ordinary metal rectangle. The main part of the handle that is held by knife, indicated by a handle, between it and the blade there is a cross (9), it is often (and incorrectly) called a guard. Previously, the guard served not only to protect the hand in a duel, but with its help it was possible to block the enemy’s weapon. However, today, even if a knife has a guard, it is of a decorative nature.

The part of the blade inside the handle is called the tang. There are several types of attachment of the handle to the shank. The back of the handle is called the pommel or head. Sometimes a hole is made in the head and a lanyard is inserted into it.

Blade shapes

Below are examples of several blade shapes of various combat and tactical knives.

Bowie shape. This is a classic form of combat knife, which was developed back in the 19th century and named after a Texan national hero USA. The blade has a tip that resembles a duck's nose. In most cases, the blade on the butt also has a sharpening; it can be straight or curved. In its penetrating action when delivering stabbing blows, the Bowie blade resembles a classic dagger, but at the same time this knife can be safely used as a tool.

Tanto form. This form of blade is of Japanese origin, and is currently extremely popular among bladed weapon lovers. The main difference between such knives is the extreme stability of the blade tip, which is significantly massive. Thanks to this, the blade can be used as a tool and pierce serious obstacles with it without the risk of breaking it. Today there are two types of sharpening for the Tanto shape: with a concave or wedge-shaped sharpening on both sides or a sharpening that resembles a chisel.

Drop point form. A teardrop-shaped blade, usually without sharpening on the spine. Similar knives More like hunting weapons, they were designed as a tool rather than a weapon.

Form "Dagger". The classic shape of the blade with a four-lane sharpening, it is perfect as a weapon, but similar knives not very good as tools. Symmetric knife, sharpened on both sides, allows the fighter to perform a greater number of tactical maneuvers. It is excellent for piercing blows and has a high penetrating effect. The blade is very light, perfectly balanced.

Spear Point form. Another example of a blade shape that provides high stability to the tip. It really resembles a spear tip, although the upper cutting edge on the butt is not sharpened and is fake. The tip of the knife is almost on the midline or shifted slightly upward. This blade shape is more suitable for combat work and is not very effective as a tool.

Hawkbill form. Knives with a blade of this shape are more suitable as a tool than for combat use. The crescent shape of the blade is great for cutting cables, ropes and belts. A blade of this shape is hardly suitable for piercing blows.

Typical sharpening shapes

Below will be presented typical forms of blade sharpening that are used on combat knives.

Wedge sharpening. This is a classic sharpening form that is well suited for blades that experience significant stress. Such a knife can be used not only as a weapon, but also as tool. The blade from the blade thickens upward evenly. A thinner wedge cuts better, leaves less waste, but is less durable.

Dove sharpening. It is made in the form of a narrow, very thin blade that cuts perfectly and is highly sharp. This kind of sharpening is also called razor sharpening. However, there is also negative side: such a blade is less durable than a wedge-shaped blade. Usually like this knives have a massive butt, which ensures the strength of the blade. Knives with wedge-shaped sharpening are intended exclusively for cutting; using them as a tool is extremely problematic.

Sharpening in the form of a chisel. A similar sharpening is used in Japanese kitchen knives, and it is a single-sided wedge-shaped sharpening. There is controversy as to which side it is better to do it on, the right or left. When working, it is necessary that the sharpened side is on top. This is exactly how a carpenter works with a chisel. It turns out that similar knives should be done separately for left-handers and for those who are better with their right hand.

Convex sharpening. This type of sharpening is rarely used for combat knives; it is most often used when sharpening axes. Knives, which use a convex sharpening, are most often used as cleavers.

What can combat weapons be used for? knife

A modern combat knife is not only a weapon, but also tool, designed to perform various tasks. As experience shows, most often a soldier needs a knife not to wound or kill an enemy, but to perform more prosaic tasks.

Firing position equipment. This is the most important task in a combat situation, which must be performed competently and as quickly as possible. Using a tactical knife, you can quickly remove various obstacles that block the shooting sector or block your view. These could be branches, curtains, awnings. A fighter can also use a knife when digging in, but for this the strength of the blade must be high.

Releases in extreme situations. During combat operations, a fighter may become entangled in ropes or cables; in such cases, his life depends on the knife. This can happen when descending from the wall of a house, from a helicopter, or during an airdrop.

Release from handcuffs. In recent years, not metal handcuffs, but products made of plastic are increasingly being used. They are usually removed using wire cutters. A good knife will also cope with this obstacle, especially suitable knives with wave sharpening.

Removing obstacles underwater. A good knife is very often a matter of life or death for members of special naval units. For underwater saboteurs and divers, fishing nets are one of the most dangerous threats. Knife can easily solve this problem, saving a person’s life.