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The prototype of Santa Claus is Saint Nicholas, a good miracle worker and persecutor of evil. Once upon a time, a priest named Nikolai lived in the Turkish city of Mira. According to legend, it was very kind person. So, one day he saved three sisters from a poor family by throwing a bundle of gold through the window of their house. After the death of Nicholas, he was declared a saint, and soon believers from many countries around the world began to venerate him. Everywhere the good old man is called differently: in Spain - Papa Noel, in England and America - Santa Claus, in France - Father January, in Germany - Mister Niemand (Nobody), in Cyprus - Vasily, and here - Father Frost . The modern Santa Claus appeared in the United States as recently as 1822, when Clement Clarke Moore wrote the poem "The Parish of St. Nicholas." There is a magical Christmas night, and a chimney on the roof through which Santa Claus comes, and shoes or stockings by the fireplace, and a huge bag of toys. Russian Father Frost - Grandfather Treskun - has pagan roots. This is a tough character. From November to March, Santa Claus was the master on earth, whom even the Sun feared. Santa Claus was married to the feisty Winter. Ancient people were afraid of natural phenomena because they could not explain them, and therefore they worshiped them. Father Frost has a granddaughter - Snegurochka. She is afraid of the sun, beautiful and a little sad. Modern Santa Claus lives in Veliky Ustyug, he answers letters from children

The New Year should be celebrated as cheerfully as possible for both children and adults. It is customary to give gifts and dance around Christmas tree. The day before, you should clear your home of unnecessary things and junk, thereby getting rid of old problems, troubles, and ailments. You need to enter the New Year by wearing a new thing. The tradition of throwing away old unnecessary things on New Year's Eve is also in Italy. Italians throw out trash ostentatiously through open windows. In Vietnam in New Year's Eve Families gather in parks, cook holiday food and forget quarrels. In Ancient China, it was a holiday for beggars, when anyone could enter the house and take what they needed. And if the owner of the house refuses him, then those around him will turn away from him. In modern China, New Year is a festival of lanterns. It occurs in January-February and is associated with the end of winter and the onset of spring. The light of lanterns bids farewell to cold and bad weather and welcomes warmth. Men perform the Dragon dance. In Korea, young, beautifully dressed women perform board jumping. There is another tradition - to celebrate New Year and Christmas at an elegantly decorated Christmas tree. This custom is associated with the cult of greenery in ancient times, believing that it would bring health and happiness in the coming year.

On New Year's Eve they say: on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish for, Everything will always happen, Everything will always come true.

Even the boys can have all their wishes come true, they just need to make an effort.

Don’t be lazy, don’t yawn, And have patience, And don’t consider learning as your torment.

They say: on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish for, everything will always happen, everything will always come true.

How can we not make a modest wish - to complete school assignments with “excellence”.

So that the students begin to study like this, So that the two cannot get into their diaries! S. Mikhalkov

Winter Guest We will not meet him in the spring, He will not come in the summer, But in winter He comes to our children every year.

He has a bright complexion, a beard like white fur, Interesting gifts He will cook for everyone.

Congratulating you on the New Year, he will light the magnificent Christmas tree, amusing the children, and join us in a round dance.

We greet him amicably, We are great friends with him... But you can’t give this Guest hot tea!

A. Usachev WHERE DOES THE NEW YEAR COME FROM? Is New Year falling from the sky? Or is it coming from the forest? Or does the New Year crawl out of a snowdrift?

He probably lived like a snowflake on some star, or hid like a feather in Frost's beard...

Maybe he climbed into the refrigerator, or into the hollow of the squirrel, or into an old alarm clock. Did he climb under the glass?

But a miracle always happens: The clock strikes twelve - And from nowhere the New Year comes to us!

Did you know that... The song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” is over 100 years old! In 1903, Princess Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva (she was a teacher, children's poet and librarian) composed the poem "Yolka". It was published in the Christmas issue children's magazine"Little one." And 2 years later, based on the words of this poem, amateur composer Leonid Karlovich Bekman (an agronomist by profession) composed a song for his daughter. He did not know how to read music, and the notes of the song were written down by his wife, Elena Aleksandrovna Bekman-Shcherbina. When writing the song, the lyrics were greatly shortened, and these are the same lyrics that we sing on New Year's holidays for more than a century now.

Competition "Do you know the alphabet?" Line up for speed according to the first letter in the name, then according to the first letter in the last name. Competition options:  Line up by shoe size (from largest to smallest.  Line up by birthday numbers (from 1st to 31st), you can also propose to line up by month of birth.  Line up by eye (hair) color from the lightest to the darkest, etc.

Competition "What's in Santa Claus's bag?" Name it as possible more words winter theme with a "C".

Snowflake, snow, icicles, snowfall, snowballs, snowman, snowdrift, snowmobile, snowmobile, sled, sleigh, cold, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus...

Contest " Frost Breath". Two participants blow their snowflake off the table (from one end to the other).

Competition "Clean up Morozka's hut." Which team will be the fastest to collect matches scattered on the floor into their box?

Competition "Telegram to Santa Claus". Who walks to school every day in a cheerful troop? - This is me, this is me, these are all my friends. - Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in class? - It’s me... - Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird? - It’s me... - Which one of you, when he grows up, will become an astronaut? - It’s me... - Who among you doesn’t walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education? - It’s me... - Which of you, so good, wore galoshes to sunbathe? - It’s me... - Who completes their homework on time? - It’s me... - Which of you keeps books, pens and notebooks in order? - It’s me... - Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear? - It’s me... - Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down? - It’s me... - Which of you, I want to know, has an “A” in diligence? - It’s me... - Which of you comes to class an hour late? - It's me, ...

Competition "Snowflake" - cut for speed and beauty


– cake – chicken – salad – ice cream – potatoes – fish – compote – cabbage – cutlet

Competition "Artist" Draw Santa Claus for the whole class with eyes closed

Competition "Typesetter" Compose words from the word SNOW MAIROCHKA

4th grade student

Class teacher: Elvira Rimovna Volobueva

Megion KHMAO-Yugra

Slide 2

The custom of celebrating the New Year originated in Mesopotamia. In Russia, the New Year was officially approved in the 14th century by John Vasilyevich the Third, its date was September 1. in 1699, Peter I, by his decree, set a new date for the celebration of the New Year - January 1,

A little history

The star that many place on the top of the New Year's tree is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, which shone over the birthplace of Jesus Christ. there is a connection between Christmas and New Year.

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New Year's table

  • In Russia: Olivier salad, poultry, meat or fish dishes, New Year's tangerines
  • In Romania these are cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves
  • in Italy – pork sausage with lentils
  • in Norway – dried cod
  • in China (imagine!) - dumplings
  • Slide 4

    Who are you, Grandfather Frost?

    Name: Santa Claus.

    He is: Grandfather Treskun, Moroz Ivanovich,

    Frost Red Nose (Rus)

    Appearance: tall man with a snow-white beard. Wears a red or blue fur coat. In his hands he has a magic staff, with which he “freezes”.

    Character: Grandfather used to be stern. With age, the character of Santa Claus has changed for the better, and now the old man is perceived as a kind wizard with a bag of gifts

    Age: Santa Claus is very old

    Place of residence: Ancient Santa Claus, lived in an ice hut, which could be reached, lives in the city of Veliky Ustyug.

    type of activity:. he visits guests on New Year's Eve and distributes gifts. True, sometimes it requires the recipient to first recite the poem.

    Vehicle: Moves, as a rule, on foot. Travels long distances in a sleigh drawn by three white horses

    The very first Santa Claus was St. Nicholas. When he left, he left the poor family who sheltered him golden apples in his shoe in front of the fireplace.

    Slide 5

    Grandfather Frost in different countries of the world

    Belgium, Austria - Saint Nicholas. .Germany - Weinachtsman. Spain - Papa Noel Italy - Babbo Natale. Kazakhstan - Kolotun Yeah... China - Shan Dan Laozhen.

    Russia - Santa Claus. Romania - Mos Jarile.

    Serbia - Deda Mraz. USA - Santa Claus. Türkiye Croatia - Deda Mraz. Uzbekistan - Noel Baba. Finland - Jolupukki. France - Pere Noel.

    Czech Republic, Slovakia - Mikulas. Japan - Segatsu-san.

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    New Year in Russia

    In Russia, with every chime, people make a wish. It is believed that these wishes will come true in the New Year. How you celebrate the New Year is how the year will be. For this reason, quarrels and troubles should be avoided during the New Year. It is customary to wear new clothes, associated with the personification of the renewal of the year. There must definitely be money - then the family will not need it all year. The New Year has traditionally been considered the most suitable time for fortune telling. Interesting customs in other countries

    Slide 7

    Quiz "Do you believe that..."

    Yes, since 1700 Peter 1 issued a decree to celebrate in the winter months

    2. In Japan, at midnight, a bell begins to ring and strikes 108 times?

    Yes, every ringing “kills” one of the human vices.

    There are only 6 of them (greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision, envy),

    Slide 8

    3. Do you believe that the first New Year's Day

    did the postcard appear in London?

    Yes, it was mailed in 1843 by Henry Cole.

    4. Do you believe that in Mongolia on New Year’s Day it is customary to pour compote on each other?


    Slide 9

    5. Do you believe that in Cuba there is such a tradition before the New Year to fill all

    dishes with water, and with the onset of the holiday -

    pour it out of the windows?

    Yes. Before the New Year, people fill glasses with water, and when the clock strikes twelve, they throw it out through the open window onto the street as a sign that old year ended happily and the sins were washed away.

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    Do you believe that in China, when the clock strikes, everyone runs to swim in the sea?

    NO! In China, thousands of lanterns are lit during processions to light the way into the New Year. The Chinese believe that New Year surrounded by evil spirits. Therefore, they scare them away with firecrackers and firecrackers. Sometimes the Chinese cover their windows and doors with paper to keep out evil spirits.

    Shan Dan Laozhen (China)

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    When the holiday comes -

    Sweet and wonderful new year!

    Let it be bright and beautiful,

    Will bring happiness and good luck!

    View all slides

    New Year's presentationNew Year, Christmas, Old New Year.

    Who doesn't love holidays? Especially New Year's! We remember the enchanting moment when the lights go out and the Christmas tree lights come on - and the familiar world is transformed into a fairy tale, where miracles are about to happen and we find ourselves in a fairyland of gnomes, wizards, dragons and castles in the air.

    But we grow up and ask ourselves the question: why in Russia can we celebrate the New Year... three times? Name these three New Years: New Year - January 1; Christmas - January 7; Old New Year - January 14.

    The Origin of HolidaysWhat do you know about the origin of these holidays? When and why did they arise? How are they celebrated in Rus'?

    New YearIn the old days, Rus' celebrated the pagan New Year on March 1, and only in the 15th century they gradually moved to celebrating the New Year in accordance with church tradition.

    Decree of Peter the Great According to the decree of Peter the Great, January 1 became the New Year in 1700 (thus establishing the European custom of celebrating the New Year).

    Decree of Peter the Great: “And as a sign of a good beginning and a new century, congratulate each other with joy on the New Year. Along noble and thoroughfares, at gates and houses, make some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper, fire small cannons and rifles, fire rockets, as many as you can, and light fires. »

    Decree of the Tsar The decree of the Tsar ordered to celebrate this event with special solemnity. On New Year's Eve, Peter himself lit the first rocket on Red Square. Lights were lit along the large streets - bonfires and tarred bulls attached to poles. The festivities with the ringing of bells, the firing of cannons, and the sounds of trumpets and kettledrums continued all night. The houses of the capital's residents were decorated with pine needles and spruce and pine branches. Since that time, the custom has been established to celebrate the New Year every year on January 1 and put a Christmas tree in the house.

    Nativity of Christ “Holy night reigns over the world, the daily noise of worries has subsided.” An exciting and joyful gospel is sweeping over Russia. In all churches they sing: “Thy Nativity, O Christ God, rise up and bring peace to the light of reason...” January 7 Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas.

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    Why do Christians reverence the holiday of Christmas so much? On this night, a new star lit up in the sky, announcing to the world the coming of the Savior of the human race - Jesus Christ. In Rus', on the eve of Christmas, houses were decorated with Christmas trees - a symbol of eternal, renewing life. A star made of paper or wood was hung on top. She depicted the gospel star, which showed the wise men the way to the birth of Jesus.

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    B. Pasternak They stood in the shadows, as if in the twilight of a stable, whispering, barely finding the words. Suddenly, someone in the darkness, a little to the left, pushed the sorcerer away from the manger with his hand, and he looked back: from the threshold at the maiden, like a guest, the star of the Nativity was looking.

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    Celebrating Christmas in Russia In Rus', people celebrated Christmas solemnly. On the first day after the service, young people, adults and even older people went to “glorify Christ.” The children learned chants like this: “Welcome the Magi, welcome the holy, Christmas has come, let’s begin the celebration! The star walks with us, singing a prayer.”

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    Christian tradition: Christmas was preceded by a long (40-day) fast, during which food was limited. On the day before Christmas, they did not eat anything until the first star appeared. In the old days, after its sunrise, the family gathered for prayer in front of the images. Then the eldest in the house brought in an armful of straw. It was spread out on the table, covered with a tablecloth. In the evening we ate only vegetables and “kutya” (porridge). All the more desirable were the delicacies that the housewives prepared for the beginning of the celebration.

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    Christmas delicacies In the northern Russian provinces they made special “kozulki” cookies in the form of animal figures. They were made for children or displayed in windows. In the Nizhny Novgorod province, baked goods made from figurines were called “carols”, in the Ryazan province – “ovsenki”. In Siberia they made “syrchiki” - frozen balls of cottage cheese. Such delicacies were placed in the bags of those who congratulated. They gave gifts not only to the singers, but also shared sweets with the poor and the sick.

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    Yuletide festivitiesParishioners invited friends and relatives to Yuletide festivities. Both old and young glorified the birth of Christ on the streets and crossroads. Children went from house to house with a painted paper Christmas star and a nativity scene - a box in the shape of the cave where Jesus was born. This custom appeared in the 16th – 17th centuries. in Little Russia. The children sang about the birth of the savior of the world, adding their own songs - carols. Adults presented little Christoslavs with money and pies.

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    Yuletide festivities On the streets, crowds of mummers danced and sang songs of “playful content.” They were generously presented with sweets, and in gratitude they wished everyone health and prosperity. Children swung on swings and rode on boards - a common holiday activity. The people were especially entertained by the buffoons - songwriters, musicians, dancers and puppeteers.

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    After New Year's Eve Usually on the first day after Christmas night, as soon as the parents woke up, the young people came to them with requests, the children waited New Year's gifts.

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    Christmastide “Christmas, that is, holy days - 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany. They are also called holy evenings, perhaps in memory of the events of the Nativity and Baptism of the Savior, which took place at night. The church began to sanctify 12 days after the feast of the Nativity of Christ in ancient times... Meanwhile, the sanctity of these days and evenings in many places was violated by fortune-telling and other superstitious customs that survived from the pagan festivals of the same time of year,” this is how the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron popularly explains.

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    Christmastide began to be celebrated as early as 3 thousand years BC. ancient Sumerians, Chaldeans and Assyrians. The first 12 days at the beginning of the year were accompanied by noisy carnivals and mysteries. And the nights on days 8 and 11 were dedicated to fortune telling. Among the Slavs, such mysteries were called carols. The ritual of these days is playful, but once it was of a magical nature, aimed at ensuring that bread grew and livestock multiplied, so that there was prosperity in the house, and happiness in the family. Fortune telling was the privilege of women.

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    The presentation on the topic "New Year's History of the Holiday" can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: MHC. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 22 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

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    History of the holiday

    New Year

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    Where did the custom of celebrating the New Year come from?

    The history of this wonderful holiday dates back at least 25 centuries. This custom was first born in Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia). Here, as well as in the lower Nile valley, civilization was first born at the end of the 4th millennium BC. It was here, according to scientists, that the New Year began to be celebrated for the first time (in the third millennium).

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    During excavations of ancient Egyptian pyramids, archaeologists found a vessel on which was written: “The beginning of the new year.” IN Ancient Egypt The New Year was celebrated when the Nile River was in flood (around the end of September). The Nile flood was very important because... Only thanks to him did grain grow in the dry desert. On New Year's Day, statues of the god Amun, his wife the sky goddess Mut and his son, the moon god Khonsu, were placed in a boat. The boat sailed along the Nile for a month, which was accompanied by singing, dancing and fun. The statues were then brought back into the temple.

    Amon Khonsu Mut Ancient Egypt

    Slide 5

    Ancient Rome

    For a long time, the Romans celebrated the New Year in early March, until Julius Caesar introduced new calendar(currently called Julian). Thus, the first day of January became the date of the New Year. The month of January was named after the Roman god Janus (two-faced). One face of Janus was supposedly turned back to the past year, the other - forward to the new one. The New Year's holiday was called "Kalends". During the holiday, people decorated their houses and gave each other gifts and coins with the image of the two-faced Janus; slaves and their owners ate and were merry together. The Romans gave gifts to the emperor. At first this happened voluntarily, but over time the emperors began to demand gifts for the New Year.

    Two-Faced Janus

    Slide 6

    The Celts, the inhabitants of Gaul (the territory of modern France and part of England) celebrated the New Year at the end of October. The holiday was called Samhain from “summer's end” (end of summer). On New Year's Day, the Celts decorated their homes with mistletoe to drive out ghosts. They believed that it was on New Year's Day that the spirits of the dead came to the living.

    Celtic New Year

    The Celts inherited many Roman traditions, including the requirement of New Year's gifts from their subjects. Usually they gave jewelry and gold. Centuries later, thanks to this tradition, Queen Elizabeth I amassed a huge collection of embroidered and bejeweled gloves.

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    New Year in Rus'

    In Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1. In the 14th century, the Moscow Church Council decided to consider September 1 as the beginning of the New Year according to the Greek calendar. The last time the New Year was celebrated on September 1 in Rus' with royal pomp was in 1698. Giving everyone an apple, the king called everyone brother and congratulated them on the New Year and new happiness. In 1699, Peter I, returning from a trip to Europe, with a special decree, ordered that “from now on, summers should be counted” from January 1: “Since in Russia they count the New Year differently, from now on stop fooling people and count the New Year everywhere from the first January.

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    The Christmas tree, an integral attribute of the winter holidays, also arrived in Russia along with Peter’s reforms. However, the “stranger” who arrived, although not immediately, took root firmly in the Russian soil - as if she had always grown here: from the branches that decorated the houses, a luxurious tree in festive decoration grew.

    Slide 12

    By the middle of the 19th century, winter beauty became familiar to city dwellers, although in villages of such “ancient folk custom“We didn’t know yet. But this tree was not yet a New Year's tree - it was called a Christmas tree and was decorated with toys, delicacies intended as gifts for guests, and candles, and the top of it was crowned with an eight-pointed Christmas star - silver or gold. In Russian Orthodoxy, a tradition arose of decorating churches with coniferous branches on Christmastide (from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany); the tree itself became a prototype of the tree of paradise with the fruits of knowledge and the Tree of the Cross, and evergreen pine needles became a symbol of immortality. However, not everyone remembered the symbolic side, and adults at Christmas parties sometimes behaved worse than children...

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    The prototype of the modern Santa Claus was a very real person. In the 4th century, Archbishop Nicholas lived in the Turkish city of Myra. He was a very kind man, and after his death Nicholas was declared a saint for his good deeds. But in the 11th century, the church where he was buried was robbed by pirates. They stole the remains of the saint and took them to their homeland. The parishioners of St. Nicholas Church were outraged. The story made so much noise that Nicholas became the object of veneration and worship of Christians from around the world.

    In the Middle Ages, a custom was established: On St. Nicholas Day, December 19, to give gifts to children, just as the Saint did. After the introduction of the new calendar, the Saint began to come to children at Christmas, and only then on New Year. In England and America, this good Saint is called Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas).

    Father Frost

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    The ancestor of our dear Father Frost is the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, Moroz, Studenets. More often, Frost preferred to have fun, crunching snowballs, knocking on the walls of houses, making travelers shiver from the cold (he especially loved to freeze those sitting in a sleigh, wrapped in a fur coat, and those who ran on foot or waved an ax were not easy for Frost) . This is how Frost appears in the literature of the 19th century. - “Red Nose Frost” by Nekrasov and old man Moroz in “The Snow Maiden” by Ostrovsky.

    When Russia began to celebrate the New Year, an old grandfather with a beard and wearing felt boots began to appear in houses. But then Santa Claus was not cheerful and good-natured. He had a bag in one hand and a stick in the other. He gave gifts, of course, but only to the smart and obedient children, the rest got a good beating with a stick. But the years passed, and Santa Claus grew older and kinder, stopped handing out blows, and simply intimidated naughty children with scary fairy tales.

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    But at the end of the 19th century he was dressed in a red fur coat trimmed with fur. What is he like now? A bit harsh looking. He wears a long fur coat and a high hat, with a beard, and in his hands he holds a staff and a bag of gifts. And they call him “grandfather” for a reason, but because he has a granddaughter.

    Only our Father Frost has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, and she was born in Russia. The Snow Maiden is a literary character. She appeared in 1873 and at first was called not the granddaughter of Santa Claus, but a daughter. This happened thanks to Alexander Ostrovsky’s play “The Snow Maiden,” which he created based on folk tale about a girl sculpted from snow and melted by warm sun rays. Later, writers and poets turned her into a granddaughter. The image of the Snow Maiden is a symbol of frozen waters. This is a girl (not a girl) dressed only in white clothes. No other color is allowed in traditional symbolism. Her headdress is an eight-rayed crown embroidered with silver and pearls.

    Topic: History of the New Year holiday.

    This event can be held as class hour, so extracurricular activity with elementary school students.
    Goals: Introduce children to the history of the New Year holiday.
    Develop students' curiosity.
    Equipment: Power Point presentation, New Year's songs.
    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Organizational moment.

    2. Updating knowledge. Statement of the topic.

    - What holiday is the whole country preparing for? (New Year)
    - Name the date according to which the beginning of the new year is considered according to the calendar. (January 1)
    3. Conversation about the history of the New Year holiday.
    - New Year is a holiday celebrated by many peoples in accordance with the accepted calendar, occurring at the moment of transition from last day year on the first day of the next year. (1 slide)
    - Try to guess the riddles.
    A light white blanket
    It will cover the entire earth.
    Cover everything with ice and decorate the Christmas tree.
    What's her name? ...(Winter) (2 slide)

    I have gifts in my bag
    Caramels, chocolates.
    Round dance around the tree,
    What kind of holiday? …(New Year) (3 slide)
    - Guys, how many of you know whether our country has always celebrated the New Year on January 1?
    - The beginning of the year on January 1 was established by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar in 46 BC. e. (4 slide)
    - This day was dedicated to Janus - the god of choice, doors and all beginnings. The month of January got its name in honor of the god Janus, who was depicted with two faces: one looking forward and the other looking back. (5 slide)
    Gregorian calendar
    - Most countries celebrate the New Year on January 1, the first day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. (6 slide)
    - The traditional Chinese New Year is timed to coincide with the winter new moon at the end of the full lunar cycle, which took place after winter solstice(that is, on the second new moon after December 21). In the Gregorian calendar, this corresponds to one of the days between January 21 and February 21.
    - Until the 15th century in Rus', the new year began not in January, as now, but in March (as in the republican Ancient Rome) per day spring equinox March 20 or 21 (depending on the year). Since the 15th century, the new year began on September 1. (7 slide)
    - Each year corresponds to a specific animal. The 12-year cycle begins with the year of the Rat, then comes the year of the Ox, then the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. (8 slide)
    - Since 1700, by decree of Peter I, the New Year in Russia is celebrated, as in other European countries, on January 1 (according to the Julian calendar). (9 slide)
    - New Year's Eve is a very significant holiday in many countries. And is accompanied by a variety of pop events, feasts, folk festivals. (10 slide)
    New Year tree.
    - Guess the next riddle.
    All dressed up in toys,
    All covered in garlands and firecrackers.
    Of course, this is... (Yolka) (11 slide)
    - New Year's Eve is a very significant holiday in many countries. And it is accompanied by a variety of pop events, feasts, and folk festivities. According to tradition, a New Year tree is installed in the house.
    - What toys decorate the Christmas tree? (12 slide)
    New Year's table.
    - When celebrating the New Year, close people gather at the table. (13-14 slides)
    - At 0 o'clock 0 minutes on January 1, the chimes strike. (15 slides)
    - Let's listen to the chimes strike.
    - With the first chime, marking the arrival of the new year, it is customary to clink glasses of champagne and make a wish. (16 slide)
    - What gifts would you like to receive for the New Year? On New Year's Day it is customary to give gifts. (17 slide)
    Father Frost.
    Happy New Year,
    All boys and girls.
    And he gives us gifts,
    There they are: standing in a bag.
    He is kind and bearded,
    Red nose from frost.
    Who is he, tell me children,
    Loudly, together: (Santa Claus) (18 slide)
    - Santa Claus is a fairy-tale character from East Slavic folklore. In Slavic mythology - the personification of winter frosts, a blacksmith who binds water.
    - On New Year's Day, Santa Claus comes and gives children gifts, which he brings in a sack behind his back. Often depicted in a blue, silver or red fur coat embroidered with patterns, wearing a hat (not a cap), with a long white beard and a staff in his hand, wearing felt boots. He rides three horses, skis or walks. (19 slide)
    - The very first Santa Claus was St. Nicholas. When leaving, he left the poor family who sheltered him golden apples in a shoe in front of the fireplace. (20 slide)
    - Santa Claus has a granddaughter - Snegurochka (21 slides)
    - When celebrating the New Year, a variety of pyrotechnic products are actively used: firecrackers, sparklers and, in the last decade, fireworks, rockets, Roman candles, firecrackers large and small, etc. Currently, many capitals of the world or even individual countries spending millions of dollars to put on a fireworks show for the New Year. (22 slide)
    Traditions in various countries peace.(23 slide)
    - In England, in addition to the Christmas tree, the house is decorated with mistletoe branches. There are even mistletoe bouquets on lamps and chandeliers. And according to custom, you can kiss a person standing in the middle of the room under a bunch of mistletoe. (24 slide)
    - In Italy, on New Year's Eve it is customary to get rid of old things. (25 slide)
    - In Sweden, before the New Year, children choose Lucia, the queen of light. She is dressed in a white dress, and a crown with lit candles is placed on her head. Lucia brings gifts for children and treats for pets: cream for the cat, a sugar bone for the dog, and carrots for the donkey. (26 slide)
    - In France, Father Frost - Père Noel - comes on New Year's Eve and leaves gifts in children's shoes. The one who gets the bean baked into the New Year's cake receives the title of "bean king", and on the festive night everyone obeys his orders. Wooden or clay figurines - santons - are placed near the Christmas tree. (27 slide)
    - In Mexico, the New Year is celebrated with the fire of festive fireworks, firing from rocket launchers, and the ringing of special New Year's bells. And children are given delicious gingerbread dolls at midnight. (28 slide)
    - In Japan, bells are rung 108 times on New Year's Eve. Each strike of the bell corresponds to one of the vices. There are six of them in total: greed, stupidity, anger, frivolity, indecision and envy, but each vice has 18 different shades, which makes a total of 108. (29 slide)
    - In Spain it is customary to eat 12 grapes at midnight. (30 slide)
    Old New Year.(31 slides)
    - Old New Year is a holiday celebrated in accordance with the New Year according to the Julian calendar (now on the night of January 13-14). Celebrated in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Switzerland and some other countries.

    4. Summing up.

    Now let's check how well you listened today.
    Crossword.(32 slide)
    1. What is Santa Claus called in France?
    2. Who issued the order to celebrate the New Year in 1700?
    3. On the night of January 13-14, what holiday is celebrated?
    4. Who set the beginning of the year on January 1?
    5. “The end of the year and the beginning of winter!”
    - That's how they asked me the riddle.
    6. Granddaughter of Santa Claus?
    7. In which country is it customary to eat 12 grapes at midnight?
    8. In which country do children receive delicious gingerbread dolls on New Year’s Day?
    Song " New Year's toys"(author Alexander Metzger) (slide 33)

    Presentation on the topic: History of the New Year holiday