Summer health period in kindergarten.

SUMMER is a vacation, and a vacation is a vacation. Therefore, we do not burden the children with complex hours-long classes, but conduct classes that are easy and entertaining. So, the natural desire of children to explore and understand the world is fully satisfied. We look into those corners of the world around us that we did not have time to look into during the school year. Children get lots of independent, hands-on experience. After all, everyone knows that nothing is remembered better than one’s own conclusions. Both kids with minimal knowledge about the world around them and those who have been exploring the world for several years find it very interesting in such classes! Creativity occupies a special place in the program of this SUMMER. Since we spend a lot of time in nature, the central idea is to preserve the nature around us. The children receive the basics of environmental education.

In addition, SUMMER is the time when we gain strength, vitamins and health. We are not reinventing the wheel in this area. Walking on fresh air during the day, outdoor games, healthy eating, friendship with sports. That's the whole secret of a healthy, agile and rosy-cheeked child.

Teachers pay as much attention to each child as he needs to solve any, even the most “unsolvable” issue.

Summer health work is organized according to an approved plan and is aimed at ensuring the protection of the life and health of students, organizing a health-saving regime, preventing morbidity and injury.

The main tasks of work for the summer health period are:

Implement a system of measures aimed at improving health and physical development children, their moral education, development of curiosity and cognitive activity, formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills;

Create conditions that ensure the protection of the life and health of children, for independent, creative activities of children on the site;

Carry out pedagogical and social education of parents on issues of upbringing and health improvement of children in summer period.

Priority areas of work for the summer period:

Physical education and health work;

Cultural and leisure activities.

Children spend most of their time outdoors. Reception of children, gymnastics, play activity and other events are organized outdoors. We focus on increasing children’s physical activity through outdoor games, sports entertainment, excursions, and outdoor material. Children willingly work in the flower garden, in the vegetable garden, and participate in role-playing games ah, games with water and sand, theatrical performances are organized, game situations are played out on the playground, conditions are created to ensure the protection of life and strengthen the health of children. During the summer - health work Consultations on safe topics are organized for parents as planned. summer holiday children. Parents were actively involved in the improvement of preschool sites. The floors on the verandas and some of the equipment in the areas were replaced. Our GOAL: to help parents raise capable, smart, healthy and happy children! Our summer programs are educational, fun, active and so different... Our experience shows that SUMMER can and should be spent usefully!

Summer is an amazing and fertile time when children can walk, run and jump to their heart's content. It is during this period that they spend a lot of time outdoors. And it is very important to organize the life of preschoolers in such a way that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content, so that memories of summer time, games, walks, holidays and entertainment, interesting episodes from their lives will delight children for a long time. That is why the work of a kindergarten in the summer is a little different from other times. Children receive no less attention, but they spend much more time outdoors. Basic summer activities in kindergarten: group games in the fresh air; active and regular physical activity; sports competitions; familiarizing children with the nature around them; reading children's literature. A huge role in how interesting children will spend the summer in kindergarten is played by the desire and ability of the teacher to make every day bright for the child. In the summer, summer health work continues in our kindergarten. To successfully conduct educational and recreational leisure, children must accumulate a certain amount of knowledge. In kindergarten, a calendar plan was developed on such topics as: “Hello, summer”, “Health Week”, “Ecological Knowledge Week”, “My Favorite City” and others, and also organized summer holidays. During the summer recreational period, all participants in the educational process are covered. It provides ample opportunities for strengthening the physical, mental and social health of pupils, developing their cognitive, communication, and creative abilities, as well as increasing the information competence of parents in the field of organizing summer holidays for children.

Summer is a wonderful time for both children and adults. It is in the summer that children have a great opportunity to get a boost of health for the whole year. Many children spend their summer in kindergarten.

group games in the fresh air;
active and regular physical activity;
sports competitions;
familiarizing children with the nature around them;
reading children's literature.

A huge role in how interesting children will spend the summer in kindergarten is played by the desire and ability of the teacher to make every day bright for the child. In the summer, preschoolers in kindergarten can get a lot of new and interesting experiences, since it is during this period that they are freed from schoolwork and devote time to sports games and excursions.

Summer work with children in kindergarten is usually called recreational work; it has its own specifics. It is important to make every possible use of the summer conditions that are favorable for strengthening the health of children and to ensure that the child gets stronger, gets better and toughens up, learns to understand and love the amazing, beautiful world of plants and animals. In summer, nature provides great opportunities for the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers.

Summer is a wonderful time of year. Adults and children love him. In the summer you can have a lot of fun, run, get stronger, grow, and learn new things.

The main task of the institution preschool education in the summer, organize the life of preschool children so that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content, so that memories of summer holidays Oh, games, walks, holidays and entertainment delighted them for a long time.

From the first of June, the preschool institution switches to working under summer conditions. In accordance with the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, the duration of the summer health period (summer vacation) in a preschool education institution is 90 days.

With the onset of hot weather, the specifics of the work of a preschool institution also change. Teachers organize and carry out work with children, creating comfortable conditions for preschoolers to stay in the fresh air: they plant landscaping and decorate group areas, repair and paint outdoor play equipment, and replenish the amount of outdoor equipment for children’s games.

The summer period in kindergarten is usually called a healthy period, and it has its own characteristics. Not all parents have the opportunity to leave the city in order to improve their child’s health or purchase vouchers to sanatoriums. The task of the kindergarten is to make maximum use of the summer conditions that are favorable for strengthening the health of children, to ensure that the child becomes stronger, healthier and more tempered.

During the summer recovery period, the priority is to organize children’s activities in the physical education, health, and artistic and aesthetic areas.

IN preschool institution During the summer holidays, physical education and health activities are carried out, which include:

  • morning exercises;
  • physical education classes (game, plot, thematic type);
  • outdoor games and exercise while walking;
  • active recreation ( physical education, physical education holidays, health days);
  • independent motor activity;
  • hardening with natural factors (air, water, scattered rays of the sun).

In the summer, favorable conditions are created for children’s physical activity and enhanced health benefits physical exercise. All components of physical education and health work are carried out daily in the air.

Artistic and aesthetic work, which includes:

  • visual arts (drawing, modeling, appliqué, design, children's design);
  • musical activities of pupils;
  • familiarization with works fiction and folklore.

In order to create emotional comfort for children during the summer health period, we organize:

  • inclusion visual arts on children's holidays;
  • providing entertainment that includes children experimenting with visual and natural materials, contribute to the consolidation of ideas about types, genres of art, means of artistic expression, competitions with various nominations;
  • organization of creative workshops, entertaining playrooms, sand games.

When organizing musical activities with students, the following is carried out:

  • musical and didactic games, music quizzes;
  • inclusion in the educational process of musical works that embody “summer” images (A. Vivaldi, P. I. Tchaikovsky, etc.);
  • solo and collective music playing;
  • independent musical activity of children (performing songs and dances, organizing role-playing games with “musical” plots).

Thus, summer in kindergarten is a busy time, filled with laughter, joy and fun. All efforts of preschool employees are aimed at improving the health and strengthening of the child’s body.


Dear moms and dads!

Summer is the time for travel and new experiences. To make your vacation enjoyable, be vigilant and careful, remember the dangers that await children on a long trip and during vacation.

Travel Dangers

by personal transport:

- open windows;

- not locked doors;

- stopping in unfamiliar places.

Place children only in a child car seat! Fasten your child with a seat belt.

Do not allow your child to stand between the seats, lean out of the window, stick out his arms, remove the block from the door, or touch the handles while driving.

A child can only leave the car after an adult.

Dangers associated with train travel:

- open windows;

— carriage vestibules;

- upper shelves;

- boiling water;

- strangers.

Do not allow your child to look out of the windows or stick his hands out of them, throw objects at the windows, go out into the vestibule, communicate with strangers in the absence of loved ones, or take treats from them.

Dangers associated with life in the country or in the village (especially for a city child):

- stove;

- well;

- tools;

- abandoned boards with nails;

- unfamiliar animals;

- swimming in ponds.

The child must firmly remember that he is not allowed to:

— open the stove door and touch the stove damper;

- look into the well;

- touch tools;

- swim in the absence of adults responsible for it.

- come close to unfamiliar animals, feed them, pet them;

Dangers associated with roller skating and cycling:

— steep slope of the road;

— unevenness on the road;

— passing transport.

Do not allow your child to go outside with a bicycle, scooter or roller skates without adult supervision. Teach him to stop at dangerous places - cars leaving yards, parking lots, etc. Allow him to ride only on sidewalks with a flat surface. If your child is still unable to control a bicycle and often falls, provide him with personal protective equipment - knee pads, elbow pads, and a helmet.

Precautions related to swimming in water bodies

Carefully inspect the resting and swimming area. Check if there is broken glass, sharp stones and other dangerous objects. Don't forget to wear a hat on your child on the beach. Sit with your child in the shade of trees, avoiding straight sun rays. Enter the water gradually with your child. Sudden immersion of a hot body into cool water can cause heart failure and convulsions.

Do not allow your child to become hypothermic in the water. Alternate swimming with games on the shore.

Unfamiliar food

To keep children safe during summer vacations, watch what they eat. To ensure the safety of children on vacation in the summer and protect them from digestive disorders, follow some important rules power supply:

Don’t let your children try local delicacies and try to be more careful with them yourself;

If your child is allergic or has certain food preferences, find out if you can buy these products where you are going, or take them with you;

In some hot countries, you should not wash your face with tap water, much less drink it - it is better to buy bottled water;

Do not eat or give unwashed fruits and vegetables to your child;

Practice good hygiene - wash your hands with antibacterial soap.

Beach safety rules

Warm, crumbly sand is a real haven for children! But it also contains many dangers: broken bottles, dangerous infections, garbage, sharp stones, cigarette butts, etc. Explain to your child in advance that you should not put handfuls of sand into your mouth, and you should roll around in it carefully. Don’t forget to carefully inspect the place you have chosen to lay out the blanket.

Every summer the sad statistics of deaths on the water are summed up - and very often children turn out to be drowned. To prevent tragedy, parents need to observe Safety rules when visiting the beach with children:

The child should always be in your field of vision - contrary to scenes in feature films, a person who is drowning does not scream or wave his arms;

Swim with your children only in permitted places - on equipped beaches where there are lifeguards;

If you are in the water with a small child, always keep an arm's length away from him;

Do not neglect the use of inflatable rings and cuffs - these devices will help your child stay on the water and not sink to the bottom;

Do not allow children to take a running jump into the water;

Know how to provide first aid.

During the summer, preschool institutions significantly change their program. This is due not only to the fact that many pupils leave kindergarten for a while, going on vacation with their parents. First of all, the change is dictated by the need for pupils to spend more often in the fresh air and organize a system of hardening activities. Summer health period in preschool educational institutions allows you to implement a number of programs aimed at the general health of children and their physical development.

Summer work plan at the preschool educational institution is compiled in such a way as to provide equally entertaining, educational and health-improving activities. The final program is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in Russian Federation»,
  • Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1155 of September 17, 2013 “On the federal educational standard of preschool education”,
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 139 of April 4, 2003 “On approval of instructions for the introduction of health technologies in the activities of educational institutions”,
  • SanPiN defining the regime preschool work and requirements for organizing events in a preschool institution.

Organization of kindergarten work in summer

Health-improving work in preschool educational institutions during the summer period has the main goal of instilling in children a love and interest in healthy image life. As part of this work, the following tasks must be implemented:

  • a program of activities has been developed that takes into account the nuances of the local climate and the individual socio-psychological characteristics of children,
  • comfortable conditions have been created for activities and games in the fresh air,
  • measures are provided aimed at increasing the involvement of children in the healing process, developing their curiosity and interest in their own health,
  • a daily routine is organized that ensures sufficient time for pupils to spend time in the fresh air (taking into account weather conditions),
  • Measures have been taken to educate parents on all issues related to the new programs.

Plan for the summer health period in kindergarten must necessarily include physical education classes, the development of rational healthy menu, hardening procedures and organizational work with parents. All methods used as part of the implementation of this plan must be simple and understandable, inventory and equipment must be accessible. It should be possible to regularly carry out hardening and preventive measures, regardless of weather conditions.

Before starting the implementation of a general health program, it is necessary to find out whether any of the pupils have individual contraindications to participation in it. The management of the preschool educational institution and teachers must establish and constantly maintain contact with the parents of the pupils and monitor the health status of the children throughout the summer health period. Participation medical worker in the formation and implementation of a health program is mandatory.

The effectiveness of the summer health program in a preschool educational institution largely depends on whether the norms for the optimal motor mode of pupils and standards for physical activity are observed in the kindergarten. The general condition of the institution, the organization of catering, the quality of water supply, and the quality of ventilation are also important.

Preparatory activities

It is recommended to carry out cosmetic repairs in the kindergarten every year before the start of summer - tidy up the playgrounds, supplement them with new equipment (if possible), arrange flower beds and lawns, and bring fresh sand to the sandboxes.

Each playground on the territory of a preschool educational institution must have shady and sunny areas. For this purpose, additional canopies can be installed. It is recommended to cover the sand in sandboxes with covers or protective covers; it should be slightly moistened throughout the day.

The windows are equipped with mosquito nets. The irrigation system for lawns and playgrounds must be fully operational. In hot weather, watering areas with cool water is allowed.

All swimming pools located on the territory of a preschool institution must be cleaned and have a properly functioning drain and fill system.

Playgrounds for children under three years of age must have a soft grass surface. Playgrounds for children aged 3-7 years are also equipped with areas with compacted soil. All pedestrian paths must be smooth, without potholes or holes. Play and safety equipment must be carefully secured, stable and completely safe. This equipment must be cleaned of dust daily. All toys intended for outdoor play should be washed under running water every evening.

Preschool work in summer also provides for an increase in the duration of walks and sleep (according to SanPiN). During the summer, drinks should be provided to children upon request. All activities that can be organized outdoors (games, reading, dancing, making crafts, etc.) must be carried out in an open area.

Organization of the summer health period in preschool educational institutions

The summer program provides for a number of changes in the work of the preschool institution. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the nutrition and physical activity of children.


The summer menu should be as balanced as possible. It is very important that the selected dishes fully provide children with vitamins and minerals, and also have sufficient energy value. Preference should be given to fresh fruits and vegetables, natural juices. Additionally, the preschool educational institution can carry out fortification of ready-made liquid dishes - adding ascorbic acid (vitamin C) according to the standards per serving.

To automate the process of creating menus, it is convenient to use the software module “Nutrition management, diet control” of the activity monitoring system educational institution. It contains technological maps of dishes and allows you to create a requirement menu, cyclic menu, layout menu and other reporting in a few clicks. Read more about the program.

The summer plan in kindergarten should also take into account the increased need of children for drinking water. For drinking, use clean non-carbonated industrially packaged water or boiled water; in the latter case, the water is stored for no longer than six hours.

Physical education classes

Plan for the summer at the preschool educational institution necessarily includes a number of physical education and health activities:

  • morning exercises,
  • outdoor games,
  • hardening,
  • thematic and plot-based physical education classes,
  • holidays, health days and other social events with the organization of physical education minutes.

During physical education, you need to pay attention individual characteristics children and try to interest each pupil. Basic tasks for the summer health period in preschool educational institutions- this is the prevention of postural disorders in children, the prevention of flat feet, the development of coordination, instilling in children an interest in sports games, gymnastics, and a healthy lifestyle.

Hardening methods in preschool educational institutions may include:

  • sleep with open windows (no drafts),
  • walking barefoot on the sand or lawn (4-5 minutes daily - in groups up to three years old, up to 20 minutes daily - in older groups),
  • washing with cool water,
  • health walks.

Planning summer program, it is necessary to conduct conversations with parents and find out whether the child really needs to attend kindergarten in the summer. If, with the beginning of summer, there is a significant reduction in the number of children in preschool educational institutions, then reorganization of groups is allowed, including the creation of groups of different ages.


Summer is the most fertile time for preserving and strengthening the health of children, creating conditions for their full, comprehensive mental and physical development. The summer period is the most optimal and favorable for carrying out health-improving, educational and developmental work with preschoolers.
Educational work with children during this period of time is carried out, as a rule, on the street. The operating hours are chosen so that in summer children are constantly in the fresh air. This does not imply cancellation educational activities with preschoolers, but on the contrary, it expands the opportunities for educators to carry out full-fledged work with children during a walk. These include conversations, role-playing games, games with water and sand, various observations, work in nature, etc.
The efforts of the teaching staff during this period are aimed not only at creating conditions that ensure the protection of life and health, preventing morbidity and injury, but also at implementing a system of measures that promote health improvement and physical development, moral education, development of curiosity and cognitive activity, formation of cultural, hygienic and labor skills.
Educational work during a walk can be divided into the following aspects:
- physical development: morning exercises, hardening procedures, speech exercises, dynamic pauses, outdoor games and sports activities, water and drinking regime is observed in all age groups;
- social development: excursions, moral conversations about culture, history of the native land, environmental conversations are held;
- cognitive development: games-activities, mini-quizzes on the works of children's writers are held; entertainment with soap bubbles and sunbeams, evenings of riddles and answers, experiments and observations in the environment;
- aesthetic development: learning poems, proverbs and sayings, listening to songs on a specific topic, organizing drawing exhibitions, reading competitions and creative stories.
So, we use in our work various forms of organizing the activities of preschoolers in the summer. These are excursions creative games, quizzes, hikes, travel games, sports holidays and entertainment. Everyone can show their creativity, find activities of interest, expand knowledge, improve motor skills and abilities.
During this period we hold the Summer Olympic Games. This sports entertainment can be done together with parents. The event scenario includes interesting fairy-tale characters. Such holidays teach children that sport not only improves health, but also makes a person strong, robust, resilient and cheerful.
We pay special attention to the safety of children in the summer, on the streets and roads of the city. Work on injury prevention is carried out not only with children, but also with their parents.
The summer health period contributes not only to active educational work, but also to overcoming the psychological barrier between teacher and child, teacher and parents.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Maslova Valentina
Consultation “Summer health period in kindergarten”

Municipal autonomous preschool institution



Summer wellness period

City of Ulan-Ude

Summer is a wonderful time of year. Adults and children love him. In the summer you can have a lot of fun, run, get stronger, grow, and learn new things. The main task of establishing preschool education in summer period time to organize the life of preschool children so that every day brings them something new, is filled with interesting content, so that memories of summer holidays, games, walks, holidays and entertainment delighted them for a long time. From the first of June, the preschool institution switches to working in conditions summer mode. With the onset of hot weather, the specifics of the work of a preschool institution also change. Teachers organize and conduct work with children, creating comfortable conditions for preschoolers to stay in the fresh air air: landscaping and decorating group areas, repairing and painting outdoor play equipment, replenishing the amount of outdoor equipment for children’s games.

The summer period in kindergarten is usually called recreational, and it has its own characteristics. Not all parents have the opportunity to leave the city for the purpose of child's health, purchase vouchers to sanatoriums. Task kindergarten is to make the most of favorable conditions for promoting children's health summer time, to ensure that the child gets stronger, gets better and becomes tougher.

IN summer recovery period priority is to organize children’s physical education activities health and artistic and aesthetic orientation.

In a preschool in summer period holidays are spent doing physical education health work, which includes:

morning exercises;

physical education classes (game, plot, thematic type);

outdoor games and exercise while walking;

active recreation (physical education leisure, physical education holidays, Health Days);

independent motor activity;

hardening by natural factors (air, water, scattered rays of the sun).

IN summer period favorable conditions are created for children’s motor activity and strengthening health the effects of physical exercise. All components of physical education - health work is carried out daily outdoors.

Artistic and aesthetic work that includes:

visual activities (drawing, modeling, applique, design, children's design);

musical activities of pupils;

familiarization with works of fiction and folklore.

In order to create emotional comfort for children in We organize a summer wellness period:

inclusion of visual activities in children's parties;

entertainment, which includes experimentation children with visual and natural materials, help consolidate ideas about types, genres of art, means of artistic expression, competitions with various nominations;

organization of creative workshops, entertaining playrooms, sand games.

When organizing musical activities with students are carried out:

musical and didactic games, music quizzes;

inclusion in the educational process of musical works that embody « summer» images (A. Vivaldi, P. I. Tchaikovsky, etc.);

solo and collective music playing;

independent musical activities of children (performing songs and dances, organizing role-playing games with "musical" plots).

So summer is in kindergarten- this is a busy time filled with laughter, joy and fun. All efforts of preschool employees are aimed at healing and hardening of the child’s body.

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