Lesson type: systematization of knowledge.

Pedagogical tasks: develop the ability to work with paper, using necessary tools and devices, develop creativity, instill interest in the subject.

Planned educational outcomes:

Subject: know how to work with a template, using it as a sample for making the necessary parts of a product, know the rules of working with scissors and glue and apply them in practical activities.

Meta-subject (criteria for the formation/assessment of components of universal learning activities - UUD):

Regulatory: with the help of teachers, they plan their own activities: draw up a plan, determine the sequence of actions; when compared with a teacher’s model or shown in a textbook or educational film, distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one, correct and control their actions, and are capable of self-regulation.

Cognitive: find and isolate the necessary information from various sources: a textbook, an educational film, previously acquired knowledge and their life experience, answer questions, compare, analyze, and draw conclusions; make up an algorithm of activity.

Communicative: they are able to express their thoughts quite fully and clearly, convey their position to all participants in the educational process, ask questions in order to obtain more complete information about the subject of activity, respect their partner and themselves in communication.

Personal UUD: have motivation for educational activities, acquire initial work skills and abilities, understand their importance for humans, understand that books are our wealth, realize that they must be protected, and show interest in the subject; master the initial skills of adaptation in society.

M Methods and forms of training: explanatory-illustrative, practical; individual, frontal.

Materials and equipment: colored paper, glue, scissors; computer, projector, screen.

Visual demonstration material: multimedia series: electronic application to the textbook by N. I. Rogovtseva, N. V. Bogdanova, I. P. Freytag “Technology” (CD), topic “Paper Bookmark”.

Basic concepts and terms: bookmark, paper, template, symmetry, cut, glue, iron.

ABOUT organizational structure (scenario) of the lesson

I. Preparation for the perception of new material.

Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, Part I from the words “One book teaches a thousand people...” to “ not tear out the pages.”

Do you know how to take care of books? Do you know how to properly handle books?(Students' answers.)

How do you mark the page you left off on?

Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, part I until the train stops 3.

Show if you have bookmarks. What are they? What material are they made of?

People invented bookmarks a long time ago, understanding the value of books and the importance of caring for them.

Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, Part I up to the words “Currently, bookmarks are made from different materials...”.

What work will we do in class today? (Students' answers.)

Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, part I to the end.

II. Practical activities.

What materials, tools and devices will we need to make a bookmark?

Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, part II until the words “Remember the rules for working with glue and scissors.”

Preparation of the workplace.

See if all of the listed materials, tools and devices are on your desk. Correct if something is wrong.

Supervision of product manufacturing.

In what order should bookmarking be done?

Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, part II to the end.

Let's repeat the algorithm of actions and draw up a plan.

Making a work plan (under the guidance of the teacher, based on the film watched).

Work plan:

1. Let's take workbook and cut out templates 1, 2, 3 from it.

2. Trace template 1 on colored cardboard.

3. Trace patterns 2 and 3 on colored paper three times.

4. Cut template 2 according to the markings.

5. Let's trace the new templates on colored paper (we'll make two blanks of one color and four of another).

6. Let's cut out all the parts.

7. Place the parts symmetrically on the bookmark blank.

8. Glue the parts, starting from the center.

9. Check that the pattern is symmetrical.

10. Let's evaluate the product.

Compare with the plan given by the authors of the textbook.

Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, part III.

Before you start working, remember the rules for working with the template and repeat the rules for working with glue(textbook, p. 38).

Students perform movements according to the text.

You are overcome by drowsiness,

Reluctant to move?

Come on, do it with me

The exercise is like this:

Stretch up, down,

Wake up completely.

Extend your arms wider.

One, two, three, four.

Bend over - three, four -

And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We all do exercises.

Independent work of students.

Get to work. The plan and drawing in the textbook on page 39 will help you.

III. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Our lesson is coming to an end. What did you learn today?

The teacher can show the whole class the most interesting and original bookmarks.

How did you work today? What did you especially like? What would you like to do differently?

Will you give your bookmark as a gift to someone or keep it for yourself?

Your bookmarks will play important role: save one or more books.

Additional material for the lesson


The need for some kind of device necessary to mark the necessary pages in a book was identified in ancient times.

Without bookmarks it was very difficult to work with huge volumes of sheets. Leaving a book open with its pages facing down could damage its binding and pages.

The history of bookmarks is closely related to the development of books. Although the earliest date for the appearance of bookmarks is not known, it is clear that even in ancient times - when papyrus scrolls were the basis for manuscripts - bookmarks were already used to mark places that had been read. After all, the scrolls sometimes reached more than 40 m in length. Some of the oldest bookmarks were stick-on bookmarks made from parchment.

Between the 13th and 15th centuries, bookmarks made by monks appeared. They were found in early printed books. The monks made them from parchment or leather, using the leftover material from the book cover. These bookmarks came in a variety of shapes—a simple strip, a sticky triangle, or more complex ones—with a rotating dial that indicated a column on the page.

This bookmark was attached to a thread along which it could be moved up and down to mark a precise level on the page. A rotating disk was placed on the bookmark, which indicated the column (the text was placed in columns, they were usually numbered from 1 to 4).

Bookmark with rotating disk

In the 15th century, despite the advent of printing, books were still published in very limited quantities and were very valuable. One of the earliest (known) references to the use of bookmarks is in the year 1584, when Christopher Barker ** presented a manuscript with a silk bookmark to Queen Elizabeth I.

Ordinary, in our understanding, bookmarks appeared only in the 18th–19th centuries.

Lesson summary

In the subject "Technology" 1st grade

Subject. Working with paper and cardboard. Application “Paper Bookmark” .

Teacher: Vershinina Anna Vladimirovna

MBOU "Secondary School No. 76"

Lesson summary from the textbook “Technology. 1st class." Authors: N.I. Rogovtseva et al.


Personal: formation of educational and cognitive interest in new things educational material and ways to solve a new particular problem.
Regulatory: developing the ability to plan one’s actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, p plan and carry out work based on the slides and text plans presented in the textbook, compare these types of plans, perform symmetrical appliqué from geometric shapes according to a given pattern
Cognitive: forming an idea of ​​the origin of the bookmark, research, observe, compare, compare types of paper by color and thickness, master techniques for working with paper, rules for working with scissors, marking parts according to a template and folding, rules for connecting parts of a product using glue.
Communicative: developing the ability to work with information. (Students enter the classroom and take their seats.)
Checking readiness for the lesson.
One book teaches a thousand people. The book is small, but it gave me some insight. How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?It is very important to take care of booksYou need me for orderDon't turn the pages in vain -Read where I am. (bookmark)
Today in class we will make a bookmark for a book.
Have you ever wondered where a bookmark came from?
What questions would you like answered?
Let's take a trip back in time.
Watch a video from CD -ROM Have you received answers to your questions? Before completing the product, we will discuss our work plan. (Video)
    Organize your workplace. Cut out a template from your workbook Let's trace template No. 1 on cardboard and cut out the blank. Let's trace template No. 2 on colored paper and cut out the blank. Place the pattern symmetrically on the bookmark blank and glue the parts. Let's see what should happen
The teacher clearly demonstrates the stages of completing the work.
Now on the screen you will see the sequence of work. Be careful. Try to fill in the order of actions.
Talking through the stages of work based on the technological map.

When reading a book, it is important to remember and record the page you stopped on; in this case, a bookmark will help. It is not at all necessary to go to a stationery store to purchase this simple accessory; we recommend making bookmarks for books with your own hands. Believe me, it's very simple! We invite you to make several original bookmarks using colored paper, felt, thread and paper clips. Consider the ideas below.

So first let's look at a few simple ways and make a bookmark for the book with your own hands, using available materials.

From paper

Bright and very beautiful crafts You can make it out of paper with your children. Implement unusual ideas into life.

Option #1 - Worm

You will need:
  • Sample;
  • Strips of colored paper;
  • A sheet of colored cardboard;
  • Glue stick;
  • Scissors;
  • Ribbon;
  • Hole puncher.
How to do:

Option No. 2 - Heart

If you are looking unusual ways creating bookmarks for books from colored paper, then this option is just for you. You will need a minimum of time to work.

You will need:

  • Sample;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue stick;
  • A sheet of colored paper.
How to make:

Option No. 3 - Origami Hedgehog

Let's create origami from paper, we'll get wonderful bookmarks for books. So let's begin.

You will need:

  • A sheet of brown and light brown origami paper;
  • White paper;
  • Marker black;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.
Manufacturing technique:
  1. Fold the light brown piece of paper diagonally in both directions.
  2. Bend the sheet to form a triangle, fold the top of the sheet halfway.
  3. Now fold it in the middle right side triangle, and then left.
  4. Next, we unbend the edges, the left part of the triangle must be folded parallel to the central vertical line of the figure.
  5. Repeat the same with the second side.
  6. After this, you need to bend both ends into the resulting pockets.
  7. Insert a sheet of dark brown paper into the corner of the bookmark, draw spikes on the brown sheet with a regular pencil, cut and glue.
  8. Make eyes, draw a nose. This completes the creation of origami bookmarks for your books.

Option No. 4 - Origami Christmas tree

See a few more cool ideas that will come in handy when creating bookmarks for a book, check out the proposed master class. You will definitely delight your children with these origami bookmarks.

You will need:

  • Green origami paper;
  • Brown paper;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Glitter.
How to do:

Option No. 5 - Bookmark with weaving “tie”

You will need:
  • 4 strips of paper in two colors;
  • Scissors;
  • Double-sided tape.
Work progress:

Option No. 6 - Bookmark - mouse

You will need:

  • Simple pencil;
  • Colored paper;
  • Lace;
  • Scissors;
  • Stationery glue.
How to do:

From felt

Not only bookmarks made from paper, but also felt, are quite interesting. Let's try to make them together.


You will need:
  • Sample;
  • Felt scraps in purple, pink and white;
  • Threads;
  • Needle;
  • Glue gun.
Manufacturing Features:


You will need:

  1. Transfer the outline of the pattern onto the fabric and a piece of felt.
  2. Cut out these parts, glue them together, then you will need to stitch everything along the contours.
  3. Glue the dress to the elastic and you're done. Such a bookmark self made will be a real decoration for your book.

From threads

Make an original bookmark from threads using simple diagram manufacturing. It's very simple.


You will need:
  • Knitting threads;
  • Scissors.
How to do:
  1. Wind the threads around your fingers as shown in the photo.
  2. Tie the resulting skein in the middle, leaving a hanging edge.
  3. Then cut the tied skein on the sides to create a pompom.
  4. Shape the pompom into a ball using scissors. You can make such bookmarks from threads of various colors according to your own taste.

From paper clips

Even ordinary paper clips can become the basis for a unique bookmark. Enough to decorate this stationery with a bow, buttons or thread and you get a fun bookmark. Another idea is to straighten the paperclip and bend it into a heart, star, or clef shape. Isn't it original?

Try making an exclusive bookmark yourself, it's very simple. Fantasize and admire the results of your own work!

Use different cool ideas scrapbooking, experiment and create.

Some more interesting ideas and master classes

Lesson type: systematization of knowledge. Pedagogical tasks: to develop the ability to work with paper, using the necessary tools and devices, to develop creative abilities, to instill interest in the subject. Planned educational outcomes: Subject knowledge: know how to work with a template, using it as a sample for making the necessary parts of a product, know the rules of working with scissors, glue and apply them in practical activities. Meta-subject (criteria for the formation/assessment of components of universal learning activities - UAL): Regulatory: with the help of the teacher, they plan their own activities: draw up a plan, determine the sequence of actions; when compared with a teacher’s model or shown in a textbook or educational film, distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one, correct and control their actions, and are capable of self-regulation. Cognitive: find and isolate the necessary information from various sources: a textbook, educational film, previously acquired knowledge and one’s life experience, answer questions, compare, analyze, draw conclusions; make up an algorithm of activity. Communicative: they are able to express their thoughts quite fully and clearly, convey their position to all participants in the educational process, ask questions in order to obtain more complete information about the subject of activity, respect their partner and themselves in communication. Personal UUD: have motivation for educational activities, acquire initial work skills and abilities, understand their importance for a person, understand that books are our wealth, realize that they must be protected, show interest in the subject; master the initial skills of adaptation in society. Methods and forms of teaching: explanatory and illustrative, practical; individual, frontal. Materials and equipment: colored paper, glue, scissors; computer, projector, screen. Visual demonstration material: multimedia series: electronic supplement to the textbook by N. I. Rogovtseva, N. V. Bogdanova, I. P. Freytag “Technology” (CD), topic “Paper Bookmark”. Basic concepts and terms: bookmark, paper, template, symmetry, cut and paste, iron. This file contains detailed description technology lesson in 1st grade on the topic: “Paper. Paper bookmark." Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

1st grade Technology Paper bookmark.docx


Letskikh L.A. teacher primary classes, MAOU Secondary School No. 21, Kungur Technology lesson in 1st grade on the topic: “Paper. Paper bookmark.” Educational complex “School of Russia” Lesson type: systematization of knowledge. Pedagogical tasks: to develop the ability to work with paper, using the necessary tools and devices, to develop creative abilities, to instill interest in the subject. PLANNED EDUCATION RESULTS: Subject: able to work with a template, using it as a sample for making the necessary parts of the product , know the rules of working with scissors and glue and apply them in practical activities. Meta-subject (criteria for the formation/assessment of components of universal learning activities - UAL): Regulatory: with the help of the teacher, they plan their own activities: draw up a plan, determine the sequence of actions; when compared with a teacher’s model or shown in a textbook or educational film, distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one, correct and control their actions, and are capable of self-regulation. Cognitive: find and isolate the necessary information from various sources: a textbook, educational film, previously acquired knowledge and one’s life experience, answer questions, compare, analyze, draw conclusions; make up an algorithm of activity. Communicative: they are able to express their thoughts quite fully and clearly, convey their position to all participants in the educational process, ask questions in order to obtain more complete information about the subject of activity, respect their partner and themselves in communication. Personal UUD: have motivation for educational activities, acquire initial work skills and abilities, understand their importance for a person, understand that books are our wealth, realize that they must be protected, show interest in the subject; master the initial skills of adaptation in society. Methods and forms of teaching: explanatory, illustrative, practical; individual, frontal.

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: colored paper, glue, scissors; computer, projector, screen. Visual demonstration material: multimedia series: electronic supplement to the textbook by N. I. Rogovtseva, N. V. Bogdanova, I. P. Freytag “Technology” (CD), topic “Paper Bookmark”. Basic concepts and terms: bookmark, paper, template, symmetry, cut and paste, iron. Organizational structure (scenario) of lesson I. Preparation for the perception of new material. MESSAGE THE TOPIC AND PURPOSE OF THE LESSON. Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, Part I from the words “One book teaches a thousand people...” to “ not tear out the pages.” – Do you know how to take care of books? Do you know how to properly handle books? (Students’ answers.) – How do you mark the page you stopped on? Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, part I before the train stops 3. – Show if you have bookmarks. What are they? What material are they made of? – People invented bookmarks a long time ago, understanding the value of books and the importance of caring for them. Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, Part I up to the words “Currently, bookmarks are made from different materials...”. – What work will we do in class today? (Students’ answers.) Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, Part I to the end. II. Practical activities. – What materials, tools and devices will we need to make a bookmark? Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, part II until the words “Remember the rules for working with glue and scissors.” Preparing the work place.

– See if all of the listed materials, tools and devices are on your desk. Correct if something is wrong. Observation of the production of the product. – In what sequence should the bookmark be carried out? Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, part II to the end. – Let’s repeat the algorithm of actions and draw up a plan. Drawing up a work plan (under the guidance of a teacher, based on the film watched). Work plan: 1. Take a workbook and cut out templates 1, 2, 3 from it. 2. Trace template 1 on colored cardboard. 3. Trace patterns 2 and 3 on colored paper three times. 4. Cut template 2 according to the markings. 5. Let's trace the new templates on colored paper (we'll make two blanks of one color and four of another). 6. Let's cut out all the parts. 7. Place the parts symmetrically on the bookmark blank. 8. Glue the parts, starting from the center. 9. Check that the pattern is symmetrical. 10. Let's evaluate the product. – Compare with the plan given by the authors of the textbook. Demonstration of the multimedia film “Paper Bookmark”, part III. – Before you start working, remember the rules for working with the template and repeat the rules for working with glue (textbook, p. 38). Students perform movements according to the text. Are you overcome by drowsiness, are you reluctant to move? Fizminutka

Well, do this exercise with me: Stretch up, down, Wake up completely. Extend your arms wider. One, two, three, four. Bend over - three, four - and jump in place. On the toe, then on the heel. We all do exercises. Self-sufficient work of students. - Get to work. The plan and drawing in the textbook on page 39 will help you. III. Lesson summary. Reflection. – Our lesson is coming to an end. What did you learn today? The teacher can show the whole class the most interesting and original bookmarks. – How did you work today? What did you especially like? What would you like to do to your friend? – Will you give your bookmark to someone or keep it for yourself? – Your bookmarks will play an important role: they will save one or more books. Additional material for the lesson FROM THE HISTORY OF THE BOOKMARK* The need for a certain device necessary to mark the necessary pages in a book was identified in ancient times. Without bookmarks it was very difficult to work with huge volumes of sheets. Leaving a book open with its pages facing down could damage its binding and pages.

The history of bookmarks is closely related to the development of books. Although the earliest date for the appearance of bookmarks is not known, it is clear that even in ancient times - when papyrus scrolls were the basis for manuscripts - bookmarks were already used to mark places that had been read. After all, the scrolls sometimes reached more than 40 m in length. Some of the oldest bookmarks were stick-on bookmarks made from parchment. Between the 13th and 15th centuries, bookmarks made by monks appeared. They were found in early printed books. The monks made them from parchment or leather, using the leftover material from the book cover. These bookmarks came in a variety of shapes—a simple strip, a sticky triangle, or more complex ones—with a rotating dial that indicated a column on the page. This bookmark was attached to a thread along which it could be moved up and down to mark a precise level on the page. A rotating disk was placed on the bookmark, which indicated the column (the text was placed in columns, they were usually numbered from 1 to 4). Bookmark with rotating disk

From the history of bookmarks. A bookmark is a special device for marking the desired page in a book. pagesbook Some of the oldest bookmarks were stick-on bookmarks made of parchment. This type was also used to mark location on papyrus scrolls in ancient Egypt.

Ancient bookmarks. These bookmarks came in a variety of shapes - a simple strip, an attached triangle, and a complex rotating disk that indicated a column on the page. This bookmark was attached to a thread along which it could be moved up and down to mark a precise level on the page. A rotating disk was placed on the bookmark, which indicated the column (usually numbered one - four).

Work plan: Marking on colored paper - blank. Cutting. Folding along the markings of the sides, with a connection in the middle using glue. Marking inserts on cardboard, cutting out. Marking inserts on fabric, cutting. Connection of cardboard and fabric inserts. Inserting an insert into the main part.

Rules for working with: Scissors: - do not hold the sharp ends up; - pass the rings forward; - when working, take care of the fingers of your left hand; - you need to cut the material with the middle of the blade. Glue: -before working with glue, you need to cover your desk with oilcloth or newspaper; - try not to let the glue get into your eyes, clothes, or face; -after work, close the glue tightly and put it away; - wash your hands.