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Olga Chernodub
“Everyone needs peace!” Scenario for the Victory Day holiday Video

Music is playing "Childhood", the children pass and take their seats. The Presenter and the readers come out.

The sun shines so beautifully

The sun is shining brightly on us!

For children we need a happy world,

We need peace for dads and moms!

Black, white, yellow children

Wars are not necessary at all!

They'll say everything in the world children:

No, we don't want war!

1st child

Us we need peace: to you and me,

AND to all the children in the world.

And the dawn should be peaceful,

Which we will meet tomorrow.

2nd child

Us we need peace, grass in dew,

Smiling childhood.

Us we need peace, wonderful world,


3rd child

Who was bothered by this world?

With flowers on the edge?

Who is in this world, wonderful world

Aimed the cannon?

1st child

I'll be glad.

2nd child

I'll be glad

4th child

And we will all be glad

When they disappear on Earth

All bullets and shells.

Let's give the children a globe,

Huge and beautiful

May there be peace throughout the world

Happy children to all!

He gives the children a globe, they hand it over, examine it and place it in the center of the composition.

3rd child

Guys, guys! Today in the world

On the whole planet, children are the masters!

Let's take each other's hands,

Let's sing and dance on the globe.

Dance composition for show (flash mob) "World everyone needs it

Leading: It happened on June 22, 1941. Until the Day Victory there were 4 long years left. 4 years of defeats and victories, worries and joyful meetings, 4 years of a terrible war. Soldiers passed through them, stood and won. And they asked us to never forget about it.

Presentation "Holy War"

1st child

The war alarm has long since fallen silent,

Flowers bloom in their native land.

But the soldier will sleep forever,

That he died a brave death in battle.

2nd child

He saved you and me

And to humanity everything

Peace and happiness of peaceful days.

Let's bow to him!

A minute of silence.

1 child: Thank you, soldiers, for life, for childhood, for spring

For silence, for a peaceful home, for the world in which we live!

Song "We are drawing a dove".

1st child

A winged serpent soared into the sky

Above the native green land.

This means we guys

We play peaceful games.

2nd child

Behind the thunderstorm there are thunderclaps

They are heard, then they freeze.

Thunder, I think guys

He plays war with the clouds.

3rd child

The flame bursts with a crash

The gloomy sky is in tatters -

Lightning is playing at war,

Lightning doesn't want peace.

4th child

Let evil go from the world,

Let the dove spread its wings.

We play war so that

The adults forgot about her!

A. Ciocanu

Leading: Soldiers from all over defended their homeland parties: on the ground - infantry, at sea - navy, in the sky - air forces.

So, we are at the air force base. And we will now build a runway for our planes.

"Runway" Relay. Participants take turns placing a landscape sheet on their outstretched hand, go to the designated place and leave the sheet, laying out a runway. Then one after another they walk along it with eyes closed, holding your arms to the sides - "airplane wings".

So that the pilot knew where to take off and where to land, he was shown signals. Let us also become signalmen now.

Exercise with checkboxes "Signalers"

Presenter: Having attacked suddenly, the Nazis were able to advance a long distance into the interior of our country. Cities and villages were blazing with fire. The entire Soviet people rose to defend their Motherland. And the enemy was stopped. Two major battles of the Great Patriotic War- the battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of Kursk - determined the entire further course of the war. Our army began to push back the Nazis. The soldiers liberated our cities and soon reached their state borders. Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova were liberated.

"Darkie" Video clip.

Our sailors also fought bravely. I invite our brave sailors to set sail!

Dance "Sailors are albatrosses".

"Swimming in Boats" Relay. Each participant takes turns sitting in the basin and, pushing off, slides to the cube, then gets up and runs back, passing the basin to the next participant.

Presenter: We visited the fleet and the sky. But the most difficult and dangerous tasks were performed by snipers! A keen eye was the key to their success. So, there’s fire in the trench!

"There's fire in the trench". Players take turns throwing bags into the hoop from a lying position.

The task of the sappers was no easier. They needed to locate and defuse the mine.

For sappers, training begins in the morning.

A competition for cheerful, dexterous people - get ready, kids!

"Sappers" Contest. 2 children compete. Everyone, with their eyes closed, must identify the cubes and balls by touch and put them in different boxes.

Presenter: So, step by step, meter by meter, our army was able to drive the Nazis into Germany and march through Berlin winner! Victorious Our fellow countrymen, the Don Cossacks, were marching!

"Cossacks in Berlin" Video clip.

Presenter: It thundered in all the cities of our big country festive fireworks. I invite all of you guys to play!

Game "Firework"

Three adults participate in the game. They stand in different places of the hall, holding red, green and yellow fireworks.

Part 1. A march sounds. Children with colorful fireworks march around the hall in different directions. After the music ends, adults They say: “Fireworks, light up! Get ready quickly!” Children gather around an adult who has fireworks the same color as theirs, shouting: "Hooray!"

After all, it’s true, friends,

Good on the planet

When on the planet

The owners are children!

Let's take care

From adversity anyone

Big and trusting

Blue ball!


1) For friendship, for smiles and for meetings

We inherited the planet.

We are bequeathed to protect this world

And this amazing land.

2nd child

It is bequeathed to us to protect this world

So unique at dawn,

He has been very dear and dear to us since childhood,

We are responsible for the future of the world.

3rd child

We will not let you become ashes and cinders

To what is called earthly beauty.

May the sky above the earth be peaceful,

May childhood always laugh loudly!

Song "My Russia".

To the song « Victory Day» children leave the hall.

Purpose of the event: to cultivate a feeling of love for the Motherland, pride in the heroism of our people, unity with people in the struggle for peace.


Consolidate and systematize knowledge about the main events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and its heroes;

Develop a sense of respect for the participants of the Second World War; home front workers.

Preliminary work:

Conversations on military topics, watching videos of the war years, listening to songs.

Children - learning poems, songs, dances.

Teachers - selection of material for the holiday (poems, videos, music), production and selection of costumes, dance performance.

Methodological support: TV, laptop, war videos, costumes and dance paraphernalia.

The progress of the holiday

Presenter 1:

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard:

Today is a holiday - Victory Day,

Happy, bright spring day!

Presenter 2: Today is a joyful day for people all over the world. More than 65 years ago, the bloodiest war in human history ended - World War II - the Great Patriotic War!

Child 1:

Presenter 1:

Dawns rise, sunsets burn.

The earth does not know, does not seek silence.

The soldiers turn gray in labor and anxiety -

Presenter 2:

The dew on the bushes lights up bright,

The foliage is warmed by the breath of spring.

Walking with grandchildren in sunny parks

Heroes of a long-gone war.

Presenter 1:

The boundless distances are in radiant color,

And the songs ring across the vastness of the country.

Both the sun and the song were defended in battles

Heroes of a long-past war!

The song “Soldiers” is performed

Presenter 2: On June 22, 1941, early in the morning, German troops attacked our Motherland. They dropped bombs on sleeping cities, destroyed villages, and burned fields. This bloody war lasted for 4 long years. Our entire people rose up to fight for their Motherland, each defended their Fatherland. That's why this war was called the Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 1: In the battles of the Great Patriotic War, forces of all branches of the military were involved, the bravery of which is still legendary. Our sailors fought on the expanses of water. The enemies sought to capture the seaports, but nothing could break the spirit of our glorious warriors, and in quiet hours the fighters danced and sang to spite the enemies. Then the famous sailor dance “Apple” was born.

Child 6:

Our banner flies above the ships,

And behind the stern is an azure wave.

We will grow up and become sailors,

We will protect you, country.

The dance "Apple" is performed

Presenter 1:

Let us bow to those great years,

To those glorious commanders and fighters,

And the marshals of the country, and the privates,

Let us bow to both the dead and the living.

Presenter 2:

To all those who must not be forgotten...

Let's bow, let's bow friends!

All the world! All the people! All over the earth!

Let us bow for that great battle!

In memory of all the heroes who died on the fields of the Great Patriotic War, a minute of silence is declared (the heartbeat sounds).

Presenter 1:

While all your hearts are knocking,


At what price is happiness won?


Sending my song into flight,


About those who will never sing again,


Child 9:

The sun shines so beautifully

The sun is shining brightly on us!

Children need a happy world,

We need peace for dads and moms!

Child 10:

Adults, children are asking you,

So that you take care of the world,

So that the sun shines on the children

In every corner of the earth.

The song “Sunny Circle” is performed

Laying flowers at the mass grave in Komsomolsky Square

Lishanova Elena Viktorovna, teacher,

Erofeeva Tatyana Viktorovna, teacher,

Bednyakova Irina Aleksandrovna, music director.

Municipal budget preschool educational

institution kindergarten combined type No. 12,

Konakovo, Tver region.

We need Peace!

Objective of the lesson: creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of civil and patriotic feelings among schoolchildren through reference to events and facts related to the need to protect, preserve and strengthen peace.

Lesson objectives:

* formation of an idea of ​​the world as a multi-valued concept and the highest value of modern civilization;

* education of humanistic qualities of the individual;

* revealing the importance of preserving and strengthening peace as the highest value;

* studying examples of people’s selfless activities in defense of peace;

* developing an understanding that maintaining peace on Earth can only be achieved as a result of the active personal position of each person.

Student No. 1 reads a poem:

We need peace - you, and me, and all the children in the world,

And the dawn that we will see tomorrow must be peaceful.

We need peace, grass in dew, smiling childhood,

We need peace, a beautiful world that we have inherited.

We need a colorful meadow, and a rainbow over the meadow!

We need to run, jump, sing and talk to each other!

I will be glad, you will be glad, and we will all be glad...

When all the bullets and shells disappear on the ground!

No!" - we declare to the war, to all evil and black forces...

The grass should be green and the sky should be blue!

Do you hear, friend, the streams are ringing, the birds are singing on the branches,

We are lucky to be born on a wonderful land.

So let it always bloom, let the gardens make noise,

Let people look at her with loving eyes!

Questions for students:

    What does peace mean to you?

    What symbols of peace do you know? (Dove, olive branch, pacific)

    What should people do to maintain peace?

The International Committee of the Red Cross has been awarded three times Nobel Prize world: in 1917, 1945 and 1963. Sending food and medicine to prison camps, providing medical care and humanitarian assistance to refugees during military conflicts is only a small part of the activities of this organization.

Famous peacemakers

"Messengers of Peace"

    Martin Luther King is the most famous African-American Baptist preacher and fighter for equal rights for blacks in the United States. Through his speeches, he called for achieving social equality through peaceful means. He was the first black American to have a bust erected in the Great Rotunda of the Capitol in Washington. Associated with his name national holiday USA, which is celebrated annually on the third Monday of January.

    The monastic name of Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu is known to everyone. It has become a household name. This is the name given to people who show mercy, humanism and care for their neighbors. Say her name. (Mother Teresa)

    This man is a Soviet physicist, one of the creators of the hydrogen bomb. In 1975, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for his fearless support of the fundamental principles of peace among men and his courageous struggle against the abuse of power and all forms of suppression of human dignity." Who are we talking about? (Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov)

    In his homeland in India, he practically achieved the status of a saint, and throughout the world he is known as a legendary peacemaker who gave his life for the independence of the people from the British colonialists. In his struggle, he used the principles of non-resistance to evil through violence. He always adhered to the principle: “If you face an enemy, conquer him with love.” Name the Indian philosopher and social and political figure. (Mahatma Gandhi)

What can you do to preserve peace on Earth?

(Students express their thoughts and ideas, analyze each other’s answers)

Student No. 2 reads a poem:

You don't need many worlds

We only need one

In the scent of flowers

Calm and friendly with soul

Necessary for people

Friends, open spaces, book pages

Our mothers' wrinkles

Children's fluffy eyelashes

In labor, in the boiling of dreams,

Giving free rein to youthful forces,

In struggle, in love - to the fullest

We will greedily enjoy the world.

At the end of the lesson, each student writes on a white piece of paper in the shape of a dove what the world means to them and glues it onto a piece of paper with a picture of the sky. Students exchange impressions about the lesson, tell what new they learned, what they found especially interesting, and what information they knew before.