Sometimes dyeing does not always please us with the desired result, and newly-minted blondes torment themselves with the question of how to remove yellowness from their hair. Sometimes blond hair acquires a yellow tint due to external factors: unsuccessful tinting due to incorrectly chosen hair color, some folk methods of improving the quality of curls (for example, rinsing hair with vinegar). There are many ways to solve this problem.

Removing yellowness after hair coloring

A radical change in image can lead to serious hair problems, very rarely? when the desired color is immediately obtained on the hair. Brown hair often takes on an unpleasant yellowish or even orange tint, so what should you do?

In some cases, you need to consult a hairdresser-stylist who will advise you to re-dyeing hair with lightening agents(say, a professional Londoner), but this is a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, you can try using it over several hair washes.

Harm from re-dying:

  1. Hair is depleted;
  2. Begins hair loss;
  3. Cardinally the structure and type of hair changes heads;
  4. Possible skin burn heads.

To lighten after coloring, you can use a mask with honey. This product in its pure form is applied to the strands, covered with polyethylene or foil and left overnight. In the morning, rinse with warm water and rinse your hair with lemon juice and water.

What products help remove yellowness from hair?

With blond hair will help wash away yellowness onion decoction, which contains many hair vitamins. You need to cook the peels from several onions over low heat until it boils. Let it sit for several hours and apply it to your hair with a sponge, wait half an hour and wet the strands with the liquid again. We put on a swimming cap, or wrap ourselves in plastic and go to bed. In the morning, the product must be washed off. After rinsing, it is recommended to lubricate your head with fresh lemon juice.

Often after bleaching hair with vinegar a yellowish tint also develops; in order to get rid of it, you need to make a lightening composition based on a kefir mask and lemon. We recommend using the same product to get rid of the yellow tint. on bleached hair.

Sometimes highlighted hair produces not just a yellow tint, but a dirty hair effect that does not go away until the next coloring, is not washed off with water and is difficult to hide even in evening light. We will need glass of grape juice and the amount needed for washing your hair shampoo. Mix the juice with detergent in a 1:1 ratio and wash your hair from the roots, it is best to carry out manipulations for several days in a row.

If you need to urgently correct the result of poor-quality painting, you can use pearlescent tonic 9.01, we concentrate as much as possible and do not smear the hair, but rinse it, holding it in water for literally a few minutes.

Smoothly without radical changes will help with a shade a couple of tones lighter or darker. At first, you can hold it on your hair for a very short time and if you are not satisfied with the result, then repeat the procedure.

How to remove yellow hair with henna

Henna is a good natural remedy for dyeing brown or blond hair at home, most importantly, with a natural color. If dyeing is done on damaged curls, then the result can be completely unpredictable, then the question of how to remove yellowness from hair will fade into the background. All shades of the rainbow, from green to purple, can appear on the head. If this happens, don’t despair. Stylist tips:

For sand-colored hair, henna is often used as a lightener. To remove yellowness after white henna, you can use any purple toning shampoo, these two colors neutralize each other. Or wash your hair with shampoos for gray hair.

Many ladies dream of dyeing their hair blonde at least once in their lives. If a representative of the fair sex is naturally red, black, chestnut or dark brown, then to realize her dream she will have to resort to bleaching. If this procedure is performed incorrectly, then instead of blond curls, straw or yellow strands will be reflected in the mirror. Such yellowness always catches the eye. Moreover, it looks ugly and vulgar. Such an unnatural shade is usually obtained as a result of poor-quality dyeing.

After an unsuccessful procedure, any girl is looking for an effective way to get rid of the yellow color. Fortunately, there is a solution to the problem.

To eliminate this deficiency, you must first establish the reason why the strands acquired a yellowish tint. Thanks to this approach, ladies will be able to avoid such mistakes during subsequent dyeing.

Experts identify several causes of yellowness:

Wrong coloring. Often hair turns yellow due to the use of cheap or expired dye. Also, the reason may lie in a violation of the order of the procedure. Failure to follow the dyeing rules can lead to disastrous results. Moreover, this usually concerns overexposure of paint. Bleaching should only be carried out by a professional who knows his job well and will protect the strands from yellowing.

Incorrect rinsing. Hair immediately after bleaching becomes defenseless. They can be seriously affected by negative external factors. If you wash off the paint with plain water, the iron salts and rust in its composition will get into the open scales, thereby causing an unnatural yellowness. For this reason, only purified water should be used for rinsing.

Discoloration of black strands. When dyeing black or very dark hair blonde, yellowness is considered a natural phenomenon. This is explained by the fact that the natural pigment tries to maintain its superiority. To make your hair truly white, you will have to bleach it several times, but this can seriously damage your strands. It is best to consult with an experienced specialist before the procedure.

You need to think carefully about which of these factors was at play in a particular case. Don't repeat such mistakes again. If your hair still turns yellow, you can solve this problem at home.

How to remove yellowness from hair?

To remove yellowness, you can use different methods. Their number is huge, but not all girls know about them.

To wash your hair you should use “silver” shampoos. They contain a rich purple pigment that neutralizes yellow color well and gives the curls a natural white tint. You should not overexpose such shampoos, because as a result, the color of the strands can become ashen or even light lilac.

A good remedy for yellowness is tint balms and shampoos in platinum, silver, pearl or pearl tones.

You should use filtered water to rinse your hair. Ideally, it should be mixed with rhubarb infusion, which has whitening properties. For 1 liter of water, 1-2 glasses of infusion are enough. You can also add a little lemon juice to the rinse water. You should refrain from using pharmaceutical chamomile, because it is what gives the strands a yellow tint.
Naturally, you should not immediately apply all these methods in turn. This can only worsen the condition of the hair, which has already become weaker from bleaching. To begin with, you should choose only one method. If it does not improve the situation, then another remedy can be tried after at least 2-3 days.

Homemade masks against yellowness

Many experienced professionals claim that ordinary masks made with their own hands from natural products work well against yellowness. Thanks to their use, the hair color will gradually begin to approach natural white.

The yellowness of curls can disappear under the influence of active natural substances that are found in common herbs and natural products. If you regularly apply homemade masks, the shade of your strands will become white and beautiful. The condition of the hair will also improve after bleaching and dyeing. Naturally, masks should not be overused. It is enough to use them 1-2 times a week. In order for the active components to be absorbed into the hair and displace the yellow pigment, you should leave the product on the curls for about 30 minutes.

The most common recipes:

It is necessary to carefully melt the honey in a water bath. The finished mass is applied liberally to yellowed strands. After this, you should insulate your hair. To do this, just put a shower cap and a warm scarf on your head. You can keep this composition for a maximum of 3 hours.

You should purchase dried rhubarb root at the pharmacy. It must be thoroughly crushed. Next 1 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of white wine into the finished powder. The mixture is poured into a container and placed on low heat. When half of the liquid has evaporated, the product is filtered and cooled to room temperature.

50 ml of fresh warm kefir should be mixed with 2 tbsp. l. vodka and an identical amount of lemon juice. You also need to add a beaten egg and 1 tsp to the container. shampoo. Then the mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the strands.

150 g of dry rhubarb root should be carefully chopped and poured with a glass of boiling water. After this, 60 g of glycerin is added to the infusion. The mixture should sit for half an hour.

Such mask recipes make it easy to cope with the problem of yellowness at home. Now you can safely do without the help of specialists and regular visits to the salon. All you need to do is choose the right product and use it regularly. If you decide to bleach again, you will not make past mistakes that could lead to unpleasant results.

After a radical and long transformation from brunette to blonde, the girls are faced with a new obstacle - the yellow color in their curls. If an unpleasant defect has already appeared, it will not be possible to hide it; immediate measures will be required to eliminate the problem. How and how to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing, so as not to harm the weakened ends and achieve the desired result, as well as how to maintain the perfection of the blonde longer, read on.

Reasons for the “straw” shade

The appearance of yellowness on bleached strands is a fairly common problem after bleaching. A yellow and even bright red defect looks ugly and spoils the respectable appearance of the newly-made blonde.

Before we get to the question of how to get rid of yellow hair after bleaching, let’s consider the main reasons for the appearance this side effect:

  • Violation of lightening technology- to a greater extent, this point applies to dark blond and chestnut curls. The transformation from brunette to blonde involves bleaching and gradually lightening the strands. Don’t even hope to achieve a cool blonde from just one coloring procedure - it’s impossible! So, many girls are in such a hurry that they miss such subtleties, and the result is obvious: the natural pigment is not completely removed, it combines with the light pigment of the paint and the result is a red or yellow tint, which, in fact, is upsetting.
  • Bad paint- reluctance or inability to visit a colorist often results in additional expenses. Every professional knows that cheap dyes and a number of products from the mass market are not able to fulfill the desire of many brunettes to become blondes; they have a weak effect and can even seriously damage their curls. Therefore, colorists use expensive, professional lines of cosmetics for coloring. In addition, to achieve maximum effect, several shades are used and in different proportions; such subtleties of the matter are clearly not known to everyone, so home lightening sometimes resembles an experiment and ends with straw-yellow hair.
  • “I didn’t hold it in enough,” “I applied it to dirty hair,” “I should have started from the back of my head,” and other excuses are sought by home “beauties” when they see an undesirable effect in the mirror. Really, lack of professionalism and ability to handle paint- a sure way to disappointment. Before radically changing your hair color, contact a professional or consult with him on all possible aspects of the intended lightening.

Advice! Rinse bleached strands only with purified, or better still, mineral water. Rust and salt particles in tap water can also leave a yellow tint.

Secrets to preventing problems

When the reasons for the appearance of an annoying shade are known, it will be much easier to prevent it. Professional advice will help you with this. What should you pay special attention to in order to get the perfect hair color?

  • For those who have ventured to turn blonde for the first time, it is recommended to postpone home dyeing and contact an experienced professional;
  • The transformation procedure will have to be abandoned if less than 2 weeks have passed since the last dyeing, coloring or perm;
  • Procedures with paint after basma or henna require special care; the result of the interaction of the compositions is unpredictable;
  • You cannot lighten colored hair right away; first remove the previous pigment using a washing procedure;
  • Apply coloring in this order: back of the head, sides, area around the face;
  • Don’t skimp, coat each strand thoroughly with paint during bleaching - the outcome of the procedure also depends on this;
  • The paint is washed off with clean, boiled water, not hot. Then use shampoo and conditioner for bleached strands;
  • Buy only high-quality lightening products from the professional line. This should be done in a specialized store (for professionals) or at a distributor of a cosmetic company;
  • Check the purchased paint to ensure it has not expired. This can not only cause unexpected shades, but also significantly damage the hair;
  • To care for bleached strands, use special balms, shampoos and conditioners; they help preserve the beauty of light shades and prevent yellowing;
  • Use homemade masks regularly in your care. They consist of affordable and natural ingredients, they will turn out to be a lifesaver in matters of strengthening your hair, and at the same time they can correct the shade.

Advice! Entrust the choice of brand and tone of paint to a colorist. Proven compositions will reduce the risk of unpleasant “surprises” with the final color.

Photos before and after

Ways to deal with yellow defect

How to remove yellow hair after bleaching, interests most of the girls who dare to do home coloring. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  • toning;
  • re-dyeing;
  • the use of tonics and tint balms;
  • use of “anti-yellow” shampoos;
  • applying homemade masks.

Each of these methods is good in its own way. When choosing a suitable option, consider one factor: the more natural the ingredients of the product used, the softer the effect will be and the less risk of spoiling the already weakened ends. Let’s take a closer look at how to remove yellow tones from bleached hair.

Hair tinting against yellowness

Toning is a guaranteed method of how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching. Special tonic paints are used. They envelop every hair, smooth out frayed scales on it and fill all the voids with a tinting composition with the selected shade. After tinting, the curls are manageable, silky, shining with strength and energy. Toning after lightening solves the problem of uneven color.

For tinting, products from Estel, Schwarzkopf, the professional line Wella Color Touch and CONCEPT Profytouch are widely popular. They gently treat the problem, help remove the yellow color for a long time and improve the condition of the hair after lightening.

Advice! In order not to spoil your curls and achieve the desired result after one toning, seek help from a professional.

Useful video: “I just wanted to remove the yellowness from my hair with the help of Tonic... and what came of it”.


Re-dyeing- another way to get rid of yellow hair after lightening with the help of a professional. This method will help you achieve the desired blonde, but be careful with the procedure. Repeated dyeing is stressful for bleached strands, so it can be done after active recovery for 1–2 weeks. The procedure guarantees a successful outcome, but for its implementation it is recommended to use gentle compounds, without ammonia and oxidizing agents.

Advice! Using different brands of paint can result in unexpected colors. Therefore, if you are planning to change the coloring agent, be sure to consult a professional or experiment on one strand.

Tonics and tints

Tint sprays, mousses, balms- a great option to correct an unpleasant situation and not harm your hair. The modern beauty industry offers a wide range of tint products. Their task is to even out, adjust the shade and not harm the curls, and fill them with useful vitamins and minerals. The fact is that such products contain natural plant extracts and will turn out to be a true friend to your hair.

Please note, very often a mask or balm goes with tinted shampoos. This is a big plus for the health of your curls and color durability, so don’t neglect them, but feel free to use them in your care.

To easily remove yellowness from your hair at home, you can use the following tint products:

  • Tonic balms from Rocolor- a wide range of shades can correct the deficiency at home or in a beauty salon. The product is easy to apply, does not disturb the hair structure and perfectly corrects hair color;
  • Anti-yellow balm from Concept “Arctic Blonde Effect”- carefully cares for bleached strands, instantly eliminating unpleasant “warmth” in color. The product belongs to professional cosmetics, so there may be some difficulties with the purchase;
  • Spray conditioner Professional BLONDME Color Correction from Schwarzkopf- does not cause difficulties in application, softens curls and corrects “warm” defects. The spray does not dry out and smells nice.

Advice! Be careful with tint products: many of them dry out your curls. If you use them in moderation and regularly apply nourishing, moisturizing masks, the problem will disappear on its own.

Useful video on using tint products to eliminate the “yellow” problem.

Shampoos that remove yellowness from hair

A separate niche in the fight against “warm” deficiency is occupied by “anti-yellow” or “silver” shampoos; this shampoo is also called a yellow hair neutralizer. Reputable cosmetic companies have studied the problem of women with a yellow tint and invented a special product. Mostly the product has a silver, blue or purple tint. This is the best option for removing yellowness from hair after bleaching.. “Anti-yellow” shampoos are easy to use and guarantee high results in just 10 minutes.

Concept anti yellow silver, Professional Four Reasons Silver, Schwarzkopf bonacure TrueSilver Shampoo and others will help you stay a true blonde.

Homemade natural masks

You can remove yellowness from hair at home using improvised means. Prepare simple masks from kefir, honey, lemon, onion peels or chamomile infusion. So, you will not only get rid of the problematic shade, but also make up for the lack of nutritional components and vitamins.

We bring to your attention one of the most popular masks to remove yellowness after unsuccessful lightening:

  1. Warm up 200–250 g of natural honey a little in a bathhouse, but it must be fresh and liquid; candied honey will not work.
  2. Spread the honey liberally along the entire length of the strands, but do not touch the roots.
  3. Wrap your hair in plastic or foil.
  4. To create a sauna effect, wrap your head in a warm towel.
  5. After 1-3 hours, rinse your hair. With each procedure, increase the time of the honey mask.

“Being blonde is not so easy” - this is what those who don’t know how to remove yellowness from their curls say. Listen to the advice of professionals, learn to prevent problems from occurring and you will be the most spectacular and happiest blonde.

Often, many girls choose a cool shade of blond when dyeing their hair. But at the most inopportune moment, when it would seem that the desired result has been achieved, an ignoble yellowness appears. How to remove it from your hair after dyeing? Read on.

Where does yellowness come from after dyeing or bleaching?

First of all, you need to find out about the reasons that caused yellow hair:

  • Poor quality coloring. This may be the use of cheap low-quality dyes, non-compliance with dyeing technology, or a short gap between dyeing. Do not forget that lighteners can drown out the hair’s own pigment and discolor it. But the dyes cover gray hair and give the hair the desired shade.
  • Lightening hair that is too dark. Dark hair has a very persistent pigment, which can only be painted over several times. Therefore, brunettes and brown-haired women either turn to a highly professional hairdresser or dye their hair at home several times, causing irreparable damage to it.
  • Using poor quality water to wash off paint. Bleached hair is too weak after the procedure and has no protective layer at all. This is why impurities in water, such as rust, iron salts and other substances, easily penetrate the hair structure and give this unpleasant tint.

How to remove using tinted shampoos

Naturally, a woman who has received such an unpleasant surprise comes up with the idea of ​​quickly removing the resulting hated shade. This is done with the help of various cosmetics - shampoos, balms, tonics. Professionals advise using tinted shampoos in purple, ash, pearl or platinum shades. Their pigments absorb yellow color.


  1. Dilute the tint product with regular shampoo in a ratio of 1:2;
  2. Apply to hair and leave for 2-3 minutes;
  3. Rinse with water.

After several uses, tint products completely remove yellowness.

A longer exposure time will result in the hair getting a purple or pink tint instead of a cold blonde!

You need to use a tint every third or fourth wash to maintain the desired color.

How to get rid of the problem at home

Before buying special products in the store, you can try several recipes made from natural ingredients. They, as a rule, can help in the fight against a yellow tint no worse than chemical agents.

Hair lightening masks


  • Rhubarb – 1 tablespoon.
  • White wine (can be replaced with boiling water) – 500 ml.

Cook the mixture over low heat until half the liquid has evaporated. Then strain the mask, cool and apply to the entire length of the hair for 50 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water.


  • Kefir – 50 ml.
  • Any shampoo - 1 tsp.
  • Vodka – 2 tablespoons.
  • Egg – 1 piece.
  • ½ lemon.

All ingredients are mixed until smooth and each strand is lubricated separately. Leave the mask on for 5-6 hours, rinse and rinse your hair with chamomile decoction.

Hair mask - lightening combined with care


  • Honey – 3–4 tablespoons

Lubricate your hair with honey before going to bed, put on a cellophane cap and wrap it up. Leave the mixture on your hair until the morning. In the morning, rinse your hair thoroughly and rinse it with chamomile decoction. For greater effect, you can add a few teaspoons of lemon juice to the mask.

Chamomile and glycerin mask

  • Pharmaceutical chamomile – 150 grams.
  • Glycerin – 60 grams.

Chamomile is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. During this time, it has time to cool, after which glycerin is added to it. The mask is applied to the hair and left for 40 minutes and washed off with shampoo.

The effect of using masks according to folk recipes occurs already on the second or third use. If you use them regularly, you can constantly maintain a noble cool shade of hair.

How to remove using decoctions

An excellent solution to the problem of yellowness would be to treat them with decoctions. This can be a decoction of onion peels, which is prepared as follows: take the peels from several onions, pour in 1.5 cups of boiling water and gradually bring to a boil. Next, the broth is infused for 2 hours, during which time it has time to cool. The liquid is applied to the hair and kept under a plastic cap for half an hour, then applied again and left overnight or for 6-8 hours if the procedure is carried out during the day. In the morning, the broth is washed off and the scalp is lubricated with lemon juice.

A decoction of onion peels will also make your hair silky.

Chamomile has an excellent effect, from which a decoction is also prepared, but it is used after washing your hair.

Chamomile decoction

Decoctions, like masks, give results the second or third time of use, so they need to be used every time after washing your hair.

Prevention is easier than cure

In order to prevent yellowness from appearing on colored hair, it is better to prevent its occurrence. To do this, follow several rules:

  • Only healthy hair, without split ends, should be dyed.
  • It is highly undesirable to lighten your hair immediately after perm; you need to wait at least a month.
  • When lightening dark hair, you should be prepared for the procedure to be repeated several times.
  • The composition should be applied evenly starting from the back of the head and moving further to the temples and bangs.
  • Use only high-quality, expensive paint for lightening.

You can remove yellowness from bleached hair, you just need to be patient and choose the right product for this. Both chemical and folk remedies are effective, which, along with eliminating yellowness, also restore the structure of the hair.

Cheap yellow hair color is a danger that awaits every blonde. A straw shade can appear as a result of working with a non-professional colorist or independent attempts to change the image by dyeing. The effect of any paint is unpredictable. How the coloring pigment will manifest itself depends on the structure and color of the hair, as well as on previous dyeing experience.

Many blondes puzzle over how to remove yellowness from their hair. An unwanted shade is very difficult to repaint or hide. There are special tinting agents for this. If you like to experiment, you can use folk remedies.

Why does a yellow tint appear?

It is better to prevent a problem from occurring than to look for ways to solve it. It is difficult to get rid of yellow hair, so it is better to prevent its manifestation. Not everyone can afford the services or consultation of an experienced colorist. However, a superficial knowledge of the laws of coloring will help you prevent damage to your curls.

There are 4 reasons for the appearance of yellowness after painting:

  • Trying to bleach dark hair.
  • Incorrect rinsing.
  • Poor quality painting.
  • Cheap, unprofessional paint.

Bleaching dark hair

Only a true professional can cope with the transformation of a brunette into an ash blonde. Dark hair will try to “get it back.” After highlighting or dyeing without prior bleaching with professional products, yellow pigment will appear on black hair. In salons, several preliminary washes are carried out. Washing at home can lead to dry and brittle hair.

A professional colorist will examine your hair and determine which color will provide the best results. In some cases, it will not be possible to achieve complete lightening of dark strands. The master colorist will offer you possible transformation methods without the risk of giving your curls a straw yellow color.

Incorrect rinsing

Not all craftsmen realize that rinsing is an important stage when painting. When dyeing at home, no attention is paid to rinsing. Dyed hair is weak and defenseless. The scales peel off on them. When rinsed, the rough hair absorbs harmful substances contained in the water: salts, dirt, iron. These substances react chemically with the dye. As a result, the curls acquire an unpleasant yellow or copper tint, giving the impression of an unwashed head. In expensive salons, only filtered water is used for rinsing after coloring.

Poor quality painting

Only an experienced hairdresser can determine the characteristics of hair. It helps you choose a dye or toner and determine how much time is needed for coloring. It depends on the desired result. By leaving the dye on your hair, you can get the color a tone lighter or darker. The worst result is the appearance of yellowness. This can happen not only after painting with ammonia paints, but also after using seemingly harmless tinting agents. An attempt to highlight or dye with tonic may result in the appearance of a red or yellow tint.

Cheap unprofessional paint

How to remove yellowness from bleached hair is asked by the “dared souls” who took the risk and carried out the dyeing procedure at home. For such spontaneous decisions, not professional paints are most often used, but cheap paints purchased at the nearest supermarket. If a girl bleaches her hair without prior preparation, she will be disappointed. The resulting result after coloring will differ significantly from the beautiful shiny curl on the palette provided by the manufacturer.

Paint should only be purchased in a specialized store. If you buy a high-quality, expensive product, you are in danger of expiration. Before purchasing, you should consult with experienced sellers, your dyeing specialist and check the expiration date on the packaging.

How to remove yellowness

You can remove yellowness from highlighted hair using professional and folk remedies.

If, after the first use of the chosen product, the straw shine is in no hurry to disappear from your strands, do not be upset. You need to experiment, consult with experts and not give up. For some, only expensive remedies help, while others are grateful to folk methods for quickly getting rid of the yellow color.

The most effective methods:

  • "Silver" or "purple" shampoo.
  • Tinted shampoo.
  • Rinsing hair with infusions.
  • Whitening masks.

"Silver" shampoo

In professional hair care stores you can purchase a special shampoo labeled “Silver Shampoo”. In fact, the color of the shampoo is not silver, but deep purple. All you need to do to combat yellowness is to wash your hair regularly with this shampoo. The violet pigment neutralizes the yellow color.

Read the instructions carefully: some shampoos recommend keeping it on your head, while others, on the contrary, need to be washed off as quickly as possible. With prolonged contact with hair, the straw shade will be replaced by violet or even eggplant. It is impossible to single out one manufacturer of such products. Choose shampoo based on price and reviews.

Tint shampoo

The mechanism of action and disadvantages of tint products are exactly the same as those of purple shampoos. The color of the liquid is pearlescent, platinum or silver. Regularly washing your hair with this product makes the yellow pigment less pronounced. It will not be possible to remove it forever. Tinted shampoos from domestic manufacturers are less effective, which is due to their lower price. You will have to wash your hair more often to achieve the “anti-yellow” effect.


Lemon juice has a whitening effect, which is why it has gained popularity in cosmetology. To rinse yellow bleached hair, you can use filtered water with lemon juice. For 2 liters of water you will need a glass of juice. Sometimes you can find recommendations to use chamomile infusion instead of lemon water. This procedure will worsen the situation: the yellowness will appear even more clearly. Chamomile can be used to lightly lighten undyed brown hair.

Whitening masks

Whitening masks can be prepared at home or purchased in specialized stores. They help eliminate yellow pigment after aggressive bleaching and poor-quality painting. Their effectiveness depends on the natural pigment of your hair. As a rule, the mask is applied from roots to ends of hair for 45-50 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is every two days.

Whitening mask recipes

A nourishing mask to get rid of yellowness can be prepared at home using natural ingredients. The main condition is regularity.

Recipe 1. Melt 100 g of honey and add 2 egg yolks to it. Whisk the mixture and apply to hair. First, the mixture is applied to the roots in a thin layer (do not rub into the scalp!). Then place the container with honey in the bathroom, lower your head down and soak the strands one by one in the jar with the mask. All hair should be soaked. Roll them into a bun and put a cellophane cap on top. The mask should be kept on the hair for at least 60 and no more than 180 minutes.

Recipe 2. Mix a glass of kefir, 2 egg yolks, 3 tbsp. vodka. The mask is applied to the hair so that every strand is soaked. Keep on your head for at least an hour, then rinse with cool water and apply balm.

Recipe 3: Purchase dried rhubarb root or a package of powder. The root must be ground in a coffee grinder or mortar. To prepare a mask for 1 time you will need 1 tsp. rhubarb root powder. Pour 2 cups of dry white wine into a saucepan and add the resulting powder. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat, cover with a lid and monitor cooking. The liquid should be 2 times less. The cooled concentrate is ready for application to the hair. Cover the wetted hair with a shower cap and walk for an hour. Then rinse with warm water.

Each recipe is effective only if the mask is applied regularly. The mask is applied every two days. The course of procedures is from 1 to 3 months. It depends on how fast the result is.

Whatever product you use, do not despair if the yellowness recedes slowly. Do not give up until you have tried all possible options to combat the hated straw shade. Beautiful hair is an essential attribute of a well-groomed woman.