In order for children to enjoy going to kindergarten, both parents and teachers need to make some efforts and knowledge about how to how to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands. Moreover, literally everything can be decorated. Starting from the hall and lobbies to the area for children's walks and games, where children spend a considerable part of their time. In the material you can get acquainted with examples of educational and play areas, as well as the group as a whole.

How to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands photo

It would be best to break down the information thematically by topic, how to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands, photo-examples and so on for the areas you will be working on. And we will move logically, like a baby who finds himself in this new and still completely unknown world for the first time. And I want the child to be imbued with love and interest in his new “second home” at first sight, so that he feels comfortable and pleasant to be there. To do this, in all zones without exception, you need to fill the space with fairy-tale characters, toys, and fun entertainment. So that kindergarten is immediately associated, even among adults, with an interesting pastime.

The first place where the baby ends up and where he gets the impression of his new place of stay is the hall and corridors of the room. It would be a big mistake to leave just plain, painted and whitewashed walls, even though they are three hundred times recommended by sanitary standards. After all, this is not only boring, but also scary, reminiscent of either a hospital or a boring institution. It’s a completely different matter when, right from the door, the baby finds himself in a real fairy tale. You can see examples of this in the photo above, and, you see, they immediately create the right mood in parents, and will cause real delight in kids. There are practically no restrictions on the choice of colors, since the goal is not to calm the children, as in the recreation area, or to make them more focused, as in the classroom for lessons and activities. It is best to choose not cartoon stories, because the fashion for them goes away quite quickly, but some neutral fairy-tale stories.

For example, in the photograph you can see very interesting option design that resembles a city road with markings, signs, and traffic lights. We assure you that even the girls will be delighted and will quickly remember the way to their group, let alone the boys. Often each group is given its own separate name, rather than boring numbers and letters. Such a name in the form of an emblem can also be placed in the design, for example, by making a sticker or drawing on the doors, placing the corresponding soft toy or other things like that.

The second area where mom and dad and their child find themselves when they open the door in the beautiful corridor is the locker room. It is also decorated as beautifully as possible, as far as the budget of the entire event allows. But not only beauty is important, but also the convenience of dressing, especially when it comes to senior group, where children already dress themselves. In the photographs you can see various options furniture sets that will be convenient for use by both parents, teachers and nannies, and children. Also, do not forget that the locker room is the very place that parents visit most often, since they do not directly enter the group every day. This is where it is worth placing a stand with useful information for them, making an exhibition, and so on. Of course, all this should be organically integrated into the fabulous design of walls and furniture, and not stray from the general outline.

How to decorate a kindergarten group with your own hands

The main attention should be paid directly to the room where the kids are, that is, the group. About how to decorate a kindergarten group with your own hands, a huge amount has been written methodological manuals and recommendations, because there are simply no trifles in this matter. And yet we urge you, in addition to the norms and rules, to also be guided by common sense and sense of taste. You can use your favorite examples, because, by and large, the group is such a kind of children's room, only there are many more kids there. But otherwise, the tasks before the designer are still the same - to create a beautiful appearance for the room, where it would be possible to combine a study area, a play area and a place for relaxation (napping).

You can see examples of how you can transform it in the photo above. As you can see, here too you must adhere to the general chosen concept so that the room looks like a fairyland. In fact, doing this is much easier than it seems, because in modern world there are so many mediums that can make anyone feel like an artist. Children need tables and chairs for activities. Moreover, unlike school desks, here it is better to make the workplaces individual and it will be especially good if you can make furniture that is adjustable depending on the child’s height, and also meets all the requirements for the formation of correct posture, which in this at a young age very, very important.

It is better to move the sleeping area as far as possible from the work desks; here it should be possible to provide maximum fresh air, both in summer and winter, but it should not be cold or damp. It is better to cover the walls with drawings in the most neutral, light, pastel colors, which would not attract the attention of the children at the moment when they are trying to sleep. The same should be said about cribs and bedding; they should be beautiful, in harmony with the surrounding space, but not attract attention or arouse interest.

Often teachers design several thematic corners. This is truly a wonderful idea, because they are all necessary and important, but it would be better if they do not mix either in space or in the children’s heads. The teacher chooses thematic corners himself, but the most common among them are a corner of acquaintance with nature and the surrounding world, a health corner, a corner of sports games and achievements, as well as interesting decorative elements, which in game form can teach kids. For example, these could be posters with the correct sequence of putting on clothes for a walk, a height meter, names and pictures of pieces of furniture, clothing, dishes, etc. It is believed that it is better to design a group for older children with letters and numbers, so they will be remembered faster and will be stored in memory literally on a subconscious level. But for kids, it’s better to have more pictures exploring the world that surrounds them - animals, houses, transport, and so on.

How to decorate a kindergarten playground with your own hands

From the interior let's move on to landscape design and use all our knowledge on the topic in order to make daily walks on fresh air not only more interesting and fun, but also ones that will help the baby’s development so that he becomes stronger, more dexterous, and smarter every day. In that how to decorate a kindergarten playground with your own hands, there are no strict recommendations, the main thing is that all the elements with which you fill the space are safe for children, and, at the same time, useful for them, for their physical and mental development.

The inputs that almost all playgrounds have are a covered veranda where you can walk during unfavorable weather conditions, during strong sun, and so on, as well as a fence or fence that separates the playground from the outside world and several swings and sports equipment. All this needs to be decorated and supplemented in order to make such a dull project truly interesting.

Key task No. 1 can be called resolving the issue how to decorate a kindergarten veranda with your own hands. This room should not be just a temporary shelter from rain and sun, it should be no less beautiful than the group, and also filled with interesting games. Except beautiful drawing, which is done on all surfaces and walls of the veranda, you also need to take care of a sufficient amount of light that should get inside. This can be provided either by windows or by the roof structure. It would be very appropriate to design the floor as a platform for games, for example, hopscotch or tic-tac-toe. You can also make shelves there where toys are stored, reception; this can be either their permanent storage place or a temporary one if there are doubts about their safety inside the veranda.

Very often there is a fence adjacent to the veranda and just as often it presents a boring, dull sight. But this “canvas” is just begging for some interesting work. So before you buy an expensive swing or conjure up grandiose crafts, you should learn how to how to decorate a kindergarten, areas with your own hands, referring only to simple way refining the space.

How to decorate the territory of a kindergarten with your own hands

It is impossible to express in any words how much children love to play, and when buildings or crafts that are installed on the playground help them in this, there is simply no limit to this delight. Below you will see some examples of how to decorate the territory of a kindergarten with your own hands with the help of such crafts. And even if they are not very useful, the pleasure of imagining yourself as the captain of a real ship, a truck driver or a real tram, as they say, is priceless.

Another idea that is often forgotten when decorating is to have a purpose-built tiny house or gazebo. In fact, this is one of the favorite children's entertainments, because there you can invite guests, have puppet tea parties, in a word, behave like real adults.

How to decorate the kindergarten yard with your own hands

And the last collection of ideas, how to decorate the kindergarten yard with your own hands, which may push you to new achievements ahead of the start of the new school year. Sandboxes, slides, sports equipment - all this will fit perfectly into the concept of an ideal site. Just don’t forget that you need to leave enough space for outdoor games, and don’t overdo it, trying to squeeze everything you like into the limited space of the yard.

It's always nice to go to a place where you feel comfortable. How to create a warm, kind and bright atmosphere here so that you want to come back here? Comfort can be achieved through little things, which is why you should pay attention to them.

We, educators preschool education, we often hear the question that parents ask their children: “What did you do today in kindergarten? or “What did you do today?” To make it more interesting for kids to talk about the work done, it is advisable to hang children's creativity on display. For this purpose, the idea came up to use individual wallpaper frames that can be hung in the dressing room or in the hall, thus organizing a mini-exhibition of children's art. Making them is very simple and cost-free.

Material: thick cardboard, beautiful wallpaper, glue, scissors, newspaper.

Work progress(For creative works format ½ A4 sheet size 21.5×15 cm). From thick cardboard we cut out the base for the frame (a rectangle measuring 19x26 cm) and the frame itself (inner rectangle measuring 20.5x14.5 cm, outer rectangle 24.5x18.5 cm). We roll 4 tubes of the required thickness from newspaper (approximately half a sheet of newspaper) and glue them around the perimeter of the frame. Wallpaper the base and frame with newspaper tubes. The glue should be applied only to the edges of the wallpaper to make the frame appear more voluminous. Glue the frame to the base so that the top side remains free of glue (the child’s work will be inserted into it). Place under a press until completely dry.

Constantly changing the contents of the frames always makes the group look bright and impressive.

Sometimes parents, coming to kindergarten for such a mini-exhibition, are unable to determine what their child has created, especially in younger groups. Then you need some kind of informant who reveals the topic of modeling, drawing, design, appliqué or children's design.

The idea arose to make "House of information."

You can make it from a box, carefully pasting it over and decorating it as you wish. Place a pocket window on each side of the house to indicate the theme of the work.

Order is the key to any comfort. Therefore, the idea arose to maintain it by putting some things in cardboard organizers. They are convenient for arranging literature according to sections of the program, children's books, for safe storage of pencils or sheets for children's creativity. You can get these organizers from a cardboard box suitable size, cutting off the corners, pasting and decorating to your liking.

If there is not enough space in a kindergarten group, you can do portable sand therapy corner, because children need it so much.

It turns out that you can not only play with sand, but also learn and have fun. Taking a plastic container, divide it into two parts: pour sifted clean sand into one, and stones (beans, acorns, chestnuts, large buttons) into the second.

Games that you can play with the sand therapy corner: laying out a certain pattern (flower, geometric shapes, at home, etc.); drawing with a finger (sun, snake), palm (octopus, tree), fist (animal tracks), edge of the palm (paths); stick drawing; burying and unearthing objects (find out by touch what is hidden in the sand); “pouring” a slide, path, snowdrift, etc.; construction of a farm, desert, jungle with appropriate toys; modeling from wet sand (balls, pancakes); free activity of the child. For a variety of games you need: a sprayer with water, sticks, small plastic or rubber toys.

It is often necessary to formalize something: be it an invitation to New Year's party or a postcard for March 8th. And every time I want to be more original than the last.

In such cases, you can make original colored cardboard, which will provide an excellent basis for creativity.

In the store, such cardboard is not cheap, but creating something with your own hands is always interesting.

Material: a large colored napkin, a thick sheet of paper or cardboard, cling film (thin in a roll), iron.

Work progress. Carefully separate the top colored layer of the napkin from the bottom. Place cling film and a napkin on a thick sheet of paper or cardboard as required by the design of the future product. Iron everything with an iron at maximum temperature. Work especially well on the edges of the cardboard (the iron should be in one place for at least 10 seconds). Trim off any unnecessary material and iron the edges again. If the wrong side of the cardboard turns out to be ugly, decorate it with the bottom layer of a napkin, doing all the work from the beginning.

As you know, children do not always want to clean up their toys. What if we beat this process? For example, sending toys on a trip.

You can make a cardboard train, in the carriages of which children will definitely put toys.

Large boxes need to be covered and given the image of a train. The process of putting things in order is relaxed and exciting, because each time the “passengers” can be different, and the travel route can be limitless.

When organizing any exhibition or demonstration of visual material, for example, “Gifts of Autumn,” a problem often arises: how to beautifully lay out or arrange everything.

Then the idea came to make a universal a basket of newspaper tubes.

Material: newspaper, 2 identical cardboard sheets, PVA glue, acrylic or enamel paint, box for braiding, knitting needles, fabric or napkin for decoration.

Work progress. We twist a lot of tubes (about 50-60: we divide the spread of the newspaper sheet in half, then half again in half and again. We lay out the resulting base for the tube (30x8 cm) vertically on the table. Place a long knitting needle in the upper right corner at 30 degrees and twist the tube. Secure the remaining tip with glue. Glue the finished tubes along the perimeter of the base - the bottom of the basket (1st cardboard sheet). and secure them to the top of the box with clothespins, an elastic band or tape.

We begin to weave: we turn one of the corner tubes and thread it above and below the vertical tubes. When the working tube is finished, the next one can be easily inserted into it, you just need to first lubricate its thin tip with glue. We continue weaving until the desired height of the basket. We remove the top fasteners and the box mold. We hide the protruding tubes by cutting them off and wrapping them under a horizontal row. Coat the finished basket well with PVA glue. After drying, paint with acrylic or enamel paint. You can use a cloth or napkin to decorate the inside.

Sleep is the quietest and most peaceful time of the day. This means that it should be organized thoughtfully. Children are on the move all day long, so the bedroom should have relaxing accents that help calm the child easily.

Our idea helped with this hanging modules.

The main condition is that the color of the toy must be pure. One example of a module would be volumetric clouds suspended on a fishing line. Initially they may be snow-white, but over time you can add some color. They can accommodate constantly changing “residents” who can be considered. The quiet rocking of the module parts will lull even the most active baby to sleep.

A creative teacher will always be able to turn an unnecessary thing into a very useful one.

So we implemented the following idea: out of old bills we made an excellent educational toy labyrinth, capable of solving a wide range of problems in all age groups.

For the base of the labyrinth you will need a board in which 6 holes (3 mm in diameter) should be made to insert the wire into. Bend 3 different pieces of aluminum wire (3 mm in diameter) - these are “paths” for beads from the abacus. Color the beads and string them on a wire, which is inserted into the holes made. Decorate the base.

Opportunities of the labyrinth: gymnastics for the eyes when moving beads along winding paths: development fine motor skills(sorting, scrolling beads with fingers); studying color both in class and in free time; collecting a multi-colored caterpillar and traveling with it along slides, holes, paths; learning to count; inventing stories by attaching plasticine characters to beads; formation of the concepts “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”; finger grip training and hand strength development; studying animals (as in the proposed case), plants, figures, or what you use to decorate the base of the labyrinth.

Cognitive practical activity takes important place in the daily routine. Here, an ordinary plastic bottle can be widely used.

To organize observations of plants, you can make pots using the cut off top and bottom of the bottle, and decorate them with the children.

It is important that the inverted neck rests against the bottom of the bottom of the bottle, then we can watch how the planted plant or cut bouquet drinks water. And if you use the upper part as a funnel, you can examine the flowability or density different materials. And many more different possibilities!

As you can see, from very simple materials, using imagination, desire and time, you can create many different things that help not only make workplaces cozy, but also develop children and play with them. Create and creativity will repay you in full!

Often we, parents, do not think about what we take for granted. For example, when we bring a child to a beautiful, elegantly decorated kindergarten, we consider it natural, not suspecting that decorating kindergartens is also labor-intensive and painstaking work. It is mainly carried out by educators, who often have creative abilities, because their work itself contributes to the development of creativity.

It happens that parents are also involved in the original design of the kindergarten group. After all, the child spends most of his time here and the work put in by mom and dad will not be in vain. It’s beautiful when the main decoration is a green corner with selected plants, which the children themselves can take care of while getting involved in the work.

Decoration of stairs in kindergarten

The staircase can and should also be decorated with something unusual, for example, a mesh panel with appliqué or homemade paintings. All materials can be found at everyone’s home, the main thing is to stock up original ideas for decorating a kindergarten. Even unassuming-looking steps can be painted by a self-taught artist, making it much more fun for children to step into the garden.

Decorating a corridor in a kindergarten

Pupils will certainly like it if their photographs decorate the corridor or lobby of the garden. You can make such a composition in various ways, the main thing is that it is bright and elegant. Panels made by craftsmen using the technique, which has become widespread, will interest not only children, but also parents who will also want to try themselves in this matter.

Decorating lockers in kindergarten

Bright cabinets for children's clothing should be decorated with individual pictures or photographs so that the baby can easily find his own.

Window decoration in kindergarten

Children love everything bright and beautiful. By surrounding children with such things, we develop their aesthetic taste. Of course, sanitary standards do not allow too bright colors in the design of the walls, but this can be corrected by choosing multi-colored curtains, curtains and lambrequins for the windows in the group and corridor. When everyone's favorite holiday is approaching New Year, children together with their teachers traditionally decorate the windows with New Year's symbols.

Any business card child care facility– its plot and playgrounds. With the help of decorative natural materials Using old boxes and containers that are no longer needed around the house, you can create interesting outdoor decorations.

They have always been a favorite material for craftsmen. They are used to make outlandish characters and are traditionally used instead of flowerpots.

As you can see, decorating a kindergarten with your own hands is not such a difficult task, the most important thing is to have the desire to change life for the better for the sake of children.

Children spend more time in kindergarten than at home. It is important to give them maximum comfort, comply with the required safety standards, without forgetting the aesthetic component. Proper interior design will be ensured by the design project of the kindergarten, which assumes the presence of key areas. They are performed in a single style, which often depends on the name of the institution.

Children should be raised in a pleasant environment

A well-executed design of a kindergarten helps to ensure rapid adaptation of children in society and their comprehensive, harmonious development.

Kindergarten is a second home for children

The flow of information directed at children is enormous. Musical, sports activities and walks alternate. You need quality rest to relax and take your mind off active activities.

For decoration and interior design, environmentally friendly materials, mainly natural, are selected

The bedroom is decorated in soothing pastel colors

The bedroom traditionally has a special cozy atmosphere. When creating it, adhere to the following rules:

  • soft lighting;
  • use textiles of the same color range, which does not irritate the eyes;
  • bed linen is chosen in delicate shades; for pupils of older groups, sets with plot pictures are acceptable;
  • there should be no bright images on the walls or ceiling; there may be fairy-tale or cartoon characters (well, if they are getting ready for bed, this will become a peculiar positive example for children);
  • When painting walls, soothing warm colors are preferred, which will help you calm down and fall asleep quickly.

Thick curtains are hung on the windows to darken the room during the daytime.

The material for the curtains is selected to match the style of the room

Finishing materials in the interior of a kindergarten, textiles, and furniture must be environmentally friendly and comply with safety standards. To darken the room, hang thick curtains made from natural fabrics and carefully fasten them. The walls are decorated with mosaics, stained glass, volumetric applications, replaceable stickers. There is not much furniture; these are cribs appropriate for the age and height of the children. To determine each child's sleeping place, plot pictures are placed on the headboard.

The bedroom should have a calm atmosphere that helps you fall asleep quickly.

For active recreation

The interior of the kindergarten is memorable, spectacular, and has a positive effect on the psychophysical state of the pupils. The group room is the main one, the entrance sets the mood for a pleasant pastime. When decorating the room, care is taken to create a warm atmosphere that ensures optimal stay for the child, and important functional areas are demarcated. The stands contain useful and interesting information for parents, it is constantly updated, and there is a menu block. The room contains toys, sofas with soft pillows, bright curtains, pictures with images fairy-tale heroes. The furniture is simple, durable, safe, preferably movable.

When creating a design group room First of all, take into account the age of the children

When decorating the play area, bright, exciting colors are used that increase the child’s motor activity. The room is divided into zones that take into account the inclinations of children. One wants to draw, another prefers to build structures from cubes, the third needs to move.

To zone groups, use furniture, light partitions or curtains

Advice. It is desirable that decorations, stands, and exhibitions can be easily replaced. When developing the design of a room, attention is paid to the safety and comfort of the environment.

Corner for board games in the junior nursery group

Decorating a themed drawing corner

The interior of the kindergarten is designed in accordance with age characteristics pupils. Children actively learn about the world around them, and predominate sensory development, the game becomes an opportunity to learn a lot, so they select simple objects that differ in color, texture, and material. Middle group would prefer role-playing games, the room is divided into certain zones: “shop”, “hairdresser”, “library”. Preschoolers are offered more relevant and useful design.

Bright design of a corner for creativity

In addition to the gaming part, there are various “islands” - artistic or literary creativity, experimentation, scientific, physical education, self-care. An island of living nature becomes the decoration of the group, it is a place for development, instilling love for the world around us.

The living corner develops children's skills in caring for plants and animals

The duty officers' corner helps to foster responsibility and learn correct attitude to the point, the privacy zone allows you to relax and be alone. Proper interior design of a kindergarten creates an amazing micro-world where everyone feels comfortable and protected.

Gazebos: canopies and trains

Staying in the fresh air is important for children’s health, strengthening the immune system, physical development. Daily walks involve active activity on the site. To protect from aggressive sun, rain, wind and drafts, the interior design of a kindergarten involves the use of gazebos. These can be houses with furniture inside, sheds, trains, cars, huts, fortresses and more.

There must be a sufficient number of trees, bushes and flowers on the territory of the kindergarten

It is better to place the gazebo in the shade

Safe materials are used for the gazebo:

  • tree;
  • polycarbonate;
  • brick;
  • plastic.

Decorating a gazebo in the shape of a train

Spacious gazebo made of polycarbonate

Wooden gazebos with plank floors

Colorful do-it-yourself canopy decoration

Inside you can install benches, chairs, and a cabinet for storing toys. After active games, kids can use an easel; preschoolers will need a magnetic board with numbers and letters and an abacus. The walls are decorated with bright drawings and stickers. The area on which the gazebo is located must be clearly visible so that the pupils are under control. It’s good if there is a tree nearby that provides shade.

The walls of the gazebo can be decorated with episodes from cartoons

Learn through play

Through the game there is interaction with each other, learning new things, understanding the world around us, and socialization. Classes carry a special load. The tables are placed so that the light falls from the left.

Tables and chairs must be suitable for children in age and height so that their posture does not deteriorate

Frameless furniture does not have sharp corners, therefore it is considered the safest for children

Bright images are not appropriate in the classroom; here it is necessary to concentrate, assimilate information, and consolidate the results obtained. The walls are painted in soothing shades, the furniture is comfortable and durable. The necessary supplies are placed in the cabinets: pencils, albums, notebooks, colored paper, toys that help establish contact with children. A magnetic board, handouts, and visual aids are placed near the wall. The study room gradually prepares you for being in the classroom. Its design is laconic, with game elements.

An example of a successful study group design

The interior of a kindergarten is an important parameter that influences the preferences of parents when choosing a preschool institution and the desire of children to attend it. The aesthetic, artistic, cognitive development child, it can be decorated in various styles.

To conduct full-fledged physical education classes, you need a gym

The kindergarten should be cozy so that children want to return there every day

The design of the kindergarten allows you to show creativity and imagination, make preschool special and interesting, fully complying with educational standards and requirements.

Lena Novikova

Photo report on the topic: « Design of kindergarten premises» .

This is an art studio where children study. Wall with children's work.

This is the back wall of the art studio with shelves where art samples and other aids are located.

This is how the ceiling and windows are designed.

This is a wall decoration in one of the locker rooms.

This is a wall in the corridor on which information for teachers is posted.

So I decided to paint a wall in one of the bedrooms.

Locker room in the senior group.

This is a wall in the preparatory group.

A corner of nature in the middle group.

Speech zone in the "Bee" group.

This is the transition to the bedroom.

Corner for parents in the locker room.

Central staircase.

This is the bedroom of another group.

Wall in the younger group.

Corner in the locker room.

Wall near the kitchen with "menus".

This is also a locker room.

This is a parent's corner in the younger group.

This is the wall of the corridor to the nursery. The drawings are made on ceiling tiles.

This is a stairwell.

This is a panel on the staircase as you move to the second floor.

This is a wall in the corridor near the medical office.

Wall in the senior group study area.

Wall in the study area in the preparatory group.

Wall in the bedroom.

I can present many more works to your attention, but only in the next folder.

Publications on the topic:

Everyone wants to send their child to a preschool institution where there is an atmosphere of warmth, coziness, comfort and peace of mind. Our children's.

Topic: “Autumn” Objectives: 1. Intensify the use of color names in speech 2. Learn to answer questions with complete answers; 3. Learn to coordinate.

In Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, one of three new kindergartens, called “Severok,” opened. the grand opening took place.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Otradnenskaya secondary school" of the Bryansk region / preschool level.